rst 230: exam 1

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Median household income among ethnic and racial minorities rank

1) Asians 2) Non-Hispanic whites 3) Hispanics 4) African Americans

environmental influences

Availability of opportunities in the community Facility access Quality of facilities Transportation Climate Safety Etc


a learned predisposition to respond in a consistently favorable or unfavorable manner with respect to a given object; the enduring positive or negative feelings about some person, object, or issue i.e. black people are the best basketball players, so your attitude is "Omg they're so cool"


a negative attitude toward a socially defined group and toward any person perceived to be a member of that group alt def: a preconceived opinion or attitude which is formed without due consideration of the facts; it is not based on scientific proof or rational thought process has to be negative


a person is considered this if he/she is perceived to be significantly different from others in some important characteristic and if this difference is negatively valued; comes from cultural norms i.e. child marriage, slavery, female genital circumcision


a standardized mental picture held in common by members of a group that represents an over-simplified opinion, attitude, or judgment

americans with disabilities act

civil rights law that is intended to eliminate discrimination against people with disabilities by the guarantee of equal opportunities, full community participation, and access to every critical area of American life alt def: all state and public accommodations and services (either public, private, or commercial) must be accessible to persons with disabilities, and they must be accessible in the most integrated way possible Enables interaction between people with and without disabilities does not require that every component of a program be accessible to every person with a disability, but the program has to be readily accessible to and usable by people with disabilities in general

antecedents of beliefs

conditions that set the stage for beliefs to develop i.e. belief: black people are the best basketball players - antecedent: media (you see it on tv) belief: dogs are nice - antecedent: experience or maybe your parents told you when you were a kid

stereotype threat

depression of performance due to the impact of negative stereotypes i.e. white boys can't jump therefore you probably won't be put in those positions or perform well

1963 - Watson v. Memphis U.S. 373

desegregation of all public parks, pools, playgrounds, and recreation facilities in Memphis

horizontal discrimination

discrimination between minority groups i.e. Asians discriminating against black people it is NOT Japanese discriminating against Chinese people

Marginality-ethnicity model

explains why African Americans are underrepresented in "wildland activities" Marginality: minorities participate in different recreational activities because of lack of socioeconomic resources and problems with transportation Ethnicity: minorities participate in different activities because of difference in their values, norms, and leisure socialization patterns

people who have to comply to ADA with NO exceptions

federal state local


group members develop perceptions of themselves Is especially potent/important when the attributes of a group are perceived as exceptional and advantageous to the development of positive affect; label of a "natural athlete" is viewed positively It selectively reinforces group self-esteem

ethnicity (ethnic group)

group of people who perceive themselves and are perceived by others to share cultural traits such as language, religion, family customs, and preference in food

1955 - Mayor and City Council of Baltimore v. Dawson U.S. 877

illegal to provide segregated beaches in Maryland

undue burden (hardship)

significant difficulty or expense when considered in light of a variety of factors, including the nature and costs of auxiliary aids or service and the overall financial and other resources of the business


social group set apart by others or by itself, largely on the basis of real or perceived external characteristics

realistic conflict theory

subordinate group constitutes a real and tangible threat to the dominant group's practices and to the resources that it controls; prejudice originates from a direct competition between the dominant and subordinate groups for control over scarce resources i.e. black and white guy competing for the same job. If black person gets the job, the white person will say they got it because of their race

1955 - Holmes v. Atlanta U.S. 879

the city of Atlanta could no longer assign gold courses to blacks and whites on different days of the week

self-fulfilling prophecy

the labeling of a person may result in the person's behavior being consistent with the label i.e. Teacher labeling kid as class clown and then he begins to act more like a class clown

internalized oppression

the tendency of minority people to accept negative stereotyping about themselves; occurs when an individual comes to accept these stereotypical beliefs as truths and acts upon them i.e. Telling kids in a poor neighborhood that the only way to get out of poverty is to play sports, so many won't focus on studying but instead play sports


the translation into consequential behavior of prejudicial beliefs; Occurs when the object of prejudice is placed at some disadvantage not merited by his own misconduct alt def: actions or practices carried out by members of dominant racial or ethnic groups that have a differential and negative impact on members of subordinate racial or ethnic groups

perceived discrimination

their activity preferences are shaped by their fear of discrimination

core dimensions

traits or characteristics that you're born with; difficult if not impossible to change Middle/purple section of the diversity wheel 1st language belongs in the middle section of wheel

secondary dimensions

traits or characteristics you're not born with; pretty easy to change Social class belongs here because you can change it; in outer part of diversity wheel


