TXST Marketing 3343 Natesan - Exam 4

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Small, downloadable software programs that run on smartphones and tablet devices.

Account Management Policies

Specifies whom salespeople should contact, what kinds of selling and customer service activities should be engaged in, and how these activities should be carried out.

Advocacy Advertisments

State the position of a company on an issue

Institutional Advertising

Such advertising does not attempt to sell anything directly. It informs the public about what the institution is doing for the society and the country in areas like literacy, health, employment generation etc.

Sex Appeals

Suggest to the audience that the product will increase the attractiveness of the user.

Fear Appeals

Suggest to the consumer that he or she can avoid some negative experience through the purchase and use of a product or service, a change in behavior, or a reduction in the use of a product.

Dynamic Pricing

The practice of changing prices for products and services in real time in response to supply and demand conditions.

A Wiki

A website whose content is created and edited by the ongoing collaboration of end users, for example, to generate and improve new product ideas.

Product Life Cycle

A. Introduction B. Growth C. Maturity D. Decline

Sales Plan

A statement describing what is to be achieved and where and how the selling effort of salespeople is to be deployed.


A video-sharing website in which users can upload, view, and comment on videos.


A website that enables users to send and receive tweets, messages up to 140 characters long.

Sales Quota

Contains specific goals assigned to a salesperson, sales team, branch sales office, or sales district for a stated time period.


A website where users create a personal profile, add other users as friends, and exchange comments, photos, videos, and "likes" with them.

The Promotional Elements

1. Advertising 2. Personal Selling 3. Public Relations 4. Sales Promotion 5. Direct Marketing.

Personal Selling Process

1. Prospecting 2. Preapproach 3. Approach 4. Presentation 5. Close 6. Follow-up

Hooked, Online, and Single

1. young, affluent, and single online consumers who bank, play games, and spend more time online than any other segment. They make up 16% of online consumers, enjoy auction Web sites such as eBay, and visit game Web sites like Slingo.com and Jigzone.com.


A Web page that serves as a publicly accessible personal journal for an individual or organization.


A Web site's aesthetic appeal and functional look and feel reflected in site layout and visual design.

Smart System

A computer-based network that triggers actions by sensing changes in the real or digital world.

Public Relations (PR)

A form of communication management that seeks to influence the feelings, opinions, or beliefs held by customers, prospective customers, stockholders, suppliers, employees, and other publics about a company and its products or services.

Consultative Selling

A need-satisfaction presentation format that focuses on problem identification, where the salesperson serves as an expert on problem recognition and resolution.

Adaptive Selling

A need-satisfaction presentation format that involves adjusting the presentation to fit the selling situation, such as knowing when to offer solutions and when to ask for more information.

Collaborative filtering

A process that automatically groups people with similar buying intentions, preferences, and behaviors and predicts future purchases

Unaided Recall

A question such as, "What ads do you remember seeing yesterday?" is asked of respondents without any prompting to determine whether they saw or heard advertising messages.

Sales Promotion

A short-term inducement of value offered to arouse interest in buying a good or service.

Field of Experience

A similar understanding and knowledge applied to the message.

Inquiry Tests

Additional product information, product samples, or premiums are offered to an ad's readers or viewers. Ads generating the most inquiries are presumed to be the most effective.

Pre-Purchase Stage

Advertising is more helpful than personal selling because advertising informs the potential customer of the existence of the product and the seller.

Aided Recall

After being shown an ad, respondents are asked whether their previous exposure to it was through reading, viewing, or listening.


An Internet-enabled promotional strategy that encourages individuals to forward marketer-initiated messages to others via e-mail, social networking Web sites, and blogs.


An interactive, Internet-enabled system that allows individual customers to design their own products and services by answering a few questions and choosing from a menu of product or service attributes (or components), prices, and delivery options

Cross-Channel Shopper

An online consumer who researches products online and then purchases them at a retail store.


Any paid form of non-personal communication about an organization, good, service, or idea by an identified sponsor.


Applies to all digital information on a Web site, including the presentation form—text, video, audio, and graphics.

