Suppression test 1

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Preconnected flat load

Adaptable for varying sizes of hose beds and is often used in transverse beds

Accordion load

Allows a shoulder stack to be carried by fire fighters during an emergency

Primary damage

Damage caused by a fire itself and not by actions taken to fight the fire.

Secondary damage

Damage caused by or resulting from actions taken to fight a fire and leaving the property unprotected.

Mechanical damage

Abrasions, cuts, and tears

Primary feeders

Large pipes, with relatively widespread spacing. Supply secondary feeders

Below grade fires

Most difficult and dangerous structure fires Ventilation is one floor above and opposite to the stairwell Use stairwells as a chimney to ventilate

Drying woven jacket hose

Must be dried throughly before being reloaded

Surface fuels

Needles, duff, twigs, grass, brush up to 6 feet, downed limbs, logging slash and small trees on or immediately adjacent to the ground

Direct Attack (Wildland)

Directly attacking the flames against the edge or closely parallel to it

Cant use on class c fires Susceptible to wind Heat inversion if used incorrectly

Disadvantages of broken stream nozzles

Doesn't have reach or penetration power Susceptible to wind and create heat inversion if used incorrectly

Disadvantages of fog nozzles

Low volume stream

Discharge less than 40 GPM Supplied by 3/4 or 1 or 1 1/2 inch booster lines

Master Stream

Discharges more than 350 GPM and is fed by one or more 2 1/2 or 3 inch hose lines or larger diameter hose lines connected to a master stream nozzle


Double male/ double female, allow hoses to be connected together when both couplings are the same sex

Flat load

Easiest to load, it is suitable for any size of supply hose and is the best why to load large diameter hose Less subjected to wear from apparatus vibrations

Above grade fires

Fire attack in a multistory structure should be initiated from the floor below the fire door Staging area is 2 floors below the fire door

Internal and external communication

Fire department can be split into 2 parts of communication

SCBA tag system

Fire fighters give their tags to an AO who records time of entry and the expected time to exit

More than 300 feet apart in high value districts

Fire hydrants should not be placed...

Solid stream

Fire stream produced from a fixed orifice such as a smooth bore nozzle

Ground fire

Fire that burns decayed leaves or peat deep below the ground surface.

Accidental fires

Fires for which the proven cause does not involve an intentional human act to ignite or spread fire into an area where the fire should not be.

2 inch attack hose

Flows 100- 250 gpms Fair in mobility and damage control Good for directional control 2 to 3 people to operate effectively

1 1/2 attack hose

Flows between 40-125 gpms Good to fair in mobility Good in damage control and directional control One to two people

1 3/4 attack hose

Flows between 40-175 gpms Good and fair in mobility Good for damage control At least Two people for effectiveness

Computer based electronic accountability system

Greatest level of safety Use radio based tracking or radar

90 decibels

Hearing damage may occur in humans if they are excessively exposed to noise above:

Collapsible, round self supporting synthetic tank

The types of tanks are?

Spot fires

These are caused by flying sparks or embers landing outside the perimeter


These are patches of I burned fuel inside the fire perimeter.

Hydrant wrenches

These are primarily used to remove discharge caps from fire hydrant outlets and to open fire hydrant valves

Mobile radios

These are smaller than base station radios and are mounted in fire apparatus, ambulance, and staff vehicles with being powered by the vehicles electrical system


These are strips of fire extending from the main fire

Rocker lugs

These are the most common lug They have a higbee cut and higbee cut indicator


These are the sides of a ground cover fire

base station radio

These are used in fixed locations such as fire stations, telecommunication centers, training centers, or administrative offices


These are utilized if small amounts of power are needed to operate lights and tools 110 or 220 AC Fuel efficient and minimal noise Constant exhaust, limited power supply and limited mobility

Required volume of water Distance between the water source and the fire scene Size of supply hose available Amount of hose available Pumper capacities

These factors decide the number of pumpers needed and the distance between pumpers


These fittings are used to connect a smaller hose line to the end of a larger one

Hose ramps and bridges

These help to prevent damage to fire hose when vehicles must drive over them


Tightly compacted fuels burn slower than those that are loosely pilled

The water supply must be capable of maintaining the required volume of water for the duration of the incident The relay must be established quickly enough to be worthwhile

Two important factors in considering the establishment of a relay operation

crown fire

a forest fire that spreads from treetop to treetop.

portable radio

a handheld two-way radio

Post Indicator Valve Assembly (PIVA)

does not use a plate with words open or shut. Uses circular disk inside a flat plate on top of the valve housing.

external communication

flows between people inside and outside the organization

heat inversion

Pushing the super heated gases from the ceiling to the floor

area of origin

The general location (room or area) where the ignition source and the material first ignited actually came together for the first time.

