unit 5 -6

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Colonialism is the political control over another country, occupying it with settlers and exploiting it economically. Additionally, some countries may choose to force its language and cultural values upon its people. In second wave colonialism, European countries believed they had to "civilize" the natives of Africa and Asia by forcing their culture and ideas onto the natives.

How did colonial subjects react to European colonization?

Different countries reacted in different ways. In some areas, people chose to allow European colonization since they believed it was hopeless and futile to try and fight against the massive European armies. Men gained employment, status and security from colonization. In many other places, European rule faced strong opposition and provoked rebellions. The Indian Rebellion was started by Indian soldiers who opposed the use of a cartridge made of cow and pig fat since cows were sacred to Hindus and pigs were unclean to Muslims. A mutiny occurred among Indian troops in Bengal and they tried to revive the Mughal Empire but ultimately failed since the rebellion was crushed and increased the racial divide as the British took direct control of India.

Lin Zexu

Lin Zexu was a government official of the Qing dynasty. He opposed the opening of China to foreigners and placed the ban on opium which led to the First Opium War of 1839.

What were the causes of the French Revolution?

One of the main causes of the French Revolution was an unequal tax structure that taxed the lowest classes the most. Also, Louis XVI's decision to tax the second estate led the nobles to call the Estates General where the third estate demanded to get more votes and less taxes. The king refused so the third estate created the National Assembly and drafted a new constitution.

What were the results of global migration?

One positive result of global migration was jobs were able to be filled by other workers. There were many negative effects of global migration. Most African and Asian workers were underpaid, overworked and faced horrible working conditions. Cities became overcrowded, unsanitary, segregated and increased the spread of disease. The influx of immigrants in European countries provoked anger from Europeans who saw Africans and Asians as inferior. Anti-immigration laws went into effect and widened the racial divide in many countries.

Queen Victoria

Queen Victoria was the queen of Great Britain from 1837-1901 and Empress of India from 1877-1901. Under her reign, Great Britain experienced its Industrial Revolution and went through great cultural expansion with advances in industry, science, communication and the building of railroads. Britain also began colonization in Africa and Asia, specifically India and South Africa.

Berlin Conference

1884-5 Conference between 14 countries- Germany, Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Denmark, Spain, United States, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden, Ottoman Empire- to divide up Africa (no Africans present); the conference did not initiate European colonization but legitimized it

After slavery was abolished in the Atlantic world, what kinds of labor emerged?

After slavery was abolished, sharecropping rose in the South (United States). In sharecropping, families rent small plots of land from a landowner in return for a portion of their crop to be given to the landowner. Payment for the land, supplies and housing were deducted from the sharecropper's portion of the harvest which left little for the sharecropper and during hard years, could bring debt onto families. Another kind of labor continued: indentured servitude. Indentured servitude continued into the early 20th century and was mostly used for Asians after colonization. In colonial Africa, natives were forced to provide labor on European railroads, buildings, mines and for agricultural products.

What did the Atlantic Revolutions have in common?

All of the Atlantic Revolutions were a reaction to oppressive and absolute monarchies. All demanded for popular sovereignty and economic autonomy inspired by the Enlightenment. In all of these revolutions, citizens were unhappy with their government and rebelled to gain personal freedom and create a government that protects the citizen's rights and property.

Labor unions

As a result of horrible working and living conditions, the working class in countries around the world created labor unions. Most unions demanded better pay, better working hours and came after the Industrial Revolution. Labor unions could consist of strikes or violence and riots. Most labor unions caused the emergence of a political party or a socialist movement except for in the United States. In Great Britain, the Labour Party advocated for reforms and Karl Marx wrote The Communist Manifesto which led to the rise of socialist, communist and Marxist ideas. In Russia, workers went on strike and formed a representative council called the soviets who created a Constitution, legalized trade unions, political parties and elected a national assembly. The main goal of labor unions was to counter the negative effects of the Industrial Revolution in different countries. Workers were underpaid and overworked (child labor), there were no sanitation or safety laws, immigrants were exploited and discriminated, overpopulation in cities spread disease and factory smoke polluted cities and harmed citizens' lungs.

Japanese imperialism

As a result of the Anglo-Japanese Treaty of 1902 and Japan's defeat of China and Russia, Japan became recognized as an equal player among the Great Powers of the world and a military competitor in East Asia. Japan gained control of Taiwan and Korea and their defeat of Russia led to the Russian Revolution and liberation of Poles, Finns and Jews from the Russian Empire. Japan's colonial policies and treatment were very similar to Europe (very harsh).

