Stats Exam Semester 1

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categorical frequency distribution

30 students recorded the colors of their eyes, choosing from the colors brown, blue, green, hazel, and black. This data can be appropriately summarize in a ________.


A characteristic or measure obtained by using all the data values for a specific population is called a ______________.


A child gets 20 heads out of 30 tosses of a coin. if he declared the chance of getting a head with that coin were 2/3, what would be an example of _________ probability


A compound event consists of two or more outcomes or simple events

the empirical rule

A distribution in which approximately 68% of the data values fall within one standard deviation of the main behaves according to


For the class 5-23, the upper class limit is


Greg wants to construct a frequency distribution for the political affiliation of the employees at Owens hardware store. What type of distribution would be best?


If a frequency distribution had class limits of 132-140 what would be the class width?

17.5-18.5 years old

In an ungrouped frequency distribution of the average age of high school graduates, what would be the boundaries for the class of graduates who were reported to be 18 years old?

variance; standard deviation

The ___________ and _____________ are two measures a variation used to describe the spread of the data in a data set


The cumulative frequency for a class is this sum of the frequencies of the class less than and equal to the upper boundary of the specific class


The frequency polygon and the histogram are two different ways to represent the same data set


The frequency polygon is a graph that displays the data by using lines that connect points plotted for the frequencies at the midpoints of the classes


The interquartile range IQR is found by subtracting the mean from the maximum value of a data set


The percentile corresponding to a given data value X is computed by adding the 0.5 to number of values less than X then dividing by the total number of values in the data set

frequency polygon

The three most commonly use graphs in research are the histogram, the ______________, and the cumulative frequency graph (ogive)


_________ are either extremely high or extremely low data values compared with the rest of the data

quartiles; deciles

_________ divide a distribution into four groups, and _____________ divide a distribution into 10 groups


a __________ is the midpoint in a data array


a weighted mean is used when the values of the data set are not equally represented


an ogive is also called a cumulative frequency graph


for a given data set, the ogive and the frequency polygon will have the same overall shape

relative frequency graphs

graphs that show distributions using proportions instead of raw data as frequencies are called

subjective probablility

if a sportscaster makes an educated guess as to how well a team will do the season, he is using what type of probability

large numbers

if one tosses a coin enough times, the number of heads and tails will tend to "even out" this is an example of the law of _______

right skewed

if the graph of a frequency distribution has a peek and the data tapers off more slowly to the right and more quickly to the left, the distribution is said to be _________.


if the probability that it will rain tomorrow is 0.31, what is the probability that it will not rain tomorrow?


the ______ of a specific class is the number of data values contained in it


the _________ is the average of the squares of the distance each value is from the mean

modal class

the _____________ is the mode for grouped data


the median can be a more appropriate measure of central tendency if the distribution of the data is extremely skewed

Finding all possible outcomes in a probability experiment involving several steps

tree diagrams are useful for


two events A and B are________ if the fact that A occurs does not affect the probability of B occurring


two events are mutually exclusive that they cannot both occur

11.5 and 18.5

what are the boundaries of the class 12-18


what is the lower class limit of the class 13-17


what is the midpoint of the class 10-14

the sample space

what is the set of all possible outcomes of a probability experiment

classical probability

what type of probability uses a knowledge of sample spaces as opposed to experiments to determine the numerical probability that an event will occur

raw data

when data are collected in original form, they are called _________.


when the range is large, and classes that are several units in width are needed, a frequency ___________ distribution is used

Make the class width an even number

which of the following does not need to be done when constructing a frequency distribution?

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