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The connective tissue layer that surrounds individual muscle fibers (myocytes) is called the: A) endomysium B) perimysium C) epimysium

A) endomysium

The depolarization phase of an action potential is due to the ____________ of voltage gated Na+ channels A) opening B) closing

A) opening

How many osmoles do you get when you place 1 mole of CaCl2 into water?

3 osmoles

The breakdown of acetylcholine in the synapse is caused by: A) acetylcholinesterase B) monoamine oxidase C) acetylcholine mutase D) adenylate cyclase

A) acetylcholinesterase

Whenever the SNS innervates the digestive tract, it actually does NOT utilize the sympathetic chain ganglia located paravertebrally. Rather, the preganglionic axon extends to and synapses on postganglionic neurons in ------------------- ganglia like the celiac ganglia, superior mesenteric ganglia, and inferior mesenteric ganglia. Those postganglionic neurons then innervate the stomach, pancreas, small intestine, large intestine, etc. A) collateral B) adrenal medulla C) adrenal cortex

A) collateral

Match the contraction type with a proper explanation A)____________ = muscle shortens while contracting B)____________ = muscle lengthens while contracting C)____________ = muscle length stays the same

A) concentric (isotonic) B) eccentric C) isometric

Creatine phosphate can supply the phosphate for conversion of ADP into ATP. The enzyme needed for this to occur is: A) creatine kinase B) creatine hydrolase C) adenylate cyclase D) adenylate phosphatase

A) creatine kinase

Match the phase of the sliding filament model to the proper description A) ______________ = myosin head (bound the ADP and Pi) binds to actin B) _______________ = Pi is released from myosin; falls limp and pulls actin towards M line C) ______________ = ATP binds to myosin and causes myosin head to release from actin D) ______________ = Myosin hydrolyzes ATP into ADP and Pi thus cocking

A) cross bridge attachment B) power stroke C) cross bridge detachment D) cocking of the myosin head

Graded potentials occur in the dendrites and cell bodies of neurons. If the graded potential causes the membrane potential of the cell to approach threshold, it is considered a A) depolarization B) hyper polarization C) resting membrane potential

A) depolarization

Which of the following is NOT an effect of the parasympathetic NS? A) dilation of the pupil B)increased digestion C)decreased heart rate D)decreased respiratory rate

A) dilation of the pupil

Match the term with its proper description A) ______________ = dense irregular CT surrounding entire muscle organ B) _______________ = CT sheath surrounding fascicles C) ______________ = Areolar CT surrounding individual myocytes D) ______________ = Plasma membrane of a muscle cell

A) epimysium B) perimysium C) endomysium D) sarcolemma

Different muscles vary in number of motor units. Explain why the muscles of the fingers have fewer motor units than the muscles of the back. A) finger need fine motor control B) fingers need gross motor control

A) fingers need fine motor control

You go to graduate school to study muscle physiology. You are experimenting with a muscle cell line and apply to the muscles a drug that blocks ATP production. What happens to muscle contraction in these muscle cells? A) it ceases B) it is enhanced C) there is no effect

A) it ceases

You decide to go for a sunrise hike up Mount Humphreys in January. Within minutes, the pre-dawn winds penetrate your fleece layers and you feel the arctic chill in your bones. As your body attempts to cope with the cold, what type of feedback system is being utilized? A) negative feedback B) positive feedback

A) negative feedback

Which of the following is the correct definition of a motor unit? A) one motor unit and all the muscle fibers it innervates B) one muscle cell and all the motor neurons innervated by it C) one motor neuron and only one muscle fiber D) many motor neurons innervating one muscle cell

A) one motor unit and all the muscle fibers it innervates

The repolarization phase of an action potential is due to the _____________ of voltage gated K+ channels A) opening B) closing

A) opening

Match the term with its proper description A) ______________ = smallest contractile nit of muscle cell B) _______________ = bundle of myocytes C) ______________ = muscle cell D) ______________ = long cylinder tube-shaped contractile proteins within muscle cells

A) sarcomere B) fascicle C) myofiber D) myofibril

Match the muscle cell type with its key characteristics. A) ______________ = striated; many nuclei; long cylinder shape B) ______________ = striated; bifurcated; intercalated discs C) ______________ = non-striated; squamous shaped cells

A) skeletal muscle B) cardiac muscle C) smooth muscle

What happens to the Z-disks at the end of each sarcomere as a muscle cell contracts? A) they get closer to the M line B) they get further form the M line C) they disintegrate D) they bind ATP to keep contraction going

