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43) A physical view shows data as it is actually organized and structured on the data storage media. A) TRUE B) FALSE


44) DBMS have a data definition capability to specify the structure of the content of the database. A) TRUE B) FALSE


47) Which of the following types of computing involves purchasing computing power from a remote provider and paying only for the computing power used? A) On-demand B) Grid C) Edge D) Autonomic E) Quantum


49) The term big data refers to all of the following except: A) datasets with fewer than a billion records. B) datasets with unstructured data. C) machine-generated data (i.e. from sensors). D) data created by social media (i.e. tweets, Facebook Likes). E) data from Web traffic.


87) Identify and describe five or more of the current trends in contemporary software platforms. Short Answer:

1. Growing use of Linux and open-source software—Open-source software is produced and maintained by a global community of programmers and is downloadable for free. Linux is a powerful, resilient open-source operating system that can run on multiple hardware platforms and is used widely to run Web servers. 2. HTML5—This is the next evolution of HTML which simplifies embedding multimedia, rich media, and animation in the browser. 3. Cloud-based services—In cloud-based services and software, users rent applications or storage space from online providers rather than running these applications or themselves or using local storage. 4. Web services and service-oriented architecture—Web services are loosely coupled software components based on open web standards that are not product-specific and can work with any application software and operating system. They can be used as components of Web-based applications linking the systems of two different organizations or to link disparate systems of a single company. 5. Software outsourcing—Companies are purchasing their new software applications from outside sources, including application software packages, by outsourcing custom application development to an external vendor (that may be offshore), or by renting software services from an application service provider. 6. Cloud-based services—Companies are leasing infrastructure, hardware, and software from vendors, paying on a subscription or per-transaction basis. 7. Mashups and apps—Mashups are programs created by combining two or more existing Internet applications. Apps are small programs developed for mobiles and handhelds, turning them into more robust computing tools.

42) Complicated groupings of data in a relational database need to be adjusted to eliminate awkward many-to-many relationships. A) TRUE B) FALSE


11) Program-data dependence refers to the coupling of data stored in files and the specific programs required to update and maintain those files such that changes in programs require changes to the data. A) TRUE B) FALSE


11) Which of the following is a multitasking, multi-user, operating system developed by Bell Laboratories that operates on a wide variety of computing platforms? A) Unix B) Linux C) OS X D) COBOL E) DOS


14) Which of the following became the standard PC in the Personal Computer Era? A) Wintel PC B) DOS PC C) MITS PC D) Altair E) Apple II


15) A DBMS makes the: A) physical database available for different logical views. B) relational database available for different logical views. C) physical database available for different analytic views. D) relational database available for different analytic views. E) logical database available for different analytic views.


16) ________ states that the value or power of a network grows exponentially as a function of the number of network members. A) Metcalfe's Law B) Moore's Law C) Law of scalability D) Law of outsourcing E) Law of networks


2) Which of the following is not an IT infrastructure service component? A) Operating system software B) Computing platforms to provide a coherent digital environment C) Physical facilities management to manage the facilities housing physical components D) IT management services to plan and develop the infrastructure and provide project management E) IT education services that provide training to employees


21) In a relational database, a record is referred to in technical terms as a(n): A) tuple. B) table. C) entity. D) field. E) key.


22) A field identified in a table as holding the unique identifier of the table's records is called the: A) primary key. B) key field. C) primary field. D) unique ID. E) primary entity.


26) The join operation: A) combines relational tables to provide the user with more information than is otherwise available. B) identifies the table from which the columns will be selected. C) creates a subset consisting of columns in a table. D) organizes elements into segments. E) creates a subset consisting of rows in a table.


29) Which of the following is an automated or manual file that stores information about data elements and data characteristics such as usage, physical representation, ownership, authorization, and security? A) Data dictionary B) Data definition diagram C) Entity-relationship diagram D) Relationship dictionary E) Data table


33) Software that manages the resources of the computer is called: A) operating system software. B) application software. C) data management software. D) network software. E) web services software.


33) The process of streamlining data to minimize redundancy and awkward many-to-many relationships is called: A) normalization. B) data scrubbing. C) data cleansing. D) data defining. E) optimization.


35) Which of the following is an example of a legacy system? A) Transaction processing system running on a mainframe B) Scalable grid computing system C) Web services running on a cloud computing platform D) MDM software E) Quantum computing system


37) A one-to-one relationship between two entities is symbolized in a diagram by a line that ends: A) in two short marks. B) in one short mark. C) with a crow's foot. D) with a crow's foot topped by a short mark. E) with a crow's foot topped by two short marks.


38) The logical and physical views of data are separated in a DBMS. A) TRUE B) FALSE


39) Every record in a file should contain at least one key field. A) TRUE B) FALSE


4) A ________ is an example of pre-digital data storage that is comparable to a database. A) library card catalog B) cash register receipt C) doctor's office invoice D) list of sales totals on a spreadsheet E) schedule of due dates on a project outline


40) NoSQL technologies are used to manage sets of data that don't require the flexibility of tables and relations. A) TRUE B) FALSE


50) The marketplace for computer hardware: A) has become increasingly concentrated in top firms. B) has expanded to include a wide variety of start-up and mobile-computing firms. C) has moved significantly to Asian firms. D) has been decimated by mobile and cloud computing. E) has begun moving away from blade servers.


