Theology 1 Dr. Mook
The three (3) aspect of God's providence (preservation, concurrence, and governance), the definition of each of these aspects, and one (1) proof-passage for each of these aspects of God's providence
(1) * Preservation* The Triune God's ever active work through God the Son in maintaining the things He created, with all the characteristics and dynamics He gave them. *Acts 17:28* in God we "live and move and have our being" (2) *Providential Concurrence* God's operation with created things, causing them (directly or by permission), through their properties, to act. *Gen 45:5-8* Joseph says that God, not his brothers, sent him to Egypt. (3) *Governance* The continual active rule of God over all things so that, through them, He will accomplish His ultimate purpose of glorifying Himself. *Rev 1:6* God governs the universe as King of the universe.
Explain how God's *SIMPLICITY* does *NOT CONTRADICT* His *TRI-UNITY,* because of the *DISTINCTION* between God's *ESSENCE* and the *3 PERSONS*
(1) *ESSENCE* is *NOT* composed of *3 PERSONS* (2) *COMPLETE ESSENCE* exists *UNCOMPOUNDED* in *EACH* of the *3 PERSONS* (3) *UNIQUE PERSONAL PROPERTIES* of each person are *NOT* things *ADDED* to the *ESSENCE.* They are *RELATIONAL,* and *NOT ESSENTIAL* distinctions (4) In each *ACTION* the entire *TRINITY ACTS WITHOUT* essential *DIVISION*
Distinction between general providence and special/specific providence
(1) *GENERAL Providence:* God's control of the *WHOLE* universe. (2) *SPECIAL/SPECIFIC Providence:* God's control of the *DETAILS* of the universe. a) *Details* of *HISTORY* b) *Details* of people's *LIVES*, especially those of the *RIGHTEOUS*
Two (2) biblical *EFFECTS* of God's *KNOWLEDGE*
(1) *Gen 1:* ... The *CREATION* of the *PHYSICAL REALM* (2) *Eph 3:10* ... The *CREATION* of the *CHURCH*
Summary explanation of *WHY* Dr. Mook *REJECTS* the *MIDDLE KNOWLEDGE* view of God's foreknowledge
(1) *HUMAN WILL* is *NOT* logically *SOVEREIGN.* *MAN'S WILL NOT INDEPENDENT* from God's will (2) GOD'S *OMNISCIENCE* is NOT dependent on *MAN'S DETERMINATION* (3) God's *KNOWLEDGE* is *NOT INCREASED* in response to His *PASSIVE KNOWLEDGE* of *MAN'S ACTIONS* (4) There is *NO MIDDLE KNOWLEDGE*. Things *WILL / WILL NOT OCCURE* based on God's *DECREE*
Explanation of two (2) aspects of the *RELATIONSHIP of the FATHER to the SON AND to the HOLY SPIRIT* and one (1) proof passage to support each aspect
(1) *John 5:20* ... The Father *LOVES* the *SON* (2) *Rev 1:6* ... The Father is in a special sense *GOD of the HOLY SPIRIT*
(2) biblical proofs of the *EXISTENCE OF GOD* with (1) proof passage
(1) *LACK OF ARGUMENTATION* - *Gen 1:1*. . . "In the beginning God" (2) *REQUIREMENT TO BELIEVE* - *Heb 11:6* . . . "he who comes to God must believe that He is"
The 2 aspects of God's *KNOWLEDGE*, *WHY* they must be *DISTINGUISHED*, and *HOW* they *RELATE* to each other
(1) *NATURAL KNOWLEDGE*: *GOD-CONSCIOUSNESS,* God's knowledge of *HIS ESSENCE* (2) *FREE KNOWLEDGE*: God's knowledge of *ALL THINGS ACTUAL*, all things that do *NOT BECOME REALITY*, and how He *IS/IS NOT MANIFESTED* by these things. *IF NOT DISTINGUISHED* = *PANTHEISM* = God *CANNOT* know Himself *APART* from *CREATION* *ORGANICALLY RELATED* and both *NECESSARY*. *FREE KNOWLEDGE* consists of everything that can most perfectly *REVEAL GOD IN A CREATURELY WAY*. *WE* only *KNOW GOD* through *MEDIUM*. *NATURAL KNOWLEDGE* means *KNOWING GOD* immediately in His *ESSENCE*.
Explanation of the theological clarification of the "procession" of the Holy Spirit
(1) *NOT CREATIVE* act, or else the HS would not be God (2) This is a *NECESSARY ACT*, not an option. (3) This is an *ETERNAL*, unceasing act. (4) This is a *SPIRATION* in the sense of the *ETERNAL ASSERTION* / establishment of the personal *RELATIONSHIP* of the Spirit, not His essence.
Explanation of 2 aspects of the *RELATIONSHIP of the SON to the FATHER* and 1 proof passage to support each aspect
(1) *SON OF GOD ... (Heb 1:5)* (2) *LOGOS* - God reveals Himself through the Logos in creation and redemption ... *(John 1:3)*
*MEDIEVAL WAYS OF DERIVING THE PERFECTIONS OF GOD* and Dr. Mook's reasons why these medieval ways are *INSUFFICIENT*
(1) *The Way of CAUSALITY:* The *NATURAL and MORAL ORDER* of creation inducing a moral *FIRST CAUSE* and *RULER OF CREATION* (2) *The Way of NEGATION:* God is the *PERFECTLY OPPOSITE* to the *IMPERFECTIONS* of His *CREATURES* (3) *The Way of EMINENCE: ASCRIBING* to God the *GOOD CHARACTERISTICS OF MAN,* only in the most *EMINENT* way *Insufficient:* (1)* THEOLOGY* from *BELOW*, (2) assumes *WHAT is IN MAN is also IN GOD,* (3) *MAN* is the *STANDARD OF MEASUREMENT* of God, (4) *CONCLUSIONS based on HUMAN REASON,* which they assume is infallible, (5) they *IMPORT SCRIPTURAL UNDERSTANDINGS* (definition of love, God)
One (1) point each in Scripture's perspectives on the past, the present, and the future
(1) *perspective on the past* God always has vindicated Himself by bringing periods of *suffering to an end by an act of grace.* (2) *perspective on the present* Scripture shows us that God is *now using evil to fulfill His purposes for good.* (3) *perspective on the future* Scripture promises that God will be finally vindicated and *believers fully delivered from evil.*
Exegetical proofs from 2 Tim 3:16, 2 Pet 1:21, 1 Cor 2:13 for the inspiration of Scripture
(1) 2 Tim 3:16 asserts the fact of the inspiration - pasa (all) ... graphe (words) ... theopneustos (inspired) (2) 2 Pet 1:21 the process of inspiration - Scripture is not of private "interpretation" or "origin" but men of God spoke as they were "moved" or "borne" by the Holy Spirit (3) 1 Cor 2:13 how God speaks in Scripture - words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the Spirit ... interpreting spiritual things to spiritual people
Dealing with Theological Tensions
(1) Admit the tensions, and affirm both aspects as true. (2) Do not try to "solve" the apparent opposite truths as this will lead to heresy.
Explanation of (2) *AGNOSTIC ARGUMENTS* and (1) response
(1) All *HUMAN KNOWLEDGE* is subjectively *RELATIVE* This makes *ALL KNOWLEDGE IMPOSSIBLE* not just the knowledge of God (2) Because God is *ABSOLUTE*, He *CANNOT be DISTINCT, PERSONAL, and KNOWN* Where is the proof? Just because the *HUMAN MIND CANNOT CONCEIVE* such a Being *DOES NOT MEAN HE CANNOT EXIST.*
How is the *TIMELESSNESS* view argued from His *INDEPENDENCE* and *IMMENSITY*
(1) Argument from *IMMENSITY*: Since God *TRANSCENDS* both space and time, He *CANNOT BE CONFINED* IN His essence to *ONE MOMENT* of time and to *EXPERIENCE SPACE* as it exits only *IN ONE MOMENT OF TIME.* (2) Argument from *INDEPENDENCE:* Since *GOD'S ESSENCE* is the *FOUNT OF ALL EXISTENCE,* He *CANNOT* be *DEPENDENT* on the *MOMENTS of TIME* for His *EXISTENCE.*
The two (2) events and their dates that marked the relative formal dogmatization of the NT canon in the eastern Church and in the western Church in the ancient Church era
(1) East: Easter Letter of Athanasius 367 first lists all 27 books as canonical ... formal recognition in the Eastern church (2) West: 397 Synod of Carthage
Basic views and scriptural arguments of Open Theism
(1) God as *REPENTING* means God *CHANGES HIS MIND* (2) God *ASKING QUESTIONS* indicates that He *DOES NOT KNOW* (3) God *EXPRESSING CONTINGENCY* ("if, then") indicates God does *NOT KNOW WHAT MAN WILL DO* (4) God's *FRUSTRATION* or *SURPRISE* indicates God *DID NOT KNOW WHAT PEOPLE WOULD CHOOSE*
Pettegrew's ten (10) observations about God' relationship to sin in a compatibilists theodicy, with one (1) proof-passage for two (2) of these observations
(1) God predetermines all events (Eph 1:11) (2) God never tempts people to sin (Jas 1:13)
The stimuli of formal recognition of the NT canon
(1) Influence of Marcion (2) Gnostic esoteric speculations and traditions (3) Apocryphal literature, mainly by Gnostics (4) Montanist collections of their new prophecies (5 Persecutions ... which books should you die for?
