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12. A transformational leader is a leader distinguished by a special ability to bring about innovation and change.

a. True

12. Diet Soda Company has teams with high cohesiveness. Additionally, the teams are normally focused on their commitment to quality performance. This combination can be expected to result in high productivity.

a. True

12. One weakness of the use of punishment in organizations is that it fails to indicate the correct behavior.

a. True

12. Social responsibility is management's obligation to make choices and take actions that will contribute to the welfare and interests of society as well as the organization.

a. True

12. The Hawthorne studies led to the early conclusion that positive human relations can lead to significantly higher performance.

a. True

12. The ability to connect to others, build positive relationships, respond to the emotions of others, and influence others is referred to as relationship management.

a. True

13. A narrative based on events within the organization that is frequently repeated is called an organizational story.

a. True

13. Job rotation systematically moves employees from one job to another, thereby increasing the number of different tasks an employee performs without increasing the complexity of any one job.

a. True

13. Most bad decisions are errors in judgment that originate in the human mind's limited capacity and in the natural biases of the manager.

a. True

13. Research has shown that strategic thinking and planning positively affect a firm's performance and financial success.

a. True

13. Team cohesiveness does not necessarily lead to higher team productivity.

a. True

13. The goal of open-book management is to get every employee thinking and acting like a business owner.

a. True

14. A change agent is an OD specialist who contracts with an organization to facilitate change.

a. True

14. Important stakeholders in corporations include the government and the community.

a. True

14. Making explicit statements about the desired team behaviors is a powerful way leaders influence norms.

a. True

14. Many U.S. managers fail to realize that the values and behaviors that typically govern how business is done in the United States do not translate to the rest of the world.

a. True

14. Procedures and practices are downward communication topics that define the organization's rules, regulations, benefits, and structural arrangements.

a. True

14. Stereotypes assume that all members of a group have the same characteristics.

a. True

14. TQM tends to be most successful when it enriches jobs and improves employee motivation.

a. True

14. The distinctive feature of the project manager position is that the person is not a member of one of the departments begin coordinated.

a. True

14. The three options in getting things done are: doing it, delegating it, or deferring it.

a. True

15. Economic development that generates wealth and meets the needs of the current population while preserving the environment for the needs of future generations refers to sustainability.

a. True

15. In the unfreezing step, participants must be made aware of problems and be willing to change.

a. True

15. Organization development is a specific set of management techniques based in the behavioral science approach.

a. True

15. The alienated follower is a person who is an independent, critical thinker but is passive in the organization.

a. True

15. The social value of uncertainty avoidance is evident in countries like Greece, which supports beliefs that provide stability and conformity among its citizenry.

a. True

15. Virtual and global teams are particularly prone to communication breakdowns.

a. True

16. Brainstorming uses a face-to-face interactive group to spontaneously suggest a wide range of alternatives for decision making.

a. True

16. Collectivism means a preference for a tightly knit social framework in which individuals look after one another and organizations protect their members' interests.

a. True

16. Economic responsibility, carried to the extreme, is called the profit-maximizing view.

a. True

16. Messages that are designed to share information among teams and departments that can help the organization change, grow, or improve are called change initiatives and improvements.

a. True

16. Skill variety, task identity, and task significance tend to influence the employee's psychological state of experienced meaningfulness of work.

a. True

16. Some companies hire competitive intelligence professionals to scan the external environment and provide data and research on relevant domestic and global trends.

a. True

16. The communication and education approach for overcoming resistance to change should be used when the change is technical and the users need accurate information and analysis to understand change.

a. True

16. The implementation of total quality management involves the use of many techniques such as quality circles, benchmarking, Six Sigma principles, reduced cycle time, and continuous improvement.

a. True

16. The pure functional structure is appropriate for achieving internal efficiency goals.

a. True

17. According to the GLOBE Project, gender differentiation refers to the extent to which a society maximizes gender role differences.

a. True

17. Continuous improvement is the implementation of a large number of small, incremental improvements in all areas of the organization on an ongoing basis.

