RxPrep - Required Formulas

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Steroid Conversions - cortisone - hydrocortisone - prednisone - prednisolone - methylprednisolone - triamcinolone - dexamethasone - betamethasone

- cortisone - 25 mg - hydrocortisone - 20 mg - prednisone - 5 mg - prednisolone - 5 mg - methylprednisolone - 4 mg - triamcinolone - 4 mg - dexamethasone - 0.75 mg - betamethasone - 0.6 mg

acidosis - pH? - pCO2? - HCO3?

- pH <7.35 - pCO2 >45 - HCO3 <22

alkalosis - pH? - pCO2? - HCO3?

- pH >7.45 - pCO2 <35 - HCO3 >26

ke = ...

ke = (ln (C1 / C2)) / t

Elimination Rate Constant (ke)

ke = Cl / Vd

Milliequivalents (mEq)

mEq = mmols * valence OR mEq = [mg * valence] / MW

Osmolarity Equation

mOsmol/L = [weight (g/L) / MW (g/mole)] * (# of particles) * 1000

To convert aminophylline to theophylline...


To convert theophylline to aminophylline...

"ATM" DIVIDE by 0.8

Percent Ionization - Weak Base

% ionization = 100 / 1 + 10^(pH-pKa)

Percent Ionization - Weak Acid

% ionization = 100 / 1 + 10^(pKa-pH)

Statin Conversions - pitavastatin - rosuvastatin - atorvastatin - simvastatin - lovastatin - pravastatin - fluvastatin

- pitavastatin - 2 mg - rosuvastatin - 5 mg - atorvastatin - 10 mg - simvastatin - 20 mg - lovastatin - 40 mg - pravastatin - 40 mg - fluvastatin - 80 mg


1 / ARR

Initiating Basal-Bolus in Type 1 Diabetes - NPH/regular?

1) TDD - 0.6 units/kg/day using TBW 2) Divide 1/2 basal & 1/2 bolus OR 2) Divide 2/3 NPH & 1/3 regular 3) split rapid acting among meals

1 tbsp

15 ml

Correction Factor - regular insulin?

1500 Rule correction factor for 1 unit = 1500 / TDD

ILE 10% (kcal/mL?)

1.1 kcal/mL

1 meter

100 cm

1 pint - oz? - ml?

16 ounces 480 ml (473 ml actual)

Correction Factor - rapid-acting insulin?

1800 Rule correction factor for 1 unit = 1800 / TDD

furosemide IV:PO conversion ratio


ILE 20% (kcal/ml?)

2 kcal/ml

1 quart - pints? - ml?

2 pints 960 ml (946 ml actual)

1 kg

2.2 lb

1 inch

2.54 cm

KCl 10% --> ___ mEq/ml

20 mEq / 15 ml

ferrous sulfate - elemental iron?


Calcium Citrate (Citracal) - % elemental calcium


1 oz - grams?

28.4 grams

ILE 30% (kcal/mL?)

3 kcal/ml

Dextrose (kcal/gram?)

3.4 kcal/g

1 fl oz

30 ml (29.57 ml actual)

Amino Acids (kcal/gram?)

4 kcal/g

Carbs (kcal/g?)

4 kcal/g

Protein (kcal/g?)

4 kcal/g

1 gallon - quarts? - ml?

4 quarts 3840 ml (3785 ml actual)

KCl 20% --> ___ mEq/ml

40 mEq / 15 ml

Calcium Carbonate (TUMS) - % elemental calcium


1 lb - grams?

454 grams

1 tsp

5 ml

1 grain - mg?

65 mg

1 cup - oz? - ml?

8 ounces 240 ml (236.56 ml actual)

Fats (kcal/g?)

9 kcal/g

Dehydration (BUN:SCr?)

>20:1 ratio

Adjusted Body Weight (ABW)

ABW = IBW + 0.4*(TBW-IBW)

Anion Gap

AG = Na - Cl - HCO3

Absolute Neutrophil Count (ANC)

ANC = WBC * [(% segs + % bands) / 100]

Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR)

ARR = (% risk control) - (% risk treatment)

aminoglycosides - weight to use?

