TFT Set 9 Units & Traits

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(1) Wanderers' spells change depending on the Region Portal players voted for at the start of the game. Note: Shojin, Deathcap


Aatrox [5] (1) When Aatrox or the holder of the Darkin Blade dies, the Darkin Blade is equipped to the nearest ally champion, granting them 500 Health and 20% Omnivamp. After being equipped to a champion for 4 seconds, Aatrox will revive upon their death instead. Note: TR 7/19/23 Respawn Timer: 5 ⇒ 4 seconds. Darkin revive revive animation speed has been increased


Acceleration Blast [Mana 40/120] : Grant 20/25/30% Attack Speed to Jayce and adjacent allies on his left and right for 3 seconds. Fire a blast at the current target, which explodes on the first enemy hit, dealing physical damage to enemies near the blast. Damage: [240/240/250%] Role: Attack Caster 8/2/23 Acceleration Blast nows tracks its target. If Jayce's target dies while he's beginning his cast of Acceleration Blast, he will retarget to the nearest enemy 6/7/23 Mana: 50/100 >>> 40/120. Spell AS Bonus: 30/35/45% >>> 20/25/30%. Spell AD%: 220/220/230% >>> 240/240/250% 6/6/23 Mana: 40/80 >>> 50/100


All Out Strike [Mana 0/60] : Slam the ground, knocking the current target into the air. Then smash them away towards the edge of the battlefield, dealing 250/400/1000 magic damage and Stunning them for 2/2.5/10 seconds. Briefly stun and deal 125/200/500 magic damage (50% Initial Damage) to enemies that collide with the target while they are being knocked back or who are adjacent to where the target lands. If the target cannot be pushed back any further, they are knocked off the battlefield. If the target is still alive, K'Sante will chase after them. Role: Magic Tank Position: Put in front of strongest tank. Don't put your strongest tank next to the edge. Can use to knock enemy tank to stun enemy carry. 6/2/23 Mana: 0/50 >>> 0/60


Arise! [Mana 40/50] : Passive: After every third attack from Azir, a Sand Soldier deals 105/160/550 magic damage to their target. Active: Summon a Sand Soldier to attack your target. If Azir already has 3 Soldiers, they all immediately deal 67/98/350 magic damage (70% of Soldier Damage) instead. Role: Magic Carry Note: Backline Guinsoo user 8/16/23 Arise! Damage: 100/150/550 ⇒ 105/160/550 8/2/23 Arise! Damage: 95/140/500 ⇒ 100/150/550


Ashe [2], Lissandra [3], Sejuani [4] After 8 seconds, an ice storm strikes the battlefield. Enemies take a percentage of their maximum Health as true damage and gain debuffs for 10 seconds. (2) 5% Health, enemies are 40% Sundered and Shredded (3) 12% Health, enemies are also 30% Mana Reaved (4) 20% Health, enemies are also stunned for 1.5 seconds Sunder: Reduce Armor Shred: Reduce Magic Resist Mana Reave: Increase max Mana until the next cast 7/19/23 Mana Reaves have been reduced to 30% from 35% for all sources 6/7/23 Storm Delay: 7 >>> 8s. Duration 15 >>> 10s


Astral Infusion [Mana 30/90] : Heal the lowest health ally for 170/190/220. If the ally is below 50% Health, increase the amount healed by 33%. The ally is infused for 5 seconds, calling down 5 stars over the duration that deal 125/185/290 magic damage to the closest enemy. Role: Magic Caster 8/2/23 Astral Infusion Empowered Heal: 40% ⇒ 33%/ Astral Infusion Damage: 115/170/265 ⇒ 125/185/290 7/21/23 Astral Infusion Heal: 200/225/250 ⇒ 170/190/220. Astral Infusion Empowered Heal: 50% ⇒ 40% 7/19/23 Astral Infusion Damage: 100/150/235 ⇒ 115/170/265 6/7/23 Spell Heal: 200/240/280 >>> 200/225/250 6/2/23 Spell Damage 95/140/220 >>> 100/150/235


Bel'Veth [5] (1) When Bel'Veth kills an enemy, they leave behind Void Coral that she will consume. The first Coral increases her max Health by 50%, while further Coral heals her 20% max Health. When a Void Coral is consumed, she deals 10% max Health as magic damage to enemies within 2 hexes. Note: AS, Tank, AD


Blade of the Ruined King [Mana 0/40] : Deal 110/165/250 magic damage to the current target. For the rest of combat, Viego's attacks deal 20/30/45 bonus stacking magic damage. Role: Magic Reaper 8/16/23 Viego Armor and MR: 25 ⇒ 30 7/19/23 Blade of the Ruined King stab Damage: 125/185/280 ⇒ 110/165/250 6/7/23 Base Spell Damage: 145/220/330 >>> 125/185/280


Blast Shield [Mana 0/80] : Gain 325/350/400 Shield for 4 seconds. Deal 120/180/270 physical damage to enemies within 1 hex of the current target and Sunder them for 4 seconds. Sunder: Reduced Armor by 40% Shield: 350 [325%/350%/400%] Damage: 180 = 200% Attack damage Role: Attack Tank


CH-3X Lightning Grenade [Mana 75/150] : Hurl a grenade towards the largest group of enemies, dealing 150/225/3141 magic damage to enemies in a large area and Stunning them for 1.5/2/15 seconds. 4 Star Upgrade: YES YES YES, IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Role: Magic Caster Turret Position: Goldinator & Shrink Ray next to main carry. Swarm can be in the middle. Repair front line. 8/16/23 Technogenius Repair-o-matic REWORKED: Repair duration is now a flat 7 seconds at all levels. Stacking multiple copies of Repair-o-matic now instead grant the Apex Turret bonus Armor and Magic Resist. 1 Count: 10 Armor and Magic Resist. 2 Count: 50 Armor and Magic Resist. 3 Count: 100 Armor and Magic Resist. Mechano-Swarm Rockets Fired: 7 ⇒ 5 6/6/23 HP: 800 >>> 750. Mana: 75/150 >>> 80/160. Turret HP: 900 >>> 800. Turret AS: 0.7 >>> 0.75 (Matches Heimer they always sync). Turret Spell Damage: 200/300/5000 >>> 185/275/4000. MicroRockets Missile Damage: 60/125/2000 >>> 50/100/175 6/2/23 Mana: 80/140 >>> 75/150. Spell Damage: 200/300/3141 >>> 150/225/3141. Turret HP: 1000 >>> 900


Call of the Void [Mana 0/50] : Open two portals near the current target. Destroy 50% of shields and deal 185/280/420 magic damage to all enemies caught between the portals. Role: Magic Caster Position: Consider center back to hit more units Note: Good utility 8/2/23 Bugfix: Malzahar will now consistently pick the best angle to cast. Malzahar can now only hit up to 2 units with Call of the Void, down from 3 units. Call of the Void Damage: 200/300/450 ⇒ 185/280/420 7/19/23 Call of the Void Damage: 175/260/395 ⇒ 200/300/450. Call of the Void Shield Destruction: 35% ⇒ 50%


Cassiopeia [1], Galio [2], Soraka [2], Karma [3], Lissandra [3], Shen [4] Allies restore Mana every 3 seconds. (2) 5 Mana for all allies (4) And 15 additional Mana for Invokers (6) 20 Mana for all allies and 15 additional Mana for Invokers Team Mana Regen: 5/5/15 >>> 5/5/20. Invoker Bonus Mana Regen: 0/10/10 >>> 0/15/15