type of segregation; negative; involves ignoring someone's physical and social presence i.e. ignoring a kid with a disability in your class

administrative undue burden

when there's a shortage of qualified personnel

Poverty rates among racial and ethnic minorities rank

1) Native Americans (1/4) 2) Black (1/5) 3) Hispanic 4) White 5) Asian

Education attainment among ethnic and racial minorities rank

1) Whites 2) Asians 3) African Americans 4) Native Americans 5) Hispanics

value systems/cultural norms and ideologies

1) racist beliefs are an integral part of the American value system; the ideas of white supremacy, propriety claim and racial superiority are still common among a significant part of the American white populations - these values are properties of social systems; individuals derive their values from ruling ideologies (i.e. regional subculture in the South); belief that racism is the foundation of our country 2) racism is a divergence from the American value system; it is an attribute of individuals whose particularistic interests make them unable to live up to the standards of the American creed and implement them in practice; America is inherently good, but there are some people who are racist because they aren't up to others' standards

section 504/non-discrimination section

1st act that prevents or prohibits discrimination of people with disabilities in federally funded programs

private businesses and public accommodations (hotels, restaurants, etc)

3 rules apply: 1) must implement readily achievable changes 2) must provide reasonable accommodations 3) exempt if undue burden exists

Spatial distribution of major ethnic/racial groups in the U.S.

African Americans in U.S. - southeast Hispanic Americans in U.S. - south/southwest Asian Americans - western seaboard American Indians - four corners area

ADA (title I: employment)

Any employer of 25 or more people is prohibited from discriminating against an individual with a disability in advertising, recruiting, hiring, training, promotion, or discharge, if the person is otherwise qualified for the job Must provide "reasonable accommodations" unless undue burden would result

ADA (title II: government service)

Any unit of state or local government, of any extension or instrument thereof, is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of disability in the provision of state or local government services and an individual who, with or without a reasonable accommodation, meets essential eligibility requirements for receipt of that service State and local government services are broadly interpreted to include every program, service, and activity of such an entity

The effects of segregation on leisure among racial/ethnic minorities

Availability and quality of park spaces in communities: 1) Cities provided desegregation by closing or selling public parks, swimming pools, and other public amenities to private organizations 2) Erosion of public support for municipal facilities and a decline in the quality of existing facilities Development of racialized leisure spaces and leisure cultures: 1) Cultural demarcations of white and minority leisure spaces and activities · Racial information "encoded" in recreation spaces · Racial segregation within parks · Perceptions of "welcomeness" and comfort in leisure activities and settings 2) Philipp's (1999) study on these perceptions --> Black people felt most comfortable playing basketball and less comfortable at country clubs Destination choices à fears of traveling outside of one's comfort zone: 1) Direct experiences of discrimination and indirect (through storytelling) 2) Traditionally - travel to visit family or friends (VFR) 3) Avoidance behaviors (certain destinations, small towns, unfamiliar places) Income and generation play a role Different perceptions of wilderness in African American and Caucasian cultures: Henry David Thoreau's concept of wilderness vs. wilderness in the context of slavery and Jim Crow Legacy of the historical patterns of oppression: (Lack of) Early childhood socialization to recreation in the wilderness Cultural connotations of terms such as "country" (= poverty), "forest" vs. "woods"

identity in sport

Because of the strong ethnic labels applied to certain sports, ethnicity may lead people to develop an identity that is related to participation in a sport Participation in sport may be viewed as self-defining Historical changes in sport participation in ethnic/racial communities

why is the number of racial/ethnic minorities increasing?

Higher fertility rates (?) Immigration: Nearly all of the population increase between 2005 to 2050 will be due to new immigrants and their U.S.-born descendants; will account for 82% of the nation's population growth Change in self-identification: People were able to identify as more than one race Increase in multi-racial population: Interracial dating

Number of ethnic and racial minorities in the U.S. (2019 census)

Hispanics outnumbers African Americans as the nation's largest minority Hispanics - 18.5% (60.7 million) Blacks - 13.4% (44 million) Asians - 5.9% (19.4 million) American Indian and Alaska Native - 1.3% (4.3 million) White non-Hispanic - 60.1% (197.3 million)

Constraints to leisure and recreation experienced by ethnic and racial minorities

Language Low socioeconomic status Lack of geographic opportunities Lack of socioeconomic resources Lack of cultural freedom - families want you to play certain sports for the culture Lack of driver's license

