Sociology final

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137. A form of social stratification in which status is determined by one's family history and background and cannot be changed

"caste system"

150. Law of 3 stages by A. Comte

(1) the theological stage - fictitious (2) the metaphysical stage - abstract (3) the positive stage - scientific

147. Causes of migration

1)push factors 2)pull factors


198. Subfield of sociology that examines population size, composition, and distribution

7. Explanation for a phenomenon based on a conjecture about the relationship between the phenomenon and one or more causal factors

A hypothesis

1. The property of the sample to reflect the characteristics of the general population is called

A representative sample

36. According to Durkheim, the concept of anomie means

According to Durkheim, the concept of anomie means a state of normlessness or a breakdown of social norms and values in modern societies.

60. Recognition oneself, relating oneself to another subject, group, social image in the process of socialisation is called

Agents of Socialization

68. Suicides committed in the name of duty, E. Durkheim calls


102. Research that allows to get information about the motivations of behavior, attitudes of people, that is to get an answer to the question: «Why?» are called

Analytical research

44. Stance of the society when there are no generally accepted behavior standards, and the system of value and norms is destroyed

Anomie is the term used to describe the stance of society when there are no generally accepted behavior standards, and the system of values and norms is destroyed.

100. Which philosophical direction is represented by M.Weber


158. The founder of positivism in sociology is

Auguste Comte

159. Who introduced the term "sociology" directly into scientific circulation

Auguste Comte

164. Who gave law of three stages in sociology?

Auguste Comte

45. Author of the work Course of Positive Philosophy

Auguste Comte

49. Who implemented term sociology into the scientific circulation?

Auguste Comte

70. The founder of positivism in sociology is

Auguste Comte

99. The founder of understanding sociology is

Auguste Comte

156. Macrosociology

Branch of sociology that examines large-scale social structures and institutions, including patterns of social inequality, power relations, and social change

157. Microsociology

Branch of sociology that examines the patterns and dynamics of social interactions between individuals, small groups, and organizations

73. Type of stratification system in which the basis of differentiation is the religious and ethnic division of labor


39. Representative of the biological approach to the explanation of deviance

Cesare Lombroso is a representative of the biological approach to the explanation of deviance.

166. Who created the looking-glass self theory?

Charles Horton Cooley

77. Type of stratification system in which the basis of differentiation is the amount of income and property

Class System

51. Which of the following stratification systems is open?

Class system

18. A research method that refers to the systematic examination of documents of any sort

Content analysis

20. The group in an experiment that does not receive the independent variable

Control group

40. Deviant acts punishable by law are defined by the term

Deviant acts punishable by law are defined by the term "crime".

47. Deviant behavior is

Deviant behavior is defined as actions that violate social norms, which may include both informal social rules or more formal societal expectations and laws.

88. The source of information, the unit of information in the collection of sociological data by the method of content analysis is:


180. Spousal abuse is an example of a

Domestic Violence

65. Bankruptcy is an example

Downward social mobility

82. Which of the representatives of world sociology is the author of the work The Division of Labour in Society


165. The author of the book "Suicide"

Emile Durkheim

43. Author of work Suicide. Sociological study

Emile Durkheim is the author of the work "Suicide. A Sociological Study".

35. The concept of anomie was introduced into science by

Emile Durkheim.

84. The idea of the historical process as a transition from mechanical solidarity to organic solidarity, based on a deepening division of labor and social differentiation, belongs to

Emile Durkheim.

21. The group in an experiment that experiences the independent variable

Experimental (or treatment) group

196. Correlates(statistics) of crime

Explore the associations of specific non-criminal factors with specific crimes.

194. Formal social control is

External sanctions enforced by government to prevent the establishment of chaos or anomie in society. Some theorists, such as Émile Durkheim, refer to this form of control as regulation.

134. Remembering relatives' birthdays, playing Chutes and Ladders with the kids and etc are the examples of... (when generally achieve emotional or relational goals in family)

Family rituals

33. Decline in the birth rate, child homelessness, juvenile delinquency are manifestations of the dysfunction of the institution


34. In a pre-industrial society, most of the emerging social needs are satisfied by the institution


26. Who is the author of the concept of the human mind being an aggregation of three interconnected components: Id, Ego and Superego


98. In what concept is a person considered as a three-level education (id, ego, super-ego)?

Freud's psychoanalytic theory

31. 1. Which of the following scientists developed the theory of the evolutionary development of society?