What were the results of the French Revolution?

As a result of the French Revolution, the people achieved equal taxation and a stable economy. Additionally, the French gained public education, equal opportunity in government, religious tolerance, government control of Church lands and government recognition of Church influence. Napoleon's seizure of power led to his reign as first consul and Emperor of France (dictator) in France's new consulate. During his reign, he attempted to create an empire but his loss of Saint Domingue (Hatian rev.) and defeat at the hands of the British, Portuguese and Russians ended his reign.

What were the results of the Haitian Revolution?

As a result of the Haitian Revolution, there was a major shift in the social order with former slaves at the top as equal, free, independent citizens. There was still internal conflict since freedom ended slavery but did not give rights to everyone. Haiti inspired rights in Latin America by slaves but few achieved freedom and Haiti's freedom contradicted their message of equality since other colonies increased slave labor to make up for Haiti's absence in sugar exports. Napoleon sold Louisiana after his failed reconquest of Haiti which was turned into slave states. The plantation system was destroyed by the war and land was redistributed to former slaves and free black people which became small-scale farms. Export business declined and Haiti faced independence debt.

Generally, when did women in the West (Europe + Americas) get the right to vote?

At the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century, women in Europe and Africa began to gain the right to vote.

Which countries were the first to colonize Africa?

Belgium under the leadership of King Leopold II (screw him, btw) was the first to begin the second wave of colonization by colonizing Congo in the 1880s. The British colonized South Africa during 1870 after their defeat of the Dutch during the Boer War.

Why was Britain the mother of industrialization?

Britain's agricultural innovation (crop rotation, selective breeding of animals) and monopolized farming increased their agricultural output and allowed them to sustain the growing population. Additionally, British politics encouraged commercialization and innovation. Their religious tolerance policy allowed everyone to work despite religion which opened up labor to numerous groups of people. Tariffs prevented the selling of Indian textiles and laws made it easy to start companies, forbid workers unions and protect investor's interests. The laws and taxes were on the side of businessmen. Roads and canals connected people and created a unified market. Coal and iron were located near major industrial centers and Britain's geographical location gave it a natural defense against invasion. British science revolves around observation, experiment, precise measurements and mechanical devices which led to the invention of the steam engine. The steam engine allowed people and products to travel faster overseas.

Cecil Rhodes

Cecil Rhodes pushed for British imperialism in south Africa as a businessman and later became prime minister of Cape Colony.

Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin was an English naturalist and biologist who is best known for his theory of evolution. He believed that all species were descended from common ancestors and this theory has been identified as a key concept in science.

What prompted the development of communism?

Communism was a response created after the development of capitalism. Capitalism caused a great economic disparity in between classes. Communism emphasizes the need to distribute wealth as a way to upkeep the economy. Communism grew out of the socialist movement that was a direct result of the poor living and working conditions of the lower classes. Another factor to the rise of communism was The Communist Manifesto written by Karl Marx

What were the Tokugawa Era political and social structures?

During the Tokugawa Era, Japan was governed by a shogun, or military ruler, from Tokugawa who acted in the name of a powerless emperor. The Tokugawa shogunate was created to prevent war between feudal lords. Under the Tokugawa shogunate, highly detailed rules governing occupation, residence, dress, hairstyles and behavior were issued. There was no national army, uniform currency or central authority. The social order placed samurai at the top and merchants at the bottom. Japan was a highly urbanized society since markets between urban and rural areas encouraged capitalism while Confucianism encouraged education and created a literate society. Industrialization undermined the shogunate while corruption eroded their effectiveness.

What were the motives for European imperialism?

Economic: Factories needed raw materials and a market for the goods which were both provided by colonies Cheap labor. Economies of coercion- for instance: In Nigeria (colonized by the French) all of the "natives" were regarded to a legal obligation of work - aka "statue labor" - would be like 10-12 yrs of work. This ended by 1946. Political: Protect European investments Build an the biggest empire, recognition as a world power and competition with rivals (nationalism) Military: National security: to protect the mother country and the colonies Military strategic position: allowed country to control waterways and land areas Gas stations: served as refueling spots for navy Cultural: Social Darwinism: strongest society will survive Racial/cultural superiority: spread the superior culture Humanitarianism: aid others by building hospitals, establish communication infrastructure (real motivation was greed) Religious: Missionary impulse: European Christians felt superior to all other religions; it was their duty to spread Christianity to Africa and Asia Missionaries encouraged imperialism since it provided more people to Christianize

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Elizabeth Cady Stanton was a leader of the women's suffrage movement in the United States during the late 1800s. She attended the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848 and was an author on the Declaration of Sentiments. She also drafted the first organized demand for women's suffrage in the United States.

