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Herbert Hoover

() 31st President of the United States. EDIT!!

Equal Rights Amendment

() Found little support in congress. Responding to surffrage victory, women organized League of Women Voters and women's auxiliaries of both Democratic and Republican parties.


() Synthetic fibers along with other industries fueled by technological advances (electronics, home appliances, plastics, metal, oil, electric power) grew dramatically.

Fair Labor Standards Act

() introduced a maximum 44-hour seven-day workweek, established national minimum wage, guaranteed "time and a half" (overtime), and prohibited child labor.

"fireside chats"

() reassured Americans govt will get things done. Made sure they knew that he understood situations and have solutions.

Rum, romanism, and rebellion"

(516) Protestant minister, Sam Burchard, referred to the Democrats as this. Republican nominee James Blaine was slow to repudiate, so Democrats said Blaine tolerated slander on Catholic Church. Democrat Cleveland won with heavy Catholic vote

Sherman Antitrust Act

(517) 1890 Congress passed without dissent. Indifferently enforced and weakened by courts... had no impact... Republicans more interested in tariff


(368) John Lewis created after 1935 AFL convention when he was angered by craft union leaders. Expanded constituency of labor movement. More receptive to women and blacks than AFL... more militant than AFL... 1936 schism, it already engaged in major organizing battles in automobile/stell industries.

Salvation Army

(490,557) Example of fusion of religion with reform. Christian social welfare organization with vaguely military structure, offering both material aid and spiritual service to urban poor.

Pendleton Act/Civil Service

(514) 1883 Congress passed first national civil service measure. Required some fed jobs to be filled by examinations rather than patronage. Few offices fell but reach gradually extended

Chester A. Arthur

(514) Garfield's successor... devoted, skilled and open spoilsman. Followed independent course and promoted reform. Kept Garfield's appointees to dismay of Stalwarts

James A. Garfield

(514) Republican nominee & won in 1880 (benefitted from end of 1879 recession). Defied Stalwarts and supported civil service reform. 1881: Shot twice and died 3 months later.

Grover Cleveland

(515) Reform gov of NY and Republican nominee. Elected in 1884... respected for stern and righteous opposition to politicians, grafters, pressure roups, and Tammany Hall. Embodied era where few Americans believed fed govt could/should do very. Doubted protective tariffs. Won 1892 election (similar to first term)

McKinley Tariff

(517) Law in 1890... misinterpretted by Republicans. Saw high tariff to enrich producers and starve consumers. Democrats had majority in both houses of Congress after

The Grangers

(517-18) 1867 National Grange of Patrons of Husbandry. Granger Laws in early 1870 (strict regulation on railroad rates/practices). New regulations by courts and political inexperience of Grange leaders led to decline in late 1870s

Interstate Commerce Act

(518) 1887 Banned discrimination in rates between long and short hauls, required railroad to public rate schedules and file with govt, and declared all interstate rail rates be "reasonable and just." ICC administered but relied on courts to enforce. Haphazardly enforced and narrowly interpreted by courts... litte practical effect

Alice Paul/National Woman's Party

(564,639) Head of militant National Woman's Party (1916) didn't accept "separate sphere" justification. Women needed an amendment providing clear legal protection, but there was limited favor.

Selective Service Act

(563) Only national draft could provide needed men in 1917. Wilson won passage in mid-May. Brought nearly 3 million men into army.

American Expeditionary Force (AEF)

(563) Under General John Pershing. Joined Allied forces in turning back a series of new German assaults. Assisted French in repelling German offense. Helped pushGermans back toward their own border and cut the enemy's major supply lines.... Great War shuddered to a close

Trench warfare

(564) No longer feasible to send troops into open field. Trenches sheltered troops while allowing limited (inconclusive) fighting. More mobile and chemical weapons allowed attacks on entrenched soldiers without direct combat.

Benjamin Harrison

(515-16) Republican nominee (due to supporting tariff protection) and won in 1888 but lost pop vote. 1st since Civil War to involve clear question of economic difference... one of the most corrupt elections.

19th Amendment

(564,623) 1920 suffragists won ratification, guaranteeing voting rights to women throughout the nation. Not completely satisfying to some though

Secret ballot

(565) Adapted in 1880s and 1890s. Ballots printed by govt and distributed at polls to be filled out and deposited in secret helped chip away power of parties over voters.

Liberty Bonds

(566) Govt launched major drive to solicit loans from American people by selling this to public. Produced $23 billion... new taxes, too. Effort to raise money.