Friedrich Engels.

163. The process of socialization begins at the age

From birth. Socialization is a lifelong process that begins at birth and continues throughout our lives, as we learn and adapt to the social norms and expectations of our culture.

161. The theory which addresses the question of social organization (structure) and how it is maintained (function).


190. Two main authors on sociological perspectives of labor

Furåker Bengt, Harry Braverman

160. A.Comte considered sociology as

He believed that sociology was a scientific discipline that could be used to understand and improve society. Comte's work focused on the study of social structures, cultural norms, and historical development, with the goal of identifying the laws of social evolution.

140. A mobility, which is fairly common, refers to the changing of jobs within a class: a therapist who shifts careers so that he can teach college

Horizontal mobility

64. A type of social mobility in which there is no increase or decrease in the social status of an individual

Horizontal mobility

182. A student has a habit of talking on their cell phone during class. One day, the professor stops the lecture and asks the student to respect others in the class by turning off the phone. In this situation, the professor used __________ to maintain social control.

Informal Negative sanctions

95. Preliminary study method to verify and adjust all elements of the main study:

Intelligence research

152. Which founder of sociology believed societies changed due to class struggle?

Karl Marx

184. Amount of physical, mental, and social effort used to produce goods and services in an economy


188. Migration by better educational and health opportunities causes

Many people move to other places, either within their own country or internationally, to access better educational and healthcare facilities.

155. The author of the book "The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism

Max Weber

67. Who introduced the concept of ideal type into sociology?

Max Weber

41. Author of the sociological work The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism

Max Weber is the author of the sociological work "The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism".

149. Movement of people from one geographic area to another for the purposes of resettling


193. Migration by overcrowding, lack of sanitation and resource crunch causes

Migration due to overcrowding, lack of sanitation, and resource crunch is a common phenomenon in many parts of the world. When people live in overcrowded and unsanitary conditions, it can lead to the spread of diseases and health problems. Additionally, when there is a lack of resources such as food, water, and shelter, people may be forced to migrate in search of these basic necessities.

6. Type of questions that give a respondent a fix number of choices

Multiple choice questions

97. The method of collecting primary sociological information by directly recording events and processes taking place under certain conditions and entering them in the diary is:


89. The question of a sociological questionnaire, to which the respondent must independently formulate the content of his answer, is called


19. The process of deciding exactly how to measure a given variable is called


195. Informal social control is

Our friends and intimates reward us for conformity and punish us for nonconformity.

17. A research method in which researchers participate in their subjects' daily life, observe daily life, or interview people in depth about their lives

Participant observation

71. Type of stratification system in which gender, age and physical data form the basis of differentiation


61. The author of the concept of social mobility

Pitirim Sorokin

11. A sample is chosen so that every member of the population has the same probability of being included

Probability sampling

27. A document containing a theoretical substantiation of methodological approaches and methodological techniques for studying a certain phenomenon or process is called:

Program of sociological research

148. Migration by social, political or religious oppression causes

Push factors

103. Research into objective, quantifiable characteristics of human behaviour is called


145. The regulation and enforcement of norms

Regulation of norms involves the establishment of formal and informal mechanisms for maintaining and enforcing these rules. Formal mechanisms include laws, regulations, and other legal frameworks that are put in place by governments and other authoritative bodies to regulate behavior. Informal mechanisms, on the other hand, include social norms, customs, and traditions that are enforced by peer pressure, social shaming, and other forms of social control.

85. A social process that involves a qualitative transformation of the entire system of social relations, up to the breaking of the established orders and the formation of new ones, is ...


144. Author of structural strain theory

Robert K. Merton

178.Author of structural strain theory

Robert K. Merton

101. Number of sample units

Sample size

169. On the ideas of which scientist the psychoanalytic school in sociology is based

Sigmund Freud

72. A type of stratification system based on direct violence and coercion. Social groups differ in the presence or absence of civil rights and property rights


138. A system of stratification practiced primarily in capitalist societies, ranks groups of people according to their wealth, property, power, and prestige. It is also referred to by sociologists as socioeconomic status

Social Class

136. Unequal distribution of wealth, power, and prestige results(Stratified societies - considerable inequality in all forms of social rewards (power,wealth, and prestige)

Social and economical inequality, limited social mobility, discrimination and prejudice(social inequality)

38. What is the social norm?

Social norms are the shared expectations and rules that guide behavior within a society or group.

