Theology 202 Test 3

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What is the NT understanding of repentance?

Metanoia- to have a change of mindset

How often is sozo used in the New Testament?

More than 100 times

What are 2 OT true conversions?

Naaman and Manasseh

What 5 separate things are we called to?

New identity in Jesus, Christian freedom through grace, peace with God, a life of proclamation and praise, receive the kingdom of God/eternal life/heavenly glory

Does National Conversion convert everyone in the nation?

No, they are usually short-lived and did not bring about true conversion to every person in the nation

What are Biblical national conversions?

When the people of Israel pledge to serve the Lord and obey Him, national conversion under Hezakiah/then Josiah

Is sinless perfection a present possibility?

While many in the bible attain faithfulness, there appears no biblical basis to affirm sinless perfection in neither deed nor thought or motive.

What is the Old Testament understanding of salvation?

Yasa- to deliver/give victory/to save

Are there multiple models for biblical conversion?

Yes, there is no one model for conversion because God works spiritual reform in different ways in different people's lives

What are some NT true conversions?

Zachaeus, 3,000 on the day of Pentecost, Saul, Cornelius, Lydia, the Philippian jailer

What to closely related aspects are involved in conversion?

repentance and faith

God's common grace facilitates everything that

sustains and enhances life on the fallen planet

The degree to which we understand our sinfulness is...

the degree to which we appreciate grace

What are the three phases of glorification?

1. At the believer's death when the soul departs from the body and enters Jesus' presence 2. At the resurrection of the body when the soul is reunited with the body and vindicated at the judgment seat of Christ 3. The believer's entry into the new heaven and new earth in resurrected bodies

Does scripture recognize 2 classes of Christians?

1 Cor. 2:14-33, Carnal and Spiritual refer to every Christian not to two distinct groups. Each Christian struggles with carnality.

What is the key scripture in glorification?

1 Corinthians 2:9-10

What is scriptural example of fallen runners?

1 Timothy 1:18-20

What ISN'T union with Christ?

A metaphysical or mystical union, merely a relationship between two friends or a teacher to a student, a union that deepens through taking the sacraments

What does an objective accomplished fact (neoorthodox) believe?

A person is sanctified in principle at conversion rather than in fact

What does the order of salvation denote?

A sequence to express the way by which God through Christ imparts salvation to sinners from inception to consummation

What does charis mean?

A specific act of favor given by a superior to an inferior person

What is perseverance?

Continuing in the faith

How is water baptism a symbol of regeneration?

Conversion >> Regeneration >> Water Baptism

What are possible examples of second conversions?

David, Peter, the church at Ephesus

What are examples of sozo in the New Testament?

Deliverance from danger, disease, bondage, death

What are 4 examples of yasa in the Old Testament?

Deliverance out of Egypt, Release of our exile, Preservation in times of peril, deliverance from sin and its consequence especially in the Psalms and Isaiah

What is the NT word for justification?

Dikaioo- to acquit, declare righteous/ justify (used in forensic, declarative sense

What is the scripture that shows that God the Spirit is working in preservation?

Ephesians 1:13-14

What scripture defines the roots of our union?

Ephesians 1:3-4

What are the 3 applications of special grace?

Experience it, Respond to it, Live within it

Is faithfulness or faith more common in OT?

Faithfulness is more common than the idea of initial faith

Gods grace is;

Free, abounding, all-encompassing, sufficient, meets people where they are and endures forever

What are examples of the OT understanding of salvation?

God chose Abraham to become a mighty nation, God chose Israel, God withheld judgment from Israel, the restoration of Israel

What does unconditional double election state?

God elected on no conditions other than it is God's prerogative to do so. God elected believers to eternal life. God elected unbelievers to eternal death (Theodore Beza)

What does unconditional single election believe?

God elects only believers to eternal life (Augustine)

What is the OT understanding of Sanctification?

God himself is said to be holy, He commanded holiness because He is holy, holiness is commanded as a way of life

What does the perfecting of the body entail?

