Sociology Chapter 4

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The sales revenue from the top ten manufacturing industries in the US in 2012 totaled $4.83 trillion, which was more than Germany's entire gross domestic product of $3.36 trillion.


Thomas L. Friedman characterized the roughly 75-year period between the start of the First World War and the fall of the Berlin Wall as _____.

the first era of globalization

Other than in wartime, countries did not require passports _____.

before 1914

Land socialism _____ the development of a modern credit system.


The root of the English word for "credit" is credo, the Latin word for _____.

"I believe"

In the US, an entrepreneur setting up a new business faces a one-time regulatory cost that amounts to _____ of the US per capita income.


Peruvian economist Hernando de Soto estimates that between _____ of citizens in developing countries work outside the protection of the law.

50 and 75 percent

Peruvian economist Hernando de Soto estimates that in developing countries that roughly _____ of homes and land are not registered in the names of their present owners.


It is _____ to found a new company in the US _____ it is in continental Europe.

far less burdensome; than

A 2012 survey finds that 55% of Americans think that _____ has the strongest economy in the world.


_____ theorists are consistently and highly critical of the process of globalization.


_____ theorists tend to look for, and find, ways that globalization helps societies to exist across time.


Between the mid 1800s and the late 1920s, the world experienced and era of globalization with _____ as the dominant global power.

Great Britain

In Russia today, land is generally considered government property and is only leased or lent to the farmers.


Which of the following statements is/are accurate regarding the BRICs?

In the current era of globalization, the emerging economies are sometimes referred to as BRICs.

_____ won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997 for his/her contribution to helping to build an international coalition to bring about a treaty banning landmines.

Jody Williams

_____ created the concept of creative destruction in his classic work Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy.

Joseph A. Schumpeter

Property and political institutions of British America were heavily influenced by the ideas of _____, while the property and political institutions of the Spanish colonies of South America were heavily influenced by the ideas of _____.

John Locke; Thomas Hobbes

Another name for Cerro Rico is _____.

Money Mountain

The opening of the _____ in 1914 cut the cost of shipping goods from the East to the West coast of the US by one third.

Panama Canal

According to the 2013 Index of Economic Freedom, _____ ranks as the 136 freest economy out of the 177 countries of the world that were ranked in that year, and the category of countries into which it falls is "mostly unfree".

Peoples Republic of China

According to the 2013 Index of Economic Freedom, _____ ranks as the 139 freest economy out of the 177 countries of the world that were ranked in that year, and the category of countries into which it falls is "mostly unfree".


In Transparency International's 2012 Corruption Perceptions Index, 3 countries are tied for last place as the most corrupt countries on the planet. Which country is among them?


The opening of the _____ in 1869 reduced the length of the journey from London to Bombay by more than 40% and that from London to Shanghai by 32%.

Suez Canal

_____ theorists tend to look at the meanings that people develop use, and implement with regard to the globalization experience.

Symbolic interactionist

In Transparency International's 2012 Corruption Perceptions Index, the most economically free countries are the least corrupt.


Where in the US situated in Transparency International's 2012 Corruption Perceptions Index?

The US is among the least corrupt countries in the world.

In the US, the reduced demand for labor in manufacturing is directly related to dramatic increases in labor productivity.


Many of the principles or elements of global culture are contested and generate conflict.


More than 400 million Chinese were lifted above the international poverty line between 1981 and 2001.


Which of the following is/are accurate statements about Russia, according to the 2013 Index of Economic Freedom?

all of the above (Russia's legal framework hasn't been fully modernized, the rule of law is not maintained uniformly across the country, protection of property rights is weak, contracts are not always secure)

The institutional underpinnings of British globalization as identified by Niall Ferguson include _____.

all of the above (Scottish and English banking, Protestantism, the limited state, the idea of liberty)

The stages of globalization include _____.

all of the above (The Age of Discovery, Mid 1800s to the Late 1920s, 1989 to the present)

What was the importance of Potosi?

all of the above (a death hole for those compelled to work there Potosi was where Spain struck it rich, the mines of Potosi filled the coffers of the Spanish treasury for over 200 years, the mines of Potosi and other places where conquistadors found plentiful silver appeared to have broken the centuries-old constraint of silver in Europe)

According to the 2013 Index of Economic Freedom, in the Peoples Republic of China, _____.

all of the above (all land is state owned, intellectual property rights aren't protected effectively, the Communist Party's ultimate authority throughout the economic system undermines the rule of law and respects for contracts, cronyism is widespread and pervasive)

Globalization refers to the free flow of _____ around the world.

all of the above (commodities, manufactures, transportation, capital, labor)