A) they get closer to the M line

When the action potential arrives at the axon terminal, it causes opening of.. A) voltage gated calcium channels B) ligand gated calcium channels C) voltage gated sodium channels D) ligand gated sodium channels

A) voltage gated calcium channels

After your BIO 201 exam, you head to Cold Stone Creamery for a celebratory ice cream. You order a "Gotta Have It" size of the Cake Batter ice-cream with brownies mixed in. After consuming the ice cream, your blood calcium levels increase. This causes a release of -------------- from the thyroid gland. A. Calcitonin B. Parathyroid hormone

A. Calcitonin

Match the gland type with the proper function __________________ matches secrete a fatty sweat (usually associated with a hair follicle) __________________ matches involved in evaporative cooling of the body __________________matches secrete sebum to lubricate skin __________________ matches specialized apocrine gland that secretes fatty substance of ear wax ___________________ matches specialized apocrine gland that secretes fatty substance into breast milk

Apocrine sweat gland matches secrete a fatty sweat (usually associated with a hair follicle) Eccrine sweat gland matches involved in evaporative cooling of the body Sebaceous gland matches secrete sebum to lubricate skin ceruminous gland matches specialized apocrine gland that secretes fatty substance of ear wax mammary gland matches specialized apocrine gland that secretes fatty substance into breast milk

Three truths and a lie. Select the lie. A. Hair follicles extend from the epidermal surface to the dermis B. In 2nd degree burns, pain isn't sensed because the neurons are burned off C. Melanoma is the most dangerous type of skin cancer D. The rule of Nines estimates the volume of fluid loss associated with a burn

B - In 2nd degree burns, pain isn't sensed because the neurons are burned off

Three truths and a lie. Select the lie. A. One function of the integumentary system is temperature regulation B. One function of the integumentary system is to hold muscles and bones in place C. One function of the integumentary system is to provide protection D. One function of the integumentary system is to gather information about temperature, pain, and pressure

B - One function of the integumentary system is to hold muscles and bones in place

An unknown neurotransmitter is released from a presynaptic vesicle and binds to receptors on the postsynaptic membrane. When the neurotransmitter binds, it causes Cl- channels to open and Cl- flows INTO the postsynaptic neuron. What type of postsynaptic potential is this? A) EPSP B) IPSP


Which of the following is NOT an effect of the sympathetic NS? A) dilation of the pupil B) decreased digestion C) decreased heart rate D) bronchodilation

C) decreased heart rate

The cell bodies of sensory neurons live in the A) ventral horn B) dorsal horn C) dorsal root ganglia

C) dorsal root ganglia

The space between myelination on axonal fibers is called: A) oligodendrocytes B) schwann cells C) nodes of ranvier D) axon hillock

C) nodes of ranvier

The precentral gyrus is home of the A) primary somatosensory cortex B) primary gustatory cortex C) primary motor cortex D) Broca's area

C) primary motor cortex

The large indentation that separates the two hemispheres of the cerebrum is the A) longitudinal fissure B) central sulcus C) transverse cerebral fissure

C) transverse cerebral fissure

Arrange, in proper order, the steps of synaptic communication. A) Action potential arrives at the axon terminal and causes opening of voltage-gated calcium channels B) Calcium causes neurotransmitter-filled synaptic vesicles to dock and fuse with the plasma membrane thus exocytosing the neurotransmitter C) Axon potential is generated at the axon hillock and propagates down the axon to the axon terminal D) Calcium flows into the cell thru the open voltage-gated calcium channels E) Neurotransmitter diffuses across the synapse and binds to ligand-receptors on the postsynaptic neuron

C, A, D, B, E

After your epiphyseal plate has become your epiphyseal line, your bones can no longer grow in length. TRUE or FALSE


What is the normal functioning of the Na+/K+ ATPase?