TDD/TTY/text phone system

telecommunication device for the deaf

Surface fires

most common type of wildfires, move slowly and burn along the forest floor, killing and damaging vegetation

Combination Attack

A type of attack employing both direct attack and indirect attack methods

Triple layer load

Consists of 3 folds which are then folded into an S shape

Hose jacket

Consists of hinged two piece metal cylinder The rubber lining of each half of the cylinder seals the rupture to prevent the leakage

Aerial fuels

Fuels located more than 6 feet off the ground, usually part of or attached to trees.

Fuel moisture content

Fuels that have less moisture ignite faster than ones that have more moisture.

Water shuttle operations

This involves hauling water from a supply source to the incident scene

Barrel strainers

This is Commonly used when drafting from natural water resources

Fire stream

This is a stream of water or other extinguishing agent after it leaves the fire hose and nozzle until it reaches the desired target

Intake hose

This is also called suction hose and is used to connect the pumper to a hydrant or another water source

Telephone fire alarm box

This is equipped with a telephone for direct voice contact with the telecommunications center

Defensive Strategies

This is intended to isolate or stabilize an incident and keep it from expanding Usually an exterior operation


This is opposite of the green This is the area in which the fire has consumed the fuels


This is the area where the fire started and the point from which the fire spreads


This is the outer boundary, or distance around the outside edge of the burning area


This is the part of a ground cover fire that spreads most rapidly


This is the side opposite of the head


This is the unburned fuels next to the involved area


This is utilizing a shot burst with either a solid or straight stream aimed onto the burning fuels


This is utilizing contrast flow to cool hot surfaces or stop the pyrolysis process by applying water and allowing it to run over the hot material

Water hammer

This is where the nozzle is closed quickly and suddenly. It creates a shockwave when the moving water reaches the closed nozzle and bounces back

Storage roll

This roll begins begins at the male coupling and leaves the female coupling exposed

Donut roll

This roll is used where hose is likely to be deployed for use directly from a roll

Twin donut rolls

This roll to create a compact roll that can be easily transported and carried for special applications such as high rise or standpipe operations Works best with 1 1/2 and 1 3/4 inch hoselines

offensive strategies

This usually means deploying resources for interior tactical operations to accomplish incident priorities

Damaged hose couplings Sharp bends or kinks in hose Number of adaptors Length of hose lay Hose diameters Nozzles and valves not kept fully open or closed

What are reasons that can cause friction loss?

Wind, temp, relative humidity, precipitation

What are some weather factors that influence fire behavior?

Portable and fixed

What are the 2 types of lighting equipment

Engine compartment Passenger compartment Undercarriage

What are the 3 categories of vehicle fires?

Ground, surface, and crown fires

What are the 3 types of Ground surface fires?

Passport system, SCBA tag system, computer based electronic accountability system

What are the 3 types of accountability systems?

Commercial vehicles, vehicles carrying hazardous materials, passenger vehicles

What are the most common types of vehicle fires you'll be called to?

Waterproof canvas, synthetic material (vinyl) or disposable plastic covers

What can salvage covers be made of?

Blue yellow or orange

What color cables do you never cut in a hybrid vehicle?

minimum 1 1/2 inch hose

What diameter of hose do you want to use for a vehicle fire?

sight, touch, sound, electronic sensors

What do you use to find hidden fires?

Taking out the trash

What does overhaul mean?

The volume of water in GPM

What does size refer to


What does the C in LCES stand for

Escape routes

What does the E in LCES stand for


What does the L in LCES stand for

Safety zones

What does the S in LCES stand for

The specific pattern or shape of the water after it leaves the nozzle

What does the type indicat

Date Time Name Callback number Message Your name

What info should you gather during non emergency calls

Type of Emergency Location Number and location of people involved Name and location of caller Callback number Cross street or building name

What info should you gather on emergency calls?

Compressed natural gas Has a flammability rate is 5 to 15 percent Odorless

What is CNG?

liquified petroleum gas 1.5 to 10 percent flammability rate Used in campers, manufactured homes, agricultural applications, rural homes, and businesses

What is LPG?

Good morning, Goodfellow fire department, fire fighter green speaking, how may I help you?

