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A ballistic movement ____. a. is guided by feedback during the course of the movement​ b. ​is a rhythmic alternation between two movements c. proceeds automatically once it has been triggered​ d. tends to overcorrect itself


A gene is found that controls the age at which a man grows bald, if at all. That gene seldom affects women, even if they have the gene. What kind of gene is this MOST likely to be?​ a. ​a sex-linked dominant gene b. ​a sex-limited gene b. ​a sex-limited gene c. ​a sex-linked recessive gene d. ​an X-linked gene


A means of controlling sex offenders has involved reducing ____.​ a. ​estrogen levels b. ​the alpha-fetoprotein level in their blood c. ​prolactin d. ​testosterone levels


A saccade is initiated by impulses from the ____. a. hypothalamus​ b. cerebellum​ c. hippocampus​ d. ​spinal cord


According to the Young-Helmholtz theory, what is the basis for color vision?​ a. ​a single receptor that produces different responses for each color b. ​the combined influences of rods and cones c. ​a different receptor for each color d. three kinds of cones


According to the trichromatic theory of color vision ____.​ a. ​rods are important for perception of light colors b. ​there are only three colors of light in the world c. ​there are only three rods and three cones in each eye d. ​our perception of color depends on the relative activity of three types of cones


An inability to recognize objects despite otherwise satisfactory vision is called ____.​ a. ​blindsight b. ​visual agnosia c. ​hemianopsia d. ​prosopagnosia


An inability to recognize objects despite otherwise satisfactory vision is called ____.​ a. ​prosopagnosia b. ​visual agnosia c. ​blindsight d. ​hemianopsia


An organizing effect differs from an activating effect of a hormone in that an organizing effect ____.​ a. ​activates excitatory receptors b. ​produces more long-lasting effects c. ​inhibits the effects of another hormone d. ​lasts only briefly


Apoptosis ____.​ a. ​promotes the survival and growth of dendrites b. ​promotes the survival and growth of the axon c. ​is a programmed mechanism of cell death d. ​promotes the activity of neurons


At later stages of the neuron's development, neurotrophins ____.​ a. ​cause the neuron's death b. ​increase the branching of axons c. ​connect the axon to axons of adjoining cells d. ​become converted into myelin


At what point in the menstrual cycle, if any, are women who are NOT on birth-control pills most likely to initiate sexual activity?​ a. ​at any point in the menstrual cycle b. ​just after the end of menstruation c. ​just before the next menstrual period d. ​during the periovulatory period


Bipolar cells send their messages to ____, which are located close to the center of the eye.​ a. ​bipolar cells b. ​ganglion cells c. ​cornea cells d. ​spiny cells


Closed head injury is ____.​ a. ​usually fatal b. ​the most common cause of Korsakoff's syndrome c. ​the most common cause of brain damage in young adults d. ​related to Alzheimer's disease


Color constancy is the ability to ____.​ a. ​differentiate among many colors and hues b. ​see color, even in very faint light c. ​perceive all wavelengths as the same color d. ​recognize the color of an object despite changes in lighting


Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) occurs because the adrenal gland releases ____.​ a. ​too much insulin b. ​too little cortisol c. ​too much cortisol d. ​too little estrogen


Cortical neurons in the visual cortex of a kitten or a cat will lose the ability to respond to stimuli in one eye if the eye is sutured shut for ____.​ a. ​the third and fourth months of life b. ​the first month of life c. ​the first week after birth d. ​any two month period in adult life


Damage to the cerebellum is most likely to interfere with ____. a. chewing and swallowing​ b. the ability to remember a series of events​ c. rapid movements that require timing​ d. ​lifting weights


Diaschisis refers to the decreased activity of surviving neurons after damage to other neurons.​ True/False


During aerobic exercises such as dancing, as glucose is used by the muscles, ____. a. ​slow-twitch muscles produce glucose anaerobically b. ​glucose use decreases c. ​fast-twitch fibers absorb more glucose d. ​glucose use increases


Early symptoms of Huntington's disease usually include ____. a. ​jerky arm movements and body tremors b. ​paralysis c. ​rapid fatigue d. ​difficulty coordinating the left hand with the right hand


Evolution improves the fitness of the population, which is defined as ____.​ a. ​ability to adapt to a variety of environments b. ​overall health and well-being c. ​survival of the individual d. ​the number of copies of one's genes that endure in later generations


Following release from the presynaptic cell, neuropeptides​ a. ​and small-molecule transmitters can be deactivated by diffusion, enzymes, or reuptake. b. ​can diffuse away from synapses, whereas small-molecule transmitters are deactivated by reuptake. c. ​cannot be deactivated by enzymes, whereas small-molecule transmitters diffuse away or are deactivated by reuptake. d. ​are deactivated by reuptake, whereas small-molecule transmitters diffuse away or are deactivated by enzymes.


