Types of Assessments

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Both NRT & CRT

"How well can Mary read?"(teacher) CRT, NRT, or Both?

Both NRT & CRT

"How well can our students read?"(school superintendent) CRT, NRT, or Both?


"What skills does my son lack that lead to his poor grade in math?" (parent) CRT, NRT, or Both?

Using formative assessments in the classroom (3 main items)

1.Parent-Teacher Conferences ◦Examples of areas of strength and weakness 2.Instructional decisions ◦Pre-tests ◦Remind students of lesson objectives 3.Goal-setting ◦Use to motivate students ◦Show progress


A 3 question math quiz at the end of a class would be considered a...

B. Moving Students to a new class

As a teacher, you can use formative assessments for all of the following except... A.Motivating students B.Moving Students to a new class C.Sharing Information with parents D.Special Education Process


CRT or NRT? Compares student's performance with standards indicative of mastery


CRT, NRT, or Both? "How can I improve my math grade?"(student)


CRT, NRT, or Both? "How is my daughter doing compared to other sixth grade students in the district?" (parent)

Both NRT & CRT

CRT, NRT, or Both?"Is Michael ready for the next grade?"(principal)


Compares students' performance to performance of others

NRT Linguistic and Cultural Diversity

Comparisons of performance to a norms table based on a nationally representative sample - Norm group, normative group of students in: same grade & similar age Comparable cultural, language, economic, family characteristics matter

4. provide more relevant information

Criterion-referenced tests are more useful on a day-to-day basis for classroom teachers than norm-referenced tests because they 1.are more reliable. 2.are more valid. 3.Compare students to each other 4.provide more relevant information

Norm-referenced tests (NRT)

Determine a student's place by comparing the student's performance to a norm or average of performances with other similar students - (Want a bell curve outcome) - 1 or 2 questions per adjectives - Looking at general knowledge - covers more objectives General ⬆︎Measure (more) sets of skills at once (time efficient) ⬇︎ Fail to measure thoroughly (estimate of ability) [Know only because they guess] Items tend to vary in level of difficulty

Criterion-referenced tests (CRT)

Determine a student's proficiency in a set of skills by comparing the student's performance to a criterion or absolute performance ◦80% or people will get items correct ◦more questions per objective ◦covered less objective Very specific ⬆︎ Can be relatively certain of the level of mastery ⬇︎Many tests for many skills Items tend to be equivalent in level of difficulty

NRT & CRT Test Construction

Different evaluation procedures due to the -Difference in the difficulty levels of the items --CRT go more in-depth of topic -Differences in the amount of variability in students' scores -- NRT are built for larger variability - think bell curve Test items are not NRT or CRT by nature - Need to be considered in terms of the audience for whom they are prepared


Formative assessments are part of an ongoing process.


Give teacher baseline of student level of achievement Triggers previous learning Gives comparative number to final summative assessment Allows teacher to see how effective unit lessons were for students Can be used to set student goals (Baseline to set achievable goal)

Advantages of CBM

Good overlap with curriculum Quick to administer Can be given often Sensitive to short-term gain in academic skills Can give same test over again. (as a pretest and then as a post-test)


If I am using formative assessments I am teaching to the test


Journal entry after a lecture on reading strategies

Levels of Formative Assessment

Level 1 Teacher's Instructional Adjustments - Adjusting lessons Level 2: Student's learning-tactic adjustments - Self-regulation/metacognition of students & Requires more feedback Level 3: Classroom Climate Shift - Combo of 1 & 2 focusing on improving teaching and instruction all around & Set learning expectations Level 4: Schoolwide Implementation - Formative assessments pushed at school level & Used to develop PD opportunities


Midterm exam in a statistics course

Formative Assessments

Most useful to: - inform day-to-day instructional decision making Ex. moving to the next step in curriculum representing the content with a different approach providing instruction in a different setting - monitor students' learning progress - Provide timely feedback to students - Develop student self-regulation - minimize interference with instructional time (part of instruction, in transitions, whenever possible) - allow repeated assessment of learning in the classroom - help identify students who are not responsive to intervention - enables the teacher to adjust to the level of instruction provided to students - daily instructional decisions maximize student learning


Percentile rank and standard scores are used.


Range of acceptable performance used in reports


Reading quiz on a chapter read the night before.


The more variability or spread of scores, the better.


This type of assessment shows large gains in student knowledge.

Effects of CBM on academic progress

To predict in a short time whether an intervention is working or needs to be altered To be more realistic when estimating a student's rate of progress in the curriculum Very useful for teachers when consulting with parents or school staff For students' learning motivation Setting accurate IEP goals Need accurate and up to date data


Usually one or two items per objective


Usually three or more items per objective

2. Shallow-usually one or two items per objective

Which of following describes the content sampled by norm-referenced tests? 1.Comprehensive-usually three or more items per objective 2.Shallow-usually one or two items per objective

Curriculum-based Measurement (CBM)

are collected in multiple points in time Help evaluating the effectiveness of instructional interventions Powerful assessment tool for measuring mastery of basic skills Efficient means of monitoring short-term & long-term student progress in key academic areas Standardized, give a percentile rank Short, as fast as one minute (List of sight word)

Summative Assessments

measure larger changes are not sensitive to small , specific changes in achievement may not be useful to evaluate the effectiveness of instruction on a day-to-day basis Communicates degree of student learning (grades)

CRT Linguistic and Cultural Diversity

•Diversity is NOT relevant since -CRT is not based on comparison to norms to obtain scores •Cultural, language, economic, family characteristics still matter

Some of the instructional strategies that can be used formatively include the following:

◦Criteria and goal setting (learning target and how to reach it) ◦Observations during class time (keep record for descriptive FB) ◦Questioning strategies working 1-1 or small group (ask better questions, get them ask questions) ◦Self and peer assessment (engaged learning community, self-evaluation), Allow to learn from others! Requires little work on teacher ◦Student record keeping (going beyond grade), Allow students to take ownership of learning

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