Sullivan(Online) - Survey Social Welfare (Chapters 1-7)

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Fearing Japanese, German, and Italian, citizens in the U.S., Roosevelt placed significant numbers of each of these groups in internment camps during World War II.

a. True *** b. False ***

Immigration policies developed in the Progressive era have been sustainable over time and continue to prove very effective in fair and humane immigration practices today.

a. True *** b. False ***

In the 17th and 18th centuries, the settlers that came to the New World were only from England:

a. True *** b. False ***

Medieval society was considered capitalistic.

a. True *** b. False ***

The temperance movement was established to fight prohibition.

a. True ***( b. False) ***

Women assumed a small role in the Progressive Movement due to widespread discrimination against them.

a. True ***b. False*** -were key leaders despite opposition

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was founded in 1909 by Booker T. Washington and other African American leaders.

a. True ***b. False*** 1909, W.e.b Debois,Ida B. Wells ect.

Mercantilism is an economic system, that is best defined as:

a. a system of merchants that sells wares in a village setting b. an economic system that is based on merchandise c. a system that is communistic in nature *** (d. a system in which the government regulates agriculture, industry and commerce to balance trade) ***

The progressive era in United States refers to the years between 1902-1917.

*** ( a. True) *** b. False

Philosophical relativists emphasize how culture in specific historical eras powerfully shapes perceptions of what is "right" and what is "wrong."

*** (a. True) *** b. False

Jane Addams is an important progressive as she was:

*** (a. a pioneer in the field of social work) *** b. the first women to hold higher office c. the first woman to vote d. the original First Lady

Social welfare reforms during the progressive era mostly occurred:

*** (a. at state and local levels) *** b. at the federal level c. in the nongovernmental sector d. between individuals

Many people in the 1920s believed that if private enterprise was left unfettered prosperity would soon follow for all.

***a. True*** b. False

Middle-class progressives established settlement houses in the East and Midwest so that they could live among the immigrants.

***a. True*** b. False

The New Deal was mostly financed by deficit spending and increase in national debt.

***a. True*** b. False

Those seeking to restrict immigration found that their power increased steadily in the years preceding World War I.

***a. True*** b. False

The Civilian Conservation Corps was formed to:

***a. create jobs for the nation's youth*** b. provide funds for people to start small businesses c. build parks in cities d. boost attendance at anti-abortion rallies

The Social Security Act created a welfare program:

***a. for the blind *** b. for impoverished farmers c. for disabled persons d. for millionaires

Reformers during the Progressive Era did a remarkable job, passing a considerable amount of legislation in twenty years. However, many of the reforms underscore the United States as a reluctant welfare state as they:

***a. required only minimal funding by government.*** b. did not establish major federal programs c. did not establish housing codes d. did not improve worker safety

American Radicals include Communists, Socialists, and some union organizers.

American Radicals include Communists, Socialists, and some union organizers. *** (a. True) *** b. False

Substantial tax cuts limit financial resources available for domestic reforms.

*** ( a. True) *** b. False

Medieval society was hierarchical:

*** a. True*** b. False

An individual bound to the land


Deontologists emphasize:

*** a. first ethical principals *** b. empirical data c. cultural norms d. statistical analysis

White parents and students showed their displeasure with school integration by:

( ) Attending class in all black ( )Expelling Ruby Bridges (*) Boycotting class ( ) Rioting in the town center

Vulnerable populations need a welfare state because they are more likely to experience poverty, economic uncertainty and victimization.

*** (a. True) *** b. False

The New Deal demonstrated that the federal government had the ability to develop and oversee major social programs.

*** (a. True) *** b. False

When analyzing the evolution of the American Welfare state we see patterns of responses to social welfare needs such as the response to tuberculosis, typhoid fever and malaria in earlier eras and the later response to AIDS in the 1980s.

*** (a. True) *** - correct b. False

Grouping or clustering social policies into policy sectors has positive consequences including:

(a.) people can more clearly identify where to go to seek assistance with a specific problem- correct answer b. the silo effect created by clustering policies facilitates access to multiple services across policy sector boundaries c. efficiency is increased and money is saved d. none of these Hide Feedback

Harry Truman desegregated the armed forces.

*** ( a. True ) *** b. False

Since many social policies favor affluent Americans, some would suggest that the United States has two welfare states: one for relatively poor persons and one for relatively affluent persons.