Adj BW

BMI equation

BMI = weight (kg) / [height (m)]^2 or BMI = (weight (lb) / [height (in)]^2) * 703

BSA Calculation (Mostellar)

BSA (m2) = Sqrt [(height cm * weight kg) / 3600]

Fahrenheit to Celsius

C = (F-32) / 1.8

C2 = ...

C2 = C1 * e^-k*t



Clearance (Cl)

Cl = (F*Dose) / AUC or Cl = ke * Vd

Corrected Ca

Corrected Ca = Ca + [(4 - albumin) * 0.8]

Corrected Phenytoin

Corrected for low albumin (<3.5): Corrected Phenytoin = total phenytoin measured / [(0.2 * albumin) + 0.1] *also used for valproic acid

Correction Dose Equation

Correction Dose = (BG now - target BG) / correction factor

Isotonicity (E Value)

E = [58.5 * i] / [MW * 1.8]

Bioavailability (F)

F (%) = 100 * [AUC PO / AUC IV] * [Dose IV / Dose PO]

Celsius to Fahrenheit

F = (C*1.8) + 32

Hazard Ratio (HR)

HR = HR in treatment / HR in control group

Acyclovir - weight to use?


aminophylline - weight to use?


levothyroxine - weight to use?


theophylline - weight to use?

IBW (even if obese)

metoprolol IV:PO conversion ratio

IV:PO - 1:2.5

Loading Dose Equation

LD = (Desired Conc. * VD) / F

Dyslipidemia (LDL) Equation

LDL = TC - HDL - (TG / 5) *do NOT use if TG >400

Opioid Conversions - morphine (IV/PO) - hydromorphone (IV/PO) - oxycodone (___; PO)

Morphine [ 10 (IV) - 30 (PO)] Hydromorphone [1.5 (IV) - 7.5 (PO)] Oxycodone [ ___ (IV) - 20 (PO)]

Grams of Nitrogen from Protein

Nitrogen (g) = [protein intake (g)] / 6.25

Odds Ratio (OR)

OR = AD / BC Outcomes- columns Present/absent - rows

Dilution and Concentration Equation

Q1*C1 = Q2*C2



Relative Risk (RR)

RR = risk in treatment group / risk in control group

Relative Risk Reduction (RRR)

RRR = (% risk control - % risk treatment) / % risk control group


Risk = # subjects with event / total # of subjects in group

Insulin-to-Carb Ratio - regular insulin?

Rule of 450 g of carbs covered by 1 unit insulin = 450 / TDD

Insulin-to-Carb Ratio - Rapid-acting insulin?

Rule of 500 g of carbs covered by 1 unit insulin = 500 / TDD

Specific Gravity (SG)

SG = g / ml SG = weight (g) / g or ml of equal volume of water

Total Energy Expenditure (TEE)

TEE = BEE x activity factor x stress factor

Time to Burn (TTB)

TTB (with sunscreen; minutes) = SPF * TTB (without sunscreen)

NPH dosed BID --> glargine daily

Use 80% of NPH MULTIPLY by 0.8

Minimum Weighable Quantity (MWQ)

Used for Torsion Scale MWQ = Sensitivity Requirement (SR) / 0.05

Volume of Distribution (Vd)

Vd = amount of drug in body / concentration of drug in plasma Vd = D / C

Fluid Needs Equation?

When weight >20 kg: 1500 ml + (20 ml)*(weight (kg) - 20)

Loop Diuretics Conversions - bumetanide - torsemide - furosemide - ethacrynic acid

bumetanide - 1 mg torsemide - 20 mg furosemide - 40 mg ethacrynic acid - 50 mg

Millimoles equation

mmols = mg / MW

Moles equation

mols = g / MW

Weak Base pH Calculation

pH = pKa + log (base/salt)

Weak Acid pH Calculation

pH = pKa + log (salt/acid)

ratio strength

ratio strength = 100 / percentage strength


refer to sheet

Half-Life Equation

t 1/2 = 0.693 / ke

Toujeo --> Lantus or Basaglar

use 80% of Toujeo DIVIDE by 0.8

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