Supply Chain Management
There are three different internal strategies in SCM?
- Agility (flexible, in environments you can't predict) - Leanness (low variety, predictable environments) - Leagility
What are the principles of lean?
- Eliminate Waste - Effectiveness and Efficiency in processes - Continuous improvement process
What are the principles of agile?
- Flexible and reconfigurable network - sharing competencies and market knowledge
What are the principles of leagility? Three approachese
- Pareto distribution (high variety) - surge and base demand distinction (base level demand can be predicted from past data) - decoupling point (possibility of modular production)
How can you gain competitive advantage through SCM?
Dimensions include to - EITHER cost leadership - OR superior service/ quality
What is supply chain management?
SCM is the systemic, strategic coordination of business functions and processes within a particular company and across organisations within the supply chain, for the purpose of improving the long-term performance of the individual companies and the supply chain as a whole It also means the management of intra and inter-company processes.