Progressive Party

(566,589,) Battle of Roosevelt and Taft for Republican nomination and Taft won. So Roosevelt took supporters out of party to start a new one."Fit as a bull moose"


(567) Allowed reformers to circumvent state legislatures by submitting new legislation directly to voters in genreal elections. 1918 20+ states enacted one or both reforms

City Managers

(567) Another approach to municipal reform. Elected officials hired outside expert to take charge of govt. Remained untainted by corrupting influence of politics.

Direct Primary

(567) Another effort to limit power of party and improve quality of elected officials. Attempted to remove selection of candidates from bosses and give it to people (South wanted to limit black voting). 1915 every state instituted for some offices

War Industries Board/Bernard Baruch

(567) Created 1917 to coordinate govt purchases of military supplies. Bad when Wilson restructured and placed it under control of Bernard Baruch.


(567) Gave voters right to remove public official from office at special election. More opposition, but few states adopted.


(567) Provided method by which actions of legislature could return to electorate for approval. 1918 20+ states enacted one or both reforms

Committee on Public Information/George Creel

(568,9) Vast propaganda campaign, under George Creel. Supervised 75 million pieces of print and controlled information available for newspapers and magazines. 1918 posters and films depicted exaggerated portrayals of savagery of Germans. Govt began to suppress dissent.

Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)

(569) Big Bill Haywood (fled to Soviet Union) and members were energetically prosecuted. More than 1,500 people arrested in 1918 for criticizing govt.

Pure Food and Drug Act and Meat Inspection Act

(583) Roosevelt pressured Congress to enact. Restricted sale of dangerous or ineffective medicines.

Square Deal"

(583) Roosevelt said to work in anthracite coal strike to provide this.

The Jungle

(583) Upton Sinclair's novel in 1906 revealing appalling descriptions of conditions in meatpacking industry. Roosevelt passed Meat Inspection Act (helped eliminate diseases in impure meat) Other reforms followed....

Gifford Pinchot

(583-4) Roosevelt's chief forester... R and him seized forests and water power sites still in public domain before bill (1907 to restrict authority over public lands) was law.

John Muir

(584) Nation's leading preservationist and founder of Sierra Club. Battle raged between naturalists and dam advocates

J.P. Morgan

(585) Financier who constructed pool of assets of NY banks to prop up shaky financial institutions. US Steel purchased shares of Tennessee Coal and Iron Company (no antitrust)... 1907 panic resided.

New Freedom"

(590) 1912 Wilson presented this progressive program in presidential campaign

Theme: The effect of the automobile boom and various technological breakthroughs on the economic expansion and agricultural malaise of the 1920s.


Theme: The emergence of a nationwide consumer-oriented and communication-linked culture, and its effect on society and the "new woman"


Theme: The war mobilization of the Wilson adminsistration- how they financed thw war, managed the economy, and encourage public support of the war effort.


What were 4 of the goals of the Freedman Bureau?

1) Build Schools to educate the Freedmen 2) Feed the hungry of any race 3) Provide lawyers 4) Ensure labor contracts were fair

Joseph McCarthy

1950s; Wisconsin senator claimed to have list of communists in American gov't, but no credible evidence; took advantage of fears of communism post WWII to become incredibly influential; "McCarthyism" was the fearful accusation of any dissenters of being communists EFT

Two of the Radical Republicans, Stevens & Sumner, proposals were?

40 acres and a mule Raise Taxes to build schools in the south

What was the interest rate offered for the line of credit offered to the Share Croppers?


Dust Bowl

An area of Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas, and Colorado where chronic drought and harmful agricultural practices destroyed crops and displaced farmers, many of whom migrated to California hoping to find work and a future

Where was Lincoln when he was shot?

Ford's theater, Washington DC

Following their defeat in the election of 1896 the Democratic Party was forced to change its values and move to the Left. It was at this point that the Party became what?

It is the start of the current Democratic Party

President Wilson protested German violation of American neutrality more harshly than British violations because

a profitable trade was resulting between the US and the allies.

Wilhelm II

Leader of Germany who undermined the balance of power and peace in Europe by developing his nation's industrial power, establishing an empire abroad, and expanding the navy. The Allies portrayed him as a beast personality responsible for the most violent acts of World War I. He was exiled from his country toward the end of the war

Marcus Garvey

Many poor urban blacks turned to him. He was head of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and he urged black economic cooperation and founded a chain of UNIA grocery stores and other business

He was self educated with less than 1 yr of formal schooling He was a wealthy slave trader before the Civil War He was a Lt General in the Confederate Calvary He was the first Grand Wizard of the KKK Who was he?