a. True

17. Corporate culture plays a key role in creating an organizational climate that enables learning and innovative responses to threats from the external environment, challenging new opportunities, or organizational crises.

a. True

17. Grapevine is a type of personal channel used in many organizations.

a. True

17. Groupthink refers to the tendency of people in groups to suppress contrary opinions.

a. True

17. The field of management that specializes in the physical production of goods or services refers to operations management.

a. True

17. Two possible tactics for overcoming resistance to change are coercion and negotiation.

a. True

17. When Lonnie shouts at Kerry in public for not finishing her work and suspends her for two days, he is using his coercive power.

a. True

18. A competitive and adversarial negotiation approach in which each party strives to get as much as it can, usually at the expense of the other party is called distributive negotiation.

a. True

18. Ethical responsibility includes behaviors that are not necessarily codified into law and may not serve the corporation's direct economic interests.

a. True

18. Organizations that empower employees often reward them based on the results shown in the company's bottom line.

a. True

18. Point-counterpoint is a decision-making technique in which people are assigned to express competing points of view.

a. True

18. Quadrant A represents organizations that are focused primarily on bottom-line results and pay little attention to organizational values.

a. True

18. Sexual harassment in the workplace is a violation of Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

a. True

18. The disparity between existing and desired performance levels is the need for change.

a. True

19. Employee engagement means that people enjoy their jobs and are satisfied with their work conditions, contribute enthusiastically to meeting team and organizational goals, and feel a sense of belonging and commitment to the organization.

a. True

19. Most managers spend 80 of their time telling and 20 percent asking, but it should be the other way around.

a. True

19. Principle-based statements define fundamental values and contain general language about company responsibilities, quality of products, and treatment of employees.

a. True

19. Service firms include banks, hotels, and law firms.

a. True

19. The certification based on a set of international standards for quality management, setting uniform guidelines for processes to ensure that products conform to customer requirements is the ISO certification.

a. True

19. The task environment sectors are the most relevant to strategic behavior and include the behavior of competitors, customers, suppliers, and the labor supply.

a. True

19. Two important approaches to enhancing self-awareness are soliciting feedback and using self-assessments.

a. True

2. A free rider is a person who benefits from team membership but does not make a proportionate contribution to the team's work.

a. True

2. An ambidextrous approach means incorporating structures and processes that are appropriate for both the creative impulse and for the systematic implementation of innovations.

a. True

2. Finding the right people to apply new information technology for ebusiness is a current strategic issue of particular concern for HR managers.

a. True

2. The framework in which the organization defines how tasks are divided, resources are deployed and departments are coordinated is called organizational structure.

a. True

20. A chief ethics officer is a company executive who oversees all aspects of ethics and legal compliance.

a. True

20. Evidence shows that people who make poor decisions under the influence of strong emotions tend to continue that behavior in the future.

a. True

20. Mangers who motivate employees by tapping into their self-doubts are using an intrinsic negative approach.

a. True

20. Supply chain management refers to the sequence of suppliers and purchasers, covering all stages of processing from obtaining raw materials to distributing finished goods to consumers.

a. True

20. The cultural leader articulates a vision for the organizational culture that employees can believe in and that generates excitement.

a. True

21. Customer relationship management systems collect and manage large amounts of data about customers and make them available to employees.

a. True

21. The dog, according to the BCG Matrix, is a poor performer.

a. True

22. One of the most pressing ethical dilemmas facing managers today is that of competitive intelligence, which is increasingly gained through social media.

a. True

22. The basic assumption of hierarchical control is that people are incapable of self-discipline and cannot be trusted.

a. True

23. One of the limitations of setting goals and making plans is that they can get in the way of creativity.

a. True

23. The top reason for manager failure is ineffective communication skills and practices.

a. True

24. Of executives whose companies had no formal strategic planning process, about half said they were dissatisfied with the company's development strategy.

a. True

3. A halo blinds the perceiver to other attributes that should be used in generating a more complete assessment.

a. True

3. A standard for performance is included in an organization's overall strategic plan to compare organizational activities against.

