Terrorism study guide

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U.S. officials are particularly concerned about the terrorist threats from Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, Syria, and Nigeria. Choose two of these countries and explain why this is.

A. U.S. officials are concerned about terrorists threats in Yemen because they have a terrorist group called AQAP, a branch of ISIS has formed in Yemen and carried out multiple attacks. b. In Nigeria the group Boka haram is a major threat to the U.S. and many more countries, they are a terrorist group that has already attacked other countries before.

3rd reason for rise of ISIS

Al- Maliki. Terrorists released people in prisons swelled with people who had opposed Al-Maliki's govt- the Sunnis.The sunnis then began to join ISIS. They began to call themselves the Islamic state in Iraq. The Turning point is the government attitude towards the situation. On April 2013 Sunni protest camp there was a confrontation and Maliki responds fast with enormous force. Then ISIS uses video footage as propaganda to fuel anger towards the government. sters killed (video image of this and ISIS will use this against the government and show that they kill innocent people. Al-Maliki fueled and created what he feared most and Hundreds of people were estimated killed (civilians) and this has been called the revolution or insurgency. Some sunnis in the ISIS ranks has military background because of the De Baathification- sunnis were kicked out by the government- they didn't have jobs so they had to join the military in result. Sunnis didn't like ISIS but saw them as the only people who could protect them and understand them(US wasn't there anymore). Abu gurab wasn't far from Baghdad (14 miles) where ISIS would take the Sunnis away to.Explains how a moderate person can get forced into an extreme position and in 2013, Al-Maliki set out to DC.

Hamas leadership/political structure

Although Hamas was founded by one person, it is currently run by a leadership body. The main body of people that Hamas is run by is known as its politburo. There are also regional leaders for the West Bank and Gaza. The political chief in Hamas has been Khaled Meshaal since 1996 while Marwan Issa and Mohammad Deif control the military wing of Hamas. The original militia founder of Hamas named Salah Shehadeh was killed in 2002 while Yassin was assassinated two years later.

leadership/ political structure of Hezbollah

Although Hezbollah is considered a terrorists group they hold, 8 seats out of 128 in the parliament. Israel once had control over southern lebanon but, with the help of Hezbollah the Lebanese were able to remove the Israelis. Lebanon became a little more accepting of Hezbollah, and gave them a part of the parliament.

Hamas location

Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

Why have certain U.S. programs to fight terrorism been controversial?

George W. Bush developed this strategy called "global war on terror" where he used terror tactics to torture, and detain people. This strategy created controversy amongst American citizens.

Hamas funding

Hamas has been cut from trading and funding with the United States and the European Union, but some Islamic charities in the west still manage to get money to Hamas. Initially, lots of the money Hamas received was from people who right outside of Palestine and independent donors from the golf.

Hamas orgins

Hamas is a Palestinian militant group founded in 1987 by Sheikh Ahmed Yassin.

Hamas moving forward

Hamas' future goal is to gain control of Gaza's economic problems, while Israel's goal is to decrease the power Hamas' military currently has.

origins of Hezbollah

Hezbollah was founded by a Lebanese Shi'ite Muslim council. Hezbollah means "Party of God."

Hezbollah moving forward

Hezbollah's future goal is to gain more power in Lebanon, and other countries. Hezbollah's future lies in the hands of Syria and Iran.

Hezbollah goals

Hezbollah's goal is to protect the Shiite community

In your opinion, what U.S. policies are most effective in fighting terrorism?

I believe drones are the most effective because a lot of people do not have access to drones in different countries and regions but we do and they are a very safe way of attack for us in a lot of circumstances. The drone program is also linked to target assassination and that is another great U.S. policy.

What is ISIS? How and why did ISIS form?

ISIS stands for Islamic State in Iraq and Syria and is an extremist militant group - terrorist group. ISIS formed because after the invasion groups like ISIS saw the fight against the united states forces in Iraq as a part of border struggle. These groups were formed to make decisions. By force these groups had the decision of forcing the U.S. out of Iraq.

