Unit 3: Sensory and Perceptual Experience When the pupils are constricted, the image falling on each retina is ___________ and there is a greater ____________.

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_________________ constancy refers to the fact that the perceived color of an object is not solely a function of the wavelengths reflected by it.


_______________________ react to MPTP in much the same way that humans do.

Nonhuman primates

_____ are a type of involuntary fixational eye movements.


In the PNS but not the CNS, axons are myelinated by:

Schwann cells.

Whereas about half of those who lose a limb experience phantom limb sensations, _____ of those born without a limb experience such sensations.

a sizeable minority

Change blindness occurs:

because people have no memory for parts of a visual image that are not the focus of their attention.

Binocular disparity tends to be greater for _________ objects.


The _________________ is the fact that even when you are focusing so intently on one conversation that you are totally unaware of the content of other conversations going on around you, the mention of your name in one of the other conversations will immediately gain access to your consciousness.

cocktail party phenomenon

Photopic vision is:


On-center and off-center cells respond BEST to:


All meningiomas are:


Inflammation resulting from an infection of the brain is called:


A simple partial seizure is a type of:

focal seizure.

One major difference between SI and SII is that:

input to SI is largely contralateral.

Tardive dyskinesia is caused by:

long-term use of certain antipsychotic medications.

The genetic accident that causes Down syndrome occurs in the:

mother during ovulation.

The dendrites of olfactory receptor cells are located in the:

nasal passages.

Which structures are thought to contain chemotopic maps?

olfactory bulbs

The cochlea is a long, coiled tube containing the auditory receptor organ, which runs almost to its tip. This auditory receptor organ is called the:

organ of Corti.

The ________________ cortex receives most of its input from the thalamic relay nuclei of a given sensory system.

primary sensory

Persons with a visual agnosia:

see objects but can't identify them.

A difficulty in attending visually to more than one object at a time is called visual:


The primary tastes are assumed to be sweet, sour, bitter, salty, and:


According to one theory, the dorsal stream is involved in the perception of __________________ and the ventral stream is involved in the perception of ___________________.

where objects are; what objects are

About ___ percent of the axons of retinal ganglion cells become part of the retina-geniculate-striate pathways.


Shamar suffered a spinal injury that left him unable to walk. He learns of an innovative therapy in which he would be suspended over a moving treadmill while he gradually develops the ability to make walking motions. Whereas 50 percent of those with Shamar's type of injury ultimately become independent walkers when treated with conventional physiotherapy, _____ percent of those treated with the innovative therapy do so.


_________________ is a deficiency in the ability to see movements progress in a normal, smooth fashion.


_____ and _____ cells play a role in lateral communication within the human retina.

Amacrine; horizontal

__________________ was shown to reduce both the loss of hippocampal neurons and deficits in Morris water maze performance caused by experimental cerebral ischemia.

An apoptosis inhibitor protein

_________________ cortex is a cortical area that receives input from more than one sensory system.


________________ neurons that respond to both visual and somatosensory stimulation are found in the ________________ parietal cortex.

Bimodal; posterior

_______________ refers to the ability of certain patients to respond to visual stimuli in their scotomas even though they have no conscious awareness of the stimuli.


________________ occurs because, contrary to our impression, when we view a scene, we have absolutely no memory for parts of the scene that are not the focus of our attention.

Change blindness

________________ bypass damage to the auditory hair cells by converting sounds picked up by a microphone on the patient's ear to electrical signals, which are then conducted directly to the cochlea.

Cochlear implants

_______________ is a treatment for patients who have lost function in one of their arms following stroke.

Constraint-induced therapy

________________ are cutaneous receptors that are sensitive to temperature change and pain.

Free nerve endings

Rhodopsin is a(n) ____________________ that responds to light rather than to neurotransmitter molecules.

G-protein-coupled receptor

The largest and deepest cutaneous receptors are the:

Pacinian corpuscles.

________________ processing refers to the simultaneous analysis of a signal in different ways by the multiple parallel pathways of a neural network.


Degeneration of the substantia nigra is often associated with:

Parkinson's disease.

The MPTP model is an animal model of

Parkinson's disease.

Tremor that is most pronounced during inactivity is a symptom of:

Parkinson's disease.

______________ vision predominates in good lighting and provides high-acuity colored perceptions of the world. In contrast, the more sensitive ______________ vision predominates in low lighting.