Summarization of the stages of OT canonical recognition by Israel, by Christ, and by the Church
(1) Israel - Pentateuch was recognized from the time of its writing - The Prophets were regarded as Divinely authoritative. Definite end of the succession of prophets. (2) Christ Christ recognized OT Canon as Scripture. He spoke and authorized the apostles to write the NT. (3) Church Always recognized OT Canon as Scripture except for heretics. NT writers refer to OT canon as Scripture
(1) Passages taken *OUT OF CONTEXT*, contradict complete Divine knowledge of the future (2) *INCONSISTENT* open theism *INTERPRETATION* of Divine knowledge (3) *CRUCIFIXION* of Christ not planned but *CONTINGENT* (4) Most *PREDICTIVE PROPHESY NOT* having *GUARANTEED FULFILLMENT* (5) *IMBALANCED* concept of *DIVINE ATTRIBUTES* (6) A *LIMITED*, learning, growing, *GOD* (7) *LOSS OF HOPE* for God's final future victory (8) Man *NOT DEPRAVED* but able to respond morally to God
Reasons why the perfections of God *CANNOT* be *PARTS* of God; *CANNOT* be the *SAME* thing with *DIFFERENT NAMES;* and *CANNOT* be in a *HIERARCHY* with *ONE MORE IMPORTANT* than all the others
(1) Perfections of God are *NOT PARTS* of God: God would not be totally a certain characteristic, only partially so. That would make him *MUTABLE since various PARTS WOULD INTERACT* (2) The perfections of God are *NOT THE SAME THING* with different names: God has revealed *HIS NAMES,* which *INDICATE His ATTRIBUTES. MAN is CREATED in GOD'S IMAGE* and has *VARIOUS ATTRIBUTES, SO DOES GOD.* (3) All attributes are *DERIVED FROM CHIEF ONE ATTRIBUTE* (e.g. love): *NOT SUPPORTED BY SCRIPTURE,* which depicts God as justice, truth and love. It makes some attributes less necessary (historically God's justice)
The correct principles applied by the ancient Church in recognizing the NT canon
(1) Principles of Divine Authority (a) Self authentication (b) Testimony of Christ (c) Testimony of the Holy Spirit (2) Principles of Observed Phenomena (a) Orthodoxy/The Rule of Faith (most important) (b) Apostolicity; Prophetic Origin (c) Agreement with previous revelation (d) Ecclesiastical usage and acceptance by God's people (e) Intrinsic spiritual effect
Frame's three (3) main assertions in his theodicy
(1) Scripture *never assumes that God must explain His actions*, but has the *right to be trusted*. (2) Scripture Gives a *proper perspective on evil* (3) Scripture *gives a new heart*
Dr. Mook's *PRINCIPLES* about studying the *NAMES/TITLES* of God
(1) The *LEXICAL MEANING* is *FOUNDATIONAL* (2) *CLUSTERED NAMES* and *TITLES* *CO-QUALIFY* each other (3) There is a *SYMBIOTIC RELATIONSHIP* between a *NAME/TITLE* and its *CONTEXT* (4) A person's *NAME/TITLE* is *UNIQUE TO THAT PERSON* (5) The *MEANING* of a person's *NAME/TITLE* is *INVESTED BY THE BEARER* of the *NAME/TITLE* (6) The *MEANING *of a person's name/title *CHANGES* as *CHARACTERISTICS* and/or *STATUS CHANGE*
Two (2) aspects in the scope of God's providence, with one (1) proof-passage for each aspect
(1) The *PHYSICAL REALM: Ps 104:14* (2) The *ANIMALS: Ps 104:21*
Explanation of how the doctrine of the inerrancy of Scripture is supported by Theology Proper
(1) The Bible reveals God as eternal, omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, and absolute truth. (2) The Bible claims to be plenarily and verbally inspired by God (2 Tim 3:16, 2 Pet 1:21) (3) No one has been able to prove that the Bible asserts any error with respect to the empirical realm, nor that the Bible contains any internal contradiction. One proof is the exact fulfillment of predictive prophecy (Isa 52:13-53:12)
Explanation of 2 aspects of the *RELATIONSHIP* of the *HOLY SPIRIT* to the *SON* and one (1) proof passage to support each aspect
(1) The Holy Spirit *DECLARES AND GLORIFIES* the Son *(John 16:14)* (2) *ENABLES CONFESSION* of Jesus as Lord *(1 Cor 12:3)*
Explanation of how the doctrine of the inerrancy of Scripture is supported by Jesus Christ
(1) The New Testament MSS are reliable reproductions of the original autographs of the New Testament. (2) Jesus claimed to be God (3) Jesus supported His claims by His sinless life and powerful deeds, including His resurrection from the dead. (4) Jesus treated the Scriptures as inerrant, because the Scriptures are the Word of God (5) Since Jesus is God, His claim that the Scriptures are inerrant is true.
Explanation of the relation between the three Persons of the Trinity and the essence of the Trinity
(1) The Persons are "*MODES OF SUBSISTENCE*". (2) *PERSONHOOD* is a *PERFECTION* of the Divine essence so *PERSONALITY* is *IDENTICAL* with God's *ESSENCE* (3) Each Person is *IDENTICAL* to the *ENTIRE* Divine *ESSENCE* (4) The *DISTINCTION* between the three Persons is a distinction in *RELATIONSHIP*, not substance
Reasons 9 and 12 for not accepting the Apocrypha as part of the Canon of Bible books
(1) The Roman Catholic Council of Trent (1545) and the Greek Council of Constantinople (1638) accepted the Apocrypha as canonical as a reaction to the Protestant Reformation (2) According to Josephus and the Talmud, the Holy Spirit departed from Israel after Malachi. Also 1 Macc 9:23-27 indicates that the prophetic age had ceased a considerably long time prior to the author's time.
Two (2) biblical arguments for His eternal Sonship, and one (1) proof-passage for each argument
(1) The Second Person is eternally the *SON OF GOD (John 3:16)* (2) The Second Person is eternally the *ONLY BEGOTTEN (John 3:16)*
Explanation of what is not and what is the source of the canonicity of Scripture
(1) The church did not confer canonicity of Scripture, otherwise the church would be superior to the Scripture (2) Canonicity was conferred on Scripture by God by virtue of His authorship of the Bible by means of verbal plenary inspiration
Explanation of the distinction between objective authority and subjective authority of Scripture
(1) The objective authority is due to its Divine Author and the impressing of this authority on the Scriptures (2) The subjective authority of the Bible is due to the internal testimony of the Holy Spirit by which He infallibly causes faith in the Bible
Explanation of how the doctrine of the inerrancy of Scripture is supported by the Apostles
(1-4) from Jesus (5) The Apostles were personally appointed by Jesus Christ and promised that all the truth would be revealed to them. (6) The Apostles claimed that the Bible is "God-breathed" and by implication, inerrant. (7) The Apostles were conscious that they were writing Scripture that was just as inspired by God and, therefore, just as much the Word of God as the Old Testament Scriptures. (8) The Bible is inerrant because the Apostles taught on "all the truth." This teaching included their teaching on the Scriptures themselves.
Explanation of and response to the following false theories of inspiration of Scripture: Natural Inspiration
(A) Denies Inspiration as a Supernatural Divine Work (verbal inspiration) (1) Natural Inspiration The Bible is the work of the natural religious genius of the Jewish writers -Objection: how could man ever invent the Bible, with Jesus Christ, specific prophesies, plan of salvation
Explanation of and response to the following false theories of inspiration of Scripture: Endorsement Inspiration
(A) Denies Inspiration as a Supernatural Divine Work (verbal inspiration) (3) Endorsement Inspiration - The writers of the Bible wrote apart from Divine assistance, then God approved their work and infused His authority -Objection: denies the claims of the authors that their writings originated with God, overly optimistic about man's ability
Explanation of and response to the following false theories of inspiration of Scripture: Partial Inspiration
(B) Denies Verbal Plenary Inspiration (4) Partial Inspiration - God inspired the doctrinal and moral portions of the Bible that lead to salvation -Objection: so much of biblical doctrine and morals depend on the accuracy of the historical and scientific aspects of Scripture. Many doctrines have a basis in actual historical events: Deity of Christ, Jonah, Creation, ...
Explanation of and response to the following false theories of inspiration of Scripture: Existential Inspiration (Neo-orthodoxy)
(B) Denies Verbal Plenary Inspiration (5) Existential Inspiration (Neo-orthodoxy) - The Bible is a human book that God has chosen to convey truth to man. In the moment of reading the fallible human words of the Bible they become the word of God to the person ... "The Christ-Event" - Objection: completely subjective, no assurance that this is truth
Explanation of and response to the following false theories of inspiration of Scripture: Concept/Dynamic Inspiration
(B) Denies Verbal Plenary Inspiration (7) Concept / Dynamic Inspiration - God gave the concepts or thoughts of Scripture to the writers, they were free to write their own words. God gave His thoughts non-verbally. - Objection: Thoughts cannot be accurately expressed without symbols we call words. The Bible becomes a human book and is no longer Divine.