Girls with CAH are more likely to participate in "tomboyish" activities.​ True/False


How do parallel fibers in the cerebellum control the duration of a response? a. By altering the velocity of action potentials from Purkinje cells​ b. By determining which one of all the available Purkinje cells becomes active​ c. By passing information back and forth between one Purkinje cell and another​ d. ​By determining the number of Purkinje cells that fire in sequence


If a female rat is injected with testosterone during the last few days before being born or the first few days afterward, at maturity her ____.​ a. ​pituitary and ovaries will produce steady levels of hormones instead of cyclic levels of hormones b. ​ovaries will no longer produce hormones, although her pituitary will c. ​pituitary and ovaries will not produce their hormones d. ​pituitary and ovaries will produce cyclic levels of hormones instead of steady levels


If a new species were found with legs composed almost completely of fast-twitch muscles, what could we infer about its behavior? a. It could chase prey only over short distances.​ b. It probably moves slowly and grazes on vegetation.​ c. ​It could chase prey over long distances. d. It probably travels constantly.


In comparison to the rods, cones are more ____.​ a. ​sensitive to detail b. ​sensitive to dim light c. ​common toward the periphery of the retina d. ​common in rodents and other nocturnal animals


In development, neurotrophins ____. During adulthood, they ____.​ a. ​facilitate differentiation; facilitate migration b. ​preserve neurons; increase neuronal branching c. ​produce apoptosis; increase neuronal branching d. ​preserve neurons; produce apoptosis


In general, biologists who speak of sex-linked genes are typically referring to genes on ____.​ a. ​the X chromosome b. ​more than one chromosome c. ​the Y chromosome d. ​autosomal chromosomes


In its normal form, part of the gene that controls Huntington's disease repeats its sequence of bases ____. a. ​under ten times b. ​at least 36 times c. ​between approximately 11-24 times d. ​approximately 75 or 80 times


In the human retina, messages go from receptors at the back of the eye to ____.​ a. ​bipolar cells b. ​retina cells c. ​spiny cells d. ​ganglion cells


In what order does visual information pass through the retina?​ a. ​ganglion cells, bipolar cells, receptor cells b. ​receptor cells, bipolar cells, ganglion cells c. ​receptor cells, ganglion cells, bipolar cells d. ​bipolar cells, receptor cells, ganglion cells


Lateral inhibition is the reduction of activity in one neuron by activity in neighboring neurons. True/False


Migration requires ____.​ a. ​neurons with fully developed dendrites b. ​mature neurons c. ​a precise chemical environment d. ​cells which are myelinated


Most of the axons of the medial tract go to which side of the body? a. ipsilateral​ b. dorsolateral​ c. ​contralateral d. bilateral


Most types of movement can be clearly classified as voluntary or involuntary.​ True/False


On a given trait, high heritability suggests that ____.​ a. ​adopted children will closely resemble their biological parents b. ​adopted children will closely resemble their adoptive parents c. ​fraternal twins will be more similar to each other than identical twins d. ​identical twins will be less similar to each other than adopted siblings


On a given trait, high heritability suggests that ____.​ a. ​adopted children will closely resemble their biological parents b. ​fraternal twins will be more similar to each other than identical twins c. ​adopted children will closely resemble their adoptive parents d. ​identical twins will be less similar to each other than adopted siblings


On average, the left and right hemispheres of the cerebral cortex are of nearly equal size in ____ females, whereas the right hemisphere is a few percent larger in ____ males.​ a. ​heterosexual; heterosexual b. ​heterosexual; homosexual c. ​homosexual; heterosexual d. ​homosexual; homosexual


