US History Study Notes

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What was Kristallnacht?

"Night of Broken Glass"

When was Alaska purchased?

1867: Seward arrange to buy it from Russia for $7.2 million.

What was the Bessemer process?

A cheap and efficient process for making steel, developed around 1850

What was the Virginia Company?

A company formed by a group of wealthy Englishmen set to settle a colony and business in the New World

Which of these statements describes how the US government acted to prevent future attacks like 9/11?

A government agency took over airport security. The government coordinated the efforts of law enforcement. Congress increased the government's powers of search and seizure.

What caused the Philippine-American War?

A group of Filipino rebels fought against U.S. forces stationed in the Philippines. The rebels fought for independence from colonial powers.

Which of the following statements best describes why the United States invaded Iraq?

After 9/11, President Bush argued that a man like Saddam Hussein could not be trusted with WMDs.

What was Sherman's March to the Sea?

After the burning of Atlanta, he marched throughout Georgia and burned everything in a 60-mile wide path, stopping at Savannah.

What was the Treaty of Versailles?

Agreement to stop fighting WWI; blame Germany!

How did alliances contribute to the start of World War I?

Alliances required nations to defend each other against aggression.

What was operation Torch

Allied invasion of North Africa

What was the Social Security Act of ? 1935?

An act meant to alleviate financial dependency through two lines of defense: contributory social insurance and public assistance.

When was the Spanish American War?

April-August 1898

When was the March on washington

August 28, 1963

When did Nixon resign?

August 9, 1974

Why might CORE have called its bus campaign freedom rides?

Because they wanted African Americans to be free to travel safely

At the end of 2001, the US economy

Began to recover while New York's economy weakened.

What is the Arms Race and when does it begin?

Begins August 1949. The competition between countries for superiority in development and gaining of weapons, USSR/US during Cold War.

Who was Eugene "Bull" Connor?

Birmingham Commissioner of Public Safety - allowed freedom riders to be beaten

What is Black Nationalism?

Black control of political and economic affairs within the African American community

What was the Meuse-Argonne Offensive?

Bloodiest battle in United States history, American offensive

Who was Booker T. Washington?

Booker T Washington was a supporter of equal rights for African Americans. He taught himself to read and worked in coal mines. He founded the Tuskegee Institute.

Why did the British want to capture Bunker Hill?

Boston could easily be attacked from it.

Who is Medgar Evers?

Civil Rights activist; killed outside his home in Jackson, Mississippi

How was Nicaragua involved in the Iran-Contra affair?

Contra forces received money from the sale of missiles.

When was the EPA established?

December 2, 1970

What was the battle of Fort Sumter?

First battle of the Civil War

The invasion of Europe began in the country of


The 1964 Mississippi voter registration campaign was called the

Freedom Summer

Who were the allied powers in WWII

Great Britain, France, (Soviet Union and US later)

Which of the following statements about the Marquis de Lafayette are true? Check all of the boxes that apply.

He was a close friend of Gen. Washington. He participated in the siege at Yorktown. He led troops and became known as "the Hero of Two Worlds." He asked the king of France to send troops to help fight the British.

Who was William Lloyd Garrison?

He was a famous abolitionist, and he was famous for his paper called the liberator

Who was Ernest Hemingway?

He was the most famous expatriate author. He criticized the glorification of war.

Who was J. Robert Oppenheimer?

He was the scientific leader of the Manhattan Project

Who was Henrich Himmler?

Head of the SS

Who was the first African American to serve in Congress

Hiram Revels

What were Obama's Foreign policy challenges in the Middle East and Arab Spring?

In 2010, prodemocracy uprisings began in several Arab countries -Both Tunisia and Egypt had revolutions. -A civil war erupted in Libya. -US, NATO, and other forces intervened to aid the rebels.

What was the Bay of Pigs invasion?

In April 1961, a group of Cuban exiles organized and supported by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency landed on the southern coast of Cuba in an effort to overthrow and remove Fidel Castro as the leader of Cuba.

What was the Truman Doctrine?

It provide aid to anyone who was resisting communism

How was Carolina similar to Virginia?

It started as a charter colony but became a royal colony.

What was the Wade-Davis Bill?

It was a 50% plan that meant that 50% of people had to swear loyalty before returning, and gave no Amnesty to soldiers.

What was the Oklahoma City bombing?

It was a domestic terrorist attack on the Alfred P Murrah Federal building. The terrorist was Timothy James McVeigh and the act was committed on April 19, 1995

What was the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850?

It was a law passed in 1850 that made it legal to arrest runaway slaves anywhere in the United States. The slaves could be returned to their owners. A person who helped runaway slaves faced fines and jail time.

What was the Wilmot Proviso?

It was a stipulation that slavery be prohibited in any territory acquired in the negotiations with Mexico.

What was the XYZ affair?

It was an effort by the French to get the United States to pay a bribe before they would negotiate.

The poet known as the "Shakespeare of Harlem" was

Langston Hughes

When did Osama Bin Laden die?

May 2, 2011

What was the Union during the civil war?

Northern states

When was the Vietnam War?

November 1, 1955 - April 30, 1975

Who was Richard Nixon?

Promised to restore "peace with honor" in Vietnam, best known for his position in the Watergate Scandal, was President after Lyndon B. Johnson

Who was the Commander of the Confederate army

Robert E. Lee

What was Jay's Treaty (1794)

Sent by Washington, John Jay negotiate treaty where Britain would stop impressment and compensate for cargo seized, and abandon western outpost (as previously agreed 1783).

When did Adolf hitler invade poland

September 1, 1939

When did Germany invade Poland?

September 1, 1939

When was WWII declared?

September 1, 1939

When was the Constitution written?

September 17, 1787

When was the Inchon invasion?

September 1950

When was WWII over?

September 2, 1945

When was the Treaty of Paris signed?

September 3, 1783

When did France and Britain declare war on Germany

September 3rd, 1939

Which events were effects of the Homestead Act?

Settlers continued to push onto American Indian lands. Land speculators made profits by making land claims. Millions of acres of US public land were claimed.

What was Clay's American System?

Tariffs protect and enrich the North which....... Purchases produce from the West and South, transported over roads which have been ..... Built by the federal government with proceeds from the tariffs.

What was the cause of the American Revolution?

Taxation without Representation, British taking control

What is the Commonwealth of Independent States?

The Commonwealth of Independent States is a regional organization whose participating countries are former Soviet Republics, formed during the breakup of the Soviet Union.

What was CORE?

The Congress of Racial Equality. They organized the Freedom Riders trip.

Why were so many Japanese lives lost in the Battles of Iwo Jima and Okinawa?

The Japanese commanders refused to surrender, even when the battle had been lost.

Which of the following occurred in the months after the failed coup in the Soviet Union? Check all of the boxes that apply.

The Soviet states declared independence. The Soviet Union collapsed.

What were the arguments aganst the No Child Left behind Act of 2001

The act did not provide enough federal funding to make the plan work well. -It would encourage students and teachers to focus too much in standardized tests. -It would force schools to neglect many parts of the curriculum.

What were the arguments for the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001

The act would create higher standards for all students. -It would increase the test scores of struggling students. -It would improve the quality of teaching in low-income school districts.

Why were the Battles of Lexington and Concord significant?

The battles marked the beginning of the Revolution.

What was Manifest Destiny?

The belief that it was America's destiny to expand to the Pacific Ocean

What is the policy of detnete?

The easing of tensions, created by Nixon

What was the Trinity Test?

The first test on a nuclear weapon. It was not a "droppable" bomb. It was intended to see if it would work.

What right was Roe's argument based on?

The right to privacy

What did the Cherokee do to assimilate into early nineteenth-century American society?

They invented an alphabet. They wrote a constitution. They planted cotton and farmed.

Why did colonists oppose the Stamp Act?Check all of the boxes that apply.

They said that they were being taxed without being represented. They thought that the stamp taxes were expensive and inconvenient.

Why did the liberal opposition criticize the New Deal? Check all of the boxes that apply.

They thought that the New Deal did not provide enough economic opportunity. They thought that the New Deal did not provide enough redistribution of wealth. They thought that the New Deal did not provide enough social programs.

Why did former soldiers gather in Philadelphia in 1783?

They wanted Congress to pay the wages due them for their service during the war.

What were Jim Crow laws?

They were laws that enforced the strict separation of the races.

What was the Homestead Act of 1862?

This law gave 160 acres of western land to farmers who promised to live on the land for at least 5 years

What was the Children's Crusade?

This movement recruited children to participate. Over 1,000 students marched from the 16th St. Baptist Church singing freedom songs.

What was the Indians Appropriations Act of 1871

Tribes were no longer consndiered to be independent nations. All American Indians were to be treated as indviduals. American Indians were designated as wards of the federal government

What were the Allied Powers?

UK, France, Italy, Russia, Japan, and the US

What was the Battle of Chancellorsville?

Union General hooker was badly beaten when Confederate General Lee divided his troops and sent Jackson to attack the Union flank,

What were death camps?

Unlike the concentration camps, six extermination camps were established between 1941 and 1943 to exterminate the Jews.

Which legislation was influenced by the Selma marches?

Voting Rights Act

Which statement best describes life for women under Taliban rule?

Women were excluded from public life and could not go to school or hold a job.

What was the Emancipation Proclamation?

freed slaves in the confederacy... Made ending Slavery the goal of the Civil war in the end of the war

Freeing a slave is called


What was the Cumberland Gap?

natural pass in Appalachian mountains that allowed settlers to travel west

What were Levittowns?

planned suburban communities cookie cutter homes

Which consequence did marchers experience?

police violence

What did the British hope to accomplish with the Intolerable Acts?

punish Massachusetts and regain control

During which Cold War decade was U.S. defense spending at its highest?

the 1960s

What was the Nissei 442nd Regimental Combat Team?

were segregated only allowed to fight in Europe one of the most decorated regiments in military history

What is The passage of Title IX

"No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance."

What was Blitzkrieg?

"lightning war," using planes, tanks and trucks

What is the role of the judicial branch?

(1) interpret the laws (to decide the meaning of the law and the Constitution). (2) settle conflicts between individuals or between states. (3) decide if someone is breaking the law and what their punishment should be

What was the Battle of Little Bighorn

(1876): Also called Custer's Last Stand, it was the most famous incident of the Indian Wars. Cheyenne and Sioux indians killed Custer and all of his men.

What was the Warsaw Ghetto?

* Walled-off heavily guarded 'holding city' in Poland to imprison Jews until they could be sent to death camps by train *Largest of the many ghettos the Nazis set up all over Poland (350,000)

What caused the Great Depression?

