Test One Study Guide

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Congressional (Radical) Reconstruction

14th amendment = equality, congress took charge of reconstruction away from Johnson. all black men could vote, 16 African Americans in office, 1867 impeachment of Johnson, 15th amendment = black men now could vote short term goal: bring states back into the union long term: secession is illegal, can never happen

the homestead strike

1842; Carnegie Steel Plant strikers attempted to unite skilled and unskilled workers; there were battles when the strikers fought hired Pinkerton guards; the factory owners (Carnegie and Frick) won. If a person didn't want to work then they could easily be replaced because people were lining up to get a job.

Homestead Act

1862, $10 any citizen, could have 160 acres of land

Presidential Reconstruction

1865-1867 , Andrew Johnson attempted to carry out Lincoln's plan for the political Reconstruction of the 11 former states of the Confederacy part 1) abolish slavery 2) repudiate secession amnesty 3) repudiate confederate debt(all of it is gone)

Ira Steward's a second declaration of independence


Chinese exclusion act

1882, 300,000 had immigrated to U.S, act closed doors to chinese, they were killed by groups

Dawes Act

1887 law that distributed reservation land to individual Native American owners, was considered magna carta for Indians. Each head of family was give 168 acres of farm land, 320 acres of grazing land. all the rest was considered surplus land and was for whites

opposition to immigration

26 million immigrants, fear of competition for jobs, discrimination because different

Nez Perce reservation in 1910

30,000 whites lived on the land that once belonged to them, and 1500 Nez Perce

Jacob Riis

A Danish immigrant, he became a reporter who pointed out the terrible conditions of the tenement houses of the big cities where immigrants lived, took him 7 years to get a job, got job as a writer and photographer, took pictures of how immigrants had to live

Andrew Carnegie

A Scottish-born who used to be a child laborer, American industrialist and philanthropist who founded the Carnegie Steel Company in 1892. By 1901, his company dominated the American steel industry. Practiced horizontal competition.

Congressional Reconstruction

A process led by the Radical Republicans that led to the usage of military force to protect blacks' rights.

13th Amendment

Abolished Slavery

14th amendment section 1

All persons born or naturalized in the U.S., and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the U.S. and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the U.S.; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

14th Amendment

Amendment:equal protection under the law to all people, 1) Citizenship for African Americans, 2) Repeal of 3/5 Compromise, 3) Denial of former confederate officials from holding national or state office, 4) Repudiate (reject) confederate debts section 1) born here means you're a citizen and are equal protection section 2) representation - political consequence for suffrage sec 3) former Confederate means you cannot serve in office without taking a pledge sec 4) US debt is valid, CSA debt is void sec 5) congress will enforce this law

vagrancy laws

Any former slave who is found idle (not working) or without employment (have to work or you will be forced to work without pay) can be punished with fines/imprisonment. They had annual contracts, no freedom of movement and blacks could not testify against whites.

Dawes Severalty Act

Bill that promised Indians tracts of land to farm in order to assimilate them into white culture. The bill was resisted, ineffective, and disastrous to Indian tribes, It was designed to reform what well-meaning but ignorant whites perceived to be the weaknesses of Indian life-- the lack of private property, the absence of a Christian based religion, the nomadic traditions of the Indians, and the general instability in their way of life -- by turning Indians into farmers. The main point of the law was to emphasize treating Indians as individuals as opposed to members in a tribe.

conditions of industrial labor

Carpenters, metalworkers, machinists in great demand. Industrial jobs were repetitive, boring, needed no skill. Workdays were always the same; long, with few breaks. Industrial accidents were common. Factory workers had no control over tools/jobs/hours. The worked 12 hour days and made 2.50 a day and worked seven days a week. Men and children were missing limbs because they were working in conditions that weren't safe. They wanted renewal of contracts, benefits and safer working conditions.