*** ( a. True ) *** b. False

The Johnson Administration achieved legislative successes that were matched only by those of Franklin Roosevelt.

*** ( a. True )*** b. False

Both Presidents Johnson and Nixon sought to develop Native American participation in tribal governments and favored continuation of economic and educational assistance to the tribes.

*** ( a. True) *** b. False

Social Reformers often associate themselves with Franklin Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson

*** ( a. True) *** b. False

Tax benefits for the middle and upper income persons in the United States are larger in their cumulative size than all of the nation's welfare programs.

*** ( a. True) *** b. False

Constitutions define the social policy powers of government at the federal and state levels.

*** ( a. True) *** - correct b. False

Anthropologists of the 19th century believed that Anglo-Saxons (Germans and the English) were biologically superior to other races when it came to intelligence and industriousness.

*** (a. True) *** b. False

Chinese immigrants were denied legal rights as they were considered aliens. In fact in 1854, the California Supreme Court ruled that Chinese people could not testify in court, even if they witnessed a murder of one of their own by a Caucasian person.

*** (a. True) *** b. False

Conservatives favor privatization or shifting federal policy roles to states and local governments.

*** (a. True) *** b. False

Contextual factors that provide both opportunities and constraints for policy advocates include cultural factors, economic factors and social factors.

*** (a. True) *** b. False

Discrepancies in life conditions are unethical when members of vulnerable populations experience negative outcomes as compared with members of specific mainstream populations.

*** (a. True) *** b. False

In conservative policy eras, policy makers often try to eliminate reforms enacted during more liberal eras.

*** (a. True) *** b. False

In the Kennedy Era, social spending was constrained due to a defense budget designed to fight the Soviet Union, China and a guerilla war, all at the same time.

*** (a. True) *** b. False

Laborers responded to horrific working conditions by striking in the 1820s and 1830s.

*** (a. True) *** b. False

Lessons learned by contemporary advocates from 1960's civil rights activists include the need to frame issues in moral or economic terms that appeal to broad audiences.

*** (a. True) *** b. False

Some groups of Americans, such as Asian Americans, have found it difficult to obtain assistance from policy makers because they are widely perceived to be problem-free and have thus been identified as "model" vulnerable populations or out groups.

*** (a. True) *** b. False

Squatters were poor people who settled on frontier land without buying it.

*** (a. True) *** b. False

Contextual factors in policy advocacy:

*** (a. can encourage or discourage the expansion of public obligation) *** b. discourage the expansion of public obligation c. encourage the expansion of public obligation d. have little effect on policy-making

The Aid to Dependent Children Program (ADC) provided benefits to:

*** (a. children in single parent homes) *** b. children and their parents c. runaway children who refused to return home d. orphans

Jim Crow legislation was enacted by Southern States to:

*** (a. deprive African Americans of their basic civil rights) *** b. regulate the making of home liquor c. help Native Americans to obtain their tribal lands d. give rights to the Irish immigrants on the frontier

In medieval Europe, land was usually owned by:

*** (a. the Catholic Church, noblemen and monarchs) *** b. the middle class c. serfs d. families

The Great Depression was characterized by unemployment, evictions, family disruption, and suicides. a. True b. False

*** (a. true) *** b. False

The Dawes Act, which broke up some reservations by giving 160 acres to each tribal family, enabled the settlers to take land from the Native Americans by:

*** a. (coercing them to sell their land for minimal prices) *** b. confiscating their land by federal edict c. appropriating funds that settlers could use to buy Native American lands d. all of these

Addams made social action an important part of Hull House's program.

*** a. True *** b. False

Many consider the Social Security Act to be the foundation of the American welfare state.

*** a. True *** b. False

The enacting of the mother's pension marked a change in U.S. policy toward indoor relief.

*** a. True *** b. false

A contributing factor to the Revolutionary War was taxes imposed by the Crown on colonies.

*** a. True *** b. False

Asian immigrants provided a large source of labor during the gold rush.

*** a. True *** b. False

Case advocates help clients obtain services, benefits, and rights necessary to advance their well-being that clients might not be able to obtain without assistance.

*** a. True *** b. False

Choices made by social welfare advocates are often shaped by considerations such as the availability of resources or political feasibility.

*** a. True *** b. False

During the early years of the republic, two distinct interpretations of the constitution emerged - broad powers conferred upon the federal government vs. very narrow power conferred on the federal government - a distinction which has affected American politics to this very day.

