Science Final #2

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Write the formula for sample mass.

# of moles * molar mass

Define atomic #.

# of p

Define mass #.

# of p+n

What did Rutherford discover?

+ nucleus

Define proton.

+ particle in the nucleus

Define electron.

- particle outside the nucleus

if the H₃O⁺ concentration is 10,000, what is the pH?


Write the rules for chemical formulas.

-ide, prefixes for nm + nm, no prefixes for m + nm, 1st mono silent

Write the formula for pH.


A strong acid has a pH closer to __.


How many valence electrons does Na have?


Elements have only __ kind of ____.

1 / atom

Write the oxidation number for each family.

1+, 2+, 3+, 4+-, 3-, 2-, 1-, 0

How many valence electrons for families - 1,2,13,14,15,16,17,18


The molar mass of NaBr is what?

102.9 g/mole

If the mass of Na is 23, how many neutrons does it have?


A strong base has a pH closer to __.


Determine the average atomic mass for these isotopes. 95% N-14, 3% N-15, and 2% N-16.

14.07 amu

What is the mass of a molecule of CCl₄?

153.82 amu

Balance - Pb(OH)₂ + HCl → H₂O + PbCl₂

1Pb(OH)₂ + 2HCl → 2H₂O + 1PbCl₂

How many valence electrons does Be have?


If the H₃O⁺ concentration is 10⁻², what is the pH?


Write the electron configuration for F.


Write the electron configuration for Al.


Write the electron configuration for Ar.


What is the pattern for how many electrons the shells can hold?


Write the electron configuration for Ca.


What is the molar mass of LiF? Find the number of moles of LiF with a sample mass of 50g. What is the molarity of a 250mL solution with 50g of LiF?

25.9 g/mole ; 1.9 moles ; 7.6M

Write a balanced chemical equation for calcium reacting with oxygen to form calcium oxide.

2Ca + O₂ → 2CaO

When H and O react, water is formed. Write the balanced chemical equation.

2H₂ + O₂ → 2H₂O

Balance - Na + Cl₂ → NaCl

2Na + Cl₂ → 2NaCl

Balance - Na₃PO₄ + CaCl₂ → NaCl + Ca₃(PO₄)₂

2Na₃PO₄ + 3CaCl₂ → 6NaCl + 1Ca₃(PO₄)₂

Sulfur and oxygen react to form sulfur-trioxide. Write the balanced chemical equation.

2S + 3O₂ → 2SO₃

How many moles of salt are needed to make 6 liters of a 0.5M solution?

3 moles

How many moles of NaBr would be needed to produce a 1.5M solution with 2.5L of solution?

3.75 moles

How many valence electrons does C have?


What is the molar mass of MgO? How many moles of MgO would be needed to make a 3M solution with 1.5L of volume? What is the sample mass used here of MgO?

40.3 g/mole ; 4.5 moles ; 181.4g

A double bond involves __ electrons and a triple bond involves __ pairs of electrons.


Determine the average atomic mass for these isotopes. 15% FE-55 and 85% FE-56.

55.85 amu

What is the molarity when water is added to 3 moles of potassium iodide to make 600mL of solution?


How many shells does Au have?


How many valence electrons does O have?


How many molecules of CO₂ are in 44 grams?

6.02*10²³ molecules(1 mole)

1 mole of something is ____ atoms of it.

6.02*10²³(Avogadro's number)

How many valence electrons does Br have?


How many valence electrons does Ne have?


When atoms create covalent bonds, what is the max number of valence electrons they can have?


Oxygen's atomic # is __, it has __ valence electrons and it wants to bond to have __ more electrons to get the octet.


Acid → OH⁻ (<,>,=) H₃O⁺


The pH of an acid is (<, >, =) to 7.


Neutral solution → OH⁻ (<,>,=) H₃O⁺


The pH of a neutral solution is (<, >, =) to 7.


Base → OH⁻ (<,>,=) H₃O⁺


The pH of a base is (<, >, =) to 7.


Write the formula for the compound - silver bromide


Write the Bronsted-Lowry definition of acid-base behavior.

BAAD(bases accept, acids donate)

List all the metalloids.

Boron, Silicon, Germanium, Arsenic, Antimony, and Tellurium

Which halogen is the only liquid non-metal?


Write the chemical formula - hexaboron monosilicide


Methane burned in oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and water. Write the balanced chemical equation.