Cassiopeia [1], Renekton [1], Taliyah [2], Akshan [3], Azir [4], Nasus [4], K'Sante [5] Every 4 seconds, Shurimans heal 5% max Health. After 8 seconds, select Shurimans ascend and gain 33% max Health and 35% Attack Speed. (3) The strongest Shuriman ascends (5) All Shuriman Ascend (7) +25% Ascension bonus. All Ascend at the Start of Combat but not after 8 seconds (9) +25% Ascension bonus at Start of Combat & after 8 seconds 8/16/23 Ascension bonus Health: 30% ⇒ 33%. 7 Ascension bonus: 20% ⇒ 25% 6/28/23 The Sun Disc no longer replaces the 2nd heal pulse with the Ascension pulse at Shurima (3) and (5). The heal pulse and Ascension now happen together. Shurima (7): Now also boosts Ascension bonuses by +20%. Shurima (9): Now additionally Ascends a second time after 8 seconds. Shurima (9): Ascension bonuses: +125% ⇒ +25%. Shurima (9): Total Ascension Power: 225% ⇒ 130%+130%=260% 6/14/23 Ascension Bonus AS: 35% >>> 45%. Ascension Bonus Health: 25% >>> 30%. Shurima 7 & 9 (1) No longer ascends twice at the start and again after 8 seconds. Now only ascends once at the start of combat. (2) Shurima 9 ascension bonus: 50% >>> 125% (total ascension amount 150% *2 >>> 225%) 6/6/23 HP Regen: 7% >>> 5%. AS: 40% >>> 35%


Cull the Meek [Mana 50/120] : Deal 180/270/400 magic damage to adjacent enemies. Heal 220/270/320 for the first enemy hit and another 30 for each additional one. Role: Magic Tank 6/6/23 Mana Cost: 40/100 >>> 50/120


Curtain Call [Mana 44/144] : Take aim at the current target and deal 462/693/1039 physical damage to enemies in a line; each hit reduces damage by 40%. Ionia Bonus: +20% Attack Damage Role: Attack Carry 7/19/23 Ionia Bonus AD: 30% ⇒ 20% 6/6/23 Ionia AD Bonus: 20 >>> 30


Cassiopeia [1], Samira [1], Kled [2], Swain [2], Darius [3], Katarina [3], Sion [5] Noxus champions gain Health, Ability Power and Attack Damage. This is increased by 5% for each different opponent that either you have conquered in combat or is dead. (3) 170 Health, 17 AP, 17% AD (6) 340 Health, 34 AP, 34% AD (9) 600 Health , 60 AP, 60% AD 8/2/23 Stat Increase Per Stack: 10% ⇒ 5%. Maximum Stat Increase: 70% ⇒ 35%. 3 Noxus Stats: 160 HP/16% AP and AD ⇒ 170 HP/17% AP and AD. 6 Noxus Stats: 300 HP/30% AP and AD ⇒ 340 HP/34% AP and AD. 9 Noxus Stats: 500 HP/50% AP and AD ⇒ 600 HP/60% AP and AD 6/14/23 HP: 160/280/450 >>> 160/300/500 6/7/23 HP: 160/280/420 >>> 160/280/450

Jarvan IV

Cataclysm [Mana 100/180] : Mightily leap on a nearby enemy. Deal 140/210/800 magic damage to enemies within 2 hexes and Stun them for 1.75/2.25/8 seconds. Role: Magic Tank Note: AOE CC 6/14/23 Spell Stun Duration: 2/2.5/8 >>> 1.75/2.25/8s 6/6/23 AD: 75 >>> 60. Armor & MR: 65 >>> 60.


Cho'Gath [1], Malzahar [1], Kassadin [2],Rek'Sai [3], Vel'koz [3], Kai'Sa [4], Bel'Veth [5] Get a placeable void egg. At the start of combat, it hatches into an unspeakable horror and knocks up adjacent enemies. Each Void star level increases the horror's Health and Ability Power by 25%. (3) Void Remora (6) Rift Herald (8) Baron Nashor 8/2/23 Rift Herald and Baron defensive stats increased. 7/19/23 Remora Base AD: 70 ⇒ 55. Rift Herald Base HP: 900 ⇒ 950. Rift Herald Void Charge Damage: 180 ⇒ 240. Void Baron Base HP: 1000 ⇒ 1100 6/28/23 Rift Herald Void Charge Base Damage: 180 ⇒ 225. Baron Nashor Base Health: 1050 ⇒ 1000. Baron Nashor Voracious Bite Damage: 1000 ⇒ 666 6/14/23 Void creature's bonus Health from Void now scales with Stage (1) Remora Stage 2/3/4/5/6+: 100% >>> 85/100/100/100/115% (2) Rift Herald Stage 2/3/4/5/6+: 100% >>> 70/85/100/115/125% (3) Baron Stage 2/3/4/5/6+: 100% >>> 60/75/85/100/115/125%. Baron Base Health: 1200 >>> 1050 Armor & MR 200 >>> 150. Void Crest (T2) and Void Crown (%3) have been added. Void Heart (T2) and Void Soul (T3) have been removed.


Cho'Gath [1], Renekton [1], Vi [2], Rek'Sai [3], Sejuani [4], Sion [5] Your units gain 100 Health. Bruiser get even more. (2) +10% Health (4) +40% Health (6) +70% Health 7/19/23 Bonus Health %: 10/35/70% ⇒ 10/40/70% 6/14/23 HP Bonus: 15/40/80% >>> 10/35/70% 6/6/23 HP Bonus: 15/40/85% >>> 15/40/80%


Comeuppance [Mana 30/110] : Lock on to the farthest enemy and unleash a hail of 6 shots toward them. Each deals physical damage to the first enemy hit. Role: Attack Carry 8/2/23 Attack Damage: 65 ⇒ 60 7/21/23 Max Mana nerf: 30/90 ⇒ 30/110. Comeuppance Bullet AD Ratio: 130% ⇒ 125% 7/19/23 Comeuppance: Now only every other bullet from his ability counts as an attack for items like Guinsoo's Rageblade, Runaan's Hurricane, etc. Comeuppance Bullet AD ratio 125% ⇒ 130%. Comeuppance is no longer interruptible by crowd control.


Command: Protect [Mana 50/100] : Orianna shields her lowest-health ally and empowers her next attack to deal 260/390/585 bonus magic damage. Role: Magic Caster 8/16/23 Now resumes attacking more quickly after casting Command: Protext 7/19/23 REWORKED Command: Protect: Orianna shields her lowest-health ally and empowers her next attack to deal bonus magic damage. Command: Protect Damage: 190/285/430 ⇒ 260/390/585 6/28/23 Command: Protect Shield Power: 225/250/275 ⇒ 225/250/325. Command: Protect Damage: 180/270/405 ⇒ 190/285/430


Crescendo [Mana 40/90] : Send a wave of sound at the largest clump of enemies and deal 105/155/255 magic damage to enemies hit. Allies hit by the wave gain 35/40/45% Attack Speed for 5 seconds. Role: Magic Caster 8/16/23 Crescendo Bonus AS: 30/35/40% ⇒ 35/40/45% 6/28/23 Crescendo Damage: 115/175/285 ⇒ 105/155/255. Crescendo Attack Speed Granted: 25/30/40% ⇒ 30/35/40%


Dawning Shadow [Mana 0/100] : Fire a massive beam at the furthest enemy, dealing 124/195/2925 physical damage to all enemies hit. Any allies hit gain 250/325/4000 Shield for 4/4/15 seconds. Role: Attack Caster Position: Rear corner 6/6/23 Shield Amount: 250/340/4321 >>> 250/325/4000. Shield Duration: 4/4/4/ >>> 4/4/15


Defiant Dance [Mana 40/80] : Enter a defensive stance and gain 350/400/450 Shield that rapidly decays over 3 seconds. When it breaks, deal 70/100/150 magic damage + 30% of the damage absorbed to enemies around and in front of Irelia. Ionia Bonus: +25 Armor and Magic Resist Role: Magic Tank Position: Outside so enemies wrap 6/28/23 Ionia bonus MR and Armor: 40 ⇒ 25


Defiant Dance [Mana 40/80]: Enter a defensive stance and gain 350/400/450 Shield that rapidly decays over 3 seconds. When it expires, deal 70/100/150 magic damage + 30% of the damage absorbed to enemies around and in front of Irelia. Ionia Bonus: +40 Armor and Magic Resist Role: Magic Tank 6/6/23 Ionia Armor & MR Bonus: 30 >>> 40


