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8. After Peter Minuit negotiated the lease of the island of Manhattan in 1626

After Peter Minuit negotiated the lease of the island of Manhattan in 1626 only the comprehensive business plan of the Dutch West India Company began to bring about agricultural development on the island and upstream.

About 600 hundred years ago, why did the Powhatan people increasingly come into conflict with their neighbors?

Around six hundred years ago, there was a change in the weather that made crop production (specifically corn production) less dependable. Because of this the Powhatan people were forced to go out and hunt for different animals and plants. As they went farther into the woods they started to come into contact with neighboring tribes, both in need of food. Because of this they started to fight and compete, basically meaning more conflict.

28. How did Indians respond when their populations began to decline?

Because of the disease they were required to use cooperative labor for hunting and gathering. And because many of these groups were nonliterate and their history was passed down through generation of elders, when the elders died the groups banded together to prevent extinction. They shared work and different lore to preserve tradition.

35. Following the death of Henry VIII, what was the position of Protestantism in England?

Following the death of Henry VIII, his son Edward VI took the throne despite his young age. Because the country lacked a strong king the Protestants had a virtual free rein, until he died after only being king for six years. His older sister Mary took the throne and she attempted to reverse the reform but ultimately only succeeding in pushing the movement underground. When Elizabeth I took the throne she spent most of her rein trying to come to an agreement with the Protestant dissenters.

7. What pre-condition had to be accomplished on the Iberian Peninsula before Portugal and Spain could unify internally as nations?

For Portugal and Spain to unify internally as nations the people of the Iberian peninsula had to launch a reconquista, a campaign meant to take the Iberian peninsula from the Moors.

13. Henry Hudson was an explorer who was searching for

Henry Hudson was an explorer who was searching for the Northwest Passage.

15. Immigrants to Dutch colonies in the New World

Immigrants to Dutch colonies in the New World were relied on by the colony's development.

37. To restrain the growing absolute power of European monarchs was the promulgation (endorsement) of what legal instrument to protect rights of citizens?

Magna CArta was used to protect the rights of citizens. It said that there would be a ground of barons who would look at petitions of problems against the king. It also said that now free man would be imprisoned until proven guilty.

5. Crops that Indian cultures planted together to form the basis for an agricultural revolution were:

Maize, beans, squash, and chillies formed the basis of the agricultural revolution in North America.

One constraint faced by all European nations in America was:

One constraint faced by all European nations in America was the large and powerful presence of Native Americans.

How did the first people come to the Americas?

Over thirty thousand years ago Paleo-Indians, migrants from Asia, crossed the Beringia Land Bridge.

2. Who promulgated a decree that gave Spain a monopoly on new lands discovered in the New World?

Pope Alexander VI promulgated a decree that gave Spain a monopoly on new lands discovered in the New World.

17. Samuel de Champlain was an effective colonizer who:

Samuel de Champlain was an effective colonizer who established a string of settlements in what would be called New France. He founded Quebec in 1608 and formed an alliance with with the Huron Indians.

32. How did Santa Fe differ from other Spanish settlements?

Santa Fe differed from other Spanish settlements because success depended on being able to trade with a range of nomads.

25. According to most scholars, about how many people lived north of Mexico in 1492?

Scholars estimate that the population north of Mexico in 1492 ranged from 3 million to 10 million.

18. Describe the various technologies that made Atlantic voyages less risky?

Some inventions that made Atlantic voyages less risky were the magnetic compass, which the Chinese invented, and the astrolabe allowed explorers to determine the positions of heavenly bodies and determine their latitude.

6. What were the key characteristics of the mound builder societies?

Some of the key characteristics of the mound builder societies are that they are trading and ceremonial centers with huge economic and social outreach.

34. Why did some political figures in Europe embraced Protestantism?

Some of the ruling class, particularly Henry VIII, found it attractive when he wanted to resist the authority of the pope and expand English national power.