Unique motivations for leisure and recreation among ethnic and racial minorities

Learning English Learning about new cultures and environments Learning the history of different countries Maintaining familial and recreational bonds with family Scholarships/college

civil rights act of 1964

Made racial discrimination in public places, such as theaters, restaurants, and hotels, illegal Protects constitutional rights in public facilities and public education Title VII prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, and sexual orientation; requires employees to provide equal employment opportunities (EEO) Makes discrimination illegal in federally assisted programs

programmatic undue burden

Person who wants to bungee jump in their wheelchair would change how the bungee jump company would run their business

age discrimination employment act of 1967

Prohibits age discrimination in employment Prohibits employment discrimination based on age with respect to persons who are at least 40 years of age Illegal under the ADA to: Fail or refuse to hire or discharge any individual or otherwise discriminate against any individual with respect to his/her compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges or employment because of that individual's age Limit, segregate, or classify employees in any way, which would deprive any individual of employment opportunities or otherwise adversely affect their status as an employee because of that individual's age

ADA (title III: public accommodations)

Public accommodations may not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities from participating in, or benefiting from, full and equal enjoyment of the services, facilities, and advantages provided by that entity Public accommodations: private establishments that provide goods, services, or facilities Auxiliary aids and services must be provided to individuals with disabilities unless an undue burden would result

ADA (title II B: public transit)

State and local governments that operate public transit systems may not discriminate on the basis of disability in the provision of these services Public transit includes fixed route systems, demand responsive systems, para-transit systems, and rapid-rail systems Transit authorities must provide comparable transportation services to people with disabilities who cannot use fixed-route bus services, unless an undue burden would result

socialization into sport

Stereotypes affect parents/guardians who develop expectations for their children's participation in sport --> opportunities for participation are provided to children early in life Sport choices are influenced by peer groups and community

Socio-economic profile of ethnic/racial minority groups

Two groups of foreign-born population: Larger group - people with low socioeconomic status and relatively low job skills Smaller group - people with high socioeconomic status and relatively high job skills i.e. Asians (i.e. China, India), Africans

categorization and stereotyping

a process in which an individual is identified as a member of an outgroup and treated as if the characteristics of the outgroup applied to him personally; often leads to stereotyping which can be a direct cause of prejudice acquisition i.e. study with kids who got different colored scarves, and led to kids who got along now disliking each other purely because they were from different groups

hart-cellar act/immigrant act of 1965

abolished the national origin quotas that had been in place in the U.S. since 1882 Congress made family reunification as the primary criterion for admittance Between 1981-2016 - 39% of migrants admitted to the U.S. were "initiating migrants" and 61% were "chain migrants" multiplier effect: Average for all immigrant groups in the U.S. - 3.45 Mexico - 6.38; China - 6.24; India - 5.11; Philippines - 5.07

economic undue burden

accommodation that would cause a significant financial burden on the company

architectural barriers act of 1968

all buildings and facilities that were built in whole or in parts with federal funds must be accessible

plessy v. fergusson (1896)

all passenger trains in Louisiana required to provide "separate but equal" seating cars for whites and blacks - beginnings of de jure segregation

sundown towns

all-white municipalities or neighborhoods that practiced a form of segregation by restricting of not white Anglo-Saxon protestant origin from residing via a combination of discriminatory local laws, intimidation, and violence African Americans or other people of color who entered or were found in sundown towns after sunset were subject to harassment, threats, and violent acts, including lynching There were at least 10,000 "sundown towns" in the U.S. as late as the 1960s; 500 confirmed or "suspected" in Illinois alone

the green book

an annual, segregation guidebook for African American motorists Published in the U.S. from 1936-1966 Listed locations "friendly" to travelers of color in the U.S. Black travelers were encouraged to use this

spread phenomenon

an association of additional "imperfection" to a person on the basis of the actual "disabling" condition i.e. assuming a blind person is also deaf

service animals

any dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability Under the ADA, state and local governments, businesses, and nonprofit organizations that serve the public generally must allow service animals to accompany people with disabilities in all areas of the facility where the public is normally allowed to go Only service animals are covered under title II and III of the ADA; emotional support animals, comfort animals, and therapy animals are NOT covered under the ADA Under title II and III of the ADA, service animals are limited to dogs; however, entities must make reasonable modifications to policies to allow people with disabilities to use miniature horses


any observable or measurable act, response, or movement by an individual; Not how you feel, it's what you do or don't do There's a correlation between attitudes (how you feel) and behavior (what you do)

consumer racism

barrier by multicultural customers; receiving substandard service because of your race/ethnicity i.e. Give you a table by the entrance, follow you around the store, make you wait longer for your food, etc

traditional immigrant states

california texas florida illinois new york new jersey

who is exempt from ADA?

