The Function of the Neuron

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Nodes of Ranvier

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What is structure labeled A?


What is structure labeled C?

Soma/ Cell Body

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What is structure labeled D?

Axon Terminals

What is structure labeled C?

Synapse/ Synaptic Cleft

What is structure labeled D?

Vesicles/ Neurotransmitter

(Glial Cells) Macroglia

-Astrocytes, Oligodendrocytes, Schwann Cells, Ependymal Cells, Radial Glia and Satellite Cells

(Function) Ependymal Cells

-Found in the ventricles in the walls (where they produce cerebrospinal fluid- circulates around the brain, performing many functions like protecting the brain from injury and removing waste products from the brain.)

Myelin Sheath

-Insulating layer that surrounds the axons of neurons. -Composed primarily of lipids. -Prevents action potentials from decaying due to electrical current leaking out through the axonal membrane. -(Formed by Glial Cells) In the PNS Schwann Cells form Myelin (Each Schwann Cell wraps around one segment of an axon many times to0 form one internode). In the CNS Oligodendrocytes form Myelin (One Oligodendrocyte can produce dozens of internodes on multiple axons).

(Function) Radial Glia

-Involved in Neurogenesis and neural development. -Can give birth to new neurons and serve as a scaffold along which new neurons can travel from their site of origin to their final destination in the brain.

(Glial Cells) Microglia

-Primary immune defense of the central nervous system. -Travels throughout the brain and spinal cord. -Removes damage neurons, pathogens and other foreign substances.

(Function) Oligodendrocytes and Schwann Cells

-Responsible for covering neurons with an insulatory material (myelin). -Schwann Cells myelinated neurons in the peripheral nervous system. -Oligodendrocytes myelinated neurons in the central nervous system.

(Function) Astrocyte

-Star shaped glial cells -Functions: Providing nutrient support to neurons, helping repair damage to nervous system tissue, regulating communication between neurons and maintaining the blood-brain-barrier.

(Function) Satellite Cells

-Surround neurons in some parts of the PNS. -Plays a protective and supportive role. -Might be involved in regulating the neuronal environment of some PNS neurons.

What is structure labeled A?


What is structure labeled D?


What is structure labeled B?

Postsynaptic Neuron

What is structure labeled A?

Presynaptic Neuron

What is structure labeled E?


What is structure labeled B?

Rough ER

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