Soc 101: Chapter 4 Quiz

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Which of the following is an example of a total institution?

a prison

According to the symbolic interactionist George Herbert Mead, playing organized games is important for an older child's development of the self because

game playing involves learning to anticipate and coordinate with other players' actions.

What does the concept of the looking-glass self help explain?

how we develop a self-concept based on our perceptions of others' judgments of us

Why does the family have such a powerful impact as an agent of socialization?

Family begins the socialization process before there are any other competing influences.

What do the several cases of children who grew up in extreme social isolation, such as the case of Genie in 1970, suggest?

Most of our mental capacities, and perhaps even the ability to think, are learned through social interaction.

What did Harvard Medical School researchers conclude about the effects of the media on young people in Fiji who, until the 1990s, lacked widespread access to television?

Television affected young women's body image.

Which of the following statements about grief is true according to the sociological explanation of emotions?

The experience of grief is universal, but expressions of grief vary.

What do sociologists call it when people's jobs require them to manage their feelings as part of their official duties?

emotion work

Resocialization is particularly necessary when people are cut off from society and their former identities are stripped away. Which of the following is an example of a life change that would lead to this more dramatic form of resocialization?

entry into a total institution

It is counterintuitive to tell your opponents that you have a good hand when you play high-stakes poker. However, particularly good poker players say they can read other players' "tells." These are subtle and unintentional facial expressions, mannerisms, and body language that reveal what players are thinking. What would Erving Goffman call tells?

expressions given off

Pablo comes from a low-income family, but he worked hard in school and earned a full scholarship to Stanford University. Pablo is worried that his peers and professors will recognize his background and treat him differently, so he wears new clothes and attempts to hide his accent on the first day of classes. When Pablo goes home for the weekend, he leaves his new clothes behind in his dorm and does not mask his accent. Which sociological concept best explains Pablo's behavior and interactions with others?

impression management

What are some examples of things students learn from a school's hidden curriculum?

punctuality, neatness, and discipline

Sociologists define the self as

the experience of an individual's personal identity that is distinct from other people.

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