Nathan Bedford Forest

Warren G. Harding

Pres.1921 laissez-faire, little regard for gov't or presidency. "return to normalcy" after Wilson + his progressive ideals. Office became corrupt: allowed drinking in prohibition, had an affair, surrounded himself w/ cronies (used office for private gain). Ex) The Teapot Dome Scandal Sec. of Interior leased gov't land w/ oil for $500,000 and took money himself. Died after 3 years in office, VP: Coolidge took over

What was the goal of the Civil War in 1860?

Preserve the Union

What were the goals of the Civil War in 1863?

Preserve the Union & End slavery

After the passage of the Civil Rights Bill of 1866 what happen to it?

President Johnson Vetoed it. Congress over rode his veto and it be came law

Marcus Garvey

Prominent African American political leader born in Jamaica and committed to cultivating black Americans' independence and pride in their African heritage. He advocated racial purity, established the Universal Negro Improvement Association to promote black economic and political independence, and launched a "Back to Africa" movement

Initiative and referendum

Proposed by Populists. Initiative allowed reformers to circumvent state legislatures altogether by submitting new legislation directly to the voters in general elections. Referendum provided a method by which actions of the legislature could be returned to the electorate for approval.

Which of the following nations was NOT represented at the Paris Peace Conference?

Russia. Nations represented at the Paris Peace Conference: France; Italy, Britain; US.

The New Freedom of Woodrow Wilson called for

a vigorous program of trust busting to restore free competition.

Which of the following industries was most closely associated with the rise of consumerism in America in the 1920s?


Battle of Midway 726

U.S. naval victory over the Japanese fleet in June 1942, in which the Japanese lost four of their best aircraft carriers. It marked a turning point in World War II.

John David Rockefeller was know for two of his business practices, what were they?

Vertical Intragration Forming monopolies

As a reformer, Theodore Roosevelt

became an advocate of cautious, moderate change.

In the early yhears of WWI, from 1914-1916, the US

became an arsenal for the Allies, even as it proclaimed its neutrality.

As used in reference to the period of the Great War, the expression "Great Migration," means

blacks moving from the SOuth to northern industrial cities.

Wilson refused to recognize the regime of victoriano Huerta in Mexico because

he disapproved of its action in murdering political opponents.

The 7th amendment to the US constitution allowed

for direct election of senators.

The significance of the Zimmermann telegram was that it

inflamed American public opinion against Germany.

GI Bill 765

law passed in 1944 to help returning veterans buy homes and pay for higher educations, Provided for college or vocational training for returning WWII veterens as well as one year of unemployment compensation. Also provided for loans for returning veterens to buy homes and start businesses.

Both the Palmer Raids and the Sacco and vanzetti case may be cited as evidence in the aftermath of WWI of the depth of feeling in America against


The effect of the Progressive Party's entrance into the presidential eleciton of 1812 was to

split the Rupublican vote and allow the Democrat to win.

the New Nationalism of Theodore Roosevelt called for

strengthening the regulatory powers of the federal government.

The Underwood-Simmons tariff, one of the first major pieces of legislation passed in Wilson's adminsistration, was significant in that it

substantially lowered the tariff and enacted an income tax.

The "American Plan"

was a crusade for the open shop in American corporations.

1920 Sacco and Vanzetti Trial?

was a high profile case in the 19th century(1920). 2 Men accused of murdering a guard at their shoe factory in Mass. A Politically charged trial because they were Italian descent, and they were anarchists(a person who rebels against any authority, or ruling power/govt.) Judge was also prejudiced as well as the US.

The most important problem faced by the Democratic Party in the 1920s

was a serious split between urban and rural wings of the party.

William Jennings Bryan


Payne Aldrich Tariff


Pinchot- Ballinger Controvesy


Richard Ballinger


New Nationalism


Osawatomie, Kansas


Bull Moose Party




mcNary-Haugen Bill

634 Parity

bruce barton

634 the man nobody knows

motion picture association




carl jung


psychology and psychiatry


radio act


john watson


new professional women


companionate marriages


sheppard-towner act


literature in 1920s


f scott fitzgerald

640 the great gatsby

d w griffith


the birth of a nation


john w davis


no oil on al


william mcAdoo


harry daugherty


ohio gang




the great depression causes

652. 654-5

john maynard keynes


global depression






native son


norman thomas


southern tenant farmers union


erskine caldwell


let us know praise famous men


new deal sponsored artists


richard wright


tobacco road


walker evans


the grapes of wrath


Hawley-smoot tariff


agriculteral marketing act


Franklin Delano Roosevelt




banking collapse


Who created the Bessemer Process? How does it improve the manufacture of steel?