15th Amendment

Citizens cannot be denied the right to vote because of race, color , or precious condition of servitude and congress has to enforce this

The Pinkerton Agency

In 1892, after shutting down Carnegie's Homestead Plant, called a detective agency to furnish 300 guards to enable the company to resume operations on its own terms. The agency, in fact a strikebreaking concern, was called

Nez Perce

Indian tribe led by Chief Joseph revolted against American gold-seekers who threatened their territory,caused violence when the U.S. Government attempted to remove them from Oregon territory. Violence broke out when Nez Perce warriors killed several white settlers without Chief Joseph's Blessing.

reason for the civil war

Johnson didn't believe that it was constitutional for the states to secede (they wanted to because slavery was abolish which ruined their livelihood)

Black Codes

Laws denying most legal rights to newly freed slaves; passed by southern states following the Civil War. A condition as close to slavery as was legal

did reconstruction succeed

No. Frederick Douglas was getting older and he said that he was wanted white men to treat black men who had fought for the country to be seen as equal.

Do you get the feeling that Carnegie wants to end poverty?

No. If an individual wants to follow his model and work to get themselves out of poverty then he agrees with that.

civil rights act 1866

Passed by Congress on 9th April 1866 over the veto of President Andrew Johnson. The act declared that all persons born in the United States were now citizens, without regard to race, color, or previous condition., This act protected the newly freed black population by invalidating the Black Codes. It guaranteed equal protection under the law, declared blacks citizens of the U.S. and forbade discrimination. Congress overrode President Johnson's veto to pass this law.

What's Carnegie's understanding of Native American concept of wealth and ownership uniformed?

There is no wealth disparity in Native American culture. Said the way they act is ancient, they don't have literature or art or works so they don't have a civilization. According to him without rich people you can not have wealth disparity. Also, you need art, writings etc. to make a civilization.

Comparing Carnegie and Stewart's views

They both believe that people should better themselves for society . However, Carnegie believed hat his business was his property and that he could do with it as he deemed appropriate so he wouldn't have been okay with workers only working eight hours a day.

For Carnegie, what is the primary value in the existence of wealth disparity?

To preserve culture, home of wealthy people should look like those individuals are wealthy. The homes should house the best of art, literature etc. so they can also act in a sense as a sort of museum/library/archive.

For Stewart what is the greatest social problem that America faced in 1879?

Wealth distribution and dispartiy

What does Stewart claim will be the result of the reform?

a better society

The civil rights bill

a bill that was passed but Andrew Johnson vetoed it. It was the only time in history that an important piece of legislation was passed without the president's consent

apprentice laws

a minor may be apprentice if the parents consent, if there are no parents, or if they are unable to consent, then the authorities are in charge. You can become one willingly also. And if you fail to do so you can be subject to corporal punishment as your employer saw fit.

Alice Fletcher

a reformer who worked for the Indians and became an agent of the Indian Bureau, the government department that handled Indian affairs. She lived with various Indian nations including the Omahas and Winnebagos of Nebraska. leader of "friends of Indians" organization. she traveled with Jane Gay who was a photographer. She came to save Nez Perce from themselves.

Ghost Dance

a religious dance of native Americans looking for communication with the dead, they had to purify themselves and dance in a large circle. Then it was said that the white men would leave and the buffalo would return. Also, they wore special shirts that were supposed to be stronger than bullets

Constitutional Revolution

a significant change in the Constitution that may be accomplished through amendments or shifts in the Supreme Court's interpretation

primary sources

a source that was created during the time the historian is investigating (used by historians to understand that time period)

Andrew Johnson

a southerner, democrat, situational need was the reason he was in office, didn't attempt to veto 13th amendment

what steps did Johnson prescribe for restoring civil government in north Carolina

appointed electors that will draft/amend the constitution for north carolina. he's hoping other states will also adopt the plan

How much did land did Nez Perce lose

before the Dawes act they had 150 million acres, in 20 years 2/3 their land was gone

What types of public institutions was Carnegie referring to?

believed wealthy should benefit the community with culture, help those willing to help themselves. He funded hundreds of libraries and universities.