Trade-Oriented Sales Promotions

Are sales tools used to support a company's advertising and personal selling directed to wholesalers, retailers, or distributors.

Hierarchy of Effects

Awareness Interest Evaluation Trial Adoption

Partnership Selling

Companies take relationship selling to a higher level (sometimes called enterprise selling).


Computer files that a marketer can download onto the computer and mobile phone of an online shopper who visits the marketer's Web site.


Consumers who read, hear, or see the message

Eight-Second Rule

Customers will abandon their efforts to enter and navigate a Web site if download time exceeds this.

Online Consumer

Differ from the general population in one important respect. They own or have access to a computer or an Internet-enabled device, such as a cell phone. Women tend to purchase more goods and services online than men.


Electronic shopping agents or robots that comb Web sites to compare prices and product or service features.

Humorous Appeals

Imply either directly or subtly that the product is more fun or exciting than competitors' offerings


Includes extraneous factors that can work against effective communication by distorting a message or the feedback received.

Transit Advertising

Includes messages on the interior and exterior of buses, subway and light-rail cars, and taxis.

Jury Tests

Involve showing the ad copy to a panel of consumers and having them rate how they liked it, how much it drew their attention, and how attractive they thought it was.

Sales Tests

Involve studies such as controlled experiments (e.g., using radio ads in one market and newspaper ads in another and comparing the results) and consumer purchase tests (measuring retail sales that result from a given advertising campaign).

Product Placements

Involve the use of a brand-name product in a movie, television show, video game, or commercial for another product.

Sales Managment

Involves planning the selling program and implementing and evaluating the personal selling effort of the firm.


Is a business-oriented website that lets users post their professional profiles to connect to a network of businesspeople.


Many popular items bought online can be purchased at the same price or cheaper than in retail stores.


Married couples with children at home who use the Internet like a consumer magazine to gather information and compare products and prices.


May be a company or person who has information to convey.


Program-length (30-minute) advertisements that take an educational approach to communication with potential customers.


Non-personal, indirectly paid presentation of an organization, good, or service.

Social Media

Online media where users submit comments, photos, and videos—often accompanied by a feedback process to identify "popular" topics.


Online shoppers and buyers are empowered consumers. They deftly use Internet technology to seek information, evaluate alternatives, and make purchase decisions on their own time, terms, and conditions.


Personalizes the entire shopping and buying interaction for each customer to make shopping an enjoyable experience.

Three forms of Product Advertising.

Pioneering, Competitive, and Reminder

Order Takers

Process routine orders or reorders for products that were already sold by the company.

Cooperative Advertising

Programs by which a manufacturer pays a percentage of the retailer's local advertising expense for advertising the manufacturer's products.


Radio Frequency Identification (Barcodes)

Ebivalent Newbies

Relative newcomers to the Internet who rarely spend money online but seek product information.

Missonary Salespeople

Representatives who do not directly solicit orders but rather concentrate on performing promotional activities and introducing new products.

Attitude Tests

Respondents are asked questions to measure changes in their attitudes after an advertising campaign, such as whether they have a more favorable attitude toward the product advertised.

Consumer-Oriented Sales Promotions

Sales tools used to support a company's advertising and personal selling.

Order Getter

Sells in a conventional sense and identifies prospective customers, provides customers with information, persuades customers to buy, closes sales, and follows up on customers' use of a product or service.


Tells people what the product is, what it can do, and where it can be found.


Tests after an advertisement has been shown to the target audience to determine whether it accomplished its intended purpose.

Relationship Selling

The practice of building ties to customers based on a salesperson's attention and commitment to customer needs over time.


The Web site's ability to conduct sales transactions for products and services.


The ability of a site to modify itself to, or be modified by, each individual user.

Emotional Intelligence

The ability to understand one's own emotions and the emotions of people with whom one interacts on a daily basis.

Black Friday

The biggest shopping day of the year in the United States.


The buyer can be assessed in terms of financial risk, social risk, and physical risk.