- Over-speculation of stocks, - Banking collapse - Farming dust bowl

What was the Selective Service Act of 1917

- all American men between the ages of 21 and 30 had to register for the draft - lotteries were held to determine who would serve

What was the People's Party?

- also called Populist Party - political party for farmers

What percentage of US land was given away through the Homestead Act?


When did germany invade Czechoslovakia

15th March 1939

When was the French and Indian war?


When was the American Revolution?


When was Westward expansion?


When was the Whig party formed?


When was the Texas revolution?


When was the California Gold Rush?


When was the Civil War?


When was Red Cloud's War?


When did Reconstruction end?


When was the Philippine-American War?


When was the Panama Canal built?


When was WWI?


When was the radio invented?


When did consumers began usng credit to buy goods


When was jazz music created?


When was the crash of the stock market


When was the Great Depression?


When did the Great plains suffer from a drought/


When did Japan form a pack with Italy and Germany


What was the Munich Conference?

1938 meeting of the leaders of Britain, France Italy and Germany, in which an agreement was signed to give part of Czechoslovakia to Hilter

when did the internment camps end?

1944 before the end of WWII

When did the US birthrate increase dramaticly


When was the Civil rights movement


What was Brown v. Board of Education?

1954 argued by Thurmond Marshall integrated schools - "with all deliberate speed"

When was the bus boycott?


When was the Peace Corps made?


When was the Civil Rights Act passed?


When did the US began bombing North Vietnam


Who was in charge of the Clean Air Act, Water Quality Act, and Endangered Species Act

1966, when President Lyndon Johnson signed the Clean Waters Restoration Act.

When was the Iran-Iraq war?


When did the Taliban take control of Afghanistan?


When was the September 11 attacks

2001, september 11

What were the numberg trials

24 Nazis were arrested and tried for crimes

When did Saddam Hussein invade Kuwait?

2nd August 1990

What was the Election of 1860?

4 candidates for the office of president Lincoln- Republican Douglas- Northern Democrat Breckinridge- Southern Democrat Bell-Whig

What was the Iran Hostage Crisis?

52 Americans held hostage for 444 days, released right after Reagan inaugurated

What was the Battle of the Coral Sea (May 1942)

A 3 day battle between the Japanese and the US aircraft carriers that survived the bombing of Pearl Harbor. It was the first battle in US History that 2 ships never engaged one another directly. Japanese fleet turned back

What was the battle of Gettysburg?

A 3 day battle in which the Union won because of Robert E. Lee telling George Pickett to charge the Union

What was the Freedmen's Bureau?

A Bureau set up to provide support to newly freed slaves

Who was Malcolm X?

A Civil Rights activist that didn't believe in nonviolent protests

Who was Adolf Hitler and what did he do?

A German politician who rose to power and used his authority to form the Nazi party which prosecuted Jews by blaming them for the country's problems

Who was Huey Long?

A Louisiana politician who challenged FDR, claiming that the New Deal did not do enough to help Americans during the Great Depression.

Who was Tecumseh?

A Native American chief who fought with the British in the war of 1812. the leader of the Shawnee Indians who allied his tribe with the British

Who was Dwight D. Eisenhower?

A US General who led the overall operations of Operation Overlord (D-Day Invasions).

What ended the Korean War in 1953?

A cease-fire that split the countries at the 38th Parallel

What is the Warren Commission?

A group, headed by Chief Justice Earl Warren, that investigated the assassination of Pres. Kennedy & concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald was alone responsible

Who was Louis Armstrong?

A jazz composer and trumpet player

What is the Voting Rights Act of 1965?

A law passed at the time of the civil rights movement. It eliminated various devices, such as literacy tests, that had traditionally been used to restrict voting by black people.

Land Ordinance of 1785

A law that divided much of the United States into a system of townships to facilitate the sale of land to settlers. reserved a section of land for public schools divided land into townships

What was the Dust Bowl?

A long drought in the plains in the 1930s. Windstorms would blow away the top soil creating dust storms ruining agriculture

What was the cotton gin?

A machine that picked seeds out of short-staple cotton plants

What did Syngman Rhee want in regards to Korea?

A nationalist and ardent anti-communist, Rhee wished to reunite Korea (and would not tolerate any communism in this united Korea). This meant removing communism from the North as well as creating a stronger state to ward off the USSR. Was determined to use force, not just in defence but in a possible attack on North Korea

What was the Underground Railroad?

A network system hidden to get slaves to freedom

Who were the Free-Soilers?

A northern-based political party that supported the Wilmot Proviso and banning slavery in the territories

What was the Industrial Revolution?

A period of improvements in industrial technology, like the invention of steam engines and mass production.

Who was Jacob Riis?

A photojournalist who published, "How the Other Half Lives", a series of photos about the lives in the slums of New York.

What was the Progressive Movement?

A political movement calling for reform due to unsafe working conditions, abusive business practices, and lack of government intervention

What is fascism?

A political movement that promotes an extreme form of nationalism, a denial of individual rights, and a dictatorial one-party rule.

What was the Free Soil Party?

A political party dedicated to stopping the expansion of slavery

What was the Tariff of 1828?

A protective tariff on European goods making these imported products more expensive.

Who were the Quakers? What did they believe?

A protestant group that believed that everyone had an inner light that could guide him to salvation.

What was the KKK?

A revived group that harassed immigrants, African Americans, Jews and Catholics.

What was the Iran-Contra Affair?

A secret action by the state department where the U.S. sold arms to Iran and funneled the money to contra rebels fighting the government in Nicaragua.

What is federalism?

A sharing of power between states and national government

What was Iwo Jima?

A small island in the Pacific where tens of thousands of Japanese soldiers fought to the death, killing 13,000 Marines and wounding 46,000

What does Medicaid do?

A social health care program for families and individuals with low income and limited resources. Medicaid is the largest source of funding for medical and health related services for people with low-income in the US

Checks and Balances

A system that allows each branch of government to limit the powers of the other branches in order to prevent abuse of power

What was the Zimmerman Telegram?

A telegram sent by Germany to Mexico asking them to join the war on the Central Powers' side.

What was the Compromise of 1850?

Admitting California to the Union as a free state. New Mexico, Utah would be organized as territoires open to slavery. Ended the slave trade in Washington D.C. called for a passage of strong fugative slave law, which would make it easier to find and reclaim runaway slaves. ( this compromise was toward admitting states as a union.)

Who were the Tuskegee Airmen?

African American pilots who were trained at the air base at the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama

What was a sit-in?

African American protestors sat down at segregated lunch counters and refused to leave until they were served

Who was Zora Neale Hurston?

African American writer and folklore scholar who played a key role in the Harlem Renaissance

What were the results of the air war and the Battle of the Atlantic?

Allied leaders could go forward with their plans to invade France. US troops and supplies reached Europe. Allied bombers reduced Germany's ability to produce war materials.

What is the Fair Housing Act?

Allows individual's with disabilities equal housing opportunities Able to make reasonable accommodations to meet disabilities needs

Bacon's Rebellion began when Nathaniel Bacon led a militia against

American Indian groups along the frontier.

The slogan "Fifty-Four Forty or Fight!" was about

American possession of all the Oregon Country.

What was Westward Expansion?

American settlers from east coat moved westward and created railroads and canals

What was the Emergency Relief Act?

An act that loaned to state and local governments to provide direct relief

What is the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008?

An act to provide authority for the Federal Government to purchase and insure certain types of troubled assets for the purposes of providing stability to and preventing disruption in the economy and financial system and protecting taxpayers, to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide incentives for energy .

What was the Atlanta Compromise?

An agreement between Booker T. Washington, other African American leaders, and Southern white leaders.

What was the Sunbelt?

An area ranging from Florida to California who's population nearly doubled because families moved there for lower taxes, better climate, and more jobs

What was the "Iron Curtain" that Winston Churchill referred to?

An imaginary line that separated communist countries from free countries in Europe

What was the Battle of New Orleans

Andrew Jackson defeated British troops and became a famous war hero on January 8, 1815.

what were Anti-Semitic Laws?

Anti-Jewish Laws

What did "nullification" mean?

Any state could refuse to follow a law that it disagreed with.

What was Social Darwinism?

Applying Darwin's theory of survival of the fittest to society

What happened as a result of Hurricane Katrina?Check all of the boxes that apply.

Approximately 80 percent of the city was flooded. Thousands were stranded and needed rescues. The city faced a public health emergency.

When did Germany invade Denmark and Norway

April 1940

When did Texas capture Santa Anna at the Battle of San Jacinto?

April 21, 1836

When was Martin Luther King Jr. assassinated?

April 4, 1968

When did the US enter World War I?

April 6, 1917

When was the Birmingham Campaign?

April-May 1963

Select the correct branch described in each article of the Constitution.

Article I established the ✔ legislative branch. Article II established the ✔ executive branch. Article III established the ✔ judicial branch.

What started World War 1?

Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

What was Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

Atomic bombs were dropped on these Japanese cities during WWII on August 6 1945 and August 9 1945

Which factors led to stalemate in the trenches?

Attacks on trenches were deadly Defensive weapons were better than offensive ones Trenches were designed for defense

Why did North Korea invade South Korea?

Attempting to make all of Korea a communist state

When did Japan surrender?

August 14, 1945

When was the Free Soil Party formed?

August 1848

When was Hurricane Katrina?

August 2005

When was the March on Washington?

August 28, 1963

Why was the Soviet victory at Stalingrad the most important turning point in the European Theater of World War II in 1943?

Axis forces lost 800,000 troops and the war on the eastern front turned against them.

What is the INF Treaty of 1987?

Banned nuclear missiles with a 300 and 3,400 mile range

What was the battle of Shiloh

Battle in Tennessee, lasted two days, Union Victory, 23,000 casualties

Which of these characteristics did a homesteader need in order to take advantage of the Homestead Act?

Be twenty-one years old or the head of a family Be a US citizen or have filed for US citizenship Be able to live on and improve the land for at least five years

What do the Stamp Act and the Townshend Acts have in common?Check all of the boxes that apply

Both were rejected by colonists who thought that the British government wasimposing unfair taxes. Both were repealed after hostile reactions from the colonists.

What was one of the main issues between the United States and Great Britain in the early 1800s?

Britain was interfering with US trade and settlement.

What was the Triple Entente?

Britain, France, Russia

Who were the Allied Powers in WWI?

Britain, France, Russia, Italy and the United States

Who was Winston Churchill?

British Prime Minister during WWII

What was the treaty of 1818

British agreed to settle the border of the Us and Canada at the 49th parallel. We share Newfoundland fisheries and 10 year joint ownage of Oregon.

