The Age of Exploration and Conquest of the Americas

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What were Africans needed for?

To fill labor shortages

What is the goal of Mercantilism?

To gain more money than other countries, thus giving yourself power

What are Peons?

Workers who labor to pay off debt they have accumulated

How do Zheng He's junks compare to Columbus's ships?

Zheng He's junks where much more larger than Columbus's ships

What region the second most?


Why was finding a sea route to Asia considered an economic necessity?

Raising of prices from Italian and Muslim merchants who exchanged the goods and raised prices dramatically.

What were the effects of the Ming period of exploration?

16 countries sent tribute to China but after the seventh voyage China withdrew to isolation, but before this the Chinese spread several inventions and ideas to the outside world

Who is Zheng He? Where did he travel?

A Chinese-Muslim admiral who traveled to southeast Asia and eastern Africa

What was trade viewed as during this time?

A source of raw for the mother country

What are Viceroys?

Appointed by king to be the ruler of the colony

Where were Native Americans and African-Americans on the pyramid?

At the bottom

Who led the Inca against the Spanish?


Why is it called the Columbus Exchanged?

Because of Columbus's discovery of the land

How did the mother country achieve the goal of Mercantilism?

Buying raw materials cheap, producing products, selling the products to other countries thus gaining gold

What regions did France control in the western Hemisphere?

Canada into the Midwest North America, colonies in the Caribbean

What did the Catholic Church do at this time?

Converted Native Americans to Christianity

What effects did corn and potatoes have on the world?

Corn and potatoes became popular worldwide and helped people live longer

What is the Council of Indies?

Council in Spain that passed laws for the colonies

What is Mercantilism?

Country's power depended mainly on its wealth

What were the long range causes of the Age of Exploration?

Desire to know more about the outside world, rivalry with Islam; desire to spread Christianity, Renaissance, Crusades, Powerful Monarchies

What is Imperialism?

Domination by one country over the political and economic life of another country

What regions did Portugal control in the western Hemisphere?

East South America (Brazil)

What is capitalism?

Economic system based on private ownership and investment of resources

Why did the Ming Emperor Yonglo launch the first Chinese voyages of exploration?

Emperor Yonglo wanted to create tributary states and impress the world with Chinas wealth and power.

What did Portugal do in Africa?

Established settlements along the western coast, thanks to Prince Henry's school of navigation, they traded gold, ivory, and slaves

How did triangular trade change European life?

European life flourished by selling its produced goods using raw materials from the Americas

What is the Triangle Trade System?

Europeans gave manufactured good to West Africa which gave slaves to the Americas, the Americas sent the raw materials to Europe.

Why did Europeans set out to explore the world in the 1400's? What role did the Renaissance play in launching the Age of Exploration?

Europeans set out to explore the world because they wanted to discover new trade routes, spread christianity, and Europeans wanted glory for discovering new lands. The Renaissance encouraged a new spirit of adventure and curiosity.

What caused the Treaty of Tordesillas?

Fierce competition between Spain and Portugal to create trade routes and colonies

What did Spain strive for in navigation?

Find a sea route westward to Asia, this prompted the voyages of Christopher Columbus who later discovered the West Indies of the Caribbean

Who led the Spanish against the Inca?

Francisco Pizarro

What happened to Atahualpa?

He was killed after the Inca gave ransom to the Spanish

Who led the Spanish during Aztec conquest?

Hernando Cortés

What were the results of the Spanish Victory in the Americas?

Indian population decreases 90%, gold and silver is plundered from the Americas, native americans convert to Christianity, Spanish language spreads to the Americas, Spanish Empires rule the Americas for the next several hundred years

What is a Joint-Stock company?

Investors bought shares of a company

Why was the trade route from Africa to America known as the Middle Passage?

It was the Middle Passage because it was the middle voyage of the triangle trade system

What is a colony?

Lands controlled by another nation

What are plantations?

Large estates grow cash crops such as sugar and cotton for expert

How has modern day American culture been influenced by the Colombian exchange?

Main farming industries in the Americas that are extremely popular today would not have existed without the Colombian exchange

What regions did Spain control in the western Hemisphere?