*** a. True *** b. False

Empowerment strategies utilized by ethnic out-groups in the late 1800's provide current social workers and program developers with models for development of informal community based, social support systems.

*** a. True *** b. False

In the New World, the ability to access land was a powerful transforming factor establishing a new society.

*** a. True *** b. False

Some deontologists draw their first principals from religious writings or philosophers.

*** a. True *** b. False

The principle of social justice lies at the heart of the Code of Ethics that governs social work practice.

*** a. True *** b. False

The problem of constant or increasing discrepancies between vulnerable and mainstream populations is one of the most vexing ethical problems in the United States.

*** a. True *** b. False

To secure land from First Americans, the settlers in the New World often used treaties that created the impression that First Americans had voluntarily and legally ceded land to the colonists.

*** a. True *** b. False

By 1900, many jurisdictions placed limits on the hours of labor. To get around these laws, employers often persuaded immigrant workers to "volunteer" to work longer hours.

*** a. True *** b. False

In the early years of the 20th century, about 60% of the United States workforce was foreign born.

*** a. True *** b. False

Progressives pursued programs to redistribute resources to impoverished workers, destitute women, and other groups.

*** a. True *** b. False

Roosevelt placed Harry Hopkins, his most powerful social welfare advisor, in charge of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration.

*** a. True *** b. False

The Southern Tenant Farmer's Association was established to stop the eviction impoverished American tenant farmers.

*** a. True *** b. False

These legal disputes in the Progressive Era gave the Supreme Court a central role in the unfolding of social reform.

*** a. True *** b. False

Unions were not necessarily proponents of the New Deal because they were so preoccupied with securing their right to organize.

*** a. True *** b. False

The Great Depression began with the collapse of the stock market in October 1929.

*** a. True*** b. False

In the Gilded Age, Americans seemed to tolerate wide gaps in income between affluent and poor Americans. In the New Deal, however, Americans placed greater emphasis upon diminishing large inequalities in income.

*** a. True*** b. False

The Gilded Age extended from the Civil War until the end of the 19th century:

*** a. True*** b. False

The medieval Church provided relief by giving food and lodging to those who were hungry, homeless or sick.

*** a. True*** b. False

Title II of the Social Security Act, Federal Old-Age Benefits, excludes which of the following groups from receiving benefits:

*** a. agricultural labor *** b. affluent Americans c. elderly persons with private retirement plans d. no one; everyone may receive benefits

Social welfare legislation passed under President Lyndon Johnson provided funding for:

*** a. medical insurance for the elderly (Medicare) *** - correct b. legal aid for the poor c. nutritional programs d. all of these Hide Feedback

Conservatives feel positive that unregulated capitalism:

***(a). will produce prosperity if government does not place restrictions upon it***- correct b. will produce prosperity only if government restricts it c. will never produce prosperity d. will produce prosperity if taxes are raised to support social programs Hide Feedback

The core value of liberals is:

***(a.)*** social justice - correct answer b. freedom from government interference c. decreased taxation d. states' rights

Many conservatives believe that the discrepancies between vulnerable and mainstream populations result from:

**** (a.) a vulnerable population's failure to prize hard work to the same extent as affluent persons *** b. unfair tax structure c. discrimination against vulnerable populations d. disabilities caused by inadequate prenatal and infant nutrition

The primary issue to be resolved during the Civil War was the legal status of slaves.

**** a. True **** b. False

Policy advocacy in the colonial period, particularly that provided by Benjamin Rush, offer for today's advocates examples of moral reasoning and making choices between "playing it safe" and "taking risks" when promoting social change.

***a. True *** b. False

Advocacy activities of Jane Addams and Paul Kellogg provide models for advocacy change in our modern world.

***a. True *** b. False

Elizabethan poor laws had both positive and harsh elements.

***a. True*** b. False

When a hospital social worker discovers that the hospital she works at does not provide translation services to some of her patients with limited English proficiency and she takes steps to develop a proposal to the legislature to help hospitals finance translation services, she is linking case advocacy to policy advocacy.

***a. True*** b. False

During the Progressive Era, public discussions of birth control techniques were illegal in most states.

***a. True*** b. False

In 1929, as the depression took hold, most Americans, including President Herbert Hoover, felt that this economic downturn would turn around on its own and prosperity would soon return.

