Unit 6 - Chapter 22

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political fate; Hoover; Franklin Roosevelt; 20th amendment; January; 25; Banking system; charities

o 1932 Election § Downturn of economy and Hoover's inability to deal with it effectively sealed his ______________ § Republicans nominated _____________ again § Democrats nominated NY governor _____________________ (who won easily) § Voters had to wait until March to see new president enact his policies § This became the inspiration for passage of ___________ in 1933 § 20th Amendment: (lame duck amendment) changed the inauguration date from March to _________ § By the time FDR took office: · National unemployment levels were around _______% · ________________ was on the brink of total failure · _________ were overwhelmed and could not keep up with everyone's needs

housework; cleanliness; leisure activities; Advertising; needed; insecurities; successful; possessions; more

o A Consumer Culture § Effects · Made ____________ less difficult; domestic workers replaced by labor-saving appliances · Higher standards for ____________ · People had more time for ________________ since appliances were time-saving · _____________ increased, especially for goods that were not essential o Advertisers had to convince Americans that they ___________ these products o Often played on ____________ - bad breath, body odor, weight o Showed that these items were the "new chic" thing to have o Acted like you NEEDED them to be _____________ o Worth was determined by ______________ o The ________ possessions you have, the more successful you must be

afford; later; installment plan; interest; appliances; electricity; home

o A Consumer Culture § Many Americans were buying things at this point that they could not _______ · Did this using a new idea of "buy now, pay _______" · Bought things using _________________ (basically buying on credit) · Americans bought all kinds of things on installment plans which they did not have the cash for · This built up ____________ and they ended up owing MORE § _____________ gained popularity, especially because American homes were gaining electricity § Before, ____________ was only running streetcars/buildings § Now, it's moving into the _______ (especially outside of cities) § Examples: radios, irons, vacuums, sewing/washing machines, refrigerators, phonographs

National brands; commercialism; consumer culture; Poor; immigrants; minorities

o A Consumer Culture § _______________, chains, ______________, and trends allowed Americans across the nation to have similar daily experiences § Not all Americans able to experience this new "_______________" · _________ people · ____________ · _______________

agriculture; home country; Chinese; Philippines; Filipino immigration; self-governing commonwealth; aliens

o Asian American Face the Depression § Most Asians worked in ___________ due to discrimination in factories § Most (especially Japanese) chose to return to their _____________ § _____________ immigrants turned to community/family for assistance § However, not many to turn to... no Chinese or Japanese coming into America at this time § Since _______________ was US territory, immigration not restricted · Hard times led to calls for ________________ restrictions · 1934: Philippines became ________________ (colony) of US o Filipinos living in US now considered _________ o Filipino immigration eventually restricted as well

Black Tuesday; machines; overproduction; Prices; wages; Employees; products; market; surplus; prices; unemployment; production

o Causes of the Depression § ____________ · Stock market crashed · October 29, 1929 § Overproduction · New, more efficient ____________ · Many companies expanded during WWI · All this led to ______________ then one thing led to another... o _______ went down o Companies were making less money o __________ went down o ___________ got laid off o People could not afford to buy ___________ o Created smaller __________ o New machines = too efficient o Overproduction = __________ o Companies had to cut back __________ § This brought on a time of high _____________ and low _________________

Alfred (Al) E. Smith; Prohibition; DEMOCRATIC; Heritage; Western or Northern; religion; Rome; Urban; political corruption; women; discriminated

o Cultural Clash in the Election of 1928 § ______________ · Irish Catholic and NY governor · Did NOT support _____________ - wanted it repealed · Ran for president as the ______________ candidate in 1928 · __________ hurt him · Fear of immigrants that are not from _____________ Europe · __________ hurt him · People feared he had an allegiance to ______ and the pope · _______ background hurt him · People connected him with _______________ · Stance on Prohibition hurt him · Alienated Protestants and ___________ voters · To his supporters, Smith represented the possibility that the American identity could one day include those who are _____________ against

Hebert Hoover; Food Administration; Economic prosperity; Hoover; chicken; car

o Cultural Clash in the Election of 1928 § ______________ · REPUBLICAN candidate · Great reputation after WWI because he was leader of ________________ and his work in humanitarian relief · _____________ was associated with Republican party · _________ easily won presidency · Slogan: "A __________ in every pot and a _____ in every garage!"