Explanation of all six (6) OT indications of a plurality of God (A through F) with one (1) proof-passage for each point where applicable
(a) *ELOHIM ALLOWS* for the *PLURALITY* in God (b) Other *PLURAL TITLES*: *YOUR CREATORS* (Eccl 12:1) (c) *PLURAL PRONOUNS* and *ADJECTIVES* by which God *REFERS* to Himself (Gen 1:26) (d) *MORE THAN ONE* person called "*GOD*" (Ps 110:1) (e) YHWH said to have a *SON* (Ps 2:2, 6-7) (f) The use of *"ECHAD"* Deut 6:4: the word ALLOWS for a PLURAL UNITY, not an absolute unity
Explanation of every part of the definition of the inerrancy of Scripture
(a) The words of the Bible ... inerrancy extends to the words of the Bible not only to the concepts (b) ... in their historical, grammatical, literary, and moral settings ... words mean what they meant in the respective time periods and cultural situations, words only mean something in their grammatical setting, words mean what they mean in their literary setting, it extends to the words in their moral setting (e.g. Satan speaks lies in Genesis 3, but they are recorded as lies) (c) ... applies to the original autographs of the Bible ... there are faulty copies (d)... are wholly true, in what they affirm in every respect, whether these words concern doctrine, morality, history, or any of the natural sciences ... Inerrancy extends to the words of Scripture without any distinction or exception
Explanation of Dr. Mook's view of Ps 2:7
*"You are my Son today I have begotten you."* *PREDICTION OF MESSIAH* at His *2. ADVENT*. He will come from His Father with a *DECREE* from Him to rule the nations. The Messiah will come stating the decree in verse 7. It is possible to take Ps 2:7 as supporting eternal generation of the Son, even though it seems to be fulfilled in *Acts 13:33, Heb 1:3-5,* and *Heb 5:5-10.* But despite the prophetic aspect Ps 2:7 it seems that the statement is an official proclamation of a decree, which was previously made.
All 5 assertions of proof of the *TRINITY* (II A through E) and 1 sub-line of proof 1 proof-passage to support each sub-line
*(A) PLURALITY of Persons are ASSOCIATED as GOD* -Two persons associated as God *(John 5:17-29)* *(B) THREE Persons are DECLARED to be GOD* - Jesus declared to be God *(John 20:28)* *(C) THREE Persons possess the ATTRIBUTES of GOD* - Jesus: *ETERNALITY (John 1:1)* *(D) THREE Persons EXERCISE the PREROGATIVES (rights) of GOD* - Jesus receives *WORSHIP (John 9:38)* *(E) THREE persons execute the WORKS of GOD* - JESUS: *CREATION (John 1:3)*
The *YHWH* compound *NAMES* and their *MEANINGS*
Dr. Mook's reason for the term *"PERFECTIONS",* instead of *"ATTRIBUTES"* and *"PROPERTIES"*
*EL* and its *DERIVATIVES* - with their meanings
*-EL:* *POWER, STRENGTH, MIGHT* can be for *STRANGE GODS,* or the *TRUE GOD* with modifiers *FAITHFUL, ETERNAL, LIVING, MERCIFUL* God *-ELOHIM:* often plural in meaning *STRANGE GODS.* Sometimes *PLURAL OF INTENSITY, FULLNESS* and *RICHNESS* when used of God *-ELOAH:* EL in *POETRY* *-EL SHADDAI:* God *ALMIGHTY* *-EL ELYON:* God is the *SUPREME AUTHORITY* *-EL OLAM:* God *ETERNAL* *-El CHAYYIM:* The *LIVING GOD*
The four (4) objections listed and a brief response to each one
*1. Objection:* The Decree of God is *contrary* to the *FREE MORAL AGENCY* of man. Response: People are *FREE* within the *CONFINES OF HIS NATURE*. Human nature since the fall is fundamentally *OPPOSED TO GOD* *2. Objection:* The Decree of God *DISCOURAGES* human *WORKS of GOODNESS* Response: God has *ORDAINED* the *RULE OF LIFE* and the *BIBLE* so man has available the*MEANS* to do *RIGHTEOUS* deeds. *3. Objection:* The doctrine of the Decree of God is a form of *FATALISM* Response: *FATALISM* is *IMPERSONAL, UNINTELLIGENT*, and has *NO* ultimate *PURPOSED END*. God's sovereign determination of His *DECREE* is the *PERSONAL ACT* of the God who is perfect wisdom, omniscience, justice, love, grace, ... 4. Objection: The *DECREE* of God *MAKES GOD* the *AUTHOR OF SIN*. Response: The decree has *GOD* being only the *CREATOR* of *FREE MORAL AGENTS*, who are the ones *WHO INITIATE SIN*. The *DECREE PERMITS* but does *NOT CAUSE* sin.
Name and date of Synod of Toledo, 589, and explanation of its adding the word, filioque, to the Creed of Constantinople
*589* at the *SYNOD OF TOLEDO* the Western Church added that the *SON PROCEEDED* from the *FATHER* as well as the *HOLY SPIRIT* to the *Creed of Constantinople.* The reformers reaffirmed this teaching.
Summary of the *CORRECT DISTINCTION* between God's *ABSOLUTE* and God's *ORDINATE*, and why Dr. Mook thinks His *ORDINATE POWER* is the *ONLY REAL* power of God
*ABSOLUTE POWER* (theoretical): The ability of God in His power *TO DO MORE* than what He *ACTUALLY DOES*, but not anything inconsistent with His essence *ORDINATE POWER* (the only real divine power): the ability of God to do *EVERYTHING* He has *DECREED* He will do Ordinate power is the only real power because *ABSOLUTE POWER* absolute power *ONLY THEORETICAL*
2 faulty views on God's *POWER*, and the 2 biblical responses
*ABSOLUTE POWER*: God has absolute power in the sense that He is *ABLE TO DO ANYTHING INCLUDING SINNING*, suffering, dying, changing Himself into stone (medieval nominalist Romanists, and Muslims) *ORDINATE POWER*: God can do only what He wills, and He is *UNABLE TO DO WHAT HE DOES NOT WILL*. So *WHAT GOD DOES NOT DO IS NOT POSSIBLE* (Plato, Schleiermacher, etc) (1) *Num 23:19* ... God cannot repent like a man or lie (2) *Lk 1:37* ... God in His power is (technically) able to do more than what actually occurs, but His power operates in the context of His will (as all His perfections)
Name, definition, and key teacher of Arianism
*Arianism teacher ARIUS* (1) *GOD IS UNIQUE* in that He is *unbegotten, indescribable, incomprehensible.* (2) *GOD IS FATHER* only *BY CREATION*. *GOD CREATED* on *INTERMEDIATE CREATION* through whom He created all things, the *LOGOS*, the Son of God. God also created the *HOLY SPIRIT* as even *LOWER*. (3) The *LOGOS* became a man by *ENTERING JESUS* to effect salvation, but should *NOT BE WORSHIPED*
*SOLUTIONS* of the apparent *CONTRADICTIONS*: Definitions of, distinctions between, and relationships between God's *DECRETIVE* and God's *PRECEPTIVE WILL*
*DECRETIVE WILL*: God's *GOOD PLEASURE*, His *DECREE* in which He has *FOREORDAINED ALL THINGS*. *≠DIRECTLY CAUSES ALL THINGS*, but all things *EXIST* or OCCUR within His *ETERNAL SOVEREIGN DECREE* (a) *DIRECT CAUSATION*: All things *CONSISTENT* with *GOD'S HOLINESS* (b) *PERMISSION*: Sin in *GOD'S PLAN* as *PERMISSION* of His creatures *TO DISOBEY* Him in keeping with His overall sovereign decree. Whenever God's decretive will includes His permission for a creature to sin, that sin is certain to occur, but it is initiated by the volition of the creature. *PRECEPTIVE Will*: God's *PRECEPTS* in the Law and in the Gospel *FOR MAN'S CONDUCT*. (a) God reveals His preceptive will by commands, prohibition, etc. (b) God included sin in His plan, forbidding man to sin, but using it as a means for self-glorification God does not take pleasure in sin in his decretive and preceptive will (1 Tim 2:4 should be classed under God's preceptive will)
Summary of Traditional Christian Theists' refutations of Open Theists on the following: Divine repentance interpretations; Divine questions; God's knowledge of the future; contingent prophecies; God's sovereign control of events; Divine-human relationships and freedom; Divine eternity; hierarchy of love over God's other attributes; God as a "risk-taker"
*Divine "repentance"* passages do not mean that God did not know the future. *Divine questions* do not indicate that God is ignorant and needs to be informed. *Complete knowledge of the future* distinguishes the true God from idols. *God's knowledge of the future* of people is detailed, even though the actions known are chosen by those people. *Contingent Prophecies* There are some contingent prophecies, but these are not predictions and do not reflect that God is ignorant of the outcome. God has never made any mistakes in any predictions. *God's sovereign control of events* God has absolute control of all events. The crucifixion of Christ was eternally determined by God, yet involved human choice. The salvation of people is eternally determined by God, yet involves human choice. *Divine-human relationships and freedom* Is not the same to human-human relationship. God's relationship with man involves God having total knowledge of past, present, and future - and absolute right to determine man's existence and destiny. Freedom exists within the bounds of one's nature. Just as there are things that God cannot do because His divine nature will not allow it, so man cannot do certain things. *Divine eternity* God's eternity is not only defined by His being without beginning and without end, but also by His not being controlled in His essence by the moments of time. God is both the beginning and the end - at once. God's eternity controls and yet is distinct from time and time's limitations. Because time limits existence, God cannot be only in time, but must transcend its existence. *Hierarchy of love over God's other attributes* All of God's attributes are equally necessary to His essence. Without any one of them, God would not be God. Each of God's attributes characterizes His entire essence. Or else, He would not be perfectly characterized by that attribute. Each of God's attributes qualifies His other attributes. *God as a "risk-taker* God has never failed, and He cannot fail, or He is not infallible. God has ultimate control of all events, so He takes no risks.