Demonflare [Mana 20/70] : Transform and gain 375/450/650 max Health for 5 seconds. While transformed, deal 35/50/75 magic damage to enemies within 2 hexes every second. Role: Magic Tank 8/16/23 Starting Mana nerf: 30/70 ⇒ 20/70. Demonflare Transform Health: 450/500/550 ⇒ 375/450/650. Now classified as a Magic Tank in the Inspect Panel 8/2/23 Max Mana buff: 40/80 ⇒ 30/70. Demonflare Bonus Health: 450/475/500 ⇒ 450/500/550. Demonflare Damage Per Tick: 25/40/60 ⇒ 35/50/75 7/19/23 Mana buff: 50/100 ⇒ 40/80. Demonflare Buff Duration: 6 ⇒ 5 sec. Demonflare Bonus HP: 425/450/480 ⇒ 450/475/500 6/6/23 Spell Damage: 30/45/70 >>> 25/40/60


Disdain [Mana 40/100] : Passive: Whenever an enemy enters attack range, fire a blast from the leg facing that direction, dealing physical damage to them. Each of Urgot's 6 legs has a 4/4/1 second cooldown. Active: Gain 375/450/1200 Shield for 5 seconds and dash behind the current target. Reset all leg cooldowns. Shield: [325%/400%/1000%] Base Damage: [40%/60%/400%] Damage: 225% Attack damage + 75% Ability power Role: Attack Fighter Position: Front line. Center to maximize leg procs or same side as enemy carry. 8/16/23 Disdain Shield Amount: 400/500/1200 ⇒ 375/450/1200 Disdain AD ratio: 250% ⇒ 225%. 8/2/23 Lockout time between Disdain passive procs have been reduced. Max Mana nerf: 30/90 ⇒ 40/100. Disdain AD ratio: 275% ⇒ 250%. Disdain Damage: 50/75/500 ⇒ 40/60/500 7/19/23 Urgot Mana buff: 0/100 ⇒ 30/90 6/28/23 Urgot Mana nerf: 0/70 ⇒ 0/100


Divine Ascent [Mana N/A] : Passive: Gains new Passive effects as your Tactician levels up. Level 1: Attacks deal 35/50/75% AP bonus magic damage. Level 6: Every 3rd attack launches a wave that deals 20/25/40% AP magic damage and 40% Shreds enemies for 3 seconds. Level 9: Every attack launches a wave and they travel farther. Shred: Reduce Magic Resist Role: Magic Carry Note: Weakest unit at the start of game, but at level 9, 3* equivalent to 2* 4-cost 8/16/23 Divine Ascent Base On-Hit Damage: 33/44/66% AP ⇒ 35/50/75% AP. Divine Ascent, Ascended Wave Damage: 33/44/66% AP ⇒ 20/25/40% AP 8/2/23 AD: 25 ⇒ 30 6/28/23 Divine Ascent On Hit Damage: 28/40/60 ⇒ 33/44/66


Fishbones! [Mana 0/75] : Fire 5 rockets at random enemies within 2 hexes of the current target. Each rocket deals physical damage. Damage: %Attack damage [150/150/160%] Damage: %Ability power [10%/15%/25%] Damage: %Attack damage + %Ability power Role: Attack Carry 7/19/23 Fishbones! AD ratio: 133/133/140% ⇒ 150/150/160%. Fishbones! Now only every other rocket from her spell counts as an attack for items like Guinsoo's Rageblade, Runaan's Hurricane, etc. 6/14/23 AS: 0.7 >>> 0.75 6/7/23 Mana: 0/80 >>> 0/75. Spell AD%: 120/120/130% >>> 133/133/140% 6/6/23 Spell Damage Ratio: 110/110/115% >>> 120/120/130%


Essence Theft [Mana 0/50] : Steal essence from enemies around her target, dealing 90/135/1000 magic damage and 20% Mana Reaving them. Every 3/3/1 casts, instead, unleash a wave that deals 230/350/1888 magic damage to all enemies hit. This deals 33% more damage to enemies whose essence has been stolen. Ionia Bonus: +3 Mana per second Mana Reave: Increase max Mana until the next cast Role: Magic Caster Position: Focus on mana reave 8/16/23 Ahri Essence Thief Mana Reave: 30% ⇒ 20%. Essence Thief Damage: 100/150/1000 ⇒ 90/135/1000. Essence Thief Essence Wave (big boom) Damage: 250/375/3000 ⇒ 230/350/1888 8/2/23 Essence Thief steal Damage: 115/170/1000 ⇒ 100/150/1000 7/19/23 Mana Reaves have been reduced to 30% from 35% for all sources. Essence Thief overall cast time reduced. Ahri will now return to attacking more quickly after casting. Essence Thief 3rd cast win-up time significantly reduced


Facebreaker [Mana 40/80] : Pull in an enemy on either side and slam them together, knocking them up. Deals 180/270/420 magic damage and Stuns them for 1.25/1.5/2 seconds. If only one enemy is grabbed, the damage and Stun duration are increased by 50%. Ionia Bonus: +200 max Health Role: Magic Tank 8/2/23 Facebreaker Damage: 200/300/465 ⇒ 180/270/420 6/28/23 Sett Ionia Bonus: 180 HP ⇒ 200 HP


Feast [Mana 30/90] : Deal 250/335/4500 magic damage to the lowest adjacent Health enemy. If this kills them, devour them and permanently gain 30/35/40 max Health. Damage AP%: [200%/270%/350%] Damage: 12% Health + Damage AP% Role: Magic Tank Note: Decent HP, Low MR & Armor 7/19/23 HP on Feast kill: 30 ⇒ 30/35/40. Feast Damage HP ratio: 10% ⇒ 12% 6/7/23 AD: 60 >>> 50. Spell Damage HP Ratio: 12% >>> 10%. Bonus HP on Kill: 35 >>> 30 6/6/23 Health on Kill: 45/45/45 >>> 35/35/35. Spell Damage: 200/270/350 >>> 250/335/450. Spell HP Ratio: 15% >>> 12% 6/2/23 HP on Kill 45/50/60 >>> 45/45/45


Flair [Mana 0/30] : Shoot at the current target and deal physical damage (200/200/210% AD) to the first enemy hit. Reduce their Armor by 10/15/20. Role: Attack Carry 8/16/23 Flair AD ratio: 175% ⇒ 200/200/210%. Samira Flair Armor reduction: 20/25/30 ⇒ 10/15/20. Samira Flair can no longer reduce Armor below 0 8/2/23 Flair cast time reduced. Flair is now targeted and can no longer be blocked by other units 7/19/23 Mana buff: 0/40 ⇒ 0/30. Flair AD ratio: 200% ⇒ 175% 6/14/23 Spell AD%: 180 >>> 200%. Armor Shred: 10/15/20 >>> 20/25/30 6/7/23 Spell AD%: 165% >>> 180% 6/6/23 Spell Total AD Ratio: 150% >>> 165% 6/2/23 AD 45 >>> 50


Force Pulse [Mana 50/100] : Gain 250/300/350 Shield for 4 seconds. Deal 135/200/300 magic damage to enemies in a cone and Disarm them for 1.5/1.75/2 seconds. Disarm: Cannot move or attack, but CAN cast spells Role: Magic Tank 8/2/23 Force Pulse Damage: 150/225/325 ⇒ 135/200/300


Frozen Tomb [Mana 30/90] : Stun the current target for 2 seconds and deal 160/240/400 magic damage to enemies within 2 hexes of them. They take 10% more damage for the next 4 seconds. Role: Magic Fighter 6/14/23 Spell Damage: 180/270/450 >>> 160/240/400


