SOC 301 exam 4

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The classic question in communication research

" Who says what , to whom , why , how , and with what effect ?

Discovering Patterns

-Frequencies - how frequent something is like child abuse -Magnitudes - how severe the abuse is -Structures - how many types of abuse we can think of -Processes - the process that people use to abuse, abuse changing overtime possibly -Causes - what can y find that may cause it -Consequences- what consequences do we observe in the child abuse examination

Some sources of existing statistics in the U.S

-Statistical Abstract of the US - Department of Commerce -US Population Census - American Community Survey

Content Analysis

-The study of recorded human communications ( i.e. , books , websites , paintings , songs , laws , bulletin board, on the internet ) . -Some topics are more appropriate than others .

Ethical issues that can occur in qualitative research

-issues with privacy and confidentiality -make sure to avoid bias in analysis

Fundamental Assumptions

1 . Conversation is a socially constructed activity 2 . Conversations must be understood contextually 3 . Conversational analysis aims to understand the structure and meaning of conversation through excruciatingly accurate transcripts of conversation

Four stages of Constant Comparative Method :

1. Comparing incident application to each category 2. Integrating categories and their properties 3. Delimiting the theory 4. Writing theory

Four stages of Constant Comparative Method :

1. Comparing the incident application to each category 2. Integrating categories and their properties 3. Delimiting the theory 4. Writing theory

Constant Comparative Method

A component of the Grounded Theory Method in which observations are compared with one another and with the evolving inductive theory .

Conversation Analysis

A meticulous analysis of the details of conversation , based on a complete transcript that includes pauses and other no - verbal expressions . Not only are the exact words recorded , but all the " uhs " , " ers " , bad grammar , and pauses also noted .

Case - oriented analysis

An analysis that aims to understand a particular case or several cases by looking closely at the details of each .

Cross - case analysis

An analysis that involves an examination of more than one case ; this can be either a variable - oriented or case - oriented analysis .

Grounded Theory Method ( GTM )

An inductive approach to research in which theories are generated solely from an examination of data rather than being derived deductively . In addition to the fundamental , inductive tenant of building theory , GTM employs the constant comparative method

Sampling Techniques

Any conventional sampling technique may be used for content analysis (chapter 7 ) . Probabilistic Sampling Non - Probabilistic Sampling

Validity in Qualitative Research

Are you measuring when you say you are measuring? Some qualifier researchers prefer to use the term "credibility" (non-positivistic meaning)

Some qualitative data computer programs:

Atlas-ti Etho, Ethnograph Nvivo Qualrus

Types of Unobtrusive Research

Content Analysis Analysis of Existing Statistics Comparative and Historical Analysis

Which of the following are types of unobtrusive research methods ?

Content analysis , analysis of existing statistics , comparative and historical research

Strengths of Content Analysis

Economy of time and money Allowing for the correction of errors Permits the study of processes occurring over time Research has little ( if any ) effect on subjects Reliability

Which of the following are usually qualitative

Field research comparative historical research

Latent Coding of Materials ( Subjective )

Latent coding calls for the researcher to view the entire unit of analysis ( a paragraph in this case ) and make a subjective assessment regarding whether and to what degree it is " erotic . "

Weaknesses of Content Analysis

Limited to recorded communications Validity

Manifest Coding of Materials ( Objective )

Manifest coding involves the counting of specific elements , such as the word love , to determine whether and to what degree the passage should be judged " erotic . "

Unobtrusive Research

Methods of studying social behavior without affecting it . -Example : Durkheim's analysis of suicide . -Unobtrusive measures can be quantitative or qualitative .

Which of the following occurs when you obtain a copy of someone else's data and undertake your own statistical analysis ?

Secondary analysis

Coding units

The concept is the organizing principle for qualitative coding . Creating " categories " Coding as a physical act .

Manifest Content

The concrete terms contained in a communication . Objective .

Comparative and Historical Research

The examination of societies ( or other social units ) over time and in comparison with one another Analysis of historical documents . Examples : Karl Marx - Study of economic system progressing historically from primitive to feudal to capitalism . A history of class struggles between the " haves " and the " have - nots " . His book " The Capital "

Concept Mapping

The graphic display of concepts and their interrelations useful in the formulation of theory -Applicable to both Qualitative and Quantitate Research

Qualitative analysis

The non - numerical examination and interpretation of observations , for the purpose of discovering underlying meanings and patterns of relationship .


The process whereby raw data are transformed into standardized form suitable for machine processing and analysis .


The study of signs and the meanings associated with them , " the science of signs . " ( language , music , images , dress code , fashion , highway signs , etc. ) -There is no meaning inherent in any sign , however . Meaning resides in minds -Signs are any things or expressions that are assigned special meanings

The Unit of analysis and the unit of observation .

They could be the same . But sometimes they could be different .

the individual units that we make descriptive and explanatory statements about .

Units of analysis

Which type of research does not require the researcher to intrude on what s / he is studying ?

Unobtrusive research

Using existing statistics

Using the data analysis that others have already done Uses: 1. Supplemental source of data 2. To provide a historical or conceptual context within to locate your original research 3. To develop your own research question Example: emilie durkheim's study of suicide

is an analysis that describes and / or explains a particular variable

Variable - oriented analysis

reliability in qualitative research

Whether a measurement or observation technique would yield the same data if it were possible to measure or observe the same thing several times. Some qualitative researchers prefer to use the term "dependability"


Writing memos that become part of the data for analysis in qualitative research . Memos may describe and define concepts , deal with methodologies , or offer initial theoretical formulations . -Conceptual Notes, Operational Notes, Methodological Notes, Theoretical Notes

Creating codes - three techniques : 2. Axial coding

a reanalysis of the results of open coding in the GTM , aimed at identifying the important , more general or new concepts .

Communications - oral , written , or other -

are coded or classified according to some conceptual framework . This includes the logic of conceptualization and operationalization

Which of the following may be examined in content analysis ?

books magazines websites

The key process in the analysis of qualitative social research is :


The key process in the analysis of qualitative social research

coding Classifying or categorizing individual pieces of data , coupled with some kind of retrieval system


corroboration of " facts " in different sources .

Sources of comparative and historical data :

extensive such as public records personal dairies preaching materials paintings , other artifacts and documents , etc.

Which of the following are different ways a researcher may look for patterns in a particular research topic ?

frequencies , magnitudes , and structures

Creating codes - three techniques : 3. Selective coding

in GTM , this analysis builds on the results of open coding and axial coding to identify the central concept that organizes the other concepts that have been identified in a body of textual materials . >>>> From " categories to " new concepts " in the process of coding

Constant comparative method

is a component of the GTM in which observations are compared with one another and with the evolving inductive theory .

Grounded Theory Method

is an inductive approach to research in which theories are generated solely from an examination of data rather than being derived deductively .

In _____ coding codes are suggested by the research's examination

open coding

Negative Case Testing

qualitative hypothesis testing Example : Ground Theory Research .

Methods for examining social research data without converting them to numerical format are referred to as

qualitative research

Existing statistics should always be considered a _____ source of data .


Creating codes - three techniques : Open Coding

the initial classification and labeling of concepts in qualitative data analysis The codes are suggested by the researcher's examination and questioning the data Grouping of events , happenings , objects and actions / interactions based on conceptual similarities or related in meaning under more abstract concepts termed " categories " >>>> From concepts to " categories " in the process of coding .

latent content

the underlying meaning of communication. Subjective

When we base research on an analysis of data that already exist , we face problems of :

validity .

In the content analysis of _____ sampling may occur at any or all of several levels .

written prose sampling

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