51) Which of the following is the most popular mobile operating system? A) Linux B) Android C) Chrome OS D) iOS E) Unix


54) A(n) ________ is an integrated circuit to which two or more processors have been attached for enhanced performance and reduced power consumption. A) multicore processor B) legacy processor C) scalable processor D) aggregate circuit E) green circuit


55) All of the following are technologies used to analyze and manage big data except: A) cloud computing. B) noSQL. C) in-memory computing. D) analytic platforms. E) Hadoop.


58) OLAP enables: A) users to obtain online answers to ad-hoc questions in a rapid amount of time. B) users to view both logical and physical views of data. C) programmers to quickly diagram data relationships. D) programmers to normalize data. E) users to quickly generate summary reports.


6) Data ________ occurs when the same data is duplicated in multiple files of a database. A) redundancy B) repetition C) independence D) partitions E) discrepancy


6) The introduction of the minicomputer: A) allowed computers to be customized to the specific needs of departments or business units. B) strengthened centralized computing. C) offered new, powerful machines at higher prices than mainframes. D) represented the rise of Microsoft. E) was dominated by IBM.


62) Which of the following enables you to create a script that allows a web server to communicate with a back-end database? A) CGI B) HTML C) Java D) SQL E) NoSQL


68) Which of the following would you use to find patterns in user interaction data recorded by a web server? A) Web usage mining B) Web server mining C) Web structure mining D) Web content mining E) Web protocol mining


70) Legacy systems are used to populate and update data warehouses. A) TRUE B) FALSE


70) Running a Java program on a computer requires: A) a Java Virtual Machine to be installed on that computer. B) a Java Virtual Machine to be installed on the server hosting the Java applet. C) a miniature program to be downloaded to the user's computer. D) no specialized software, as Java is platform-independent. E) the Mozilla Firefox browser and no other browsers.


72) Sets of loosely coupled software components that exchange information with each other using standard web communication standards and languages are referred to as: A) web services. B) EAI software. C) SOA. D) SOAP. E) SaaS.


72) You can use OLAP to perform multidimensional data analysis. A) TRUE B) FALSE


73) Which of the following is the foundation technology for web services? A) XML B) HTML C) SOAP D) UDDI E) SCSI


74) In-memory computing relies primarily on a computer (RAM) for data storage. A) TRUE B) FALSE


75) Middleware is an application that transfers information from an organization's internal database to a web server for delivery to a user as part of a web page. A) TRUE B) FALSE


75) Prewritten, commercially available sets of software programs that eliminate the need for a firm to write its own software programs for certain functions, are referred to as: A) software packages. B) mashups. C) outsourced software. D) open-source software. E) service level agreements.


77) The practice of contracting custom software development to an outside firm is commonly referred to as: A) outsourcing. B) scaling. C) service-oriented architecture. D) application integration. E) utility computing.


77) You can manipulate data on a web server by using a CGI script. A) TRUE B) FALSE


78) You can use text mining tools to analyze unstructured data, such as memos and legal cases. A) TRUE B) FALSE


80) Associations are occurrences linked to multiple events. A) TRUE B) FALSE


81) High-speed analytic platforms use both relational and non-relational tools to analyze large datasets. A) TRUE B) FALSE


89) An organization's rules for sharing, disseminating, acquiring, standardizing, classifying, and inventorying information is called a(n): A) information policy. B) data definition file. C) data quality audit. D) data governance policy. E) data policy.


90) Hardware and software acquisition costs account for about ________ percent of TCO. A) 20 B) 40 C) 50 D) 75 E) 90


95) In a large organization, which of the following functions would be responsible for policies and procedures for managing internal data resources? A) Data administration B) Database administration C) Information policy administration D) Data auditing E) Database management


96) The term data governance refers to the policies and processes for managing the integrity and security of data in a firm. A) TRUE B) FALSE


47) List and describe three main capabilities or tools of a DBMS. Short Answer:

A DBMS includes capabilities and tools for organizing, managing, and accessing the data in the database. Its most important capabilities and tools are data definition, data dictionary, and data manipulation language. The data definition capability enables a user to be able to specify the structure of the content of the database. This capability is used to create database tables and to define the characteristics of the fields in each table. The data dictionary is used to store definitions of data elements and their characteristics in the database. In large corporate databases, the data dictionary may capture additional information, such as usage; ownership; authorization; security; and the individuals, business functions, programs, and reports that use each data element. A data manipulation language, such as SQL, that is used to add, change, delete, and retrieve the data in the database. This language contains commands that permit end users and programming specialists to extract data from the database to satisfy information requests and develop applications.

87) What are the similarities and differences between a data warehouse and a data mart? Short Answer:

A data warehouse stores current and historical data of potential interest throughout a company. Data warehouses gather data from multiple operational systems inside the organization. Data warehouses make data available, but do not allow that information to be altered. Data marts are subsets of data warehouses, in which a highly focused portion of an organization's data is placed in a separate database for specific users. Data marts are decentralized, whereas data warehouses are enterprise-wide, central locations for data.

