Soc: Chapter 11 (Economy and Work)

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capitalist and socialist

All nations' economies have both ______ and _______ aspects. For example, the capitalist United States has some socialist economic features, including business subsidies, market regulations, and public aid programs


The various ways workers find to express discontent and cope with their working environments are called a. workplace expression. b. workspace modification. c. resistance strategies. d. collective strategizing.

Karl Marx

argued that when people lose control over their production and the conditions of production, they become alienated and view work as a means to survive rather than a rewarding activity

resistant strategies

ways that workers express discontent with their working conditions and try to reclaim control of the conditions of their labor

race-to-the-bottom concept

a socio-economic phrase which is used to describe government deregulation of the business environment or taxes in order to attract or retain economic activity in their jurisdictions


a system of government that eliminates private property and is the most extreme form of socialism because all citizens work for the government and there are no class distinctions - Some critics argue that this system discourages specialized professions


a workplace where workers are subject to below-standard wages, long hours, and poor working conditions


an association of workers who bargain collectively for increased wages and benefits and better working conditions


an economic system based on the collective ownership of the means of production, collective distribution of goods and services, and government regulation of the economy

Transnational corporations

another part of the global economy that transcend national borders so that their products can be manufactured, distributed, marketed, and sold from bases all over the world.


"contracting out" or transferring to another country the labor that a company might otherwise have employed its own staff to perform


- an economic system based on the laws of free market competition, privatization of the means of production, and production for a profit, with an emphasis on supply and demand as a means to set price

The 4 ways Marx believed that workers were alienated

- from the product of their labor - from their own productive activity - from their fellow workers: forced into competition - from human nature

agricultural revolution

- included social and economic changes, population increases, and increased efficiency of food production - Population increases followed from the domestication of plants and animals and the gradually increasing efficiency of food production. Better farming and ranching techniques allowed larger groups to thrive and remain in one location for longer periods of time

independent/third sector

- increasingly relied on in capitalist society - made up of nonprofit organizations that take care of necessary but unprofitable social needs - ex. meals on wheels


An ________ deals not only with money but also with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services within a society. - This is a major link between individuals (micro) and society (macro).


Annie volunteers at a local "fair trade" store, which is a nonprofit organization that supports human rights. What part of the economy does Annie support? a. local sector b. independent or third sector c. second sector d. small-profit-margin sector e. nonconglomerate sector


Before the Industrial Revolution, economic production took place in the household—but the birth of the factory led to the ______ and raised new, work-related issues (ex. traffic jams)


Collective resistance can include membership in a _____.


Consider the three major theoretical perspectives routinely explored throughout the text. Which theoretical perspective might note that many service workers are tenuously connected to the workforce and thus, hesitate to assert their rights; this tenuous connection, then, warrants them less powerful? a. structural functionalism b. labeling theory c. symbolic interactionism d. conflict theory

resistant strategies

Individuals and groups cope with their working conditions in a variety of ways called __________ .


Lawrence works as an urban planner for several cities in Florida. According to the text, Lawrence is considered a/an a. information disseminator. b. knowledge worker. c. service worker. d. geographic specialist.

knowledge work

Other workers in the postindustrial economy are involved in __________, which involves working with information.

Earliest American economy

Pre-sixteenth-century Native American societies were either mobile hunting and gathering societies or horticultural societies


T/F: It is possible to express individual agency within bureaucracies and subvert bureaucratic rules and imperatives


T/F: Most new jobs that are created are in the information sector


T/F: The modern economy is characterized by more diverse and specialized jobs, and more temps and freelancers


The rapid transformation of social life resulting from the technological and economic developments that began with the assembly line, steam power, and urbanization was called the a. Agricultural Revolution. b. Industrial Revolution. c. Information Revolution. d. American Revolution.


The ways that workers express discontent with their working conditions and try to reclaim control of the conditions of their labor are called a. bureaucratic constraints. b. unions. c. disembodied efforts. d. resistance strategies

example of knowledge work

Think about the job of a computer video game programmer. This is a very specialized field, and difficult work, but programmers probably never touch a hammer. Instead, they look at a monitor and type things into the keyboard. When they finish their product, the physical environment hasn't changed. Nothing has moved; there is no physical product to show for all the labor

outsourcing and sweatshops

Two things companies use when searching for the cheapest way to produce goods


Which era began in the 1970s with the development of the microchip, including microprocessors used in computers and other electronic devices? a. Agricultural Revolution b. Industrial Revolution c. Information Revolution d. American Revolution


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of capitalism? a. It is based on the laws of free market competition. b. It is based on production for a profit. c. It is based on privatization of the means of production. d. It is based on government regulation of the economy.


While preparing for a garage sale, Jules notices that most of her grandmother's clothes were made in the United States while most of her own were made overseas. This exemplifies a. workplace variation. b. globalization. c. local commodity chains. d. in-sourcing.


______ encourages efficiency: - new technology - expansion of markets - cost cutting Also, pursuit of profit drives this system.

horticultural societies

based on the domestication of animals, farming, and generating a surplus of resources

examples of individual resistance

can include using work time to surf the Web, sabotaging an assembly line, and personalizing a workspace with photos


collective ownership and distribution, government regulated


decline in industrial activity in a region or economy.


free market competition, production for profit


no private property, no class distinctions

service work

occurs in a postindustrial economy, which involves workers' direct contact with clients, customers, patients, or students

industrial revolution

rapidly transformed social life through technological and economic developments including the assembly line, steam power, and urbanization. With this shift to a manufacturing economy, vast numbers of people migrated into cities in search of work.


refers to the cultural and economic changes resulting from dramatically increased international trade and exchange in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries

information revolution

refers to the recent social revolution made possible by the development of the microchip in the 1970s, which brought about vast improvements in the ability to manage information

global inequality

signalling the systematic inequalities that exist between countries, allowing for the simultaneous existence of inequalities within countries

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