a. True

3. Current employees, management, and especially corporate culture are part of an organization's internal environment.

a. True

3. Large international firms typically are called multinational corporations.

a. True

3. Technical skills are most important at lower organizational levels while conceptual skills become more important as managers move up the organizational hierarchy.

a. True

3. The approach that managers use to make decisions usually falls into one of three types - the classical model, the administrative model, and the political model.

a. True

4. An example of global outsourcing is seen when Gap, Inc. uses low-cost Caribbean labor to cheaply produce its clothing, and then finishes off and sells its clothing in the United States.

a. True

4. Communication can break down if sender and receiver do not encode or decode language in the same way.

a. True

4. McDonalds, Burger King, and Checkers are competitors since all three sell fast food to individuals.

a. True

4. Organizing the selected data into patterns for interpretation and response is the last step in the perception process.

a. True

4. Satisficing behavior occurs when we choose the first solution alternative that satisfies minimal decision criteria regardless of whether better solutions are expected to exist.

a. True

4. The acceptance of mistakes, the freedom to discuss ideas, and the assignment of nonspecialists to problems are characteristics of creative organizations or departments.

a. True

4. The arousal, direction, and persistence of behavior refers to motivation.

a. True

4. The final step of the feedback control model is to do nothing if performance is adequate or to take corrective action if performance is inadequate.

a. True

4. The moral agent is an individual who must make an ethical choice in an organization.

a. True

4. Traditional views of organizational design recommend a span of management of about 7 to 10 subordinates per manager.

a. True

5. A manager forwards information to other organization members in the disseminator role.

a. True

5. An idea incubator is in-house program that provides a safe harbor where ideas from employees throughout the organization can be developed without interference from company bureaucracy or politics.

a. True

5. Face-to-face discussion is the richest channel, in terms of channel richness.

a. True

5. Goals are typically stated in quantitative terms.

a. True

5. Good intuitive decision making is based on an ability to recognize patterns at lightning speed.

a. True

5. Labor market forces affecting organizations right now include the growing need for computer-literate knowledge workers and the necessity for continuous investment in human resources through recruitment, education, and training.

a. True

5. One of the primary advantages of virtual teams is the ability to rapidly assemble the most appropriate group of people to complete a project, solve a problem, or exploit a specific strategic opportunity.

a. True

5. Physiological needs are the most basic human physical needs, which are reflected in the workplace as needs for adequate heat, air, and base salary to ensure survival.

a. True

5. Recruiting activities can be divided into (1) internal recruiting including "promote from within" policies, and (2) external recruiting including the use of headhunters.

a. True

6. A cash budget estimates receipts and expenditures of money on a daily or weekly basis..

a. True

6. Administrative and political decision making procedures and intuition have been associated with high performance in unstable environments in which decisions must be made rapidly and under more difficult conditions.

a. True

6. Goals are most effective when they are specific, measurable, challenging and linked to rewards.

a. True

6. If Johnson Lumber provides trees for Westvaco Paper Manufacturing, then Johnson Lumber is considered a supplier for Westvaco.

a. True

6. Research studies have confirmed that both functional diversity and gender diversity can have a positive impact on work team performance.

a. True

6. Teresa is highly imaginative and an artistically sensitive individual who displays a high degree of creativity. According to the Big Five personality factors, these qualities describe her openness to experience.

a. True

6. The horizontal linkage model is increasingly important in high pressure business environments that require rapidly developing and commercializing products and services.

a. True

6. The rise of virtual work has led to a decline in organizational hierarchies.

a. True

7. A person who sees the need for and champions productive change within the organization is called an idea champion.

a. True

7. As a general rule, large teams makes it harder to interact and influence others.

a. True

7. Bottom-up budgeting is a process in which lower level managers anticipate their department's resource needs and pass them up to top management for approval.

a. True

7. For companies to operate effectively, the amount of centralization or decentralization should fit the firm's strategy.

