Unit 7

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What was the immediate cause of the Korean War in 1950?

North Korea's military invasion of South Korea

Which of these happened in the United States during the Korean War?

Spending on the war helped keep the economy stable at a time when many feared recession.

Which of the following is true of the campaign of 1952?

Television played a role in shaping public perception of the candidates.

What happened as a result of the Korean War?

The American public worried something was wrong with their country.

What happened in the election of 1948?

The Democratic Party split in three.

What did traditional historians of the Cold War generally believe?

The Soviet Union was primarily responsible for the start of the rivalry.

Which of the following events happened by the end of 1950?

The United States agreed to aid most Western European nations if they were attacked.

Which of these events happened by the end of 1950?

The United States gave away $13 billion to help European economies rebuild.

What did revisionist historians believe regarding the Cold War?

The United States was more responsible for the Cold War than traditionalists thought.

Which of the following happened in the Korean War?

The early fighting was very mobile, but later there was mostly stalemate.

During the Truman administration, which of these was true of the federal government's crusade against Communist espionage?

The government prosecuted and convicted Julius and Ethel Rosenberg of spying on the Manhattan Project.

Which of the following statements best characterizes the larger effect of the policy stated in this speech on reshaping the role of the United States in global affairs?

The nation became the political and economic leader of the Western world in the following years.

Which of the following is true about negotiations among the Americans, British, and Soviets at the Yalta Conference?

These countries gave themselves and others a veto on the Security Council.

Which of these is true about the actions of the United States in the early Cold War?

They kept the country in a position of global leadership after its intervention in World War II.

Which of these places events in the correct chronological order?

Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, NATO, McCarthyism

Which of these trends happened after World War II?

U.S. labor unions were more likely to go on strike.



In 1949, President Harry S. Truman succeeded in getting Congress to pass ________.

aid for public housing

After World War II, what did the Soviet Union seem to want?

an international order in which the great powers controlled spheres of influence

In 1947, how did the Truman administration respond to Republican attacks that it was "soft on Communism"?

by launching a program to investigate the loyalty of federal employees

In 1949, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization ________.

declared that an attack on one member nation was an attack on all

During World War II, the U.S. and the USSR ________.

disagreed at the Teheran Conference about Poland

Unit 7

pg 653-676

Which broad U.S. policy goal of the mid-twentieth century was supported by the implementation of the policy proposed in this speech?

political and economic resistance to the spread of Soviet Communist influence abroad

Beginning in 1947, the United States' policy of containment was ________.

the basis for its foreign policy for more than forty years

What did President Harry S. Truman's Fair Deal call for?

the creation of national health insurance

What was the first target of the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) in 1947?

the movie industry

At the conclusion of the Yalta Conference in 1945, what basic disagreements remained?

the postwar government of Poland

After World War II, the United States hoped for a world based on ________ .

the principles of the Atlantic Charter

What was the purpose of Harry S. Truman's Fair Deal?

to expand Social Security and create national health care

When did President Harry S. Truman initially decide to "get tough" with the Soviet Union?

when he had been in office for only a few days

Why did President Harry S. Truman relieve General Douglas MacArthur of command in 1951?

MacArthur publicly criticized President Truman's policy in Korea.

What happened during Joseph McCarthy's investigation into alleged subversion in the government in the early 1950s?

McCarthy never produced conclusive evidence that any federal employee was a Communist.

The next three questions refer to the following excerpt.The truth of the matter is that Europe's requirements for the next 3 or 4 years of foreign food and other essential products—principally from America—are so much greater than her present ability to pay that she must have substantial additional help, or face economic, social, and political deterioration of a very grave character. *Which of the following provides the best rationale for the policy being supported in the above speech?

A swift economic recovery of the war-devastated countries would provide political stability against Communism.

Which of these was a consequence of the Korean War?

Close to 10 percent of Korea's population was killed.

What started the Korean War?

Communist North Korea invaded non-Communist South Korea.

What happened in the 1948 presidential election?

Early polls seemed to indicate that Harry S. Truman would lose.

Which of these is true of the campaign of 1952?

Eisenhower nearly dropped Nixon from the ticket after accusations of scandal.

What happened at the Tehran Conference in late 1943?

Franklin D. Roosevelt promised an Anglo-American second front within six months.

Which statement is true regarding the actions of Senator Joseph McCarthy in the 1950s?

He hoped to detect and remove Communist sympathizers from government positions.

Which of these actions did Truman take in his second term as president?

He issued an executive order to desegregate the military.

How was General Douglas MacArthur involved in the Korean War?

He led the UN counterinvasion that drove the North Koreans out of South Korea.

What happened when Harry S. Truman became president?

It became apparent that Germany would remain divided in the foreseeable future.

What did HUAC do in the late 1940s?

It brought Richard Nixon to national prominence.

Which statement was true of the American policy of containment after World War II?

It supported the actions of the Truman Doctrine.

What happened to the American economy during the mid-1940s?

It was plagued by serious inflation.

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