Furious Bite [Mana 30/75] : Deal physical damage (315/315/315% AD ratio) to the current target. If they are below 70% Health, this damage is converted to true damage and increased by 20%. If this kills the target, rip through them 1 hex and heal 10% Max Health. Role: Attack Fighter Note: BT, TR, IE 8/2/23 Furious Bite AD ratio: 300/300/315% ⇒ 315/315/315%. Rek'Sai will now always heal if she dives or if her target dies. Rek'Sai now takes damage amp and critical strikes (if applicable) when deciding whether she will dive through her target. 7/19/23 Furious Bite true Damage threshold: 60% ⇒ 70%. Furious Bite Execute Heal: 15% ⇒ 10% of max Health 6/14/23 Armor & MR: 45 >>> 40. Mana: 30/70 >>> 30/75 6/2/23 Mana: 30/80 >>> 30/70


Fury of the North [Mana 60/120] : Passive: Whenever an ally attacks a Chilled enemy, they deal bonus true damage (1.5/1.5/10% Max Health). Active: Gain 600/700/2000 Shield for 4 seconds. Deal 160/240/1200 magic damage to nearby enemies and Chill them for 4 seconds. Chill: Reduced Attack Speed by 30% Role: Magic Tank Position: Front line (1) same side as enemy carry (2) same side as own carry (3) solo front line >>> Check magic damage <<< 7/19/23 Now gains the shield immediately on cast, rather than after a delay. 6/28/23 Sejuani Passive True Damage: 1.5/1.5/5% ⇒ 1.5/1.5/10%. Fury of the North Damage: 150/225/1000 ⇒ 160/240/1200


Glory in Death [Mana 70/160] : Passive: Upon death, reanimate with 100% Health, decaying at 20/3/0% max Health per second. Sion can no longer use his ability, but is immune to Crowd Control and gains 150%/150%/1000% Attack Speed. Active: Charge towards the most enemies within 4 hexes. Deal physical damage to any enemies along the way and Stun them for 1.25/1.5/15 seconds. Role: Attack Tank Position: Side edge same side as enemy carry 8/16/23 Glory in Death Reanimation max Health % Decay per second: 15/10/0% ⇒ 20/13/0% 8/2/23 Reanimation Health Decay: 12/8/0% ⇒ 15/10/0% 6/6/23 HP: 1050 >>> 1000. Spell AD%: 240/250/3000 >>> 225/235/500%. Spell Stun Duration: 1.5/2/15s >>> 1.25/1.5/15s. 3-star Sion now punches MUCH harder


Heimerdinger [5] (1) Gain a playable Apex Turret. Heimerdinger will offer upgrades to the Apex Turret in your shop for 6 gold. You may purchase up to 3 total upgrades. Upgrades: Shrink Module, Self Repair, Mechano-Swarm, Goldinator 8/2/23 Technogenius Goldinator Execute Threshold: 10% ⇒ 12% 7/19/23 BUGFIX: The Mechano-Swarm upgrade now burns for the correct amount when upgraded. Mechano-Swarm Rocket Damage: 50/100/175 ⇒ 50/80/120. Shrink Module Shred and Sunder: 40/60/70% ⇒ 40/50/70% 6/28/23 Self-Repair upgrade duration 7/5/2 ⇒ 9/7/5


Icathian Rain [Mana 30/125] : Dash away from all enemies, then fire 15/15/25 missiles split across the 4 nearest enemies. Each missile deals 75/111/240 magic damage. Role: Magic Carry 8/2/23 Kai'Sa Mana: 40/140 ⇒ 30/125. Icathian Monsoon Damage: 75/111/300 ⇒ 75/111/240 6/28/23 Kai'Sa Fixed a bug where Kai'Sa could gain mana during her spellcast. Mana buff: 50/120 ⇒ 40/110


Inner Flame [Mana 0/50] : Fire a burst of energy at Karma's target that explodes upon impact, dealing 170/255/420 magic damage to adjacent enemies. Every third cast launches 3 bursts of energy. Ionia Bonus: +20% Ability Power Role: Magic Caster Note: Blue Buff holder 7/21/23 Inner Flame Damage: 180/270/445 ⇒ 170/255/420 7/19/23 Inner Flame Damage: 155/230/390 ⇒ 180/270/445. Karma Ionia Bonus AP: 30 ⇒ 20 6/6/23 Ionia AP Bonus: 25 >>> 30


Irelia [1], Jhin [1], Sett [2], Zed [2], Karma [3], Shen [4], Yasuo [4], Ahri [5] Each Ionian has a unique bonus within their Ability. Every 4 seconds, a number of Ionians are enlightened to their spirit form, gaining 20 mana and doubling stat bonuses for 4 seconds. (3) 100% Ionian bonus, 1 enlightened (6) 200% Ionian bonus, 2 enlightened (9) 325% Ionian bonus, 3 enlightened 6/28/23 Bonus Stats: 100/200/300% ⇒ 100/200/325% 6/7/23 Emblem AS: 40% >>> 33%


Irelia [1], Samira [1], Warwick [2], Kalista [3], Kai'Sa [4], Yasuo [4] Challengers gain bonus Attack Speed. When their target dies, Challengers dash to a new target and increase their Attack Speed bonus by 50% for 2.5 seconds. (2) 30% AS (4) 60% AS (6) 95% AS (8) 140% AS 6/28/23 Attack Speed: 30/60/90/125% ⇒ 30/60/95/140% 6/6/23 Bonus AS: 30/55/80/110% >>> 30/60/90/125%


Jhin [1], Ashe [2], Akshan [3], Aphelios [4], Urgot [4] Innate: +1 Range Every 3 seconds, Deadeyes attack the enemy with the highest percent Health and deal bonus damage. (2) +20% damage (4) +65% damage (6) +150% damage 7/19/23 Deadeye Bonus Damage: 20/65/140% ⇒ 20/65/150% 6/14/23 Bonus Shot Damage: 20/55/120% >>> 20/65/140% 6/6/23 Bonus Shot Damage Amp: 20/45/100% >>> 20/55/120%


Jinx [2], Warwick [2], Ekko [3], Urgot [4], Zeri [4] Zaun champions create random chem-mods that only they can use. Champions can be modded once, and mods can only be removed by selling the champion. (2) Gain 1 chem-mod (4) Gain 2 chem-mods (6) Gain 3 chem-mods and Overcharge mods 8/16/23 Adaptive Implant AD, AP, and Omnivamp: 25% ⇒ 30%. Robotic Arm Proc Chance: 50% ⇒ 40%. Unstable Chemtank Overcharge Health Explosion: 45% ⇒ 35%, Hextech Exoskeleton max Health Heal 10% ⇒ 12%. Hextech Exoskeleton now cleanses all debuffs, including Burn, Wound, Shred, Sunder, and Mana-Reave. Hextech Exoskeleton Overcharge damage no longer triggers when Sion revives 8/2/23 Your first Zaun mod will always be an offensive mod (Robotic Arm, Virulent Bioware) or a hybrid mod (Adaptive Implant, Shimmer Injector). Your second mod will always be a hybrid mod or a defensive mod (Unstable Chemtank, Hextech Exoskeleton). You can't get double hybrid mods. Your third mod will always be the remaining category. Zaun mods can now be removed by benching the modded unit. 7/19/23 Robotic Arm Bonus Attack Chance: 60% ⇒ 50% 6/8/23 Adaptive Implant Overcharge Stat Increase: 100% ⇒ 60%. Hextech Exoskeleton Armor & MR: 33 ⇒ 30. Robotic Arm Chance to Proc: 33% ⇒ 60%. Robotic Arm Overcharged True Damage: 40% ⇒ 50%. Virulent Bioware Damage Increase: 25% ⇒ 20%. 6/7/23 Hextech Exoskeleton Overcharged Heal: 250% >>> 150% 6/6/23 Adaptive Implants Mod: AD & AP: 15 >>> 25. Omnivamp: 20% >>> 25%. Hextech Exoskeleton Mod Armor & MR: 20 >>> 33, Overcharge Damage Ratio: 100% >>> 250%. Robotic Arm Mod Overcharge True Damage Bonus: 20% >>> 40%. Shimmer Injector Mod AS: 15% >>> 25%. Unstable Chemtank Mod Overcharge Explosion Percent: 60% >>> 45%. Virulent Bioware Damage Buff: 20% >>> 25%, Duration 3 >>> 4s, Overcharged Duration: 6 >>> 10s 6/2/23 Hextech Exoskeleton Heal Cadence: 4 >>> 5s. Shimmer Injector Revive Health: 40% >>> 35%