154. The theory which focuses on how socialization reinforces unequal power arrangements

Social reproduction theory

37. What is the social sanction?

Social sanction refers to the ways in which society encourages or discourages certain behaviors and norms through a range of social and cultural mechanisms, including rewards, punishments, praise, and criticism.

50. What is the social structure?

Social structure is the organized set of social institutions and patterns of institutionalized relationships that together compose society. Social structure is both a product of social interaction and directly determines it.

153. Process of learning the roles, statuses, and values necessary for participation in social institutions


48. What is the object of the sociology?


86. Which definition of sociology is more exact?

Sociology - science on the emergence, development and functioning of social communities and social processes, about social relations as mechanisms of interconnection and interaction between these communities, between general and personality

185. Causes of migration

Some people move in search of work or economic opportunities, to join family, or to study. Others move to escape conflict, persecution, terrorism, or human rights violations. Still others move in response to the adverse effects of climate change, natural disasters, or other environmental factors.

170. Structural-functional theory

Structural-functional theory is a sociological theory that views society as a complex system composed of various interrelated parts, each with its own function or purpose. This theory emphasizes the importance of social structures, such as institutions, organizations, and social norms, in maintaining social stability and order.

87. The most common method of collecting sociological information is


171. Which theory addresses the subjective meanings of human acts and the processes through which people come to develop and communicate shared meanings

Symbolic interactionalism

74. The characteristic features of an industrial society do NOT include


90. A form of indirect telephone polling

Telephone interview

32. The method of collecting sociological data, in which text messages are the sources of information, is called

Textual analysis or Content analysis.

76. Type of stratification system in which the basis of differentiation is occupation and qualification

The Caste System

172. Which of the following best describes sociology as a subject?

The best description of sociology as a subject is that it is a social science that studies human society, social relationships, and the patterns of social behavior that emerge from these relationships.

30. The dysfunction of a social institution is manifested in the following

The dysfunction of a social institution is shown by the malfunctioning of its structures or processes, resulting in negative consequences for individuals or society, such as poverty, inequality, or violence.

168. Which of the following is typically the earliest agent of socialization?

The family

42. Stigmatization theory explains deviant behavior as

The stigmatization theory explains deviant behavior as a result of being labeled as deviant by society.

151. Which of the following best describes sociology as a subject?

The study of society and social interaction

46. Representatives of the psychological theory of deviance are

The three main psychological theories of deviance include Psychoanalytic, Cognitive Development, and Learning Theory.

189. Movement of people from one geographic area to another for the purposes of resettling

There are many reasons why people choose to migrate, including seeking better economic opportunities, fleeing persecution or conflict, reuniting with family members, or seeking better educational and healthcare opportunities.

139. Movement within the stratification system of a particular society, whether it's a small town, a state or nation, or the entire world

This movement can occur within a particular society, whether it's a small town, a state or nation, or the entire world.

69. E. Durkheim considered the main indicator of progress

Transition from mechanical solidarity to organic

63. Displacement of individuals in the social hierarchy system, accompanied by an increase in social status

Upward mobility

66. Promotion is an example of

Upward social mobility

197. The process of concentrating populations in cities


141. A movement up or down the social ladder, and thus is often called upward or downward mobility

Vertical mobility

62.Movements of individuals in the system of social hierarchy, accompanied by an increase or decrease in social status

Vertical mobility

91. The sociometric method is

a method for measuring social relationships within a group of people

104. Ethnic diaspora is

a population that is separate from its geographic place of origin

93. A sampling is defined as

a selection of respondents chosen for the experiment

107. Ethnos is

a social group that shares many similarities(cultural identity, language and history).

105. Ethnic assimilation is

a term in which immigrants abandon their original customs and practices and adopt the culture of other society they live in.