What is a professional greeting over the phone

Can help with ventilation patterns

What is an advantage of fog nozzles

Station lights

What is considered a visual alarm

Vocal alarm Station bell or gong

What is considered an audible alarm

Radio Pager Telephones

What is considered an electric alarm

Units assigned Type of emergency Address Dispatch time Current conditions

What is the basic info to be broadcasted include?

Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion (BLEVE)

What is the danger with natural gas in a vehicle?

1 1/2 inch

What is the minimum hose diameter used for a structural fire

Loss of pressure in a hose line between a pumper and the nozzle

What is the most common example of friction loss

Leave them in the same room

What is the most common method to protect room contents

500 to 1500 watts

What is the wattage of fixed lights

300 to 1000 watts

What is the wattage of portable lights?

50-250 feet

What length are pre connected hoselines

Withdrawal Abandon Evacuate

What might the order to cease interior operations be referred as?

100 PSI

What psi do most fog nozzles operate at?

Room, degree of hazard, wind, weather, and topography

What should you look for while setting up a control boundary?

1 1/2 or 3/4 inch hose

What size hose line do you use to extinguish hidden fires

Solid streams

What stream should you not use against electric equipment?

Axes, pike poles, power saws, shovels

What tool would you use to complete overhaul

10 codes

What type of codes are not used anymore?

U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT)

Who's regulations require all personnel working at roadway incidents to wear high visibility vests

In case a SCBA pack malfunctions, firefighter becomes lost or trapped, or unexpected change in fire behavior

Why is an accountability system needed?

Assume all electrical wires, equipment, and devices are energized

You should always assume what with electrical hazards?

Fill site Dump site Mobile water supply apparatus

3 parts to a water shuttle operation

Straight roll, donut roll, twin donut roll

3 types of rolls

Fog Stream

A fine spray composed of tiny water droplets Used to have the maximum water surface for heat absorption

Incendiary fire

A fire that is deliberately set with the intent to cause the fire to occur in an area where the fire should not be.

chain of custody

A list of all people who came into possession of an item of evidence

Wall post indicator valve

A sprinkler control valve that is mounted on the outside wall of a building. The position of the indicator tells whether the valve is open or shut.

Outside Stem and Yoke (OS&Y) Valve

A sprinkler control valve with a valve stem that moves in and out as the valve is opened or closed.

Post Indicator Valve (PIV)

A type of valve used to control underground water mains that provides a visual means for indicating "open" or "shut" position; found on the supply main of installed fire protection systems.

Control of both couplings Hose rolls out easier Enables a quicker connection to other couplings

Advantages of a donut roll

Absorbed more heat than solid streams Greater reach than fog nozzles Effective on fires in confined spaces

Advantages of broken stream nozzles


Amount of fuel present in a given area influences the fires intensity and the amount of water needed to achieve extinguishment


As water is applied to the fire, it is converted into steam which can expand up to ______ times its original volume

500 degrees

At what temperature is tensile strength affected?

Indirect attack

Attack is made through a window or other opening, directing steam towards the ceiling. Produces large amounts of steam and must be coordinated with ventilation Not ideal when victims are present

Internal communication

Between members of the same organisation

Minute man load

Can be carried on a shoulder Well suited for narrow hose beds Awkward to carry with SCBA

Undetermined fire

Classification of fire when the cause cannot be proven to an acceptable level of certainty.

two-way radio

Common way for fire or government workers to communicate during emergencies

Preconnected hoselines

Designed to be pulled and deployed by one person

The ground plug

Do not bypass this

Pump Hose Nozzle Water/agent

Four essential elements of a fire stream

Forcible entry tools, portable radio, hand light

Hose teams should bring...

Size and type

How are fire stream patterns identified

Up hill and up wind 45 degrees Announce all clear when all passengers are out

How do you attack a vehicle fire?

At an angle with the front wheels turned away from the scene so that the vehicle will not strike working personnel if it is hit from behind

How do you park an apparatus at a scene?

Hey you, it's me

How do you start over the radio

By increasing the hose diameter, adding additional parallel hose lines, or increasing the pump pressure

How is friction loss overcome?

Shut power off Use cleaning agents Fog stream 100 psi nozzle

How should you put out a class C fire?

Passport System

Personnel accountability system in which firefighters give their passport or tag to the designated Accountability Officer when entering the hot zone and take it back as they exit. AKA a tag system.

Subsurface fuels

Roots, peat, and other partially decomposed organic matter that lie under the surface of the ground.

Electric power

Should be turned off at the main panel only Never cut power lines

No, it causes unnecessary secondary damage

Should you blindly destroy walls and ceilings?