Judgement [Mana 0/80] : Spin 2 times every second for the next 4 seconds. Each spin deals physical damage to adjacent enemies. Number of Spins: 2.00 = 2 + 1 per 50% bonus Attack speed Role: Attack Fighter 8/16/23 Judgement AD%: 75/75/85% ⇒ 80/82/85% 8/2/23 Judgement Damage Per Tick: 72/75/80% ⇒ 75/75/85% 7/19/23 Judgement AD ratio per spin: 70/72/75% ⇒ 72/75/80%. Judgement Base Spins: 1.8 ⇒ 2. Judgement AS% per bonus spin: 55% ⇒ 50% 6/28/23 Judgement Base attacks per spin 2 ⇒ 1.8. Judgement Attack speed per spin 0.5 ⇒ 0.55. Judgement Spin AD Ratio 70/75/80 ⇒ 70/72/75


Kayle [1], Kled [2], Zed [2], Gwen [4], Aatrox [5] Slayers gain 12% Omnivamp. Additionally, Slayers deal bonus damage, doubled against units below 66% health. (2) +5% bonus damage (3) +10% bonus damage (4) +20% bonus damage (5) +30% bonus damage (6) +40% bonus damage 8/2/23 Amp Threshold: 60% ⇒ 66% 7/19/23 Default Omnivamp: 15 ⇒ 12%. Slayer Damage Increase enemy Health Threshold: 75% ⇒ 60% 6/28/23 Health Threshold for Double bonus Damage: 60% ⇒ 75% 6/7/23 Base Bonus Damage: 5/10/25/35/50% >>> 5/10/20/30/40%


Kayle [1], Poppy [1], Galio [2], Garen [3], Sona [3], Jarvan [4], Lux [4] Your strongest Demacians become Elite and equip a random Radiant Item each combat. Elites grant Armor and Magic resist to themselves and adjacent allies, but this does not stack. (3) 1 Elite, +5 Armor, +5 MR (5) 2 Elites, +25 Armor, +30 MR (7) 4 Elites, +60 Armor, +50 MR (9) 6 Elites, +125 Armor, +100 MR 8/16/23 Elite Count: 1/2/3/5 ⇒ 1/2/4/6. Elite Armor & MR: 5/25/60/125 ⇒ 5/30/50/100 7/19/23 Armor & MR: 5/20/50/100 ⇒ 5/25/60/125 6/7/23 Armor & MR: 5/15/35/75 >>> 5/15/40/85 6/6/23 Bonus Armor & MR: 5/20/60/150 >>> 5/15/35/75


Ki Barrier [Mana 70/140] : Gain 350/450/2000 Shield and grant 400/500/2000 Shield to the 2 lowest Health allies for 4 seconds. After shielding his allies, Shen's shield refreshes with a burst, dealing 240/360/2500 magic damage to adjacent enemies. Ionia Bonus: +9% Damage Reduction Position : Outside of front line. Can shield J4. 8/16/23 Ionia Bonus - Damage Reduction: 10% ⇒ 9%. Ki Barrier Self Shield Amount: 350/450/2000 ⇒ 400/500/2000 8/2/23 Ki Barrier Ally Shield: 275/350/1800 ⇒ 275/350/2000. Ki Barrier Damage: 240/360/2000 ⇒ 240/360/2500 6/28/23 Ki Barrier Damage: 225/355/1600 ⇒ 240/360/2000. Ki Barrier Ally Shield Damage: 250/350/1500 ⇒ 275/350/1800


Last Breath [Mana 60/120] : Send a whirlwind at the furthest enemy within 3 hexes, knocking up and Stunning all enemies hit. Dash to and slash the original target, dealing physical damage to them. Slam them into the ground and deal physical damage to enemies within 1 hex. Ionia Bonus: +15% Omnivamp Role: Attack Fighter Position: 2nd row. Same side as enemy carry. Same side as main carry (but susceptible to cc) 8/16/23 Last Breath Range no longer scales with Attack Range. Health: 950 ⇒ 1000. Last Breath AD ratio: 475/475/1500% ⇒ 500/500/1500%. Last Breath AP ratio: 50/75/300% ⇒ 55/85/300% 7/19/23 Last Breath Single Target Damage ratio: 500/500/1500% AD ⇒ 475/475/1500% AD 6/6/23 AD: 70 >>> 75. Spell AOE Slam AD%: 250/250/500% >>> 300/300/750%


Living Shadow [Mana 0/70] : Create a shadow at the furthest enemy within 3 hexes. Zed and his shadow slash adjacent enemies, dealing physical damage. Ionia Bonus: +15% Crit Chance and Crit Damage Damage = Attack Damage + Spell AD% [120/120/125%] Role: Attack Reaper 7/19/23 AD: 60 ⇒ 55. Living Shadow Base Damage: 25/40/60 ⇒ 25/40/50 6/14/23 Spell AD%: 140/140/150% >>> 120/120/125%. Spell Base Damage: 25/40/60 >>> 20/30/50 6/8/23 Spell AD%: 150/150/160% >>> 140/140/150% 6/2/23 HP: 700 >>> 600


Malzahar [1], Orianna [1], Swain [2], Taric [3], Vel'Koz [3], Lux [4], Ahri [5] When Sorcerers help kill an enemy, they trigger an arcane shock that deals a percent of the enemy's maximum Health to other enemies. Sorcerers also gain bonus Ability Power. (2) 25 AP; shock 1 enemy for 10% Health (4) 45 AP; shock 1 enemy for 15% Health (6) 80 AP; shock 2 enemies for 15% Health (8) 120 AP; shock 2 enemies for 20% Health 6/14/23 AP: 25/50/85/125 >>> 25/50/80/120


Maokai [1], Poppy [1], Kassadin [2], Taric [3], Shen [4], K'Sante [5] Bastion champions gain Armor and Magic resist. This is increased by 100% for the first 10 seconds of combat. (2) +25 Armor, +20 MR (4) +55 Armor, +50 MR (6) +100 Armor, +100 MR (8) +240 Armor, +240 MR 8/2/23 Armor & MR: 20/50/100/240 ⇒ 25/55/100/240 6/28/23 Armor & MR: 20/60/120/250 ⇒ 20/50/100/240 6/14/23 Base Armor & MR: 20/50/100/225 >>> 20/60/120/250

Shadow Isles

Maokai [1], Viego [1], Kalista [3], Gwen [4], Sienna [5] After dealing or receiving damage 10 times, Shadow Isles unit gain a Shield for 15 seconds and become Spectral for the rest of combat. Spectral units gain Mana every second. (2) 45% Health Shield, 6 Mana (4) 80% Health Shield, 12 Mana (6) 115% Health Shield, 18 Mana 8/16/23 Mana Regen: 5/12/20 ⇒ 6/12/18. Max Health % Shield: 40/80/125% ⇒ 45/80/115% 7/19/23 Shield Duration: 12 ⇒ 15 sec. Bugfix: Now counts ALL instances of damage towards triggering Spectral form instead of only counting damage from attacks. Shadow Isles Damage Instances to trigger Spectral form: 8 ⇒ 10 6/14/23 HP Shield: 40/70/111% >>> 40/80/125%. Mana Regen: 5/10/15 >>> 5/12/20 6/6/23 HP Shield: 40/70/100% >>> 40/70/111%. Shield Duration: 8 >>> 12s 6/2/23 Mana Regen: 5/12/20 >>> 5/10/15