The consumer-initiated practice of generating content on a marketer's Web site that is custom tailored to an individual's specific needs and preferences.

Ancillary Services

The degree of service or support required after the sale.


The dialogue that unfolds between the Web site and its users. It should be interactive and individualized, much like a personal conversation.


The impact the message had on the receiver's knowledge, attitudes, or behaviors.

Purchase Stage

The importance of personal selling is highest, whereas the impact of advertising is lowest.

Theater Tests

The most sophisticated form of pretesting. Consumers are invited to view new television shows or movies in which test commercials are also shown.


The network of linkages between a company's site and other sites. These links are embedded in the Web site; appear as highlighted words, a picture, or graphic; and allow a user to effortlessly visit other sites with a mouse click.


The objective is to persuade the target market to select the firm's brand rather than that of a competitor.

Traffic Generation

The outcome of an offer designed to motivate people to visit a business

Team Selling

The practice of using an entire team of professionals in selling to and servicing major customers. Most often used when specialized knowledge is needed.

Key Account Managment

The practice of using team selling to focus on important customers so as to build mutually beneficial, long-term, cooperative relationships.

Lead Generation

The result of an offer designed to generate interest in a product or service and a request for additional information.

Direct Orders

The result of offers that contain all the information necessary for a prospective buyer to make a decision to purchase and complete the transaction.

Post-Purchase Stage

The salesperson is still important. the more personal contact after the sale, the more the buyer is satisfied


The sender's interpretation of the response and indicates whether the message was decoded and understood as intended.

Permission Marketing

The solicitation of a consumer's consent (called opt-in) to receive e-mail and advertising based on personal data supplied by the consumer. Additionally, customers are given the option to opt-out, or change the kind, amount, or timing of information sent to them. Finally, their customers are assured that their name or buyer profile data will not be sold or shared with others.

Customer Expierence

The sum total of the interactions that a customer has with a company's Web site, from the initial look at a home page through the entire purchase decision process.


The technical sophistication of the product and hence the amount of understanding required to use it.

Portfolio Tests

The test ad is placed in a portfolio with several other ads and stories, and consumers are asked to read through the portfolio. Afterward, subjects are asked for their impressions of the ads on several evaluative scales, such as from "very informative" to "not very informative."

Personal Selling

The two-way flow of communication between a buyer and seller designed to influence a person's or group's purchase decision.

Salesforce Automation (SFA)

The use of these technologies to make the sales process more effective and efficient.

Time Sensitive Materialists

Those who regard the Internet as a convenience tool for buying music, books, computer software, and electronics. They account for 17% of online consumers and can be found visiting Amazon.com, Dell.com, and SonyStyle.com.

Brand Loyalists

Those who regularly visit their favorite bookmarked Web sites and spend the most money online. They are better-educated and more affluent Internet users who effortlessly navigate familiar and trusted Web sites and enjoy the online browsing and buying experience.

The Goal of Social Media

To reach "active receivers," those who will become "influential" and be "delighted" with the brand advertised. These will then become "evangelists," who will send messages—user generated content—to their online friends and then back to the advertiser about the joys of using the brand.


Two dimensions...(1) an endless variety of choices in merchandise and services, and (2) choice assistance in making informed choices.


User-to-user communications, hosted by the company, that enables virtual communities, such as the Huggies Baby Network, hosted by Kimberly Clark and the Harley Owners Group (HOGs) hosted by Harley Davidson.

Direct Marketing

Uses direct communication (no intermediaries) with consumers to generate a response in the form of an order, a request for further information, or a visit to a retail outlet.


We can shop on our own.

Click and Mortar

Women who tend to browse retailer Web sites but actually buy products in traditional retail outlets. They make up 23% of online consumers and represent an important segment for multichannel retailers that also feature catalog and store operations, such as J. Crew and JCPenney.


Word-of-mouth behavior in the marketspace.


reinforcement advertising is a form of ____________ advertising. It is used to reinforce previous knowledge of a product.


unwanted e-mail (usually of a commercial nature sent out in bulk)

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