decreased; expensive; Birth; married; escapism; realities; decades

o Demographics § Marriages, divorces, and births all ____________ during this time period § Too _____________ to do any of these things! § _______ rates were able to decrease because of birth control · Doctors able to prescribe this to ___________ couples · Margaret Sanger o Consumption § Some industries flourished due to _____________ (people wanted to escape hard times) § Cigarettes, movies, radios, and car rides helped Americans escape _________ · These industries did well · People spent more on them than they had in previous ______________

socioeconomic; Africans and Mexicans; Middle class; upward mobility; white middle class

o Different ethnic, __________, and gender groups experienced the GD differently § _____________ were last hired, first fired; opportunities given to them in WWI were taken away § ____________ had to scale down lifestyle and move back to the city to be closer to work o The belief in the American work ethic was tested - belief that hard work would be rewarded with ______________ § Americans worked HARD but not getting rewards they expected § For ______________, this was a new revelation... finally experiencing what others had been experiencing

huge drought; farming techniques; crop rotation; dust; Dust Bowl; California; Great Plains; Okies

o Dust Bowl Migrants § In central US (Great Plains region), soil had become extremely dry due to ______________ § Farmers made it worse by improper _____________ · Instead of ____________ so the nutrients could rebuild soil, planted same crops · No soil - just dirt § Also huge wind storms created clouds of ________ that would sweep across areas § This area became known as ______________ § Farmers could NOT make money; lost farms § Caused many to pack up and move West toward ____________ along Route 66 § Mass migration out of ___________ § Migrants became known as _______ (because coming from Oklahoma)

plants and mines; markets; production; raw materials; creditor; Germany; loaning; economy

o Economic Expansion Abroad § American companies began to expand abroad and establish _____________ in foreign countries, particularly in Europe - not taking over · Allowed us to expand our _________ · Cheaper ___________ · More ____________ § US also became an international __________ · US realizes ___________ is hurting after WWI, as well as France · We are ____________ money to other countries · Example: during WWI, France and GB had borrowed lots of money from US to fuel their war machines. After WWI, Germany also needed help from US to help recover their ___________.

public relief; spirits; providers; depressed; jobs; family; suffer; transients; teenagers

o Families in need of help turned to ______________, but government benefits were very minimal o For men, the GD tried their ________ § Men were raised to be __________ for family § When they lost jobs, many became _____________ and suffered low self-esteem § Set out on the streets to find _________ § Sometimes had to leave ____________ behind and move to another city § Some even completely abandoned family, so they would not have to watch them _________ § These men became ___________ (hobos) § Even ___________ left home, rode the rails around the country (seen as adventure instead of poverty)

Hooverville or Shantytown; streets; Shanty; Hoovervilles

o For most Americans the Great Depression was not lived out in a ________________ and in breadlines (as the media often portrays) § Shantytown/Hooverville · Since people lost life savings, could not afford mortgages... forced to live on __________ · In many cities, Shantytowns popped up · ___________: makeshift homemade of scrap material (found only in cities) Eventually, people called these towns ______________ because president wasn't helping

isolationism; Article 10; League of Nations; interests; Land; Trade

o Foreign Policy in the 1920s § Post WW1, American sentiment was __________ · Returning to "normalcy" · Fear of ________ and _________ § Why did US want international stability? Why does it matter to us if we want to be isolated? § We needed to protect our ___________ abroad · _____ · Loans · _______ · Factories

federal funds; taxes; jobs; Agricultural Marketing Act; public budget; depression; forced

o Hoover did eventually start acting and using ____________ to help relief and recovery § Cut ________ § Encouraged local gov. to spend more on construction projects that would provide ________ § Congress passed _____________ · Gov. would buy surplus crops from farmers to help bring up prices § Raised _____________for public works (which created jobs) o Hoover's efforts were too little, too late and the ____________ continued § He did not want fed. gov. to be ___________ to do certain things § He asked business leaders to voluntarily maintain wages and production levels

inaction; federal government; charity work; scapegoat; protested

o Hoover is often remembered for his ____________, despite the fact that he acted and responded in a record amount before any president before him o Hoover did not want the ______________ to be too involved - felt that it would violate American ideal of individualism o He counted on ___________ to aid unemployed and homeless Americans o These actions led to rising discontent § Hoover became ___________ of GD § Hoover flags § Hoovervilles § Hoover's optimism came off as insensitive to the suffering § Farmers and factory workers _____________ because of cost of their goods/wages § Protests, riots, and marches broke out in cities over inadequate relief efforts