The first elective governing body in a British colony was the House of


Why did the United States invade Iraq in 2003? Check all the boxes that apply.

Bush believed Saddam and Iraq had WMDs. Bush argued that Iraq had previously supported terrorist organizations. The United States claimed that Iraq was not fully cooperating with UN weapons inspectors.

How did Bush's relationship with Gorbachev compare with Reagan's?

Bush was on friendlier terms with Gorbachev, while Reagan was more confrontational.

How did the United States contribute to the Allied victory?

By providing large numbers of reinforcements By supporting the last major allied offensive By boosting the morale of Allied troops

Which argument did Thurgood Marshall use to challenge the legality of segregation in Brown v. Board of Education?

By their nature, separate schools could never be equal.

Which two men were band leaders at the Cotton Club?

Cab Calloway Duke Ellington

What were internment camps?

Camps to which Japanese-American citizens were relocated because of fear that they were a security risk.

What were carpetbaggers and scalawags?

Carpetbaggers were northern born Republicans who came south to make a profit off of the torn South in Reconstruction Scalawags were southern Republicans who did not support the Confederacy and were seen as traitors by other southerners.

Because of the transcontinental railroad, which country became more accessible for trade?


What happened during the Korean war in November of 1950

China entered the war in support of North Korea.

Which sentence describes what happened to American cities during the Industrial Revolution?

Cities grew rapidly as people came looking for jobs.

this action followed the decision of East Germany's leaders to finally open the country's borders.

Citizens began tearing down the Berlin Wall.

The March on Washington secured civil rights because it influenced the passage of the

Civil Rights Act

What was the Corrupt Bargain of 1824?

Clay got his supporters to vote for Adams. Adams, once elected, made Clay the Secretary of State. Jackson's supporters accused them of a corrupt bargain but in effect, Clay had no other option since he and Adams had a lot in common and he was opposed to Jackson. And in fact Clay was an excellent statesman. Nevertheless Jackson supporter's swore revenge in 1828.

Who was General Douglas MacArthur?

Commander of the Allied land forces in the Pacific

Who was Admiral Chester Nimitz?

Commander of the American Naval Fleet in the Pacific

What was life like under Saddam Hussein?

Commited several violations of human rights, Shia Muslims were often imprisoned without charges or executed. Kurdish people were relocated, terrorized, and executed in large numbers.

What is CREEP

Committee to Re-Elect the President (Nixon) used illegal practices to damage possible opponents

What caused the Korean War?

Communist North Korea invaded South Korea

Who is Fidel Castro?

Communist dictator of Cuba in 1959

What was the conclusion of the Vietnam War?

Communist forces ended the war by seizing control of South Vietnam in 1975, and the country was unified as the Socialist Republic of Vietnam the following year.

Who was Fidel Castro?

Communist leader of Cuba

What was the Second battle of bull run?

Confederate attack that helped push Union forces out of Virginia

What was the first battle of Bull run?

Confederate victory that showed that the Civil War would not end quickly. Near Manassas, Virginia.

Which of the following is a reason Whitney's railroad was not built?

Congress could not agree on a location for the rail line.

What was the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution?

Congressional authorization for LBJ to use force against Vietnam without having to ask for Congressional permission.

What was the Great Compromise?

Created a bicameral legislature (combined VA and NJ plans to create Congress) one house based on representation, one house has equal representation

What was the US Patriot Act?

Created in 2001 to increase surveillance on American's in order to prevent future terrorist attacks

What were the Indian Appropriations Act? 1851

Created reservations, or land set aside for specific American Indian groups.

What was Operation Overlord?

D-Day attack of Allied troops on the coast of German-occupied Normandy. Although it held heavy costs, the attack succeeded in providing a foothold for further Allied encroachment into continental Europe.

Who discovered the Wilderness Road?

Daniel Boone

What was the battle of Antietam?

Deadliest one day battle of the Civil War. Resulted in a Union Victory and General Lee's retreat.

What was the compromise of 1850

Dealt with the Mexican Cession - popular sovereignty would be used in the territory, slave trade was banned in Washington D.C., California was added as a free state, a more strict fugitive slave law was created.

When did the southern states secede?

December 20, 1860

When did the Soviet Union collapse?

December 26, 1991

When did Japan attack Pearl Harbor?

December 7, 1941

Travelers on the California and Santa Fe Trails had to cross deadly?


When settlers came to the West, American Indians often died as a result of the introduction of new


Think about the factors that pushed the United States to the breaking point.Check all of the issues that were deciding factors in the United States' decision to enter the war.

Direct attacks on US ships Germany's attempted alliance with Mexico A desire to preserve democracy in the world

Who didn't support the Vietnam War


What was the Dred Scott case?

Dred Scott was a freed slave after moving to the North, but eventually they tried to deny his rights. He took his case to court, where it was decided that Scott was not a full citizen, and because of that he could not bring his case to court.

Which two arguments did the Supreme Court use to uphold the constitutionality of Korematsu's internment?

Due to the war, there was not enough time to hold trials or hearings before sending people to internment camps. The military had a legitimate need to protect against espionage and sabotage.

What was the Virginia Plan?

Each state had their delegates based on population

What is the EPA?

Environmental protection agency Monitors soil, air, and water quality

What is the Equal Rights Amendment?

Equality of rights can't be denied by U.S. or any state because of a person's sex

There were few towns along the route of the railroads. Why was this a challenge?

Equipment, rails, food, and even water had to be shipped long distances.

What did the Office of Price Administration do?

Established limits on consumer prices and rents to prevent inflation

What is the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1965 do?

Established the HUD Department Expanded funding for public housing funded city rebuilding efforts

What did the Pacific Railroad Act of 1862 do? Check all of the boxes that apply.

Established the Union Pacific Railroad Established the Central Pacific Railroad Gave loans and land to railroad companies

Who was the Pullman Strike leader?

Eugene V. Debs

Which American is famous for writing The Great Gatsby?

F. Scott Fitzgerald

What was sharecropping?

Farmed the land, but forced to give a share of the crop to the owner - never got ahead

What was the cause of Shays's Rebellion in 1786?

Farmers had fallen into debt.

What were the effects of overproduction in Agriculture

Farmers lost imcome as prices fell. -famers couldn't pay back their loans nor their could they pay for their suppliers -banks then began to fail, and suppliers went out of business.

What was the Red Scare?

Fear of the spread of communism

Who is Thurgood Marshall?

First African American Supreme Court Justice

Why were the electoral votes in Florida so crucial to the 2000 election?

Florida's electoral votes decided the close election.

What did the cash-and-carry law say?

For warning nations to purchase war supplies in the US they would pay cash and transport them in their own ships

What were the effects of the Smoot-Hawley Act

Foreign governments refused to buy American exports. The depression worsened as more companies were forced out of business.

what was the The Women's Christian Temperance Union

Formed by church women in 1874 -Advocated temperance

What challenges do you think the nation faced as it began its recovery from war?

Formerly enslaved people needed homes and jobs. Bad feelings remained between the North and the South. The South needed to rebuild its economy without slavery. Damage and destruction from the war had to be repaired.

Who was Samuel Gompers?

Founder of the American Federation of Labor

Who was Fred Korematsu?

Fred Korematsu was a Japanese-American who refused to go to the American concentration camps that were set up for the Japanese-Americans. He ended up getting convicted of violating the military order 9066 and got sent to a concentration camp. He appealed his way to the Supreme Court, where he lost the case 6-3.

What did the Higher Education Act of 1965 do?

Funded low interest student loans and university research facilities

What did the Defense Plant Corporation (1940) do?

Gave money to businesses to fun war production

Which famous general was defeated at the Battle of Little Big Horn?

Gen. George Armstrong Custer

What was GATT?

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, This policy reduced international tariffs on industrial goods by 40 percent. -Its passage led to the creation of the World Trade Organization(WTO), which later replaced GATT.

Who was george Patton

General for the US during the invasion of D-Day.

What was the Pullman Strike of 1894?

George Pullman made Palace Car. Co (Railway Cars) got scared by depression and cut workers wages by 1/3

What caused WWII to begin?

German invasion of Poland

What was Operation Barbarossa?

German invasion of the Soviet Union

What was the Battle of Britain?

Germany launched an aerial attack on Great Britain during 1940. For 8 months, they bombed cities and buildings. Winston Churchill refused to give up, and Great Britain never succumbed to German occupation.

What was the Triple Alliance?

Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy

What were the Central Powers?

Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire

Who were the Axis Powers in WWII?

Germany, Japan, Italy

What was an area of a city where Jews were segregated during the Holocaust.


What was the Wounded Knee Massacre (1890)?

Ghost Dance rituals stirred fears among government officials. US troops wanted to disarm a band of Sioux Indians seeking protection at a reservation.

Why did fighting break out between American Indians and the US Army in the Black Hills region? Select all that apply.

Gold was discovered in the Black Hills on land belonging to the Sioux. Miners and settlers demanded that the government take more land from the American Indians. The government tried to confine to

What caused California's population to increase in 1848 and 1849?

Gold was discovered.

What led to the breakthrough at the INF negotiations?

Gorbachev and Reagan signed the INF Treaty. Gorbachev was willing to negotiate. Americans objected to nuclear weapons.

Which of the following best describes the impact of Gorbachev's reforms in the Soviet Union?

Gorbachev's reforms had the unintended consequence of triggering unrest and disorder.

What is totalitarianism?

Government has total control of a country

How did the Obama administration respond to the environmental disaster created by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill?

Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Task Force

Why did Hamilton want a national bank?

Hamilton called for the creation of the bank to have a safe place for the government to keep money, to make loans to businesses and government and to issue bank notes (that's paper money). This plan would strengthen the central government.

What was the Cotton Club?

Harlem nightspot where many African American entertainers got their start

Who supported the Vietnam war


Who was J.P. Morgan and what did he do?

He acted as a power broker in the reorganization of the railroads and the creation of industrial giants. He took over struggling railroads and eliminated competition by creating a community of interest that among managers he hand-picked.

Which of the following best reflects President Bush's views on taxes?

He believed they should be cut as a matter of fairness and good economic policy.

Which two arguments did Fred Korematsu present against internment?

He did not receive due process under the law. He was discriminated against for racial reasons.

Why did General Lee join the Confederate military and not the Union army?

He felt loyal to his native Virginia

How did Bush try to fix the economic recession in 2008?

He helped create a plan to buy $700 billion in bad loans and assets.

What did Samuel Slater do?

He memorized the way that the British made machines and he brought the idea to America. He made our first cotton spinning machine.

What controversial action did Ford take during his presidency, which damaged his chances for election in 1976?

