unit 4 exam psyc

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a drop in testosterone level

Twenty-five-year-old Raina is happily married. However, she has been feeling much less interested in sexual activities since having her ovaries removed. What might be causing this?

biologically based brain differences

Twenty-five-year-old Raina is happily married. However, she has been feeling much less interested in sexual activities since having her ovaries removed. What might be causing this?

high intelligence

Unlike many of his friends, 17-year-old Vance has not had sexual intercourse. Which factor might correlate with his lack of sexual activity?


When comparing individuals who are all of similar high intelligence, one can attribute the success of superachievers to their:

the anterior cingulate cortex

Which part of the brain has been found to show increased activity in response to a sense of being ostracized(being excluded)?

the anterior cingulate cortex

Which part of the brain has been found to show increased activity in response to a sense of being ostracized?

cognitive dissonance was first investigated by



an inference about the cause of a person's behavior the answers we generate when we ask ourselves why a person acts a way

we are more likely to make fundamental attribution error if we _____ the person we are observing

are not familiar with

A student's statement that his professor gave him a bad grade because she does not like him is a(n):


About twice as many men are gay as women are lesbian.

How does the prevalence of a gay identity compare to that of a lesbian identity?

4 times in five

Kipling Williams asked people what event made them feel especially bad about themselves. People responded _____ that it was difficulty with a relationship.

social thinking is to social influence as ___ is to ____

attribution; conformity

Why are we so obedient?

authority figure has a high status subordinates believe that authority figure are responsible for the actions ex) work crimes "i was just doing what they told me to do gradual escalation: first set of orders have only mild consequences, but later set have more harmful effects


Some researchers believe that homosexuality is adaptive because gay men and lesbians support reproduction in the family by helping relatives care for their children. This argument reflects the _____ perspective in psychology.


Susan's determination to finish college is evident in the hours she spends studying every night after working long hours at a full-time job. Susan's passionate dedication is known as: -passion and perseverance in the pursuit of long-term goals


The African Zulu saying that "a person is a person through other persons" describes how belonging shapes:

Diffusion of responsibility/bystander effect

The larger the number of people who witness an emergency situation, the less likely anyone will be to intervene/ feeling less responsibility /// an idea other people will take care of it


The tendency to wear heavier clothes when it is cold and lighter clothes when it is warm is an example of humans trying to maintain:

situational attribution

cause of behavior attributed to external factors, such as delays, the action of others, or some other aspect of the situation

group polarization

idea that whenever you're in a group of people, and this group is discussing an issue, that the individual opinion will get more extreme once the discussion has ended ex) child beauty pageants

martina knows little about politics and isnt especially interested in the outcome of political races. martina would MOST likely be persuaded by a campaign message relying on the ____ route to persuasion



positive or negative evaluations of people and objects ex) not like ariana's music bc you dont like pop music in the first place

This is the mode of thinking that occurs when the desire for harmony in a decision-making group overrides a realistic appraisal of alternatives.


arousal theory

-right levels of stimulation -human motivation also seeks out optimal levels of arousal (not too much or too little)-ex)curiosity: you may be bored in a room alone so you want to do something... but not too much so you're not overly stressed

achievement motivation

a desire for significant accomplishment: for mastery of things, people, or ideas; for attaining a high standard


a method of changing aa person's cognitions, feelings, behaviors, or general evaluations towards some object, issue, or person ex) tanning beds

according to___ theory, people explain behavior by crediting either the situation or the disposition


Cognitive dissonance theory emphasizes that we seek to reduce the discomfort we feel when we become aware that:

our attitudes and actions conflict

fundamental attribution error

overestimates internal factors and underestimates external factors as influences on someone's behavior

While on a date with his girlfriend, Juan discovered that she was depressed about a low exam grade. He found that he began to feel dejected and they both talked very little and ended the date early. Juan's change in mood BEST illustrates

the chameleon effect

dispositional attribution

the reason for the behavior is related to something about the person themselves//internal factors. Like a character trait/ personality

foot-in-the-door phenomenon

the tendency for people who have first agreed to a small request to comply later with a larger request

What might account for why, in college residence halls, students' attitudes become more similar to those living near them?