CH₄ + 2O₂ → CO₂ + 2H₂O

When CH₄ burns in oxygen gas, carbon dioxide and water are formed. Write a balanced chemical equation for this.

CH₄ + 2O₂ → CO₂ + 2H₂O

What molecule has a similar structure to the bonding diagram to Silicon dioxide?


Write the chemical formula - chlorine dioxide


Write the formula for the compound - cobalt(III) oxide


Write the formula for the compound - chromium(III) hydroxide


Write the formula for the compound - chromium(VI) phosphate


What is the formula for a combustion reaction?

CxHy + O₂ → CO₂ + H₂O

Which element has the highest/lowest electronegativity?


List the diatomic elements.

H, N, O, F, Cl, Br, I

Which elements are diatomic?

H, N, O, F,Cl, Br, I

List the 3 strong acids.

HCl, H₂(SO₄), HNO₃

Write the chemical formula - hydrogen monoiodide


If there is He and Rn in a room, where would you find them and why?

He near ceiling because it's light; Rn near floor because it's heavy

A proton can be written how?


Acids donate __ ions in water to form __.

H⁺, H₃O⁺

Write the chemical formula - dihydrogen monoxide


A strong acid ionizes completely and produces a large concentration of ___, making it a good conductor.


An acidic solution has a high concentration of __.


Write the formula for hydronium.


A neutral solution has an equal number of __ and __.

H₃O⁺, OH⁻

A strong acid has a high concentration of __. A strong base has a high concentration of __.

H₃O⁺, OH⁻

A weak acid has a lower concentration of ___. A weak base has a lower concentration of __.

H₃O⁺, OH⁻

H₂O + H⁺ → (give chemical formula & name)

H₃O⁺; hydronium

Write the chemical formula - iodine pentaflouride


K(OH) + HCl → ?

KCl + H₂O

List the following from high pH to low pH. KOH, HCl, NH₄(OH), distilled water, vinegar

KOH, NH₄(OH), distilled water, vinegar, HCl

Li(OH) + HBr → ?

LiBr + H₂O

Write the formula for the compound - lithium iodide


If a proton is added to HE nucleus, what nucleus do you get?


Write the formula to find molarity(moles per liter).

M = # of moles of solute/ # of liters of solution

Mg(OH)₂ + 2HCl → ?

MgCl₂ + 2H₂O

Write the chemical formula - nitrogen tribromide


Name a base without hydroxide in the formula.


Write the chemical formula - nitrogen trihydride(ammonia)


List the 3 strong bases.

NaOH, KOH, Ca(OH)₂

Write the chemical formula - dinitrogen trioxide


A basic solution has a high concentration of __.


Write the formula for hydroxide.


H₂O - H⁺ → (give chemical formula & name)

OH⁻; hydroxide

Write the chemical formula - phosphorus triiodide


Write the formula for the compound - lead(II) nitride


Marie Curie discovered which elements?

Polonium and Curium

Write the chemical formula - diphosphorus pentaoxide


Write the formula for the compound - tin(II) nitrite


Write the formula for the compound - titanium(II) acetate


Write the formula for the compound - vanadium(IV) carbonate


Write the formula for the compound - vanadium(V) sulfide


What is the formula for a synthesis reaction?

a + b → ab

What is a mixture?

a material in which 2 or more substances are present but have not bonded

What is a catalyst?

a substance that lowers the Ea without being consumed by the reaction

What is the formula for a single replacement reaction?

ab + c → ac + b

What is the formula for a double replacement reaction?

ab + cd → ac + bd

What is the formula for a decomposition reaction?

ab → a + b

Identify the acid or base behaviors for this equation. HNO₃ + H₂O → H₃O⁺ + NO₃⁻

acid, base, acid, base

list acid/base behaviors - HCO₃⁻ + H₂O → H₃O⁺ + CO₃²⁻

acid, base, acid, base

Given this pH value, is the solution acidic, basic, or neutral? 6


How do you find molar mass?

add the atomic weights(g/mole)

Name all the families except transition metals.

alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, boron family, carbon family, nitrogen family, chalcogens, halogens, noble gases

Name the ionic compound - NH₄CL (NH₄ = ammonium)

ammonium chloride

If a neutron is added to HE nucleus, what do you get?

an isotope of HE with 1 extra mass

Why are ashes sometimes used to clean greasy dishes/hands?

ashes are bases, which emulsify fats/oils

The modern per. table is in order of ___.

atomic #

Mendeleev's per. table was in order of __.

