Science chapter 2 review assessment

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Explain how antibiotics kill bacteria

Antibiotics work by weakening the cell walls of some bacteria and causing the cell to burst.

Bacteriophage are viruses that attack and destroy A. Other viruses B. Bacteria C. Plants D. Humans


What will happen after a virus attaches to a bacterial cell A) the virus will inject its proteins into the bacterial cell B) the virus will inject its genetic material into the bacterial cell C) the bacterial cell will inject its proteins into the virus D) the bacterial cell will inject its genetic material into the virus


Which of the following helps to prevent the spread of infectious disease? A. Toxins B. Vaccines C. Parasites D. Endospores


Which of these statements about the sizes of bacteria and viruses is true? A) viruses can be seen with a hand lens but bacteria cannot B) both bacteria and viruses can be seen with a hand lens C) bacteria can be seen with a light microscope but viruses cannot D) neither bacteria nor viruses can be seen with a light microscope


A (vaccine) is a chemical that can kill bacteria without harming a persons cells

False antibiotics

(Binary fission) is the process of breaking down food to release energy. True or false?

False respiration

What are the parts of a bacterial cell? Explain the role of each

Flagella, helps the cell to move Cell wall, protects the cell Cell membrane,controls what materials pass in and out of the cell Cytoplasm, a gel like material Ribosomes, are chemical factories where proteins are produced Genetic material, contains instructions for all the cells functions

Explain how hidden viruses multiply

Hidden viruses multiply differently than active viruses, when the viruses host cell divides the viruses genetic material is copied along with the host's genetic material. The. Under certain circumstances the viruses genetic material suddenly becomes active

A friend has been prescribed a ten day course of antibiotics for a bacterial infection. Your friend feels much better after three days and decides to stop taking the medication. What do you think will happen

I think that since she stopped taking the medication when she wasn't ready yet the bacterial infection with come back

Develop a hypothesis to explain why the number of bacteria appears to stay consistent between point B and C

I think that the number of bacteria appears to stay the same between B and C because the conditions aren't good for reproducing.

Classify the bacteria in each photo according to their shape

A) escherichia coil B) borrelia burgdorferi

If you know that an organism is a prokaryote you know that A) it's cell does not contain a nucleus B) it's cell does not contain ribosomes C) the organism is a heterotroph D) the organism cannot move on its own


Most bacteria are surrounded by a rigid protective wall called a A. Cell wall B. Cell membrane C. Protein coat D. Flagella


Describe the similarities and differences between active and hidden viruses

A active virus starts multiplying immediately whereas a hidden virus does not immediately start multiplying it starts multiplying once the condition are right

How much greater is the diameter of s penny than the diameter of a dime?

A dime is 1.6 centimeters and a penny is a 1.8 centimeters long. So the penny is .3 centimeters longer than the penny

How do vaccines prevent the spread of some infectious diseases

A vaccine is a substance introduced into the body to stimulate the production of chemicals that destroy specific viruses or bacteria. Then the dead or altered, bacteria or virus in the vaccine do not cause disease. Instead they activate the bodies natural defenses. So that if the virus or bacterium ever enters the body it is destroyed before it can cause disease.

Compare and contrast viruses and bacteria with respect to their sizes structures and methods of their reproduction

Bacteria and viruses are about the same size. They both have genetic material, but only bacteria have flagella and only the viruses have outer membrane proteins. They also reproduce differently the bacteria can reproduce either asexually or sexually. While the viruses attach to a host and take over the cells functions they the cause the cell to make more viruses

Describe how bacteria reproduce

Bacteria reproduce in two different ways, sexual reproduction or asexual reproduction. In sexual reproduction two parents combine their genetic material to form a new organism which differs from both parents his process is called conjugation. In asexual reproduction bacteria reproduce by a procedure called binary fission, in which one cell divides into two identical cells.

Viruses multiply A. By conjugation B. By binary fission C. By taking over a cells functions D. Both sexually and asexually


Explain why certain viruses will attach to only one or a few types of viruses

Certain viruses will attach to one or a few types of viruses because of the outer membrane proteins, because of the lock and key action of a virus

Paola grew a new culture of bacteria and measured the population growth over time. The number of bacteria increased sharply over the first few hours but then tampered off. Which statement is true A) the initial conditions for bacterial growth were favorable B) the number of bacteria increased as the bacteria reproduced asexually C) after a period of time the bacteria started to run out of food space and other resources D) all of the above


Which of the following statements about viruses is not true A) viruses can multiply only in a living cell B) viruses have genetic material C)virus particles are smaller than bacterial cells D) diseases caused by viruses can be cured by antibiotics


Which part of a virus determines which host cells it can infect? A. Nucleus B. Ribosomes C. Flagellum D. Surface proteins


How do the bacteria that live in your intestines help you

The bacteria in your intestines help you digest the food that you eat.

What do the numbers on the vertical axis represent

They represent the number of bacteria in millions

(active viruses) enter a cell and immediately begin to multiply. True or false?


Bacteria form (endospores) to survive unfavorable conditions in their surroundings


During (conjugation) one bacterium transfers genetic material to another bacterial cell. True or false?


List three ways that viruses differ from cells

Viruses are non living They reproduce differently Bacteria can form endospores

Explain what is happening between point A and point B

What is happening between point A and B is the number of bacteria is increasing by about 1,000,000

How could you test the hypothesis you made in question 26? What would your results show?

You could test the hypothesis by keeping the virus near cells for 1.25 hours then putting the viruses in a area not compatible for reproduction

Bacteria will grow in the laboratory on a gelatin like subtance called agar. Viruses will not grow on agar. If you needed to grow viruses in a laboratory what kind of substance would you have to use?

You would have to use a cell because viruses multiply inside a cell when they take over the cells functions.

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