Tri 1 FDI Assessment 2

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1. Thermionic emission a. removes low energy photons 2. Attenuation b. produces 99% heat; 1% photons 3. Tungsten c. boils off electrons 4. Filtration d. removes photon from primary beam 5. Characteristic radiation e. accounts for 15% of all x-rays 6. Anode produced f. atomic number 74 g. none of the above

1. C 2. D 3. F 4. A 5. E 6. B

1. Silver halide: a. no after glow 2. Emulsion: b. does not occur in diagnostic ranges 3. Latent image: c. results in fog 4. Intensifying screen: d. active layer 5. Yttrium: e. fingerprints 6. Fluorescence: f. invisible image 7. Artifact: g. primary purpose is to reduce 8. Fixing agent: patient exposure 9. Cassette: h. emits green light 10. Scatter: i. ammonium thiosulfate 11. Pair productio j. protects film from damage k. suspended in a gelatin l. kVpm. mAs n. none of the above

1. K 2. D 3. F 4. G 5. H 6. A 7. E 8. I 9. J 10. C 11. B

Focal film distance is a. the distance from the x-ray tube to the image receptor. b. the most reliable method for determining mAs and kVp. c. the distance from the x-ray tube to the object. d. distance between object and central ray.


If mAs were fixed, which kVp setting would produce the greatest density on a radiographic image? A. 55 B. 70 C. 85 D. 100


The distance between x-ray tube and the bucky (the area that stores the film), is referred to as the _________________. A. source-image distance B. source-object distance C. object-image distance D. focal-object distance


The physical area on the anode that is exposed to electrons during x-ray production is called the _______ focal spot. A. actual B. imaginary C. effective D. filament


The relationship between mAs and density can be described as ________________. A. directly proportional B. direct exponential C. inverse exponential D. inversely proportional


The x-ray beam that leaves an object or patient in the direction of the image receptor is often referred to as ____________ radiation. A. exit B. scattered C. primary D. absorbed


What would be the appropriate change in mAs if the kVp were decreased by 15% and the density of the image needs to be maintained? A. Double the mAS B. Increase the mAs by 4x's C. Halve the mAs D. Decrease the mAs by 1/4


Which kVp setting would produce the highest contrast on a radiographic image? A. 60 B. 75 C. 80 D. 110

A (KVP and contrast have an inverse relationship)

List two (2) distinct processes that occur during beam attenuation.

Absorption and scattering

What chemical stops development of radiographic film during processing?

Ammonium Thiosulfate

The reduction in the intensity or number of photons in the primary x-ray beam is known as ______________________.


A lateral cervical, lateral sternum, and chest x-ray all require the same a. SOD b. FFD c. kVp d. mAs


If a radiograph is done using an 80 inch FFD and 12 mAS and a second image is done using a 40 inch FFD, what is the new mAs that should be used? A. 2 B. 3 C. 6 D. 24


If we double the mAs, we directly a. decrease the amount of electrons. b. double the amount of electrons. c. double the kilovolt potential. d. none of the above.


The phenomenon that makes the effective focal spot appear smaller than the actual focal spot because of the target angle is known as the ________________. A. Roentgen principle B. line-focus principle C. Edison effect D. space-charge effect


The radiographer can use the anode-heel effect to their advantage by placing the _____ part of the patient towards the _________. A. thickest; anode B. thickest; cathode C. thinnest; cathode D. It doesn't matter


When the SID is doubled, the density will a. increase by a factor of 2. b. decrease by a factor of 4. c. increase by a factor of 1/4. d. decrease by a factor of 2.


Which type of electron interaction is responsible for the heterogeneity of the x-ray beam? A. Compton B. Bremsstrahlung C. Characteristic D. Photoelectric


What is the reduction in the intensity or number of photons in the primary x-ray beam called?