churches and private clubs

education for handicapped children act of 1975 (aka individuals with disabilities act)

if your program uses school or community settings, it must be accessible to people with disabilities

Immigration reform and control act (IRCA) Act of 1986

immigrants who had entered the U.S. prior to 1982 and resided continuously between 1982-1986

Deferred action for childhood arrivals (DACA) -- 2012

immigration policy started by the Obama administration; kids who were brought illegally into the U.S. were given a way to make it a bit easier to stay Does not provide pathway to citizenship or legal status Allows certain undocumented immigrants who entered the country as minors to receive a renewable 2-year period of deferred action from deportation and a work permit: Must have entered the U.S. before their 16th birthday and before June 2007 Be currently in school, a high school graduate, or be honorably discharged from the military Be under the age of 31 as of June 15, 2012 Not have been convicted of a felony, a significant misdemeanor, or otherwise pose a threat to national security

perceived racial threat (self-interest) theory

individuals develop prejudicial attitudes toward people who they perceive pose a threat to their economic, cultural, political, and social position i.e. Mexicans are taking people's job (even though they're not)

displacement/scapegoat theory

inhibitions and sanctions of group life lead to accumulation of frustration and aggression; since frustrations cannot always be expressed against actual sources of restraint, people displace their feelings on other individuals who are not in the position to retaliate


involve what people perceive to be true; May be true or not; may be negative or positive i.e. dogs are nicer than cats

differences in recreation patterns between non-Hispanic Whites, African Americans, and Latinos

latinos: preference for sedentary pastimes, family-oriented recreation, large groups of recreationists; soccer african-american: urban pastimes, individual recreation or with a peer-group; basketball whites: high participation rates in "wildland activities"; hiking, backpacking, camping, mountain biking; individual participation, with a peer group or with a nuclear family

selective acculturation

minorities adopt strategic traits of the mainstream that help them succeed in the mainstream environment, but they retain their non-essential cultural traits i.e. Immigrants come to America, learn English really quickly, but still maintain their cultural values (i.e. food)

ethnic boundary maintenance

minorities build and emphasize cultural differences between themselves and the mainstream population, and at the same time, they promote cultural solidarity within their group

new immigrant states

nevada, utah, colorado, nebraska, iowa southeast: arkansas, tennessee, alabama, georgia, south/north carolina

over-exaggeration assumption

overestimating or "over-exaggerating" of the extent to which a person's condition affects his or her life i.e. assuming a person in a wheelchair's life is all about them being in a wheelchair


position segregation by race or ethnicity in team sports; or "placing athletes in certain positions based on racial stereotypes"; Minorities are excluded from positions with the greatest opportunity for determining the outcome of the competition i.e. whites are more often placed as quarterback and center in football, and pitcher and catcher, and setter in volleyball African Americans are often pushed to play positions like running back, wide receiver, and defensive back in football, because these positions are commonly thought of as requiring greater athleticism

authoritarian personality theory

prejudice is a form of psychopathology resulting from personality orientations developed in childhood; personality traits integral to authoritarianism include childhood; personality traits integral to authoritarianism include: submission to authority, belief in severe punishment, cognitive rigidity, lack of tolerance toward ambiguity, avoidance of reflection and speculation, rigid and highly hierarchical organization of family relations, general hostility, and distrust You're either with or against them; it's "black or white"

socialization and conformity theory

prejudice is attributed to sociocultural learning; children and adolescents acquire prejudice from their parents, peers, teachers, and the mass media along with other norms and values normative to their social environment

rehabilitation act of 1973

provides funds for vocational rehabilitation

contact theory

racism is a direct result of the lack of equal-status contacts between members of two distinct groups; spatial and psychological isolation of ethnic/racial groups fuels development of mutual misconceptions and creation of racial stereotypes that further restrict the opportunity for future contacts between groups i.e. hate people that you don't even know

ADEA amendment (1996)

restores the public safety exemption, allowing police and fire departments to use maximum hiring and mandatory retirement ages CAN ask someone their age, but you SHOULD NOT; this is different from the ADA where you are NOT allowed to ask someone's age


separation or isolation of a group or an individual in a restricted area by discriminatory means; results in members of the group, or an individual, receiving treatment that is different from other people


type of segregation; positive; involves individuals being left alone but being able to maintain verification of their value i.e. go to your room to have alone time


undesired differentness which separates the person from others in a society i.e. weight, poverty, stuttering


who you see engage in that activity whether it be from the media or people you know (i.e. parents) Preference for particular sports may be strongly influenced by visibly sport models The greater the similarity between the model and the observer (age, race, gender), the greater the probability that the model's actions will be emulated

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