According to the 2013 Index of Economic Freedom, in Russia _____.

all of the above (corruption is an epidemic throughout the economy, corruption shows no sign of abating, corruption is a major impediment for investors and business)

Between the mid 1800s and late 1920s, globalization was characterized by British _____.

all of the above (culture, power, culture, technology)

According to Niall Ferguson, hostility to those who engage in finance has which of the following causes?

all of the above (debtors tend to outnumber creditors, debtors tend not to feel very well disposed to their creditors, financial crises and scandals have occurred with sufficient frequency to make finance appear to be a cause of both poverty and instability, for centuries those who engage in financial services in countries all over the world have tended to derive disproportionately from religious or ethnic minority groups)

World or global culture was given a boost after the end of the Second World War when the UN and other bodies established agendas of concern for world society that included a focus on _____.

all of the above (economic development, individual rights, human rights, egalitarian justice)

For over a century, social scientists have conceptualized the world as a unitary social system, increasingly bound together by overlapping social circles of _____.

all of the above (economic exchange, competition, cooperation)

Why do so many people in the US worry that manufacturing is collapsing, or has collapsed, in the US?

all of the above (fewer Americans work in factories, manufacturing employment in the US fell by 22% from 2001 through 2011, the availability heuristic feeds the perception of a decline in American manufacturing)

In the 2013 World's Most Admired Companies ranking, of the top 50 companies in this ranking _____.

all of the above (fully 42 are US companies, none are from China, the only country other than the US with more than one company that made the top 50 in this ranking is Germany with 2)

Sociologist Andrés Villarreal and Wei-hsin Yu find that globalization has what effects on Mexican women?

all of the above (globalization creates new and to some extent better job opportunities for females, the foreign-owned export oriented firms pay higher wages than do other firms, the foreign-owned export-oriented firms discriminate against women less in terms of wages)

Which of the following statements is/are true regarding the US and manufacturing?

all of the above (in 2009 the US manufactured more goods than the Japanese, Germans, and the Italians combined, the amount of manufacturing output hits a new high almost every year, the combined sales revenue of the top 500 US-based manufacturing firms in 1012 was $6.01 trillion which represents a 17.2% increase over 2011 sales)

Globalization refers to the free flow of _____ around the world.

all of the above (knowledge, culture, institutions)

Today's system of globalization has its defining power structure, which Thomas L. Friedman conceives as consisting of which of the following "balances"?

all of the above (nation states, global markets, super-empowered individuals- organizations)

According to Max Weber, an ethnic group is a group that entertains a subjective belief in its common decent because of similarities of _____.

all of the above (physical type, customs, memories of colonization and migration)

According to the 2013 Index of Economic Freedom, countries with more trade freedom have _____.

all of the above (stronger economies, less hunger, better treatment of the environment)

The institutional underpinnings of British globalization as identified by Niall Ferguson include _____.

all of the above (the English language, English forms of land tenure- private property, representative the Common Law, representative assemblies)

Unemployment rates are _____ in many European countries.

are lower and have been lower in the US than

The _____ heuristic refers to the tendency for people to judge the likelihood of things in terms of their availability in memory.


The earliest known coins _____.

both A and B (date back as long ago as 600 BC, were founded by archaeologists in the Temple of Artemis in what is now modern-day Turkey)

In the sartorial revolution that swept the world during the second era of globalization, _____.

both C and D (the crucial new garments for men were the frock coat, the stiff-collard white shirt, the felt hat, and the leather boot; the crucial new garments for women were the corset, the petticoat, and the ankle-length dress)

During the second ear of globalization _____.

both of the above (cultural change flowed across borders as never before, in a short period of time, a mode of dressing that was distinctly Western swept the rest of the world)

The viewpoint that the manufacturing sector of the economy of the US is in permanent decline or disappearing _____.

both of the above (gained popularity in the 1980s, even made its way into popular culture in the US)

Globalization has its own demographic patterns, which include which of the following? A rapid acceleration _____.

both of the above (of the movement of people across national borders, of the movement of people from rural areas and agricultural lifestyles to urban areas with urban lifestyles)

The concept of resource curse refers to _____.

both of the above (the difficulties faced by resource-rich countries including dependence on one or a few commodities whose prices fluctuate, the difficulties faced by resource-rich countries that depend on one or a few commodities because frequently they neglect to invest in and to develop other industries which then wither)

In countries without a functioning property system, _____.

both of the above (the great majority of citizens are cut off from engaging in modern economic activity and become entrapped in poverty, capitalism becomes capitalism for the elite only- it is only the elite who has legal property rights)

The encomienda _____.

both of the above (was a legal system whereby the Spanish Crown owned the land but granted a person the labor of a specified number of Indians to a man and his heirs; only slowly did they evolve into the hereditary haciendas)

US companies tend to _____ any ranking of the world's best performing technology companies.


