Social Studies Study Guide Chapters 19,20, and 21

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Why did Italians, Russians and Jews flee their homelands?

They fled there homelands because there was a lot of violence and discrimination. Also they wanted to find new jobs in America.

What role did railroads play in the industrialization of America?

The railroads stretched across America, so businesses used railroads to transport their goods all across America.

Why was this period called the gilded age?

There was extravagant wealth and poverty was hidden underneath it.

Were the business leaders of the time Captains of Industry or Robber Barons?

These men were most obviously Captains of Industry because of their massive wealth and estates. They paved the path to what we know as business today. They amassed wealth and owned large corporations. They were amazing figures and should still be studied today.

how did Vanderbilt, Carnegie, Rockefeller and Morgan influence business practices?

They created many corporations and started many factories

What were working conditions like for the average American laborer?

low wages long hours safetyhealth conditions were awful (locked in sometimes; which was a fire hazard)

Haymarket Riot

100,000 workers rioted in Chicago. After the police fired into the crowd, the workers met and rallied in Haymarket Square to protest police brutality. A bomb exploded, killing or injuring many of the police. The Chicago workers and the man who set the bomb were immigrants, so the incident promoted anti-immigrant feelings.


A group of corporations run by a single board of directors

Describe a homestead and the way of life in the west.

A homestead was made of sod and small and in the west. The way of life there was brutal there were many natural disasters, the land was dry, and hot.

AFL - Eugene Debbs

A union run by Eugene Debbs that changed the way unions are run to this day.

What was life like for the Native Americans of the Great Plains?

Before the English came to the Great Plains they had a great life, and could do all of the things their ancestors believed in. Their life continued to be great even once they signed the treaty, but it only lasted for 3 years. After the treaty their life was horrible, and they constantly got attacked by the U.S. Army. Natives V. English for rest of the time. They were forced to move constantly, and had no chance fighting against the army.

how did the Battle of Little Bighorn affect the Native Americans?

Colonel George A. Custer and his men were wiped out. This made America step up their military action and caused Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull to eventually surrender.

Transcontinental railroad

Completed in 1869 at Promontory, Utah, it linked the eastern railroad system with California's railroad system, revolutionizing transportation in the west

in what ways were immigrants victims of discrimination and hostility?

Employers would cheat immigrants out of money, and make them work longer hours. Americans wouldn't trust some nationalities such as Irishmen and Italians.

how did the wounded knee massacre affect thre Native Americans?

Forced them to give up/ surrender

What were the long term effects of the period of industrialization?

It made America a non self sufficient country, it made factories and many goods we use today

describe the lifestyle of a cowboy

It was dangerous because they had to watch out for hostile native americans, and make sure the cattle were always by his side.

how did the completion of the transcontinental railroad affect the Native Americans?

It was terrible for the Native Americans because it went through their land, and people thought it was fun to shoot the buffalo on the train.

How did labor unions work?

Labor unions were organizations of workers who joined together to put pressure on their employers to improve working conditions and many other things

what was the Chinese Exclusion Act? Why was it passed?

Law that denied US citizenship to people born in China and prohibited Chinese immigration of laborers; Americans were afraid of job security

describe life in tenements

Life in tenements was hard and cramped. The room was scarce in the tenements.

What events closed the American Frontier?

One event is when the railroads started to stretch west, another is in 1890, the census bureau declared the country no longer had a continuous frontier line - the frontier no longer existed.

What were the push/pull factors of immigration?

PUSH:Land scarce in home country Political and/or religious persecution ,Revolutions Poverty Famine PULL:Promise of freedom (religious and political) Hope for a new life Industry Jobs Land "Streets paved with gold"

how did business practices change during the gilded age?

People moved from mostly working on farms to mostly working in factories. Also, big business became a thing, with the industry leaders taking charge. Monopolies, Trusts, Bad Working Conditions, etc.

What inventions made settlement of the great plains possible?

Steel plows: were able to obtain fertile soil Railroads: Brought people out to the plains, brought cattle back east and west. Water Pumping Windmills: Pumped water from the ground for watering crops. Barbed Wire: Kept cattle on land it should be on, and off of land it shouldn't be on, and protected against locusts.

how did the Dawes Act affect the Native Americans?

The Dawes Act tried to strip them of their culture, and convert them to a white life style, to try to get them to be farmers, and to stop trying to fight against the government. This made the children think of the whites as evil because the whites took them away from their parents, and tried to change their culture.

How did the homestead act of 1862 encourage settlement of the great plains?

The Homestead Act of 1862 offered 160 acres of free land to any citizen who was willing to tend to it for a minimum of five years. This promoted the thought of moving to the West because you were promised land.

How did the Sand Creek massacre affect Native Americans?

The Sand Creek Massacre killed more than 150 people and caused the tribes to start attacking the Americans.

What attempts did the U.S. government make to keep peace with the Native Americans?

The gov't made treaties (that they broke) and also gave them designated land (which they later took back).

What is their legacy?

The legacy of these wealthy men is still extremely visible today. Carnegie Hall and Rockefeller Center are still outstanding landmarks today.

What jobs did women and men have on the great plains?

Women: Women were the family doctors, cooks, women sewed and did laundry. Some even became sheriffs, gamblers, and outlaws. Men: Men worked with cattle, they farmed, and they went and bought supplies.

Why did labor workers join labor unions?

Workers joined the unions so that they could try to get better working conditions, and higher pay. They didn't have much power as an individual, but when they teamed up they were in a better position to bargain.


a business owned by stockholders who share in its profits but are not personally responsible for its debts


a share of ownership of a corporation


an economic system based on private ownership of capital

Free enterprise

an economy that relies chiefly on market forces to allocate goods and resources and to determine prices

Bessemer Process

an industrial process for making steel


an organized massacre of helpless people; specifically : such a massacre of Jews

Why were the great plains considered uninhabitable?

becasue it was inhabitated by native americans and it was also unfertile. this is important because it cause people to steer clear of the great plains for a while.


control of a product or service by one company


factories where employees are subjected to bad working conditions and get paid little money.

What other limits were put on immigration during this time period?

if you were wealthy enough you got to go to America no matter what. there was also the Emergency quota act.

how did the Ghost Dance affect the Native Americans?

it gave the native americans hope, Wovoka preached a vision of which whites would be removed and they could freely hunt buffalo.

what contributions did immigrants make to the nation?

sharing their techniques in religion, tradition, entertainment, foods, architecture, and holidays.


someone who makes charitable donations intended to increase human well-being


that part of the earnings of a corporation that is distributed to its shareholders

What new inventions encouraged industrialization?

the telephone and the steam engine

what factors encouraged cowboys to set out for the great plains?

they earned a lot of money and afterwards could live a fun life, and could do whatever they want

What happened to immigrants at Ellis island?

they were screened to insure that entry was denied to persons with a loathsome or dangerous contagious disease. Mental health was checked, eyes were checked, and if every condition for entry was met, they were allowed to enter

how did the discovery of gold in the Black Hills affect the Native Americans?

thousands of miners ignored the Fort Laramie treaty and that the land was sacred and mined the land looking for gold.

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