Boulder Dam; Colorado; flood; jobs; Hoover Dam; federal deficit; consumption; depression

o Hoover's big project: The ___________ § Massive dam on the ____________ River § Provide electricity, water, and __________ control § Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, California, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming § Importance: would provide many _____ § Today, known as _________________ o Hoover needed to take MORE action! § Hoover became nervous about the ____________ and asked Congress for a tax increase --> hindered ____________ --> _______________ continued

discontent; Lost Generation; consumer culture; Ernest Hemingway; Edith Wharton

o Intellectual Crosscurrents § Writers used their work to express ______________ about the war or new consumer culture § Known as the "_____________" ... spent lots of time in Paris to get away from America because they did not like the ___________ § F. Scott Fitzgerald: The Great Gatsby § ______________: in WWI; decided to write about it after § ______________: 1st woman to win Pulitzer Prize in 1921 for novel The Age of Innocence

unions; union pressure; old policies; unions; blacklists; union members

o Labor Unrest § During war, employers were open to negotiations with __________; needed workers to keep up with war time demands § Big factories and companies cave to ____________ § However when the war ended, employers returned to ____________ · Did NOT negotiate with __________ · Circulated _____________ · Fired or would not even hire _______________

strikes; production; minority workers; unemployment

o Labor Unrest § Resulted in a dramatic series of __________ in 1919 · Many strikes were so large they hurt ___________ · However, companies able to break strikes with ___________ desperate for work and can replace the strikers · Thus leads to a rise in ______________ rates

religion; beliefs; Fundamentalists; evolution; threat; schools

o Legislating Values: The Scopes Trial and Prohibition · The government gets involved in _________ and forces ________ upon people. § ________________ - people who believe in the literal translation of the Bible · Everything in the Bible actually happened and is literally true · Historical document § Conflict between ________ and fundamentalists · Fundamentalists saw evolution as a _______ to their beliefs · Fundamentalists believe in creation story in Genesis · Did NOT want evolution to be taught in _____________ · Laws were passed in some states that prohibited teaching of evolution

Mexico; voluntarily; racism; deportation; white Americans; exploitation; labor organizations; Mexican American identity

o Mexican American Communities § Mexican Americans began leaving CA and returning to _________ · Some left __________ (work scarce, local relief agencies turned them down) · Others were forced to leave o Due to ________ and the convenient location of Mexico o Federal ___________ policy was instituted o Wanted to free up jobs for _________________ § Those who stayed faced discrimination and ______________ in the workplace § Mexican Americans began to join ______________ · Significance: descendants of the immigrants that had first come over were now getting involved in American politics and creating an _____________________

pro-business; old friends; poker; Ohio Gang; Albert Fall; land; competitive bidding; bribes

o Politics in the Republican "New Era" § Harding's administration was _______________ - big business was not an issue as long as there was competition · Harding had an issue in his administration... · He appointed lots of ____________ from Ohio to be on his Cabinet · These were the people he would hang out with and play ________ with · Not necessarily qualified to hold Cabinet positions · The ___________ would cause him lots of trouble · One member, ___________ (Secretary of Interior), caused him trouble · Secretary of Interior is in charge of federally owned _________ · Can lease government land to private companies (legal) · Fall did this without ____________ and by taking ___________ from companies (not legal... cannot do it because your friends; land has to be open to anyone)

