SLS 1101 - All Quiz Answers

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The suggested strategies for "creating a work flow that works" do not include: (a) Use one inbox to collect mail, messages, class handouts, and notes to yourself (b) Delete, do, or defer items that you collect (c) Empty your inboxes once per week (d) Set up a filling system for reference materials

(a) Use one inbox to collect mail, messages, class handouts, and notes to yourself

According to the text, explorers have one main purpose for reviewing resumes - choosing which people to contact for a job interview

(a) True

In spite of their limitations, mnemonic devices can be useful

(a) True

Learning through inquiry is based on asking questions

(a) True

Level 2 thinking answers the question "Can I explain this idea in my own words?"

(a) True

The main point of the Power Process: "Risk being a fool" is that mastery is most activities calls for the willingness to do something new, to fail; to make corrections, to fail again

(a) True

The presence of absolute qualifiers - such as always or never - often indicates a false statement

(a) True

The suggested strategies for taking notes include both "postpone debate" and " think critically about what you hear"

(a) True

The text suggests that you think like an entrepreneur even if you are currently an employee

(a) True

Using roman numerals is only one way to create different levels f headings in an outline

(a) True

You can listen skillfully to a speaker even when you disagree with that person's viewpoint

(a) True

People who are skilled at stress management remember that: (a) A little tension before a test is fine (b) The goal is to eliminate tension completely (c) You should never consider the worst thing that can possibly happen if you fail a test (d) it is unwise to over-prepare for tests (e) All of the answer choices

(a) A little tension before a test is fine

The Power Process: "I create it all" is: (a) An idea that you must believe in order to succeed in school (b) A reminder that we ultimately control all of the events in our lives (c) A reminder that you can choose your response to an event - even when the event itself is beyond your control (d) None of the answer choices

(a) A reminder that you can choose your response to an event - even when the even itself is beyond your control

The step in Phase 1 of Muscle Reading take place: (a) Before you read (b) While you read (c) After you read

(a) Before you read

The test suggests that you think of problem-solving as a process based on: (a) For "P's" - problem, possibilities, plan, preform (b) The "C's" - creating, considering, converging (c) The "A's" - asking, agreeing, acting (d) None of the answer choices

(a) Four "P's" - problem, possibilities, plan, preform

Reading the manual for a new cell phone before you try to make a call is an example of: (a) Learning through thinking (b) Learning through feeling (c) Learning through doing (d) Learning through watching

(a) Learning through thinking

The word kinesthetic refers to: (a) Moving (b) Hearing (c) Seeing (d) Listening

(a) Moving

The text suggests that the most powerful time-management technique must be: (a) Promising yourself and other people that you'll get a task done (b) Focusing on A-priority tasks (c) Using a long-term planner (d) Preforming tasks as perfectly as possible

(a) Promising yourself and other people that you'll get a task done

The part of a word with its core meaning it the: (a) Root (b) Prefix (c) Suffix

(a) Root

An example of learning through concrete experience is: (a) Seeing a live demonstration (b) Taking notes in online form (c) Attending lectures by several instructors (d) Translating ideas from a textbook into a chart or map

(a) Seeing a live demonstration

"C fever" refers to: (a) Skipping a high-priority task to do something that does not require immediate attention (b) Scheduling too many items on your calendar each day (c) Checking your cell phone for messages every few minuets (d) None of the answer choices

(a) Skipping a high-priority task to do something that does not require immediate attention

The statement "doctors are greedy" is an example of: (a) Thinking in all-or-nothing terms (b) Creating a red herring (c) Creating a straw man (d) None of the answer choices

(a) Thinking in all-or-nothing terms

According to the Power Process in this chapter, detaching is not the same as giving up:

(a) True

To "Be Here Now" when taking notes in class, reminder to: (a) Fight against daydreaming (b) Accept your wandering mind and refocus your attention (c) Hold imaginary debates with instructors whenever you disagree with them (d) Ignore the instructor's body language and avoid eye contact

(b) Accept your wandering mind and refocs your attention

According to the text, overcoming procrastination is a complex process that must take months or even years

(b) False

According to the text, people who master public speaking are able to eliminate their fear of getting up in front of an audience

