SMD 513 FInal

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Positive Smooth Pursuit Test

- Nystagmus - Eye lag or asynchronous eyes - Inability to track the finger - Reproduction of symptoms

Key features of Maxillary Fx

- Swelling - Numbness of the front of the face b/t eyes and mouth if the fx involves infraorbital foramen and nerve - Nose bleed Lefort FX (maxilla totally separated from the skull) - Malocclusion - Nose bleed - Fx involves the lateral wall of the nasal cavity - X-ray needed to dtetermine any other fx

An athlete comes into the athletic training room complaining of low back pain with active extension activities. Knowing just this information, what type(s) of pathologies may this athlete be suffering from? 1. Yes 2. No - Spondylolysis - Disc herniaton - Facet joint dysfunction - Erector spinae strain

1 - Spondylolysis 2 - Disc herniaton 1 - Facet joint dysfunction 1 - Erector spinae strain

Match the following location of the body where you would test the sensation of the following peripheral nerves. 1. Lateral deltoid 2. Palmer surface of the 5th finger 3. Lateral side of forearm near elbow 4. Dorsal side of hand in the webspace 5. Palmer side of index finger

1 = Axillary 2 = Ulnar 3 = Musculocutaneous 4 = Radial nerve 5 = Median

Indicate which nerve root may be injured for the examples below. 1.Athlete has an inability to flex their wrist 2.Athlete has an inability to abduct their shoulder 3.Athlete has an inability to flex their elbow 4.Athlete has an inability to laterally flex their head 5.Athlete has an inability to resist finger abduction

1 = C7 2 = C5 3 = C6 4 = C3 5 = T1

Define athletic pubalgia & List three (3) key features you would expect to find on your physical exam?

1) Diffuse groin pain w exertion 2) More lateral and proximal pain. 3) TTP on pubic tubercle.

A player is lying motionless on the ground with the elbows, wrists, and fingers in flexion. What is the term given to the posture of this athlete? a) Decorticate b) Aphasia c) Second Impact syndrome d) Decerebrate


A subdural hematoma is more likely to occur than an epidural hematoma in athletics. a) True b) False


After the head is struck, the brain continues to move in the fluid and may be contused against the opposite side, causing this type of injury: a) Contrecoup b) Direct c) Cerebral d) Whiplash


An athlete gets hit in the head with a ball. Upon evaluation, the athlete had lost consciousness for a period of time, and now seems very confused and irritable. She complains of a headache, floating specks in her vision, and nausea. When observing the her, you notice that she is restless and her pupils are unequal. You notice that bruising is developing behind the ears. What condition should you be most concerned about at this time based on these signs/symptoms? a) Skull Fracture b) Post-traumatic Headache c) Concussion d) Subdural Hematoma e) Both B & C


Most serious cervical injuries in football result from purposeful: a) Axial loading as a result of spearing b) Hyperextension resulting from pushing the face mask up c) Hyperflexion as a result of tackling the legs of the opponent d) Opponents grabbing face masks and twisting them


The term spinal motion restriction implies: a) Complete spinal immobilization is unlikely to occur, regardless of the device or technique applied b) A cervical collar is most effective in immobilizing the cervical spine c) Manual stabilization is superior in reducing spinal motion d) In a spine-injured patient complete restriction of motion is imperative to achieve


Two commonly used tests in the cognitive category are serial 7's and naming the months in reverse order. a) True b) False


Upon evaluation of a head injury during the first quarter of a basketball game you determine that a player has experienced a concussion (you do not suspect anything else). How would you proceed with your evaluation? Choose all that apply. 1. Monitor signs and symptoms throughout the contest; 2. Give home instructions for individual to take home for night care; 3. Return the athlete to play but wait until the fourth quarter; 4. Have the athlete get a CT scan immediately a) 1,2 b) 1,4 c) 1,2,4 d) all of the above


What fracture can be detected by holding on to the upper row of teeth and rocking them back and forth? a) Maxillary b) Zygomatic c) Nasal d) Mandible


Which condition is a progressive degenerative disease of the brain and also involves the accumulation of tau protein? a) Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy b) Mild Traumatic Brain Injury c) Second Impact Syndrome d) Postconcussion syndrome


Which of the following are indications for an x-ray according to the Canadian C-spine rules? a) Unable to actively rotate neck 45 degrees b) Sitting upright in the emergency department c) Absence of c-spine tenderness d) b&c e) All of the above


Which of the following should not be done when managing a bleeding nose? a) Tilt the head back to decrease bleeding b) Place a cold compress over the nose c) Apply finger pressure to the affected nostrils for 5 minutes


Your preceptor asks you to test the muscle strength of the deltoid and wrist extensors. What peripheral nerves would you be assessing?