Warren G. Harding; WWI; pro-business; Calvin Coolidge; Harding

o Politics in the Republican "New Era" § Return to "normalcy" = campaign platform of Republican ______________ in 1920 election · This means move on from __________... put it behind you and get back to normal · He wanted to return _____________ government · Running mate: ______________ § Who won election of 1920? __________ won - this shows Americans were ready to put WWI behind them

federal loans; Pump priming; individual spending; economic activity; workers; production; difference

o Reconstruction Finance Corporation § Created in 1932 by Congress § Provided _____________ to businesses § "______________" - the government is spending money to stimulate the economy § Hoping to encourage ____________ § Objective: put more money into the economy to encourage more _____________ § Money would be lent to executive and they hoped the benefits would trickle down to _____________ § Figured it would help increase ___________ --> create new jobs --> increase spending § HOWEVER, RFC did NOT make enough money to make a ______________; corruption was also a problem (executive kept money for themselves; increased their own salary)

industries; construction; suburbs; vacations; young couples

o The Automobile Culture § Effects of automobile industry · Stimulated other ____________ (steel/petroleum/rubber/glass... these things are needed to make cars) · Highway ____________ · Growth of __________ (can live farther away from work because you can drive yourself now) · Increased _________ (don't have to buy train ticket - you can drive!) · Increased privacy for _____________ (can drive themselves on dates)

economic spiral; GDP; stimulation; money; banks

o The Deepening Economic Crisis § The Great Depression was an _______________ § The US ______ plummets and unemployment rates skyrocketed § We needed some sort of economic __________ to recover § BUT people were afraid to spend their _________... didn't want to lose anymore § People were scared of ___________ § Kept their money with them rather than put it in banks

women; home; household duties; NEW; financially; discrimination; working; fired; domestic; minority

o The GD gave _________ an added sense of importance § Found ways to cut corners and conserve in the _________ § Maintained ____________ even if they took a job and husband was not working o Women and Work § For white middle class families, married women going to work was a ______ idea during GD § Married white women went to work to help family ____________; additional source of income § However, women (particularly married) faced ___________ in the work place § Many felt that married women should not be _________... § "How dare you take a position away from a man!" § Also last hired, first ________ § Did ____________ work/textile industry... things they were used to § ________ women were passed over


o The Heyday of Big Business · The ________ are considered the Heyday of big business because many companies expanded

Bolsheviks; communist; Red Scare; public disturbances; bombings; immigrant

o The Red Scare and the Palmer Raids § Americans were scared when ___________ took over Russia; we feared communism § 1919: Bolsheviks (led by Vladimir Lenin) campaigned to spread ___________ principles throughout the world · This deepened American fears · Led to the ____________ in the US (Red Scare = fear of communism) § Radicals blamed for ___________(like strikes) § A series of __________ on homes/businesses/court houses/police stations were blamed on radical _____________ organizations

A. Mitchell Palmer; Palmer Raids; J. Edgar Hoover; radical organizations; capitalism; civil rights; trial; revolutionary conspiracy; campaign issue; bombings

o The Red Scare and the Palmer Raids § US Attorney General _____________used situation to bring attention to himself · Wanted to be president; wanted attention · Appealed to the fears of Americans and staged the _________________ · He and ______________ (head of FBI) arrested aliens who had committed no crime but were members of _________________ like communist/socialist parties · These people were seen as threats to ______________ · During these raids, trampled over people's _______________ o Invaded homes/businesses o Jailed suspects without _________ o Almost 300 immigrants were deported · Palmer's raids failed to turn up evidence of ________________ · Many began to think Palmer was looking for a ______________ for his presidential aspirations... · They decided he didn't know what he was talking about § Hysteria eventually calmed down, and Red Scare declined when _____________ stopped, and major strikes decreased

Nativism; immigration; 3; nationality; 3; Wilson; Harding

o The Rise of Nativism § _____________ - people who want to preserve the national identity/native culture; wanted to protect the interests of native-born citizens over immigrants § Nativist feelings led to a campaign against ___________ · 1921: bill passed that would limit immigration to _____% for each ____________ according to 1910 census o Only ______% of total population would be able to immigrate into US o Bill was vetoed by ________ but reintroduced under ____________