Beam attenuation

According to the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurement, how many mm of aluminum or it equivalent should be used for an x-ray machine operating at 70 kVp or higher? A. .5 B. 1.5 C. 2.5 D. 3.0


Electrons are "boiled" off what portion of the x-ray tube? A. focusing cup B. tube housing C. filament D. anode


Focal spot size is determined by the a. SID b. thermionic emission c. filament size d. OID


The correct SID (FFD) for a PA chest study is a. 40 inches b. 52 inches c. 72 inches d.60 inches


The unit used to measure the tube current is _____________, which is associated with quantity of x-rays produced. A. keV B. kVp C. mA D. sec


Total filtration is defined as _______ and ________ filtration. A. added; compensating B. wedge; inherent C. added; inherent D. inherent; compensating


What is the minimum change in the mAs that would result in a visible change in radiographic density? A. 10% B. 15% C. 30% D. 50%


When filtration is added to an x-ray beam _______________ increases. A. radiation output B. radiation quantity C. radiation quality D. nothing


Which of the following has the greatest effect on x-ray quantity? A. filtration B. kVp C. mAs D. beam restriction


Which of the following would occur if the kVp were increased by 15% and no changes were made to mAs? A. Density would remain the same but contrast would be decreased. B. Density would be decreased and contrast would increase. C. Density would be increased and contrast would be decreased. D. Density would be unchanged and contrast would decrease.


Which primary exposure factor influences both the quantity and the quality of the x-ray beam? A. mA B. time C. kVp D. mAs


X-rays that are produced from any area other than the focal spot are known as ________ radiation. A. scatter B. rebounding C. off-focus D. leakage


X-rays that escape through the protective housing are termed _______ radiation. A. useful B. off-focus C. leakage D. scatter


Which interaction of matter is defined as a loss of energy of the incoming photon occurring when it ejects an outer-shell electron from a tissue atom?

Compton effect

A radiograph that has a fogged, blurred or dull appearance has most likely been exposed to which of the following?

Compton radiation

An x-ray generator that produces a 100% voltage ripple can be described as a ______________. A. triple phase B. None of the above. C. high frequency D. single phase


Considering the primary controller of radiographic density, which setting will produce the greatest density? A. 300 mA, 0.1 seconds B. 400 mA, 0.2 seconds C. 800 mA, .01 seconds D. 100 mA, 1 second


Filtration resulting from aluminum plates placed between the tube housing and the collimator is known as ___________. A. total B. inherent C. compensating D. added


The unit used to measure the tube current is ___________, which is also associated with the quantity of x-rays produced. A. SID B. keV C. kVp D. mA


To produce any characteristic radiation, the kVp must be set to at least _______ kVp. A. 55 B. 30 C. 85 D. 70


What term is used to describe the boiling off of electrons from the filament when current is applied? A. proton transport B. filament transport C. saturation emission D. thermionic emission


Which of the following factors are true in regards to producing a quality radiographic film? a. Alignment of the x-ray tube, body part, and angle of image receptor to the central ray b. Misalignment of x-ray tube, body part, and angle of image reptor to the central ray c. An increase in SID, decrease in OFD, and decrease in SOD d. An increase in SID, decrease in OFD, and increase in SOD


Which orbital electron shell has the strongest binding energy and is the most useful in x-ray production? A. L B. M C. N D. K


Which process accounts for a majority of the x-ray production in diagnostic ranges? A. Photoelectric B. Compton C. Characteristic D. Bremsstrahlung


Which type of x-ray production is dependent on the k-shell electron binding energy? A. Compton B. Bremsstrahlung C. Photoelectron D. Characteristic


Why is the entire pelvis not shown in this radiograph? a. Exposure b. Filtration c. Grid d. Collimation


X-rays have a greater intensity on the cathode side of the tube and diminish towards the anode side of the side of the tube is best explained by what phenomenon? A. Thermionic emission B. Line-focus principle C. Space charge effect D. Anode-heel effect


If a radiograph is done using an 80 inch FFD and 12 mAs and a second image is done using a 40 inch FFD, what is the new mAs that should be used

Decrease mAs by 1/4 which is 3

The process of imaging formation is a result of ____________ _________________ of the x-ray beam as it interacts with anatomic tissue.

Differential absorption

Name the two (2) types of shape distortion that can appear on a radiograph.

Elongation and foreshortening

Which layer of radiographic film is considered the "active" layer?


When an attenuated x-ray beam leaves a patient, the remaining x-ray beam is referred to as _________________.