82) You have been hired by a furniture leasing company to implement its first business intelligence systems and infrastructure. To prepare for your initial report, describe the types of data the firm can use to support business intelligence and the systems that you will implement to support both power users and casual users, and explain how these systems or tools work together. Short Answer:

All types of data can be used for their business intelligence systems, including operational, historical, machine-generated, Web/social data, audio and video data, and external data. The large datasets can be collected in a Hadoop cluster and used by an analytic platform to support power user queries, data mining, OLAP, etc. A data warehouse can be used to house all data, including smaller data sets and operational data, and be used to support casual use, for queries, reports, and digital dashboards, as well as support the analytic platforms. Smaller data marts can be created from the data warehouse to enable faster querying and typical queries from casual users.

100) What is an information policy and why is it needed in a firm? Short Answer:

An information policy specifies the organization's rules for sharing, disseminating, acquiring, standardizing, classifying, and inventorying information. Information policy lays out specific procedures and accountabilities, identifying which users and organizational units can share information, where information can be distributed, and who is responsible for updating and maintaining the information. An information policy is needed in firms because data are an important resource, and you don't want people doing whatever they want with them. You need to have rules on how the data are to be organized and maintained and who is allowed to view the data or change them.

12) You have been asked to design a new contracts database for a small publishing company. What fields do you anticipate needing? Which of these fields might be in use in other databases used by the company? Short Answer:

Author first name, author last name, author address, agent name and address, title of book, book ISBN, date of contract, amount of money, payment schedule, date contract ends. Other databases might be an author database (author names, address, and agent details), a book title database (title and ISBN of book), and financial database (payments made).

89) Which of the following refers to the ability of a computer, product, or system to expand to serve a larger number of users without breaking down? A) Modality B) Scalability C) Expandability D) Disintermediation E) Customizability


1) Which of the following best illustrates the relationship between entities and attributes? A) The entity CUSTOMER with the attribute PRODUCT B) The entity CUSTOMER with the attribute PURCHASE C) The entity PRODUCT with the attribute PURCHASE D) The entity PRODUCT with the attribute CUSTOMER E) The entity PURCHASE with the attribute CUSTOMER


10) A record is a characteristic or quality used to describe a particular entity. A) TRUE B) FALSE


15) ________ uses individual atoms and molecules to create computer chips and other devices. A) Virtualization B) Nanotechnology C) Quantum computing D) A minicomputer E) On-demand computing


2) All of the following are issues with the traditional file environment except: A) data inconsistency. B) inability to develop specialized applications for functional areas. C) lack of flexibility in creating ad-hoc reports. D) poor security. E) data sharing.


20) In a table for customers, the information about a single customer resides in a single: A) field. B) row. C) column. D) table. E) entity.


23) A field identified in a record as holding the unique identifier for that record is called the: A) primary key. B) key field. C) primary field. D) unique ID. E) key attribute.


27) The project operation: A) combines relational tables to provide the user with more information than is otherwise available. B) creates a subset consisting of columns in a table. C) organizes elements into segments. D) identifies the table from which the columns will be selected. E) creates a subset consisting of rows in a table.


30) Which of the following is a specialized language that programmers use to add and change data in the database? A) Data access language B) Data manipulation language C) Structured query language D) Data definition language


32) DBMSs typically include report generating tools in order to: A) retrieve and display data. B) display data in an easier-to-read format. C) display data in graphs. D) perform predictive analysis. E) analyze the database's performance.


34) A SAN is a ________ network. A) server area B) storage area C) scalable architecture D) service-oriented architecture E) software arrangement


41) CGI is a DBMS programming language that end users and programmers use to manipulate data in the database. A) TRUE B) FALSE


44) Which of the following is a recent addition to the mobile digital platform? A) Quantum computing devices B) Wearable computing devices C) Cloud computing devices D) Grid computing devices E) Green computing devices


45) Relational DBMSs use key field rules to ensure that relationships between coupled tables remain consistent. A) TRUE B) FALSE


5) Place the following eras of IT infrastructure evolution in order, from earliest to most recent: 1. Cloud Computing Era; 2. Client/Server; 3. Enterprise Era; 4. Personal Computer; and 5. Mainframe and Minicomputer. A) 5, 2, 3, 4, 1 B) 5, 4, 2, 3, 1 C) 4, 5, 2, 3, 1 D) 5, 4, 2, 1, 3 E) 4, 5, 3, 2, 1


5) ________ creates confusion that hampers the creation of information systems that integrate data from different sources. A) Batch processing B) Data redundancy C) Data independence D) Online processing E) Data quality


56) A household appliances manufacturer has hired you to help analyze its social media datasets to determine which of its refrigerators are seen as the most reliable. Which of the following tools would you use to analyze this data? A) Text mining tools B) Sentiment analysis software C) Web mining technologies D) Data mining software E) Data governance software


59) Data mining allows users to: A) quickly compare transaction data gathered over many years. B) find hidden relationships in data. C) obtain online answers to ad-hoc questions in a rapid amount of time. D) summarize massive amounts of data into much smaller, traditional reports. E) access the vast amounts of data in a data warehouse.


61) ________ tools are used to analyze large unstructured data sets, such as e-mail, memos, and survey responses to discover patterns and relationships. A) OLAP B) Text mining C) In-memory D) Clustering E) Classification


63) Which of the following is software that handles all application operations between browser-based computers and a company's back-end business applications or databases? A) Database server software B) Application server software C) Web browser software D) Data mining software E) Web server software


66) In data mining, which of the following involves events linked over time? A) Associations B) Sequences C) Classifications D) Clustering E) Forecasting


69) HTML has become the preferred method of communicating with back-end databases because it is a cross-platform language. A) TRUE B) FALSE


71) Multiple data marts are combined and streamlined to create a data warehouse. A) TRUE B) FALSE


73) OLAP is unable to manage and handle queries with very large sets of data. A) TRUE B) FALSE


76) Implementing a web interface for an organization's internal database usually requires substantial changes to be made to the database. A) TRUE B) FALSE


78) A formal contract between customers and their service providers that outlines the specific responsibilities of the service provider and to the customer is called a(n): A) SOA. B) SLA. C) TCO. D) RFQ. E) SaaS.