He pardoned Nixon for any crimes committed in office

John Rolfe was an important leader in Jamestown. Which of the following actions are ways that Rolfe helped the colony?Check all of the boxes that apply.

He planted a kind of tobacco that became profitable. His marriage to Pocahontas improved relations with the Powhatan.

How did Fidel Castro respond to Kennedy's quarantine?

He prepared for war. He called Kennedy a pirate. He organized anti-United States demonstrations.

How did Fidel Castro react to the fall of the Soviet Union?

He renewed his commitment to communism.

How did Malcolm X bring people into the Nation of Islam?

He started a newspaper. He gave stirring speeches. He opened new branches of the Nation.

What was Lincoln's plan for Reconstruction?

He wanted 10% of the confederates to swear loyalty, and gave Amnesty to the confederates.

Why did General Eisenhower force German civilians to visit liberated concentration camps? Check all of the boxes that apply.

He wanted the world to know what had happened. He did not want anyone to be able to deny that the Holocaust had occurred.

Who was F. Scott Fitzgerald?

He was one of the most famous American writers. He revealed the negative side of the gaiety and freedom of the era in his book The Great Gatsby. He portrayed wealthy people living imperiled lives.

Which of the following best summarizes the fate of President Bush's proposals on immigration?

His approach faced objection from all sides and could not garner enough support for passage.

What caused WWI to begin

Hitler tried to invade Poland for the access to the sea that Germany once had

What was Mein Kampf?

Hitler's book on what he was going to do with Germany.

What was the SS?

Hitler's elite security force

Who was the leader of vietnam

Ho Chi Minh (communist)

What was the Reconstruction Finance Corporation?

Hoover's plan to use federal $ to help businesses stay Open so people would not lose jobs

What is propaganda?

Ideas spread to influence public opinion for or against a cause.

What were interchangeable parts?

Identical pieces that could be assembled quickly by unskilled workers

Why did immigrants settle in cities

Immigrants stayed where there were jobs and other people who shared their culture.

What was Ellis Island? Angel Island?

Immigration processing centers - Ellis (NY) - Angel (SF)

What is the No Child Left Behind Act?

In 2001, this required all public schools who want to receive federal funding to administer annual standardized tests.

What were Obama's Foreign policy challenges in Iraq and Afghanistan

In Iraq, The United States withdrew most troops by the end of 2011 In Afghanistan, At first, the United States sent more troops to combat terrorist groups. The United States began training Afghan with the goal of withdrawing

What were Obama's Foreign policy challenges for Latin America?

In cuba, Obama eased restrictions on communication, travel, and exports The United States continued to support democracy. In Mexico, The United States created programs to help fight violence on the US-Mexico border

What pact did germany have with the Soviet Union

In the night of 23-24 August 1939, Germany and the Soviet Union signed a non-aggression pact., known as the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. The countries agreed that they would not attack each other and secretly divided the countries that lay between them.

What were the results of Yugoslavia rejecting communism?

Individual states declared independence from Yugoslavia. The country experienced a civil war.

Who was Ho Chi Minh and what did he do?

Inspired by Chinese and Soviet communism, Ho Chi Minh formed the Viet Minh, or the League for the Independence of Vietnam, to fight both Japan and the French colonial administration. Ho's Viet Minh forces rose up immediately, seizing the northern city of Hanoi and declaring a Democratic Republic of Vietnam (DRV) with Ho as president.

Why did stock prices drop so quickly in 1929?

Investors panicked when stock prices fell and tried to sell as quickly as possible.

What was the Persian Gulf War?

Iraq invaded Kuwait (illegally) and headed towards Saudi Arabia, but there was a lot of oil reserves there which could threaten the US oil supplies. The US and allies launched a massive air assault on Iraq. Kuwait was liberated.

Most immigrants from the 1820s to the 1850s came from which two countries?

Ireland and Germany

Which of the following is true about the House of Burgesses?

It allowed a degree of self-rule.

What role did the Berlin airlift play in the Cold War?

It brought the Allies closer together. It convinced many Europeans that Soviet expansion posed a real threat.

What did the Office of War Mobilization do?

It coordinated all government agencies and production and distribution of consumer goods.

What were the governmental weaknesses that prevented the Confederation Congress from addressing the nation's economic problems? Check all of the boxes that apply.

It could not stop states from printing money. It could not regulate trade. It could not collect taxes. It could not regulate prices.

What was the MacArthur Constitution?

It created a Parliamentary democracy that called for direct election in Japan, all adults had the right to vote, the emperor was no longer seen as divine and the people gave up war as a natural right of their country

What is the Northwest Ordinance of 1787?

It describes how the northwest territory was to be governed and set conditions for settlement and settlers rights. to outline the process for forming new territories and states to promise settlers religious freedom and other civil rights

What was the Compromise of 1877

It ended Reconstruction in the South with the removal of Federal Troops in the South and the North got Rutherford B Hayes as president after a contested election.

What was the compromise of 1877

It ended Reconstruction in the South with the removal of Federal Troops in the South and the North got Rutherford B Hayes as president after a contested election.

What was the "Europe First" strategy?

It is a strategy that allies came up with to focuse on Hitler first then the pacific would be secondary . Then reason for this is that Hitler was a greater threat

Why did the Battle of Saratoga mark a turning point in the war?

It led to France entering the war.

Why was the election of 1800 a key moment in US history?

It marked the first time power shifted from one party to another. It weakened the Federalist Party. It helped lead to the Twelfth Amendment.

Which of the following statements best describes how the transcontinental railroad impacted American Indians?

It prevented them from engaging in their traditional way of life.

Why was the United States referred to as the Arsenal of Democracy?

It produced vital war supplies for the entire Allied war effort.

What was the significance of Maryland's Act of Toleration? Check all of the boxes that apply.

It protected the rights of all Christians. It established a separation between church and state. It was a predecessor of the First Amendment to the US Constitution.

What was the GI Bill?

It provided tuition money to veterans of WWII

What was Executive Order 9066?

It was the executive order issued by president Roosevelt authorizing the relocation and internment of Japanese-Americans.

What was the Battle of Midway? (June 1942)

It was the turning point in the Pacific Theater (U.S. vs. Japan)

Why would trying some of Japan's top military leaders for war crimes trials help accomplish the overall goal of demilitarizing Japan?

It would weaken the prestige of Japan's military.

What was the Big Stick Policy?

It's Roosevelt corollary, idea of threatening military force while negotiating peacefully.

Who wrote the Virginia resolution

James Madison

When was the Emancipation Proclamation issued?

January 1, 1863

When was the 24th amendment passed?

January 23, 1964

When did Adolf Hitler come to power?

January 30, 1933

What was the Battle of Guadalcanal (August 1942- february 1943)

Japan was deafeated and forced to retreat towards its homeland

Who was the president of the Southern States

Jefferson Davis

What was the Pottawatomie Massacre?

John Brown & followers murdered 5 pro-slavery settlers in Kansas so that other pro-slavery people wouldn't settle in Kansas

The first English settler to grow tobacco successfully in Virginia was

John Rolfe.

What was the Great Society

Johnson's programs to reduce poverty, rebuild decaying cities, legislation to improve education and to promote civil rights

When was the Invasion of Silicy and Italy

July 10, 1943

When was the Trinity Test?

July 16, 1945

When was the Declaration of Independence signed?

July 4, 1776

When was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand?

June 1914 while visting Bosnia

When did Germany attack the Soviet Union

June 22, 1941

When did North Korea invade South Korea?

June 25, 1950

Why might Kennedy have felt he won this confrontation with Khrushchev?

Khrushchev accepted Kennedy's demand to remove Soviet missiles from Cuba.

Who was the first leader of North Korea

Kim Il Sung

What was the Lousiana Purchase? (1803)

Land bought from France that more than doubled land size of the U.S.

How did new weapons affect the fighting in World War I?

Led to higher casualty rates Made it a defensive war Defenses against chemical weapons were required

What was the Troubled Asset Relief Program?

Lent money to troubled banks Extended loans to help save the American automotive industry This plan was supported by President Obama.

What was laissez-faire?

Let do" or leave things alone - the government was not involved in the market.

In which Arab nation did the United States become militarily involved with a revolution?


What was Johnson's plan for Reconstruction?

Lincoln's Plan plus any southern elite had to ask for pardon, ratify 13th amendment

What is the Gemini Program?

Longer flights connecting spaceflights re-entry well-being of astronaut's

What is the twenty-sixth amendment?

Lowered the voting age from 21 to 18

America remained neutral in World War I despite the sinking of what ship by German U-boats?


What did the Alien and Sedition Acts do?

Made it illegal to speak badly of the government, also allowed for deportation of immigrants believed or confirmed to be French

Why were Americans encouraged to support the war effort?

Make sure necessary supplies are available Demonstrate patriotism

What caused the breakdown of the reservation system? Select all that apply.

Many American Indians rejected the authority of leaders who signed treaties requiring them to move to reservations. White settlers wanted more of the land that was reserved for American Indians. Living in a defined area was an unfamiliar concept to many American Indians.

How did geography affect fighting in the western theater of the Civil War?

Many battles were fought to control rivers that were vital to transportation.

When did all US troops leave Vietnam?

March 1973

What was the Birmingham Campaign?

Martin Luther King and the Southern Christian leadership conference launch the campaign to protest Racial segregation. The campaign included a children's March, sometimes called the children's crusade. it paved the way for the civil rights act

When was the transcontinental railroad completed?

May 10, 1869

McCormick reaper (1831)

Mechanized the harvest of grains, such as wheat, allowing farmers to cultivate larger plots. The introduction of the reaper in the 1830s fueled the establishment of large-scale commercial agriculture in the Midwest.

What challenges was Reconstruction facing in the 1870s

Members of Grant's staff were accused of accepting bribes. The country was facing severe economic problems. Republican support for Reconstruction was fading.

Who was John D. Rockefeller?

Merged oil companies into Standard Oil Company (monopoly)

What was the Mexican Cession?

Mexico gave California and New Mexico to the U.S. in return for $15 million.

What was the empresario system?

Mexico's offer of free land to American settlers to inhabit Texas to make the land productive and buffer against Indian attacks. Settlers had to become Mexican citizens.

What were the long term causes of WWI?

Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism

What was the Missouri Compromise of 1820?

Missouri came into the Union as a slave state and Maine came into the Union as a free state

What ideas did Thomas Paine promote in Common Sense? Check all of the boxes that apply.

Monarchies were dangerous. America was too large to be ruled by Britain. It was America's destiny to be an independent nation.

Using what you've just learned, select the reasons why American sentiment turned against the war in Vietnam over the course of the 1960s.