ISIS origins

ISIS traces back to the U.S. invasion of iraq, when militant Abu Musab al-Zarqawi aligned his militant group Jama'at al-Tawhid w'al-Jihad, with al-Qaeda

ISIS moving forward

ISIS's goal in the future would be to gain political, and military power in several different middle eastern countries.

What domestic threats from terrorism does the United States face?

In recent years, hundreds of US citizens have gone overseas to study terrorism. Homegrown terrorist attacks have included mass-bombings, shootings, and suicide bombings. Many people blame Muslims, but in fact, US Muslims are mostly against extremism.

Hezbollah funding

Iran funds Hezbollah with a $100 million a year. Iran also provides the terrorist group with several well-trained fighters and weapons.

ISIS leadership/political structure

Islamic state leader- caliph Abu al-Baghdad Prime Minister Maliki- withdrew from Iraq back in 2010 Excluded Sunni political rivals and provided Shias with benefits

2. What is Islamophobia? What are the political, economic, and social consequences of Islamophobia in the United States?

Islamophobia—Islamophobia refers to unsubstantiated hatred, fear, and discrimination directed at Muslims or people perceived to be Muslim. Within the United States, rapidly changing economic and political environments, fear of government intrusion, and racist ideologies have led to anxiety about the future and the rise of extremist militant groups.

ISIS Funding

Oil extraction= Islamic State largest source of income Group sold oil pumped from wells in Iraq and Syria Sold to local truckers and middle men= estimate price a day= 1-3 million This was risky

How did President Obama change the U.S. approach to terrorism? In what ways has this approach remained the same?

President Obama changed the U.S. approach to terrorism by reconstructing the systems and strategies that were used against suspected terrorists. In his first year of office in 2009, he prohibited interrogation tactics that were formerly used on people suspected of being terrorists which included things such as waterboarding and other torture. Obama also made a set plan to close the prison of Guantanamo in Cuba within a year's time. He banned military tribunals, aswell, which would result in terrorists being brought to U.S. soil to be tried in court. Many people disagreed with Obama and thought that it could be dangerous for terrorists to be tried in the U.S. and that it would be better off if they were tried in the military. Due to this disagreement, it is unsure what the final call will be to protect the United States from terrorists without torturing them in the process. These tactics have remained the same in the sense that the United States is still unsure as to what they should do with the threat of terrorists against the country.

1 reason for rise of ISIS

Sunni mistreatment. Sunnis were extremely disrespected and are being marginalized. Hundred and hundreds of Sunnis have been arrested and then tortured. Sunnis and the police and the army were being replaced by Shia's. Sunnis were being killed and abused they were showing up dead everywhere constantly dead people on the streets of Baghdad.

ISIS location

Syria and Iraq

2nd reason for rise of ISIS

Syrian civil war. Syria is what made isis (ISIS wouldn't be what they are today without Syria). They are able to recruit very easily and Baghdad ends up sending a lot of guys into Syria. They become a very very powerful group very quickly. This group takes of like fire and is extremely fast growing. The Support quickly began against Sunni opposition groups. People started to Attempt to sell oil wells on black market for cash. Pumping the oil and selling on black market to raise revenue (terrorist economy).

ISIS goals

The Sunni, militant group, Isis wants to purify the Islamic religion by murdering all of the Shia muslims. They also want to receive a reaction after doing something negative.

Hamas goals

The goal for Hamas is to gain support from the Palestinians.

What are the domestic policy issues that the United States faces in the struggle against terrorism?

The main domestic policy issues the U.S. faces in the struggle against terrorism are emergency management, trade, infrastructure, visitors and immigration, refugees, and border control.

How has the threat from extremist Muslim terrorists changed since September 11?

The threat from extremist Muslim terrorist are still something that people are afraid of but ever since 9/11 terrorist threats or the possibility of them are taken very seriously and are not taken lightly at all. Most terrorist threats are easily stopped or prevented because of the high security most places now have.

Hezbollah geography

southern Lebanon

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