Explanation of the word, "essence"/"being," in the doctrine of the Trinity
*ESSENCE IS* synonymous with *GOD'S* one *NATURE*. There is only 1 essence, substance, "ousia." The PERSONS *INDIVIDUALLY* and *COLLECTIVELY* have the *ENTIRE ESSENCE* with all its perfections.
Name and summary definition: *COSMOLOGICAL* proof of God
*EVERYTHING HAS A CAUSE.* There is no such thing as "chance." There must be *"FIRST CAUSE"* and an *"UNMOVED MOVER."*
Distinction between compatatibilist free will and libertarian free will as discussed in class and why, based on God's nature, man cannot have libertarian free will
*Libertarian Free Will* Evil originated by the free choice of creatures, a choice that was not in any way caused, controlled, or foreordained by God. So God cannot be accountable for evil. *Compatibilist Free Will* -God predetermines all events. -The Fall resulted in physical difficulties and catastrophes. -God predetermines sin, but makes man accountable for his sin. -God hardens sinners in sin. -God never tempts people to sin. -God is never blamed for sin or portrayed as enjoying the sin He permits. -God never coerces man to sin, but allows man to sin freely and thus be culpable. -God controls people's sin in a mysterious (unrevealed) way. -God is glorified in causing calamities (John 9:2) and in judging sin. -God graciously has provided salvation from sin.
Definition of and distinctions between *"MAJESTY HOLINESS"* and *"MORAL HOLINESS"*
Names and dates of the two (2) Councils that dogmatically asserted the doctrine of the Trinity: Nicaea (AD 325) and Constantinople (AD 381) - and explanation of their key word defining the relationship of the Father and the Son
*NICAEA AD 325:* *CONSTANTINOPLE AD 381:* same language added for the Holy Spirit *HOMOOUSIOS:* the *SON* and the *FATHER* are of the *SAME ESSENCE*, not of similar essence as Arius taught.
One (1) biblical argument for the PERSONALITY of the HOLY SPIRIT and one (1) proof-passage to support this argument for the sub-point.
Definitions of *RECTORAL JUSTICE* and *DISTRIBUTIVE JUSTICE* (including the two (2) kinds of distributive justice-RETRIBUTIVE and REMUNERATIVE)
*RECTORAL JUSTICE*: God's *RECTITUDE* as the moral *RULER, LAWGIVER, and JUDGE* of the world - imposing Law with *PROMISES* of *REWARD and PUNISHMENT*. * DISTRIBUTIVE JUSTICE*: God's *RECTITUDE* in the *EXECUTION OF THE LAW* - in *DISTRIBUTING REWARD* and *PUNISHMENT*. (1) * RETRIBUTIVE JUSTICE*: God's infliction of *PUNISHMENT* for disobeying His Law. (2) * REMUNERATIVE JUSTICE*: Gods' distributing of *REWARDS* for obeying His Law.
Explanation of the *CORRECT METHOD* of *OBSERVING* the *PERFECTIONS* of God
*SCRIPTURE:* God has revealed Himself, including His perfections, in the Bible. This is the *ONLY WAY* man can be assured to *ACCURATELY UNDERSTAND* God's perfections.
Explanation of Dr. Mook's reasons for adopting the *TIMELESSNESS/NON-SUCCESSION"* view
*SUCCESSION* view *COMPROMISES* God's *IMMUTABILITY, INDEPENDENCE, IMMENSITY, OMNIPOTENCE*. In that view God has *NO CONTROL* over the *CHANGING MOMENTS*. God does not have control of the *FUTURE*. God does *NOT TRANSCEND* space and time. Despite being *TIMELESS GOD CAN KNOW* and *EXPERIENCE* the distinctions of *TIME*.
Explanation of one (1) illustration of the Trinity, assessing the illustration's strengths and weaknesses
*WATER* from *FOUNTAIN, CREEK, and RIVER* *Strength*: *ALL have WATER. 3 DISTINCTIONS. * *Weakness:* *FOUNTAIN* does *NOT* have the *TOTALITY OF WATER* of the *RIVER*. The *DISTINCTIONS* are *NOT PERSONAL*
How Rom 6:17 serves as basis for systematic theology?
... "that form of doctrine to which you were delivered" "form" = tupos = impress made by a dye "doctrine" = didache = teaching
Explanation how a proof-passage argues for the internal witness of the Holy Spirit
1 Cor 2:12-15 We received the Spirit from God that we may freely understand the things freely given us by God. Natural man is unable to understand but we understand because we discern spiritually.
Three (3) *CAUTIONS* about all *CLASSIFICATIONS* of God's perfections
1) *DIVIDE GOD IN TWO*, *LEAVE NO HARMONY* between attributes, *NO UNITY* in God 2) *NEGATIVE* and *POSITIVE* classifications *OVERLAP* 3) *IMPLY* we can *KNOW GOD* in His *ESSENCE, APART* from His *RELATIONS.*
Four *REASONS* why Dr. Mook uses this *CLASSIFICATION*
1) *HELPFUL TOOL* in studying perfections 2) *STOOD TEST OF TIME* for Reformed and Arminians 3) *STRESSES TRANSCENDENCE and IMMANENCE,* disallows *PANTHEISM* and *DEISM* 4) *USEFUL* if two groups *NOT STRICTLY DIVIDED,* but each group *QUALIFYING* the other
Proper understanding of the "Laws of Nature"
1) *NOT INVIOLATELY CONTROLLING* the universe. *OBSERVATIONS* of how the dynamics of the universe *NORMALLY FUNCTION*. 2) *NOT CLOSED* to God's *INTERFERENCE*. God's personal means ordained to normally operate the universe. 3) Not *INVIOLATELY PRODUCING THE SAME EFFECTS* in all conditions. Rather they are the normal way of producing effects in the universe.
Names of key teachers of Dynamic (Adoptionistic) Monarchianism, and Modalistic Monarchianism (Sabellianism)
1) *Paul Samosata*: Dynamic Adoptionistic Monarchianism 2) *Sabellius of Pentapolis*: Modalistic Monarchianism
Explanation of distinction between *"RELATIONAL ORDER"* and *"ECONOMICAL ORDER"* of the Trinity
1) *RELATIONAL ORDER* are *RELATIONSHIP-ESTABLISHING* acts, not ontological production acts. 2) *ECONOMICAL ORDER*: In each of *GOD'S ACTS* in which He produces *EFFECTS OUTSIDE OF HIS ESSENCE* all *THREE PERSONS WORK INSEPERATELY TOGETHER*. No one person does any work exclusive of the other two Persons, nevertheless *CREATION* is primarily the work of the *FATHER*, *REDEMPTION* primarily of the *SON*, SANCTIFICATION* primarily of the *SPIRIT*.
Names and definition of false views: Tritheism, Dynamic (Adoptionistic) Monarchianism, and Modalistic Monarchianism (Sabellianism)
1) *TRITHEISM*: *3 GODS* each having an *IDENTICAL SHARE OF ESSENCE*, but *NOT* possessing the *TOTALITY* of that *ESSENCE* 2) *MONARCHIANISM (Unitarianism)*: *GOD* is only *ONE PERSON* A) *DYNAMIC (Adoptionistic) Monarchianism:* The *FATHER* is only *GOD. JESUS* was *INDWELT* by *IMPERSONAL DIVINE FORCE* either at birth, baptism or resurrection B) *MODALISTIC Monarchianism (Patripassionism):* *GOD* plays *DIFFERENT ROLES*. The Father and the Son are the same.
