speech 1311 chapter 5, Speech 1311 Chapter 1, Speech 1311 Chapter 11, Speech Chapter 12, Speech Chapter 13

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Our ability to process information is at _____________ words per minute while the rate at which information is spoken is ______________ words per minute.

600-800; 125

According to your book, criticism can be a barrier to listening unless you

Are conscious of when the speakers distracting mannerism or appearance affect your listening.

the stage of listening when which we maintain a sustained focus on a particular sound or message is ________.


Margo wants to give a speech on the life of John ftzgerald Kennedy. She wants her main point to discuss Kennedy's childhood, his college years, and his adult years. What type of organizational pattern is Margo using?


Which of the following is a recommendation found in the text for eye contact?

Establish eye contact before you say anything.

As Karen sat in the classroom, she could barely hear the professor over the hum of the huge ceiling fans. Which barrier to listening does this describe?

External noise

Which aspect of nonverbal delivery is considered the most important in speaking situations in North America?

Eye contact

When you support a main point by beginning with the complex ideas and moving to the more simple ones, you are using the complexity principle.


Lara was really nervous before her speech, but she just kept concentrating on how important she believed her message to be. Her belief in her message finally helped her dispel her nervousness before the presentation. Which tip about developing confidence in the public speaking does this example reflect?

Focus on your message rather than your fear

Which of the following is NOT a recommended strategy for selecting and narrowing your topic?

Generate decreasingly specific categories

Which method of delivery has a speaker delivering his or her speech from a word-to-word written text?

Manuscript speaking

Noah is listening to Leah tell a story about what happened in class yesterday. The two are engaging in which actions?

Noah is decoding and Leah is encoding.

According to the textbook, in its broadest sense, communication is the process of which of the following?

acting on information

When a speaker adjusts what is being communicated as a response to the actions of listeners, that speaker is ________ the message.


Public speaking is also known as which of the following?

Presentational speaking

Keri really enjoys talking with people, learning about them, and sharing personal information. How would you describe Keri's listening style?

Relational Listener

Brian told Pete that he could not recall the date of the upcoming exam. Brian is not using the last part of the listening process, which is called _____.


The stage of listening in which we filter through the myriad of noises in our environment is ____________.


Yolanda was looking forward to giving her informative speech because she liked her topic--her hometown. However, when she gave the speech the audience seemed disinterested; she couldn't understand why she got such negative audience feedback. Given this information about the situation, what was yolanda's mistake?

She was speak-centered rather than audience-centered in her topic section.

Which of the following is TRUE of effective verbal delivery?

Simple words can communicate both accuracy and power.

Stepping away from your own thoughts and attempting to experience the thoughts of another is referred to as ________.

Social decentering.

rob was attending an orientation program at his new job. He had lots to do in his position and wanted the orientation to be brief and to the point so he could get back to work. how wotld you describe his lisemimg style?

Task oriented Listener

J.P. wants to develop a presentation about the five bases of interpersonal power(legitimate,reward,coercive,expert, and referent). His topic would be best suited for what type of organizational pattern?


Carl's audience doesn't agree with some of the things he will be presenting, so he decides to start his speech by talking about the things they agree with him on. This demonstrates the principle of primacy.


The principle of recency suggests that the audience will remember best what they hear last.


Silcily's teacher suggests that she used the word "spotted bluegill" rather than the "fish" in her speech. Which principle of effective verbal delivery is Silcily's teacher pointing out?

Use specific, concrete words

Instead of simply saying, "The dog slept on the chair," Emily said, "The lethargic dachshund snoozed contentedly on the overstuffed armchair." This best illustrates what principle of effective verbal delivery?

Use vivid words

Meg is about to finish her speech and she wants to signal to the audience that the presentation is concluding. Which of the following would she use?


The process of acting upon information is the definition of ________.


According to your book, the most central element in all aspects of preparing you speech is ________.

considering your audience

A speech style common to an ethnic group or a geographic region is known as (n) ___________.


According to your book, the delivery style that is appropriate to most circumstances is ___________ speaking.


Another word for decoding is ___________.


When you use Facebook to send a message to a friend, you are utilizing _____ communication.


Prior to class, Roger received a phone message alerting him to call home immediately. As a result of receiving this message, Roger is unable to focus on the class discussion. Which component of the communication process does this describe?


A _________ refers to a few seconds of silence the speaker uses during a speech to slow down a fast pace or to signal a key idea.


Even though Conner felt strongly about the position on the matter, he included all opposing views in his presentation because he knew his audience consisted of people who felt differently than he did. Conner is demonstration the idea of being _______.


In order to come up with an idea for her speech, Renata took out a sheet of paper and started writing down every possible idea she could think of. After three minutes, she had ten ideas. What process is Renata using?

silent brainstorming

When speakers give an opinion to support their speech topic, it is an example of ________ evidence.


Tonya shook her head in agreement and smiled when Steven suggests they go out for dinner. Tonya is using __________ to communicate her message.


Sara is giving a speech to her sociology class. Her central idea is "Why are consumers drawn to the violence in video games?" What is the problem with this central idea?

the central idea should be a complete declarative sentence.

hearing is ___________

the physiological process of decoding sounds.

If you want to inform an audience about the four types of sport utility vehicles on the market, which organizational pattern would work best?


A way for the speaker to signal to the audience that he/she is moving from one idea to another is by using a(n) _____.


After she finished her speech, Gails classmate told her that she didn't appear nervous at all-white Gail was sure the audience could see her hands shaking. This demonstrates the illusion of _______.


Carmen was planning her speech with the central idea, "Soft drinks aren't bad. " In the using this central idea , Carmen failed to ________.

use direct, specific language

Juanita has been a cross-country skier since she was a child and plans to use many of her own experiences in her speech

using herself

According to the textbook, human communication is the process of making sense out of the world and sharing that senses with others by creating meaning through the use of ________ messages.

verbal and nonverbal

Dallas has begun her main points with some that are very easy-to-understand and has then moved to concepts that are more difficult to understand. She has used which organization style?


At the end of the meeting, Kaylin asked Margo what her thoughts were on the topics that had been discussed. What method of delivery will Margo use in this situation?

Impromtu speaking

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