Moonlight Vigil [Mana 70/140] : Fire a moon blast at the largest group of enemies that deals physical damage to enemies within 2 hexes. Equip 3 Chakram, plus 1 more for each enemy hit by the moon blast. For 7 seconds, attacks deal bonus physical damage for each Chakram equipped. 50 of damage dealt by Chakrams heals Aphelios. Role: Attack Carry Note: Guinsoo 8/16/23 Increased the speed of Moonlight Sigil's moon blast. Chakram AD ratio: 8/8/30% ⇒ 10/10/30% 8/2/23 Chakram AD ratio: 8/8/40% ⇒ 8/8/30% 7/19/23 AD: 60 ⇒ 65 6/28/23 Chakram AD ratio: 10/10/40% ⇒ 8/8/40%


Noxian Guillotine [Mana 3/90] : Deal 345/488/701 physical damage to the current target. If they die, immediately cast this again with 82/85/90% damage. Damage AP% [100%/120%/150%] Damage: 350% AD + Damage AP% Role: Attack Fighter 6/7/23 AS: 0.7 >>> 0.75 6/6/23 Mana: 40/100 >>> 30/90


Noxious Trap [Mana 0/50] : Hurl an explosive heat-seeking mushroom at the current target. When it detonates, enemies within 1 hex are Wounded and take 260/390/585/585 magic damage over 3 seconds. 4 Star Upgrade: Increase the explosion radius by 1 hex. Wounded: Reduced healing received by 50% Damage: 360 [240%/360%/555%/500%] Role: Magic Caster 8/16/23 Noxious Trap Damage: 230/350/535/535 ⇒ 260/390/585/585. Noxious Trap multicast mushroom bounce logic reverted to 13.14. Mushrooms will now bounce to a random target after the first. 8/2/23 Noxious Trap Damage: 200/300/465/500 ⇒ 230/350/535/535. Multicasted Noxious Trap mushrooms now prefer to bounce to targets behind the original target. 7/19/23 Noxious Trap Damage: 200/300/465/465 ⇒ 200/300/465/500 6/28/23 Noxious Trap Damage: 210/315/485/485 ⇒ 200/300/465/465 6/14/23 Spell Damage: 230/345/535/555 >>> 210/315/485/485 6/6/23 Poision now stacks


Orianna [1], Vi [2], Ekko [3], Jayce [3], Heimerdinger [5] Gain the T-Hex. Every time you lose a combat, the T-Hex gains a Charge. Winning releases the Charges, granting the T-Hex power based on the amount released. You may also sell the T-Hex if it has any Power, resetting the T-Hex and converting its Power to loot. (3) Gain the T-Hex. (6) Losing grants an additional Charge. Winning grants bonus loot. 8/2/23 You will now gain both T-Hex Power and loot when you win! The T-Hex's power has been brought down significantly to compensate. At lower loss streaks, the majority of the trait's power will be in the loot. At higher loss streaks, the T-Hex's power will be increased more so! The T-Hex can no longer be sold for loot. The T-Hex no longer starts with 1 Charge Piltover loot tables have been adjusted. 7/19/23 T-Hex, Hextech Breath Damage: 360 ⇒ 325. T- Hex can no longer be sold at the start of the shopping phase before gaining its power. T-Hex no longer has floating text when gaining power and charge 6/28/23 T-Hex Health per Power: 80 ⇒ 65. T-Hex Base Armor and MR: 20 ⇒ 15. T-Hex now gains a heap of bonus stats at 100 power (14 loss streak) rather than 70 (11-12 loss streak) Buffed the following cashouts: 9-12 Energy: 8g ⇒ 10g, 13-17 Energy: 13g ⇒ 15g, 18-23 Energy: 19g ⇒ 22g, 24-29 Energy: 27g ⇒ 30g, 30-36 Energy: 38g ⇒ 42g, 37-44 Energy: 51g ⇒ 55g, 45-51 Energy: 65g ⇒ 70g 6/8/23 T-Hex Base Health: 200 >>> 100. Health per Power: 100 >>> 80. Resists per Power: 3 >>>2 6/7/23 Adjusted 14-loss cashouts. Radiant conversion cashout now grants gold based on number of converted items. T-Hex Spell Base Damage: 400 >>> 360 6/6/23 Piltover 6 cashouts now grant much less loot. Power has been increased ~1.5x at each loss interval. Wins still grant 1 Power. T-Hex Health per Power: 135 >>> 100, AD per Power: 5 >>>4, Resists per Power: 4 >>> 3, AP per Power: 3 >>> 5, Laser Damage: 800 >>> 400 (much weaker at lower power, break even & scale up at high power) 6/2/23 T-Hex 1 power cashout: 1 gold >>> 1 remover or 1 reforger. T-Hex Spell Damage: 1000 >>> 800


Phase Dive [Mana 0/45] : Heal 20% of damage taken in the last 4 seconds and deal 290/435/710 magic damage to the current target. Role: Magic Reaper 6/28/23 Phase Dive Heal Percent: 30% ⇒ 20%


Pierce and Rend [Mana 0/80] : Passive: Attacks impale a spear in the target, which deals 18/27/45 true damage when removed. Kalista rips the spears out if it would kill the target. Active: Impale 5 spears in the current target. Role: Magic Carry 8/16/23 Kalista Pierce and Rend spear Damage: 16/24/40 ⇒ 18/27/45 6/6/23 Spears Per Casts: 5 >>> 6. Reduced cast time from (Seconds Per Attack + 0.15) to (Seconds Per Attack). Post-cast mana lockout now scales with AS


Plasma Fission [Mana 0/60] : Fire a plasma bolt towards the current target that deals 230/345/560 to the first enemy hit. It then splits in two, dealing 50% less damage whenever it passes through an enemy. Damage: 255 [170%/255%/420%] Role: Magic Caster 8/16/23 Plasma Fission Damage: 210/315/520 ⇒ 230/345/560. Plasma Fission Missile will now follow the initial target. If the target dies while the missile is in-flight, the missile will travel to that location before splitting. 6/7/23 HP: 650 >>> 700. Spell Damage: 190/285/470 >>> 210/315/520 6/6/23 Spell Damage: 170/225/420 >>> 190/285/470


Poppy [1], Tristana [1], Kled [2], Teemo [2], Heimerdinger [5] Allies gain 10% Attack Speed per star level. Yordles can become 4 star, gaining a wacky spell upgrade! (3) If you have three 3-star Champions, your strongest 3-star Yordle champion becomes 4-star (5) Two 3-star Yordle champions can now become 4-star Ties for most items are broken by the Yordle fielded most recently


Primal Howl [Mana 40/90] : Passive: Warwick's attacks restore 30/35/40 Health. Active: For the next 2.5 seconds, the passive healing is increased by 5000%. After, Stun adjacent enemies for 1.25/1.5/2 seconds. Role: Magic Tank 7/19/23 Primal Howl passive heal on attacks: 25/30/35 ⇒ 30/35/40


Radiance [Mana 0/65] : Gain 550/650/750 Shield for 4 seconds. It absorbs damage received by adjacent allies. Shield: 400 [350%/400%/450%] Role: Magic Tank 7/21/23 Mana nerf: 0/55 ⇒ 0/65. Radiance Shield Duration: 6 ⇒ 4 seconds 7/19/23 Mana buff: 40/90 ⇒ 0/55. Radiance Shield: 400/475/550 ⇒ 550/650/750. Taric no longer has floating "blocked" combat text while his shield is active 6/28/23 Taric max Mana buff: 40/100 ⇒ 40/90 6/14/23 Mana: 40/120 >>> 40/100


Rapid Fire [Mana 0/40] : Gain 50/55/60% Attack Speed for 4 seconds. For the duration, attacks explode on impact and deal physical damage to enemies within 1 hex. 4 Star Upgrade: Every 10th attack deals bonus physical damage and ricochets to the largest clump of enemies, dealing physical damage to enemies within 1 hex. Shrapnel Damage: 60% Attack damage 4 Star Shot Damage: 100% Attack damage Ricochet Explosion: 50% Attack damage Role: Attack Carry 6/28/23 4-Star Attacks per Mega Shot: 8 ⇒ 10 6/14/23 Spell explosion bonus AD: 40 % >>> 60%