Photopic; scotopic

__________________ is a visual agnosia for faces.


An interior designer explains that turquoise is an underappreciated color because it is calming during the day but brightens a dim room in the evening. The _____ effect helps explain this perception.


The ______ effect can be observed during the transition from photopic to scotopic vision.


Which phrase BEST describes the current status of neurotransplantation as a treatment for Parkinson's disease?

There is some suggestion that neurotransplantation might be effective, but its effectiveness is largely unproven and needs additional study.

Neuropathic pain is believed to be caused by:

abnormal activity in the CNS.

The process of adjusting the configuration of the lenses to bring images into focus on the retina is called:


A 3-per-second spike-and-wave discharge is a sign of:

an absence seizure.

The inability to smell is called _________________; the inability to taste is called _______________.

anosmia; ageusia

In comparison to simple cortical cells, complex cortical cells:

are more numerous.

Many persons with scotomas:

are not consciously aware of their deficits.

The neuroplastic changes underlying kindling:

are relatively permanent.

Most input to areas of _________________ cortex comes via areas of _________________ cortex.

association; secondary sensory

The inability to recognize objects by touch is called:


Humans lacking visual input to the cortex develop more _____________ cortex.

auditory and somatosensory

Multiple sclerosis is often considered to be a(n) ____________ disorder.


In the one large-scale study of the effectiveness of neurotransplantation in the treatment of Parkinson's disease, the initial results were encouraging; however, after about a year, some of the patients:

began to display uncontrollable writhing and chewing movements.

Somatosensory signals are conducted to areas of association cortex in ________________ cortex.

both prefrontal and posterior parietal

The major advantage of the retinex theory over the classic component and opponent process theories of color vision is that the retinex theory:

can explain color constancy.

The systematic topographic layout of the olfactory bulb has been called a(n) ________________ map.


Convergence is greatest when inspecting things that are:


The finding that physicians and neuroscientists tend to display more improvement after brain injury has been attributed to their:

cognitive reserve.

When an axon degenerates, axon branches grow out from adjacent healthy axons and synapse at the sites vacated by the degenerating axon: This is called:

collateral sprouting.

According to the ____________ theory, there are three different kinds of color receptors, each with a different spectral sensitivity.


In situations where the level of illumination is high and sensitivity is not important, the visual system responds by:

constricting the pupils of the eyes.

The perception of edges ultimately boils down to the perception of:


Ava was in a car accident and banged the front of her head on the dashboard. An MRI revealed a ___________ to her occipital lobes.

contrecoup injury

The transduction of light by rods reflects a(n) _____ in the release of the neurotransmitter _____.

decrease; glutamate

The area of the body that is innervated by the left and right dorsal roots of a given segment of the spinal cord is called a:


The kindling phenomenon is comparable to the ________________ that can follow a head injury.


Emma heard a noise behind her and turned to see a cat playing with some string. This is an example of ________________ attention.


Although the _________ constitutes only a small part of the retina, a relatively large proportion of the primary visual cortex is dedicated to the analysis of its output.


A neuropsychologist describes an older woman who exhibits Charles Bonnet syndrome. The woman MOST likely developed the syndrome as a result of:


Valentina has been diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor. Her doctor notes that it is the most common type of brain tumor and that it is growing quite quickly. Valentina has MOST likely been diagnosed with a(n):


Strokes may be caused when there is bleeding in the brain or when blood flow in the brain is blocked. This statement refers to cerebral _____ and cerebral _____, respectively.

hemorrhage; ischemia

Huntington's disease is passed from generation to generation by a single mutated dominant gene, called:


Which choice BEST reflects a paradox of pain?

lack of a clear cortical representation of pain

Visual signals from the left nasal hemiretina are projected directly to the:

lateral geniculate nuclei.

The mechanism of contrast enhancement is:

lateral inhibition.

Ciliary muscles adjust the:

lens shape.

As compared to anosmia, ageusia is _____ common.


A mixture of pure tones with frequencies of 200, 300, and 400 Hz would be perceived as having the same pitch as a pure tone of 100 Hz. This important aspect of pitch perception is called the:

missing fundamental.

Unlike simple cortical cells, which are all _______________, many complex cortical cells are _____________.

monocular; binocular

As compared to their visual counterparts, the subcortical pathways in the auditory system seem:

more complex.

The middle temporal (MT) area of human cortex appears to play an important role in the perception of:


When we direct our gaze at something ___________, the lens tends to assume its natural _____________ shape.

near; cylindrical

Cochlear implants are effective in the treatment of:

nerve deafness.