The Inductive Method of Systematic Theology
1) Evangelical faith in the God of the Bible: Reason is subordinate to Faith 2) Exegesis of Scripture 3) Development of Categories for the Synthesis of Exegesis ... stick with time proven categories first 4) Consultation of General Revelation (& Historical Theology) ... be sure there is no contradiction with Scripture 5) Biblical Verification System always double-check with Scripture
1) God's *EXISTENCE* 2) God's *ATTRIBUTES* (perfections) (3) God's *TRI-UNITY*
How Israel has been a means of special revelation
1) God's Revelatory Purpose for Israel: To be a recipient of the oracle of God 2) God's Revelatory Use of Israel in History: (A) As a revealer of YHWH to the nations. (B) As a means of revelation for the Church
How Jesus Christ has been the chief means of special revelation (2 proof passages)
1) He has the primary Trinitarian revelatory role 2) He fulfilled His role in His earthly life, by revelation as a prophet and by being a revelation of God (John 1:18) 3) He continues to fulfill His role by portraying God and His perfections in bodily form 4) He is the climax of God's revelation (Heb 1:1-2) 5) He designed the apostles to be the channel of His revelation after His Ascension
Frame's articulation of "the problem of evil"
1) If God were *all-powerful,* he would be able to prevent evil (2) If God were *all-good,* he would desire to prevent evil 3) Therefore, there is no all-powerful, all-good God
*EXEGETICAL* and *THEOLOGICAL RESPONSES* (modified impassibility) to the *REPENTANCE ISSUE* in terms of *GOD'S EMOTIONS* and *ACTIONS* toward entities in *TIME*, *NOT* a change in *ETERNAL WILL.*
1) Immutability ≠ *INACTIVITY* or *IMMOBILITY* 2) Immutability ≠ *LACK* of *FEELING* 3) God *REVEALS* Himself in His *RELATIONS TO MAN* 4) Language *ANTHROPOPATHIC* 5) *MYSTERY:* *IMMUTABLE GOD* creates *MUTABLE BEINGS* and *RELATES* to them *IN TIME*
Explanation of the source of the authority of Scripture; how the authority of Scripture is assured; how that authority is inerrant; how that authority is supreme and absolute; and how that authority is attested to and imposed on people
1) It's derived from the authority of its ultimate Author: God 2) It is assured by the method of composition: verbal plenary inspiration 3) The authority of Scripture is infallible, because the Bible is inerrant 4) The authority of Scripture is supreme and absolute, because it is directly from God 5) The authority of Scripture is attested and imposed by God the Holy Spirit, because He inspired and illumines the words of Scripture
The results of general revelation
1) Man has some awareness of some higher moral personal power 2) General revelation does not produce regeneration because it is distorted due to man's total depravity
The Limitation of Natural/General Revelation
1) Natural revelation is obscured by the curse on nature due to the fall 2) Man is willfully blind because of depravity and Satan's work 3) It is non-verbal 4) It is not salvific
Distinguishing Prophecy from Inspiration
1) Prophecy is the saying received directly from God (and the prophet's God-given ability to speak and write that saying) 2) Inspiration is God's activity in ensuring an accurate writing of the prophecy in specific words
Explanation of how and why revelation is distinguished from inspiration, illumination, and guidance
1) Revelation is God directly, immediately communicating truth 2) Inspiration: God ensuring that His revelation is accurately written down in Scripture. Revelation can be separate from Inspiration. Some revelation was never written down. Other inspired words did not record revelation, yet God ensures the accuracy of the report. 3) Illumination: God's enabling of the regenerate person to spiritually appreciate, welcome, and discern that which has been revealed. It is the present and continual activity of the Holy Spirit whereas revelation was completed. 4) Guidance: Is not direct communication from God. It is a function of illumination. It is the Divine activity of helping an individual understand how Scripture relates to his circumstances.
Two *PROBLEMS* of *CLASSIFYING* God's perfections
1) Since we *CANNOT KNOW* God in His *ESSENCE APART* from His *RELATIONS*, it is *IMPOSSIBLE TO KNOW* any *CHARACTERISTIC* of God *APART* from His *RELATIONS.* 2) Even the *INCOMMUNICABLE* attributes have at least *SOME ANALOGY* in *MAN*.
Explanation of the use of "second causes"
1) The *dynamics of nature do not function by themselves,* but God provides their energy in every act (Contra Deism) 2) *Second causes are real,* not identical to God's power, or else there is not concurrence of the First Cause (God) with second causes (created things). 3) God *directs the actions* of second causes to God's intended end. In this way God, not man, is in control. God can work by *direct causation* or by *permitting* man to do things enticed by circumstances.
Presuppositions of Systematic Theology
1) The Existence of the God of the Bible 2) God as the Source of all Meaning of Himself and the Universe 3) The Accurate and Sufficient Revelation of God by the Scriptures 4) The Depravity of Unregenerate Man 5) The Spiritual Endowments of Regenerate Man 6) True Theology as the product of inner illumination by God the Holy Spirit
The Materials of Systematic Theology
1) The Foundational Material: The Bible 2) General Revelation (only after Scripture) Nature History Conscience
Explanation of 3 deductive proofs for the doctrine of inspiration
1) The Self-Attestation of Scripture 2) The Unity of the Bible; - central thematic unity, doctrinal unity, prophetic unity 3) The Superiority of the Bible; - factual superiority, moral superiority, dynamic superiority
Explanation of 2 ways in which the Trinity is a "MYSTERY"
1) The Trinity is a biblical mystery in the sense that it is a *TRUTH THAT WAS HIDDEN* until revealed. It is *SUPRA-RATIONAL* 2) The Trinity has *NO PERFECT ANALOGIES* in human experience.
The contents of general revelation
1) The glory of God 2) God's providential goodness. 3) God as the creator, giver, and sustainer of life. 4) God's wrath against unrighteousness 5) God's moral rectitude and moral law.
The reasons for the heathens responsibility for and rejection of general/natural revelation
1) The heathen willfully rejected God in spite of knowing that nature demonstrates His eternal existence, power, and divinity 2) Man's conscience makes him morally accountable 3) God has begun to judge the heathens by giving them up to vile degradations 4) Man has corporate responsibility and guilt in Adam
Two (2) biblical arguments for the *"Procession of the Holy Spirit,"* and one (1) proof-passage for each argument
1) The terms *RUACH* and *PNEUMA* mean *BREATH (Gen 1:2)* 2) The Holy Spirit continually *"PROCEEDS FROM THE FATHER" (John 15:26)*
The ten (10) biblical assertions about creation with one (1) proof-passage for one (1) of the assertions
1) The universe had a *BEGINNING*, and the beginning began with the first moment of time. (2) God created the universe quickly *EX NIHILO* by His Word. (3) The universe was created by God, is *DISTINCT FROM GOD*, yet *DEPENDENT* on Him. (4) The universe was created by the *TRIUNE GOD* (5) God *ACTED FREELY* in creating. (6) God created *ADAM and Eve* directly. (7) God created so that what was created would *PRODUCE "ACCORDING TO IT'S KIND"* (8) God created all things *MATURE*, with the *APPEARANCE*. (9) God created *COMPLETELY, PERFECTLY*; it was "*VERY GOOD*" by His standard of perfection for creation *(Gen 1:31)* (10) God created to manifest His *GLORY*.
The purposes of general revelation
1) To glorify God 2) To provide people with a witness of God's reality, goodness, power, divine nature, and moral rectitude 3) To render all people "without excuse" for rejecting God 4) To provide all people with valid invitations to repent from their sin
Explanation of all aspects of extent of inspiration
1) To the words and syntax of Scripture (verbal) 2) To every aspect of Scripture (plenary) 3) To the original autographs of the Bible 4) To the canonical books
Theological Dicta
1. Receive Theology from above; don't build it from below. 2. Revere the Triune God in interpreting Scripture: God must be seen as eternally transcending man. 3. Because God is Who He is, He does what He does. 4. Observe both positive Theology and negative Theology. 5. Emphasis, not exclusion in revelation of God's perfections - and in the actions of the Persons of the Trinity. 6. Both/and, not either/or: Beware of the forced choice. 7. Whoever controls the definition controls the fight. 8. Meaning of a Scripture text is static. 9. Meaning of a Scripture text does not necessarily include its referent(s). 10. Whatever God is, He is first to and for Himself. 11. All mysteries meet at the Cross. 12. Beware of the simple option. 16. Creeds and Confessions are the result and evidence of beliefs, not their cause. 17. The Canon is the result and evidence, not the cause, of belief that the books of the Bible are Canon. 18. Distinction does not necessitate separation.
Definition of "PERFECTIONS OF GOD", including all three (3) assertions
Explanation of how 2 Tim 3:16-17 and 2 Pet 1:20-21 exegetically show that the Bible is the Word of God
2 Tim 3:16-17: All Scripture is inspired "theopneustos" exhaled by God 2 Pet 1:20-21: Scripture is not of private "interpretation" or "origin" but men of God spoke as they were "moved" or "borne" by the Holy Spirit
Definition of "theodicy"
A *JUDICIAL HEARING OF GOD*: A *VINDICATION* of God's *JUSTICE* against the charge that the *PRESENCE OF EVIL* in creation shows He is unjust or impotent or both or nonexistent.
Explanation of the different recipients of general / natural revelation
A) Regenerate: Can understand natural revelation and perceive God in nature B) Unregenerate: Revelation of God in nature, conscience, and history that renders them "without excuse". They are not able to fully interpret the revelation and pervert it into self deifying-idolatry. Only through Special Revelation does the Holy Spirit convict the unregenerate of their sin, need for righteousness, and reality of coming judgment.
*YHWH* with its meaning, proof-passage of original full revelation;
Summary of the doctrine of the Trinity: A-D and the subpoints with one (1) proof-passage for each point or sub-point where applicable
A) There is only *ONE GOD*, and He consists of *ONE SIMPLE* (uncompounded, indivisible) *ESSENCE* *(Deut 6:4)* (B) The one God is *THREE DISTINCT PERSONS* *(John 3:16)* (1) The* FATHER* is God. (2) The* SON* is God. (3) The *HOLY SPIRIT* is God. (4) The Father is not the Son. (5) The Father is not the Holy Spirit. (6) The Son is not the Holy Spirit (C) *EACH PERSON* has the *ENTIRE* simple (undivided) *ESSENCE* of God. Each of the three Persons are co-equal in every aspect of the Divine essence (D) There is a definite *RELATIONAL ORDER* and a definite *ECONOMICAL ORDER* among the three Persons (1) *RELATIONAL (not ontological) ORDER:* *The FATHER BEGETS* the Son but is *NOT BEGOTTEN. The FATHER is RELATIONALLY SUPERIOR* to the *SON.* (2) *ECONOMICAL* order: a) *Creation and Preservation* (John 1:3), b) *Redemption* (John 3:34), c) *Sanctification* (John 17:17)
Name and summary definition: *UNIVERSALITY OF RELIGION* proof of God (strongest argument)
All the peoples of the world have believed in some kind of *HIGHER POWER.* *MOST PEOPLES* have believed in a *PERSONAL DEITY* or deities.