Realm Warp Ryze's ability changes depending on the portal the lobby chooses at the beginning of the game. See them all in the Regions section. Bandle City : Summon units from bench Demacia : Creates a zone to shield Allies. Heals Allies that leave zone and damages enemies. Freljord : 3s two-hex zone that Chills and Stuns enemies Ionia : Spirit Tree that gives Allies AS & heals them. Enemies are Stunned. Noxus : Gives items to Allies (or gives them damage bonuss) and throws axes towards enemies. Piltover : Creates two-hex containment area that damages enemies Shadow Isles: Resurrects Allies Shurima: Summon a sand tornado that travels across the battlefield, dealing magic damage to enemies hit and knocking them up, Stunning them for 1/1/3 second. Targot A meteor heads towards the largest group of enemies, dealing the initial target's maximum Health as magic damage. Enemies in the epicenter are briefly knocked up. Zaun Create portals to Zaun, causing hired guns to fire at nearby enemies. Deals magic damage and Wounds, 40% Shreds, and 40% Sunders for 6 seconds. The more gold you have, the more powerful the portals become. 25 Gold: +1 portal. Portals fire a rocket that deals 50% damage in a one-hex radius.50 Gold: Double the portals. Summon 1 additional portals for every 15 Gold more. 8/16/23 Bandle City Ryze will now star up pulled units to at least Ryze's star level. Ionia Ryze Mana buff: 60/120 ⇒ 50/125 Ionia Ryze Damage: 175/275/3500 ⇒ 175/275/1500. Ionia Ryze Heal: 400/600/3000 ⇒ 400/500/3000. Piltover Ryze % Damage Share when within enforcer zone: 15/20/500% ⇒ 15/30/500%. Targon Ryze starting Mana buff: 10/100 ⇒ 30/100. Targon Ryze max Health % Damage: 18/25/100% ⇒ 18/30/100%. Zaun Ryze Mana nerf: 50/90 ⇒ 40/100


Royal Maelstrom [Mana 20/70] : Lash out at the lowest percent Health enemy in range 6/6/20 times. Each lash deals 76/114/327 physical damage and 2% of the target's max Health as true damage. Number of Lashes: 6 = 6 + 5 per 100% bonus Attack speed Damage Ability power [15/25/50] Damage: 60% Attack damage + % Ability power Role: Attack Fighter Position: 2nd Row. Put in front of weakest frontline 8/16/23 Royal Maelstrom bonus Damage Per Strike: 20/30/50 ⇒ 15/25/50. Royal Maelstrom number of Strikes: 6 per 100%. Total AS ⇒ 6 + 5 per 100% bonus AS 7/19/23 Bel'Veth no longer continues casting on nothing if her target dies with no other targets in range. She'll now find the next closest target. Royal Maelstrom Lash Damage AD ratio: 75% ⇒ 60%. Bel'Veth now moves faster while in Empress form. Max Mana nerf: 0/55 >>> 20/70 6/28/23 HP: 1000 ⇒ 1100. Max Mana buff: 0/70 ⇒ 0/55


Sap Magic [Mana 50/125] : Passive: Whenever an enemy uses their ability, gain 5 Mana. Active: On Maoki's next attack, heal 220/260/300. Role: Magic Tank


Seismic Shove [Mana 0/60] : Passive: Whenever an enemy is knocked up by anything, throw a boulder at them. It deals 125/190/290 magic damage to the first enemy hit. Active: Deal 160/240/370 magic damage to your target and knock them up for 2 seconds. Role: Magic Caster 8/16/23 Seismic Shove Damage: 150/225/350 ⇒ 160/240/370. 8/2/23 Starting Mana nerf: 20/60 ⇒ 0/60 6/28/23 Taliyah Base Seismic Shove Damage: 160/240/375 ⇒ 150/225/350. Seismic Shove Boulder Damage: 125/190/300 ⇒ 125/190/290


Senna [5] (1) Whenever an ally gains a Shield, grant them 6% stacking Attack Speed for the rest of combat. Note: Shields! 8/16/23 Senna, Redeemer AS Per Shield: 8% ⇒ 6%


Sett [2], Warwick [2], Darius [3], Garen [3], Nasus [4], Aatrox [5] Juggernaut champions take less damage as their Health decreases. (2) 15% to 25% damage reduction (4) 25% to 40% damage reduction (6) 35% to 50% damage reduction 7/19/23 Max Damage Reduction: 25/35/50 ⇒ 25/40/50 6/14/23 Min Damage Reduction: 10/20/30 >>> 15/25/35. Max Damage Reduction: 20/35/50 >>> 25/35/50 6/6/23 Min DR: 10/25/40 >>> 10/20/30. Max DR: 20/40/60 >>> 20/35/50. 6/2/23 Min DR: 10/20/40 >>> 10/25/40. Max DR: 20/35/60 >>> 20/40/60


Shield of Durand [Mana 60/120] : Reduce damage taken by 25/25/35% and heal for 350/400/450 over 4 seconds. After, deal 200/300/450 magic damage to adjacent enemies. Role: Magic Tank 8/16/23 Shield of Durand Damage Reduction: 20/20/30% ⇒ 25/25/35% 8/2/23 Shield of Durand Damage Reduction: 20/20/25% ⇒ 20/20/30% 7/19/23 Shield of Durand Damage Reduction: 20% ⇒ 20/20/25%. Shield of Durand Heal: 275/300/325 ⇒ 350/400/450. Max Mana buff: 80/140 ⇒ 60/120 6/28/23 Shield of Durand Damage Reduction: 20% ⇒ 20/20/25%


Skaaaaaaarl! [Mana 0/175] : Passive: Start combat with 220/396/713/1030 Shield (30% Max Health). When it breaks, dismount and gain 65/70/75/80% stacking Attack Speed for the rest of combat. Active: Remount and gain 220/396/713/1030 Shield. 4 Star Upgrade: Execute enemies under 25% Health. Role: Attack Fighter 8/16/23 Skaaaaaaarl! Stacking AS: 60/65/70/75% ⇒ 65/70/75/80% 6/28/23 Kled Skaaaaaaarl! Self Shield: 40% ⇒ 30% max HP


Snip Snip! [Mana 0/35] : Dash around the current target and snip 3 times in a cone, each dealing 100/150/400 magic damage to enemies hit. Every 3 casts, gain 120/120/300 Armor and Magic Resist for 3/3/5 seconds. Role: Magic Fighter 8/2/23 Snip Snip! Mist Duration: 3/3/6 ⇒ 3/3/5. Snip Snip! Damage: 100/150/500 ⇒ 100/150/400 7/19/23 Snip Snip! 3rd cast Armor & MR buff duration: 2/2.5/4 ⇒ 3/3/6 sec. Snip Snip! Dash AI is slightly smarter. Gwen will now continue attacking her current target after casting, if able. 6/28/23 HP: 900 ⇒ 1000. Gwen Snip! Snip! Damage: 95/140/400 ⇒ 100/150/500


Soraka [2], Taric [3], Aphelios [4] Your healing and shielding is increased. (2) 20% increased healing and shielding (3) 40% increased healing and shielding (4) 70% increased healing and shielding 6/28/23 Healing & Shielding Increase: 18/30/50% ⇒ 20/40/70%


Soul Eater [Mana 70/150] : Steal 5/5/15% max Health, 10% Attack Damage, and 5/5/15 Defenses from the nearest 4/5/9 enemies for 8 seconds. While empowered, every third attack deals 210/315/473 physical damage (350% AD). Role: Magic Tank Position: Front line (1) same side as enemy carry (2) same side as own carry (3) solo front line in front of enemy melee carry to steal stats


