Sociology Exam 3

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accomplishment of natural growth

when it comes to language use at home, children raised with ____ childrearing approach are exposed to directives and tend not to question or challenge adults.

symbolic interactionism

which sociological theoretical paradigm takes a micro-level perspective on explaining human behavior


which sociological theoretical paradigm understands society as a structure with interrelated parts deisgned to meet the needs of individuals in that society

conflict theory

which theoretical paradigm in sociology analyzes society as a competition for limitd resources, patterned by class, race, gender, etc.

symbolic interactionism

which theoretical paradigm in sociology focuses in on individuals analyzinf people as pragmatic actors who adjust their behavior to the actions of other actors

conflict theory

with the focus on capital as a limited resource, the manifesto of the communist party, would be classified within which theoretical tradition

conflict theory

within the thre theoretical paradigms of sociology how would you classify the followinf theory " Social institutions--government,media,religion--help maintain an unequal society, perpetuating class inequality in late-modern capitalism

the accomplishment of natural growth

A childrearing approach that emphasizing caring for a child and allowing that child to grow and develop on their own would be characterized as ....

C. Wright Mills' Sociological Imagination

A vivid awareness of the relationship between personal experience and the wider society

a group that is socially defined but on the basis of physical criteria, including skin color and facial feature

According to Beverly Tatum, in her book, what statement best defines "race" sociologically

Public issues

According to C. Wright Mills, author of The Sociological Imagination, social factors that transcend concerns of one individual are ___ ____

middle class

According to Lareau, ____ parents and children engaging with formal institutions, such as schools, are able to negotiate individually insignificant but cumulatively important advantages

working-class or poor

According to Lareau, children who tend to spend a large portion of their free time in unstructured interactions ("hanging out") with friends or family are likely from a ____ family.

Burgeoisie and proletariat

According to Marx and Engels, modern society is characterized by a stuggle between which two groups:

they own the means of production

According to Marx and Engels, which of the following chracteristics describes the bourqeoisie

a stance of tactical neautrality

According to McAdam, the federal government's response to the insurgency to the civil right movement can be best described as ______.


According to tatum, racial tracking in Glynn county schools or racial bias is lending practices by Bank of America would be an example of:

Shared culture

According to the openstax textbook and Tatum, ethnicity is based on

a way to explain different aspect of social interactions and to create a testable proposition (hypothesis) about society

According to the openstax textbook, a "Theory" is defined as

social class

Annette Lareau asserts that _____ inequality is the most important inequality that shapes the educational success and life chances of children


Annette Lareau asserts that children from working class and poor families develop a sense of...

Concerted Cultivation

Annette Lareau asserts that middle class parents practice what kind of parenting style?


Based on how Lareau discusses the characteristics of the schools attended by the children in the book answer the following question. A school that has a low level of parent involvement in the PTA and limited dialogue between parents and teachers is attended by children of what social class?


Based on the openstax textbook, a social movement that aimed to overturn exisiting laws that make abortion illegal would be classified as a __ social movement

Wealth, income, race, education, and power

Social stratification involves categorizing people into ranking based on ___

people of color cannot be racist because they do not systematically benefit from racism

Tatum claims that people of color cannot be racist. What characterizes how she justifies this claim

The working class

The "Proletariat" are best described as:

Structural functionalism

How would you classify a sociological theory of inequality that asserts the following "Stratificiation is necessary because it represents the uneuqual value of different work. It is essential that a society ensures that qualified people are placed into functionally essential positions


Hypothetically, a sociologist travels to the nation of Mali in northern Africa to study rites of passage for young women entering adulthood. This sociologist finds that almost all young women are pressure to undergo a form of genital cutting involving removal of the clitoris, inner, and outer labia. The sociologist is outraged and begins encouraging young women to resist this cultural practice. This would be characterizes as what _____

A personal trouble

If all stuents in an intro to sociology class pass the final exam, except one student who has not studied, C. Wright Mills, author of The Sociological Imagination, would classifythe circumstance of this young person as:

learn how to get high, how to recognize the effects and connect them with use, and learn to enjoy being high

In his article "becoming a marijuana user" howard becker argues that those who continue to use marihuana must:

social experiences with other drug users

In his article "beoming a marihuna user" howard becker argues that marihuana use is a product of ones

sociology is the study of groups and group interactions, societies and social interactions

In the openstax textbook, what is the definition of sociology provided?

kids have lots of leisure time and child-directed play

In unequal childhoods, Annette Lareau describes the organization of daily life for working-class kids. Daily life for these working-class kids is best described as:

Conflict theory

Insofar as McAdam's "political process model" identifies the Macro-level social conditions that allow for different groups to enact social changes that serve their interests, this research is best categorized in which theoretical paradigm

race does not have a significant impact on the daily schedules of children; social class has a much more powerful impact

Lareau discusses the impact of race on the lives of children. Which of the following statements best summarizes her findings?

class system

The US stratification system is best characterized as a ___

a system of advantage based on race

What charactrizes Tatums defintion of racism

Sociologists must look at both individual and social factors

What does Mills mean by "No social study that does not come back to the problems of biography, of history and of their intersections within a society has completed its inellectual journey." Mills means that:

wealth aquistion, as a result of ones vocational calling, is seen as a sign of God's blessing

Which of the following statements most closely reflects max webers characterization of Puritan/Protestant beliefs on wealth acquisition

symbolic interactionism

Within the 3 theoretical paradigms, how would you classify the following theory: " As people experience socialization in face-to-face encounters at home and in other settings, they learn to perform roles, such as student, child, employee, customer. As an individual learns the script associated with a role, they may rehearse lined to better perform each social role