Emperor Meiji

Emperor Meiji was the Emperor of Japan who started the Meiji Restoration and Japan's Industrial Revolution. He transformed Japan from a feudal society to one of the great modernized, industrialized powers of the world.

What ideas influenced the French Revolution?

Enlightenment ideas and philosophers, like Voltaire and Jean Jacques Rousseau, heavily influenced the French Revolution. Voltaire believed in a constitutional monarchy, not a democracy, but he did believe in freedom of speech and religion. Rousseau's work derived from the ideas of John Locke. Rousseau wrote the social contract which stated that the King must provide protection for his subjects in exchange for some of their rights (consent of the governed). If the king fails to protect his subjects, the people can revolt.

How did European exploration (15th & 16th centuries) differ from European imperialism (18th & 19th centuries)?

European imperialism was fueled by nationalism, industrialization and the need for resources and markets, and was justified by scientific racism. European imperialism took place in Asia and Africa whereas European exploration was of the Americas. The discovery of the Americas was accidental since the original intent was to find trade routes to Asia. In European exploration, European countries were looking to control Asian trade since Europe couldn't compete with Chinese or Indian goods and wanted to profit off the wealthy markets. In imperialism, European countries wanted to control the production and selling of goods.


Imperialism is the ruling of another country through diplomacy or military force; the "mother country" extends its power, dominion, culture, influence over the colonized peoples; imperialism gives the mother country political and economic control of the territory. In second wave imperialism, European countries used native labor to produce for the mother country and closed markets so colonized countries could only buy goods from the mother country.

How does the economic development of Europe and North America compare to that of Latin America?

In Latin America, the result of their revolution was a decimation of their population and livestock, closed mines, abandoned farms, shrinking of trade and no money. Unstable politics hindered Latin America from creating a centralized government and Latin America separated into 18 countries. The United States and Britain invested in the Latin American economy and Latin America integrated into the world economy as an exporter of commodities. European and American economies were able to develop quickly as a result of the Industrial Revolution and the manufacturing of goods at a rapid pace.

How did gender impact migration trends?

In farming and mining, men were required in order to perform the labor so many men migrated and left women as the head of household. For the most part, it was men traveling around the world to find work and caused a gender imbalance in their home countries. This split from gender roles allowed women to earn money and escape rural patriarchy; economic autonomy for women was created.

In what way(s) was the French Revolution different from other Atlantic revolutions?

In the other Atlantic revolutions, the fight was against a colonial power. For example, the American Revolution was the North American colony fighting against the British for attempting to deprive the colonists of their autonomy and impose more taxes and tariffs. The Haitian Revolution was a fight against France to abolish slavery and create a society of equal, free black people. The French Revolution was different because the French Revolution was an uprising against the monarchy by people who lived in the mother country. The results of the French Revolution were also very different since the King and Queen of France were both executed. Another difference was France's government after the war became an empire since Napoleon crowned himself emperor and attempted to create an empire.

Karl Marx

Karl Marx was a German philosopher, economist, historian and sociologist who lived in Britain during the Industrial Revolution. After witnessing the negative effects of the Industrial Revolution, he believed that capitalism was an unstable system and upheaval would create a classless socialist society. He believed that the bourgeoisie (upper class) made their money by exploiting the proletariat (working class). He wrote "scientific socialism" which was embedded in the laws of historical change: revolution was certain and a socialist future was inevitable. Aided by Frederich Engels, Marx wrote The Communist Manifesto.

Louis XVI

Louis XVI was the King of France before the French Revolution. His excessive spending on luxuries and inability to address the poverty of lower classes led to the French Revolution. In general, Louis XVI was a reckless and irresponsible leader. He ignored his wife's excessive spending and advice from his advisors on how to address the economic crisis. When he decided to tax the second estate, the nobles refused and called the Estates General. Louis XVI once again ignored his subjects' demands which eventually led to the storming of the Bastille, the Great Fear and the creation of the National Assembly. Louis XVI was guillotined on January 21, 1793 after being found guilty of treason since he refused to abdicate his royal power.