Anti-immigrant; Sacco; Vanzetti; factory paymaster; anarchists; circumstantial; prejudice; innocence; trial

o The Sacco-Vanzetti Case § _______________ sentiment continued into 1920s § Nicola __________ and Bartolommeo _________ were arrested for robbery and murder of ____________ and his guard in Massachusetts § They were __________ and Italian immigrants § Evidence in this case was purely _________________ § Judge in the case made lots of _____________ marks against Italians § The two were convicted anyway § Sat on death row for about 6 years trying to appeal § Evidence did eventually surface that could have proved their _____________, but they were denied a new trial and executed in 1927 by electric chair § Still unclear today whether or not they were innocent § It is agreed, however, that they were NOT given a fair ________/treatment

international; European; abroad; foreign loans; American products; Hawley-Smooth Tariff Act; protective; backlash; trade restrictions; opposite

o The Worldwide Depression § Because we are such a globally interconnected world, the GD had _____________ effects § Hit __________ nations still recovering from WWI § When our production reduced, we purchased less goods from _________; hurt European economies § Our financial institutions reduced _______________ § Europe cut back on purchases of ____________ which sent us into further depression § 1930: Congress passed ______________ to protect American industries and keep American money in the US · Highest ___________ tariff in US history · Caused international ___________ - other nations instituted ________________ and tariffs that cut American exports o If the US increased their tariffs, other nations increased theirs also o Had the _____________ effect than what was intended

bank failures; jobs; reduced; loans; there; doors; life savings

o These problems contributed to ____________ § People lost their _______ or had wages _________ § Started to default on their ________... not a lot of money coming into banks § Many panicked and went to bank to withdraw their money BUT it was not _______ (loaned out) § Banks failed and began to close their _________ § People lost their entire _______________

Calvin Coolidge; internal problems; constituents; Northern immigrants; Prohibition; Immigration; black rights; Coolidge

§ 1924 Election · Republicans nominated ____________ · Democrats were having ______________ o Regional disagreements among _____________ o Southern whites did not agree with _______________ o Most disagreements were over key issues of the day: § ___________ § ____________ § KKK/__________ · Because of all the issues in Democratic party, _____________ won easily

Marcus Garvey; Universal Negro Improved Association; separatism; Africa; mail fraud; leadership

§ Beginnings of civil rights activism · ______________ o From Jamaica o Founded UNIA - _________________ o Supported African American ____________ (separate yourself from white society; form your own nation) o Encouraged African Americans to return to ___________ o Had a sizeable number of followers until he was convicted of ___________ in 1925 and was deported back to Jamaica o Without his ____________, the movement fell apart

charity; Churches; desperate; uncertainty; recover

§ Breadlines/Soup Kitchens · People relied on ________ for help during GD · ____________ and other organizations opened soup kitchens to feed unemployed (only in cities) § For most Americans, GD was NOT lived out in Hoovervilles and breadlines (as media portrays) § For most, times were hard but not quite so ______________ § The worst part was the ____________ of the future... wondering if economy would ever ____________

Charleston; Formal (school) dances

§ Dance · Became increasingly popular · Popular dance = _____________ · _____________ = way to socialize, have fun, and be active

Germany; $2.5 billion; Britain and France; US; US; economic stability

§ Dawes Plan · Dawes plan said US would loan ____________ the money it needed to pay these reparations o US loaned _____________ to Germany o Germany paid ____________ o Britain and France paid the _______ o Now Germany owes the __________ money o Purpose: to provide _______________ in Europe

France; Great Britain; pay; Germany; decreased; afford; invasion; Dawes

§ Dawes Plan · _________ and __________ had borrowed money from us · When war was over, they needed to ________ it back o Goal = get money from ___________ (Treaty of Versailles said Germany had to pay Allies) o Germany cannot pay these reparations o Amount is eventually ___________ from $33 billion o Germany STILL cannot _________ it · France and GB getting impatient... started threatening Germany with an _____________ · US getting nervous... we just got out of a world war; do NOT want another · We send American banker, ____________, to negotiate a deal

woman; bobbed; skirts; makeup; smoked; liberated; woman; NOT; cities; Magazines and movies; loosen

§ Flapper · New style of ________ · Short ___________ hair, short _________ (above knee), dramatic __________, ________ in public, danced · ___________, emancipated, free young __________ · Most women in 1920s were ______ flappers · These women are found mostly in _______ · ______________ gloried the image of the flapper · Even though not all are flappers, moral of all women start to _______ up and fashion starts to change - adopt some of the flapper culture

heart attack; Calvin Coolidge; Silent Cal; Calvin Coolidge

§ Harding's death · Harding had ___________ in 1923 and people believe it is from the stress of the scandal · VP _____________ became president · People called him "_____________" because he was very quiet but known to have integrity § 1924 Election · Republicans nominated ______________