Axillary and Radial

A senior college wrestler comes to you and reveals that 3 weeks ago he sustained a blow to the head. He thought the incident was "No big deal." He has a history of previous concussions. Today he reports that he has a persistent headache, inability to concentrate on school, and has become very moody with his peers. Select the pathology below that this athlete may be suffering from. a) Post-traumatic headache b) Post-concussion syndrome c) Subdural hematoma d) Epidural hematoma


According to the NATA position statement on the Management of Sport Concussion it is important to wake the patient during the night following a concussive event. a) True b) False


All of these tendons border the anatomical snuff box EXCEPT: a) Abductor Pollicis Longus b) Abductor Pollicis Brevis c) Extensor Pollicis Brevis d) Extensor Pollicis Longus


An athlete comes to you complaining of eye pain. She states that she got poked in the eye yesterday at practice. She denies any eye watering and upon observation you see a pooling of blood in front of her iris. What condition do you suspect? a) Conjunctivitis b) Hyphema c) Corneal Laceration d) Ocular Hematoma


An athlete who has a fractured maxilla would have all of the following signs/symptoms except: a) The appearance of a long face b) Lower lip numbness c) Malocclusion d) Nose bleed


Choose which is MOST important to consider when returning an individual to play following a head injury. a) Anterograde amnesia b) Whether or not they still have symptoms c) Retrograde amnesia d) How long he or she lost consciousness


Kienbock's Disease is: a) avascular necrosis of the scaphoid b) avascular necrosis of the lunate c) avascular necrosis of the hamate d) none of the above


Loss of consciousness is an indicator of a severe concussion. a) True b) False


The signs and symptoms of a subdural hematoma always occur more rapidly than an epidural hematoma. a) True b) False


What statistical measure provides a rate of true negatives among individuals who do NOT have the condition being tested (i.e. the number of true negatives compared to false positives)? a) sensitivity b) specificity c) positive predictive value d) negative predictive value


When an individual indicates that he no longer has symptoms during activities of daily living 1 week after a concussion, and his baseline assessment is within normative ranges, what is the next step in the RTP progression? a) Run outside during practice b) Exercise on the treadmill or bike c) Non-contact drills with team d) Unrestricted practice


When comparing the Cl and C2 vertebrae with the C3 and C4 vertebrae, what is the primary significance of C1 and C2? a) Allows flexion and extension to occur b) Allows for rotation to occur c) Are easily palpable in comparison with C3and C4 d)Have significant prominent spinous processes


When you assess dermatomes and myotomes you are testing: a) Cranial nerves b) Nerve roots c) Peripheral nerves d) All of the above


Which statistical measure is used to help you rule out a potential diagnosis? a) Specificity b) Sensitivity


Which unique cervical vertebra is known as the axis? a) C1 b) C2 c) C3 d) C7


You diagnose a patient with an avulsion fracture of the palmar side of the distal phalanx. Determine what injury has occurred if the patient has an inability to flex at the DIP. a) Mallet finger b) Jersey finger c) Boutonniere deformity d) Volkmann's contracture e) Dupuytren's contracture


An athlete presents to the athletic training room for a pre-season orthopedic screening. Upon evaluation you discover that he has had multiple hamstring strains and notice the athlete has a significantly large lumbar lordotic curve (Lower Cross Syndrome). What exercises might you recommend to him? Mark all that apply. a) Hamstring stretching b) Hip flexor stretching c) Abdominal stretching d) Low back stretching

B & D

All of the following are key features of a zygomatic fracture EXCEPT? a) Nosebleed b) Diplopia c) Numbness of lower lip d) Tenderness below eye orbit


An athlete comes into the ATR two weeks following an injury. Upon evaluation you discover the following signs: significant motor and mild sensory deficits. What grade of "burner" is this? a) Neurapraxia b) Neurotmesis c) Axonotmesis


Choose which tests below assess memory and concentration function. a) BESS, delayed recall, serial 7s, b) Delayed recall, serial 7s, Romberg test c) Delayed recall, serial 7s, months of year backwards d) BESS, Romberg test, consensual light reflex testing


Of the three meninges, the outermost, consisting of a dense, fibrous, inelastic sheath that encloses the brain and cord, is the: a) Arachnoid b) Cerebral cortex c) Dura mater d) Pia mater


Spondylolisthesis is characterized by: a) A defect in the body of the vertebra b) Pain during trunk flexion c) Anterior slipping of one vertebra on another d) All of the above