One important difference between organizing effects and activating effects of hormones is that activating effects ____.​ a. ​are shorter-term b. ​control only the peripheral nervous system c. ​take place mostly during an early sensitive period d. ​cause the pituitary gland to release another hormone


One way to relieve the pain associated with a phantom limb is to ____.​ a. ​convince the patient that there is no neural basis for these sensations b. ​have the amputee learn to use an artificial limb c. ​stimulate the relevant part of the cortex d. ​remove more of the amputated limb


Sex-linked genes are usually found on the Y chromosome.​ True/False


Sexual differentiation begins with ____.​ a. ​chromosomes b. ​Müllerian ducts c. ​Wolffian ducts d. ​hormones


The ability of the brain to change its anatomy over time, within limits, is known as ____.​ a. ​long term potentiation b. ​plasticity c. ​connectivity d. ​regression


The ability to detect movement better than color in our peripheral vision is largely due to ____.​ a. ​magnocellular neurons in the periphery b. ​parvocellular neurons tightly packed in the periphery c. ​no cones in the periphery d. ​the strength of the eye muscles


The absence of acetylcholine will cause a muscle to ____. a. ​stretch b. ​fatigue c. ​relax d. ​contract


The anterior commissure, on the average, is ____. ​ a. ​larger in heterosexual women than heterosexual men b. ​larger in heterosexual men than homosexual men c. ​smaller in heterosexual women than heterosexual men d. ​smaller in homosexual men than heterosexual men


The eye muscles have a ratio of about ____ axon(s) per ____ muscle fiber(s). a. ​three; two b. ​two; three c. ​one; three d. ​three; one


The fact that all colors on older televisions were created by combining only three different colors of light supports the ____ theory of color vision.​ a. ​opponent process b. ​trichromatic c. ​CRT d. ​retinex


The fluid-filled cavity of the developing neural tube becomes the ____.​ a. ​midbrain b. ​ventricular system c. ​forebrain d. ​spinal cord


The point in space from which light strikes the receptor is called the ____.​ a. ​convergence field b. ​bipolar area c. ​stimulus field d. ​receptive field


The premotor cortex ____. a. keeps track of the position of the body relative to the world​ b. responds to lights, noises, and other signals for a movement ​ c. is active during preparations for a movement and less active during movement itself​ d. ​is the main area for touch and other body information


The presymptomatic test for Huntington's disease enables one to predict not only who will get the disease but also ____. a. which drugs will best alleviate the disease​ b. ​the approximate age of onset c. what other diseases the person will contract​ d. which symptoms will become prominent first, and which ones later


The results of several studies of facial expressions in people who were born blind suggest ____.​ a. ​a minor role for genetics in the control of facial expressions b. ​a major role for genetics as well as environment in the control of facial expressions c. ​no role of genetics in the control of facial expressions d. ​no role of genetics, but a major role of environment in the control of facial expressions


What conclusion can be drawn from the unusual gender identity cases from the Dominican Republic?​ a. ​Chromosomes are the determining factor in gender identity. b. ​The environment has no effect on gender identity. c. ​Early child-rearing experiences are not the sole determinant of gender identity. d. ​If given the necessary hormones at puberty, any girl can become a boy.


What determines whether a mammal develops male or female external genitals?​ a. ​the difference (subtraction) between testosterone and estrogen levels in prenatal development b. ​the amount of estrogens during prenatal development c. ​the amount of testosterone during prenatal development d. ​the ratio (division) between testosterone and estrogen levels in prenatal development


What is one current recommendation for raising children who have intersex conditions? ​ a. ​Wait until later and let the child decide whether to be called male or female. b. Identify the child as male or female based mainly on the predominant external appearance. c. ​Identify the child as female, and have genital surgery performed as soon as possible. d. ​Raise the child according to whether the chromosomes are male or female.


