The Atmosphere

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List three characteristics of ozone:

1.) Considered a natural greenhouse gas and found in the stratosphere. 2.) Ozone molecules absorb UV radiation from the Sun and then radiate this energy in the form of infrared waves. 3.) Hole in the ozone was caused by CFCs

What are the two most abundant (plentiful) gases in Earth's atmosphere?

1.) Nitrogen 2.) Oxygen

What are three important functions of the atmosphere?

1.) Provides air molecules needed for plants (carbon dioxide) and animals (oxygen) to survive. 2.) Inhibits deadly UV radiation, charged particles, and space debris from reaching Earth's surface. 3.) Regulates the amount of heat energy entering and exiting the Earth.

Three Examples of radiation:

1.) Sun 2.) Body Heat

Order of layers of Earth's atmosphere

1.) Troposphere 2.) Stratosphere 3.) Mesosphere 4.) Thermosphere

Three gases that are considered to be greenhouse gases:

1.) methane 2.) water 3.) ozone

Three examples of conduction:

1.) stove heating in a pan 2.) beach sand heating your feet 3.) pan heating food in it

Three examples of convection:

1.) water circulation in a pot on the stove 2.) formation of the clouds 3.) air rising from a radiator

What does a low specific heat indicate about the rate the object will change temperature?

A low specify heat means the object will change temperature at a very fast rate.

Why is it best to wear light clothes in the summer and dark clothes in the winter?

Because light objects tend to be good reflectors and reflect most of the energy coming their way (therefore absorbing little), making them warm up slower and thus keeping you cooler in the summer. Dark objects however tend to be poor reflectors and instead absorb most of the energy coming their way, making them warm up faster and thus keeping you warmer in the winter.

Why would a piece of metal feel colder than a piece of wood at room temperature?

Because metal is a good conductor while wood is a good isolator. Metal transfers (conducts) energy quickly from one object (your hand) to another (the air around you). Wood however conducts energy slowly and prevents heat from escaping.

Explain why cities near a body of water stay cooler longer into the spring and summer and warmer into the fall and winter than inland cities, given all other conditions are the same.

Because water has a high specific heat, so it takes longer for the body of water to change temperature. Therefore the surrounding area also takes longer to adjust to seasonal temperature changes.

How does the density of the atmosphere change with altitude and what causes this change?

Density of the atmosphere decreases as the altitude increases, because as you go up you are getting further from the earth. The earth is source of the the gravitational force that is holding the air molecules in our atmosphere. So the further away you get, the weaker the gravitational pull, so the less air molecules the higher you go. This makes the atmosphere less dense.

Why do cloudy nights cause higher temperatures and cloudy days cause lower temperatures?

During the day the clouds reflect heat energy from the Sun. However during the night the clouds absorb energy from the earth keeping the Earth warmer at night.

Why does it get so hot in the day and so cold at night in the desert?

For one there is no clouds above the desert because of the lack of water and clouds need moisture in order to form. Since there are no clouds there is no insulation at night keeping in the heat from the day. Also sand has a low heat capacity and so it heats up quickly with direct sunlight, but is not a good insulator so at night it cools down fast without this direct source of radiation.

If a substance in a good reflector what does it indicate about the rate the object will change temperature?

If the object is a good reflector it reflects most of the energy coming their way and absorbs little, making them warm up slower (change temperature at a slow rate).

In which layer of the atmosphere would you find meteoroids burn up?


In which layer of the atmosphere would you find ozone layer?


How does the temperature of a substance change when it radiates more energy than it absorbs?

Temperature decreases

How does the temperature of a substance change when it absorbs more energy than it radiates?

Temperature increases

How does the temperature of a substance change when it reflects energy?

Temperature stays the same

Describe how the troposphere is heated using the following terms: radiation, conduction, convection, and absorption

The Sun radiates energy. Earth absorbs this energy and transfers it into the air molecules through radiation and conduction. Earth transfers energy through convection to the atmosphere.

How does the temperature change in the mesosphere and why?

The temperature decreases with increasing altitude in the mesosphere because of the lack of ozone and the large distance from the Earth's surface. This causes temperature to decrease with altitude.

How does the temperature change in the troposphere and why?

The temperature decreases with increasing altitude in the troposphere because these air molecules are heated by the radiation and conduction of energy from Earth's surface and therefore air molecules closer to the surface have higher temperatures than molecules further from the surface. Also with increasing altitude there are less air molecules to absorb and transfer heat.

How does the temperature change in the stratosphere and why?

The temperature increases with increasing altitude in the stratosphere because there's a high concentration of ozone molecules. These ozone molecules absorb UV rays from the Sun and then radiates this energy in the form of infrared waves. Nearby gases can absorb this infrared energy and increase in temperature.

How does the temperature change in the thermosphere and why?

The temperature increases with increasing altitude in the thermosphere because of the intense solar radiation.

In which layer of the atmosphere would you find clouds?


In which layer of the atmosphere would you find life?


In which layer of the atmosphere would you find pollutants?



the transfer of energy by direct contact.

Why does it feel very cold in the thermosphere, despite the high temperature of the air molecules?

The density of the air molecules is so low that there is little actual heat flow between the molecules.

How does the presence of greenhouse gases affect the temperature of a planet?

The increased amount of greenhouse gases in the planet's atmosphere disrupts the planet's energy balance by inputing more heat than outputting, causing the planet to become warmer.


The transfer of energy in the form of electromagnetic waves.


The transfer of heat by the up and down circulation of a fluid (liquid or gas) with different densities.

In which layer of the atmosphere would you find charged particles?


In which layer of the atmosphere would you find extremely high temperatures?


In which layer of the atmosphere would you find northern/southern lights?


Why do warm fluids rise while cold fluids sink?

Warm fluids are less dense because their molecules are further apart while cold fluids are more dense with their molecules being closer together. And less dense objects float above more dense objects.

Why do you feel cold when you go outside on a winter day?

You feel cold because energy is being taken away from you. This happens because when two objects are brought into contact energy is transferred from the object with the higher temperature (person) to the object with the lower temperature (air surrounding you), until the temperature of the objects are equal.

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