The Na+/K+ ATPase transports three sodium out of the cell, against its concentration gradient, and two potassium into the cell, against its concentration gradient

Your niece gets her ear pierced. What type of cartilage does the needle penetrate? a) elastic cartilage b) fibrocartilage c) hyaline cartilage d) reticular cartilage

a) elastic cartilage

Gymnast "sticks" a dismount from the uneven bars and shock waves are absorbed by her intervertebral disks. a) fibrocartilage b) areolar tissue c) elastic cartilage d) hyaline cartilage

a) fibrocartilage

The smallest muscle in the body is the ----------------------- and, in response to stimuli from the Sympathetic Nervous System (fight, flight, or freeze system), it causes goose bumps on the skin surface.

arrector pilli

Match the cancer type with the proper description of cell type growing out of control ______________ matches cells of the stratum basale _________________ matches cells of the stratum spinosum ______________ matches melanocytes

basal cell carcinoma matches cells of the stratum basale squamous cell carcinoma matches cells of the stratum spinosum melanoma matches melanocytes

Your aunt is very stressed out and has a stomach ulcer. Acid has burned thru the epithelial layer of her stomach to the underlying connective tissue. What type of epithelial tissue is typically found in the stomach? a) simple squamous ET b) stratified squamous ET c) simple columnar ET d) stratified cuboidal ET

c) simple columnar ET

The small canals that stretch from lacunae to lacunae and allow osteocytes to communicate with one another are called:


You and your bestie are hanging out at a shady dive-bar. Two intoxicated dudes get into an argument and one of them hits the other guy in the skull with his beer bottle and fractures his skull. What type of fracture is this?

depressed fracture

You are experimenting with blood samples and you place a drop of RBCs into a solution of 100 millimoles of CaCl2. What effect does this have on the RBCs?

no effect on RBCs. This is an isotonic soution and there would be no net movement of water.

name the six structural levels of organizing the body from largest to smallest

organismal, organ system, organ, tissue, cellular, chemical

The movement of water from solute's low concentration to solute's high concentration is called


the movement of water from water's high concentration to water's low concentration is called


you buy a six pack box of ice cream sandwiches and systemically proceed to eat the whole box! Your blood glucose levels rise and this rise in blood glucose is detected by your ___________, which responds by releasing the hormone___________, which works to bring blood glucose levels back to normal levels.

pancreas; insulin

The layer of connective tissue surrounding the outside of bone is called the ------------ and is held in place by Sharpey's fibers.


You are giving a patient a tetanus shot in their left deltoid. As the needle penetrates his/hers/their skin, you reflect on the layers of the skin. In the following table, determine the proper order of the epidermal and dermal layers of the skin at the location of the left deltoid, from most superficial to deep

stratum corneum stratum granulosum stratum spinosum stratum basale papillary layer of the dermis reticular layer of the dermis

You are experimenting with blood samples and you place a drop of RBCs into a solution of 300 millimoles of CaCl2. What effect does this have on the RBCs?

the RBCs would shrink

Your uncle has high blood pressure. His aorta exhibits extensive stretch and recoil (more than usual) as a result of this high pressure. What epithelial tissue lines the lumen of his aorta? a) dense irregular CT b) elastic CT c) adipose tissue d) areolar CT e) endothelium

b) elastic CT

Superficial to the endothelium of a large, thick artery is what type of connective tissue a) elastic cartilage b) elastic connective tissue c) reticular connective tissue d) areolar connective tissue

b) elastic connective tissue

Your patient gets in a car accident and the steering wheel jams into her abdomen, ultimately rupturing her spleen. What type of connective tissue is present in the spleen? a) transitional b) reticular CT c) areolar CT d) hyaline cartilage e) dense regular CT

b) reticular CT

There are many chemicals that can alter neuronal communication, via a variety of actions. Match the following substances with their actions A) Nicotinic ACh receptor agonist B) breaks down acetylcholine into acetate and choline C) Blocks the actions of AChE D) Blocks exocytosis of ACh from cholinergic neurons E) Nicotinic ACh receptor antagonists 1) Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) 2) Nerve gas 3) Curare & Alpha Bungarotoxin 4) Nicotine 5) Botox

1+B 2+C 3+E 4+A 5+D

In the SNS, the presynaptic neuron releases --------------------- and the postsynaptic neuron releases ------------------------- A) acetylcholine; norepinephrine B) norepinephrine; acetylcholine C) acetylcholine; acetylcholine D) norepinephrine; norepinephrine

A) acetylcholine; norepinephrine

Three truths and a lie. Select the lie. A. The dermis is your outermost layer of skin B. The blood supply for the epidermis is located within the dermis C. Sensory nerves for touch, temperature, and pain are located in the dermis D. Pressure receptors are located deep in the dermal layer

A - The dermis is your outermost layer of skin

Three truths and a lie. Select the lie. A. The epidermis has connective tissue B. Skin pigmentation cells are found in the epidermis C. The epidermis is the first barrier giving protection from disease D. The outermost layer of the epidermis is made of dead cells