7. Why did Spain try to invade England in 1588?

Spain tried to invade England in 1588 because they vied for control of the Americas and for domination of the transatlantic trade.

19. Spanish conquistador Don Juan de Onate

Spanish conquistador Don Juan de Onate led a large expedition to the Rio Grande region of New Mexico.

12. What group of southwestern Indians built residential villages along high cliffs?

THe Anasazi built their civilization on cliffs when the climate changed in the eighth century triggering flash floods.

13. After arriving in the Valley of Mexico after 1200, which Indian group established a tributary empire?

The Aztecs established a tributary empire.

31. How did the Dutch try to attract settlers to the New Netherland colony?

The Dutch tried to attract settlers to the New Netherland colony by offering a haven for groups experiencing persecution in Europe.

16. What European fashion trend was the root cause of conflict between European colonies and their native allies over the beaver fur trade?

The European fashion trend that was the root cause of conflict between European colonies and their native allies over the beaver fur trade was the broad-brimmed beaver felt hat.

27. Why did Europeans suffered less from fatal diseases than Native peoples?

The European people suffered less from fatal diseases than the Native peoples because they had developed and acquired immunity to the diseases because they had been exposed to them before.

35. Ironically the French colony of Louisiana was unable to attract colonists from where?

The French colony of Louisiana was unable to attract colonists from France.

25. How did the French initially forge alliances with the Huron Indians in the Northeast?

The French initially forged alliances with the Huron Indians in the Northeast by intermarrying with them.

23. How did the Indians in the Southeast respond to their declining numbers due to disease? by

The Indians in the Southeast responded to their declining numbers due to disease by forming alliances or confederacies among themselves.

27. What effect did the proliferation of bison herds during the climatic changes of the "Little Ice Age" between 1300 and 1800 have on the Plains Indians of North America?

The effects of the bison herd during the climate changes of the "Little Ice Age" on the Plains Indians of North America was that some groups such as the Caddoan-speaking Wichitas, Pawnees, and Arikaras abandoned their agricultural villages and turned to hunting.

3. Recent genetic evidence suggests that there were how many groups of migrations from Asia to the western continents?

The genetic evidence shows that there were three different migration groups from Asia. The Paleo-Indians (thirty thousand years ago), then the Na-Dene (about sixteen thousand years ago), and the Eskimo-Aleut (about 6 thousand years ago).

11. Describe the key characteristics of the Dutch settlements in the New World.

The key characteristics of the Dutch settlements in the New World were building Fort Orange on the Hudson river and when Peter Stuyvestant and the Dutch burghers merged their power to bring order and prosperity.

29. One disorienting effect of the ruinous European diseases introduced into the Western Hemisphere was the loss of what for the Native Americans?

The loss of their elders and storytellers preserved the legends, lore, and religion of the different groups. This caused disorientation and confusion among the people left.

11. One feature of Indian culture was the emphasis on tracing family connections and power through:

The mother's line.

22. The need to protect Spanish ships from interference from other Europeans powers in Florida led to the founding of this city

The need to protect Spanish ships from interference from other European powers in Florida led to the founding of St. Augustine.

9. Describe the social an living conditions of the Native Americans of the woodlands east of the Mississippi River.

The people who lived in the woodlands east of the Mississippi people lived in relatively small villages with populations of three thousand or more. These people relied heavily on hunting, gathering, and agriculture. Many of these towns were made up of longhouses. Then they lived as nomadic hunters and gatherers, with the men being the hunters and the woman being in charge of plants and gathering. Later when they started to rely more on agriculture the women started to occupy the high social and economic status. Families were traced back on the mother's side, and then men would move in with the woman's family. It was the women who determined rights to cultivated and control the harvest.

24. What was the political situation amongst the Native Peoples, by the time Europeans had begun serious exploration and settlement of the Northeast?