***a. True*** b. False

The United States constitution was often interpreted in the 19th century to require that social welfare functions be left to:

***a. state governments and local governments*** b. federal government c. churches d. families Hide Feedback

Kennedy refused to issue executive orders outlawing discrimination or to propose a civil rights act early in his term because he believed that Reconstruction had failed because the North imposed civil rights on the South.

. *** ( a. True) *** b. False

The War in Vietnam directly and indirectly affected social policy because it splintered the Democratic Party into pro-war and anti-war factions

. *** ( a. True) *** b. False

President Lyndon Johnson, known for his negotiating skills and timing, embraced Kennedy's domestic agenda.

. *** a. True *** b. False

Medicare funds long-term care of elderly persons with chronic health conditions.

. a. True *** (b. False) ***

President Kennedy's large margin of victory over Richard Nixon amounted to a mandate from the people to enact social reforms.

. a. True ***( b. False)***


2. Most schools in America were integrated by 1960.

Kennedy sought and obtained major increases in the minimum wage. a. True b. False

Answer: True

Eisenhower's record on race relations was ambivalent. a. True b. False

Answer: true

Social policies that create violations of access are unethical because they contradict the first ethical principle of (___)


Assisting specific clients when they encounter difficulty in obtaining needed services:

Case advocacy

Conservatives favor privatization or shifting federal policy roles to states and local governments.

Conservatives favor privatization or shifting federal policy roles to states and local governments. *** (a. True) *** b. false

Three developments posed enormous challenges to the United States in the 19th century: the rapid settlement of the frontier, the development of the industrial system, and .

The Civil war

Truman chose to ignore the escalating threat Russia posed and instead focused his Presidency on domestic issues such as social welfare. a. True b. False

Definitely false !

The belief that ethical principles should take precedence over outcomes even when the latter are successful:


provide tax incentives and loans to citizens and businesses to stimulate job training for employees and to facilitate the economic development of low-income areas.

Economic development Policies

In the late 19th century, corporate interests gave large contributions to the Democratic and Republican parties in order to obtain antiunion legislation.


First order ethical principles include the following values: Self determination and not killing honesty and freedom

First order ethical principles include the following values: a. acquisition of wealth b. religiosity *** c. fairness *** d. euthanasia

Acts including adultery, fornication, swearing, alcoholism and malicious gossip that were punishable by imprisonment or public service

Moral crimes


Integration was successful and is no longer a social justice issue.

A large influx of (___) immigrants came to the United States following the potato famine.


(____) is a term used to describe people other than members of a specific vulnerable population or outgroup.

Mainstream population

Medicaid is:

Medicaid is: a. funded by payroll taxes b. funded by the states ***c. funded by the federal government and the states*** - correct d. funded by corporations

The entity responsible for assuming social welfare functions such as providing food and lodging to people who were hungry or sick

Medieval Church

A system by which a government regulates its agriculture, industry, and commerce to create a favorable balance of trade


The Civil Rights Act of 1964:

The Civil Rights Act of 1964: a. provided for desegregation of public facilities b. prohibited discrimination in hiring practices of firms receiving federal contracts c. protected voting rights *** ( d. all of these) ***

Various institutions were built during this time in history, including prisons, mental institutions, and :


Personal policy identities are:

Personal policy identities are: *** (a. a set of values and positions that shape our selection or rejection of policies choices) ***- correct answer is a b. psychological profiles c. aversion to risk d. all of these

Organized efforts to secure changes in policies in agency, community, and government settings:

Policy advocacy

Policy-sensitive practice requires professionals to recognize the importance of (______) and entitlements to people.


Social workers need to understand the structure and programs of the American welfare state so that they can:

S a. appropriately refer clients to programs and services to which they are entitled b. engage in case advocacy with their clients when access to services is denied or unfairly limited c. participate in policy advocacy when existing policies are defective ***(d.) all of these*** - correct

The Civil Rights Act of 1965 emphasized:

The Civil Rights Act of 1965 emphasized: *** (a. voting rights ) *** b. desegregation of public facilities c. equal rights in the workplace d. a crackdown on sexual harassment

(___) was the largest social reform preceding the Civil War.


