Unit 19 blood

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antigen B; anti-A antibodies

An individual with type B blood has ______ on the plasma membranes of the red blood cells and __________ in the plasma.


Antibodies react with foreign proteins to cause ___________, or the clumping of the cells.

4 minutes

Carol is a healthy 20-year-old female with no history of bleeding disorders. Which coagulation time is most likely hers?

AB+ (A person with AB+ blood has A, B, and Rh antigens on the surface of their erythrocytes and no anti-A, anti-B, or anti-Rh antibodies.)

Determine the blood group of a patient who has erythrocytes like the one shown in the figure.

B (The blood of this patient agglutinates when tested with anti-B antibody, so the B antigen is present. There is no reaction with the anti-A antibody.)

Determine the blood type of this patient based on the blood- typing test results in the figure.

Positive feedback

Does hemostasis involve a positive feedback mechanism or a negative feedback mechanism?

The presence or absence of visible granules in the cytoplasm

How does a granulocyte differ from an agranulocyte?


Identify the formed element labeled "a"


Identify the formed element labeled "c"


Identify the formed element labeled "e"


In this activity the formed elements will be separated using what type of lab instrument?

To prevent blood from clotting in the tube

In this activity you will be using a heparinized capillary tube. What is the function of heparin?

Eosinophils outnumbered lymphocytes.

Of the descriptions given, which is consistent with an abnormal blood smear?


Patient JT's blood-typing chart showed agglutination only to the anti-B serum. What is the patient's blood type?


Patient MK's blood-typing chart showed agglutination with the Anti-A, Anti-B and Anti-Rh sera. What is the patient's blood type?

platelet plug formation

Platelets mediate the process of __________, which is the second event of hemostasis.


Proteins located on the plasma membrane of red blood cells are called ________________.


The hematocrit, or packed cell volume, is the percentage of ___________ in a volume of a blood sample.

Anti-A, Anti-B

What antibodies are present in the plasma of a patient with O+ blood?

Anti-B antibodies

What antibody does a person with type A blood produce?

B antigen and +Rh antigen

What antigen is present on the surface of B+ erythrocyte?


What blood type can donate blood to anyone?


What blood type can receive blood from anyone?

Release chemicals that stimulate clotting

What do platelets do to aid coagulation?

They are all causes of polycythemia.

What do the following statements have in common: dehydration, hypoxia, bleeding, and increased erythrocyte production?

They are all causes of anemia.

What do the following statements have in common: overhydration, vitamin B12 deficiency, bleeding, and decreased erythrocyte production?


What does a megakaryocyte eventually become?

Antibodies attach to the blood protein and cause clumping of the blood.

What happens when antibodies encounter a foreign blood protein?

Percentage of erythrocytes in a blood sample

What is a hematocrit?

When blood clots

What is coagulation?

It is the process of blood clotting to reestablish a closed vascular system.

What is hemostasis?

Determine the percentage of each leukocyte in a sample of blood

What is the purpose of a differential white blood cell count?


What might a low hematocrit value indicate?


What protein is responsible for tagging foreign particles, pathogens, or blood for destruction?

A antigens only

What protein marker is found on the red blood cells of a person with type A blood?


What term describes the various protein markers located in the plasma membrane of a red blood cell?


What tool is used to separate the cells when performing a hematocrit?

Hormones, gases, electrolytes, and nutrients

Which are found in plasma?

B) It is a positive feedback mechanism.

Which best describes coagulation? A)It is controlled by erythrocytes. B)It is a positive feedback mechanism. C)It is controlled by monocytes. D)It is a negative feedback mechanism.

Type O

Which blood type is known as the universal donor?

Type AB

Which blood type is known as the universal recipient?


Which formed element contains hemoglobin?


Which formed element functions in blood clotting?


Which leukocyte becomes a macrophage when it moves into connective tissue?


Which leukocyte becomes a mast cell when it moves into connective tissue?


Which leukocyte increases in number during parasitic infections?


Which leukocyte is a granulocyte?


Which leukocyte is an agranulocyte?


Which leukocyte is not shown in one of the three micrographs?


Which leukocyte is the second-to-least common?


Which leukocyte is the second-to-most common?

D) Basophil

Which leukocyte type migrates from the blood into the tissues and becomes a mast cell? A)Monocyte B)Lymphocyte C)Eosinophil D)Basophil E)Neutrophil

C) All formed elements are produced in red bone marrow.

Which of the following statements concerning blood is true? A) White blood cells outnumber red blood cells. B) Red blood cells function in immunity. C) All formed elements are produced in red bone marrow. D) Lymphocytes are the most numerous type of white blood cell. E) Platelets transport oxygen.

E) all of the above

Which of the following substances is found in plasma? A) insulin B) oxygen C) glucose D) sodium ions E) all of the above

B) platelet

Which of the following types of formed elements is produced when a megakaryocyte fragments? A) erythrocyte B) platelet C) neutrophil D) basophil E) all of the above

C) Red bone marrow produces erythrocytes, leukocytes, and thrombocytes.

Which statement about blood is true? A)Leukocytes are the most common cell in blood. B)The neutrophil is the rarest type of white blood cell. C)Red bone marrow produces erythrocytes, leukocytes, and thrombocytes. D)Oxygen is transported by the leukocyte.

Patient has a systemic bacterial infection.

Which statement is the best reason for an elevated white blood cell count?

Neutrophils, basophils, and eosinophils

Which three leukocytes are classified as granulocytes?

Presence or absence of granules in the cytoplasm

Which trait distinguishes a granulocyte from an agranulocyte?

B and F

Which two formed elements are both agranulocytes?

Monocytes and lymphocytes

Which two leukocyte types are classified as agranulocytes?


Which would be a normal hematocrit value for a healthy adult female?


Which would be a normal hematocrit value for a healthy adult male?

Heparin prevents the cells from coagulating.

Why is heparin used in a capillary tube when performing a hematocrit?

No (The recipient has no antibodies in his or her plasma and the donor has no antigens, so there can be no agglutination or transfusion reaction.)

Will this blood transfusion result in a transfusion reaction?


You are about to examine a blood smear from a patient who is suspected of being infected by a parasitic worm. What white blood cells would be present in elevated numbers due to such an infection?


You are examining a human blood smear under the microscope and note a cell with a large, un-lobed nucleus that takes up almost the entire cell volume and violet granules in the cytoplasm. Identify the cell.


You are examining a human blood smear under the microscope and note a large cell with a bilobed nucleus and orange-red granules in the cytoplasm. Identify the cell.


what is 1


what is 1


what is 1


what is 2


what is 2


what is 2


what is 3


what is 3


what is 3


what is 4

Plasma (55%)

what is 4

Buffy Coat (1%)

what is 5


what is 5


what is 6


what is 6


what is 7

erythrocytes (hematocrit, 44%)

what is 7


what is A


what is B


what is C

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