a. True

7. Recruiters are now viewing the profiles and pictures of candidates on social networking sites such as Facebook.

a. True

7. Routine messages tend to be simple and straightforward, such as conveying data or statistics.

a. True

7. Step one in the managerial decision-making process is recognition of decision requirement.

a. True

7. The goal of the European Union is to create a powerful single market system for Europe's millions of consumers.

a. True

7. The implication of the two-factor theory for managers is clear. Providing hygiene factors will eliminate employee dissatisfaction but will not motivate workers to high achievement levels.

a. True

7. Three distinguishing personal characteristics associated with successful leaders are intelligence, honesty, and self-confidence.

a. True

8. A political lobbyist for General Motors fills an essential boundary-spanning role.

a. True

8. At Fox End, people are grouped together in departments by common skills and work activities, including a sales department and a production department. This is an example of vertical functional approach.

a. True

8. People with an internal locus of control are easier to motivate because they believe the rewards are the result of their behavior.

a. True

8. Procedural justice requires that rules be stated clearly, consistently and impartially enforced, and administered fairly.

a. True

8. The basic management functions of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling are the same whether a company operates domestically or internationally.

a. True

8. The choice of a communication channel can convey a symbolic meaning to the receiver.

a. True

8. The group of theories that explain how employees meet their needs and determine their success are called process theories.

a. True

8. The income statement shows revenues coming into the organization from all sources and subtracts all expenses.

a. True

8. Wage and salary surveys show what other organizations pay incumbents in jobs that match a sample of "key" jobs selected by the organization.

a. True

9. Administrative acts and decisions recorded in writing is one of the six characteristics of the ideal bureaucracy.

a. True

9. Forms of nonverbal communication include blushing, perspiring, glancing, crying, and laughing.

a. True

9. Goal acceptance, in goal-setting theory, means that employees have to "buy into" the goals and be committed to them.

a. True

9. Hersey and Blanchard's situational theory focuses a great deal of attention on the characteristics of employees in determining appropriate leadership behavior.

a. True

9. If Renae, manager at Leak Free Roofing, wanted to develop a contingency plan for Leak Free, she would need to look at factors such as new equipment, the economy, and the company workers' compensation cases.

a. True

9. Individuals at the preconventional level are concerned with external rewards and punishments and obey authority to avoid detrimental personal consequences.

a. True

9. Norms begin to develop in the first interactions among members of a new team.

a. True

9. Risk propensity refers to the willingness to undertake risk with the opportunity of gaining an increased payoff.

a. True

9. The system of governing an organization so that the interests of corporate owners are protected refers to corporate governance.

a. True

9. Training is one of the most frequently used approaches to changing people's mindsets.

a. True

13. Social responsibility covers a narrow range of issues, many of which are unambiguous with respect to right or wrong.

b. False

13. Survey feedback enhances the cohesiveness and success of organizational groups and teams.

b. False

13. The estimated 2010 misery index figures suggest significantly less misery for almost every country as compared to figures at the beginning of the century.

b. False

13. Transformational leaders are hardworking, tolerant, and fair-minded, but are not as capable of leading change as are transactional leaders.

b. False

13. Types of information generally communicated upward include performance reports, suggestions for improvement, and performance feedback.

b. False

14. An achievement culture is found in an environment that is dynamic and requires high-risk decision-making.

b. False

14. Front-line managers have the final responsibility for strategic planning.

b. False

14. Job enlargement is a job design that incorporates achievement, recognition, and other high-level motivators into the work.

b. False

14. Managers will frequently look for new information that contradicts their instincts or original point of view.

b. False

14. The pragmatic survivor is a follower who participates actively in the organization but does not use critical thinking skills.

b. False

14. The systems thinking approach develops theories about human behavior based on scientific methods and study.

b. False

15. An organization-wide commitment to infusing quality into every activity through continuous improvement defines Six Sigma.

b. False

15. Competitive advantage refers to the set of decisions and actions used to formulate and implement strategies.

b. False

15. Horizontal communication is particularly important in teaching organizations, where teams of workers are continuously solving problems and searching for new ways of doing things.