A measure of competitiveness is provided by the "Fortune Global 500", an annual rankin of the top 500 corporations worldwide, as measured by revenue. Where is the US situated in this ranking? The US _____ this ranking.


_____ refers to the departure of individuals or groups from their home country to take up residence in another country.


The empirical data support the position that US manufacturing is _____.

expanding and prospering

Ocean freight costs _____ from 1870 to 1910.

fell by more than a third

In Russia, by the beginning of the 21 century, _____ of some ten million farmers had anything resembling title to their land.

fewer than 3%

The youth unemployment rate in Europe tends to be _____ the overall unemployment rate.

higher than

Youth unemployment rates tend to be _____ the overall unemployment rate.

higher than

_____ refers to the entrance into a country of individuals or groups who have left their native country to establish a new place of permanent residence.


A(n) _____ share of people employed in Europe do not have full-time jobs.


Most of the European migrants to the British America over the entire colonial period were _____.

indentured servants

The Spanish "pieces of eight" (also known as the Spanish dollar) became the world's first truly global currency.


Russia's ranking on the index of economic freedom _____.

is below the world and regional averages

The percent of income earned by the poorest 10 percent of the population _____.

is much higher in countries with higher economic freedom

Peruvian economist Hernando de Soto, in his book The Mysteries of Capitalism, documents that in many third world countries, poor people ______.

lack clear title to their physical assets, they lack property rights to the physical assets.

The laying of the first undersea telegraph cable between France and England in 1851 changed by a factor of _____ the speed of travel of information.

nearly 100

In Transparency International's 2012 Corruption Perceptions Index, where are Peoples Republic of China and Russia situated?

situated deeply in the corrupt part of the measurement scale

Over the past 20 years, the US has enjoyed an average annual rate of growth rate of 2.5% and this rate of economic growth is _____.

substantially lower than the rate of economic growth that the German economy has experienced

According to the 2013 Index of Economic Freedom, _____ ranks the 10 freest economy in the world and the category into which it falls is "mostly free".

the United States

It was with the rise of _____ that the archaeological record first presents us with artifacts which we could term money.

the city as a form of human habitation

In the Spanish colonies of South America, land was allocated by the Spanish Crown via _____.

the encomienda system

The root of the English word conquistador is conquirere, which is Latin for _____.

to search for and subdue

A 2012 survey finds that 82% of Americans think that "We don't manufacture anything here in America anymore".


Almost every country with a population of at least one million that has emerged from the colonial era without succumbing to dictatorship is a former British colony.


As discussed in our textbook, in 1890, 14.8% of the population of the US was foreign born, a record that has yet to be surpassed.


Average compensation per employee in US manufacturing in 2011 was $35.53 per hour, which is a 41% increase since 2001.


By 800 AD there was a chronic shortage of silver in Western Europe.


Cerro Rico had the effect on Spain for strengthening autocratic elites at the expense of representative forms of governance.


Creative destruction refers to the view that the essence of capitalism is the perennial cycle of destroying the old and less efficient product or service and replacing it with new more efficient ones.


Five hundred years ago, the most sophisticated society in South America, the Inca Empire, was moneyless.


If instances of something readily come to mind, we tend to perceive that thing as being far more prevalent than it actually is.


In 1999, French labor laws were changed, requiring every employer to implement a four-hour reduction in the legal workweek, from 39-35 hours, with no cut in pay; the date the law went into effect varied according to the number of employees a business had.


In 2012, if the top 500 US manufacturing firms were a separate country, they would have been the third largest economy in the world, behind #1 (the US) and #2 (China) but ahead of #4, Japan's entire GDP of $5.98 trillion.


The second largest manufacturing industry in the US is computers and other electronic products. In 2012, the annual sales of that single US industry was $814 billion, which was more than the entire gross domestic product of Saudi Arabia.


The single largest manufacturing industry in the US is petroleum and coal products. The annual sales of that single US industry in 2012 was $1.6 trillion, which was larger than the gross domestic product of Australia.


Throughout the history of the Western civilization there has been recurrent hostility to finance and to those who engage in it.


With regard to globalization, the various sociological paradigms take differing stances toward it.


The central relationship that borrowing and lending embodies is _____.


In hunting and gathering societies, there _____ money.

was no

According to the work of political sociologists like Seymour Martin Lipset and other social scientists, countries that were former British colonies _____ to have achieved enduring democratization after independence _____ those ruled by other countries.

were far more likely; than

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