US History Unit 5 Flash Cards (Combine)

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After watching television coverage of the brutal tactics used against protesters by the Birmingham police, even opponents of the civil rights movement were a) appalled by the police violence. b) angry with the peaceful protesters. c) supportive of the actions of the police. d) uninterested in the confrontation.


During the election of 1968, the issues dividing the country a) also caused a split in the Democratic Party. b) united various factions in the Democratic Party. c) had little effect on the outcome of the election. d) none of the above.


Latino political interests were represented by organizations such as a) La Raza Unida. b) JACL. c) UFW. d) Yo Soy Joaquin


Martin Luther King, Jr., targeted Birmingham, Alabama, for demonstrations because he considered it a) the most segregated city in the country. b) a city with very little segregation. c) a city that practiced de facto segregation. d) a city that would welcome an end to segregation.


The Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education ended a) the separate but equal doctrine. b) Jackie Robinson's career in baseball. c) Eisenhower's support of civil rights. d) discrimination in the hiring of federal employees.


Unlike Kennedy, President Lyndon B. Johnson a) had a strong mandate. b) was more concerned with foreign policy than domestic policy. c) believed military commanders should use nuclear weapons. d) opposed civil rights legislation.


Which of the following brought the United States and the Soviet Union to the brink of nuclear war? a) the Cuban Missile Crisis b) the signing of the Limited Test Ban Treaty c) the Panamanian riot d) the Bay of Pigs invasion


Which of the following leaders were assassinated in 1968? a) Martin Luther King, Jr., and Robert Kennedy b) Robert Kennedy and Malcolm X c) Martin Luther King, Jr., and Malcolm X d) James Baldwin and Robert Kennedy


Critics of the Great Society complained that it a) helped only the middle class. b) gave the federal government too much authority. c) spent too little money. d) gave local communities too much governmental power.


Participants in the 1963 March on Washington hoped to a) get Bull Connor prosecuted for police brutality. b) convince Congress to pass civil rights legislation. c) prevent the reelection of President Kennedy. d) do battle with the police of Washington, D.C.


President Truman ordered an end to discrimination in a) Arkansas. b) the armed forces. c) labor unions. d) the transportation industry.


The book Silent Spring exposed the harmful use of a) nuclear power. b) chemicals such as DDT. c) cars and trucks. d) clean air and clean water.


To achieve victory in the struggle for civil rights, Martin Luther King, Jr., and other members of the SCLC encouraged a policy of a) armed confrontation. b) nonviolent protest. c) lawsuits. d) national strikes.


What was the primary focus of the protest movement of the 1960s? a) to ban the use of Agent Orange b) to demand U.S. withdrawal from Vietnam c) to end segregation of the military d) to build support for the draft


After Congress passed the Voting Rights Act of 1965, a) the civil rights movement slowly ended. b) white Southerners still prevented most African Americans from voting. c) many African Americans were elected to office at all levels. d) the Supreme Court declared the law unconstitutional.


All of the following resulted from the civil rights movement except a) making segregation illegal. b) opening the political process to more African Americans. c) eliminating poverty in the United States. d) giving African Americans a new sense of ethnic pride.


In the United States, television was instrumental in a) promoting understanding between Americans and the Vietnamese. b) developing enthusiasm for the American war effort in Vietnam. c) bringing the brutality of the war into people's living rooms. d) revealing the contents of classified military documents.


Martin Luther King, Jr., influenced by Gandhi, believed in a) an eye for an eye. b) violent revolution. c) nonviolent protest. d) fighting back only if struck first.


Some Americans questioned the fairness of the draft because a) the government refused to draft African Americans. b) only men between the ages of 18 and 26 were drafted. c) college students could easily avoid the draft. d) women were drafted along with men.


The person who wrote the famous Letter from Birmingham Jail was a) Eugene Bull Connor. b) James Meredith. c) Martin Luther King, Jr. d) John Lewis.


Which of the following reignited student protests in 1970? a) the defeat of Eugene McCarthy b) Johnson's escalation of the war c) Nixon's invasion of Cambodia d) the surrender of Saigon


Which of the following was a major part of Johnson's Great Society? a) a tax increase b) aid to foreign countries c) healthcare legislation d) reductions in antipoverty programs


As a result of the Cuban Missile Crisis, a) Fidel Castro was removed from power. b) the United States set up missile sites in Cuba. c) the United States increased investments in Cuba. d) the Soviets removed their missiles from Cuba.


The Soviets built the Berlin Wall in order to prevent a) an American invasion. b) Kennedy from building up American defenses. c) the division of Berlin. d) East Germans from fleeing to the West.


What was one reason for the creation of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial? a) to honor Asian Americans b) to celebrate the end of communism in Vietnam c) to honor the women who served d) to help heal the wounds created by the war


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