b. False

15. Most organizations make a conscious effort to shift from a pluralism perspective to one of monoculture.

b. False

15. Most people underestimate their ability to predict uncertain outcomes.

b. False

15. The consistency culture has an external focus and a consistency orientation for a dynamic environment.

b. False

15. The job characteristic of autonomy influences the worker's experiencing meaningfulness of work.

b. False

15. The last step in getting organized is to empty your head.

b. False

15. When an organization uses a differentiation strategy, it strives for internal efficiency.

b. False

16. Extreme competitiveness, impatience, aggressiveness, and devotion to work are included in Type B behavior pattern.

b. False

16. In today's business environment, most companies operate in a stable and rigid environment.

b. False

16. Legitimate, reward, and expert powers are all forms of position power.

b. False

16. Research shows that companies with several senior-level women underperform financially and organizationally in comparison to those without senior-level women.

b. False

16. The compromising style of conflict management reflects a high degree of cooperativeness and a low degree of assertiveness.

b. False

16. The management science approach uses qualitative data in management decision making.

b. False

17. Distributive negotiation is a collaborative approach to negotiation that is based on a win-win assumption, whereby the parties want to come up with a creative solution that benefits both sides of the conflict.

b. False

17. Economic responsibility defines what society deems as important with respect to appropriate corporate behavior.

b. False

17. Gain sharing rewards employees with part ownership of the organization based on achieving performance goals.

b. False

17. Many people believe that men make better managers because of their more collaborative, less hierarchical, relationship-oriented approach that is in tune with today's global and multicultural environment.

b. False

17. Organizations that want to challenge their employees and stay competitive can easily be stress-free.

b. False

17. The essence of formulating strategy is choosing how the organization will conform to become like its key competitors in the industry.

b. False

17. The functional structure is appropriate when the primary goal is innovation and flexibility.

b. False

18. A high humane orientation means that a society encourages toughness, assertiveness, and competitiveness.

b. False

18. A survey of 75 members of the Stanford Graduate School of Business's Advisory Council revealed that by far the most important capability for managers to develop is self-confidence.

b. False

18. Collaboration refers to the managerial task of adjusting and synchronizing the diverse activities among different individuals and departments.

b. False

18. Contingency thinking is the ability to see both the distinct elements of a system or situation and the complex and changing interaction among those elements.

b. False

18. Executives acquire information about external opportunities and strengths from a variety of reports, including budgets, financial ratios, profit and loss statements, and surveys of employee attitudes and satisfaction.

b. False

18. Research indicates people rate leaders as "more effective" when they are perceived to use one influence tactic.

b. False

18. Social media does not include blogs and wikis.

b. False

18. Very high expectations from senior management and a desire to share authority by middle managers are two of the positive factors leading to success of TQM.

b. False

19. A low-context culture is a culture in which communication is used to enhance personal relationships.

b. False

19. Although developed by a Japanese business manager, the quality movement is strongly associated with American companies.

b. False

19. Companies in Quadrant D put high emphasis on both culture and solid business performance as drivers of organizational success.

b. False

19. Lack of trust is perhaps the biggest obstacle to organizational change.

b. False

19. Research shows that the personalities of the individual members play the most critical role in determining how well a team functions.

b. False

19. Solicitation with the promise of reward is the highest level of sexual harassment.

b. False

19. When considering decisions, the mind often gives disproportionate weight to the last information it receives.

b. False

2. A positive attitude toward one's job is called cognitive attitude.

b. False

2. Customer service, external business processes, financial performances, and the organization's capacity for learning and growth are the four major perspectives of the balanced scorecard.

b. False

2. Defining operational goals and plans occurs in the execution phase of the organizational planning process.

b. False

2. Efficiency refers to the degree to which the organization achieves a stated objective.

b. False

2. Free choice lies between the domains of codified law and ethics.

b. False

2. Influence means that the relationship among people is passive.

b. False

2. Managers spend 80 percent of every working day doing desk work.

b. False

2. The task environmental dimension includes all elements that occur naturally on earth, including plants, animals, rocks, and natural resources such as air, water, and climate.