Exit radiation

A numerical value or __________ ___________ is displayed on the processed digital image to indicate the level of x-ray exposure received on the image receptor.

Exposure indicator

True or false:Increasing mAs decreases radiographic (optical) density.


True/False: A large focal spot should be used to decrease geometrical unsharpness and increase spatial resolution.


True/false: Radiographic film has a wide dynamic range making it sensitive to underexposure or overexposure.


True/False: An increase in filtration will lower beam quality and simultaneously increase the average energy of the x-ray

False (An increase in filtration will lower beam "quantity" and increase the average energy of x-ray)

True/False: An increase in SID decreases magnification and decreases image quality

False (an increase in SID decreases magnification and increases image quality)

True/False: The 15% rule states that an increase in kVp triples the mAs

False: (The 15% rule states that an increase in kVp DOUBLES the mAs)

What processing stage removes the unexposed and undeveloped silver halides from the emulsion?


What is the term specifically used to describe the emission of light during stimulation only?


Scatter radiation that contributes to unwanted information on a radiograph is called _________________.


What theory explains the principles of latent image formation?

Gurney-mott Theory

A film image with a few visible densities but great differences among them is known as __________________.

High contrast

What does increasing the relative speed of the image receptor do?

Increase radiographic density

The ability to remove or eject an electron from an atom is called ___________________.


The Gurney-Mott theory is used to explain the creation of the _________________ image.


The exit radiation interacting with an image receptor creates the _________ image or invisible image.


What general term is used to describe the emission of light from a substance as the result of external stimulation?


The image that visible after processing is known as the ______________ image.


What has the greatest influence of size distortion or magnification?

Object to image distance (OID)

Which interaction with matter is considered complete absorption of the incoming photon?


There are 5 interactions of matter that that occur with radiation, which 2 are important for diagnostic imaging

Photoelectric & Compton

Which interaction matter removes an inner shell electron from an atom?

Photoelectric effect

Which layer of an intensifying screen is closet to the film?

Protective layer

What is the process that occurs in the developer solution as the chemistry adds an electron to the silver halide crystals?


What is the most common widely used radiographic film?


Physical imperfections in the silver halide crystals of the emulsion of radiographic film are known ____________.

Sensitivity specks

__________ ______________ is a term used to evaluate the accuracy of the recorded anatomic structural lines.

Spatial resolution

What has the greatest influence on the probability of a Compton interaction occurring?

The energy of the incoming photon

Radiographic or image contrast is defined as ___________________________.

The measurement of the difference in the blackening of the radiographic film

Radiographic density is defined as

The overall blackness or darkness of a radiograph

Radiographic density is defined as _______________.

The overall blackness or darkness of a radiograph

Name three (3) things that influence the absorption characteristics of an anatomic part.

Thickness, atomic number of the atoms contained within the part, tissue density or compactness of the cellular structures

What is the purpose of the intensifying screen?

To reduce the amount of exposure to the patient

True or False - FFD and OID play a role in magnification


True or false:For a fixed radiographic exposure, increasing part thickness decreases radiographic density.


True or false:Radiographic images of objects are always magnified in size in terms of the true object size.


True or false:When a higher kVp within the diagnostic range is used, the overall number of x-ray interactions within matter decreases; however, the percentage of Compton interactions is likely to increase.


True/False: According to the inverse square law, an increase in distance will decrease beam intensity.


True/False: Increasing mAs increases radiographic density.


True/False: Increasing or decreasing the kVp by 15% has the same effect as doubling or halving the mAs.


True/False: The intensifying screen converts the exit radiation intensities into visible light.


True/False: When possible, a higher kVp and lower mAs should be used to reduce patient exposure.


True/false: increasing mAs increases radiographic density


True/false: when possible, a higher KVP and lower MAS should be used to reduce patient exposure


Which is best for determining whether contrast is adequate on a radiograph? a. Evaluating corticomedullary junction b. Evaluating bone overlap c. Evaluating bone thickness d. Evaluating soft tissues


What is achieved when the color of light emitted by an intensifying screen matches the color of light a film responds to?

spectral matching

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