A - The epidermis has connective tissue

Match the neuroglia cell type with the proper function A)_________________ = Helps maintain proper extracellular env't in CNS; establishes blood brain barrier B)_________________ = Specialized WBCs that help protect brain and spinal cord from pathogens C)_________________ = Wraps around axons of neurons in CNS D)__________________ = Lines the walls of the ventricles; helps make cerebrospinal fluid E)______________________ = wraps around cell bodies of of neurons in PNS; helps maintain proper extracellular env't F)______________________ = Wraps myelin around axons of peripheral nervous system neurons

A) Astrocytes B) Microglia C) Oligodendrocytes D) Eppendymal cells E) Satellite cells F) Schwann cells

The Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous Systems can have Antagonistic Actions and Cooperative Actions. Match the type of action with an example of the action. A) Cooperative action = _________________ B) Antagonistic action = __________________ *PSNS initiates erection; SNS facilitates orgasm *SNS increases Heart Rate; PSNS decreases Heart Rate

A) Cooperative action = PSNS initiates erection; SNS facilitates orgasm B) Antagonistic action = SNS increases Heart Rate; PSNS decreases Heart Rate

Ion channels are embedded in the plasma membrane and, when open, allow current (ions) to flow (diffuse) across the plasma membrane— going in or going out. Match the ion channel type below with the proper stimulus that causes each channel type to open. A) Always open B) Physical stimuli such as touch & pressure & temp etc C) Ligands (chemicals) binding to receptor D) Changes in voltage/charge

A) Leak Channel B) Mechanically gated Ion channel C) Ligand gated ion channel D) Voltage gated ion channel

You've been studying physiology like a maniac, so you decide to gift yourself with a blissful therapeutic massage. As you lay on the table and begin to relax, which branch of your autonomic nervous system is activated? A) Parasympathetic NS B) Sympathetic NS

A) Parasympathetic NS

The separation of charge across the plasma membrane is called Membrane potential. Because neurons are excitable, they respond to their environment by changing their membrane potential. Match the three states of membrane potentials with their proper definition. A) Separation of charge across the membrane while cell is at rest B) Separation of charge across the membrane when small localized changes occur in the dendrites and cell body C) Separation of charge across the membrane (specifically in the axon) when the neuron is firing an action potential

A) Resting Membrane Potential B) Graded Potential C) Action Potential

Physiologically speaking, there are three main types of neurons. Match the neuron type with its function. A) ___________________ = Gathers info from the internal and external env't and sends it to the CNS for processing B) ___________________ = Relays information along the CNS pathways C) ___________________ = Communicates "effect" to the effector tissue

A) Sensory (Afferent) Neuron B) Interneuron C) Motor (Efferent) Neuron

In 2013, Zach Bitter set a new record for running a 100 mile Ultra-Marathon in less than 12 hours. (Holy smokes!!!) If we were to look at the composition of his skeletal muscles (particularly in his legs), we would likely find a greater proportion of: A) Type I fibers B) Type IIX fibers

A) Type I fibers

Anatomically speaking, there are three main types of neurons. Match the type with the proper description. A)_____________ = Sensory neurons B)______________ = Interneurons and SPECIAL sense organs C)_____________ = Motor neurons

A) Unipolar neuron B) Bipolar neuron C) Multipolar neuron

In the Parasympathetic NS, the preganglionic neuron releases ------------------------ and the postganglionic neuron releases --------------- A) acetylcholine; acetylcholine B) acetylcholine; norepinephrine C) norepinephrine; acetylcholine D) acetylcholine; epinephrine

A) acetylcholine; acetylcholine

Match the description to the type of bone development A. osteogenic process where a hyaline cartilage skeleton is replaced by osseous tissue leaving hyaline only at epiphyseal plate and articular surface B. osteogenic process used to create flat bones in which osseous tissue is formed directly from mesenchymal cells C. postnatal growth in length of long bones at the site of the epiphyseal plate D. postnatal growth in bone thickness

A. Endochondral ossification B. Intramembranous ossification C. Interstitial growth D. Appositional growth

Match the description with the long bone structure A. ends of long bone B. shaft of long bone C. membrane lining trabeculae & internal compact bone D. outer membrane covering compact bone E. site of longitudinal bone growth in a child F. lines ends of long bones at site of joints