The Protestant Reformation is a time in history when individuals began to change their thinking about:

The Protestant Reformation is a time in history when individuals began to change their thinking about: a. ways to revitalize the Catholic Church b. how all the protestant sects could merge into one central religion *** (c. how persons could increase their personal involvement in religious practice) *** d. how to merge the Catholic and Protestant religions into one

Economic characteristics of the "Gilded Age" with a great disparity between the wealthy and the poor and a shrinking middle class greatly resemble the economic characteristics of the United States today.


Millions of African Americans, Latinos, and First Americans were not allowed to vote or use public facilities and transportation in the 1950's. a. True b. False

True: Kennedy gave Civil rights speech 6/11/1963

Libertarians often associate themselves with:

a. Herbert Hoover b. increasing government control and regulations *** (c.) *** enhancing the freedom of citizens d. censorship of publications

Americans incurred enormous debts in the new frontier after borrowing money from banks and :

Wealthy Europeans

The primary cause for the rapid decline in the Native American population in the colonial period was:

a. killing of them by the settlers b. intertribal battles *** (c. diseases carried by the settlers) *** d. a declining birthrate

Public policies are generated by:

a. laws enacted in local, state, or federal legislatures b. court decisions c. budget and spending programs (d.) all of these- correct

Which of the following is true?

a. Northern settlers supported the continuance of slavery. b. By the 1830s Northern abolitionists had gained great respect for their views. c. There was no racism in the North. ****d. Sectional rivalries contributed to the start of the Civil War***

Settlers that came to the New World from Europe belonged to which religious groups?

a. Protestants b. Catholics c. Puritans *** (d. all of these) ***

Ethical reasoning restricts consideration of information to only two kinds when making ethical choices.

a. . True *** (b). False ***

Advocates for social change today have access to resources that were unavailable to Jane Addams in her campaigns for social reform and include:

a. Access to data in government reports on income levels, social conditions and census data b. Data from reports on specific social issues generated by private research groups c. Easy access to mass media ***d. All of these***

Social justice issues often relate to racially vulnerable populations which include:

a. African Americans and Latinos b. Asian Americans and Native Americans c. Caucasian Americans *** (d. All except Caucasian Americans) ***

The 16 vulnerable populations or out-groups identified throughout our history into contemporary society include:

a. African Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans b. the gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or questioning population c. persons with chronic physical challenges (d.) all of these- correct

Economists and historians agree that cause of the Great Depression was:

a. American consumers lacked resources to purchase goods b. Speculation and high tariffs c. Economic expansion was halted because of insufficient capital ***d. Controversy exists about the precise causes. ***

Lessons learned from this era that remain applicable to social welfare advocacy today include:

a. Changing social policy requires action in both the policy and political arenas b. Change often requires persistent pressure over long periods of time *** (c. Both of these) *** d. None of these

John F. Kennedy promised to address the following problems if elected:

a. Civil rights issues of the nation's out-groups b. public work programs like the WPA *** (c. lack of health care for the elderly) *** d. diminishing open spaces

Philosophers that contend some people make ethical choices by resorting to the norms that they derive from their culture are called:

a. Conservatives b. Utilitarians *** c. Relativists *** d. Liberals

Liberals of today believe themselves to be the ideological descendants of:

a. Dwight D. Eisenhower b. James Buchanan *** (c. Theodore Roosevelt) ***- correct d. Ronald Reagan Hide Feedback

The only social welfare program enacted during World War II was:

a. Earned Income Tax Credit b. Food Stamps c. the Wartime Relief Act *** (d. the GI Bill) ***

Contemporary conservatives think of themselves as the ideological descendants of the founding fathers and other presidents, often associating themselves with, among others:

a. Franklin Roosevelt *** (b) ***. Calvin Coolidge c. Theodore Roosevelt d. Andrew Jackson

Radicals often associate themselves with:

a. Harry S. Truman b. William McKinley c. Abraham Lincoln *** (d. Eugene Debs) ***

The next president after Franklin Roosevelt to pursue social reforms was:

a. Harry Truman b. Dwight Eisenhower *** (c. John Kennedy) *** d. Richard Nixon

The Democrats achieved political power in the South after the Civil War by emphasizing the equality of the races.

a. True *** ( b. False) ***

Lyndon Johnson nearly sabotaged the enactment of the Civil Rights Act of 1965 because, as a Southerner, he opposed its enactment.

a. True *** (b. False) ***

Radicals are great proponents of capitalism and believe in the "trickle down" effect as solid economic policy.

a. True *** (b. False) ***

The Elementary and Secondary Education Act provided voucher so that children from low-income families could attend private schools.