The political situation amongst the Native Peoples, by the time Europeans had begun serious exploration and settlement of the Northeast was that the economic and cultural changes among Woodland Indians had produced two opposing tribal alliances.

10. One possible reason for the cooling period known as the Little Ice Age may have been due to:

The population declines that were happening in Europe due to medieval plagues, lead to forestation therefore decreasing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

21. Which religious order led Church efforts to convert Indians in New Mexico?

The religious order that led Church efforts to convert Indians in New Mexico was a highly ascetic and disciplined order called the Franciscans.

18. What were the results for French expansion in North America, of expeditions by Louis Joliet, Jacques Marquette, and Robert Cavelier, Sieur de la Salle?

The results for French expansion in North America was the founding of Louisiana.

26. The Iroquois began a series of long term wars against the Hurons, Delaware, and other tribes over the sources of what ?

These series of long term wars were over the sources of fur.

26. Describe the key of the Columbian Exchange.

They key of the Columbian Exchange integration of the new items exchanged into new societies and land.

4. Some 7,000 years ago, Native American environmental engineering produced the nourishing staple crop called

They produced maize. It came from a wild strain of grass and with the help of human intervention it ended up becoming an abundant and nourishing crop.

24. What was The Indians cultural understanding of what land was?

They thought that the land was alive, it's own being. It's compared to a mother, someone who feeds, clothes and house people as long as she gets the respect that she deserves. It was not something that they owned, therefore something that they could not trade.

31. How did Europeans generally obtain slaves from Africa?

They would send groups armed with firearms, to engage in large scale raids of African villages. They captured millions of Africans and brought them back to Europe to be sold to Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, and other European traders to supply labor for the new world.

9. Which layer of the Spanish bureaucracy directed colonial policy?

Two agencies in Spain, the House of Trade and the Council of the Indies, set Spanish colonial policy.

3. When Cortés was endeavoring to conquer the Aztec Empire, he received great assistance from:

When Cortes was endeavoring to conquer the Aztec Empire, he received great assistance from the Indians. Dona Marina, an Indian women, served as his translator.

12. When Spanish conquistadors contacted new Indian groups they were supposed to notify them of Spanish authority through a:

When Spanish conquistadors contacted new Indian groups they were supposed to notify them of Spanish authority through a requerimiento.

8. What was an important political development in Europe during the 15th-16th centuries that facilitated exploration throughout the world?

When the Vikings way of life was disrupted they joined with their neighbors. This allowed France to become a unified kingdom under Louis XI and then Tudors taking control of England five years later. These factors along with the unification of Spain and Portugal individually facilitated exploration throughout the world.

20. The first Europeans engaging in regular contact with Native Americans were

curious. They approached them under ideas that they already had in mind, so these people were very different from what they considered themselves to be.

36. Elizabeth I's position on religion can be best described as:

flexible as long as Protestant dissenters didn't endanger her political authority.

17. The Spanish and English were willing to take more risks in exploration because

they were relatively late when it came to exploration, so they didn't have the luxury of taking it slow if they wanted to get ahead. They borrowed different technologies and inventions from different people that allowed them to gain more knowledge about exploration.

15. One important catalyst for expanding sub-Saharan trade was the

use of iron deposits to make tools, weapons, and vessels. Large neighborhoods were created where large deposits of iron became trading and political hubs eventually becoming the beginnings of kingdoms and empires. A new element was added when Islamic expansion brought new materials for trade.

21. Native Americans readily accepted Europeans into trading networks because

with increasing warfare in between different tribes these newcomers brought with them different tools and weapons that could be used in battle. They Europeans also brought new things that the Native Americans had never seen before, things like copper pots, jewelry, woolen blankets, and hundreds of other goods.

14. Who were the Dutch patroons?

Dutch patroons were tenants of the estate owners who would enjoy near-fuedal powers over their tenants.

4. England's colonization of Ireland

England's colonization of Ireland provided a model for colonization of North America.