atomic mass

What can be learned from Democritus' Greek model of the atom?

atoms are the smallest particles and they are indivisible

What did Niels Bohr discover?

atoms emit a unique emission spectra when energized

There are 2 elements, A(circles) and B(squares). In box 1, there are only circles so this box contains __.

atoms of element A

What 3 things can be learned from Dalton's model of the atom?

atoms of the same/different elements are the same/different; law of definite composition - fixed ratio for compounds

What is the octet rule?

atoms want 8 valence electrons

Define atomic mass.

average weight of all isotopes

What are some properties of non-metals?

bad conductors, transparent, brittle, not ductile or malleable

If the number of times an element appears as a reactant is equal to the number of times it appears as a product, the equation is ___.


When a salt is formed from a neutralization reaction, the positive ion of the salt comes from the ___ and the negative comes from the ___.

base, acid

Identify the acid or base behaviors for this equation. NH₃ + H₂O → NH₄⁺ + OH⁻

base, acid, acid, base

Given this pH value, is the solution acidic, basic, or neutral? 13


What happens to atom size going down the family?

bigger; more shells

List some properties of bases.

bitter, slippery, accept H⁺ ions, pink in phenolphthalein, blue in litmus

The amount of energy absorbed as a chemical bond is broken or released as the bond forms is called __.

bond energy

Why would Ca and Sr have similar properties?

both in family 2; 2 valence electrons

What happens in a chemical reaction?

break old bonds, form new bonds

How does one treat the problem of acid indigestion?

by eating antacids(bases)

Name this compound - CaO

calcium oxide

Write the name for the covalent compound - CH₄

carbon tetrahydride (methane)

What was the name of the experiments that J.J. Thompson did?

cathode ray tube experiments

Physical or Chemical? - a person gains 20 pounds


Physical or Chemical? - burning of paper


Physical or Chemical? - tree growing


You were 5' in 6th grade. Now, you are 5'4". Is this a physical or chemical change?


The force of attraction between 2 atoms that hold them together is called what?

chemical bond

Box A has red atoms and blue atoms bonded together. Box A becomes box B, which has red bonded with red and blue bonded with blue. A to B is what kind of change?

chemical change

There are 3 groups of atoms, one cold, one warm, one very hot. Which would have the highest density and how would the atoms be packed?

cold; tightly packed

What cannot change during a physical change?


A material in which different elements are bonded together is called a ___.


There are 2 elements, A(circles) and B(squares). In box 2, each circle is bonded with a square. This box has a ___.


Name the ionic compound - Cu₂P

copper phosphide

Electrons are shared in ____ bonds.


What type of bond do non-metals share?


Name the type of reaction. H₂CO₃ → H₂O + CO₂


By lowering the temperature, the reaction rate ₋₋₋


When you dilute NaOH or any base, what happens to the pH?


Write the name for the covalent compound - B₂Si

diboron monosilicide

Determine if these are isotopes or different elements. Element x has 50 protons and 36 neutrons. Element y has 51 protons and 110 neutrons.


The properties of a compound are ___ from the properties of its parent elements.


Explain what gives polar covalent molecules polarity.

different electronegativities

Write the name for the covalent compound - H₂O

dihydrogen monoxide (water)

Give the chemical name for this compound - N₂O

dinitrogen monoxide

Write the name for the covalent compound - N₂O₅

dinitrogen pentaoxide

Write the name for the covalent compound - Si₂Br₆

disilicon hexabromide

Name this compound - S₂F₁₀

disulfur decaflouride

Acids ___ H⁺ ions and bases __ them.

donate, accept

O₂ is an example of a compound with a ___ bond, and N₂ has a ___ bond.

double / triple

Name the type of reaction. HCl + NaOH → NaCl + H₂O

double replacement

The attraction to electrons that elements have is called ____.


What did J.J. Thompson discover?


Define valence electrons.

electrons on outer shell that determine chemical properties

Compounds are created by bonding atoms of different ______ together.


A reaction in which net energy is absorbed is called an _____ reaction.


When a battery is being recharged, what type of reaction is going on?


When melting a solid substance into liquid form, energy is added. Is this exothermic or endothermic?


___ in our bodies speed up chemical reactions by acting as catalysts.


A reaction in which net energy is released is called an _____ reaction.


When a battery is being used, what type of reaction is occurring?


When a substance goes from its gaseous state to liquid state, energy is given out. What type of reaction is this?