Definition of *AGNOSTICISM*
Assertion one *CANNOT KNOW ANYTHING* about God, even the fact of His *EXISTENCE*
At issue is whether God *EXISTS ONLY IN* the *SUCCESSION OF MOMENTS* or also *WITHOUT* succession of moments - and whether His *OWN "INTERNAL" LIFE* is experienced as *NON-SUCCESSIVE*
Name and summary definition: *MORAL/CIVIL GOVERNMENT* proof of God
Based on *ETHICAL PHENOMENA* in man one can reason to a *MORAL BEING* who *CREATED AND MAINTAINS MORAL ORDER* in the world.
Names and Definitions of the Divisions of Systematic Theology
Bibliology: The doctrine of inspiration and authority of the Bible Theology Proper: The doctrine of the existence and being of God Christology: The doctrine of the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ Pneumatology: The doctrine of the person and work of the Holy Spirit Anthropology: The doctrine of man Angelology: The doctrine of elect and fallen angels Hamartiology: The doctrine of sin Soteriology: The doctrine of salvation Ecclesiology: The doctrine of the church, universal and local Eschatology: The doctrine concerning the structure of biblical history and prophecy, especially the end time events
Definition and proof passage of "Blessed Despair"
Blessed Despair is one of the fruits of studying theology. The more we learn about God, the more we know how little we know about Him because He is unsearchable. Psalm 145:3
Definition of God's work of creation
By His *WORD*, and *FOR* His *GLORY*, God created the *UNIVERSE* out of *NOTHING* so that its original *CONDITION* was *WITHOUT* spiritual or physical *CORRUPTION*
Definition of the canonicity of Scripture
Canonicity is the divine status of the collection of inspired books as "the standard of the faith.
Explanation of how canonicity was conferred on the books of the Bible
Canonicity was conferred through the inspiration of the words of Scripture
The name and characteristics of *"Fiat Creationism,"* and one (1) argument for *yom* meaning a literal 24-hour day in Genesis 1
Creation by the fiat (decree) of the personal, omniscient, omnipotent designer in 6 literal days. - completed, immediate - intelligently purposive creation - Gen 1:1 is a summary statement -creation of living organism as whole - man and woman made whole and separately -Creation followed by processes of conservation -young earth -net decrease in complexity in the created order -geologic history marked by post-creation global catastrophism *yom* 24 day. evening and morning means 24 hour day in normal usage
Definition of biblical "theophany" and the main theophany in the OT
Definition: The appearance of God in a temporary physical form Main OT theophany: The Angel of YHWH
Definition of false views of biblical inerrancy: Accomodated Revelation
Every aspect of the Bible including religious and theological teachings are marked by the limitations of fallible humanity written by fallible humans
Name and Definition of each Division of Evangelical Theology
Exegetical Theology: The study of God by ascertaining the original text of scripture, the correct principles of biblical interpretation, and the correct meaning of the original text. Biblical Theology: The study of God by ascertaining the historical progression of revelation in Scripture Natural Theology : The study of God by observing His created things Historical Theology The study of God by discerning the historical development of biblical doctrine Systematic Theology: Dogmatic Theology: The study of God through understanding the official dogmas of creeds of a denomination, group, or church Apologetics: The study of God by articulating a correct defense of the truths of Scripture Polemical Theology: The study of God by presenting pointed opposition to competing views in a theological controversy Practical Theology: The study of God by applying the findings of other divisions of theology to the lives of people
The name of the evenagelical seminary that abandoned its former belief in the inerrancy of Scripture
Fuller Theological Seminary
Explanation of the theological clarification of the "generation" of the Son
Generation in the sense of the eternal assertion / establishment of the personal *RELATIONSHIP* of the Son, not the production of His essence or of His Person. It is *NOT ONTOLOGICAL* production, not even in an eternal sense. Otherwise *GOD WOULD NOT BE GOD.*
Matt 28:19 as the most important text intimating a threefold personal plurality in God
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the *NAME* of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. They are baptized in the *NAME (SG)* and *ALL THREE NAMES* are *ASSOCIATED* with the *DIRECT ARTICLE* indicating one essence.
Explanation of why God reveals Himself as *ONE PERFECTION AT A TIME*
God *CONDESCENDS* to *REVEAL* Himself to *FINITE MEN.* We *CONSCIOUSLY FOCUS* on only *ONE* attribute in a *MOMENT IN TIME* in Scripture.
Summary of how God's *HOLINESS* and *RIGHTEOUSNESS* are revealed in *SALVATION*
Evangelical affirmation of the *INCOMPREHENSIBILITY* of God with (2) biblical arguments (1) proof-passage
God is *PERSONAL* yet *INFINITE* and *ABSOLUTE*, so He is *KNOWABLE* (sufficiently to be personally known) but *NOT EXHAUSTIVELY COMPREHENSIBLE* in *ANY ASPECT* of His being. (1) *PERSONAL: Gen 3:8* ... God walked in the Garden (2) *INFINITELY TRANSCENDENT: Gen 1:1* ... God created the heavens and the earth
Explanation of the *ATHANASIAN CREED*
God is absolutely and eternally *ONE ESSENCE* in *THREE DISTINCT* and *ORDERED PERSONAL SUBSISTENCES* without *DIVISION* and without *REPLICATION* of the essence
Name and summary definition: *ONTOLOGICAL* proof of God
God is properly *"SOMETHING THAN WHICH NO GREATER CAN BE THOUGHT OF."* It either *exists or not.* If it *ONLY EXISTS IN UNDERSTANDING* it is *NOT* "something than which no greater can be thought of." Therefore, this "something ...*"MUST EXIST IN UNDERSTANDING AND REALITY*.
Frame's foundational assumption in his biblical theodicy
God is the *Standard for His Actions*
One (1) biblical example of an *APPARENT CONTRADICTION* in God's *WILL*
God wills the *SALVATION OF EVERYONE (1 Tim 2:4)* but wills that *SOME* have saving *MERCY* and that *SOME* be *HARDENED (Rom 9:18)*
Explanation of the *TRUE RELATION* of God's *PERFECTIONS* to His *ESSENCE* - and *SUPPORT* for this relation from *BIBLICAL DESCRIPTIONS* of God and from God's *IMMUTABILITY*
God's *ESSENCE* and *PERFECTIONS* are *IDENTICAL*. There is *NO ESSENTIAL DIFFERENCE* between them, or between God's perfections. Each perfection characterizes God's *COMPLETE ESSENCE SIMPLY* and *ETERNALLY.* -The Scriptures never discuss *GOD'S BEING* in the abstract, but *ALWAYS* in *CONNECTION* with His *PERFECTIONS.*... *Rom 1:20 CONNECTS* God's *DIVINITY* to His *POWER* - Perfections as a *VERBS OF BEING*... *John 14:6* I am the way, ... - Perfections stated *ADJECTIVALLY:*... the *LIVING GOD,* ... - Perfections must *CHARACTERIZE* Him *FULLY, ETERNALLY, INFINITELY* or else *NOT IMMUTABLE*
Definition of God's *HOLINESS* and 2 biblical arguments, including 1 proof-passage
God's *INHERENT ABSOLUTE GREATNESS*, by which He is *PERFECTLY DISTINCT* above everything *OUTSIDE HIS ESSENCE*, and is especially absolutely *MORALLY SEPARATE FROM SIN*. (1) *Rev 4:8* ... Transcendent distinctness (2) *1 Pet 1:15-16* ... God calls us to moral holiness
Definition of God's *FOREKNOWLEDGE* and 2 biblical arguments, including 1 proof-passage
God's *PERFECT, PURPOSED, RELATIONAL KNOWLEDGE* of *EVERYONE* who is in His *REDEMPTIVE PLAN* before they begin in time and space. (1) *Rom 8:29* ... God foreknew all Christians as predestined, chosen, called, believing, sanctified, justified, and glorified (2) *Acts 2:23-24* ... God foreknew Jesus Christ as crucified and resurrected
Definition of God's *OMNIPOTENCE* and 2 biblical arguments, including 1 proof-passage
God's ability to *DO ANYTHING CONSISTENT* with (not violating) His *NATURE* (1) *Gen 1:1* ... His works reveal His omnipotence (2) *Dan 4:35* ... He does whatever he pleases
Definition of the EVERLASTING/SUCCESSION View and two (2) arguments for this view
God's essence exists *ONLY WITHIN THE SUCCESSION OF MOMENTS IN THE PRESENT.* Through His *OMNISCIENCE,* He may *EXPERIENCE MORE* than the present. Passages describing God acting in the *PAST* or *ANTICIPATING* the *FUTURE* need to be *INTERPRETED LITERALLY* to indicate God's life is temporally progressive. (1) *Gen 21:33* ... The Everlasting God (2) *Rev 1:8* ... I am the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end, the one who was, and who is, and who is to come
Working definition of the Decree of God
God's eternal *PLAN*, whereby, *ACCORDING* to His *DECRETIVE WILL* and for His *GLORY*, He *FOREORDAINED* everything that occurs.