God will raise and transform believer's bodies at the second coming, the believer's body will be free from pain and death

What is the Gospel Call?

God's call of salvation to the hearer

What does conditional single election believe?

God's election is based on the condition of foreseen faith, God's elects based upon the foreseen response of the believer (James Arminius)

What acts as the center of salvation?


What multiple Hebrew words can be translated as grace in the OT?

Hanan- to show favor, act in a kindly manner Hen- favor from a superior to an inferior person Hesed- spontaneous goodness in the context of relationship Aheb- to love in a gracious way Raham- to show compassion

What does a secular theology entail?

Humanity has come to age now needs to trust in the visible and in explanations that do not assume any transcendent or supersensible entities

What does evangelical theology believe?

Humanity's greatest need is his alienation from God due to his sinful nature, a person is reconciled to God through the work of Jesus Christ, accepted through repentance and faith

Who/what will be saved?

Humans beings, the world itself, animals

What does a liberation theology entail?

Common emphases on the basic problem of society (oppression and exploitation of the powerless classes by the powerful which needs to be eradicated)

Why persevere if I am saved?

"To full attain salvation" (no living Christian currently possesses future salvation) "You might lose it" "To show you have it" Last 2 assume salvation as a past only action

Who was Martin Luther?

(1483-1546) Seminal figure of the 16th century movement Christianity (Protestant Reformation) His turning point was his discovery of "justification by faith" in the book of Romans

What is the evangelical order of salvation?

1. Election/Predestination 2. Gospel Call 3. Conversion 4. Regeneration 5. Justification 6. Adoption 7. Union with Christ 8. Sanctification 9. Perseverance 10. Glorification

What comments would Dr. Small add to the conversation on "loss of salvation"?

1. Genuine Christians can lost their salvation 2. Genuine Christians can lose the assurance and joy of their salvation due to sin 3. Those who totally abandon the faith did not possess genuine faith 4. It is hard to discern between a backslidden Christian from a non-believer

Why does election matter?

1. There should be great joy and confidence in being chosen by God (salvation is primarily God's work not mine) 2. Great encouragement in life when God's plan seems to be lost in the chaos of life

What scripture defines the basis of our union?

2 Corinthians 5:16-18

How many times is metanoia used in the NT?


How many times was yasa used in the Old Testament?


What does the process of personal reformation (liberal theology) believe?

A communal effort through human striving that seeks to cultivate spiritual life through productive acts of charity and service in solidarity with others

What is the Keswick view of regeneration?

Accepts Christ regeneration (defeated Christian) >> Let go and let God -- Consecration and total surrender // Victorious Christian with inward peace and outward victory

What is the Reformed view of regeneration?

Accepts Christ regeneration >> gradually upward until death >> growth in holiness through spiritual disciplines

What is the Wesleyan view of regeneration?

Accepts Christ's first work of grace (not sanctified) >> Total surrender--perfection second work of grace // Perfect love toward God and man

What are the three reasons humans need grace?

Adam and Eve fell into sin, we participated in Adam and continue to participate as Adam did in sin, and we are unable to bring about personal salvation apart from God's intervention

What is the OT understanding of faith?

Aman- to believe/trust/have faith (does not occur very often in OT)

What is special grace?

An action of God on behalf of the undeserving through Jesus Christ

What is a second blessing experience?

An experience whereby a person more spiritually vital based on a fresh encounter with the Holy Spirit

Who is common grace given to?

Anyone, it is provided as an incentive for sinners to repent, it is often taken for granted and often rejected as something God is doing

What are the various interpretations of perseverance?

Arminians: Saving grace lost by walking after the flesh Lutherans: elect believers persevere, non-elect believers fall away Reformed: God preserves the converted in perseverance to the end

Why are some hearers not saved?

As humans we have both an unwillingness and inability to hear the Gospel both intellectually and volitionally

What is the message of 1 John?

