The British Raj

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Queen Elizabeth I

Elizabeth gave the East India Tea Co. a royal charter allowing them to make treaties, and own their own army. They also had a monopoly giving them great power.


English author of novels and poetry who was born in India. Author of "The White Man's Burden" as well as "The Jungle Book"


"Children of God" Gandhi's term for the untouchables.

European Age of Exploration

(late 1400-1700's) The Europeans would call this the Age of Exploration however this is a very geocentric term considering Indians had been sailing and exploring long before.

Sepoy Mutiny

1857- when the East India Tea company tried to force the sepoys to use bullets (coated in pork or beef fat) that required them to bite off the coating they were outraged at the complete disrespect the Brtish had for the Indians so they revolted.


A British political genious who told Parliment not to rule India with an iron fist, but to respect them and their culture.

Massacre at Amritsar

A massacre lead by General Dyer and the British army in which they fired mercilessly into a non-violent meeting of Indians.


A person appointed by a higher authority to govern a province


An Indian Muslim politician, and leader of the Muslim League. He founded Pakistan and served as the first Governor.


An economic theory that believes colonies (India) should benefit the mother country (Britain)


An indian soldier working for the British

Nan Sahib

He was an Indian leader during the Sepoy Mutiny, a brave hero to the Indians even though he fled India and disappeared. (Beginning of Indian Nationalism)


Indian leader with Gandhi in the struggle for Nationalism.


Indian nationalist and leader that started the practice of nonviolent disobedience that forced Great Britain to grant independence to India.

Indian National Congress

Indian nationalist group formed to work for rights and power for Indians under British rule.


Loyalty to a particular region.

Homespun Movement

Movement begun by Gandhi to boycott British goods by making cloth at home

Jewel in the Crown

Name given to India, because it was the most valuable of all British colonies

Civil Disobedience

Nonviolent refusal to obey an unjust law (or government), intended to influence government policy.


Rule (lit. "reign" in Hindi)

Queen Victoria

The "Empress of India" and the Queen of Great Britain stripped East India Tea Co. of their powers after the mutiny.


The 1947 division of the British colony of India into nations of India and Pakistan.


The aspiration for national independence felt by the Indian people under the British Raj


The belief that people in a country should have the ability to choose their own government.

British East India Tea Co.

The company colonized India for England but their rule was brutal and after the Sepoy Mutiny they were stripped of their powers and replaced by the Civil Service System.


The form of nonviolent resistance initiated in India by Gandhi in order to oppose British rule and encourage political reforms.

Civil Service System

The government that took the place of the East India Tea Co.. Exams took place in London to give educated people of Britain and India a "fair" chance to work in the system. However this required a lot of money as well as a good education. The system was run by the Queen, Parliament, the Prime Minister, the Viceroy, the Governor, Village Elders, as well as courts police and the army.

White Man's Burden

The idea that Britain had a duty to spread their religion and culture to those less civilized such as India. Also a poem written by Rudyard Kipling.

Rowlatt Act

The law passed in 1919 that allowed the British government to imprison anti-British (or anti-war involvement) protesters without trial


The movement of settlers and their culture to a new country


The policy of extending the rule or authority of an empire or nation over foreign countries, or of acquiring and holding colonies and dependencies.

Robert Clive

This man was a British soldier who established the military and political power of the East India Company in Indial. He secured India, and it's wealth for the British crown.


To join others in refusing to deal with a person or group.

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