Straight roll

Simplest roll and has 2 variations

Fuel size

Small or light fuels burn faster than heavier ones


Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace

NFPA 1977

Standard on Protective Clothing and Equipment for Wildland Fire Fighting

Hand lines stream

Supplied by 1 1/2 to 2 inch hose, with flows from 40 to 350 GPM

point of origin

The location where the fire started


The most common power source used for emergency services. Gas or diesel and have 110 to 220 volt capacity Noisy

Natural fires

These occur when humans are not involved in the ignition process

junction boxes

These provide multiple outlets or connections and are supplied through one inlet from the power source

Broken streams

This fire stream has been broken into coarsely divided water droplets by specialized nozzles such as cellar nozzles, rotary nozzles, piercing nozzles, and chimney nozzles

Solid stream nozzles

Type of nozzle that delivers an unbroken or solid stream of water to the fire. Also called solid tip, straight bore, or smooth bore. Have greater reach and penetration power Unable to select different patterns

Loss control

Used in the fire service to describe the activities preformed before, during, and after a fire has been extinguished to minimize loss to property


When fuels are close together, the fire spreads faster because of heat transfer

Mounted on vehicles

Where are fixed lights located

Building interiors or remote areas of the scene

Where are portable lights used?


Who determines the strategy for controlling the fire

Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

Who regulates all radio communication in the United States?


lay of the land

Indirect attack (wildland)

used for large wildland and ground fires that are too dangerous to approach

Larger diameter hose appliances

Used when a larger volume of water is needed at the end of the main supply line Consists of one LDH inlet and 3 2 1/2 inch valve controlled male outlets

Lakes, ponds, rivers, and the ocean Swimming pools Farm stock tanks Rainwater collection cisterns and detention ponds

What are examples of alternative water supplies

Screw down, press down, hydraulic press

What are the 3 types of hose clamps

Gravity, direct pumping, and combination systems

What are the 3 ways to move water

Gravity dumping through large dump valves Jet dumps Apparatus mounted pumps Combination of these methods

What are the 4 basic methods by which mobile water supply unload water?

Damaged hydrant valves and connections Broken water mains Greater demand than the system can provide

What are the failures or reduction in water supply?

Spanner wrench, hydrant wrench, rubber mallet

What are the most common tools used to tighten or loose hose couplings?

Wells, rivers, springs, lakes, and ponds

What are water supply sources

Each diameter or size of attack hose

What can provide great benefit to fire suppression and effectiveness?

Small pegs

What do pin lugs resemble

Erosion around the base of the hydrant

What happens when a dry barrel hydrant is not completely shut or open?

15 feet

What is the Required amount for soft intake hose

400 feet of 1 1/2, 1 3/4, or 2 inches

What is the required amount and size of attack hose

800 feet of 2 1/2 to 6 inches

What is the required amount and size of supply hose?

20 feet

What is the required amount of hard intake hose?

Sedimentation and deposits within the water mains

What might decrease water flow in a wet barrel hydrant?

Obstructions Outlets facing wrong direction Insufficient clearance between outlets and the ground Hydrant damage Rust and corrosion Missing outlets or stuck in place with paint Miscolored

What should you look for while inspecting hydrants

Stand over the handle

What should you never do when applying or releasing a hose clamp?

1 1/2 inch

What type of discharge line does a jet siphon have?


When drafting, you should always have what on the hard suction hose?

Distances greater than 1/2 miles away from the nearest hydrant/ water source or greater than the fire department's capability to lay supply hose lines

When is a water shuttle operation recommended?

Large diameter hoses (LDH)

Where are Storz couplings most commonly used with?

On couplings of old fire hose

Where are pin lugs usually found

They Snag and catch objects

Why aren't pin lugs not commonly used?


Permits connecting two sections of hose without twisting the entire hose

1000 gallons

Portable tanks have capacities beginning at?

Hose roller

Protect hose from mechanical damage of dragging hose over sharp corners such as roof edges and windowsills

Organic damage

Attack from mold and mildew

Cleaning woven jacket hose

Brush off the hose throughly Wash with clear water while using a scrub with a stiff brush if not clean If exposed to oils it should be cleaned with a mild soap detergent using common scrubs brushes and rinsed with clear water

Drying hard rubber, hard intake, and synthetic jacket collapsible hose

Can be placed back on apparatus wet with no effects


Connects 2 hoses into one Has 2 female connections on the intake side and one male connection on the discharge side

Age deterioration

Cracking at points where hose was consistently folded and separation of inner liner from exterior covering

Dry barrel hydrants

Designed for use in climates that are expected to have freezing temperatures

Wet barrel hydrant

Designed to have water in the hydrant at all times

Chemical damage

Deterioration due to solvent action on synthetic materials and natural fibers

Intake strainers

Devices attached to the drafting end of a hard intake hose to keep debris from entering the fire pump and damaging the firefighting system


Divided one hose line into 2 hoselines Consists of one 2 1/2 inch inlet and 2 1 1/2 inch oullets

Thermal damage

Exposure to fire, high heat, or freezing temperatures

Slight suction from the discharge opening

How can you tell if the hydrant is draining properly on a dry barrel hydrant?