More and more Americans were killed in Vietnam. The enemy in Vietnam was unclear. The draft disproportionately targeted low-income men.

How did the Vietnam War affect the United States?

More than 50,000 Americans were killed. Economic problems developed in the 1970s. US expenditures totaled $120 billion to $140 billion.

Who was Langston Hughes?

Most famous poet from the Harlem Renaissance.

Which of the following statements about the American soldiers who served in Vietnam is correct?

Most of the soldiers came from working-class backgrounds.

What was the abolition movement?

Movement to end slavery

Who was Lincoln Steffens?

Muckraker, exposed political machines, boss rule, & corruption in gov't. Wrote for McClure's magazine, wrote The Shame of the Cities.

Based on what you have read, which of the following correctly describes NOW's workplace goals?

NOW wanted to end gender discrimination in the workplace. NOW fought for better maternity leave policies. NOW wanted better job training for women.

What was the Navajo Code Talkers?

Najavo tribe memebers served as Code Talkers supporting Us Marines divisions in the pacific.

What was the NAACP?

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

Region that contained the first colony to legally recognize slavery

New England Colonies

Region where enslaved persons were most likely to work in shops or as skilled craftsmen

New England Colonies

What was the Chicago Defender?

Newspaper distributed by central railroads that brought news to the countryside

Where did Roosevelt and Churchill decide to begin their attack on Nazi forces?

North Africa

What was NAFTA?

North American Free Trade Agreement, b/w Canada, USA, and Mexico to gain prosperity for all these countries in terms of economical growth. This policy ended most tariffs on goods and services moving between the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

Who won the Vietnam War?

North Vietnam (communist)

What caused the Vietnam War?

North Vietnam invaded SV wanting to make it one Communist Country

Where were the Manhattan Project Cites located?

Nuclear researching centers were located at Chicago, Illinois, Los Alamos , New Mexico. bomb testing site was located at Alamogordo, new Mexico.

What did the world learn from the Cuban missile crisis?

Nuclear war was a real possibility. The United States would stand up to Soviet influence in the Americas.

What is the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act? (ARRA)

Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) soon after taking office. -Created an $800 billion economic investment -Funded state governments -Supplied funding for roads and bridges. -Created tax cuts for many Americans

When did East Germany and West Germnay reunite?

October 1990, The New Germany became a member of NATO

What were the Vietcong tactics?

Often disguised as citizens were willing to take heavy losses and fight a long war Would attack and then disappear into the Jungle.

Which statement best describes the differences between the earlier and later waves of immigrants?

Old immigrants had often settled as landowners or merchants, while many new immigrants became unskilled workers.

How was Kennedy assassinated?

On November 22, 1963, he was shot on the head by Lee Harvey Oswald in downtown Dallas, TX while driving in front of the Texas School Book Depository

Who was Theodore Roosevelt?

One of the presidents of the US who was a conservationalist who set aside LOTS of land for national parks.

What was the Tuskegee Institute?

Opened by Booker T Washington One of the most prominent African American training schools

What did the War Production Corportation (1942) do?

Oversaw wartime prodcution and decided how to use resources

What was the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

Overturned the MO Compromise - introduced popular sovereignty in Kansas and Nebraska. Helped lead to the creation of the Republican Party.

What was the Invasion of Panama

Panama's President, Noriega, was accused of sending durgs into the US, In 1989, Bush sent troops to invade Panama. The next month, Noriega surrendered and was sent to prison in the US.

What was Hamilton's financial plan?

Pay off all war debts, raise government revenues, create a national bank

What was the Harlem Renaissance?

Period of Great African American artistic accomplishment that began in the 1920s in the Harlem neighborhood of NYC

What was a sharecropper?

Person who rents a plot of land and farms it in exchange for a share of the crop

What was a shantytown or Hooverville?

Places that people were homeless lived named after the President

What were concentration camps?

Places where Jews and others were imprisoned and murdered

What was the 2007 surge?

Plan known as the surge, theey increased the number of US troops in Iraq. They called for US troops to work more closely with the Iraqi population.

What was the New Jersey Plan?

Plan to create a congress that had equal representation, could create taxes, regulate trade and elect a weak chief executive.

World War II began with the German attack on which country?


Why did a riot break out at the Democratic National Convention in 1968?

Police responded violently to the protestors. Protestors became aggressive in expressing their views. Protestors were angry about the war in Vietnam.

Integration of the high school in Little Rock finally happened when Governor Faubus was defeated for reelection.

President Eisenhower sent federal troops to protect the students.

What was the Monroe Doctrine of 1823?

President Monroe's message to Europe to NOT colonize any new land in Latin America. The US would stay out of European affairs.

What was the Watergate Scandal?

President Nixon's attempts to hide his involvement in a break-in at the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee

Who were the Border Ruffians?

Pro-slavery forces from Missouri who crossed the border into Kansas to participate in the violent clashes there in 1856

What was the 11th amendment?

Prohibits citizens of one state or foreign country from suing another state.

Where was the railroad completed?

Promontory Point, Utah

Who were the Puritans and what did they believe?

Protestants within the Anglican church who, inspired by Calvinist theology, wanted to remove any trace of Catholicism from the Church of England. The word "Puritanism" first appeared in 1564.

What were the Freedom Rides?

Protests against segregation on interstate busing in the south

What was the 14th amendment?

Provided legal citizenship to African Americans

What did the Head Start Program do?

Provided preschool for impoverished children

What does Medicare do?

Provides healthcare to persons over 65, disabled persons, and those with ESRD.

Which religious groups condemned slavery, beginning in the 1600s?


What was the Palmer Raids?

Raids against immigrants suspected of dangerous activity, reaction to the Red Scare

How did railroads help the process of Natural resources?

Railroads helped Americans access new sources of raw materials. New cities grew into manufacturing centers that refined natural resources. Trains required more materials to run and to be built, helping industries grow.

Who is Hilary Clinton?

Ran for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2008 Served as First Lady during President Bill Clinton's administration. Served as senator from New York Became the secretary of state during the Obama's administration.

Which of the following statements are true of the 1980 election?

Reagan won the large majority of states. Evangelical voters were an important source of Reagan's support.

What occured as a result of the XYZ's affair

Relations between the United States and France worsened.

What was the Wade-Davis Plan?

Required 50% of the voters from 1860 to take an "iron clad" oath of allegiance. Wanted to punish the south but bring them back peacefully

What was Griswold v. Connecticut (1965)?

Ruled a law banning contraceptives in Connecticut unconstitutional by marital privacy

What did Saddam Hussein do?

Saddam Hussein, the dictator of Iraq, became involved in a war with Iran from 1980-1988, as well as the Persian Gulf War in 1991, after his invasion of Kuwait

What was the cause for the Iran-Iraq war?

Saddam invaded for geopolitical gain when international factors worked in his favor. The other is that he invaded to prevent Iran from fo- menting revolution in Iraq.

Why was slavery more common in South Carolina than in North Carolina?Check all of the boxes that apply.

Settlers of South Carolina came from plantations in Barbados. Settlers of North Carolina usually had small farms.

What caused the Spanish-American War?

Sinking of the USS Maine, use of the Monroe Doctrine

Was Missouri a free or slave state?

Slave state

How did slavery support the class structure in the South?

Slaveholders enjoyed a privileged lifestyle because of slavery.

Why was the 36'30" line of latitude significant?

Slavery was prohibited in the Louisiana Territory north of that line.

What caused the Civil War?

Slavery, Lincoln's election, state's rights to decide about slavery

Why was the war in Iraq controversial and at times unpopular? Check all that apply.

Some US allies, such as France and Germany, refused to support the war. No WMDs were ever found in Iraq. The war cost many thousands of lives and billions of dollars.

When President Johnson took office, what was the state of the conflict in Vietnam?

South Vietnam was in danger of losing the war. Vietnam was receiving increasing amounts of US military aid.

What was the Vietcong?

South Vietnamese who were pro-communist

What is the SCLC and what did it participate in?

Southern Christian Leadership Commission - Freedom Summer and Selma March (MLK's organization)

Region where slavery was most common

Southern Colonies

Why did the Allies invade Europe from the Mediterranean in 1943?

Southern Europe was not as strongly defended as the coast of France.

What was the Reconstruction Act of 1867?

Southern states were put under military rule must allow African Americans to vote

Who were the Confederates?


Which country founded the colony (Florida)


What was the result of the Spanish- American war

Spain lost control of Cuba

What was the Union Pacific Railroad?

Starts in the east and goes to the West. Created jobs and ways for country to grow. Lands that were flat were less money than lands that were full of mountians

The key figure behind the creation of the Kansas-Nebraska Act was

Stephen Douglas.

What is the SNCC and what did it participate in?

Student nonviolent coordinating committee -- Sit-ins, Freedom Rides, Freedom Summer

What were the Effects of the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP)?

Supporters argued that: -Banks survived -lending increased -auto companies survived -industries eventually repaid the TARP loans Critics argued that: -Tarp was a bailout for business that deserved to fail. -help was going to those who caused the crisis. -The economy was still in crisis.

What was the Roe vs Wade case?

Supreme court ruling that held that the constitution protected a women's rights to abort their child

Who was the first leader of South Korea

Syngman Rhee

What was the Texas Revolution?

Texas fight for independence from Mexico.

What was the ruling in the Supreme Court case Bush v. Gore?

That Bush was declared the winner in Florida.

What is Magna Carta? What did it do?

The "Great charter" or feudal liberties. It limited the power of the king over vassals and the church, making it a limited monarch not an absolute monarch.

What was the transcontinental railroad?

The 1st railroad to stretch all the way from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean.

Who won World War I?

The Allies- The new German government signed an armistice (ceasefire)

What was the significance of the heavy British losses at the Battle of Bunker Hill?

The Americans gained confidence to continue fighting the British.

What was the first battle of the World War II

The Battle of Westerplatte

What did the Berlin Wall symbolize, and how did its destruction affect this symbolism?

The Berlin Wall was a symbol of the Iron Curtain, and its destruction marked the end of communist power in Germany.

What are the first ten amendments to the Constitution called?

The Bill of Rights

Why were the British surprised by Washington's attack on Trenton?

The British were celebrating Christmas and were unprepared for battle.

Why did farmers move west during the 1930s?

The Dust Bowl destroyed many farmers' crops and land on the Great Plains. Farmers believed California would have better jobs. Many farmers were forced to abandon their farms after going into debt.

How did the French fleet help defeat the British at Yorktown?

The French fleet prevented British resupply or escape.

What was WWI known as?

The Great War and The War to End All Wars

Which of the following provisions were part of the Great Compromise?Check all of the boxes that apply.