Marie Antoinette

Marie Antoinette was the wife of King Louis XVI and Queen of France. Her spending of France's money on excessive luxuries contributed to the political unrest in France that led to the French Revolution and the end of the monarchy. She was accused of incest by her son and treason against France so she was guillotined on October 16, 1793.

What are Karl Marx and Frederich Engels central arguments in The Communist Manifesto (1848)?

Marx and Engels argued that capitalism would eventually collapse and be replaced by socialism and eventually, communism. Workers lost dignity of work to machines and became slaves to machines. They believed that the bourgeoisie exploited the proletariat to make money in capitalism and that revolution was inevitable and necessary to a socialist future. A proletariat strike would be fatal to the bourgeoisie and improving the political position of the proletariat is the first step in revolution. The proletariat would convert private property and means of production into state-owned. Additionally, the proletariat had to rid society of symbols of the Industrial Revolution, like factories, in order to get rid of class antagonism and classes in general.

Maximilien Robespierre

Maximilien Robespierre was the leader of the Committee of Public Safety. His speech on February 5, 1794 (Republic of Virtue) justified the use of terror to defend democracy. He believed that democracy does not tolerate division and any political division was a form of counterrevolution. His beliefs and ideas led to the Reign of Terror as a pure expression of Republican virtues. During the Reign of Terror, 200,000 were arrested and 40,000 were executed (mostly poor) until Robespierre himself was guillotined and the Committee lost power.

What were the arguments for and against the abolition of slavery?

One argument for the abolition of slavery came with the Industrial Revolution. The argument was that industry no longer depended on slave labor since factories could fill vacancies with unemployed citizens. Another argument held moral appeal since slaves were denied freedom and rights. Many religions, such as Quaker and Protestant, saw slavery as a crime against God. Ideas of the Enlightenment were very critical of slavery since they violated the rights of a person. American and French declarations of equality were contradicted by the continuation of slavery. Secular, religious, economic and political thinking all portrayed slavery as morally wrong and economically unwise. Some arguments against the abolition of slavery were slave trade was necessary for the economy and if one country did not engage in the trade, then others would. Also, scientific racism, Social Darwinism and the Bible continued to justify slavery and racism (along with colonization and imperialism) around the world.

Compare the industrialization of Europe and North America to Russia.

Russia industrialization was initiated by the government in order to compete with Europeans and make up for the freeing of the serfs. The Russian Industrial Revolution focused on railroads and heavy industry such as coal, steel and oil. In both the United States and Europe, industrialization was not started by the government but a result of innovation and commercialization. In both Europe and Russia, the Industrial Revolution led to an educated growing middle class and a growth in the general population. The Industrial Revolution also brought large numbers of people to cities and urbanized Europe and Russia. Radicalism in the lower classes stemmed from the horrible working conditions and cramped living quarters. Ruthless discipline and long days led to strikes that were illegal and swiftly crushed. Workers demanded education, better pay and better working conditions. In contrast to Europe and Russia, no political parties on behalf of working class emerged in the United States since socialism held no appeal to Americans.

Scientific racism

Scientific racism was the use of Social Darwinism to justify racism. Europeans divided humans into races and believed that physical appearances, such as large heads, contributed to a race's superiority or inferiority. It was believed that the inferior race threatened the health and biological future of the superior race. This justified slavery and imperialism since it the was the superior race's duty to control and civilize the inferior race. As a result, Europeans colonized Africa and Asia. They strove to introduce Christianity and a good government and create a better society through education, better clothing, work to discipline the lazy and suppress native culture. Native cultures were primitive, backwards, civilized and savage. In order to prevent colonization, many countries began modernization and Europeanization as a defense mechanism. Also, a racial hierarchy was created with whites at the top.

Japan's industrialization

Similar to Russia, Japan's industrialization was state induced. The government established enterprises (sold to private investors) and created a modern infrastructure by building railroads, a postal service, national currency and banks. Industrialization centered around large firms that produced textiles, munitions and industrial goods. Japan carried no foreign debt but peasants were heavily taxed and became even more impoverished. As a result of violent protests, many families starved, committed infanticide or sold their daughters. Recruiters would go to villages to present a contract with parents so the parents could receive money in exchange for their daughter's labor. Women received low pay and faced bad living conditions. This led to organized strikes along with socialist and anarchist movements. However, strikes were illegal and swiftly repressed to maintain a family image.