_____ level analysis focuses on small groups and/or individuals


_____ level of analysis focuses on trends among and between large groups and societies

high culture

a form of culture that is associated with intellectualism, political power, and prestige is ___


a social norm that dictates that students will not plagarize, use another person's writing without giving credit, on paper. If a student plagarizes, there are institutional sanctions up to expulsion. This would be characterized as a breach of one of the ___ of higher education

supportive political context

according to McAdam, the increased significance of the black vote and pressure on national politicians to appear responsive to that constituency is a characteristic of ____ that is necessary for the success of a social movement

charismatic leadership

according to McAdams' "political process model", which of the following is NOT one of the four conditions necessary for the development of a social movement?

assesses the culture by its own standards rather than viewing it through the lens of ones own culture

according to the openstax textbook if a sociologist practices cultural relativism in their ethnography of a religious commune. This means that sociologists_____


based on the openstax textbook, a social movement that aimed to decriminalize recreational marijuana use and possession of small amounts of the substance would be classified as a ___ social movement


based on the openstax textbook, a social movement that aimed to overturn existing capitalist economy and government and replace it with a communist system would be classified as a ___ social movement


based on the openstax textbook, chuch parishioners who come togerher on sundays for religious services would be classified as a ___ crowd

symbolic interactionism

howard becker claims that we take on social roles that we encounter through socialization with other people. Theoretically, learning the social roles of those around us through face- to- face encounters fits best withing which theoretical paradigm

military, economy, and government

in "The power elit" C. Wright Mills finds that the "Power Elite" are heads of what institutions

class (economic inequality/classism)

in hunter and mcclellands discussion of karl marxs theory, what is the central inequality in his theory of social life

class inequality

in the manifesto of the communist party, marx and engels argue that the central inequalirt in modernity is:

religion and economy

in the protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism, max weber analyzes the following social institutions


in unequal childhoods, Annette Lareau argues that childrearing strategies in the home are differentially rewarded by teachers and administrators at school. She finds that ___ parenting strategies facilitate educational success:

swan school has plenty of resources, parents are highly involved in their children's school work and activities

in unequal childhoods, Annette Lareau describes the two schools attended by the kids in her book. Which of the following statements best characterizes school resources and parental involvement at swan school, attended by the middle-class kids.

concerted cultivation

in unequal childhoods, Annette Lareau discusses the expectations of teachers. According to Lareau, teachers prefer which learning style?


in unequal childhoods, Annette Lareau finds that ____ families often have egalitarian households, characterized by little to no hierarchy between parent and child.

high number of words exchanged in the home; laguage is used to develop critical thinking

in unequal childhoods, annette lareau argues that language use among families practicing "concerted cultivation" can be best characterized by:


in unequal childhoods, annette lareau finds that ___ families feel that they have the "right and responsibility" to intervene on behald of their children and scanned the horizon for opportunities to activate their cultural on behalf of their children


in unequal childhoods, annette lareau finds that ___ families often "fear doing the wrong thing" and are "deferential rather than demanding toward school personnel"


in unequal childhoods, lareau finds that middle-class parents are more likely to intervene on their children's behalf with teachers and administrators (comparedto working-class and poor families)

conflict theory

insofar as mills insights on the power elite focus on the consolidation of power among small subset of the population, dividing the population into haves and have nots, this reseach can be classified as an example of what theoretical tradition

enact a revolution to overthrow capitalism and implement a communist society

marx and engels call for "working men of all countries unite!" they are calling for people to:

profit is legalized and it is seen as a sign of gods blessing

max weber describes the "protestant ethic" this attitude is best summarizeds as:

the modern ecnomic order, an economy bound to the technical and economic conditions of mechanized. machine-based production

max weber discusses a "steel hard casing" (commonly translated as an iron cage) this steel hard casing is ____

public issue

mills applies the sociological imagination to examine the causes of divorce. If 250 out of 1000 marriages end in divorce, Mills suggests that there must be a structural issue having to do with marriage and/or the family. This suggests that divorce should be analyzed as a :


of the three theoretical paradigms in sociology, which focuses on the homeostatic nture of social systems or how society maintains a state of equilibrium

intergenerational mobility

someone who is born to working class parents in glynn county, goes to Coastal and gets a bachelors degree, and ends up having an upper-middle-class. standard of living has experienced ___ relative to the social class positition of their parents

an employer hiring "the most qualified appplicants" resulting in 100 % white work force

tatum discusses passive racism. What is an example of passive racism


the high cost of higher education leaves a large majority of four-year college graudates with student debt ( an average of 39,400 per student) protestors across the country are calling for student loan forgiveness, federal regulation of the loan industry, and increased federal and state support for public colleges. This call for changing these specific aspects of the existing social structure would be best classified as a ___ social movement

organizational strength

the overwhelming majority of civil rights events took place in southern states and border states. According to McAdam, this geographic concentration is a characteristic of ___ that is necessary for the success of a social movement

ethnography/observational research

the primary research method used by Annette Lareau involves observing families in their household. This research method is best characterized as ______:

functionalism,conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism

what are the 3 theoretical paradigms in sociology

a preconceived judgement or opinion, usually based on limited information

what characterizes Tatums defintion of prejudice

concerted cultivation

when it comes to interventions in institutions, parents raising their children with ____ childrearing approach train their child to intervene on their own behalf.

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