Assurance is gained through seeing the present reality of salvation being worked out in your life

What does through Holy Spirit Baptism (pentecostals) believe?

At justification God imputes righteousness to believers, through a second work of grace Christians are totally immersed in the Holy Spirit, this does not totally purify from the old nature or passions but an intensified consecration to God occurs

What is the Roman Catholic order of salvation?

Baptism >> Confirmation >> Eucharist >> Penance >> Last Anointing

What is human's practical application of calling?

Being an agent of God's calling (preach the Gospel)

What is sanctification?

Being transformed in Christ likeness. To be set apart/holy. In systematic theology it describes God's means of actualizing in forgiven sinners his original creative purpose

What does the perfecting of the soul entail?

Believers will see Jesus face-to-face, they will experience the moral perfecting of our soul/spirit and freedom from the vestiges of sin

Where is liberation theology often found?

Black, Feminist and third world theologies

What is the practical application of faith?

Call others to repentance and faith in Jesus, be ready to put to death sin in your own life, deal constructively with your struggle of faith or doubt

What are the 3 models of grace?

Calvinism, universalism, amyraldianism

What do universalists believe?

Christ died for all, therefore all will be saved (John Hick)

What do calvinists believe?

Christ died only for the elect (John Calvin)

What is union with Christ?

Christ living in me

What do amyraldianists believe?

Christ's death is sufficient for all, yet efficient for the elect (Moses Amyraut)

What are three characteristics of our union with Christ?

Judicial, spiritual, vital

What are the 5 results of regeneration?

Intellectual, volitional, emotional, moral, relational

What is the volitional element?

Involves a determination to forsake sins and amend one's life

What does existential theology/salvation entail?

It calls a person away from their selfish and illusory security to God who is beyond the world and scientific understanding

What is Biblical conversion?

It is defined a conscious act in which a person turns to God in Christ through repentance and faith

Where does Roman Catholic theology believe grace comes from?

It is transmitted through the sacrament of the church, therefore those outside the official church cannot receive it (In recent years, they have been open to the possibility of grace being given outside the church)

What is special grace a gift of?

Jesus Christ, righteousness and salvation, God's power to work through His servants, ministry, spiritual endowments

What does universal election in Christ believe?

Jesus is the eternally elect person by God. The believing community witnesses to the divine election of the race and so summons the world to faith in Christ. (Karl Barth)

What is the scripture that shows that God the Son is working in preservation?

John 10:27-29

Who first popularized the idea of relative perfection?

John Wesley believed in the idea that a Christian can become free from willful transgressions

How is faith represented in 4 dimensions?

John- foundational saving faith is the knowledge of Christ's person and saving work Paul- foundational to saving faith is the hearing and understanding of the Gospel James- foundational to saving faith is an inner change that results in a change of behavior Hebrews- true saving faith perseveres through the difficulties of life

What are some Biblical people that backslid for a season?

Noah, Abraham, King David, Kind Solomon, Peter

Does Israel's corporate election imply salvation?


How many times is charis used in Paul's letters?

Over 100x

How many times is sub used in the OT?

Over 1050x

What kind of election does the NT teach?

Personal, unconditional election (John 10, Romans 8, Ephesians 1, )

What is the NT understanding of faith?

Pistis- to have faith (used over 240x)

What is the NT understanding of sanctification?

Predominant force towards moral and ethical holiness in thoughts and attitudes/ abstinence from immoral acts/ positive commitment to good and our neighbor

What are the 5 different meanings of regeneration?

Re-creation, a spiritual resurrection from death to life, circumcision of the heart, a washing/signifying the cleansing of former sins, new spiritual birth

What is justification?

Right standing before God

What is the scripture behind faith to faithfulness?

Romans 1:16-17

What is the key text for justification?

Romans 3:21-31

What is the scripture that shows that God the Father is working in preservation?

Romans 8:28-30

What is the OT word for justification?