(b) False

According to the text, saying that you plan to "study: for a test is a powerful intention

(b) False

According to the text, the best strategy for career planning is to follow your passion about all

(b) False

According to the text, the most effective listeners remain totally silent while another person speaks

(b) False

According to the texts, offering a limited amount of work for free is never a recommended strategy for getting hired

(b) False

According to the texts, test scores are accurate measures of what you actually learn in a cource

(b) False

According to the texts, the best way to begin cutting expenses is to look at how much you spend on "small ticket" (low-cost) items over the course of an entire year

(b) False

Connecting a fact or idea to something that you feel strongly about is not recommended, since emotions are not supposed to play a role in critical thinking

(b) False

Creative thinking is only useful for artists - not people who run a company

(b) False

In general, the activities that are good for your heart are also good for your brain.

(b) False

In order to test the idea that "you never forget," you have to believe it first

(b) False

It is not a good idea to ask instructors about what a future test will include

(b) False

Level 1 thinking answers the question "Can I invest something new bases on this idea?"

(b) False

One recommended strategy for answering a multiple-choice question is to read all of the possible answer before answering the question in your head

(b) False

Privately-owned companies generally offer better student loans than the federal government

(b) False

Skilled writers assume that people will read every word in your message when it appears online

(b) False

The Power Process: "Notices your pictures and let them go" states that mental pictures are useless

(b) False

The tests suggests that you manage money based on the belief that there are limits to how much money you can earn

(b) False

To get the most benefit from marking a book, underline at least 33 percent of the text

(b) False

To take effective notes, avoid combining mind mapping with any other note-taking method

(b) False

You must complete all the steps of Muscle Reading to get most out of any reading assignment

(b) False

the text recommends that you save long-term goals such as retirement before you have an emergency fund in place

(b) False

Getting your hands on a new cell phone right away to see if you can make it work is an example of: (a) Learning through thinking (b) Learning through feeling (c) Learning through doing (d) Learning through watching

(b) Learning through feeling

the notes that you take when preparing to write a paper are called: (a) Review notes (b) Research notes (c) Combined notes (d) None of the answer choices

(b) Research notes

Which of the following is an example of an effective thesis statement? (a) Student success (b) Student success depends on strategies that can be learned (c) Students success and learning (d) Strategies, student success, and learning

(b) Student success depends on strategies that can be learned

"You can always interrupt when I talk" is a complaint. An effective way to restate this as a request is: (a) "You almost always interment when I talk" (b) "You sometimes interrupt when I talk" (c) "Please let me finish speaking before you talk" (d) "Why do you interrupt me?"

(c) "Please let me finish speaking before you talk."

According to the text, tools for note taking are worthless unless you: (a) Participate as an energetic observer in class (b) Review your notes after class (c) Both a and b (d) None of the answer choices

(c) Both a and b

The main point of "Another option: Don't plan your career" is to: (a) Forget about career planning totally (b) Plan your career only when absolutely necessary (c) Choose a direction, take one step in that direction, reflect on when you learn, and choose your next step (d) Never write a cover letter or resume

(c) Choose a direction, take one step in that direction, reflect on what you learn, and choose your next steo

Muscle Reading is designed to: (a) Ensure that you spend more time on your reading assignments (b) help you relax so that reading ill eventually feel easy and effortless (c) Increase your energy and skill as a reader (d) All of the answer choices

(c) Increase your energy and skill as a reader

The main steps for money management suggested in this chapter include: (a) Focus on increasing your income, and spend as much as you want (b) Focus on decreasing your expenses, and don't worry about how much you earn (c) Increase your income, decrease your expenses, or do both (d) None of the answer choices

(c) Increase your income, decrease your expenses, or do both

To remember the content of a lecture more effectively (a) Wait at least two hours to review your notes on that lecture (b) Wait at least 24 hours to review your notes on that lecture (c) Review your lecture notes within the first 24 hours after class (d) Wait to review your lecture notes until you study for a major tests

(c) Review your lecture notes within the first 24 hours after class

Effective First Steps are: (a) Broad (b) Full of self-judgement such as "i'm really bad at doing..." (c) Used to create goals (d) Include weaknesses but not strengths

