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What are the three stages of the looking-glass self?

1) We imagine how our actions might appear to others 2) We interpret how other people judge these actions 3) We make some sort of self-judgement based on the presumed judgements of others

What are the three categories of feral children

1) children raised in isolation 2) children raised in confinement 3) children raised by animals

What are the eight stages of human development according to Erik Erikson?

1) trust vs. mistrust 2) autonomy vs. shame and doubt 3) initiative vs. guilt 4) industry vs. inferiority 5) identity vs. role confusion 6) intimacy vs. isolation 7) generativity vs. stagnation 8) integrity vs. despair

looking-glass self

Charles Horton Cooley's phrase to describe the three-stage process though which each of us develops as sense of ourselves


Goffman's theory in The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life, which says that individuals manage others' impressions of themselves much like an actor on a stage in front of an audience. The goal of a presentation of self is to be accepted by the audience and viewed as the actor intends

What are the three levels of socialization?

Primary, Secondary, and Adult

total institution

an institution that controls almost all aspects of its members' lives, and all aspects of the individual's life is controlled by those in authority in the institution

George Herbert Mead

argued that the self becomes the sum total of our beliefs and feelings about ourselves


at the core of your personality, representing your conscious experience of having a separate and unique identity

Charles Horton Cooley

believed that the self developed through the process of social interaction with others

primary socialization

from birth to beginning of school; includes all the ways the newborn is molded into a social being capable of interacting in and meeting the expectations of society

Erving Goffman

interested in total institutions and wrote Asylums: Essays on the Social Situation of Mental Patients and other Inmate.

secondary socialization

later in childhood and adolescence when children go to school and come under the influence of non-family members

adult socialization

occurs as we assume adult roles such as wife, husband, parent, or employee


patterns of behavior and ways of thinking and feeling that are distinctive for each individual


people involved in our socialization such as parents, siblings, friends, relatives, teachers, bosses, and peers


represent the organizations involved in our socialization such as the family, religion, schools, places of employment, and the media

Erik Erikson

stressed that development is a lifelong process, and that a person continues to pass through new stages even during adulthood

What is the self composed of, according to George Herbert Mead?

the "I", which wishes to have free expression, to be active and spontaneous, and the "me", which is made up of those things learned through socialization


the process by which people learn characteristics of their group's norms, values, attitudes, and behaviors


the proportion of our personality, self, and biological traits which stem from genetic factors


the sum total of your perceptions and beliefs about yourself

generalized others

the viewpoints, attitudes, and expectations of a society as a whole, or of a community of people whom we are aware of and who are important to use

Tabula Rasa

theoretical claim that humans are born with no mental or intellectual capacities and all that they learn is written upon them by those who provide their primary and secondary socialization

significant others

those other people whose evaluations of the individual are important and regularly considered during interactions

social construction of reality

what people define as real because of their background assumptions and life experiences with others

feral children

wild or untamed children who grow up without typical socialization influences

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