79) In a client/server environment, a DBMS is located on a dedicated computer called a web server. A) TRUE B) FALSE


8) In a multi-tiered network: A) the work of the entire network is centralized. B) the work of the entire network is balanced over several levels of servers. C) processing is split between clients and servers. D) processing is handled by multiple, geographically-remote clients. E) processing is located in the cloud.


9) The fact that a traditional file system cannot respond to unanticipated information requirements in a timely fashion is an example of which of the following issues with traditional file systems? A) Program-data dependence B) Lack of flexibility C) Poor security D) Lack of data sharing E) Data redundancy


90) In a large organization, which of the following functions would be responsible for physical database design and maintenance? A) Data administration B) Database administration C) Information policy administration D) Data auditing E) Database management


97) Data scrubbing is a more intensive corrective process than data cleansing. A) TRUE B) FALSE


65) In data mining, which of the following involves recognizing patterns that describe the group to which an item belongs by examining existing items and inferring a set of rules? A) Associations B) Sequences C) Classifications D) Clustering E) Forecasting


71) A software program with a graphical user interface for displaying web pages and for accessing the web and other Internet resources is called a web: A) service. B) client. C) browser. D) app. E) beacon.


10) Today's nanotechnology-produced computer transistors are roughly equivalent in size to: A) the width of a fingernail. B) a human hair. C) a virus. D) an atom. E) a grain of sand.


12) Which of the following is the network standard for connecting desktop computers into local area networks that enabled the widespread adoption of client/server computing and local area networks and further stimulated the adoption of personal computers? A) TCP/IP B) COBOL C) Ethernet D) ASCII E) Linux


18) A(n) ________ represent data as two-dimensional tables. A) non-relational DBMS B) mobile DBMS C) relational DBMS D) hierarchical DBMS E) object-oriented DBMS


24) In a relational database, the three basic operations used to develop useful sets of data are: A) select, project, and where. B) select, join, and where. C) select, project, and join. D) where, from, and join. E) where, find, and select.


3) Specifications that establish the compatibility of products and the ability to communicate in a network are called: A) network standards. B) telecommunications standards. C) technology standards. D) Internet standards. E) compatibility standards.


31) Which of the following is the most prominent data manipulation language today? A) Access B) DB2 C) SQL D) Crystal Reports E) NoSQL


34) A schematic of the entire database that describes the relationships in a database is called a(n): A) data dictionary. B) intersection relationship diagram. C) entity-relationship diagram. D) data definition diagram. E) data analysis table.


36) Which of the following is not an example of a wearable computing device? A) Smartwatch B) Smart glasses C) Smartphones D) Activity trackers E) Smart ID badges


36) You are creating a database to store temperature and wind data from various airports. Which of the following fields is the most likely candidate to use as the basis for a primary key in the Airport table? A) Address B) City C) Airport code D) State E) Day


38) ________ interfaces allow users to employ one or more fingers to manipulate objects on a screen without a mouse or keyboard. A) Hypertouch B) Nanotech C) Multitouch D) Linux E) Scalable


46) Which of the following enables a single physical resource (such as a server or a storage device) to appear to the user as multiple logical resources? A) Cloud computing B) Autonomic computing C) Virtualization D) Multicore processing E) Ubiquitous computing


51) Which of the following is not one of the techniques used in web mining? A) Content mining B) Structure mining C) Server mining D) Usage mining E) Data mining


52) You work for a retail clothing chain whose primary outlets are in shopping malls and are conducting an analysis of your customers and their preferences. You wish to find out if there are any particular activities that your customers engage in, or the types of purchases made in the month before or after purchasing select items from your store. To do this, you will want to use the data mining software you are using to do which of the following? A) Identify associations B) Identify clusters C) Identify sequences D) Classify data E) Create a forecast


56) Which of the following involves practices and technologies to minimize the environmental effects of manufacturing and managing computing devices? A) Capacity planning B) Cloud computing C) Green computing D) Utility computing E) On-demand computing


57) Which of the following tools enables users to view the same data in different ways using multiple dimensions? A) Predictive analysis B) SQL C) OLAP D) Data mining E) Hadoop


60) In the context of data relationships, the term associations refers to: A) events linked over time. B) patterns that describe a group to which an item belongs. C) occurrences linked to a single event. D) undiscovered groupings. E) relationships between different customers.


67) MongoDB and SimpleDB are both examples of: A) open source databases. B) SQL databases. C) NoSQL databases. D) cloud databases. E) big data databases.


68) Linux is: A) primarily concerned with the tasks of end users. B) designed for specific machines and specific microprocessors. C) an example of open-source software. D) especially useful for processing numeric data. E) poorly suited to power fast computers.