What is signaled by nerve growth factor (NGF)?​ a. ​Which target cell a growing axon should connect with b. ​That axons should elongate as the body grows bigger c. ​That a target cell has "accepted" an axon d. ​The need for new neurons to form in brain areas that are lacking in neurons


What is the most common drug in the treatment for Parkinson's disease?​ a. ​haloperidol b. L-dopa​ c. Dilantin​ d. physostigmine


What is the name given to the synapse where a motor neuron's axon meets a muscle fiber? a. ​polar junction b. ​muscle spindle c. ​neurofiber synapse d. ​neuromuscular junction


What is the usual age of onset for Huntington's disease? a. ​30-50 years old b. ​5-7 years old c. ​12-20 years old d. ​65 years or older


What type of cell responds to a pattern of light in a particular orientation anywhere within its large receptive field, regardless of the exact location of the stimulus?​ a. ​simple b. ​complex c. ​ganglion d. ​bipolar


What type of muscle controls movements of the heart? a. antagonistic​ b. striated​ c. cardiac​ d. ​smooth


When examining the data on sexual orientation of twins and other siblings, what seems to be the most reasonable conclusion? ​ a. ​Sexual orientation is determined by genetics as well as other factors. b. ​Genetic factors completely determine sexual orientation. c. ​Genetic factors play no role in sexual orientation. d. ​Genetic factors determine sexual orientation in men, but do not seem to play a role for women.


When examining the data on sexual orientation of twins and other siblings, what seems to be the most reasonable conclusion? ​ a. ​Sexual orientation is determined by genetics as well as other factors. b. ​Genetic factors determine sexual orientation in men, but do not seem to play a role for women. c. ​Genetic factors completely determine sexual orientation. d. ​Genetic factors play no role in sexual orientation.


Where does the optic nerve send most of its information?​ a. ​directly to the occipital lobe b. ​to the superior colliculus c. ​to the lateral geniculate d. ​directly to the cerebral cortex


Where does the optic nerve send most of its information?​ a. ​to the lateral geniculate b. ​directly to the cerebral cortex c. ​to the superior colliculus d. ​directly to the occipital lobe


Which action BEST illustrates altruistic behavior?​ a. ​Spreading rumors about your boss b. ​Bullying other kids in the lunch line c. ​Picking up your room d. ​Helping an elderly person across the street


Which circumstance will be most likely to cause a genetic male to develop a mostly feminine anatomy?​ a. ​exposure to more than the usual amount of estrogen during an early sensitive period b. ​a condition that prevents androgens from exerting their effects c. ​excessive levels of alpha-fetoprotein in his blood d. ​exposure to more than the usual amount of testosterone during an early sensitive period


Which hormone(s) is/are likely to be found more abundantly in males than in females?​ a. ​peptide hormones b. ​androgens c. ​progesterone d. ​estrogens


Which of the following depends on an organizing effect of hormones?​ a. ​the degree of sexual activity at any time b. ​the timing of migration or hibernation c. ​whether an organism develops as male or female d. ​current metabolic rate


Which of the following is true of androgens and estrogens?​ a. ​They are produced by the pituitary. b. ​Only males have androgens. c. ​Both sexes have both types of hormones. d. ​They have opposite effects in males and females.


Which of the following represents Lamarckian evolution?​ a. ​"Look out for number one" b. ​"If you don't use it, you lose it" c. ​"Reproduction of the fittest" d. ​"Survival of the fittest"


Which of the following would be easiest for someone who is motion blind?​ a. ​dressing themselves b. ​driving a car c. ​taking the dog for a walk d. ​filling a pitcher with water


Which of the following would be the most promising treatment for Huntington's disease? a. ​blocking formation of glutamine chain clustering b. ​increasing production of huntingtin c. ​decreasing production of BDNF d. ​enhancing formation of glutamine chains


Which statement is TRUE with regard to peripheral vision?​ a. ​It is very sensitive to detail. b. ​It is not very sensitive to light. c. ​It is easier to recognize single objects in the periphery that are not surrounded by other objects. d. ​It is most sensitive to color, which helps to differentiate multiple objects clearly.


Which theory of color vision is best able to explain negative color afterimages?​ a. ​trichromatic theory b. ​retinex theory c. ​kodak theory d. ​opponent-process theory


Which widely branching cells are responsible for all of the output from the cerebellar cortex to the nuclei of the cerebellum? a. putamen cells​ b. saccade cells​ c. Purkinje cells​ d. ​parallel fibers


Who would probably develop as an intersex?​ a. ​a genetic female exposed to more testosterone than normal during early development b. ​a genetic female deprived of her normal amount of estradiol during early development c. ​a genetic male exposed to a larger than normal amount of testosterone during early development d. ​a genetic male exposed to more estradiol than normal during early development

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