a. True *** (b. False) ***

The United States has always provided social programs inclusive of all ethnic groups.

a. True *** (b. False) ***

It is NOT social injustice when members of a vulnerable population receive lower wages and pensions than those received by the mainstream population.

a. True *** b. False ***

The Revolutionary War led to further governmental involvement and expanded the government's power.

a. True *** b. False ***

"Taxation without representation" was not a leading cause of the War for Independence.

a. True ***b. False***

Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson both wanted a loose interpretation of the Constitution, but George Washington was for a strong federal government.

a. True ***b. False***

Most Americans during the 19th Century enjoyed a middle class lifestyle.

a. True ***b. False***

Conservatives do not value freedom nor do they believe in conducting business with minimal public regulations.

a. True *** ( b. False) ***

Percentage-wise, more Americans died on the battlefields of World War II than on those of the Civil War.

a. True *** ( b. False) ***

In 1932, American business system was in terrible disarray but a major economic recovery soon ensued.

a. True *** (b. False) ***

The Civilian Works Administration (CWA) was primarily state funded.

a. True *** (b. False) ***

Americans of the 17th and 18th centuries were not influenced by their European roots

a. True *** (b. False) *** - correct answer is b. false

At the Seneca Falls Convention of 1848, women sought liberalization of divorce laws as well as universal suffrage:

a. True *** b. False ***

Once ratified, the Constitution became the law of the land and remained unchanged thereafter.

a. True *** b. False ***

Progressives came predominately from the Democratic Party.

a. True *** b. False ***

Progressives favored the concept of juvenile courts but were unable to get them into operation.

a. True *** b. False ***

Roosevelt received his mandate from the middle-class and upper-class voters while the working class tended to vote for the Republican candidate.

a. True *** b. False ***

The Social Security Act included large medical assistance programs.

a. True *** b. False ***

The Constitution of 1788 gave women the right to vote.

a. True *** b. False***

The Emancipation Proclamation freed slaves throughout the South:

a. True *** b. False***

The Fifteenth Amendment guaranteed universal suffrage to Caucasians.:

a. True *** b. False***

Unions do not engage in policy advocacy.

a. True *** b. False***

The Progressive Era grew as Americans focused on preparations for World War I.

a. True *** b.false ***

Cesar Chavez led a violent revolt of farmworkers seeking better working conditions in 1960s California.

a. True ***( b. False)***

At the beginning of the Great Depression, Herbert Hoover embraced government funding of programs to address the nation's unemployment.

a. True ***b. False ***

The Great Depression only affected immigrants and factory workers.

a. True ***b. False***

The Public Works Administration focused on public projects that could quickly be completed.

a. True ***b. False***

The primary criticism of FERA was that it exclusively provided jobs instead of funds for unemployed individuals.

a. True ***b. False***

Lessons learned about policy advocacy from advocates such as Mary Van Kleeck and Mary McLeod Bethune during the New Deal Era are:

a. advocates can successfully effect change working from outside and challenging the power structures of society b. advocates can successfully effect change working inside government and power structures ***c. both of these *** d. none of these

The Bull Moose campaign of 1912 was initiated by:

a. allies of Woodrow Wilson ***b. allies of Theodore Roosevelt*** c. allies of William H. Taft d. allies of Eugene Debs

Massive importation of slaves:

a. began when the settlers came to the New World b. began in the 19th century *** (c. began after 1670 when the Royal African Company's monopoly was shattered) *** d. began when the colonies needed more soldiers to fight Great Britain

The movement known as progressivism includes programs that focus on:

a. civil service b. social reforms c. antitrust regulations *** d. all of these***

The movement known as progressivism includes programs that focus on:

a. civil service b. social reforms c. antitrust regulations ***d. all of these***

Social workers can link case advocacy to policy advocacy when they observe gaps, omissions, and flaws in policies by:

a. developing a coalition b. developing a proposal to present to the legislature c. contacting their state's membership associations *** d. all of these ***

The Immigration Act of 1965

a. eased immigration restrictions on persons from Northern Europe *** (b. abolished national quotas) *** c. strengthened border patrols d. proposed that a fence be built along the U.S. - Mexico border

The Freedman's bureau aided the freed slaves by:

a. ensuring their voting rights b. distributing land to newly freed slaves *** (c. providing them with some educational services) *** d. allowing them to purchase parts of land once owned by their masters