Steadfast Hammer [Mana 90/150] : Gain 310/330/350/350 Shield for 3 seconds. Deal 140/210/315 magic damage to the current target. 4 Star Upgrade: Knock the target into the largest clump of enemies, dealing 33% of the target's max Health as magic damage to the target and 15% of that amount to the clump. Stun them for 0.25 second. Role: Magic Tank 8/16/23 Poppy 4-star Steadfast Hammer should now more consistently hit large clumps of units 8/2/23 Steadfast Hammer Shield: 290/310/330/350 ⇒ 310/330/350/350 7/19/23 Steadfast Hammer 4-star Upgrade AOE stun: 1 sec ⇒ .25 sec. 6/7/23 Mana: 80/140 >>> 90/150. Spell Shield: 270/300/330/360 >>> 290/310/330/350. 4 Star Spell Damage HP%: 25% >>> 15% 6/6/23 4 star stun duration: 1.5 >>> 1s. 4 star knock up damage percent: 40% >>> 33%


Surge [Mana 0/50] : Passive: Execute enemies below 12 Health. Kills reset the duration of Surge. Active: For the next 8/8/15 seconds, attacks chain lightning to 3/3/5 additional enemies, dealing physical damage (45% AD ratio). Chain Lightning Damage: [50/50/100%] Execute Threshold: 12% Chain Lightning Enemies [3/3/5] Role: Attack Carry Position: Keep safe. Same side as enemy carry. Note: IE, Guinsoo 8/16/23 Surge Duration: 9/9/15 ⇒ 8/8/15. Chain Lightning AD ratio: 50% ⇒ 45% 7/19/23 AD: 60 ⇒ 65. Overcharge Duration: 6 ⇒ 9/9/15 sec. BUGFIX: Now gets full value from Robotic Arm. 6/28/23 Surge Overcharge AD ratio: 65/65/100% ⇒ 50/50/100%. Surge Overcharge Kills no longer reset the duration of Surge/ Surge Overcharge duration: 5 ⇒ 6 seconds


Swain [2], Teemo [2], Azir [4], Jarvin IV [4] Combat Start: Allies in the front 2 rows gain a shield for 15 seconds. Allies in the back 2 rows gain Ability Power. (2) 200 shield; 15 Ability Power (3) 350 shield; 25 Ability Power (4) 500 shield; 40 Ability Power (5) 800 shield; 60 Ability Power 7/19/23 AP: 20/30/50/70 ⇒ 15/25/40/60 6/28/23 Shield: 200/350/500/700 ⇒ 200/350/500/800. Strategist AP: 20/30/45/60 ⇒ 20/30/50/70 6/2/23 HP Shield: 200/350/400/550 >>> 200/350/500/700. AP: 20/30/40/55 >>> 20/30/45/60. Shield Duration: 8 >>> 15s


Taliyah [2], Teemo [2], Sona [3], Vel'Koz [3] Multicasters cast their Ability multiple times. Bonus casts have 66% reduced effectiveness. (2) 1 extra cast (4) 2 extra casts 8/16/23 Damage Reduction: 60% ⇒ 66% 7/19/23 BUGFIX: Multicaster 4's bonus casts now have the intended 60% reduced effectiveness instead of 50% 6/14/23 Spell Reduced Effectiveness: 50% >>> 60%


Torrent of Light [Mana 0/60] : Channel a barrage of light at the current target that deals 735/1100/2750 magic damage over 3 seconds, reducing their Magic Resistance by 15/15/40 every second. If they die, shift to a new target. Role: Magic Caster Note: Single target damage. Good with Gunblade. 8/16/23 Torrent of Light can no longer reduce Magic Resist below zero. Torrent of Light now turns faster while casting her Ability 8/2/23 Torrent of Light Damage: 735/1100/3333 ⇒ 735/1100/2750. Torrent of Light Shred: 15/15/50 ⇒ 15/15/40 7/19/23 Lux's ability can no longer be interrupted by crowd control. Torrent of Light Damage: 700/1050/3333 ⇒ 735/1100/3333 6/6/23 Channel Duration: 3/3/6 >>> 3/3/3. Spell Damage: 750/1125/4000 >>> 750/1125/3333 6/2/23 Spell Damage: 820/1230/4500 >>> 750/1125/4000


Tristana [1], Jinx [2], Jayce [3], Zeri [4], Senna [5] When Gunner champions attack, they gain bonus Attack Damage, up to 8 stacks. (2) 6% Attack Damage per attack (4) 12% Attack Damage per attack (6) 22% Attack Damage per attack 8/16/23 AD% per Stack: 6/11/20% ⇒ 6/12/22% 6/28/23 AD Per Stack 7/12/20 ⇒ 6/11/20 6/14/23 AD per stack 5/12/20% >>> 7/12/20%


Twin Fang [Mana 0/30]: Deal 170/255/385 magic damage to the current target and Wound them for 5 seconds. If they are already Wounded, deal bonus magic damage. Wound: Reduce healing received by 50% Role: Magic Caster Position: Next to range carry Note: Good Blue Buff holder 8/2/23 Twin Fang cast time reduced. If Cassiopeia's target dies as Twin Fangs is about to fire, she will retarget to the nearest enemy 7/19/23 Mana: 0/40 ⇒ 0/30. Twin Fang Damage: 200/300/450 ⇒ 170/255/385 6/6/23 Spell Damage: 180/270/405 >>> 200/300/450 6/2/23 AS 0.65 >>> 0.7. Spell Damage 180/240/405 >>> 180/270/405


Viego [1], Zed [2], Ekko [3], Katarina [3] (2) The first time Rogues fall below 50% Health they briefly become untargetable and dash towards an enemy within 4 hexes, preferring backliners. (4) Additionally, attacking an enemy for the first time causes that enemy to bleed, dealing 50% of their max Health as magic damage over 5 seconds. 8/2/23 Bleed Health percentage: 40% ⇒ 50%. Rogue jump logic adjusted to more consistently move to the correct target 7/19/23 4 Bleed Damage: 30% ⇒ 40%. Rogue units are now temporarily CC immune while dashing. Rogue units will no longer cancel their dash if triggered during a cast animation that disallows movement.


Volley [Mana 20/70] : Fire 8 arrows in a cone, each dealing physical damage (160/160/170% Attack damage) to the first enemy hit and Chilling them for 2 seconds. Chill: Reduced Attack Speed by 30% Role: Attack Carry 8/16/23 Ashe AS: 0.7 ⇒ 0.75. Mana nerf: 30/60 ⇒ 20/70. Volley AD ratio: 150/150/160% ⇒ 160/160/170%. 7/19/23 Volley AD ratio: 125/125/130% ⇒ 150/150/160% 6/28/23 Volley AD Percent: 110% ⇒ 125/125/130%.


Voracity [Mana 20/80] : Throw three daggers that land next to enemies within two hexes. Then, teleport to each to deal 130/195/320 magic damage to adjacent enemies and Wound them for 6 seconds. Wound: Reduce healing received by 50% Role: Magic Reaper 7/19/23 Voracity Damage: 145/220/360 ⇒ 130/195/320 6/2/23 Spell Damage: 155/230/380 >>> 145/220/360


World Ender [Mana 0/50] : Transform for 12 seconds, gaining 20 Omnivamp and converting all bonus Attack Speed to Attack Damage. While transformed, attacks deal physical damage. Role: Attack Fighter Position: Front center if carry. Otherwise outside so he dies and transfers buff. 8/16/23 World Ender Duration: 10 ⇒ 12 seconds. Darkin Health: 400 ⇒ 350. Aatrox is now immune to damage and untargetable when respawning 7/19/23 Armor and Magic Resist: 60 ⇒ 70. Mana buff: 0/60 ⇒ 0/50. World Ender Damage: 250/250/2500% ⇒ 275/275/2500%. World Ender cast animation speed increased 6/28/23 Aatrox HP: 1000 ⇒ 1100

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