The House would be based on population The Senate would have equal representation from each state.

What was the Panama Canal?

The Panama Canal is a canal (really a system of locks) that allows ships to pass through the narrow Isthmus of Panama instead of having to go all the way around South America.

Which of these statements best describes the impact of the Populist Party?

The Populist Party caused the two parties to take up some of their positions.

Who were the Separatists?

The Separatists believed they should totally separate from the Church of England.

What was Glasnost?

The Soviet policy of openness under Mikhail Gorbachev

What was the Spanish-American War?

The Spanish-American War was really Cuba's war for independence from Spain, fought in the late 1890s between Cuba and Spain. America joined in 1898.

What challenges did the United States face in Iraq? Check all that apply.

The US had trouble gaining trust and establishing relationships with the people. An anti-US insurgency fought against American forces. Two different groups of Iraqis fought against each other in a civil conflict.

Which of the following was a response to the issue of displaced persons after World War II?

The United Nations created a Jewish homeland, Israel, in Palestine.

Using your knowledge of U.S. foreign policy at the time, check the main reasons the United States supported France during the Vietnamese revolution.

The United States and France had been allies for more than 150 years. The United States was opposed to Ho because Ho was a Communist. If Vietnam fell to Communism, its neighbors, Laos and Cambodia, might fall too.

Which of the following was a result of the Spanish-American War? Check all that apply.

The United States gained territory in Asia. The United States became a world power. Puerto Rico became a US territory.

How did the idea of Manifest Destiny change in the early 1900s?

The United States should own foreign colonies, not just its own continent.

When President Bush declared a "war on terror" after 9/11, how did this statement change US foreign policy?

The United States would no longer distinguish between terrorist groups, such as al-Qaeda, and the countries that harbored them.

What is the Containment policy?

The United States' policy of attempting to stop the spread of communism.

In May 1973, the US Senate began hearings designed to investigate what?

The Watergate scandal.

What was the WPA and what did it do?

The Works Progress Administration provided a chance for all people to use their skills to earn income. They employed writers, teachers, librarians, actors, musicians, and artists.

What started the Yamasee War between settlers and American Indians in South Carolina in 1715?

The Yamasee attacked white traders and their families in South Carolina.

What was the Berlin blockade

The blockade was a Soviet attempt to starve out the allies in Berlin in order to gain control. The United States responded by airlifting food and supplies into Berlin.

Which statement best explains why the colony of New York had a diverse population?

The colony was settled by people from several European countries.

Which sentences describe the Brown v. Board of Education decision?

The court came to a unanimous decision. The court ruled that segregated schools deprived people of equal protection of the laws The court found that segregation was unconstitutional.

At Cornwallis's surrender, the band played a song called "The World Turned Upside Down."How does the song title reflect the conclusion of the war?

The defeat of the British was the opposite of what other countries thought would happen.

Which of the following impacted the daily lives of women in the 1950s?

The development of service industry

What does the use of the term hibakusha indicate?

The dropping of atomic bombs had such a widespread impact on Japanese society that a new term was needed to identify survivors.

What was the purpose of the Lewis and Clark expedition?

The expedition was to find the most direct river route to the Pacific Ocean.

Which event marked the end of the Vietnam War?

The fall of Saigon in April 1975

Which of the following was a reason why Shays's Rebellion increased American concerns about their national government?

The federal government was powerless to stop the rebellion.

What were the Espionage and Sedition Acts?

The government limited freedoms with the Sedition and Espionage Acts. These laws limit what people could and could not say about the government, the draft, the flag, the US Constitution, etc.

What is the Great Plains?

The grassland extending through the west-central portion of the United States

Governor Orval Faubus is associated with which of the following?

The integration of Little Rock Central High School

What was the Middle Passage?

The journey of slaves from Africa to the Americas

What was the Indian Removal Act of 1830?

The law passed during Andrew Jackson's presidency that forced Natives to move west of the Mississippi so that white settlers could have their land.

Who was Lee Harvey Oswald?

The man who assassinated JFK. He was killed, two days after being arrested, by Jack Ruby.

What is populism?

The movement to increase farmers' political power and to work for legislation in their interest.

What two messages did Bush send in his speech at Ground Zero?

The nation is united in its grief. The people who launched the 9/11 attacks will be punished.

Which of these are factors that caused Europeans in the West Indies to use enslaved Africans?Check all of the boxes that apply.

The plantation system required many workers. They turned to Africans after native people of the West Indies died in large numbers.

Which of the following is true about the US relationship with China in the early 1970s?

The relationship was improving. The relationship provided increased leverage with the Soviet Union.

What right was the state of Texas's argument based on?

The right to regulate abortion

Why did the United States invade Afghanistan in 2001?

The terrorist group responsible for the 9/11 attacks was allowed to operate out of Afghanistan.

Which of the following events happened as a result of the Battle of Gettysburg?

The tide of the Civil War turned in favor of the Union.

What led British soldiers to fire on Boston's townspeople on March 5, 1770?

The townspeople had thrown objects at the soldiers.

What took place on November 9, 1938, called Kristallnacht?

The windows of many Jewish-owned businesses were broken.

Which of the following represent unusual features of the 2000 presidential election results?The winner of the popular vote was not the winner of the

The winner of the popular vote was not the winner of the Electoral College vote. The Electoral College vote was extremely close.

What were some causes of the Starving Time?Check all of the boxes that apply.

There was not enough food. Additional settlers arrived. The Powhatan withheld food from the colonists.

What advantages did the North have?

They and a larger military, more factories, and railroads.

How did the Second Continental Congress try to avoid war with Britain?

They asked the king to address their complaints.

Why were the battles of Trenton and Princeton important?

They encouraged more soldiers to enlist in the army.

Which of the following is a difference between indentured servants and enslaved people?

They had a contract to work for a limited number of years.

Why did southern states oppose Hamilton's plan?

They had less debt and Hamilton wanted the nation to pay all the debts together.

Why did France and Spain help the Americans fight the British?

They were competing against Britain for control of North America.

What was the Alien and Sedition Acts?

They were four bills that the Federalist passed in 1798 in preparation for an anticipated war with France.

Who wrote the Kentucky Resolution?

Thomas Jefferson

What was the Whig Party?

Those who were opposed to slavery favored the idea of a weak president and a strong congress

What is the purpose of the separation of powers?

To limit government power and makes sure the government fulfills the social contract

Choose "true" or "false" for the following questions about Georgia. It attempted to establish a good relationship with local Indians._________ It always had a representative assembly.__________ Slavery was always allowed._________

True false false

Which two wars resulted from rocky relations with American Indians in the Carolinas?

Tuscarora War and Yamasee War

where did the hijacked planes crash on 9/11

Two of the planes were flown into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, a third plane hit the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, just outside Washington, D.C., and the fourth plane crashed in a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

What was the Destroyers-for-Bases Deal?

U.S.A. gives ships (Destroyers), that are not being used, in trade for British military bases

How did China affect the Korean War?

UN troops were forced to retreat south Chinese forces overwhelmed UN troops in the north. UN troops were unable to retake the entire peninsula.

How did Osama bin Laden die?

US forces killed bin Laden in Pakistan

What was the Roosevelt Corollary?

US would intervene in any Latin American affair to maintain stability in western hemisphere

What caused the Afghanistan war?

USSR invaded Afghanistan in 1979 fearing the Communist government is about to be defeated. Now the government is supported by 100,000 soldiers.

What was the War of 1812 about?

War between England and America for freedom of seas/ Known as Indian War because England used Indians on there side

What was the French and Indian War?

War between the French and the British over the Ohio River Valley: Domination of North America and the world

Who was Saddam Hussein and what did he do?

Was a dictator in Iraq who tried to take over Iran and Kuwait violently in order to gain the land and the resources. He also refused to let the UN into Iraq in order to check if the country was secretly holding weapons of mass destruction.

Who was Washington Gladden

Was a leading American Congregational Pastor and early in the Social Gospel Movement. Leading member of the Progressive Movement.

Who is Earl Warren?

Was judge over the Brown vs Board of Education in court.

What was the issue at the heart of the case Sweatt v. Painter?

Was the separate African American law school equal to the white school?

What was the Shenandoah Valley Campaign?

Was when Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson led his 17,000 men on a 646-mile campaign, it lasted 48 days and he won several minor battles

How did women change during the 1920s

Went to college, cut their hair, voted in elections, went out at night, started to become more independent

What is brinkmanship?

When countries come to the "edge" of war

What was the Saturday Night Massacre?

When president Nixon ordered the Attorney General to fire the special prosecutor investigating the Watergate break-in

What was the Battle of the Bulge?

Where Germans advanced into the Allied battle lines forming a bulge and eventually were defeated

What was the Battle of Stalingard (july 1942- febuary 1943)

Where Russia pushed Germany back to the West. Russia took heavier losses, but pushing Germany to Germany west to a victory

Why was it a mistake for Gen. Cornwallis to camp his army at Yorktown?

Yorktown was on a peninsula and could be surrounded.

What was the Conflict in Bosnia

Yugoslavia split into separate states: -In 1991, civil war erupted in Bosnia. Bosnian Serbs instituted "ethnic cleansing" -Muslims were forced out of Bosina. -NATO attacked Serbian forces. Serbia signed peace agreement: -called the Dayton Accords. -In 1996, 60,000 UN peacekeepers arrived. -Fighting resumed in 1998. Add New NoteHide Advanced

The author of Their Eyes Were Watching God was

Zora Neale Hurston

What is the arms race?

a competition between nations for superiority in the development and accumulation of weapons, especially between the US and the former Soviet Union during the Cold War.

Who was Francis Townsend

a doctor from Long Beach, CA that challenged FDR's Social Security Act with his own plan paid by sales taxes.

What was the Savings and Loan Crisis?

a financial crisis during the 1980s in which more than 1,000 savings and loans associations, after being deregulated by President Ronald Reagan, made risky loans and went bankrupt, causing a slowdown in lending and home sales and significantly hurting the economy

Who was W. E. B. Du Bois?

a founder of the NAACP who insisted upon equal treatment and rights from a white society

What was the Night of Broken Glass?

a general attack by the SA against Jewish stores and synagogues across Germany in 1938

What is the Battle of Fallen Timbers?

a group of Natives will be defeated by anthony wayne and the natives are forced to sign the treaty of greenville It opened up ohio to settle in

What was the assembly line?

a manufacturing method in which a product is put together as it moves along a belt

What is the Nation of Islam?

a movement that teaches racial separatism; not authentic by Muslims.

