Social psychology Final questions

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The ______ method is a research approach in which participants describe their experiences and behavior of a given day through systematic recollection on the following day.

day reconstruction

When a study uses the __________ method of data collection, participants complete a questionnaire about their thoughts, feelings, and behavior at the end of each day.


Marlon has found that when he gets sad, his girlfriend becomes particularly nurturing and tries to take care of him. While he does not particularly want to feel these emotions, the response it draws from his girlfriend demonstrates the ________ function of emotions.


The effects that one's emotions have on other people refer to the _________ functions of emotions.


What do researchers say in order to make sure that their priming technique affected the participants?

manipulation check

Which of the following sayings is the best summary of the concept to heterogamy in the process of finding a partner?

opposites attract

Paulette recently irritated some of the girls in a sorority at her college, so they have decided to exclude her from their group. The group of girls ignores Paulette-- shuns her-- and communicates that she is not welcome at their events. The group of sorority sisters is using ________ to communicate their displeasure with Paulette.


Traits and social roles attributed to an actor is known as

social reputation

A belief that characterizes people based merely on group membership is __________.


What kind of research is traditionally considered to be the gold standard

the laboratory experiment

Under which of the following circumstances would be a cost-benefit analysis be most likely to result in offering assistance?

when the cost are low and the reward is high

Someone from ______ is less likely to experience the negative psychological consequences of emotional suppression, such as depression or lower life satisfaction.

Hong Kong

Which social psychologist produced a theory of social comparison suggesting that in many cases people join with others to evaluate the accuracy of their own beliefs and attitudes

Leon Festinger

THe effects refers to the idea that people like people places or things only because they are familiar with them and have regular contact with them.


Reachers rarely need to obtain informed consent when they are conducting what type of study?

Naturalistic observation

Which of the following if the most accurate statement about affective forecasting?

People tend to be accurate with predicting whether event will result in positive or negative feelings but in accurate regarding the strength or duration of these emotions

Earl recently got so caught up in his work that he forgot to bring his wild tresa flowers on their anniversary. She was initially hurt by this but she quickly thought of all of the kind things he had done for her in recent weeks. Earls recent _______ helped to offset a negative interaction with his wife

Positive relationship deposits

Rafael has joined the Spanish Club at his school. According to the social identity theory, what is Rafael likely to do when he meets individuals from the German Club or French Club and defines them as outgroup members?

Rafael will exaggerate the similarities amongst outgroup members.

Jared is asked by his mother why he is always looking for a new girlfriend. Which of the following answers would be most consistent with self expansion model?

Meeting new people opens me up to new experiences

According to research by Rhodes Simmons and Peters attractiveness in men is positive related to ________.

The number of short term but not long term partners he has.

Calvin is interested in measuring his school's willingness to do volunteer work around the community. He sends out a self-report survey that asks students to directly fill out their _________ attitudes on the topic.


In order to get a coworker to start contributing to a group project, you express feelings of annoyance, anger, and dislike. You hope that by expressing such emotions, your coworker will change their behavior. Using your emotions to impact the behavior of your worker is an example of:

independent self

Urie is always aware of what people around him are doing and how they are acting, and he tries to adjust his behaviors to his surroundings. His general model of self is to suppress his own preferences and desires and to adjust to others. Urie is operating from a(n) __________ sense of self.


Clara is extremely hungry after having a 3 hour meeting. She wants food as quickly as possible but is unsure of where to eat. Because of her motivation to eat, she makes a quick decision to eat at the coffee shop a few buildings away. Her motivation to make a quick decision is an example of what concept?

need for closure

Conformity that results from a concern about what others think of us is called ____________ influence


Emotions serve a cultural function. One such function is

to guide how people ought to feel in various situations

WHich of the following statements demonstrate the process of downward social comparison?

"yes I got 82 on the exam but the average class score was a 71 so I am doing better than most"

Estimates suggest that if the wars of the 20th century had killed the same proportion of the total population as ancient tribal wars did, then the deaths toll from those conflicts would have exceeded ________ people

2 billion

Dyanna is starting to develop more a purposeful and goal directed approach to set the stages for her motivated self to grow. What age range is Dyanna likely in?

5 to 7 years old

Which of the following is not considered to be a newer more modern version of the traditional definition of family.