What were the push and pull factors for migration in the era 1750-1900?*

So the biggest push was the low employment rates as everything was becoming urbanized. These also caused a series of smaller pushes such as not being able to afford basic necessities. (basically any factor that would cause people to push themselves out of the area) Pull factors were things that attracted immigrants to come migrate. This is why urbanized countries such as England and the U.S. were popular to visit. They had a plethora of potential in satisfying the pull factors.

Social Darwinism (evolutionary biology applied to society)

Social Darwinism was based on Charles Darwin's theory of evolution but interpreted to match a conservatist, imperialist, political and racist agenda. Social Darwinism said that groups of people were subject to Darwin's laws of natural selection like plants and animals.

What were the social, political, and economic impacts of European colonization on colonial subjects?

Social: Lifestyles were changed - people forced to work, Some families split apart as many moved for work Political: indirect/direct colonial rule Economic: Industrialization brought to some places like railroads

What were the causes of the American Revolution?

The American Revolution was caused by the effort of the British government to reduce American autonomy and gain more profit. Higher taxes and new tariffs enraged the colonists so they revolted after being inspired by the Enlightenment, natural rights and consent of the governed.

What were the causes of the Boxer Uprising?

The Boxer Rebellion was caused by economic and political issues between the Chinese and foreign missionaries after the Opium Wars. The Boxer Rebellion was an anti-foreign movement led by the militia who killed Europeans and attacked foreign embassies. The rebellion was crushed by the Japanese who imposed a payment on China. The Boxer Rebellion was another factor in the fall of the Qing Dynasty especially due to its anti-foreign sentiments.

What were the causes of the Haitian Revolution?

The Haitian Revolution was caused by a promise by the French King to end slavery that led to a slave revolt with Toussaint L'ouverture leading them. The Haitian Revolution was a war between classes along with the British and Spanish who tried to take control of the colony. Formerly enslaved people killed their masters, white people, and people of mixed race.

Meiji Restoration

The Meiji Restoration was another example of defensive modernization as a result of European aggression and colonization. The Meiji Restoration promoted genuine national unity which required an attack on the power of the daimyo and samurai. Instead, the central state collected taxes and created a national army. Some samurai rebelled but most displaced elites turned to the army, business and bureaucracy for work. To replace the Confucian based social order, all commoners were equally legal and the emperor's subjects. Western knowledge was sought out by missions to Europe and foreign elements were combined with Japanese traditions to recreate Japanese society. The Constitution of 1889 introduced elected parliaments, political parties and democratic ideals to Japanese society. Ultimately, most power remained in the hands of the emperor. Education taught loyalty to the emperor and Confucian based morals. Christianity had little impact in Japan. Reformists argued for the end of female oppression since family reform was essential to gaining the respect of the West. Women were eventually allowed to receive an education but schools were separated by gender and provided a gender specific education. Women were still barred from politics and held no political rights.

What were the causes of the Opium Wars?

The Opium Wars were caused by Lin Zexu's crackdown on the illegal smuggling of opium into China from India. The British became offended and emboldened by their naval superiority, they sent a fleet to China. The British wanted to restore trade with China but under their control.

What were the goals of the Ottoman Empire's Tanzimat reforms?

The Ottomans were trying to modernize in order to prevent European aggression and colonization. Both the Ottomans and Japanese saw what happened in China and wanted to prevent a European takeover of their country and economy. By gaining the respect of Europeans through modernization, the Ottomans would ensure their empire could last a little while longer. The Ottomans improved the status of non-Muslims in an attempt to appease Europe and unify the ethnically diverse empire the Ottomans ruled over. Also, the Ottomans wanted to increase their revenue since Europeans no longer needed them for trade. Many of the changes made during the Tanzimat reforms included the removal of capitulations and the creation of several codes based on the French legal system. Citizens gained more rights such as public trials, privacy rights and equality before the law. Some of the most major reforms were the reorganization of the army, the banking systems and the separation of church and state. The Ottomans replaced religious law with secular law.

Compare Japan and Qing China's reactions to the West.

The Qing Dynasty closed China to foreigners and although they tried to introduce Western ideas, many Chinese resisted since anti-foreign movements were active especially after the Opium Wars. The Boxer Rebellion was started by Chinese nationalists who attacked foreign missionaries and Christians. However in Japan, Emperor Meiji made great strides to implement Western reforms during the Meiji Restoration and the people accepted change without much resistance or destruction. Japan conformed to Western ideals and China did not which led to the failure of the Qing Dynasty while Japan became a recognized world power.