b. False

2. Two employees in Stacey's department quit, which is normal for her department. She is faced with the decision to fill these positions. This would be considered a nonprogrammed decision.

b. False

2. Two ways to classify rewards are extrinsic and monetary.

b. False

2. When Harbor Trades, a Korean-based company, makes resources including technology, managerial skills, and patent and trademark rights available to Nano Technologies, a Russian company, thereby allowing Nano to make products similar to Harbor, it is engaging in exporting.

b. False

20. A common dysfunction of teams is the presence of conflict.

b. False

20. For the past several years, foreign companies have invested more business in India than they spent anywhere else in the world.

b. False

20. Huge corporations are more likely than smaller businesses or nonprofits to use social media to communicate with customers.

b. False

20. Most organizations measure and control performance using qualitative financial measures.

b. False

20. Most organizations that cut benefits during the recent recession plan to restore them in the near future.

b. False

20. Restraining forces can be thought of as problems or opportunities that provide motivation for change within the organization.

b. False

20. The BCG (Boston Consulting Group) matrix evaluates SBUs with respect to their business growth rate and geographical location.

b. False

21. Behavioral science research has shown that people typically respond more strongly to a potential gain, such as a financial reward, than to a potential loss, such as a financial penalty.

b. False

21. Companies in Quadrant A represent the high-performance culture.

b. False

21. In one study, organizational psychologist Adam Grant found that the single biggest predictor of a team's effectiveness was incentives such as bonuses and vacation time.

b. False

21. Most American shoppers support the movement of certain jobs overseas if it benefits them in the form of lower prices.

b. False

21. The initial cost of implementing the SOX reforms is relatively minor for a small business once it becomes public.

b. False

21. Today's workers are younger than ever before.

b. False

22. Cost leadership is a type of competitive strategy with which the organization seeks to distinguish its products or services from that of competitors.

b. False

22. Management idea life cycles have continually grown longer, reflecting the pace of change in today's business world.

b. False

22. The Equal Pay Act prohibits differences in pay on account of race.

b. False

3. A common dysfunction of teams is to be results oriented.

b. False

3. Affirmative action requires that an employer take positive steps to guarantee promotion from within.

b. False

3. Confrontation, authoritarianism, and disciplined exploration are characteristics of the creative individuals.

b. False

3. Extrinsic reward refers to the satisfaction a person receives in the process of performing a particular action.

b. False

3. If something is ethical, it must not be illegal.

b. False

3. Operational plans and goals are those that focus on the outcomes that major divisions and departments must achieve in order for the organization to reach its overall goals.

b. False

3. The principle of unity of command suggests that managers within an organization should reach agreement on the goals and objectives of the organization.

b. False

3. Values associated with interactive leadership include personal confidence, exclusion, and independence.

b. False

3. Without feedback, communication is only a two-way process, sender to receiver and receiver to sender.

b. False

4. A broad definition of the organization's values, aspiration and reason for being, along with a recognition of the scope and operations that distinguishes the organization refers to a business plan.

b. False

4. One of the questions that human resource planning should consider includes "what is the profit margin and inventory turnover rate?"

b. False

4. Productive output pertains to the team's ability to meet the personal needs of its members.

b. False

4. The individual performer is a generalist and coordinates a broad range of activities.

b. False

4. Within a single individual, management and leadership reflect the same sets of qualities and skills that frequently overlap.

b. False

5. An expense budget lists forecasted and actual revenues of the organization.

b. False

5. An internal attribution says something about the situation has caused the person's behavior.

b. False

5. In a recent study, it was found that men were more capable of motivating others and listening than women.

b. False

5. The CSR approach to ethical decision making sidesteps debates about what is right, good, or just and bases decisions on prevailing standards of the profession and the larger society, taking the interests of all stakeholders into account.

b. False

5. The least costly and least risky direct investment is called a greenfield venture.

b. False

5. The trend in recent years has been toward narrower spans of control as a way to facilitate delegation.

b. False

6. Certainty in the environment is usually associated with decentralization.

b. False

6. External and relatedness are the first two groups of needs in Aldefer's ERG theory.

b. False

6. Licensing means engaging in the international division of labor so that work activities can be done in countries with the cheapest sources of labor and supplies.