A two parent family

A person who grows up in American culture has likely developed a redemptive narrative, Which of the examples best represents this concept?

Allison sees herself as a girl who had to endure great hardship growing up with divorced parents but has overcome this and is now happily married.

When Bradon is placed in his crib he watches his father leaves the room

Attachment behavior

According to social psychologist Roy Baumeister and Mark Leary human beings have a fundamental psychology need to ________


When it comes to research findings an interpersonal relationship including romantic connections which phrase is the most accurate?

Birds of a feather flock together

Before they got married, Mitzi and Jason decided to move in together and live in an apartment to test their relationship. Both felt that this would give them insights as to weather a future marriage would be a good idea. What is the name for this sort of living situation?


The Baltimore Bashers a semi professional football team has been very successful this season. When interviewed the hand coach says that their success comes from having a tight knit team of players who like and support each other and who believe


A person willing to stay in a relationship no matter what to " stick it out " even in hard times" is related to which component of love according to Robert Sternberg?


Lily is counting the number of people who line up early to board an airplane. For half the trails lily has a flight attendant warn that they will begin boarding soon. For the other half no warning is giving,What type of experiment is lily conducting?

Field experiment

What type of research design shows that two variables are related to one another, but not that one causes the other?

Correlational research design

Sometimes a researcher study is meant to be deceptive but it actually contains hints and clues about its true nature.These hints are known as

Demand characteristics

Which of the following concepts was most at play in the murder of Kitty Genoese and the failure of others to assist her?

Diffusion of responsibility

The stearotype content moduel suggest that when we interact with homeless people we feel what type of emotionsl prejudice?


Cultural ___________rules are norms regarding the management and modification of emotional expressions based on cultural standards


Which theorist proposed that one of the moral important developmental challenges for adolescents is developing a sense of identity?

Erick Erickson

Of the various domains of attractiveness _______ attractiveness had received the most attention in research studies.


Which common saying is the foundation of the concept of reciprocity?

If you scratch my back I will scratch yours

Aversive racism is an example of ___________ bias.


The Implicit Association Task used in research which records participants reaction times to categorizing objects is measuring what type of attitude.

Implicit attitude

Conformity and obedience are two widely researched forms of social _______that have received attention in the field of social psychology.


Caring, closeness, and emotional support are all parts of the ________ component of love.


Wendy and her best friend Mayola have known each other for over 25 years. They know each other's private lives share secrets and have a strong emotional bond. From a psychological perspective one would say that these women have a high level of ______ in their relationship.


Which of the following concepts was most at play in the murder of Kitty Genovese and the failure of others to assist her?

Intimacy passion and commitment

The ____________ functions of emotions refers to the roles that emotions play within each of us individually. They can include physical changes in the bodies or psychological changes in our minds.


In which of the following situation is pluralistic ignorance being demonstrated?

Several people walk by a man who is laying motionless on the sidewalk but no one helps. Some assume he is homeless and asleep. None recognize that he is in a diabetic coma

In which of the following situations is pluralistic ignorance being demonstrated?

Several people walk by a man who is lying motionless on the sidewalk but nobody helps. Some assume he is homeless and asleep. None recognize that he is in a diabetic coma.

The development of ___________has provided a new level of advantage for gathering information from research participants at specific times often randomly selected through out the given day


"On a scale of one to ten, where one means Disagree strongly and ten means agree strongly


Ruben is in a biology class and the professor


When their children were young, James held a job outside and Rachel was a "stay at home mom." They both accepted and valued their own and each other's roles. Now that the kids are adolescents, Rachel is returning to her job as a corporate attorney. Family ________ theory predicts that this will be successful in the family if changing rules and expectations are clear for everyone.


What does it mean when psychologist say that "I" is perceiving the "me"?

The self as a knower is able to reflect on the self as a known object or target

Why is it that people tend to seek out close and meaningful relationships over the course of our lifetime?

To satisfy a need for intimacy

Juanita wants to be closer to her boyfriend of 3 weeks, but she often feels that if she lets him get too close she will get hurt. So she spends time with him but pushes him away when it feels like he's trying to get to know her better. Her relationship is an example of ________ attachment, which may exist among about 20% of adults.


According to research which are the most stressful events in a person life?

When they experience a loss of a relationship

The durability bias occurs when a person overestimates how long their feelings might last. This bias is a type of:

affective forecasting

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