Definition of God's *LOVE* and 2 biblical arguments, including 1 proof-passage
God's nature as *ETERNAL PERFECT DETERMINATION* to *GIVE OF HIMSELF* to Himself and to others. (1) *John 3:16* ... God's love manifested in Christ's sacrifice for sin (2) *1. John 4:8* ... God is love
Definition of God's *LONGSUFFERING* and 2 biblical arguments, including 1 proof-passage
God's nature as perfectly *BEARING WITH HIMSELF* and with *CREATURES* (people) *IN SPITE* of their continual *DISOBEDIENCE* and *DISREGARD* for His warnings. (1) *Ex 34:6* ... God is patient with those deserving Divine punishment (2) *Rom 2:4* ... It is shown to sinners now, especially through Jesus Christ
Definition of God's *GRACE* and 2 biblical arguments, including 1 proof-passage
God's nature as perfectly *BESTOWING FAVOR* on *HIMSELF* and on those *WHO CANNOT MERIT IT* it because they have forsaken it and are under the sentence of Divine condemnation. (1) *Gen 6:8* ... Object of God's grace is mainly people (2) *Eph 2:7-9* ... God's grace is unmerited
Definition of God's *MERCY* and 2 biblical arguments, including 1 proof-passage
God's nature as perfectly *HAVING STRONG FEELING* for Himself and for creatures (people), *REGARDLESS* whether they (the people) *DESERVE* it or not. (1) *Ex 34:6* ... It is a perfection of God (2) *Eph 2:4* ... God gives mercy by giving salvation
Definition of God's *GOODNESS* and 2 biblical arguments, including 1 proof-passage
God's nature as the *perfect SUM, SOURCE, and STANDARD* (for Himself and His creatures) of the *WHOLESOME* (conducive to well-being), *VIRTUOUS, BENEFICIAL,* and *BEAUTIFUL*. (1) *Mark 10:18* ... There is no one good except God (2) *Ps 106:1* ... All creatures are called to praise His goodness
Definition of God's *RIGHTEOUSNESS (JUSTICE)* and 2 biblical arguments, including 1 proof-passage
God's perfect *ABSOLUTE JUSTICE* in and toward Himself, His *PREVENTION* of any *VIOLATION* of the justice of His *ESSENCE*, and His *REVELATION* of Himself in *ACTS OF JUSTICE*. (1) *Ps 9:4* ... God's rectitude as the *moral Ruler* (2) *1 Kgs 8:32* ... God's rectitude in the *execution of the Law*
Definition of God's *WILL* and 2 biblical arguments, including 1 proof-passage
God's perfect *DETERMINATION* of His own *BEING*, *THOUGHT*, and *ACTION* (including His permission of actions by creatures [people]). (1) *John 1:13* ... Regeneration (2) *Isa 45:9* ... Man's Life and Destiny
Definition of God's *WISDOM* and 2 biblical arguments, including 1 proof-passage
God's perfect *KNOWLEDGE* of *HOW TO ACT* so that He will *ACCOMPLISH* His *GOAL* - to *GLORIFY* Himself. (1) *GEN 1:3* ... God created by His *WORD* (2) *PS 19:1-7* ... God created by His *WISDOM*
Definition of God's *OMNISCIENCE* and 2 biblical arguments, including 1 proof-passage
God's perfect *KNOWLEDGE* of *Himself*, all actual things *OUTSIDE HIMSELF*, and all things that *DO NOT BECOME REALITY*, in *ONE ETERNAL SIMPLE* (not having any parts [but having distinctions] in its essence) *ACT* (exertion of energy). (1) *1 John 1:5* ... God is light (2) *2 Cor 4:4-6* God's light shines on the believer through the knowledge of Jesus Christ
Definition of God's *SIMPLICITY* and 2 biblical arguments, including 1 proof-passage
God's perfect *LACK OF COMPOSITENESS* and His *INDIVISIBILITY.* (God's *perfections* are his *essence*) (1) *John 14:6* ... *God is the way,...* (2) *1 John 1:5* ... *God is light*
Definition of God's *IMMENSITY* and *OMNIPRESENCE* and 2 biblical arguments, including 1 proof-passage
God's perfect *PRESENCE WITH HIMSELF, TRANSCENDENCE* of all *LIMITATION* of *SPACE,* and yet *PRESENCE* with *"EVERY POINT* of *SPACE* with His whole *BEING."* *-IMMENSITY:* stresses God's *TRANSCENDENCE* of *SPACE* *-OMNIPRESENCE:* stresses God's *IMMANENCE* with *SPACE* (1) *Gen 14:19* ... *Creator and possessor* of all things (2) *Isa 66:1* ... Heaven and earth *cannot contain* Him
Definition of God's *INDEPENDENCE* and 2 biblical arguments, including 1 proof-passage
God's perfect *SELF-SUFFICIENCY* as the eternal *FOUNDATIONAL BEING.* 1) *Ex 3:14*...*YHWH,* God is *SELF-EXISTENT* 2) *Deut 10:17* He is *LORD OF ALL*
Simplified definition of God's *INFINITY*
God's perfect *TRANSCENDENCE* of all *LIMITATIONS* of *TIME* and *SPACE*
Definition of God's *ETERNALITY* and 2 biblical arguments, including 1 proof-passage
God's perfect *TRANSCENDENCE* of all *LIMITATIONS* of *TIME,* so that He is *WITHOUT BEGINNING,* without *ENDING,* and without *SUCCESSION OF MOMENTS* in His *EXPERIENCE* of His *BEING* and His *CONSCIOUSNESS* of all *REALITY.* (1) *Rev 1:8* ... He is the first and the last (2) *Gen 1:1* ... He existed before creation
Definition of God's *IMMUTABILITY* and 2 biblical arguments, including 1 proof-passage
God's perfect *UNCHANGEABILITY* in His *BEING, PERFECTIONS, PURPOSES,* and *PROMISES.* 1) *Ex 3:14* ... He is what he is 2) *Num 23:19* ... His thought, purpose, will, decree are unchangeable
Definition of God's *NUMERICAL ONENESS* and 2 biblical arguments, including 1 proof-passage
God's perfect *UNIQUENESS* of *ESSENCE.* (He is *NOT MORE* than *ONE ESSENCE,* and there is *NOT MORE* than *ONE DIVINE ESSENCE*) (1) *Deut 6:4* ... God is only *ONE ESSENCE* (2) *Deut 4:35* There is only *ONE GOD*
Dr. Mook's working definition of inspiration of Scripture
God, by the Holy Spirit, moved the human authors of Scripture, so that, through and without violating their own personalities, they, without error, composed and recorded God's complete canonical message to man in the words of the original autographs of the Bible.
Explanation why the word, "Personality," in the doctrine of the Trinity does *not* mean what this word means in modern philosophy and psychology
In modern philosophical and psychological terms: (1) Personality is *FINITE*, so God cannot be a Person (2) Personality *DENIES SELF-EXISTENCE* (3) Personality is the ultimate *GOAL OF MAN* to be attained awhile (4) Criticism: Personality is *MORE* than the sum of *PSYCHOLOGICAL PHENOMENA* in one's life. In the first sense personality is "*PERSONHOOD*" and actually includes existence of a *SOUL*, capacity for *SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS*, *ABILITY TO RELATE* to others and God, capacity for *TRANSCENDENTAL REASONING*
Definition of false views of biblical inerrancy: Revelational Inerrancy
Inerrant in its revelational truths, but not when pertaining to science, history, etc
Definition of false views of biblical inerrancy: Purpose Inerrancy
Inerrant in that it infallibly accomplishes its Divine purpose to bring people to salvation, but otherwise not inerrant.
Definition of false views of biblical inerrancy: Indeceivability View
Inerrant in that it is free from intentional error and deception.
Explanation of what is and what is not the evangelical meaning of the assertion that the Bible is an accommodated revelation
It does not mean Jesus accommodated His words to the erroneous beliefs of His day. It does not mean that human language is inadequate to convey truth. It does mean that God speaks to us in language we can understand, using anthropomorphisms (strong hand), and anthropopathisms (he was sorry) . God is truly pointed to by these analogies, but He transcends them.
Explanation of what is and is not the evangelical doctrine of perspicuity of Scripture
It means clarity of Scripture The central message concerning the glorious reign of the Triune God of the Bible is clear to the simplest Christian by the Holy Spirit. It does not mean that every Christian actually understands and can explain every passage of Scripture.
Explanation of Dunbar's concept of how the Church developed a "canonical consciousness" about the addition of the NT books
Jesus and the early church recognized the OT as canonical from its inception. Christianity was a religion whose existence and self-identity were structured by a canon, a closed collection of uniquely authoritative writings. There was an expectation for an expansion of the canon.
Explanation of how Isa 48:12 and 16 argue for the Trinity
Listen to Me ... I AM the FIRST, I AM also the LAST ... and now the LORD GOD and His SPIRIT have SENT ME.
Proof Passages for General / Natural Revelation
OT Psalm 104, Psalm 19: 1-4 NT Rom 1: 18-32, Acts 17: 22-32
Working definition of the providence (sovereignty) of God
Providence is God's *PRESERVING* His creation, *OPERATING* in every *EVENT* in the world, and *DIRECTING* the things in the universe to His appointed end for them.
Explanation of how 3 other direct assertions of the Divine origin of Scripture in other passages that support the doctrine of inspiration
Psalm 119: 140 The OT Law is the "Word of the LORD" 1 Cor 7:10 Paul wrote words given directly by the Lord Rev 1:19 John wrote words given directly by the Lord Jesus
Definitions of Revelation
Revelation: The disclosing of God's existence and perfections (including truth) to man. General / Natural Revelation: The general non-verbal, unrestricted disclosing of God's existence, perfections (including truth) and works to all people by means of nature, conscience, and history. Special Revelation: The personal and primarily verbal disclosing of God's existence, perfections (including his will and truth), and works by supernatural means to particular selected persons, for various purposes, including bringing people to be saved and worship him aright. Before the 2nd Advent of Christ the final special revelation consists primarily of the words of Scripture.