they may feel as though others in the residence halls are observing their behaviors

We are more likely to conform to group pressure when:

we admire the group's status and attractiveness

In which situation is one MOST likely to conform?

when others in the group are observing one's behavior

drive reduction theory of motivation

whenever physiological needs increases, such as when one gets thirsty/hungry, the psychological need to reduce it also goes up, this is : -ex) going for a run and being thirsty, being in a rush to go to school, you will stop and drink water at a waterfountain bc you cant go along on w/ your day without it


A person's enduring sexual attraction toward members of their own sex, the other sex, or both sexes is called their sexual:

still experience sexual desires because his mind influences sexual arousal and desire.

Bob suffered a serious spinal cord injury in a car accident that left him with no sensation below the neck. He will:


During the _____ phase of the sexual response, males are unable to immediately have another orgasm.


During the _____ phase, the genital areas become engorged with blood, a woman's vagina expands and secretes lubricant, and her breast and nipples may enlarge.

Biological factors

Most gay men report that they knew they were gay when they were quite young, often 4 or 5 years of age. Which potential origin for sexual orientation BEST accounts for this finding?

Solomon Asch Study

Participants were given an example line and 3 different sized lines and were asked to choose the one of the 3 other lines that was closest to the sample. When cohorts of Asch's gave obviously wrong answers more than 1/3 of the subjects conformed and agreed with the incorrect choice

the need to belong

Which part of the brain has been found to show increased activity in response to a sense of being ostracized?

Frieda is typically very shy. However, while watching a rock concert with a huge crowd, she lost her inhibitions. Frieda's unusual behavior is BEST understood in terms of: -a loss of self-awareness and self-restraint that occurs in group situations that foster arousal and anonymity ex) Penn State Uni


John is not a great golfer; he has only been playing golf for two years. One day, John was playing alone and a foursome in front of him told him he could play through. All four of the others watched him tee off. According to social facilitation research, what type of performance would you expect from John?

he will not perform well due to increased arousal

According to social psychologist Irving Janis, the problems associated with groupthink can be avoided by both businesses and government in decision making when:

leaders invite various opinion and listen to others' critiques

Yerkes-Dodson Law

more difficult tasks require lower arousal for best performance

people often conform to gain approval. this is called ____ social influence


At her health club, Bonnie pedals an exercise bike much faster when other patrons are using nearby equipment. This BEST illustrates:

social facilitation

Rhys submits a major report to his boss ahead of the deadline. His boss assumes that Rhys is conscientious, rather than that he simply had more time than usual to devote to the assignment. This example illustrates:

the fundamental attribution error

Instinct theroy of motivation

the perspective on motivation that focuses on genetically predisposed behaviors is known as -think of birds -breast crawl in babies -unlearned

research-based strategies for achieving goals

- do make that resolution - announce the goal to friends/family -develop an implementation plan -monitor and record progress -create a supportive environment -transform the hard-to-do behavior into a must-do habit -be persistent

the elaboration likelihood model

- peripheral route persuasion= when people are influenced by superficial/ incidental cues, such as a speaker's attractiveness ex) zendeya promoting makeup on magazine -central route persuasion= focused on the critical argument/message ex) presenting information about global warming/written

sense of community theory

- sarason - the perception of similarity to others -an acknowledge interdependence with others - the feeling that one is part of a larger dependable and stable structure

In Milgram's famous shock experiment

-people were asked to administer painful and dangerous shocks to another human being -how humans react, in situations where there is an obedience or sort of authority figure/power element

4 elements of sense of community

1. Membership 2. Influence- both the power that members exercise over the group and the reciprocal power that the group exerts on members 3. Integration and fulfillment of needs-shared values, exchange in resources 4. Shared emotional connection- deep bond, strengthened through important community experiences such as celebrations, shared rituals

factors that energize and direction behavior

Declan, a Ph.D. candidate, tells his department's undergraduate student organization that his dissertation research is in the area of motivation. Declan is investigating the:

calm and alert

Rob is assigned the task of coordinating a fundraiser. He does not feel particularly competent at the task. He will do best on these coordinating activities when he is:

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