What is the name of the gelatinous interior within a vertebral disc? a) stenosis b) annulus fibrosus c) nucleus pulposus d) dorsal root ganglion


What is the name of the opening where the spinal nerves come out of? a) transverse foramen b) spinal canal c) intervertebral foramen d) pedicles


What should one suspect when examining an unconscious athlete who suffered a head injury? a) cervical strain b) cervical sprain c) cervical spine fracture d) cervical spine fracture


What special tests are MOST appropriate when assessing an athlete who you feel may have a herniated disc? a) Shoulder depression test and Valsalva b) Shoulder depression test, Valsalva, and Adson's test c) Spurling's test and Valsalva d) Spurling's test, Valsalva, and Allen's test


Which muscle is NOT part of the hypothenar eminence? a) Opponens Digiti Minimi b) Abductor Digiti Minimi c) Adductor Digiti Minimi d) Flexor Digiti Minimi


Which test is the most widely used on the field test for assessing concussion related signs and symptoms, cognition, balance, and coordination? a) ANAM b) ImPACT test c) SCAT5 d) Glasgow Coma Score


According to the NATA's 2020 consensus recommendations on prehospital care of athletes with c-spine injury, what method of transfer has the best outcomes for patients in a supine position? a) Kendrick Extrication Device (KED) b) Log-roll with a push c) Log-roll with a pull d) 8-person lift and slide


An athlete comes to you complaining of pain and visual disturbances of her right eye. She states that she got hit a couple of days ago. She complains of diplopia at the end ranges of her vision and you notice during eye tracking that her right eye does not move as far as her left, specifically when looking up. What condition should you suspect? a) Sty b) Detached retina c) Corneal abrasion d) Blow out fracture


Identify what cranial nerves are specifically being assessed if you have an athlete follow your finger as you complete the letter X and T in the air and assess pupil response? a) 3,4,7 b) 2,3,5 c) 2,3,6 d) 3,4,6


Interpret the clinical findings to ascertain the diagnosis for a patient who complains of a dull, achy elbow/forearm pain, TTP elicited over the supinator muscle, and wrist drop. a) Median Nerve Entrapment at the Elbow b) C6 disc herniation c) Ulnar nerve palsy d) Radial nerve palsy e) Cyclists or Handle Bar Palsy


One innominate consists of a fusion of all of these bones EXCEPT: a) Ilium b) Ischium c) Pubis d) Sacrum


Smooth pursuits is part of the ____ assessment group. a) Standardized assessment of concussion b) Sport Concussion Assessment Tool 5 c) Immediate Post-Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing d) Vestibular ocular motor screening


What possible signs could an individual with thoracic outlet syndrome present with? a) Vascular problems b) Nerve problems c) Tight pectoralis minor d) All of the above


When speaking with a parent about the administration of OTC medications for head injuries, it is important to remember. a)Advil is recommended b)Aspirin is recommended c)Ibuprofen is recommended d)Medication is not advised


When you ask an athlete to shrug their shoulders what cranial nerve(s) are being assessed through their completion of this task? a) 8 b) 9 c) 10 d) 11


Which of the following describes the inability of an athlete to remember events after the injury has occurred? a) Retrograde amnesia b) Unconsciousness c) Tinnitus d) Anterograde amnesia


Which of the following eye injuries is painless and results in the athlete seeing floating specks, flashes of light and having blurred vision? a) Hyphema b) Conjunctivitis c) Corneal abrasion d) Detached retina


Which of the following is a reason why pediatric patients are more vulnerable to concussion compared to adults? a) the brain is still developing b) greater head-to-body ratio c) weaker neck musculature d) all of the above e) none of the above


Which of the following is caused by a bacterial infection of the external auditory canal? a) otitis media b) tympanic membrane rupture c) impacted cerumen d) otitis externa


Phalen's Test

Implication: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - reverse prayer Positive: Tingling, Paresthesia, abnormal sensation to median nerve distributuion

Finkelstein Test

Implication: De Quervain's Disease - Stress on Abductor Pollicus Longus & Extensor pollicus Brevis Positive: Pain along those tendons

Well SLR Test (Passive)

Implication: Disk Herniation Positive: Radiating symptoms in opposite leg

Milgram Test

Implication: Disk Herniation or Nerve Root irritation - increase intrathecal pressure Positive: Patient can't hold 30 seconds, Too much pain, Can't lift the legs

Lasegue's Test (SLR Test)

Implication: Disk Herniation or Tumor - reproduce radicular symtoms Positive Test: Symptoms increase down the leg 35°-70°: Sciatic nerve root tension 70°< : Lumbar spine or SI pathology