A. Epiphysis B. Diaphysis C. Endosteum D. Periosteum E. Epiphyseal Plate F. Articular Cartilage

Match the description with the bone structure A. Connective tissue that attaches periosteum to bone B. cells that destroy bone C. site of hematopoiesis D. cells that form bone

A. Sharpey's Fibers B. Osteoclast C. Red Marrow D. Osteoblast

Match the function with the structure A. connects osteocytes with one another so they can share B. cells responsible for maintaining ECM and that live in lacunae C. structural unit of bone D. contains blood vessels and nerves E. connects blood vessels and nerves of one osteon to blood vessels and nerves of another osteon F. column like rings of the ECM

A. canaliculi B. osteocyte/blast C. osteon D. central canal E. Volkmann's canal F. lamellae

You are hiking in the Coconino National Forest. As you pass through a grove of pines, you hear a loud roar. Leaping out from behind the trees is a wildcat, ready to attack! You know you have no choice but to face this wild creature, and calling on your own inner Wild nature, you extend your arms in the air to make yourself big and your own booming ROAR reverberates through the air! The wildcat recognizes you as a creature of the woods, and turns and slinks away. Which branch of the ANS was activated by your inner wild warrior? A) Parasympathetic NS B) Sympathetic NS

B) Sympathetic NS

The CSF is produced by the choroid plexus, which includes what type of neuroglia? A) oligodendrocytes B) ependymal cells C) microglia D) astrocytes

B) ependymal cells

In the phospholipid bilayer, the phosphate group is _________ and the lipid groups are ________. A) hydrophobic;hydrophilic B) hydrophilic;hydrophobic

B) hydrophilic;hydrophobic

Graded potentials occur in the dendrites and cell bodies of neurons. If the graded potential causes the membrane potential of the cell to become more negative, it is considered a A) depolarization B) hyperpolarization C) resting membrane potential

B) hyperpolarization

Damage to Broca's Area results in A) fluent, nonsensical speech patterns B) inability to mechanically speak

B) inability to mechanically speak

A neurotransmitter binds to a receptor on the postsynaptic neuron and causes that neuron to get further away from threshold. This is consider a _________________ A) excitatory post-synaptic potential B) inhibitory post-synaptic potential

B) inhibitory post-synaptic potential

This type of neuroglia functions as specialized immune cells to protect the nervous tissue from pathogens A) Astrocyte B) Microglia C) Oligodendrocytes D) Eppendymal cells

B) microglia

What quadrant would the gallblader be in? A) right lower quadrant B) right upper quadrant C) left lower quadrant D) left upper quadrant

B) right upper quadrant

Two different presynaptic neurons fire at the same time and synapse on the same postsynaptic neuron. Both synaptic communications causes EPSPs and those EPSPs summate. This type of summation is called __________ A) temporal summation B) spatial summation C) EPSP/IPSP cancellation

B) spatial summation

Which of the following is an example of positive feedback? A) insulin release when blood sugar levels are high, in order to bring blood sugar levels ack down B) uterine contractions during childbirth C) increasing rate of breathing when oxygen levels are low

B) uterine contractions during childbirth

Your patient was playing hockey and gets hit in the forearm with a stick. Her radius breaks the bone penetrates the skin. This is known as a(n): A. incomplete fracture B. complete fracture C. nondisplaced fracture

B. complete fracture

You are a lab researcher and are investigating the effects of a newly developed drug. You find that the drug destroys mitochondria. How might (or might not) this drug affect the Na+/K+ ATPase?

By destroying the mitochondria, this drug stops the production of ATP which will ultimately impair the Na+/K+ ATPase.

Acetylcholine binds to a muscarinic acetylcholine receptor and causes: A) ligand gated Na+ channel to open and Na+ to rush into the cell B) voltage gated Na+ channel to open and Na+ to rush into the cell C) activation of the G proteins, which mobilize and cause the openings of K+ channels, and K+ rushes out of the cell

C) activation of the G proteins, which mobilize and cause the openings of K+ channels, and K+ rushes out of the cell

Your patient comes in with excruciating pain in her right lower quadrant. Which structure is likely the culprit? A) urinary bladder B) spleen C) appendix D) small intestine

C) appendix

Epinephrine causes the heart to increase heart rate. What receptor does epinephrine bind to on the heart to cause this effect? A) alpha 1 adrenergic receptor B) alpha 2 adrenergic receptor C) beta 1 adrenergic receptor D) beta 2 adrenergic receptor