Qing Dynasty

The Qing Dynasty was the last imperial dynasty of China and came from Manchuria. The Qing dynasty collapsed in the early 1900s as a result of corruption, peasant unrest, ineffective rulers and famine caused by population growth.

What were the causes of the Taiping Rebellion?

The Taiping Rebellion was caused by the Qing dynasty's ineffectiveness and a growing hatred for foreigners. Before the Taiping Rebellion, there was no industrial revolution and the growing population overwhelmed agriculture. The state did not grow to accommodate the rising population and became unable to collect taxes or provide social welfare and public security. The Qing Dynasty slowly lost power to state officials while Europe disrupted trade routes, created unemployment and as a result, increased peasant taxes.

How did the U.S. government respond to the demands of laborers?

The US gov responded to the demands of laborers such as Labor Unions by suppressing the formation of unions and strikes through the deployment of federal troops to put a rest to protest/movements. Nonetheless, countries' economic success permitted for the average working american better conditions/standards of life such as cheaper land and accessible housing made the very notion of socialist economies UNattractive - unlike Europe but disregard the populists and progressives. Essentially, the U.S government was able to provide tax breaks, considerable grants of land to railroad enterprises (capital investment) and implement laws that facilitate formations of large corporations.

What ideas informed the Women's Suffrage Movement?

The Women's Suffrage Movement was heavily influenced by the ideas of the Atlantic Revolutions and the Enlightenment that preached equality. For example, the Declaration of Independence states "all men are created equal" and in the Declaration of Sentiments, the phrase is changed to "We hold these truths to be self evident that all men and women are created equal."

What did the Young Ottomans advocate?

The Young Ottomans saw the Ottoman Empire as inclusive with loyal subjects, sought major political changes and a European-style parliamentary and constitutional regime that could keep the sultan's power in check. They preached Islamic modernism, believing that Islam could accomodate a full modernity without sacrificing its essential religious character.

How were the Spanish-American Revolutions different from the other Atlantic revolutions?

The biggest difference between the Spanish-American Revolutions and the other Atlantic revolutions was there was no unification of Latin colonies. Due to the size of the colonies, geographic obstacles, distance and longer colonial experience that created unique identities all prevented the unification of Latin America. Instead, the colonies broke into several different countries.

Scramble for Africa

The division of Africa among European powers - examples: Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, Portugal, Spain, and Italy- in a series of (somewhat) peaceful negotiations during 1875-1914). Nonetheless, highly aggressive military forces from the western Europeans and a "bloody process of military conquest" were a result from African efforts to resist European colonization. *** Africa for the Europeans was sought for new opportunities such as: raw materials, new doors for investment, an industry for product, exploration, and spread christianity. Why now? Good question - the diminishment of Atlantic slave trade in the 19th century.

How did opium affect the trade imbalance between Britain and China?

The relationship between Britain and China became similar to paternalism. Britain saw China and believed that they needed to teach the Chinese about free trade and the proper way to trade according to the British. The victory over China and unequal treaties solidified the British belief that other countries need the British to civilize them (racial superiority) and it is the duty of the British to spread their "superior" culture.

What were the results of the Opium Wars?

The result of the Opium Wars was an unequal treaty called the Treaty of Nanking. The treaty stated that foreigners were allowed to travel freely, buy land, patrol China's rivers and preach Christianity. Additionally, more ports opened up to Europeans. The unequal treaties go along with the British idea of superiority

What were the results of the American Revolution?

The society created after the end of the American Revolution was revolutionary, not the war itself. American independence brought no social change since the elite still held all of the political power. Voting was limited to white, male landowners although the property requirements were eventually lowered. The United States created a new political society by forming a government unseen in the world. American government was split into three branches (legislative, executive and judicial) that relied on a series of checks and balances to evenly distribute power between the three branches. The Constitution and Bill of Rights set the blueprint for the rest of the world. Another major change was the separation of church and state. Until this point, monarchies and the Church remained intertwined but the United States set another precedent for the world. Plus, a newfound sense of nationalism arose.

What did the Young Turks advocate?

Young Turks advocated for the replacement of the absolute monarchy with constitutional government. They were also in favor of a military secular Turkish national state in addition to religious reforms in schools and legal systems. Young Turks were very nonreligious and involved in political life. Their idea of modernization was based of European modernization.

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