What was the second industrial revolution?

a period of rapid growth in U.S. manufacturing in the late 1800s

What was the Lend-Lease Act?

a policy allowing the president to provide arms to certain foreign countries (During WWII)

What were the Selma Marches?

a series of three marches that took place in 1965 from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama.

What is the Cold War?

a struggle over political differences carried on by means short of military action or war

What was the Second New Deal?

a wave of legislation including more social welfare benefits

What was the Second Great Awakening?

a wave of religious revivals

What was the 13th amendment

abolished slavery

Which groups represented supporters of the Free Soil Party?

abolitionists those who believed slavery was bad for white workers small farmers

New England colonists struggled to export goods to England because

agriculture was already a major challenge for the colonists.

What did the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 do?

aid low-income students and to combat racial segregation in schools.

The United States produced more aircraft and ships than

all the Axis countries combined

What is the Peace Corps?

an American volunteer program to help people in developing countries

What was the Inchon Invasion?

an amphibious invasion, the invasion let UN troops attack North Koren forces from two sides. Un troops recaptured Seoul and broke out of Pusan. Was considered a turning point in the war.

Which of the following changes contributed to Reagan's reelection in 1984?

an economic boom

What was nativism?

an extreme dislike for immigrants by native-born people

The Roanoke colony founded in 1587 was built on

an island off the Atlantic coast.

What was the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill?

an oil rig exploded in the Gulf of Mexico. -Thousands of barrels of oil per day spilled into the ocean. -Marine life, beaches, marshes, and estuaries were damaged. -Obama established the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Task Force

What is the United Nations?

an organization of independent states formed in 1945 to promote international peace and security

In fall 1776, what advantages did the British Army have? Check all of the boxes that apply.

an organized and well-trained army plenty of money and supplies

When did Germanay invade netherlands, belgium, Luxembourg, and France

april 1940

What were Exclusion zones

areas where the military could restrict citizen's movements

what was the red clouds war

armed conflict between the Lakota, Northern Cheyenne, and Northern Arapaho on one side and the United States, 80 us soldiers died

Who was Asa Whitney?

asked Congress to support building a railroad.

What was the Civil Rights Act of 1871

attaches personal liability to anyone 'acting under color' of State law to violate the constitutional rights of another.

What was the Pacific Railway Act of 1862?

authorized the building of a transcontinental railroad over a northern route in order to link the economies of CA and the western territories with the eastern states

What was the Economic Opportunity Act

authorized the formation of local Community Action Agencies as part of the War on Poverty

What was one of the main roots of the recession that began in 2008?

bad loans made in the housing market

Which of the following was a result of Clinton's economic plan? Choose all that apply.

balanced budget budget surplus increased prosperity for Americans

Northwest Ordinance of 1787

banned slavery placed a territory under a governor appointed by Congress declared that states entered the Union with equal status as existing states

Why was President Andrew Johnson impeached?

because he fired his secretary of war (Edwin Stanton) without the approval of the Senate, even though Congress had just passed a new law making it illegal for him to fire any cabinet officials without the approval of the Senate. He vetoed twenty different Reconstruction bills.

Why did President Nixon resign?

because he would have been impeached and removed from office for obstruction of justice during the Watergate investigation

What is sectionalism?

being more loyal to your state or your section of the country than to the US

What does egalitarian mean?

believing in the principle that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities

What was the buffer zone?

between the Berlin wall and Russia

How did the Dutch West India Company get new settlers to move to New Netherland?

by giving away free land

How did the colonists react to the Intolerable Acts?

by supporting Massachusetts and creating a Continental Congress

What is Students for a Democratic Soceity (SDS)

called for an end to apathy toward government focused its efforts on protesting the war

Which resource was most common around the country during the gilded age

coal, iron, ore, oil

Parliament repealed the Stamp Act because

colonial protests were harming British trade.

What is the Berlin Wall?

concrete barrier built by the German Democratic Republic that completely enclosed the city of West Berlin, separating it from East Germany, including East Berlin.

What did Eli Whitney invent?

cotton gin and interchangeable parts

What was the 12th Amendment?

created a separate ballot for president and vice president

The Kansas-Nebraska Act

created two territories that would use popular sovereignty to decide the slavery issue.

What was one of the fads of the 1920s?

dance crazes

What was the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

declared the sedition acts unconstitutional and brought the ideas of nullification

Which of the following best describes the Democratic Party heading into the election of 1968?

deeply divided

ich of Clinton's foreign policy goals did the United States fail to achieve in Rwanda?

defense of human rights

What was the National Labor Relations Act( Wagner Act)

designed to give workers the right to organize and form unions. bargin collectively for wages and other employment conditions. go on strike.

Parliament's Declaratory Act, passed after the Stamp Act's repeal, suggests that Parliament

disagreed with colonial views on taxation without representation.

What was the main issue that blocked Texas from being admitted to the United States?

disputes about slavery

What is Sputnik?

each of a series of Soviet artificial satellites, the first of which (launched on October 4, 1957) was the first satellite to be placed in orbit.

South Carolina's leaders responded to the Stono Rebellion by

enacting stricter slave codes.

Which of the following are reasons that Carter was so unpopular as he approached his re-election in 1980?

energy crisis Iran hostage crisis high inflation

The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 did which of the following? Check all of the boxes that apply.

established a system by which territories could become states banned slavery in the Northwest Territory

What was a settlement house?

established to aid immigrants, especially immigrant women. Jane Addams founded and ran the first settlement house named the whole house, located in Chicago.

In addition to founding the city of Quebec, Samuel de Champlain was the first European to

explore the Great Lakes.

When was North Africa invaded

fall of 1942.

What advantages did the Continental army have? Check all of the boxes that apply.

faster communication with government leaders the support of France knowledge of the terrain

what was the 16th Amendment (1913)

federal income tax

Which challenge did the Confederacy face on the home front that the Union did not?

food shortages

As governor of New Netherland, Peter Stuyvesant

forced colonists to pay high taxes.

Who was Jane Addams?

founded the Hull House in Chicago which were dedicated to helping the poor

Was California a free or slave state?

free state

According to Jefferson, where does government power come from?

from the people it governs

What did American Indians trade in return for manufactured goods?

furs and other resources

What are victory gardens?

gardens planted by people during war to raise vegetables for home use, leaving more of other foods for the troops

What was the fifteenth amendment

gave African American men the right to vote

What was the Dawes Act of 1887?

gave the president permission to divide reservations and allot land to families and individuals Any left over land would then be open to white settlement

What was the Cross of Gold Speech?

given by William Jennings Bryan, it endorsed the call for free and unlimited coinage of silver. he promised not to let the American people be crucified "upon a cross of gold."

Before running for president, Reagan was a


What were the Civil Liberties Act of 1988?

granted an official presidential apology and paid each survivor $20,000

What was the Gilded Age known for?

greed, corruption, and unethical business practices

What were ARRA Environmental Projects

green job training, marine habitat restoration, water quality

What was the Lost Generation?

group of Americans who felt disconnected from American beliefs and ideals

What is counterculture?

group(subculture) with expectations/values that differ strongly with the dominant culture 

During the early days of their establishment, New Netherland and Pennsylvania both

had good relations with American Indians.

Which of the following accurately describes Washington's winter at Valley Forge? Check all of the boxes that apply.

harsh weather lack of clothes and food disease spread quickly

What was NAFTA designed to do?

have additional countries could be "docked" into the agreement creating a Hemispheric agreement.

Which of these statements is true of life in New Netherland before the English arrived? Check all of the boxes that apply.

he colony had a profitable fur trade. New Amsterdam became an independent city. The Dutch West India Company had the power to appoint leaders.

Who is James Meredith?

he was the first black student to integrate the University of Mississippi (1962). Kennedy had to send 400 troops to assist him to classes

What was the Central Pacific Railroad

headed east from the Pacific , began in sacramento California

What was the result of the protests in Tiananmen Square (China) in 1989?

hundreds of demonstrators were killed

he national government under the Articles of Confederation could not.....

impose taxes enforce laws regulate trade

How did the Supreme Court rule in Worcester v. Georgia?

in favor of the Cherokee, and against Indian Removal

What steps did Reagan take in the early 1980s to change the Cold War with the Soviet Union?

increasing defense spending starting the Strategic Defense Initiative renewing the arms race

What education reform did Kennedy successfully see passed?

increasing federal aid for disabled students

What was the goal of the Selma March?

insist that Governor Wallace secure voting rights

What is the Taliban?

islamic fundamentalist; got control of afghanistan; enforced strict islam

the national government under the Articles of Confederation could...

issue money declare war

The Kansas-Nebraska Act upset many Northerners because

it overturned the Missouri Compromise.

What was the Trail of Tears? What caused it?

it was a forced removal of Cherokee Indians to Oklahoma; Indian Removal Act of 1830

What did anti-imperialists believe?

it wasn't right for the US to rule other people without their consent

What were Labor Camps?

jewish prisoners who were strong enough to work were sent to labor camps treatment was brutal and the conditions were inhumane

What was Roosevelt's Square Deal?

keep the wealthy and powerful from taking advantage of small businesses and the poor

Think about how colonists in the Carolinas interacted with American Indians. Choose the right phrase that completes this sentence.Colonists in the Carolinas

kidnapped and enslaved American Indians

What did railroad companies receive


What caused disputes between the thirteen American states during and after the Revolutionary War? Select the correct answer.

land claims made by certain states on the western territories

Who was Mikhail Gorbachev?

last leader of the Soviet Union; remembered for glasnost and perestroika

What were the Black Codes?

laws that greatly limited the freedom of African Americans

Unlike European immigrants, Chinese immigrants in the 1800s faced

laws that severely limited entry

Who was Andrew Carnegie?

led the expansion of the steel industry in the 19th century

What were the long term affects of the bombings of Nagasaki and hiroshima survivors

leukemia a few years after the bombing, cancer around 10 years after the bombings, scars, burns, and other injuries. increased risk for asthma and other health conditions. Plus social effects

What were the work standards during the gilded age

long hours, low pay and health risks. Children and women worked in factories and generally received lower pay than men.

What was the Mercury Program?

manned spacecraft in earth's orbit astronaut's survival in space

Indigenous People who traded with the French during the 1500s wanted to obtain which of the following?

manufactured goods

President Bush received criticism as a result of Hurricane Katrina because

many Americans felt his administration took too long to recognize and respond to the severity of the situation.