Quadrant Test

Implication: Facet Joint or Nerve root Irritation - maximally narrow the facet joint and intervertebral foramen Positive: Symptoms reproduced in lumbar spine or down the leg

Slump Test

Implication: Increaded tension in the neuromeningeal tract - Increase tension in cord as test progresses Positive: Any symptoms that come on throughout the steps of the test

Watson's Test

Implication: Instability of Scaphoid Bone -Push the scaphoid into dorsal direction Positive: Subluxation of the Scaphoid bone (Should feel clunk when letting go)

Femoral Nerve Stretch Test

Implication: L2, L3, L4 nerve root lesion -hold position for 45-60 sec to reproduce symptoms in the anterior thigh or low back Positive: Unilateral neurological pain in the naterior thigh, lu,bar area

Tennis Elbow Test

Implication: Lateral Epicondylitis - contraction of extensor digitorum Positive: Pain

Cozen's Test

Implication: Lateral Epicondylitis Positive: Pain

Mill's Elbow Test

Implication: Lateral Epicondylitis Positive: Pain and Tenderness

Hoover test

Implication: Malingering Athlete Positive: Does not lift leg, or sense no pressure from the opposite leg pressing down

Golfer's Elbow Test

Implication: Medial Epicondylitis Positive: Pain and Tenderness

Murphy's sign or Drop Knuckle Test

Implication: Metacarpal Fx Positive: Look for level of knuckle

Spurling's Test

Implication: Nerve Root Irritation - Compress intervertebral foramen Positive: Pain or reproduction of symptoms radiating down the patient's arm

Brachial Plexus Traction Test

Implication: Nerve Root Irritation - Recreate stretch mechanism of brachial plexus Positive: Reproduction of pain and/or paresthesia symptoms throughout the arm

Kernig-Brudzinski Test

Implication: Nerve root entrapment by Disk Herniation or narrowing of intervertebral foramen Positive: Pain during active leg raise

Valsava Test

Implication: Nerve root irritation - Increase intrathecal pressure Positive: Increased Spinal or radicular pain

Varus Stress Test

Implication: RCL Sprain Positive: Pain and/or laxity

Bilateral SLR Test

Implication: SI Joint Pathology or Lumbar Pathology Pain < 70°: SI Joint pathology Pain > 70°: Lumbar Joint Pathology Positive: Pain

Bowstring Test

Implication: Sciatic Nerve Irritation Positive: Symptoms return due to pressue

Spring Test

Implication: Segmental Instabilities Positive: Pain, Hypo-, or Hypermobile vertebrae

Stork Test

Implication: Shear forces on the pars interarticularis by the iliopsoas pulling anteriorly on the vertebrae - Put stress across the posterior element of the lumbar spine Positive: Pain in the lumbar area or SI area of the standing leg

TFCC Load Test

Implication: TFCC Sprain -Axial load of ulnar side of wrist joint Positive: Pain, clicking, or crepitus on ulnar side

Supination Lift Test

Implication: TFCC Sprain Positive: Pain, Clicking, or Crepitus

Allen's Test (Look Away)

Implication: Thoracic Outlet Syndrome - Entrapment of the subclavian artery due to tight pec minor Positive: The radial pulse disappears or reproduction of neurologic symptoms

Adson's Test (Look toward)

Implication: Thoracic Outlet Syndrome - Entrapment of the subclavian artery due to tight scalene muscles Positive: The radial pulse dissappears or diminishes

Valgus Stress Test - Milking Manuever - Moving Valgus Stress Test

Implication: UCL Sprain Positive: Pain and/or laxity (between 120 deg and 70 deg during Moving Valgus)

Valgus Stress Test (Thumb)

Implication: UCL Spriain of the Thumb Positive: Pain and Laxity or Laxity of 30° or more

Froment's Sign (Pinch Test)

Implication: Ulnar Nerve Paralysis (Paralyis of Adductor Pollicis) or UCL Sprain of the Thumb Positive: Can't hold paper

The name of the brachial plexus cord which is derived from the upper trunk is the _______ cord.


What suspected pathology does the tongue depressor test diagnose?

LeFort Fx

______ is an avulsion fracture of the extensor tendon of the distal phalanx resulting in an inability to ______ the DIP.

Mallet Finger & Extend

In the video, the clinician states the he is going to watch the patients eyes during the test. Why is the clinician watching the patients eyes?

The clinician is watching the patients eyes to determine if any nystagmus occurs, if the eyes can follow or track normally or smoothly, and if one eye lags behind.

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