Mexico, the Caribbean, Florida, Western half of South America

What are Mulattoes?

Mixed race; people of African and European descent

What are Mestizos?

Mixed spanish and native americans, share third in pyramid with Mulattoes

Who led the Aztecs during the Spanish conquest of the Aztecs?

Montezuma II

What are Peninsulares?

People from mainland Spain - 100% Spanish, born in Spain, top of pyramid

What are missionaries?

People sent on a religious mission to convert non-believers; they built churches, taught the locals about European culture/language

What were the short range causes of the Age of Exploration?

Seeking faster and cheaper routes to trade merchants in Africa and Asia, desire to be the first to discover new sailing routes, desire to create colonies in foreign lands, development of new technologies, Henry the Navigator/ Spanish Monarchs fund journeys

What is the Line of Demarcation?

Separates the world into two zones, Spanish controlled the West and the Portuguese controlled the East

What technological advancements spurred the Age of Exploration?

The caravel was a sturdier vessel that could handle the rough seas, triangular sails allowed for sailors to go upwind, the astrolabe allowed for sailors to calculate their latitude, and the magnetic compass helped determine direction.

Why are colonies important to the mother country?

The colonies supply the resources to the country so it can make products

What was the primary cause of African slavery?

The death of native peoples in America who were being used for slave labor

Who was Magellan?

The first person to circumnavigate the globe

What is the Columbian Exchange?

The global exchange of foods, plants, disease, and animals from Europe to the Americas.

What is Encomiendas?

The right to demand labor from natives in a given area

What is Cartography?

The science of mapmaking, improved greatly in the years preceding to the Age of Exploration

What happened to the Aztecs?

They surrendered to the Spanish

What are Creoles?

100% Spanish, born in the Americas, second in pyramid

What did Prince Henry do?

1415, Portugal, Established a series of Portuguese trading posts along the African coast

What was the years of the Age of Exploration?


What did Bartolomeu Dias do?

1488, Portugal, Explored the southeast coast of Africa

What did Columbus do?

1492, Spain, Sailed across the Atlantic Ocean and found the Americas

What did Vasco De Gama do?

1497, Portugal, Sailed around the tip of Africa to India where he received spices and jems

Which European country was the first to establish permanent settlements?


Who participated in the Age of Exploration?

Spain, Portugal, England, France, Netherlands

Who are conquistadors?

Spanish conquerors

What were the reasons for the Spanish Victory in the Americas?

Superior Technology (Horses, cannons, guns, armor, steel), divisions among the Native American tribes, disease weakens the Native Americans

How did triangular trade effect the Americas?

The Americas grew into a production powerhouse and became rich off of the selling of goods to European nations and a seemingly endless supply of slaves from Africa

What region in the Americas imported the most Africans?

The Caribbean

How did the Columbian exchange hurt Native Americans?

The Columbian exchange caused European diseases to spread to the Americas, the natives stood no chance against the diseases

What role did the Dutch East India company play in global trade during this time period?

The Dutch East India company was the richer and more powerful trading center. It controlled Indonesia and much of the Indian ocean trade system, sending all goods to Amsterdam and making it a powerful and wealthy city.

What regions did England control in the western Hemisphere?

The East Coast of North America, parts of Canada

Describe the trading outposts established by other European countries throughout the world.

The French and English created trading posts in India, the French had trading posts in Madagascar. Spain controlled all of the philippines.

Describe Portugals Trading Empire in Asia. What were the effects?

The Portuguese eliminated Muslim-trade control in India and took over Malacca, allowing for spices to be traded directly to Europe for 1/5th less. Caused other European nations to establish their own trade empires in Asia.

Why was the Treaty of Tordesillas important?

The Treaty of Tordesillas was important because it established Portuguese and Spanish lands in the Americas

How does the Triangle Trade System represent the concept of Mercantilism?

The Triangle Trade System shows mercantilism by the fact that Britain was purchasing cheap raw materials from the Americas, creating produced products and selling them to France for high price making Britain richer and depleting France's reserves

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