69) Which of the following statements about Linux is not true? A) It plays a major role in the back office running local area networks. B) It is available in free versions downloadable from the Internet. C) It has garnered 20 percent of the server operating system market. D) Linux applications are embedded in cell phones, smartphones, netbooks, and other handheld devices. E) Linux works on all the major hardware platforms.


74) Which of the following refers to a set of self-contained services that communicate with each other to create a working software application? A) Web services B) EAI software C) SOA D) SOAP E) Prepackaged software


92) Detecting and correcting data in a database or file that are incorrect, incomplete, improperly formatted, or redundant is called: A) data auditing. B) defragmentation. C) data scrubbing. D) data optimization. E) data normalization.


92) How would you determine the market demand for your firm's IT services? A) Perform a TCO analysis B) Benchmark your services C) Hold focus groups to assess your services D) Analyze sales returns on key investments E) Perform a stress test


94) Which of the following is not a method for performing a data quality audit? A) Surveying entire data files B) Surveying samples from data files C) Surveying data definition and query files D) Surveying end users about their perceptions of data quality E) Surveying managers about their perceptions of data quality


60) Distinguish between cloud computing, green computing, and quantum computing. Short Answer:

Cloud Computing: technology services are provided over a network, primarily the internet Green Computing: practices and technologies for designing a computer to minimize impact on the environment. Quantum Computing: emerging technology that uses the principles of quantum physics to dramatically boost computer processing power.

91) Which common database challenge is illustrated by a person receiving multiple copies of an L.L. Bean catalog, each addressed to a slightly different variation of his or her full name? A) Data normalization B) Data accuracy C) Data redundancy D) Data inconsistency E) Data duplication


1) Which type of infrastructure service provides data, voice and video connectivity to employees, customers, and suppliers? A) Networking B) Telephone C) VOIP D) Telecommunications E) Data management


17) Which of the following is a DBMS for desktop computers? A) DB2 B) Oracle Database C) Microsoft SQL Server D) Microsoft Access E) Microsoft Exchange


19) Microsoft SQL Server is a(n): A) DBMS for both desktops and mobile devices. B) Internet DBMS. C) desktop relational DBMS. D) DBMS for midrange computers. E) DBMS for mobile devices.


25) The select operation: A) combines relational tables to provide the user with more information than is otherwise available. B) creates a subset consisting of columns in a table. C) identifies the table from which the columns will be selected. D) creates a subset consisting of all records in the file that meet stated criteria. E) creates a subset consisting of rows in a table.


3) A characteristic or quality that describes a particular database entity is called a(n): A) field. B) tuple. C) key field. D) attribute. E) relationship.


4) A(n)________ is used to communicate between a user and an organization's back-end systems. A) public server B) private server C) legacy server D) application server E) blade server


41) Which of the following is not an example of the mobile digital platform? A) Tablets B) Kindle C) Cell phones D) CRM E) Apps


42) All of the following are current hardware platform trends except: A) green computing. B) virtualization. C) cloud computing. D) Unix. E) quantum computing.


49) Firms that allow employees to use their own devices are embracing which of the following? A) Wearable computing B) Mobile consolidation C) Cloud computing D) BYOD E) Self computing


50) Which of the following technologies would you use to analyze the social media data collected by a major online retailer? A) OLAP B) Data warehouse C) Data mart D) Hadoop E) DBMS


53) You work for a car rental agency and want to determine what characteristics are shared among your most loyal customers. To do this, you will want to use the data mining software you are using to do which of the following? A) Identify associations B) Identify clusters C) Identify sequences D) Classify data E) Create a forecast


54) A data warehouse is composed of: A) historical data from legacy systems. B) current data. C) internal and external data sources. D) historic and current internal data. E) historic external data.


65) ZipRealty, which combines Google Maps with real estate data, is an example of: A) cloud computing. B) SOA. C) a widget. D) a mashup. E) a web service.


66) Which type of software is created and updated by a worldwide community of programmers and available for free? A) Software packages B) Mashups C) Outsourced D) Open source E) Closed source


7) A client computer networked to a server computer, with processing split between the two types of machines, is called a(n): A) service-oriented architecture. B) on-demand architecture. C) multi-tiered client/server architecture. D) two-tiered client/server architecture. E) divided architecture.


8) Which of the following is a grouping of characters into a word, a group of words, or a complete number? A) File B) Table C) Entity D) Field E) Tuple


93) Which of the following is not one of the main six factors to consider when evaluating how much your firm should spend on IT infrastructure? A) Your firm's business strategy B) The IT investments made by competitor firms C) Market demand for your firm's services D) Your firm's organizational culture E) Information technology assessment


46) The small publishing company you work for wants to create a new database for storing information about all of their author contracts. What factors will influence how you design the database? Short Answer:

Data accuracy when the new data is input, establishing a good data model, determining which data is important and anticipating what the possible uses for the data will be, beyond looking up contract information, technical difficulties linking this system to existing systems, new business processes for data input and handling, and contracts management, determining how end users will use the data, making data definitions consistent with other databases, what methods to use to cleanse the data.