10. Corruption remained rampant in the Spanish colonial system because

Corruption remained rampant int he Spanish colonial system because of the shortage of labor.

19. Why were Ferdinand and Isabella were willing to fund the voyage of Christopher Columbus?

Ferdinand and Isabella were willing to fund Columbus' journey because they were eager to enter the business of overseas trading, which was dominated by the Arabs in the east and the Portuguese in the south and west.

20. Indians who allied themselves with the Spanish against the Aztecs

Indians who allied themselves with the Spanish against the Aztecs were forced to pay tribute to the Spanish.

32. How did the increased population in Europe that resulted from the introduction of new crops ultimately affect North America?

It brought more migration to the new world and with it war to the new world.

22. American Indians probably adapted more easily to the encounter with Europeans than vice versa because

It may have been easier for Native Americans to accept the existence of the Europeans because to them the world was alive and controlled by a spiritual force that they couldn't always see or understand. When it came to trading, the gifts that the first Europeans gave to the natives resemble items that Indians used to establish friendly and spiritual connections with people. This led the Native Americans to accept the Europeans as simply another group in the world.

30. What group first turned the African slave trade into a thriving enterprise?

It was the Mualims that turned the African slave trade into a thriving enterprise.

33. What events or processes lead to the origins of the European theology of Reformation?

It was the expansion of the population of Europe, and the new numbers of people going to the Americas that the rulers had to control. Because of these new numbers, things naturally changed in society, so it was these changes that led to the breakdown of the patterns of authority especially when it came to religion.

14. What idea was central to the sub-Saharan African social structure?

It was the idea that groups that were geographically and linguistically related, were deceased from a common fictive ancestor. The fictive ancestor was a mythical figure that was thought to be the founder of a certain social group, from whom all members of the group were biologically related.

16. The sub-Saharan Africans traded with Portugal because

John I created a school of navigation encouraging exploration, therefore creating many relations with different African states willing to trade.

23. How did Native Americans react when Europeans offered spiritually significant objects in exchange for land? It what way was this a cultural misunderstanding?

The Native Americans thought that the land was its own being and that one couldn't "own" it. The land was simply something that allowed them to live. They didn't understand the idea of trading something that wasn't theirs to begin with, so when the trading of land was introduced by the Europeans, the Natives thought they were making an effort to join the existing relationship, rather than transferring land.

33. Which Native tribe did The French in Louisiana depend on in alliance? Why?

The Native tribe that the French in Louisiana depended on in alliance with were the Choctaws. They depended on them because they had no agricultural establishment.

29. In what way did the Pueblo Revolt in New Mexico transform the lives of Plains Indians?

The Pueblo Revolt in New Mexico transformed the lives of Plains Indians by the rebels released thousands of Spanish horses.

5. What activity in New Spain enabled Spain to become the richest nation in Europe and probably the world?

The activity in New Spain that enabled Spain to become the richest nation in Europe was the 7 million pounds of silver extracted from the Spanish-controlled areas.

28. What commodities did the buffalo provide to the plains Indians?

The commodities the buffalo provided to the plains of Indians was the source of food and the new populations to the area.

34. Describe the cultural diversity that made up the French colony of Louisiana? What was it that bound these different groups together?

The cultural diversity that made up the French colony of Louisiana was dependant on food production from others and had a good trading system. These different groups were bound together by food production.

6. The destruction and failure of the Spanish Armada against England in 1588:

The destruction and failure of the Spanish Armada against England in 1588 ended Spain's official monopoly over the New World colonization.

30.How did the economic practices change in the years after the Pueblo Revolt in New Mexico?

The economic practices changed in the years after the Pueblo Revolt in New Mexico by the basic underpinnings of the traditional ruling order never emerged. The church, which was channeling money to missions, and the Spanish government, which allocated both military and civic support funds, were only major employers in the region. Those who were not in the church's or the state's employ had to scramble for a living.

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