Torso and Upper Limb Muscles

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latissimus dorsi

Extends, adducts, and medially rotates the arm at the shoulder; also draws the arm inferiorly and posteriorly

flexor carpi ulnaris

Flexes and adducts wrist

extensor carpi ulnaris

extends and adducts wrist

erector spinae group

3 columns of muscle; extends from sacrum to ribs; extends vertebral column

muscles of the pelvic floor and perineum

3 layers of muscles and fasciae that span pelvic outlet; penetrated by anal canal, urethra, and vagina; supports everything above it


Abducts arm; stabilizes the head of the humerus in glenoid cavity; one of the "rotator cuff" muscles

teres major

Assists the extension of the humerus, medially rotates the humerus, helps rotate the scapula downward

extensor carpi radialis

Extends wrist and abducts hand


Laterally rotates shoulder; stabilizes the head of the humerus in glenoid cavity; one of the "rotator cuff" muscles


abduction and adduction of the fingers

internal oblique

anteriorly and upwardly located; laterally flexes and rotates vertebral column


assist the extensor digitorum in extending the fingers and wrist; intrinsic hand muscles


assists in flexion and adduction of humerus

serratus posterior inferior

depresses ribs 9-12 during forced exhalation

serratus posterior superior

elevates ribs 2-5 during inspiration

external intercostals

extend downward and anteriorly from rib to rib; pull rib cage up and outward during inspiration; the "yo muscles"

internal intercostals

extend upward and anteriorly from rib to rib; pull rib cage downward during forced

extensor digitorum

extends the fingers and the wrist

flexor carpiradialis

flexes and abducts wrist

palmaris longus

flexes wrist

flexor digitorum superficialis

flexes wrist and middle phalanges (2-5)

pectoralis major

flexes, adducts, and medially rotates the arm at the shoulder

levator scapulae

from C1-C4 to superior angle of scapula; elevates the scapula and rotates its inferior angle medially

rhomboids major and minor

from C7-T1 to medial border of scapula; work with the levator scapulae muscles to elevate the medial border of the scapula, downwardly rotating the scapula with respect to the glenohumeral joint

transverse abdominis

horizontal fiber orientation; deepest layer of abdomen

quadratus lumborum

ilium (point of origin) to 12th rib (point of insertion); provides lateral bending (flexion)


inserts on clavicle and spine of scapula; elevates, depresses, rotates, and retracts the scapula

teres minor

laterally rotates arm; stabilizes shoulder joint; rotator cuff muscle


medially rotates arm at shoulder joint; rotator cuff muscle


muscular dome between thoracic and abdominal cavities; muscle fascicles extend to a fibrous central tendon; contraction flattens it

triceps brachii

prime extensor of forearm; inserts on ulna


prime mover of flexion, extension and adbuction of humerus

biceps brachii

principle flexor of arm; inserts on radius


principle flexor of arm; inserts on ulna

pronator quadratus

pronates forearm

pronator teres

pronates forearm

hiatal hernia

protrusion of a part of the stomach upward through the opening in the diaphragm

umbilical hernia

protrusion of the intestine through a weakness in the abdominal wall around the umbilicus (navel)

carpal tunnel syndrome

repetitive motions cause inflammation and pressure on median nerve

serratus anterior

ribs 1-9 to medial border of scapula; abducts and rotates or depresses scapula; throwing muscles

pectoralis minor

ribs 3-5 to coracoid process of scapula; protracts and depresses scapula; lifts ribs during inspiration

external oblique

superficial, downward, and anteriorly located on the body; laterally flexes and rotates vertebra column


supinates forearm


synergist in forearm flexion; inserts on radius

inguinal hernia

the protrusion of a small loop of bowel through a weak place in the lower abdominal wall or groin

semispinalis group

vertebrae to vertebrae; extends neck


vertebrae to vertebrae; rotates vertebral column

rectus abdominis

vertical, strap-like; tendinous intersections divide each rectus into four bellies; flexor of vertebral column

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