how much land did native Americans lose

by 1890 no Indians lived freely on their own land, and they had a lot of sickness



Andrew Jackson

didn't care about former slaves. made the black codes.


food, clothing and shelter for former slaves (under Lincoln)

blacks were prohibited under the codes

from being apart of a militia, no interracial marriage, can't vote

Gilded Age Characteristics

had railroads that if they didn't have there wouldn't have been mas production. Limited competition or eliminated it with poos and trusts

according to president Johnson what was his authority for this proclamation and who was to be in charge of the process

he based it on the constitution and the fact that was the president. he put william holden in charge

What was the purpose of Carnegie's reflection on the lack of wealth disparities in the past and native american culture?

he framed what he was trying to say by citing evidence (Native Americans). He went to meet the chief of the Sioux.

Chief Joesph's reaction to Dawes Act

he said that his people won't have anything if they cannot have what is their own

wakovas vision

he was a medicine man who was teaching the ghost dance with promises that the white man would leave and that the buffalo would fill the earth. it had christian and Indian elements.

Industrial work was dangerous

killing 35,000 annually between 1880-1890

failure of treaty system

no treaty between the Indians and white were kept

under Johnson plan, would freedmen be able to vote

no. with be a renounced to be an elector or not be. said if you weren't able to vote before then you aren't now

The lakota

north dakota reservation were sitting bull was the medicine man.

Ulessues S. Grant

passed civil rights act

West in the 1880s

people no longer worked on farms as much, a diverse urban spectrum connected with the railroad infrastructure.

blood avocados

phenomena in Mexico, where gangs are imposing themselves on avocado sellers. Extortion. Telling stores who sell avocados to give them a percentage.

memoirs are

primary sources

Yick Wo v Hopkins

san francisco, wooden laundramats unsafe so outlawed, yick wo said violation of 14th amendment and won. Court decided that freedom applied to both citizens and non citizens

wounded knee

seventh Calvary heard of the ghost dancing and went to stop them. 120 men and 230 women were at the lake. the troops took sitting bull and while that was happening a man began to pray to the great spirit for help. a man didn't want to let go of his rifle and it discharged. the soldiers opened fire and 250 men women and children were murdered. The Lakota people still remember the event strongly, for them it still exists today.



Gilded Age

term Mark Twain coined, means when you take a regular piece of metal and coat it with gold to make it valuable but it is always worthless at the core. , 1870s - 1890s; time period looked good on the outside, despite the corrupt politics & growing gap between the rich & poor

What does Stewart mean by "slavery is...the child of poverty" and "freedom is the child of wealth"

that slavery is equal to poverty. If a person is poor and can't access things for a better life, then they are barely a step above being enslaved.

What does Stewart think is the most important reform that should be applied to wage work?

that they should have eight hour work days so that they could better themselves by using the extra time to educate themselves.

land reform

there was no real land reform. getting freed slaves land was a failure

Indians reactions to the Dawes Act

they didn't want their land cut up, They wanted their people to come together and decide if they like this law but they had no choice.

Class divisions

top 1% earned as much as the bottom 50% of the population and owned more property than the remaining 99%

what initially provoked hostilities between whites and the Nez Perce

treaty violation. the whites were there because gold was found

cheif joseph

tribal cheif of the Nez Perce tribe. he fought to preserve his homeland and did much to awaken the conscience of America to the plight of Native Americans, T tribe that killed white settlers on the way to reservations because goverement took their land away., led Naz Perce people in their journey to Canada

ten year office act

violation of this act is what was used to impeach Johnson. He fired someone without senatorial approval. 35-19. One vote short and he would have remained in office.


was more middle class, practiced vertical competition


when a person buys out every company that does what you do


when a person owns every aspect that would influence their business (railroads, mills, marketing)

rights protected under black codes

you could sue or be sued (except a black individual couldn't sue a white person) and you could have firearms (if you had consent)

Indian schools

young Indian children were taken to schools that were supposed to convert them and teach them american ways. they cut off their braids, took their belongings and burned them. "christianizing" them

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