Test #1 Quiz Review (Venezuela)

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Name two of Venezuela's caudillo presidents and outline their major policies.

* Jose Antonio Paez was a conservative caudillo president. He was tough minded, promoted the transition of Venezuelan economy from a colonial system to an international system. * Antonio Guzman Blanco was a liberal caudillo who set about three tasks: establishing public order, revitalizing international trade, and improving governmental efficiency. He was very intent on self-enrichment and economic development of the state as a whole. He also tightened down on the freedoms and authority of the church, closing religious seminaries and convents and forcing their students to attend the national university.

What political role did they later play in Venezuela?

Betancourt, Caldera, and Leoni all three became presidents of Venezuela. As a whole, the group worked together to cultivate support among labor unions and established Accion Democratica (AD)They joined with military officers to oust and exile Medina Angarita and Lopez Contreras. Once in power they suspended constitutional guarantees, created a ministry of labor, and recalibrated the oil company earnings tax for a 50/50 split in profits with 50% going to the Venezuelan government.

How did Hugo Chavez rise to national prominence?

He used his passion and strong personality to build powerful grassroots support among groups that had been neglected by the pact of Punto Fijo: most notably, the middle-classes and the poor. He was further assisted by the incompetence and irrelevance of his opposition along with the tremendous levels of frustration that had turned the majority against the old political leadership.

Why did the Punto Fijo arrangement fail?

It began running out of steam due to the rising anger in the middle class because of the blatant self-enrichment of leading politicians. This anger led to citizens turning away from traditional parties and elections in general, further weakening the system. The refusal of the "founding generation" to make room for new faces led to an ossification of the system and only amplified levels of frustration among the populace.

What was the greatest political achievement of Punto Fijo in the four decades that followed?

It brought about a period of relative peace. Though it was fragile, it fostered and environment in which all major interest groups participated in a system of mutual gain.

How would you explain the weakness of the agricultural and industrial sectors in Venezuela?

Since the presidency of Juan Vincete Gomez, the Venezuelan economy has been nearly solely dependent upon revenue generated by the production and exportation of petroleum. Given the vast amounts of money that this system has created, there has been no (evident) need for the development of agricultural or industrial practices and production. As a result, this aspect of the Venezuelan economy has remained underdeveloped.

What was the "trieno?"

The trieno was a three year period of party rule, brought about by the ousting of the Medina Angarita regime in a coup led by AD leaders and military officers.

How did Chavez consolidate his hold on power after the 1998 election?

· Chavez called elections for a constituent assembly to write a new constitution. · Once this convention was formed, they began to systematically destroy all of Venezuela's long-standing political institutions. They dismantled the Supreme Court, disbanded the legislature, appointed themselves to serve in place of Congress, and overrode opposition to approve a new constitution. This new constitution allowed for the president to be re-elected enhanced the already strong executive powers, and created a unicameral legislature to weaken the system of checks and balances against presidential authority.

In what sense did Punto Fijo create a consociational governing arrangement and for what immediate purpose?

· It formed a coalition of all major interest groups. · It created a system of decision making by consensus where all groups involved agreed to make decisions where everyone benefits. Effectively forming an environment where nobody could threaten the others' vital interests. · It made rules where all parties involved agreed on proportionality in government based on election results

Who were some of the members of the Generation of '28?

· Jovita Villalba · Romulo Betancourt · Rafael Caldera · Raul Leoni

What were the main elements of the Pact of Punto Fijo?

· Party leaders agreed to respect the electoral process and share power according to voting results, leading to a system of proportionality and inclusion. It introduced the spirit of a "prolonged political truce" which governed the distribution of cabinet posts, state jobs, and governmental contracts. · Its economic elements introduced a "minimum program of government" which forced parties to exercise economic moderation and allowed the expansion of the state's role in the economic real while promoting private businesses. It essentially resulted in Venezuelan capitalists exchanging the right to rule for the right to make money.

How did the first AD-led government (1958) consolidate democratic rule (civilian) in Venezuela?

· They undertook a series of gradual reforms, established a state-run corporation to deal with foreign companies, and formed OPEC.

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