Two Worlds Meet/ The First People Ch 1 Lesson 1

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How long ago did the first people come to South Carolina?

25,000 years ago

How many years ago did the Woodland Period begin?

3,000 years ago

During the Mississippian Period, what did Native Americans grow?

Squash, Beans, Corn, and Pumpkins

In South Carolina, the best example of Mississippian culture was called?

The Kingdom of Cofitachiqui

What is corn, beans, and squash known as?

The Three Sisters

Name the four nations making each making of the four languages?

1. Catawba 2. Cherokee 3. Savannah's 4. Yamassee

Identify the three major Native American tribes in SC?

1. Catawba 2. Cherokee 3. Yamassee

What crops were the Three Sisters?

1. Corn 2. Beans 3. Squash

What new advancements were made during the Woodland period? (4 things)

1. Farming (gourds, squash, corn) 2. Pottery 3. Bow and Arrow 4. Trade

Identify three of the best-preserved mounds left in SC today?

1. Lawton Mounds 2. Sewee Shell Ring "Spanish Fort" 3.Santee Indian Mound

What animals lived in South Carolina during the Paleo Period?

1. Mammoths 2. Mastodons 3. Bison

What are the five periods of development of the prehistoric people?

1. Pre-Projectile Point Period (15,000) 2.Paleo Period (12,000) 3. Arhcaic Period (10,000) 4. Woodland Period (3,000) 5. Mississippian Period (1,000)

What job did the men have in the Woodland tribes?

1. Raise boys 2. Hunt 3. Conduct War

Name the four language groups of Native Americans who settled in SC?

1. Siouan 2. Iroquoian 3. Alogonquian 4. Muskhogean

What year did the Mississippian people arrive in SC?


What was the estimated population of Eastern Woodland Indians in SC prior to arrival of Europeans was between what numbers?

17,000 and 30,000

Where did the native people settle during the Archaic period?

Along the coast and rivers

What is the study of past people, and cultures through a careful examination of artifacts?


About 10,000 years ago, Native Americans entered a period of time known as?

Archaic Period

What is an object such as a stone tool or pottery made by humans during an earlier time ?


What is a tool which propels spears farther and faster?


What are the four crops grown in SC by Native Americans during the Woodland Period?

Bottle, Gourds, Squash, and Corn

Where do the Yamassee live?


Example of Three Sisters Method and what were the three sisters?

Corn, Squash, and Beans

What was the leading cause of death for Native Americans after the arrival of the Europeans?


What new mode of transportation did the Woodlands people use?

Dug out tree trunks for canoes and used rivers

What is the point at which inland rivers drop from an upland to a lowland?

Fall line

Define Matrilineal.

Family ties were based on the mother's lineage

What job did the women have in the Woodland tribes?

Farming and Gathering

What means family ties based upon the mother's side of the family?


Where do the Cherokee live?


Who were the first humans to live in South Carolina?

Native Americans

What is when people move from place to place in search of food?


About 12,000 years ago, Native Americans entered a period time known as?

Paleo Period

What are wooden fences with pointed ends?


What is a carving on a cave or rock wall called?


Where do the Catawba live?


What is the time before written language known as?

Prehistoric era

How did the first people get from Asia to America?

The Bering Strait Land

What means where the up and low country meet?

The Fall Line

What is wattle and daub?

a building style

Where did the Mississippian people live?

along rivers of fall line in villages

What is another name for spear points?

clovis points

What does the word prehistoric word mean?

no written language

What type of homes did the people have during the Woodland period?

villages with a number of earthen mounds

What types of homes did Native Americans build by weaving small trees between the large post and covered them called?(building style)

wattle and daub

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