Definition of Salvific Illumination
Salvific illumination is the ministry of God by which He enables the individual person to spiritually and intimately (as an aspect of friendship with God) understand, approve, appreciate, and welcome the Scriptures. It is the ministry of God by which He enables an individual to "discern" (judge with approval) the things revealed by the "words which the Holy Spirit teaches".
Characteristics 1., 2., 3., 5., 7., 8., and 10., with one (1) proof-passage for one (1) of the characteristics
Single Comprehensive (Eph 1:11) Unconditional Eternal Immutable Permitting sin, while controlling its effects Purpose is God's glory
Definition of Tension/Antimony/Paradox in theology
Statements or doctrines about God and His works that, from a human perspective are apparently mutually contradictory and yet have internal and external consistency and are, therefore, true.
Dr. Mook's summary working definition of systematic theology
Systematic Theology is the organic (unified, integrated, interrelated, interdependent) science of God and all things outside God in their relations to Him, as revealed by God in the Bible.
Explanation of the word, "Persons," in the doctrine of the Trinity
The *DISTINCTIONS* in God are called "*PERSONS*." The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. They exist *SELF-CONSCIOUSLY* possessing the Divine *SUBSTANCE*. The term *PERSONA*, subsistance, hypostasis in the Trinity means *THAT WHICH HAS SELF-EXISTENCE.* The three Persons are *IDENTICAL* in *ESSENCE* but *NOT* in *PERSON*.
Explanation of relations between the three Persons of the Trinity to each other - and the "properties" of each of the Persons
The *FATHER* is *MORE IMPORTANT* than the *SON*, who is more important than the *HOLY SPIRIT RELATIONALLY.* The *SON PROCEEDS* eternally from the *FATHER (GENERATION)*, and the *HOLY SPIRIT PROCEEDS* eternally from the *FATHER* and the *SON (SPIRATION).* The *PROPERTIES* of the persons are *QUALIFIED BY* the Divine *PERFECTIONS* (but not vice-versa), because each Person is the complete essence of God.
Dr. Mook's definition of the *PREFERRED CLASSIFICATION* of God's perfections
The *INCOMMUNICABLE* (less communicable) perfections are those having *LITTLE ANALOGY* in creatures (self-existence, simplicity, immensity), whereas the *COMMUNICABLE* (more communicable) perfections have *MORE ANALOGY* in *MAN* (power, goodness, righteousness, love).
Name and summary definition: *TELEOLOGICAL* proof of God
The *ORDER, DESIGN, PURPOSE, and INTELLIGENCE* in the universe is the result of the work of an *INTELLIGENT, PURPOSEFUL DESIGNER.*
Definition of false views of biblical inerrancy: Neo-orthodox View
The Bible is a human book, containing errors. But Christ uses it to encounter a person existentially and occasionally. During the Christ-event they become inerrant for the moment.
Explanation of what is and what is not the evangelical meaning of the assertion that the Bible is the Word of God
The Bible is the Word of God written. It does not merely contain the Word of God. It is not a Word about God, it does not become the Word of God. The Bible is objectively and statically the Word of God, because its words in their grammatical structures are directly produced by God.
Definition of the eternality of Scripture and (1) example of limited application
The Scriptures are eternal in existence, but not necessarily eternally applicable in a primary sense. While some benefit may be derived from Scripture in each dispensation, certain passages were not meant to have primary application in every dispensation. E.g. OT Tabernacle and Temple operations
Definition of the sufficiency of Scripture and (1) proof passage
The Scriptures give man adequate information about the nature and will of God, and the nature of spiritual and physical realities. This assertion does not mean that God has revealed everything about Himself and everything He has created. But it does mean that God has revealed all that He deemed necessary to know about Him, His salvation, and His will for man and the rest of creation. Deut 29:29
Definition of the animation of Scripture and (2) biblical examples
The Scriptures, by virtue of their inspiration and use by the Holy Spirit, contain and convey the life of God, producing great spiritual effects. The power of God (Rom 1:16) Living and powerful (Heb 4:12)
One (1) biblical line of argument that the Angel of YHWH was Deity, and one (1) proof-passage to support this line of argument
The TERM is used INTERCHANGEABLY with GOD'S NAME (Ex 3:2-4)
Explanation of the *SOURCE* of the *DOCTRINE* and its relationship to *HUMAN REASON*
The doctrine is *DERIVED* not from human reason, but from *SCRIPTURE*. It is *NOT CONTRARY TO REASON*, but we *CANNOT* fully *COMPREHEND* it. Human *REASON* and wisdom are *INCAPABLE OF DISCOVERING* this doctrine.
Exam 2 Definition of *THEOLOGY PROPER*
The doctrine of the *EXISTENCE* and *BEING OF GOD*
The existence and life that is proper only to *GOD'S ESSENCE* is *WITHOUT SUCCESSION OF MOMENTS* in His *EXPERIENCE* of His *BEING* and all *REALITY OUTSIDE HIMSELF* and is therefore *"OUTSIDE OF TIME"* even though He *CONTROLS TIME* and is also *ABLE TO ENTER INTO* and *EXPERIENCE* the *SUCCESSION OF MOMENTS* without *COMPROMISING* His essence as *NON-SUCCESSIVE, "TIMELESS."*
Definition of false views of biblical inerrancy: Irrelevancy View
The issue is irrelevant. The church should not talk about it.
Explanation of why the order of the 3 Persons shifts in Scripture
Definition of God's *TRUTH* and *FAITHFULNESS* and 2 biblical arguments, including 1 proof-passage
The perfect *CORRESPONDENCE* of God's *NATURE* with the *IDEA OF GOD*; God's perfect *RELIABILITY*; and God's *ACCURACY IN KNOWING* things. (1) *John 17:17* ... God's Word is truth (2) *John 14:6* ... God is truth
Definition of God's *SPIRITUALITY* and *INVISIBILITY* and 2 biblical arguments, including 1 proof-passage
The perfect *LACK OF MATERIAL* in the *DIVINE ESSENCE*, because of which God *CANNOT* be *PERCEIVED* by *PHYSICAL* senses and creaturely *SPIRITUAL* perception. (1) *ROM 1:20* ... He is invisible (2) *JOHN 4:24* ... God is spiritual
Definition of God's *JEALOUSY* and 2 biblical arguments, including 1 proof-passage
The perfection of God according to which He *FEELS PROTECTIVE POSSESSIVENESS* about and *ZEALOUSLY PROTECTS* and *AVENGES* all that belongs to Him (Himself, His name, His glory, His people, His sole right to worship and obedience, His land, His city). (1) *Ex 34:14* God's name is "jealous" (2) *Ex 20:5* God is jealous to be the only God worshiped and served
Explanation of what is and what is not the evangelical meaning of the assertion that the Bible is a progressive revelation
The revelation was given in historical stages that do not contradict the earlier stages of revelation. It does not mean progressive revelation is man's developing God-consciousness.
Explanation *WHY* the doctrine is *BIBLICALLY VALID*
The word *TRINITY* never appears in the Bible. Although no one passage fully articulates the doctrine, the doctrine is an *ACCURATE INDUCTION* of the *DATA OF SCRIPTURE*. (1) Central NT texts *INTIMATING* a *THREEFOLD PERSONAL PLURALITY* in God (2) *Matt 28:19* ... Most important text
Dr. Mook's Definition of Inerrancy of Scripture
The words of the Bible in their historical, grammatical, literary, and moral settings in the original autographs of the Bible are wholly true in what they affirm, in every respect, whether these words concern doctrine, morality, history, or any of the sciences.
Explanation of how and why these *"NATURAL PROOFS" CAN* and *CANNOT* be used in *EVANGELISM*
Those who *PUBLICLY DENY* the existence of God based on what they believe to be a *CHAIN OF REASONING.*
Explanation of the purpose of inspiration
To assure that people would have God's complete canonical revelatory message to them, without any admixture (blending) of error
Explanation of the Trinity, Scripture, and Divine Sovereignty and Human Accountability as examples of theological tensions/antimonies. Give (1) proof-passage for each side of the Divine Sovereignty-Human Accountability as a theological tension
Trinity: God is one essence, but three Persons, with each Person being the entire essence Scripture: The Bible is fully inspired by God, and therefore inerrant, and yet also written by consciously engaged fallible human authors Divine Sovereignty and Human Accountability: God is completely sovereign over the lives of humans. He directs all things according to His will and has unconditionally ordained some to be saved. Daniel 4:35 Yet people are held accountable for their own decisions and actions. John 3:36
Definition of Prophecy (2 proof passages)
Truth received by the prophet directly and verbally from God, and the divinely-given ability to communicate this truth. Ex 7:1-2 Jer 1:5-19
Explanation why in the NT, Dr. Mook does *NOT BELIEVE* that *"PROGINOSKO"* in the NT refers to "simple," *NON-PURPOSED KNOWLEDGE*.
When God foreknows, the *OBJECT* is *ALWAYS PEOPLE*, and they are *ALWAYS INVOLVED* in the *PLAN OF REDEMPTION.* This is a *PURPOSED, PERSONAL FOREKNOWLEDGE* of believers.
Explanation why an *AGNOSTIC* is still an *ATHEIST*
While theoretically allowing for the possibility of God's existence, agnosticism *ASSERTS WE CANNOT KNOW* if God exists and *LEAVES MAN WITHOUT GOD.*