Bonus Army; WWI veteran; Patman Bill; Bonus Expeditionary Force; leave

§ Hoover sealed his fate for the next election with the ____________ · 1924: Congress passed bill that would pay $500 to each _____________ who was not adequately paid for his service · 1932: ________________, if passed, would give money to the veterans immediately · Between 10,000-20,000 veterans and their families arrived in DC to show their support for the bill while it was being debated · Set up camps and Shantytowns around capitol; called themselves _____________ · Hoover opposed legislation but supported the marchers' right to peaceful assembly · When Congress voted down the bill, Hoover ordered the Bonus Army to ___________ · Most did... about 2,000 stayed behind to talk to the president himself

Jazz; F. Scott Fitzgerald; New Orleans; African Americans; recording industry

§ Jazz · 1920s is called the ________ Age (coined by ___________) · Jazz = new type of music that originated in _____________ (started off as improve music) · Most early jazz musicians were _____________ (Louis Armstrong) · Jazz boosted _______________

international militarism; America; weapons; war; enforce

§ Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact · Part of foreign policy in 1920s · Purpose: reduce ___________ (one of the causes of WWI) · Nations were invited to come to a conference in __________ · All agreed to sign this pact that would reduce the number of __________ a nation would have · Agreed to not use _____ as a way to solve international problems · Critics said there was no way to ___________ this; good idea at the time though

past time; California; idols; silent films; talkie; The Jazz Singer

§ Movies · Popular ___________ · Already had them, but becoming more popular in 1920s · American movie industry centered in ___________ · Large movie theaters · Stars became ________ · Films began as ___________ (had music; often the person in the theater playing the piano) · By the end of 1920s, we had 1st "__________" - movie with sound · 1st full-length movie with sound: "_____________" starring Al Jolson

productive; needed; overproduction; consumerism; loans; companies; agriculture, coal, and textiles; thriving

§ Problems in the 1920s economy that people did not recognize · Unhealthy industries hidden by ____________ ones o We had expanded economy for war effort and soldiers' benefit, but not that is not __________ - Ex. crops from the agricultural sector, coal from mines o Now we have ________________, which leads to lower prices o Companies were not going to be saved by _______________ in 1920s o People had trouble paying off _______ they had received to pay for production during war o Many _____________ failing because of this o 3 major industries hurting: ____________________ o There is a façade that the economy overall was bustling with businesses like radio stations were _____________

Misdistribution; Wealthy few; circulation; difficult; income

§ Problems in the 1920s economy that people did not recognize · _____________ of wealth o ____________ controlled large portion of money supply o Less money in ____________ than if it were more spread out o Made economic recovery later very ____________ o Rich getting richer; poor getting poorer o HUGE difference between distribution of __________

18th; alcohol; speakeasies; bootleggers

§ Prohibition · _____ Amendment made distribution/manufacture/sale/transportation of alcohol illegal · People began to find ways to get around the law o Illegally made their own _____________ o Opened ______________ (saloons/nightclubs that sold liquor illegally) o Got alcohol from illegal smugglers/______________ coming in from Mexico or Canada)

The Birth of a Nation; Jews; Catholics; public office; internal issues

§ Revival of the Ku Klux Klan · KKK was revived with ________________ · Focus: native/white/Protestant supremacy · Harassed African Americans, ______, _____________, and immigrants · Used the same tactics as before (arson, intimidation, threats) · Clansmen were elected to ___________ all around South · Began to decline in 1925 because of __________ and corruption

arrested; Clarence Darrow; William Jennings Bryan; guilty; science and religion; fined; Tennessee Supreme Court

§ Scopes "Monkey" Trial · Scopes taught evolution in his biology class and was ___________ · When put on trial, he was defended by _____________ · _____________ was the prosecutor · Case gained massive publicity (on radio, in newspaper) · Jury found Scopes ____________ · The case was more of a question about the role of _______________ in schools · Scopes admitted to being guilty and was ______________ · Decision was later overturned by _______________ because of a technicality · However, law remained in place