85) What makes data mining an important business tool? What types of information does data mining produce? In what type of circumstance would you advise a company to use data mining? Short Answer:

Data mining is one of the data analysis tools that helps users make better business decisions and is one of the key tools of business intelligence. Data mining allows users to analyze large amounts of data and find hidden relationships between data that otherwise would not be discovered. For example, data mining might find that a customer that buys product X is ten times more likely to buy product Y than other customers. Data mining finds information such as: · Associations or occurrences that are linked to a single event. · Sequences, events that are linked over time. · Classification, patterns that describe the group to which an item belongs, found by examining existing items that have been classified and by inferring a set of rules. · Clusters, unclassified but related groups. I would advise a company to use data mining when they are looking for new products and services, or when they are looking for new marketing techniques or new markets. Data mining might also be helpful when trying to analyze unanticipated problems with sales whose causes are difficult to identify.

86) What are the differences between data mining and OLAP? When would you advise a company to use OLAP? Short Answer:

Data mining uncovers hidden relationships and is used when you are trying to discover data and new relationships. It is used to answer questions such as: Are there any product sales that are related in time to other product sales? In contrast, OLAP is used to analyze multiple dimensions of data and is used to find answers to complex, but known, questions, such as: What were sales of a product—broken down by month and geographical region, and how did those sales compare to sales forecasts?

98) List three ways that a business's data can become redundant or inconsistent. Short Answer:

Data redundancy and inconsistency can occur because of (1) employing different names and descriptions for the same entities or attributes; (2) multiple systems feeding a data warehouse; (3) incorrect data entry

13) List at least three conditions that contribute to data redundancy and inconsistency. Short Answer:

Data redundancy occurs when different divisions, functional areas, and groups in an organization independently collect the same piece of information. Because it is collected and maintained in so many different places, the same data item may have: 1. different meanings in different parts of the organization, 2. different names may be used for the same item, and 3. different descriptions for the same condition. In addition, the fields into which the data is gathered may have different field names, different attributes, or different constraints.

13) The development of TCP/IP occurred during the ________ era. A) cloud and mobile computing B) general-purpose mainframe and minicomputer C) client/server era D) personal computer E) enterprise computing


14) Which of the following enables a DBMS to reduce data redundancy and inconsistency? A) Ability to enforce referential integrity B) Ability to couple program and data C) Use of a data dictionary D) Ability to create two-dimensional tables E) Ability to minimize isolated files with repeated data


16) The logical view of a database: A) displays the organization and structure of data on the physical storage media. B) includes a digital dashboard. C) allows the creation of supplementary reports. D) enables users to manipulate the logical structure of the database. E) presents data as they would be perceived by end users.


17) Which of the following factors does not help explain why computing resources today are even more available than in previous decades? A) Network economics B) Law of mass digital storage C) Moore's law D) Declining communications costs and the Internet E) Widespread rejection of technology standards


28) Microsoft Access's data dictionary displays all of the following information about a field except the: A) size of the field. B) format of the field. C) description of the field. D) type of the field. E) the organization within the organization that is responsible for maintaining the data.


32) Which of the following is a leading networking hardware provider? A) Dell B) Intel C) Seagate D) IBM E) Cisco


35) A one-to-many relationship between two entities is symbolized in a diagram by a line that ends with: A) one short mark. B) two short marks. C) three short marks. D) a crow's foot. E) a crow's foot topped by a short mark.


37) ________ are computers consisting of a circuit board with processors, memory, and network connections that are stored in racks. A) Mainframes B) Rack servers C) Cloud servers D) Hybrid servers E) Blade servers


43) The ability to be in multiple states at once, dramatically increasing processing power, is a hallmark of: A) co-location. B) edge computing. C) grid computing. D) utility computing. E) quantum computing.


45) At what percent of capacity do most servers operate? A) 100% B) 80-90% C) approximately 70 percent D) 40-50% E) 15-20%


48) All of the following are cloud computing services except: A) infrastructure as a service. B) platform as a service. C) software as a service. D) on-demand computing. E) virtualization as a service.


52) Which of the following is not one of the NIST defined characteristics of cloud computing? A) Ubiquitous network access B) Location-independent resource pooling C) On-demand self service D) Measured service E) Reduced elasticity


53) Which of the following is not an example of the consumerization of IT? A) Google Apps B) Dropbox C) Facebook D) Gmail E) Amazon Web Services


55) SaaS refers to: A) supplying online access over networks to storage devices and storage area network technology. B) managing combinations of applications, networks, systems, storage, and security as well as providing Web site and systems performance monitoring to subscribers over the Internet. C) self-contained services that communicate with each other to create a working software application. D) easy-to-use software tools for displaying Web pages. E) hosting and managing access to software applications delivered over the Internet to clients on a subscription basis.


64) In data mining, which of the following involves using a series of existing values to determine what other future values will be? A) Associations B) Sequences C) Classifications D) Clustering E) Forecasting


67) Which of the following is not one of the current software platform trends? A) Web services and service-oriented architecture B) Open-source software C) HTML5 D) Software outsourcing E) Multicore processors


7) Which of the following occurs when the same attribute in related data files has different values? A) Data redundancy B) Data duplication C) Data dependence D) Data discrepancy E) Data inconsistency


76) ________ are created by combining and customizing components from different online software applications. A) Apps B) Web browsers C) SaaS D) Web services E) Web mashups


79) ________ provides a standard format for data exchange, enabling web services to pass data from one process to another. A) HTML B) HTML5 C) Java D) Chrome OS E) XML


9) Interpretations of Moore's law assert that: A) computing power will eventually level off. B) transistors decrease in size 50% every two years. C) data storage costs decrease by 50% every 18 months. D) PCs decrease in market share by 9% every 5 years. E) computing power doubles every 18 months.