92. The expert survey is

a type of survey in which the respondents are experts in the field

115. An early form of religion, the belief in the existance of a supernatural connection, a relationship between a group of people and some kind of animal or plant


22. The best—and perhaps only—way to study highly stigmatized behaviors such as injecting illegal drug

anonymous quesionaries

118. A form of forced racial segregation


78. The historical type of stratification system, the main structural element of which is a closed social group, belonging to which is determined solely by the birth of a person, is:

caste system

113. A form of religious organization that is an autonomous, highly centralized institution that is hierarchical and widespread


96. Type of question offering the respondent the choice of one of the lists of responses provided:

closed question

167. Which theory addresses the points of stress and conflict in society and the ways in which they contribute to social change.

conflict theory

143. A behavior that violates official law and is punishable through formal sanctions


177. A behavior that violates official law and is punishable through formal sanctions


2. One of the type of sociological survey

cross-sectional survey

29. What social institution corresponds to the need to ensure the reproduction and development of society through the organized transfer of social experience in the form of knowledge, skills and abilities


106. Ethnic sociology studies

ethnic groups and their experiences, interactions, and relationships within societies. It explores how ethnicity, race, culture, and other social factors shape individuals and groups' identities, experiences, and opportunities.

16. A research method in which the researcher manipulates the independent variable to test theories of cause and effect

experiment (hypothesis)

109. Family type characterized by living together for several generations

extended family

110. What the family is NOT

family that isn't bounded by any of three common ties(legal, biological or emotional).

12. Group interview also can be called

focus group

193. Migration by overcrowding, lack of sanitation and resource crunch causes

forced migration

181. The three major sociological paradigms that offer explanations for the motivation behind deviance and crime

functionalism, symbolic interactionism, and conflict theory

75. Type of stratification system in which the basis of differentiation is ranks in the power hierarchy

hierarchical or class system.

191. Internal migration is

human migration within a country

24. A statement about relationships that we expect to find if our theory is correct


162. C. Wright Mills once said that sociologists need to develop a sociological __________ to study how society affects individuals


187. Demographic structure change is a consequence of

influence the underlying growth rate of the economy, structural productivity growth, living standards, savings rates, consumption, and investment

142. An angry comment is an example of ... sanction

informal sanction

175. An angry comment is an example of ... sanction

informal sanction

83. An example of a qualitative sociological (group) research is:

interviews, focus groups, participant observation, ethnography, historical analysis, and textual or content analysis.

80. A form of relationship between a man and a woman, sanctioned and regulated by society, which determines their rights and obligations in relation to each other


111. Type of family according to the criterion of leadership, in which a women dominates

matriarchal family

15. Type or research when we use both quantitative and qualitative methods


112. A form of marriage that is the union of one man and one woman


5. Type of questions that leave respondents with a space in which to write their answers

open-ended questions

146. Societies practice social control to maintain

order and stability within the community.

28. The main purpose of all social institutions is ...

organizing society and ts people

108. Type of family according to the criterion of leadership, in which a man dominates

patriarchal family

10. Trial run in which just a few people complete a questionnaire

pilot study or pilot test

117. A form of religion that is a system of many gods


8. All people who could potentially be studied as part of the research


176. Violation of norms that does not result in any long-term effects on the individual's self-image or interactions with others

primary deviation

173. Which research technique would most likely be used by a symbolic interactionist?

qualitative research

9. Methods attempt to gather detailed, rich data allowing for an in-depth understanding of individual action in the context of social life

qualitative research

14. Methods try to measure social phenomena and use mathematical models and, often, statistical analysis to explain them

quantitative research

3. If a sociologist joined the participants of the demonstration to conduct research, then he conducts


4. The actual population selected for the research


114. A form of religious organization, which is a closed group that has arisen within a religious movement recognised by society as an opposition movement


116. The process by which beliefs in supernatural and related rituals are questioned and the institution of religion loses its social influence


25. Recruitment technique in which research participants are asked to assist researchers in identifying other potential subjects

snowball sampling

179. The regulation and enforcement of norms

social control

183. Societies practice social control to maintain

social order

135. A process when members of a given society are categorized and divided into groups, which are then placed in a social hierarchy

social stratification

81. The transfer of social experience from parents to children is performed by such a function of the family as


13. Research method which can be quite inexpensive comparing with other methods


174. Which of these theories is most likely to look at the social world on a micro level?

symbolic interactionism

192. Seasonal migration is

the movement of people from one place or another on a seasonal basis

94. Friends relate to

the primary social group

52. Socialization is

the process of internalizing the norms and ideologies of society. Socialization encompasses both learning and teaching and is thus "the means by which social and cultural continuity are attained".

23. An interrelated set of assumptions that explains observed patterns


79. What are the two types of vertical social mobility?

upward mobility and downward mobility

186. Migration by social, political or religious oppression causes

war, conflict, government persecution or there being a significant risk of them

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