b. False

6. Most ethical dilemmas in business involve a conflict between stakeholders and shareholders.

b. False

6. Personal power, innovation, and nurturing are consistently viewed as manager qualities rather than leader qualities.

b. False

6. Research shows that realistic job previews lower employee satisfaction and increase turnover.

b. False

6. Team members, in decentralized networks, must communicate through one individual to solve problems or make decisions.

b. False

7. An example of part of the legal-political dimension of the general environment is a government's report on the decline of unemployment rate.

b. False

7. Goals should be easy for employees to feel motivated so that they can achieve them easily, which in turn increases their motivation level.

b. False

7. Locus of control refers to an individual's belief that he or she can successfully accomplish a specific task or outcome.

b. False

7. The ethical concept that acts are moral when they promote the individual's best long term interests, which ultimately leads to the greater good, is known as the moral rights approach.

b. False

7. The humanistic perspective contains three subfields: scientific management, bureaucratic organizations, and administrative principles.

b. False

8. A criticism of human relations management is that it ignores the social context and workers' needs.

b. False

8. One of the biggest benefits of planning is that, in turbulent environments, plans create greater organizational flexibility.

b. False

8. People change starts with training everyone in the organization.

b. False

8. The country club management style (1,9) stresses high service and concern for guests or customers, sometimes to the detriment of employees of the firm.

b. False

8. The formulation stage involves the use of managerial, administrative, and persuasive abilities to ensure that the chosen alternative is carried out.

b. False

8. Two common behaviors of the socioemotional role are energizing and encouraging.

b. False

9. Because of cheap labor, most international business firms are headquartered in the less developed countries of Asia and South America.

b. False

9. Exit interviews are valuable HR tools only if the departing employee leaves voluntarily.

b. False

9. Low Machs are particularly good in jobs that require bargaining skills or that involve substantial rewards for winning.

b. False

9. Managers in partnering organizations, given the increasing environmental uncertainty, are shifting from a partnership orientation to an adversarial orientation.

b. False

9. Quick response to external changes is an advantage of vertical functional structure.

b. False

13. Self-management is NOT a component of emotional intelligence.

b. False

12. A diverse workforce is better able to anticipate and respond to changing consumer needs.

a. True

12. A formal communication channel is a communication channel that flows within the chain of command.

a. True

13. Homogeneous top management teams tend to be broadminded in their perspectives.

b. False

11. The receiver usually will give more weight to behavioral actions than to verbal messages when verbal and nonverbal messages are contradictory.

a. True

12. A country's physical facilities that support economic activities make up its infrastructure.

a. True

1. A desired future state that the individual or organization attempts to realize is a goal.

a. True

1. A team is defined as a group of two or more people who interact and coordinate their work to accomplish a specific objective.

a. True

1. Business has become a unified, global field as trade barriers fall, communication becomes faster and cheaper, and consumer tastes converge.

a. True

1. Employee motivation affects productivity, and part of a manager's job is to channel motivation toward the accomplishment of organizational goals.

a. True

1. Ethics is the code of moral principles and values that governs the behaviors of individuals or groups.

a. True

1. Hiring and keeping quality employees is one of the most urgent concerns for today's organizations.

a. True

1. Leadership occurs among people, involves the use of influence, and is used to attain goals.

a. True

1. Managers facilitate strategic conversations by using open communication, actively listening to others, applying the practice of dialogue, and using feedback for learning and change.

a. True

1. Organizational change refers to the adoption of a new idea or behavior by an organization.

a. True

1. The late famed management theorist Peter Drucker is often credited with creating the modern study of management.

a. True

1. The link between satisfaction and performance, according to research, is generally small and is affected by other factors.

a. True

1. The systematic process of regulating organizational activities to make them consistent with the expectations in plans, targets, and standards of performance refers to organizational control.