(c) Used to create goals

A study checklist is: (a) A mind map of key concepts (b) An outline of key concepts (c) A summary of key concepts written is short paragraphs (d) A to-do list that includes exactly what you will use to practice for a test

(d) A to-do list that includes exactly what you will use to practice for a test

The word love as it is used in the Power Process: "Love your problems" means: (a) Trying hard to enjoy problems (b) Practicing positive thinking (c) Focusing only on problems that involve your family members (d) Accepting the last that your problems exist

(d) Accepting the fact that your problems exist

According to the text, everything written about time management can be reduced to: (a) Discover exactly what you want (b) Know how to get what you want (c) Follow up by doing what you intend to do (d) All of the answer choices

(d) All of the answer choices

Clues to another person's learning style include: (a) Approaches to a task that requires learning (b) Word choice (c) Body language (d) All of the answer choices

(d) All of the answer choices

Strategies for detaching include: (a) Pay attention to your thoughts and physical sensations (b) Prectice relaxation (c) Zoom out to a bigger picture (d) All of the answer choices

(d) All of the answer choices

The categories of suggestions for critical thinking: (a) Check your attitudes (b) Check for logic (c) Check for evidence (d) All of the answer choices

(d) All of the answer choices

The Discovery Wheel is: (a) A test that will be graded (b) Not a test, though it contains trick questions (c) Intended to be a permanent picture of your skills (d) An opportunity to tell the truth about your current skills without judgment

(d) An opportunity to tell the truth about your current skills without judgement

Which of the following statements is an example of telling the truth about your current abilities in a way that creates the most possibilities for change? (a) "I find it hard to read the notes I took in Introduction to Psychology last week." (b) "I am an awful note-taker." (c) "When reviewing my notes, I find it hard to see the difference between the main points and details." (d) Both a and c

(d) Both a and c

Examples of transferable skills include: (a) Accounting (b) Listening (c) Speaking (d) Both listening and speaking (e) Both accounting and speaking

(d) Both listening and speaking

The test suggests that you approach "25 ways to get the most out of now" by: (a) Using all of the techniques (b) Tackling the techniques in numerical order (c) Picking 10 techniques to start using now (d) Choosing 1 technique at a time and use it until it becomes a habit (e) None of the answer choices

(d) Choosing 1 technique at a time and use it until it becomes a habit

The three major types of financial aid do not include: (a) Money that you don't have to pay back (b) Money that you do have to pay back (c) Work-study assignments (d) Full-ride scholarships

(d) Full-ride scholarships

The suggested strategies for making decisions do not include: (a) Recognizing decisions (b) Establish priorities (c) Balance learning styles (d) Make decisions immediately rather than putting them on hold (e) Use intuition

(d) Make decisions immediately rather than putting the on hold

The text suggests that both employers and job applicants struggle with the hiring process because: (a) There are too many laws and regulations that apply to this process (b) Employers are usually in a hurry to hire someone and don't take the time to make careful decisions (c) An employer's process for hiring is often the opposite of an applicant's process for getting hired (d) None of the answer choices

(d) None of the answer choices

The Power Process: "Employ your word" refers to the ladder of powerful speaking. The characteristics that distinguishes the bottom rund of this ladder from the upper five rungs is: (a) Possibility (b) Preference (c) Planning (d) Obligation

(d) Obligation

Strategies for using credit cards effectively do not include: (a) Choosing cards with no annual fees and lower interest rates (b) Paying off the full balance due each month (c) Avoiding cash advances (d) Using several credit cards so that you can spread around your unpaid balances (e) All of the answer choices

(d) Using several credit cards so that you can spread around your unpain balances

According to the text, what is the biggest factor in your long-term financial well-being? (a) The state of the overall economy (b) the interest rates on your credit cards (c) The federal deficit (d) Your daily behavior (e) None of the answer choices

(d) Your daily behavior

Information literacy is a skill that includes: (a) Finding information from appropriate sources (b) Evaluating information (c) Organizing information (d) Using information to achieve a purpose (e) All of the above