91) Which model can be used to analyze the direct and indirect costs to help firms determine the actual cost of specific technology implementations? A) Supply and demand B) Return on investment C) Breakeven point D) Cost-benefit analysis E) Total cost of ownership


93) Data cleansing not only corrects errors but also: A) establishes logical relationships between data. B) structures data. C) normalizes data. D) removes duplicate data. E) enforces consistency among different sets of data.


86) Briefly explain why corporations are increasingly interested in using Unix or Linux for their operating systems. Short Answer:

Linux is an inexpensive and robust open-source relative of Unix. Unix and Linux constitute the backbone of corporate infrastructure throughout much of the world because they are scalable, reliable, and much less expensive than mainframe operating systems. They can also run on many different types of processors. The major providers of Unix operating systems are IBM, HP, and Sun with slightly different and partially incompatible versions. Although Windows continues to dominate the client marketplace, many corporations have begun to explore Linux as a low-cost desktop operating system provided by commercial vendors such as RedHat Linux and Linux-based desktop productivity suites such as Sun's StarOffice. Linux is also available in free versions downloadable from the Internet as open-source software. The rise of open-source software, particularly Linux and the applications it supports at the client and server level, has profound implications for corporate software platforms: cost, reduction, reliability and resilience, and integration, because Linux works on all the major hardware platforms from mainframes to servers to clients. Linux has the potential to break Microsoft's monopoly on the desktop. Sun's StarOffice has an inexpensive Linux-based version that competes with Microsoft's Office productivity suite.

31) Have mainframes disappeared? Short Answer:

Mainframes have not disappeared. They continue to be used to reliably and securely handle huge volumes of transactions, for analyzing very large quantities of data, and for handling large workloads in cloud computing centers. The mainframe is still the digital workhorse for banking and telecommunications networks that are often running software programs that are older and require a specific hardware platform. Currently, mainframes process 30 billion business transactions per day, and 80 percent of the world's corporate data also originates on the mainframe

63) What are the essential characteristics of cloud computing? Short Answer:

On-demand self-service: consumers can obtain computing capabilities such as server time or network storage as needed automatically on their own Ubiquitous network access: Cloud resources can be accessed using standard network and Internet devices, including mobile platforms Location-independent resource pooling: Computing resources are pooled to serve multiple users, with different virtual resources dynamically assigned according to user demand. The user generally does not know where the computing resources are located. Rapid elasticity: Computing resources can be rapidly provisioned, increased, or decreased to meet changing user demand Measured service: Charges for cloud resources are based on amount of resources actually used

88) Define outsourcing and explain some of the computing tasks that are well suited to outsourcing. Short Answer:

Outsourcing is the shift of IT infrastructure and systems development to external vendors. This is a good option for companies without the resources or technical capability to perform certain computing tasks. Tasks well suited to outsourcing include Web site hosting, Web design, development of custom software, and software maintenance. More basic tasks such as data entry and call center operation is often outsources as well. Outsourcing often requires firms to enter into a service level agreement (SLA) that defines the specific responsibilities of the service provider.

84) Describe the ways in which database technologies could be used by a toy manufacturer to achieve product differentiation. Short Answer:

Product databases could be made available to customers for greater convenience and ordering online. Databases could be used to track customer preferences and to help anticipate customer desires. Sales databases could also help clients such as toy stores anticipate when they would need to re-supply, providing an additional service. Data mining, Web mining, and sentiment analysis of big data could help anticipate trends in sales or other factors to help determine new services and products to sell to clients.

83) Describe the ways in which database technologies could be used by an office stationery supply company to achieve low-cost leadership. Short Answer:

Sales databases could be used to make the supply chain more efficient and minimize warehousing and transportation costs. You can also use sales databases, as well as text mining and sentiment analysis, to determine what supplies are in demand by which customers and whether needs are different in different geographical areas. Business intelligence databases could be used to predict future trends in office supply needs, to help anticipate demand, and to determine the most efficient methods of transportation and delivery.

97) What is scalability? Why is it essential to the success of the modern business firm? Short Answer:

Scalability is the ability of the computer, product, or system to expand to survey larger numbers of users without breaking down. It is important because as firms grow, they can quickly outgrow their infrastructure. As firms shrink, they can get stuck with excessive infrastructure purchased in better times. Any modern company must be able to make plans for the future, even though that future may be different than what was expected. Computer equipment is expensive, though dropping in price, and budgets must be planned to allow for new purchases, upgrades, and training. It is generally assumed that a successful company will need more computer capacity for more people as it follows a path to continued success.

30) Explain why standards are so important in information technology. What standards have been important for the growth of Internet technologies? Short Answer:

Standards are important because they result in different manufacturers creating products that can be used either with each other or to communicate with each other. For example, without standards, each light-bulb manufacturer would have to also create specific light-bulb sockets for use with their light bulbs. In the same way, computers and computer technology have been enabled through standards. Standards have allowed many different manufacturers to contribute to the same, standardized definitions of a technological application. For example, the ASCII data standards made it possible for computer machines from different manufacturers to exchange data, and standardized software languages have enabled programmers to write programs that can be used on different machines.