While doing an experiment, the sides of the test tubes feel warm? What type of reaction is it?


Exothermic or endothermic? 2H₂ + O₂ → 2H₂O {H-H = 436 kj, O⇌O = 498 kj, H-O = 464 kj}

exothermic(1370 vs 1856, 486kj net energy released)

Exothermic or endothermic? H₂ + Cl₂ → 2HCl {H-H = 436kj, Cl-Cl = 243kj, H-CL = 431kj}

exothermic(679 vs 862)

Given different bonding combinations between atoms, how would you determine which is the least/most polar?

further apart on periodic table = more polar

In an ionic bond, the nonmetal gains/loses electron(s) making it a +/- charged ion.

gains ; -

What was the name of the experiments conducted by Rutherford?

gold foil experiments

Define element.

has 1 type of atom

For a slow chemical reaction, the activation energy is __. For a fast one, the Ea is ___.

high; low

Higher temperature means ___ reaction rate because there are ___ collisions.

higher; more

What were Bohr's experiments called?

his were based on math

What purpose do subscripts have in a chemical equation? Coefficients?

how many of that atom; how many of the molecule

H₃O⁺ ions are called __, and OH⁻ ions are called __.

hydronium ions, hydroxide ions

More surface area __ the reaction rate.


When you dilute HCl or any acid, what happens to the pH?


By crushing sugar cubes into a powder, what happens to the surface area and the reaction rate with other chemicals?

increases; higher

Electrons are transferred in ___ bonds.


What type of bond occurs between a metal and non-metal?


Name the ionic compound - Fe(NO₃)₃ [NO₃=nitrate]

iron nitrate

Determine if these are isotopes or different elements. Element x has 2 protons and 2 neutrons. Element a has 2 protons and 1 neutron.


Matter is neither created nor destroyed in a chemical reaction. The same atoms are used. What law is this?

law of conservation of mass

Where are metals, non-metals, and metalloids located on the per. table?

left, right, between metals and non-metals

The reactants have ___ PE than the products in an endothermic reaction.


Name this compound - Li₂S

lithium sulfide

Name 3 indicators that can be used to test if something is an acid or a base.

litmus paper, phenolphthalein, bromthymol blue

How do you identify a catalyst?

look at all the steps of the reaction and the substance always being regenerated is the catalyst

How does an atom become a +/- ion?

lose/gain electrons

In an ionic bond, the metal gains/loses electron(s) making it a +/- charged ion.

loses ; +

Name this compound - MgBr₂

magnesium bromide

What does a pH probe do?

measures pH

What type of bond exists in a metal? What properties does it give?

metallic bonds; loose electrons allow conductivity

A group of atoms is called a ___.


Are atoms made of molecules or molecules made of atoms?

molecules are made of atoms

There are 2 elements, A(circles) and B(squares). In box 3, each circle is bonded with a circle. This box has __.

molecules of element A

List the prefixes used for naming compounds. 1-6

mono, di, tri, tetra, penta, hexa

The reactants have ___ PE than the products in an exothermic reaction.


What is a polyatomic ion?

multiple atoms that act as 1 ion

Given this pH value, is the solution acidic, basic, or neutral? 7


Write the name for the covalent compound - NF₃

nitrogen triflouride

When salt and water are produced from a neutralization reaction, are they corrosive like the acid and base?


Does the ratio of elements in a compound change?

no; always constant

Is Hydrogen a metal or non-metal?


When 2 of the same atom create a covalent bond, they are called ____ molecules.


Why is water not classified as a salt even when it is produced from a neutralization reaction?

not an ionic compound

Polar(p) or non-polar(np)? - CH₄


Polar(p) or non-polar(np)? - CO₂


Polar(p) or non-polar(np)? - I₂


Polar(p) or non-polar(np)? - N₂


Polar(p) or non-polar(np)? - O₂


Polar(p) or non-polar(np)? - SO₂


Write the name for the covalent compound - O₂


Polar(p) or non-polar(np)? - CHCl₃


Polar(p) or non-polar(np)? - CH₃OH


Polar(p) or non-polar(np)? - HF


Polar(p) or non-polar(np)? - H₂O


Polar(p) or non-polar(np)? - H₂S


Polar(p) or non-polar(np)? - NH₃


The measure of the acidity of a solution is __.