Alabama; rape; inconsistent; guilty; death; appealed; long-term prison

§ Scottsboro Case · ____________ 1931 · 2 white women accused 9 African American boys (age 13-19) of ______ · Their stories were _______________; no proper representation for the boys · One woman recanted her story · Boys put on trial · Found __________ by an all-white mall jury · All sentenced to ________ (except 13-year-old --> life in prison) · Case was ___________ and made it to SC · Boys were again convicted; this time sentenced to _________________ · Not much evidence against them AND stories inconsistent · Yet still convicted... · This shows how they were treated before the law during this time

idols; Babe Ruth and Satchel Paige; Jesse Owens; Gertrude Ederle; Helen Wills; Joe Lewis

§ Sports figures were seen as _______ (like the movie stars) · ______________ - baseball · ______________ - Olympic track and field star · ______________ - 1st woman to swim the English Channel · _______________ - popular tennis player · ____________ - Boxer

peaked; confidence; sell; speculation; panic; companies; temporarily; crashed; runs; Problems

§ Stock prices __________ in September of 1929 · Stock market is driven by ____________... if everyone wants to sell their stock because they BELIEVE the prices will fall, the prices will fall · When prices began to fall, stock holders began to ______ their stock · Engaging on ___________ - no research into the stock · On Black Thursday (October 24, 1929) ________ set it and people sold stocks ASAP · Bankers tried to save the stock market and invested in ___________ o This ___________ helped... only for a couple of days · On Black Tuesday (October 29, 1929) stock market completely ________ · _______ on the bank o Stock market crash did not cause the Great Depression - marked the beginning o ____________ in the economy caused the depression

Teapot Dome, Wyoming; Elk Hills, California; Navy; oil executive; bribes; prison sentence; Cabinet member; scandals; appointed

§ Teapot Dome Scandal · Occurred when there was land in ____________ and ___________ · This land was set aside for strict use of _______ · Fall had _______________ friends that wanted it because it was oil rich · Taking __________ to let oil companies lease the land, high bid was $400,000 · Fall was convicted and served a ____________ · 1st _____________ in history to serve prison sentence · Harding's administration was plagued with ___________ like this · Most people didn't blame Harding · He was not the scandalous one... it was the people he ______________

leisure activities

§ There was a new stress on ______________ during the 1920s · More vacations · Sports (playing and watching) · Swimming

Recession; economy; production; interference; stabilize; production of consumer projects; cars

§ What happened to the economy in 1920-1921? ______________ · Smaller ____________ · Less _____________ · Transitioning from war-time economy to peace-time economy · When Wilson was president, he didn't want a lot of ______________ in economy · Said it would ____________ itself · His processors would feel the same way § What helped the economy recover? _________________ · Americans begin buying ____ and appliances - electricity, labor-saving devices · Factories go back in business

politics; suffrage amendment; office; party; issue-based voters; equal pay

§ Women remained active in ___________ (lobbying for their causes) · Increased after ___________ (19th) · Politicians often listened to women because they were scared a woman's voting bloc would keep them out of __________ if they didn't. They want to get the women to their _________. · When politicians figured out the bloc was NOT an issue, they realized they are _____________ --> they stopped paying attention to women and the issues they were fighting for such as _________________

The Harlem Renaissance; writers; Langston Hughes; Zora Neale Hurston; African roots; racial pride

§ _____________ = African American literary/artistic movement · Started in Harlem, a neighborhood in NYC · Attracted artists and _________ · __________ and ______________ · Their work connected with their _____________ · They advocated for ___________/identity and discussed African American problems

John T. Scopes; American Civil Liberties Union

§ ______________ · High school biology teacher in Tennessee (one of the states that prohibited evolution) · Scopes and the ACLU decided to challenge the law · _______________: independent organization w/ purpose of defending rights/liberties of individuals

Welfare capitalism; Stock; Health; pensions; Weekends; union activity; Union membership; strikes; middle class

§ _______________ · The idea that management takes care of its workers · Some corporations started offering benefits to workers o ________ in company below market price o ____________ insurance o Old age _____________ o ____________ off · They wanted to discourage ______________ and maintain a loyal work force · __________ and number of _________ decreased in 1920s · Rise of the _______________