The Elementary and Secondary Education Act:

a. established voucher programs ***b. provided federal assistance to public schools with relatively high concentrations of children from low-income families*** - (correct ) c. increased teacher training d. required that all American children finish high schoo

The federal government distributed land to settlers by:

a. establishing a lottery system b. giving it to deserving settlers ***c. establishing land auctions*** d. giving it on a first-come, first-served basis

Protestants immigrated to the New World to escape discrimination by the Church of England and English authorities which:

a. excluded their children from entering English Universities b. limited their suffrage c. forced then to tithe to the Church of England **** (d. all of these) ****

For progressives, the juvenile court system represents the opportunity for society to:

a. explore family situations b. examine options such as probation c. refer children to special juvenile institutions *** (d. all of these) ***

A main social reform passed during the Progressive Era was:

a. federal unemployment insurance b. paid leave for pregnancy *** (c. mother's pensions ) *** d. protection for the disabled

The Emancipation Proclamation:

a. freed all slaves b. declared slaves would be free after the Civil War concluded ***c. freed slaves in areas still in rebellion against the Union*** d. freed slaves in the Union only Hide Feedback

The initiative, referendum, and recall were policies to:

a. give workers greater power in the workplace b. reform public bureaucracies ***c. give voters greater power*** d. transfer power from voters to corporations

The Fair Labor Standard Act established minimum wage and maximum hours but excluded:

a. government workers b. workers in department stores ***c. farm laborers*** d. single poor men

Social programs established during the era of the Great Society that remain with us today include:

a. housing programs b. Food Stamps c. Medicare and Medicaid *** (d. all of these) ***- correct (d)/all

The community action programs in the War on Poverty focused on:

a. housing programs b. youth employment ***c. citizen participation*** - correct d. rallies

Many kinds of persons have engaged in policy practice and advocacy both in the past and in contemporary society including:

a. legislators and political appointees b. executives and staff managing public programs c. unions and consumers *** (d. all of these) ***

The Compromise of 1850:

a. limited railroad expansion into the South b. restricted the selling of goods in New England to the western settlers *** (c. admitted one state as a free state and one state as a slave state) *** d. asked settlers to compromise with Native Americans to avoid war

Policies on paper can be actualized only if:

a. local political leaders agree to support the policy *** (b). a plan is identified for fund raising and distribution to support the programs mandated by the policy*** - correct c. the services put in place by the program are needed by 25% or more of the local population d. all of these

In decades following the Civil War, the U.S. industrialized:

a. modestly b. the South *** (c. rapidly) *** d. patchily

A factor that hampered postwar social reform was:

a. no social problems existed after the War *** (b. the Republicans won control of both houses of Congress in 1946 and made huge cuts in federal taxes, leaving little money for domestic spending) *** - correct c. the Supreme Court threatened to overturn major reforms d. most Americans were too repressed to think about social reform

Slavery was:

a. not recognized in the Constitution b. limited to the states where it existed ***(c. legitimized by the Constitution in many places)*** d. abolished by the Constitution Hide Feedback

To affect policy change, policy advocates engage in which of the following:

a. placing issues on policy agendas b. analyzing problems and developing proposals c. getting proposals enacted and implemented *** (d. all of these) ***

Social justice issues often relate to sociologically vulnerable populations or out-groups:

a. poor white males *** b. women *** c. Asians d. high school dropouts

Hull House, established by Jane Addams in 1889, was:

a. primarily a soup kitchen for the unemployed b. primarily a recreation center ***c. a multi-purpose community program for immigrants*** d. primarily a health center for low-income persons

If the Utilitarian approach to evaluating a policy is used, then ethical merit is assigned to:

a. programs with positive outcomes based on evaluative research b. programs with probable outcomes based on knowledge of human behavior and economics c. a low cost-to-benefit ratio *** (d. all of these) ***

The National Industrial Recovery Act, which lead to the National Recovery Administration, was formed to:

a. raise tariffs b. form the AFL-CIO ***(c. bring together business leaders of the steel, mining, and coal industries to agree on pricing and how they would charge for products in their sectors)*** d. rescue the nation's wilderness from being swallowed entirely by the big business interests of the day

Libertarians believe in:

a. raising taxes to support social programs b. restricting abortion c. censoring some types of journalism *** (d. none of these) ***