a. True

10. A joint venture involves a strategic alliance or program by two or more organizations.

a. True

10. According to expectancy theory, for an employee to be highly motivated, E-P expectancy and valence must be maximized.

a. True

10. An MNC is managed as an integrated worldwide business system.

a. True

10. An emotion can be thought of as a mental state that arises spontaneously within a person based on interaction with the environment rather than through conscious effort and is often accompanied by physiological changes or sensations.

a. True

10. Because employees with different backgrounds bring different options and ideas to the table, a diverse workforce may lead to increased conflict, anxiety, and misunderstanding.

a. True

10. Fayol's unity of command principle emphasizes that each subordinate receives orders from one, and only one superior.

a. True

10. Organizational development involves the application of behavioral science techniques to improve an organization's effectiveness and success.

a. True

10. People who prefer simple, clear-cut solutions to problems use the directive style.

a. True

10. Prevention and preparation are the two stages of crisis management.

a. True

10. The liquidity ratio shows the company's ability to meet its current debt obligations and a measurement of the firm's margin of safety.

a. True

10. The task-oriented leader, according to Fiedler, excels in the favorable situation whereas relationship-oriented leaders are most effective in situations of moderate favorability.

a. True

11. An activity ratio that measures how many times the inventory is turned over to meet the total sales figure is called the inventory turnover.

a. True

11. Approximately 20 percent of American adults, according to your text, never reach the postconventional level of moral development.

a. True

11. Behavior that is positively reinforced tends to be repeated, and behavior that is not reinforced tends not to be repeated, as stated in the law of effect.

a. True

11. Charismatic leaders typically have a strong vision for the future and they can motivate others to help realize it.

a. True

11. Mergers/acquisitions, organizational decline, and conflict management are the three types of current problems that organizational development managers face.

a. True

11. Physical symbols are associated with the surface level of organizational culture.

a. True

11. The confusion and frustration caused by the dual chain of command is a major problem of the matrix structure.

a. True

13. Reengineering basically means preserving the past by establishing the sequence of activities by how work was done.

b. False

1. Making a choice is the most significant part of the decision-making process.

b. False

1. Organizing defines what to do while strategy defines how to do it.

b. False

1. The most recent U.S. census data show that about one-third of all babies born 2011 were members of minority group.

b. False

10. Aspects of both functional and divisional structures simultaneously in the same part of the organization are combined in the virtual network approach.

b. False

10. Formulating in your mind what you are going to say next is an important part of effective listening.

b. False

10. The five stages of team development are forming, storming, reforming, performing, and adjourning.

b. False

10. The majority of managers operate at the preconventional level of personal moral development.

b. False

11. Social awareness is the ability to connect to others, build positive relationships, respond to the emotions of others, and influence others.

b. False

11. The CEO of Andre's Autos, Inc. must do all of the planning for the company because that is the way to do things in today's workplace.

b. False

11. The behavioral style is often adopted by managers who like to consider complex solutions based on as much data as they can gather.

b. False

11. The primary emphasis of polycentric companies is on their home countries.

b. False

11. The scalar chain is a hypothetical chain that provides horizontal links between unionized workers in different departments in an organization.

b. False

11. The stage of team development in which conflicts are resolved and members focus on problem solving is called reforming.

b. False

11. The traditional dimension of diversity can be acquired or changed throughout one's lifetime.

b. False

12. A process in which lower level managers anticipate their department's resource needs and pass them to top management for approval is called top-down budgeting.

b. False

12. In the divisional approach, coordination across divisions is great whereas coordination within divisions is often poor.

b. False

12. The idea in the large-group intervention is to get a sample of people who may have an interest in the organization, gather perspectives from the selected parts of the system, and allow the sample to create a collective future.

b. False

12. The most effective managers are consistent in using their own decision style rather than shifting among styles.

b. False

12. The set of key values, beliefs, and norms, that are shared by members of an organization are combined to create the symbols of an organization.

b. False

12. Trend management is looking at trends and discontinuities and imagining possible alternative futures.

b. False

13. An assumption of Theory Y is that the average human being has an inherent dislike of work and will avoid it if possible.

b. False

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