Margin buying; bank; stock market; economic bubble

§ _________________ - people were buying stock on credit, so the stock prices did not reflect the true value of the company, it's been artificially increased - a big gamble · Put a small payment down and finance the rest from the ______ · Appears as if there is more money in the ______________ but the money is actually promised to be paid later · Created an ______________: prices increased to levels that did not reflect the value of the goods

National Origins Act; 2; 1890; Southern and Eastern; Quotas; Japanese; Northern and Western

· 1924: The _______________ became law o Instead of original 3%, this act made it _____% for each nationality o Was based on the ______ census instead of 1910 o This limits ______________ Europe even more!!! o _______ were set o ___________ immigration was excluded completely --> originating from TR's Gentlemen's Agreement o The NOA favored _____________ Europe because they were most like Americans


· A few major producers control an industry · Similar to monopoly · 3 or 4 · This became the norm for companies during 1920s · You seldom saw one company controlling an entire industry

mass media

· Connected Americans across the country · Growth in newspaper, magazines, radio · Allows people to have sports and movie stars

minorities; Great Migration; tenant farmers; overproducing; smaller; Southern African Americans

· Harder Times o For ____________ and farmers, life was already hard ... the GD made things harder o African Americans in the Depression § Most African Americans still lived in South despite ______________ § Conditions there weren't much better than those during Reconstruction § Most didn't own land; worked as ___________, sharecroppers, or farm hands § After WWI, farmers were _____________, and prices fell · This situation only made worse by GD · Markets even __________ · Many struggled to get by § Discrimination STILL a major issue for _________________

Hoover; optimistic; rugged individualism; efforts; self-respect; help

· Herbert Hoover and the Great Depression o 1928 election - _________ won easily o When the GD hit, Hoover's response was ___________ § Felt the worst had already happened; things could only get better § Believed in _____________ · People should not rely on gov. to bail them out · Instead, they should succeed on their own __________ · Felt it would help people's _____________ o But people weren't worried about their self-respect o Only worried about getting __________...

Douglas MacArthur; George Patton and Dwight Eisenhower; camps; gassed; unpopular; FDR

· Most did... about 2,000 stayed behind to talk to the president himself · Hoover got nervous that crowd would turn violent · Called in US Army led by _______________ and assisted by _________________ o Troops went beyond what they were supposed to do (make them go home) o Burned __________ to get rid of veterans o __________ more than 1,000 people · Footage of the event was captured; Hoover became even more _____________ o He has used the US Army against veterans of the Great War... o Hoover's image suffered again and now, and election was coming up o This time, against a formidable opponent: ________

Charles Lindbergh; The Spirit of St. Louis

· Pilot known for making 1st non-stop solo fight across Atlantic · No radio, just a compass and a few ham sandwiches · Went from New York to Paris · Time Magazine's man of the year · Plane: _____________

Henry Ford

· Popular business-man in 1920s · Automobiles · Showed us success of mass production · Improved assembly line by adding conveyor belt/moving track

mob and organized crime; bootlegging; Al Capone; cities; 21st; void

· Prohibition led to the formation of the ________________ · Most of the organized crime groups were involved in _______________ · ___________: mob boss in Chicago who organized crime and people competing to sell illegal alcohol brought violence/fighting between organized crime groups · Mostly found in big _________ · Prohibition was a FAILURE o Led to more problems that it solved o No way to enforce it - not enough police power · 18th Amendment was eventually repealed by the _______- Amendment in 1933 o 21st Amendment: made the 18th Amendment ___________; alcohol legal again

African Americans; treatment; democracy; white supremacy; lynching; race riots; KKK

· The War at Home o Racial Strife § After war, ________________ were determined to stand up for their rights § Many had served in war and felt they deserved better ______________ at home § Had fought to make the world safe for _____________, but had yet to experience democracy themselves § These elevated expectations only made _______________, racism, and violence worse because the whites see blacks walking around like heroes and the whites don't like it · Number of ______________ occurrences in South went up · Deadly _____________ in Northern cities · Harassment increased § The _________ became very public in the 1920s-1930s

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