# of shells = ___.

period # on per. table

Name this compound - PBr₃

phosphorus tribromide

Physical or Chemical? - aluminum is malleable


Physical or Chemical? - copper conducts electricity


Physical or Chemical? - ice melting


Physical or Chemical? - sugar cubes are crushed to a powder


You are 5' in the morning. Before going to bed, you are 4'11 1/2". When you wake up, you are 5' again. At night, you are 4'11 1/2" again. Is this physical or chemical?


What was Bohr's model called?

planetary model

What was J.J. Thompson's model called?

plum pudding model

By looking at the bonding diagrams, how would you determine if it is polar or non polar?

polar = non-symmetrical; non-polar = symmetrical

When writing exothermic reactions, the word energy is written on the (reactant/product) side of the reaction.


What a chemical reaction produces are called __.


Which sub-atomic particle deciphers one atom from another?


How do you differentiate a strong/weak acid/base in a lab?

put the wires of a circuit in the substance and if the bulb is bright the solution is strong

List some properties of acids.

react with metals to form H₂, sour, donate H⁺ ions, colorless in phenolphthalein, red in litmus

When writing endothermic reactions, the word energy is written on the (reactant/product) side of the reaction.


The reacting substances in a chemical reaction are called ____.


__ is a measure of how quickly the concentration of products in a chemical reaction increases or the concentration of reactants decreases

reaction rate

An ionic compound formed from the reaction of an acid and base is called a ___.


Define isotope.

same # of p; different n

Write the formula for # of moles.

sample mass / molar mass

Give the chemical name for this compound -ScF₄

scandium flouride

What are some properties of metals?

shiny, good conductors of heat and electricity, malleable and ductile

Name the type of reaction. Zn + 2HCl → ZnCl₂ + H₂

single replacement

What happens to atom size going across periods?

smaller; more protons pulling in on shells

Define atom.

smallest particle of matter, has all the properties of its element

Name this compound - NaI

sodium iodide

Is the attraction force highest in a solid, liquid, or gas?


Give the chemical name for this compound - SO₂

sulfur dioxide

Write the name for the covalent compound - SF₆

sulfur hexaflouride

Write the name for the covalent compound - SCl₄

sulfur tetrachloride

Name the type of reaction. 2H₂ + O₂ → 2H₂O


What does pH paper do?

tells you the pH of a substance via color patterns

What are the 4 factors that affect the reaction rate?

temperature, concentration, surface area, catalyst

Write the name for the covalent compound - P₄S₅

tetraphosphorus pentasulfide

When adding Alka-Seltzers to water, there is vigorous bubbling. But when adding them to water with alcohol, there is less bubbling. Explain

the alcohol lowers the concentration of water and slows the reaction rate

Why do polar molecules have a high boiling point/vice versa with non-polar?

the atoms in polar molecules are attracted to each other which makes them harder to separate

What is activation energy?

the energy needed to start the chemical reaction

Which reactants are the first to become products in a chemical reaction?

the first ones to cross the energy barrier

In Fe(II), what does the Roman Numeral indicate?

the oxidation # ; 2+ in this case

Why can we not breathe oxygen from H₂O?

the oxygen is tightly bonded with the H

A can of soda is opened and the soda goes flat. What happens to the pH of the soda and why?

the pH increases because soda is acidic and the CO₂ escaping dilutes the acid

The Bohr model of the atom looks like ___.

the solar system

Define electronegativity.

the tendency for an atom to bond

What is special about noble gases?

their shells are 100% filled; non-reactive

Burning a log in pure O₂ vs air speeds up the burning because __.

there is a higher concentration of oxygen

Why do noble gases not react?

they don't need to bond

Why are valence electrons important?

they take part in chemical reactions

How are particles arranged in a solid/liquid/gas?

tightly packed; loosely packed and moving some but still definite volume; free movement, no definite shape

Name the ionic compound - SnSe₁₀₀

tin selenide

Name the ionic compound - TiBr₉

titanium bromide

Why is energy needed to break apart the bonds in a chemical reaction?

to overcome the electrical attraction forces

Why is food refrigerated?

to slow down the chemical reaction of food spoiling

There are 3 groups of atoms, one cold, one warm, one very hot. Which would have the lowest density and how would the atoms be packed?

very hot; freely moving

What are the products of an acid base neutralization reaction?

water and a salt

When an acid and a base react, they form ____. What is this reaction called and what type of a reaction is it?

water and a salt; neutralization reaction; double replacement

Can a piece of chalk(base) treat acid indigestion?


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