Sadaq- to be righteous/just (used in judicial context)

What do Keswick and victorious life advocates believe in reference to sanctification?

Sanctification comes through a decisive act of surrender to Christ

What do reformed evangelicals believe in reference to sanctification?

Sanctification comes through the gradual process of becoming holy

What are the 3 practical applications of union with Christ?

Seek vital communion, fruitfulness of union, togetherness with other Christians

What is the formal word for the study of the doctrine of salvation?


What is the New Testament understanding of salvation?

Sozo- rescue, deliver, save

What is regeneration?

Spiritual birth brought forth by the Holy Spirit at conversion, an unconscious transformation brought about by the Holy Spirit at the moment of conversion

What is the OT understanding of repentance?

Sub- to repent, to turn in an opposite direction, to return // large theme in the OT prophets

What is temporary conversion?

When a person receives the word with joy, but has no roots and lasts only for a short time then falls under persecution

What is the Old Testament understanding of grace?

The English word "Grace" is found infrequently in the English OT (37 times KJV, 8 times NIV)

What is the difference between OT and NT grace?

The OT often defined grace in terms of human activity as a superior showing favor to someone of lesser status. The NT reveals the God extends grace in various ways apart from initial conversion such as through spiritual gifts/wisdom

What is conversion?

The divine/human activity in which one becomes a Christian, involves a human response to God's call to salvation

What are the results of justification?

The forgiveness of past sin, the imputation of Christ's righteousness

What is the NT understanding/teaching on calling?

The naming of Jesus, the call to a task/state of life, invitation or command to salvation that can be sinfully disregarded, God's work of drawing a person into a saving relationship with Him

What is the OT understanding/teaching on calling?

The naming of persons/places/things, summons to a task/ministry, corporate calling to national privilege, an invitation for Israel to repent after disobedience, an act of God where He draws people to a saving relationship with Him

What is the emotional element of repentance?

The penitent person abhors sin and experiences Godly sorrow and remorse, not for the pain he has caused himself, but for the grief is has cause God and others

What is the biggest change from Old Testament to New Testament?

The personal dimension comes into full light. The person experiences salvation because of the deliverance from sin accomplished through Jesus

What is the NT understanding of grace?

The principle term for grace (charis) is found 155x in the NT

What does entire sanctification through a "Second Blessing" experience (Wesleyans and the Holiness tradition) believe?

The process of sanctification begins at justification but it is perfected in an instantaneous, transforming work of the Holy Spirit called the second work of grace or second blessing

What is the intellectual element of repentance?

The repentant person must understand God's holiness, righteousness and displeasure against sin

What is common grace?

The undeserved goodness of the Creator God expressed by His general care of creation to all persons without discrimination

How do we experience union with God?

Through prayer/ the Word/ Lord's supper/ Ministry/ Christian love

What does the sacramental process of making righteous (Roman Catholic theology) believe?

Through the sacraments God infuses into the soul justifying grace that remits original sin and imparts the habit of righteousness

What was the aim of existential philosophy?

To produce authentic existence of the individual

What is faith?

Trusting in Jesus as we believe Him for our new life in the present and the continuation into life eternal

What is repentance?

Turning from where we have been in our sinful condition and actions

What are the four historical perspectives on election?

Unconditional double election

What is the need for regeneration?

Unregenerate are morally evil, live in spiritual darkness, slaves to sin, under the sentence of physical/spiritual/eternal death

What is glorification?

Us becoming like Jesus

What are 3 Biblical illustrations of our union?

Vine and branches, divine son and father, Christians with Christ and other believers

What are the privileges of adoption?

We are able to relate to God as Father and God gives us the internal witness of the Holy Spirit that causes us to call God our Father, God understand and takes care of our needs// gives us the Holy Spirit to comfort and empower us // give us the great inheritance of eternity // disciples His children

What three different thoughts are involved in the Time Dimension?

We have been saved (Justification) We are being saved (sanctification) We will be saved (glorification)

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