A reduced ability to ________________ is a deficit that one would expect to see after damage to the primary somatosensory cortex.

not only detect light touch but also identify objects by touch

According to the ____________ theory, if an increase in the response of a particular visual neuron signals green, a decrease signals red.


In monkeys whose contralateral arm sensory neurons had been cut 10 years earlier, researchers found that the cortical face representation had systematically expanded into the:

original arm area of the primary somatosensory cortex.

With respect to the somatosensory pathways, the spinothalamic, spinoreticular, and spinotectal tracts carry information regarding:

pain and temperature.

Recent evidence suggests that sensory systems are processed as ________________ systems.


Asomatognosia is the inability to recognize:

parts of one's own body.

At least two parallel channels of communication flow through each lateral geniculate nucleus. One runs through the ______________ layers and a second runs through the _____________ layers.

parvocellular; magnocellular

_______________ neurons are particularly responsive to color, fine pattern details, and stationary or slowly moving objects; in contrast, ________________ neurons are particularly responsive to movement.

parvocellular; magnocellular

Phantom percepts and Charles Bonnet syndrome BEST illustrate:

perception in the absence of sensation.

There is a general consensus that the ________________ play(s) a major role in directing top-down attention.

prefrontal and posterior parietal cortices both

The ________________ and parietal cortices are implicated in perceptual decision making; these areas are ________________ involved in decision making for action.

prefrontal; also

Most areas of secondary visual cortex are located in two general regions: the _______________ cortex and the __________________ cortex.

prestriate; inferotemporal

Apoptosis is:

programmed cell death.

Damage to the fusiform face area is often associated with:


The ___________________ of a visual neuron is the area of the visual field within which it is possible for a visual stimulus to influence the firing of that neuron.

receptive field

According to the ___________ theory of color vision, the color of an object is determined by its reflectance.


The retina-geniculate-striate system is _____________. This means two stimuli presented to adjacent areas of the retina will excite adjacent neurons at all levels of the system.


Because of the way that it is organized, the visual system is referred to as:


After axotomy, the degeneration of the proximal segment is referred to as "______________ degeneration."


Following axotomy, two kinds of neural degeneration ensue:

retrograde degeneration and anterograde degeneration.

When the pupils are constricted, the image falling on each retina is ___________ and there is a greater ____________.

sharper; depth of focus

Mark suffers from Parkinson's disease. His doctor notes that he displays bradykinesia and seborrhea and tells Mark that these are medical terms for ______ and _____.

slowness of movement; oily skin

Terrell was in an automobile accident and suffered damage to his primary somatosensory cortex. Since the accident, he has been unable to identify items by touch when they are placed in his hand. Terrell appears to have a deficit in:


The main difference between simple cortical cells and lower layer IV neurons is that the borders between the "on" and "off" regions of the receptive fields of simple cortical cells are ____________ rather than ______________.

straight; circular

A cerebral hemorrhage is a type of:


Parkinson's disease is associated with widespread degeneration but it is particularly severe in the:

substantia nigra.

Kiran is listening to music. The sounds processed by her right and left ears are combined in her brain's:

superior olives.

With respect to the major types of brain infection:

syphilis is a bacterial infection, whereas rabies is a viral infection.

All signals from the right visual field reach the left primary visual cortex, either ipsilaterally from the _______________ of the left eye or contralaterally from the ____________ of the right eye.

temporal hemiretina; nasal hemiretina

Dr. Ambrose is interested in how people combine elements of their visual perception instead of keeping the elements separate. She is MOST likely researching:

the binding problem.

Recent research indicates that a brain structure called the claustrum may be important in:

the binding problem.

The hierarchical organization of sensory systems is apparent from a comparison of the effects of damage to various levels. In general:

the higher the level of damage, the more specific and complex the deficit.

The progressive development and intensification of convulsions elicited by a series of periodic brain stimulations called:

the kindling phenomenon.

One of the defining characteristics of Alzheimer's disease is:

the presence of neurofibrillary tangles.

In perceiving sound, the complexity of the molecular vibrations is MOST closely linked to perceptions of:


Hypoxia is one of the dangerous effects of:

tonic-clonic convulsions.

Primate auditory cortex is organized:


Most primates are ______________, whereas most other mammals are _______________.

trichromats; dichromats

In adult laboratory animals, brain damage has been shown to:

trigger the migration of stem cells but only into nearby damaged areas.

Tardive dyskinesia is often caused by chronic:

use of antipsychotic drugs.

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