C) beta 1 adrenergic receptor

When an action potential travels down the t-tubule of a muscle cell, it causes activation of the voltage sensor protein (DHP), which in turn pulls open the ---------------------- on the sarcoplasmic reticulum and causes calcium to enter into the cytoplasm of the muscle cell. A) DHP B) sodium channel C) calcium release channels (ryanodine)

C) calcium release channels (ryanodine)

a nucleosome with an H1 histone ("holding" the genetic material in place) is called a: A) chromatin B) chromosome C) chromatosome D) coil

C) chromatosome

Association tracts of white matter connect A) neurons on the right hemisphere of the cerebrum with neurons on the left hemisphere B) neurons on the left hemisphere of the cerebrum with neurons on the right hemisphere C) neurons in the cerebral cortex with the spinal cord D) neurons on one hemisphere of the brain with neurons in a different region in the SAME hemisphere

D) neurons on one hemisphere of the brain with neurons in a different region in the SAME hemisphere

You go out to Himalayan Grill for their all you can eat lunch. You consume 5 full plates of delicious Indian food and are super-stuffed and your stomach is distended. What part of the feedback system is responsible for notifying you that you ate too much? A) thermoregulation B) positive feedback C) negative feedback D) sensor/control center E) homeostasis

D) sensor/control center

a cell specializes in making steroid hormones (made out of lipids). Based on this specialization, we would expect to see a large number of which type of organelle? A) rough endoplasmic reticulum B) ribosomes C) lysosomes D) smooth endoplasmic reticulum

D) smooth endoplasmic reticulum

Strength of muscle contraction is influenced by: A) number of fibers stimulated to contract B) frequency of stimulation C) muscle fiber thickness D) initial length of muscle fibers when at rest E) all of the above

E) all of the above

Which of the following is NOT a factor that affects the strength of muscle contraction? A) thickness of muscle fibers B) number of muscle cells recruited C) frequency of activation D) resting length of sarcomeres E) neurotransmitter receptor type

E) neurotransmitter receptor type

Match the gland type with the proper function __________________ matches on all skin __________________ matches on all skin EXCEPT palms and soles __________________ matches armpits and genital region __________________ matches ear canal (external auditory canal) __________________ matches mammary glands

Eccrine sweat gland matches on all skin Sebaceous gland matches on all skin EXCEPT palms and soles Apocrine sweat gland matches armpits and genital region Ceruminous gland matches ear canal (external auditory canal) mammary matches mammary glands

Three truths and a lie. Choose the lie: a)Areolar connective tissue functions to cushion, protect, and anchor other tissues. b) Elastic connective tissue functions to stretch and recoil c) The function of adipose tissue is to insulate and protect other tissues as well as serve as energy storage d) Dense irregular connective tissue functions to anchor bones and muscles and provide tensile strength in one direction

d) Dense irregular connective tissue functions to anchor bones and muscles and provide tensile strength in one direction

Your roommate cuts her finger while opening a can of black olives. The cut penetrates all layers of her epidermis and ruptures the blood vessels of the papillary layer of the dermis. What type of connective tissue is found there? a) adipose tissue b) hyaline cartilage c) dense regular CT d) areolar CT

d) areolar CT

Your patient has a urinary tract infection which causes inflammation of the epithelial lining of the urinary bladder. What type of epithelial tissue is affected? a) simple columnar ET b) pseudostratified columnar ET c) stratified squamous ET d) transitional ET

d) transitional ET

You place a cell into a hypertonic solution. What happens to that cell?

it shrinks (crenation)

You place a cell into a hypotonic solution. What happens to that cell?

it swells and possibly lyses

Match the skin cell type with the proper function ______________ matches majority of the cells of the epidermis; offer protection and water-proofing ______________ matches make & exocytose melanin for "uptake" by keratinocytes _______________ matches special immune cells in the epidermis; present pathogens to immune system ______________ matches sense deep pressure and vibration _________________ matches sensory receptors that respond to light touch

keratinocytes matches majority of the cells of the epidermis; offer protection and water-proofing melanocytes matches make & exocytose melanin for "uptake" by keratinocytes epidermal dendritic cells matches special immune cells in the epidermis; present pathogens to immune system Pacinian corpuscles matches sense deep pressure and vibration Meissner's corpuscles matches sensory receptors that respond to light touch

Melanin is made by _________. After melanin is created, it is exocytosed and then endocytosed into _________. These cells arrange the melanin, like a hat, over the nucleus of their cells in order to protect the nucleus from ultraviolet damage

melanocytes; keratinocytes

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