What was the March on Washington?

mlk led more than 250,00 people on a civil rights march in washington, dc, and gave his I have a dream speech

Why did cities grow during the gilded age

more job opportunities attracted immigrants. newer technology

What was the Freedom Summer of 1964?

mostly white college kids who came to the South to register voters and teach in black schools

What was the temperance movement?

movement aimed at stopping alcohol abuse and the problems created by it

Which of these problems did the Union face on the home front?

opposition to the war anger over the draft rising prices

How did Britain respond to America's attempts at reconciliation in 1775? Check all of the boxes that apply.

passed the Prohibitory Act rejected the Olive Branch Petition closed American ports to overseas trade

What is buying on margin?

paying a small percentage of a stock's price as a down payment and borrowing the rest

Which of these ideas were part of the hippie movement?

peace and love flower power looking beyond traditional roles for women

How did the Korean War end?

peace negotiations began but an armistice would not be signed until july 1953

Who was Samuel Clemens

pen name for Mark Twain

Who were the Anti-Federalists?

people who opposed the Constitution

Which social problem was the Economic Opportunity Act primarily intended to solve?


What caused NATO and the United States to get involved in the Bosnian conflict?

practice of ethnic cleansing

What did the National Defense Advisory Committee (1940) do?

prepared the United States for war

What impact did the Strategic Defense Initiative, or "Star Wars," have on the Cold War?

pressured the Soviets to invest in similar technology

What was the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882?

prohibited Chinese laborers from entering the country

Carolina Colony was established under what kind of government system?


The Land Ordinance of 1785 did which of the following? Check all of the boxes that apply.

provided a system for dividing and selling public lands in the Northwest Territory provided support for public education

What was the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956?

provided funidng for 41,000 miles of interstate highways added freeways to cities, which encouraged the growth of suburbs.

Which of these things did the Intolerable Acts allow for or require? Check all of the boxes that apply.

providing housing for British troops closing the port of Boston putting a military government in place in Massachusetts

Jazz music is a blend of which four musical styles?

ragtime blues spirituals work songs

What was the Smoot-Hawley Act?

raised U.S. tariffs on over 20,000 imported goods to record levels. Reduced exports and imports.

What was the Whiskey Rebellion?

rebellion of Western Pennsylvanian farmers over Alexander Hamilton's whiskey tax

What did the British agree to do in the Treaty of Paris? Check all of the boxes that apply.

recognize American independence give up claims to lands west of the colonies, to the Mississippi River

What is progressivism?

reform movement that sought to return control of the government to the people

Based on what you have read, choose each response below that correctly describes a provision of President Obama's healthcare act.

requiring mandatory health insurance for all Americans starting tax credits for small businesses that insure employees requiring protection for Americans with preexisting medical conditions

The Southern Manifesto is an example of

resistance to desegregation by some in the white South.

What did the delegates do at the First Continental Congress?Check all of the boxes that apply.

sent the king a request for relief called for a boycott of British goods set a time for a follow-up meeting

What was Reagan's "Star Wars" program intended to do? (Also known as the Strategic Defense Initiative, or SDI)

shoot down nuclear missiles in space.

The rules set up by the founders of Georgia were restrictive. The colonists especially resented restrictions against which of the following?Check all of the boxes that apply.

slavery self-government size of land holdings

Who was Eugene Debs?

socialist who organized American Railway Union and IWW (International Workers of the World)

By capturing the Mississippi, the Union would

split the Confederacy in half.

what was Union Busting

strategies used by companies to stop Union from growing

What was the island hopping strategy?

strategy, capturing some Japanese-held islands and ignoring others in a steady path toward Japan.

Who were the Federalists?

supporters of the Constitution

What is a filibuster?

talking to prevent a bill from passing

What strategies did Clinton use to improve the economy?

tax increases and spending cuts

What was Bleeding Kansas?

term used to describe the 1854-1856 violence between proslavery and antislavery supporters in Kansas

What was the Secret Agreement bertween Kennedy and the Soviet Union?

the Soviets would dismantle the weapon sites in exchange for a pledge from the United States not to invade Cuba.

What is Vietnamization?

the US policy of withdrawing its troops and transferring the responsibility and direction of the war effort to the government of South Vietnam.

What is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)?

the United States and its allies created a defensive alliance between the United States, Western European nations, and Canada. An agreement to defend one another against attacks, responding with force if necessary

How did the United States contribute to the Allied war effort in Europe?

the United States shipped vast amounts of weaponry and supplies to Britain and the Soviet Union. Millions of US service personnel fought in Europe. US bombers pounded German cities. Dwight Eisenhower commanded Allied forces on the Western and Mediterranean fronts.

Which legislation limited the powers of the president to commit troops to war?

the War Powers Resolution

To what were Kent State students reacting by staging their 1970 antiwar protest?

the bombing of Cambodia

In which of the following terrorist attacks were the bombers linked to the government of Libya?

the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103, which exploded over Scotland on its way from London to the United States in 1988 the bombing of a Berlin nightclub in 1986.

What is total war?

the channeling of a nation's entire resources into a war effort

What was the breakup of Yugoslavia caused by?

the cultural and religious divisions between the ethnic groups making up the nation, to the memories of WWII atrocities committed by all sides, to centrifugal nationalist forces.

What was the Marshall Plan?

the economic recovery package of aid from the United States to western Europe after World War II

When President Obama took office what was happening to the Economy?

the economy was suffering. -Banks and other large financial institutions were facing a crisis. -Unemployment was rising -Housing prices had collapsed. -Many Americans had lost their homes and savings.

What was the 9-11 Commission? What did the 9-11 Commission Report reveal?

the failures of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) permitted the terrorist attacks to occur and that if these agencies had acted more wisely and more aggressively, the attacks could potentially have been prevented.

What was the Great Migration?

the mass movement of African Americans from the rural South to the urban North

What was peace through strength?

the method that Reagan used to approach the cold war.

What was white flight?

the move of white city-dwellers to the suburbs to escape the influx of minorities.

What was the Manhattan Project?

the plan to develop the atomic bomb

What was perestroika?

the policy or practice of restructuring or reforming the economic and political system

What was the "Other half "of society

the poor and low working class

What was mobilization?

the process of assembling troops and supplies and making them ready for war

Who created time zones in the US

the railroad industry

What is habeas corpus?

the right of a person to hear charges against him/her, leads to right to a trial

What caused Bush to break his pledge of "no new taxes"?

the rising US debt during the 1980s

What was the Cold War?

the state of tension without actual fighting between the US and the Soviet Union

What was the Mexican-American War?

the war with Mexico from 1846 to 1847 that resulted in Mexico ceding to the United States a huge region from Texas to California

What was Darwin's theory?

theory of natural selection

Who were the Grimke sisters?

they fought against slavery and for women's rights

what was the 17th Amendment (1913)

this amendment required the direct election of senators

How did new leaders gain power in both Germany and Japan after World War I?

through use of violent tactics

Why did the British march on Lexington and Concord?

to capture rebel leaders and take away stores of ammunition

What is the main task of the legislative branch?

to create new laws

Why did Bush propose legislation to help American savings and loans?

to end an economic crisis created by failing banks

Why was the Massachusetts Bay Company formed?

to establish a Puritan colony in the New World

Why did Obama think the war in Afghanistan was important?

to fight terrorism

What were war bonds used for?

to finance the war effort

Why was the colony of Georgia established?

to give debtors from Britain a fresh start

What was the main reason that slave codes were created?

to keep African Americans powerless and under control

What reasons did the Pilgrims give for creating the Mayflower Compact?

to organize themselves, guarantee a long life for the colony, and achieve their goals in setting up the colony

What role did the United States play in the Vietnam war?

to prevent South Vietnam from falling into communist hands

What were the main goals of nativists?

to prevent immigrants from being able to vote to limit immigration to the United States to make it harder for immigrants to become citizens

Which statement best summarizes the purpose of the Manhattan Project?

to process uranium and use it to build and perfect atomic weapons

What was trench warfare intended to accomplish?

to protect soldiers from enemy gun fire on the front lines

What was the goal of the Boston Port Bill of the 1770s?

to punish Massachusetts by closing Boston Harbor

Which of the following was the purpose of the Watergate break-in?

to spy on the Democratic National Committee

Why did Reagan argue that the United States should invade Grenada in 1983?

to stop the spread of communism

What was penicillin used for?

treat diseases

What was the Treaty of Ghent?

treaty that ended the war of 1812

Whaat were Mobile killing sqauds

troops began rounding up Jews, Roma, and Soviet officials used riffles and handguns to kill these people

As an abolitionist, John Brown is notable for his

use of violence.

What was the Euthanasia Program?

used to exterminate the mentally ill

Who was Daniel Boone?

was a hunter and explorer who became one of the most famous American frontiersmen. More specifically he explored and settled Kentucky.

What was the National Organization for Women (NOW)

was a political group that promotes equal rights for women.

What was the Forest Revision act of 1891?

was signed into law by President Benjamin Harrison after two decades of debate about public land policy and concern about exploitative logging, putting in place the means to protect wooded areas as "forest reserves," to be managed by the Department of the Interior.

What was the Seige of Vicksburg?

was the final major military action in the Vicksburg campaign of the American Civil War.

What was tenement housing?

were crowded apartment with lack of natural light small amount of room unsaniatiry poor ventalation and had no indoor plumbing

Which of the following issues was decided by United States v. Nixon?

whether Nixon could use executive privilege to withhold the tapes

Which of these was a major pull factor for Chinese immigrants?

work on the railroads

Who was Betty Friedan?

wrote "the feminine mystique" about feminism. women can do anything men can do.

Newspapers that printed stories filled with exaggerated details with little regard for the truth practiced

yellow journalism.

What was the Union strategy?

1. Invade the south and force the rebellious states back into the union 2. Close confederate ports 3. "Squeeze" the south to death

What was the Lewis and Clark expedition?

-Jefferson sent them to explore the new territory and to document what they encountered

What is Omnibus Public Land Management Act

-Land and river protection Fuel Emissions standards -Reductions in air pollution

What was the Battle of Okinawa (April-July 1945)

-Operation Iceberg -Largest amphibious assault -Last "island hopping" to get to Japan's mainland -Important: if we obtained this we could drop bombs on Japan

What was a kamikaze pilot?

-Pilots who undertook suicide missions by crashing their explosive-laden airplanes into american warships.

Who was Fedrick Douglass?

-Wrote the North Star -was an escaped slave -Born into slavery

What was the moving assembly line?

-a system that used conveyer belts to move parts and partly assembled cars from one group of workers to another -designed by Henry Ford

What was the aftermath of the Civil War?

1. 4 million newly freed slaves 2. plantation owners had worthless confederate money 3. poor white southerners had to compete with newly freed slaves

What caused the recession of 2007-2009?

1. A fall in housing prices, which caused a collapse in new construction 2. A sharp drop in consumption 3. Spiraling mortgage defaults that caused many bank failures, leading the entire financial system to freeze up

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