(e) All of the above

According to research memory is: (a) The probability that certain patterns of brain activity will occur again in the future (b) A process of encoding and decoding (c) A process that takes place in stages (d) Something you do, not something you have (e) All of the answer choices

(e) All of the answer choices

According to the text, job interviews often have certain questions in mind - even if they don't directly ask them. These question include: (a) How did you find out about us? (b) Will we be comfortable with you? (c) Will you learn this job quickly? (d) What makes you different from other applicants? (e) All of the answer choices

(e) All of the answer choices

According to the texts, effectiveness alternatives to "spend reading" include: (a) Becoming a flexible reader (b) Pseudo-skimming (c) Reading widely (d) Reading wisely (e) All of the answer choices

(e) All of the answer choices

Alternatives to the ABC system for creating priorities in to-do lists include: (a) The 80-20 system (b) Ranking tasks as "yes," "no," or "maybe" (c) Grouping tasks by category (d) All of the answer choices

(e) All of the answer choices

An entrepreneur is someone: (a) Who owns a business (b) Whose goals include making money (c) Who takes a risk by creating products, services, or both (d) Works hard to make sure that people buy products, services, or both (e) All the answer choices

(e) All of the answer choices

Suggested strategies for reflecting on your goals include: (a) Check in with your feelings (b) Check for alignments (c) Check for obstacles (d) Check for next steps (e) All of the answer choices

(e) All of the answer choices

Suggestions for taking essay tests include: (a) Find out what an essay question is asking - precisely (b) Make a quick outline before you write (c) Get to the point in the first paragraph you answer (d) Write legibly (e) All of the answer choices

(e) All of the answer choices

The Corson technique includes: (a) Asking yourself: What exactly do I not understand (b) Locating the first sentence, paragraph, or page in a reading assignment that confuses you (c) Spending 15 minuets to overcome your confusion (d) Keeping a record of what you do to overcome your confusion (e) All of the answer choices

(e) All of the answer choices

The recommended strategies for using learning styles to succeed include: (a) Developing all four modes of learning (b) Looking for examples of the modes in action (c) Using the modes to explore your major (d) Using all modes to explore your career (e) All of the answer choices

(e) All of the answer choices

The suggested strategies for mind mapping include: (a) Give yourself plenty of room (b) Use key words only (c) Put the main concept in the center (d) Create links (e) All of the answer choices

(e) All of the answer choices

The suggested strategies for taking notes during a meeting include recording the: (a) Names of the people who attended (b) Agenda (c) Agreements reached during the meeting (d) Actions that people committed to take after the meeting (e) All of the answer choices

(e) All of the answer choices

Effective "I" messages include: (a) Your observations (b) A description of your feelings (c) A statement about what you want (d) A statement about what you intend to do (e) Any or all of the answer choices

(e) Any or all of the answer choices

According to the test, students who dropout of school for financial reasons can often benefit by stating the problem as: (a) "I can't afford it" (b) "I don't know how to pay for it" (c) "I don't think it's worth it" (d) Both a and c (e) Both b and c

(e) Both b and c

Examples of an effectively stated goal include: (a) Make peace with money (b) Lose 1 point this month (c) Graduate with AA degree by 2019 (d) Both a and c (e) Both b and c

(e) Both b and c

From the list below, choose effective examples of an "I" message: (a) "I think that you are sometimes rude" (b) "I feel that you don't love me anymore" (c) "when you come home late, I feel worried" (d) "I'm afraid we're drifting apart (e) Both c and d

(e) Both c and d

The area of your brain that lights up with extra neural activity each time you feel a strong emotion is called the :


The process of narrowing down possible solutions to a problem is called __________ thinking


The note-taking method that's based on using a cue column is called the _______ method


The process of opening up alternatives and considering many options is called _________ thinking


The Power Process: "Be here now" rules out planning.


The Power Process: "Ideas are tools" states that if you want to use an idea, then you must first believe that it's true.


A _______ _________ is a reformatted chart that prompts you to visualize relationships among facts and ideas

Graphic Organizer

The ______ job market is a group of job openings that have not been advertised


In contrast to verbal messages, _________ messages include you posture, gestures, and style of clothing


The psychologist Donald Hebb said that "Neurons which fire together, ____ together


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