US History Chapter 7

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What major difference between the Union and Confederate armies became apparent during the siege of Petersburg in 1864?

The Union army had superior numbers of replacement troops in reserve.

The Republican Party chose Abraham Lincoln as its presidential candidate over William H. Seward mainly because Lincoln was

the more moderate candidate and was known to be a man of integrity

Why did John Brown lead a raid on Harpers Ferry?

to launch a rebellion against slavery

The Emancipation Proclamation declared free all enslaved persons in

states and territories in rebellion against the Union.

13th Amendment (1865)

the 1865 constitutional amendment that abolished slavery in the United States

What event encouraged Lincoln to move forward with his plan for emancipation?

the Battle of Antietam

Which event was seen, by the North, as the first act of war?

the Confederate attack on Fort Sumter

Alexander Stephens' discussion with President Lincoln about a feasible end to the war yielded no results mainly because

the Confederates would not accept a future without slavery.

The Kansas-Nebraska Act allowed slavery to spread to areas that had been free for over 30 years, which effectively nullified

the Missouri Compromise.

What event darkened the Union's victory in April 1865?

the assassination of President Lincoln

Robert E. Lee

the commander of the Confederate forces during the Civil War.

The principle of popular sovereignty is best demonstrated in

the proposal that the Nebraska Territory would decide for itself whether to allow slavery.

John Brown believed that the slavery crisis in the United States could only be resolved

through the use of physical force.

The "Christiana Riot" was one of many events to reflect what point of view?

white northerners' refusal to obey the new Fugitive Slave Act

How did the Supreme Court rule in the case of Dred Scott v. Sandford?

Enslaved people could not sue in court because they were not recognized as citizens.

Why were southern leaders agitated by California's request to join the Union?

They believed the legislative balance would be tipped in favor of free states.

What was the outcome of the Peninsular Campaign and the Second Battle of Bull Run?

The Confederacy drove back Union forces.

How did John Calhoun's response to the Clay Compromise differ from Daniel Webster's?

Calhoun believed that the South should secede if the two sides could not agree.

What was so surprising about the Battle of Bull Run?

Confederate forces rebuffed Union forces.

How did President Lincoln respond to the Confederacy's attack on Fort Sumter?

He declared the Confederacy's actions to be an insurrection and asked for volunteers to fight.

How did President Lincoln keep the border states loyal to the Union?

He insisted he had no intention of abolishing slavery.

What made Lincoln a 'northern' president?

He won the presidency without a single electoral vote from the South.

Which statement best explains the reasoning behind the decision of some northern states to pass "personal liberty laws"?

Individual states should decide for themselves whether or not to support slavery.

What was the result of the protective tariff passed in 1862?

Industrial development in the North surged because the tariff made imported goods more expensive.

How did the Emancipation Proclamation affect the North's attitude toward the war?

It redefined the war as being about slavery.

Why was the 54th Massachusetts Regiment significant?

It was a Union regiment comprised of all African American soldiers.

How might the Crittenden Compromise have eased tensions between the North and South?

It would have been a constitutional amendment that would allow slavery south of the Missouri Compromise line in all territories.

The Battle of Antietam marked the bloodiest day of the Civil War but also led to

President Lincoln moving forward with emancipation.

Why did the Kansas-Nebraska Act end in bloodshed?

Pro- and antislavery forces each sent settlers to compete for control.

Which political party represented a convergence of antislavery forces?

Republican Party

What became of former African American slaves after Civil War?

Some headed west to take advantage of the Homestead Act. African American southerners eagerly joined the migration that would mark American society for many years.

Which was a provision of the Compromise of 1850?

The Fugitive Slave Act strengthened earlier fugitive slave laws.

What did Richard Current mean when he described the Civil War after the summer of 1863 as a "war of attrition"?

The North's superior resources and military strength would inevitably wear down the South's ability to continue the war.

How were African American soldiers discriminated against in the Union military?

They were usually assigned the most menial and dangerous tasks.

What happened after the Emancipation Proclamation?

Union forces actively recruited African Americans.

Fort Sumter

a federal fort located in Charleston, South Carolina, where the first shots of the Civil War were fired

Anaconda Plan

a northern Civil War strategy to starve the South by blockading seaports and controlling the Mississippi River

What position did Abraham Lincoln take on slavery and popular sovereignty?

against slavery and popular sovereignty

What factor might have better enabled the Confederacy to win the war?

aid from Britain or France

Congress passed the Militia Act in order to

allow African Americans to join the military.

How did the Confederacy hope to win the war?

by digging in and outlasting the North

What did General Winfield Scott's "Anaconda Plan" entail?

cutting off Confederate supply lines by taking control of the Mississippi River

What significant loss did both the North and the South suffer as a result of the war?

devastating human casualties

Border states

during the Civil War, a state that allowed slavery but remained in the Union: Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, and Missouri

The loosely organized system referred to as the Underground Railroad was used to

help enslaved people escape to freedom in the North.

A primary factor in the growth of the new Republican Party was its

opposition to slavery.

Many northerners objected to the Fugitive Slave Act because it

required citizens to help capture runaway slaves.

The Wilmot Proviso sought to

restrict the expansion of slavery.

During the presidential election of 1848, Whig and Democratic candidates

said that voters should choose whether to allow slavery.

In the Dred Scott case, the U.S. Supreme Court

stated that Congress could not ban slavery in territories.

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