During the Presidency of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton were embroiled in a bitter debate over:

a. slavery *** (b. the role of the federal government) *** c. the role of the vice president d. land use

The labor force in the 19th century on the Western frontier was comprised of:

a. slaves from the south b. Hispanics c. Asians *** d. all of these ***

Medieval society was:

a. socialist b. nontraditional *** c. hierarchical *** d. capitalistic

Social Security is financed by:

a. special private insurance policies b. a condition of federal and state subsidies ***c. payroll taxes paid by employers and employees*** d. sales of the blood donated to the Red Cross

The Federal Emergency Relief Administration was formed to:

a. stabilize the banking system b. supply resources in conservation projects ***c. provide funds to states for persons who needed financial assistance *** d. provide a temporary boost to the economy via moderately sized tax rebates, which only worsened the situation in the long run

What were the factor(s) leading up the American Revolution?

a. taxes on a wide range of goods to offset the cost of safeguarding the English Colonies from the Native Americans. b. the creation of the Declaration of Independence in July, 1776 c. the desire of colonists for greater participation in local government *** (d. all of these) ***

Three epic challenges to the new nation in the 19th century that helped to form the nation, but also served as a barrier to social reform were:

a. the American revolution, the war of 1812 and the Civil War b. the Indian Wars, the rapid settling of the frontier, the assassination of Abraham Lincoln c. The War for Independence, the industrial revolution, the cotton gin *** d. The rapid settlement of the frontier, the Civil war, and development of an industrial economy ***

Many Colonial-era Americans supported policies that conflicted with the principles of the Declaration of Independence. These policies affected future generations of Americans and led to:

a. the Civil War b. the suffragette movement in the early 20th century c. the Civil Rights movement in the 1960's *** d. all of these ***

Progressivism had a dark side that many are not aware of:

a. the movement excluded women b. the movement was funded by communists *** c. the movement's leaders were often prejudiced against persons of color and immigrants ***- correct answ. is C. d. the movement was funded by conservatives

In shaping policy in various eras, cultural factors can include:

a. the way American society perceives the importance and causes of a problem b. the way society believes those in need are responsible for their problems c. the extent that society believes they have an obligation to assist those in need *** d. all of these ***

Liberals believe that inequalities between social classes increase the work incentive of relatively poor persons by making them understand that they have to work hard to get ahead.

a. true *** (b. False) ***

Although every social and economic class experienced some form of distress due to the depression, there were still factors that limited policy initiatives:

a. unions were not always a proponent of the New Deal policies b. the Supreme Court often ruled against New Deal policies c. the United States lacked fiscal and governmental institutions to implement reforms ***d. all of these ****

Ethical reasoning is commonly approached in the following ways:

a. using an outcomes approach b. using a first ethical principles approach c. using a relativist approach *** (d. all of these) ***

Common differences between mainstream Americans and vulnerable populations requiring policy advocacy are:

a. violations of civil rights b. violations of life conditions c. violations of access to opportunities *** (d. all of these) ***

The framers of the Constitution:

a. wanted to create a powerful central government *** (b. wanted to limit the powers of a central government) *** c. decided to cede all powers to state and local governments d. were of diverse racial backgrounds and approached lawmaking accordingly

African Americans:

a. were excluded from WPA and the PWA b. were allowed only token participation in the WPA and PWA *** (c. participated in considerable numbers in the WPA and PWA ) *** d. were generally uninterested in the WPA and PWA

Policy eras are specific historical periods :

a. with specific patterns of popular culture b. with specific demographic trends *** (c). with an identifiable policy direction *** d. all of these

Professionals who engage in (_____) are intermediaries between clients and the American welfare state who see that persons receive benefits and services for which they are eligible.

case referrals

The process of deciding "What is right and what is wrong?"

ethical reasoning

Huge inequalities in income between different social classes yield (____) societal outcomes.


The history of American social policy can be divided into a series of (_____) , defined as specific periods that have an identifiable policy direction, substance, and intensity.

policy eras

Social policies are grouped or clustered into specific( ____ ) , such as mental health and civil rights.

policy sectors

Philosophers, often called (____) , emphasize how culture in specific historical eras powerfully shape perceptions of what is right and what is wrong.


Policy-sensitive practice requires professionals to recognize the importance of (____) and entitlements to people.


The intention of the Full Employment Act of 1946 was to establish a national full employment goal and increase social spending when unemployment became severe.


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