100) What are the components that must be considered in a TCO analysis? Short Answer:

TCO cost components include hardware acquisition, which includes the purchase price of computer hardware equipment, including computers, terminals, storage, and printers; software acquisition, which includes the purchase or license of software for each user; installation, which includes the cost to install computers and software; training, which includes the cost to provide training to information systems specialists and end users; support, which includes the cost to provide ongoing technical support; maintenance, which includes the cost to upgrade hardware and software; infrastructure, which includes the cost to acquire, maintain, and support related infrastructure, such as networks and specialized equipment; downtown, which includes the cost of lost productivity if hardware or software failures cost the system to be unavailable; and space and energy, such as real estate and utility costs.

29) List and describe four services that comprise IT infrastructure, beyond physical devices and software applications. Short Answer:

Telecommunications services that provide data, voice, and video connectivity. Data management services to store, manage, and analyze data. Application software services that provide enterprise-wide capabilities. Physical facilities management services, to develop and manage physical installations of technology. IT standards services that establish and monitor the firm's policies. IT education services that provide training in use of the systems. IT research and development services that research potential projects, products, and investments.

99) Distributors for a furniture manufacturer are complaining that the billing for goods they order is frequently not correct, and sometimes are sent to the wrong e-mail and postal addresses. What steps would you take to improve the quality of data in the manufacturer's databases? Short Answer:

The first step is to perform a data quality audit, a survey of the accuracy and level of completeness in all the firm's major databases. Once issues are identified, initiate a program for data cleansing to correct data that is incomplete, improperly formatted, redundant, or just plain wrong.

48) Identify and describe three basic operations used to extract useful sets of data from a relational database. Short Answer:

The select operation creates a subset consisting of all records (rows) in the table that meets stated criteria. The join operation combines relational tables to provide the user with more information than is available in individual tables. The project operation creates a subset consisting of columns in a table, permitting the user to create new tables that contain only the information required.

88) Explain what the term big data refers to. What benefits does it have, and what challenges does it pose? Short Answer:

The term big data is used to describe datasets with volumes so huge that they are beyond the ability of typical DBMS to capture, store, and analyze. Big data is created by the explosion of data coming from the Web, such as Web traffic, e-mail, Twitter, and Facebook, as well as information from other electronic and networked devices such as sensors and meters. Businesses are interested in big data because it contains more patterns and interesting anomalies than smaller data sets, with the potential to provide new insights into customer behavior, weather patterns, financial market activity, or other phenomena. However, to derive business value from big data, organizations need new technologies and tools capable of managing and analyzing non-traditional data along with their traditional enterprise data. They also need to know what questions to ask of the data and the limitations of big data. Capturing, storing, and analyzing big data can be expensive, and information from big data may not necessarily help decision-makers.

62) What are the drawbacks of cloud computing? Do you think these ever outweigh the benefits, and if so, in what cases? Short Answer:

There is concern over cloud computing reliability and security, especially given widespread outages in the past. Another drawback is, for some large companies, paying a public cloud provider may end up being more expensive than maintaining their own infrastructure.

98) A small design agency you are consulting for will be creating client websites and wants to purchase a web server so they can host the sites themselves. How will you advise them on this purchase? Short Answer:

They need to understand total cost of ownership: the costs will go beyond the cost of the server, but they will also need to purchase the server software and any application software they will be using. They will also need someone in their IT department to manage and maintain the computers. They will also incur facilities costs for running the computer. They need to have a backup plan should the server fail. The design agency will need to add up all the potential costs and risks. Additionally, they need to prepare for their plan if they need more servers. Will they eventually have to run and maintain their own server farm? What if one of their clients' sites is more popular than anticipated and the server has difficulty handling the load? How quickly can they add servers or processing power? The company should look at colocation, Web hosting services, and ASPs to see if their needs will be better met this way.

61) An ad-hoc group of oceanographers needs to set up a system to analyze massive amounts of data on ocean temperatures. The technology and hardware for gathering the data and transmitting the data to a central computer is in place. What additional hardware might they need? What techniques might they use to make their research more efficient and lower costs? Short Answer: To store their data they may want to use a SAN. To process their data, they will need a supercomputer. To lower costs, they could look at on-demand computing as well as virtualization and implementing multicore processors.

To store their data they may want to use a SAN. To process their data, they will need a supercomputer. To lower costs, they could look at on-demand computing as well as virtualization and implementing multicore processors.

99) You are starting a market research company with a single business partner and are planning the hardware and software needs for the two of you. Which factors should play into your decision of how much to spend on these investments? Short Answer:

Using the competitive forces model for IT infrastructure investment, the most relevant factors in this decision are: The firm's business strategy. What capabilities will we want to have over the next five years? Alignment of IT strategy. How does our IT strategy match up with the business plan? IT assessment. What are the current technology levels for the services we are offering and our business type? We would probably not need to be at the bleeding edge, but not behind the times either. Competitor firm services. What technology-enabled capabilities do our competitors have? We would want to match services with our competitors. Competitor firm IT investments. How much are competitor firms investing in their technology? Because this is a startup, one other factor may not play such a large role: that of market demand for services. However, finding out the market demand for competitor's services may uncover ways that this new company could have a competitive advantage.

64) What is virtualization and how and why is it used? Short Answer:

Virtualization is the process of presenting a set of computing resources so that they can all be accessed in ways that are not restricted by physical configuration or geographic location. It enabled a single physical resource to appear to the user as multiple logical resources. It also reduces technology costs by providing the ability to host multiple systems on a single physical machine.

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