Distances between intersections exceed 350 to 400 feet

Intermediate hydrants my be required if...

Secondary feeders

Intermediate pipes that interconnect with the primary feeder lines to create a grid

Water treatment facilities

Most water must be processed to remove impurities and minerals that can be harmful to humans, animals, and plants. Water must first go through this

Threaded couplings

Oldest designs involves the casting of machining of a spiral thread into the face of two distinctly different parts

Wildland water thief

One type of water thief variation that usually consists of a 1 1/2 inlet and outlet and one valve controlled 1 inch male outlet

Cleaning hard rubber booster hose

Rinse with clear water Mild detergent if necessary

Cleaning jacket collapsible hose

Rinse with clear water Mild detergent if necessary

Cleaning hard intake hose

Rinse with clear water Mild detergent is necessary


Rusting of metal couplings

Water thief

Similar to the wye, however there is an inlet and outlet of matching size combined with smaller outlets that "steal" water from the main line

Spanner wrenches

Small tool primarily used to tighten or loosen hose couplings Can also be used as a prying tool or a gas key


Smaller than water mains in diameter, these serve individual fire hydrants and commercial and residential consumers

Portable tanks

Storage tanks used during a relay or shuttle operation to hold water from water tanks or hydrants

1000 GPM

Tankers/tenders must be capable of dumping or filling at rates of?


The portion of the coupling that serves as the point of attachment to the hose

Non threaded couplings

These are connected with locks or cams rather than screw threads Called Storz or sexless couplings Use a 1/4 turn to lock into position

Chafing blocks

These are devices used to protect fire hose from abrasions caused by vibrating and rubbing

Pin, recessed, rocker lugs, and extended handles

These are different lugs that are found today

Extended handle lugs

These are located on the swivels of large intake supply or suction hoses

Hose straps, ropes, and chains

These are used to carry, pull, or handle charged hose lines

Fill fast, dump fast

These capabilities are critical to an efficient water shuttle operation

Booster lines

These normally have couplings with recessed lugs that are simply shallow hole drilled into the coupling

Combination system

This consists of both gravity tanks and the direct pumping process to provide adequate pressure

Gravity system

This delivers water from the source or the treatment facility to the distribution system without pumping equipment

Low level strainers

This is Commonly used when drafting from portable water tanks Can be used as a jet siphon by removing the plug and attaching a 1 1/2 or 1 3/4 inch hose

Rubber mallet

This is sometimes used to strike the extended handle lugs on large diameter hose to tighten or loosen intake hose couplings

Direct pumping systems

This is where a pump is placed near the water source or treatment facility to create the required pressure within the distribution system

Floating strainers

This keeps the hard suction hose away from the bottom of a natural water source, reducing the amount of debris

Salvage roll

This roll is begun at the female coupling so that when the role is completed the male coupling is exposed

Clapper valve

Used in Siamese appliances to allow water flow in one direction only Prevent water from flowing out of an unused outlet when one intake hose is connected and charged before the addition of more hose

Hard intake hose

Used in drafting operations but can be used with hydrants Can be used to connect portable drafting tanks Sizes rang from 2 1/2 to 6 inches

Ball valves

Used in pumper discharges and gated wyes The valve is open when the handle is in line with the nose

Butterfly valve

Used on large pump intakes and incorporate a flat baffle that turns 90 degrees Most are operated by a quarter turn handle


Used to change the angle of the hose coming off the truck discharge

Hose plug

Used to close off a female coupling

Hose caps

Used to close off a male coupling

Gate valves

Used to control flow from hydrant side discharges, this valve has a screw battle configuration that works by opening or closing the valve

Hose clamp

Used to prevent charging the hose bed during a forward lay operation Allows replacement of a burst section of hose without stopping the water supply To allow extension of a hose line without stopping the water supply

Soft intake hose

Used to transfer water from pressurized water source to the pump intake Size can range from 2 1/2 to 6 inches

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