Sir Henry Bessemer The Bessemer Process allowed the high carbon content of pig iron to be burnt away in a controlled and rapid way. This new method of manufacture of steel enabled the manufacture to reduce cost and improve quality ie the price of steel wne down and the demand went up.

What Political Movement grew from the ashes of the Grange Movement?

The Farmers Alliance Southern Farmers Alliance Midwestern Farmers Alliance Colored Farmers Alliance

Hiroshima and Nagasaki

nuclear attacks during World War II against the Empire of Japan by the United States of America at the order of U.S. President Harry S. Truman


"A National Security Council report in April 1950. It made the case for a U.S. military buildup to confront what it called an enemy ""unlike previous aspirants to hegemony... animated by a new fanatic faith. antithetical to our own."" The Soviet Union and the United States existed in a polarized world. in which the Soviets wished to ""impose its absolute authority over the rest of the world."" This would be a war of ideas in which ""the idea of freedom under a government of laws. and the idea of slavery under the grim oligarchy of the ""Kremlin"" were pitted against each other. Therefore. the U.S. as ""the center of power in the free world."" should build an international community in which American society would ""survive and flourish"" and pursue a policy of containment. The document drew from the writings of George F. Kennan. specifically the 1946 ""Long Telegram"" and the subsequent X Article."

What did Booth shout only moments after he shot Lincoln?

"Sic semper tyrannis! (Ever thus to tyrants!) The South is avenged,"

What is Social Darwinism?

"Survival of the fittest" applied to human civilization. It could be used to justify war, racism, nationalism, imperialism, etc.

The staff at Penn RR admired young Andrew Carnegie's work ethic that they took him under their wing and taught him how to run and manage a business. (1) T or F -----Andrews first try at business was in Pittsburgh when he bought a ferry boat to transport people across the Plateau River north of the city. Soon he owned 8 such ferries. (2) T or F ------ Pittsburgh is a unique city because it sits at the "Y" in the area where the Allegheny River from the northeast and Monongahela River from the southeast form the Ohio River. (3) T or F

(1) T He stated with the company when he was 8 and worked hard. His reward was a great education in business management. (2) F His first serious venture was the purchase of the Homestead Iron Mill (3) T It is a beautiful site. From the top of the hills on the western bank of the Allegheny you can have dinner at one of the fine restaurants and look down on the convergence of the Allegheny and the Monongahela to form the Ohio.

Ottoman Empire


Douglas MacArthur

(1880-1964), U.S. general. Commander of U.S. (later Allied) forces in the southwestern Pacific during World War II, he accepted Japan's surrender in 1945 and administered the ensuing Allied occupation. He was in charge of UN forces in Korea 1950-51, before being forced to relinquish command by President Truman.

What was the Scopes Trial?

(1925) - Trial of John Scopes, a 24 yr old Biology teacher from Tennessee accused of violating state law prohibiting teaching of the theory of evolution; it became a nationally celebrated confrontation between religious fundamentalism and civil liberties. Important victory for modernist. Clarence Darrow, a famous attorney represented the case.

People's Party/Populism

(519, 521) 1892 1,300 delegates... Official name was People's Party and movement was Populism. 1892 election got 1 million votes. Appealed to farmers but couldn't go beyond (no interracial character either). Rejected laissez-faire... challenged industrial capitalism Dissolved in 1896

Panic of 1893/Coxey's Army

(523) Began March 1893 when Philly and Reading Railroad declared bankruptcy. Corporate failures triggered stock market collapse. Reflected America's interconnected economy... showed how dependent economy was on railroads. Improved slightly in 1895 but didn't fully until 1901.

Silver question/"bimetallism"/"free silver"

(523-4) Cleveland thought instability of currency caused depression... "Bimetallism"-system for gold and silver as basis for dollar. (s)16:(g)1 ratio. EDIT!!

William Jennings Bryan, "Cross of Gold" speech

(525) Nebraska congressman addressed Democratic Convention of 1896, which voted to adopt pro-silver platform. 1st pres candidate to stump country systematically. Lost

William McKinley

(525-6,528) Republican nominee because they wanted tariff as key issue and opposed free coinage of silver. Won 1896 election... Committed to raise tariff rates.

Gold Standard Act

(528) Enacted by Republicans in 1900 (after silver agreement with Great Brit and France failed), confirming nationa's commitment to gold standard. Victory of conservatism.

Alfred Thayer Mahan, The Influence of Sea Power upon History

(534) Apostle of imperialism... thesis in 1890... countries with sea power were great nations of history. US started shipbuilding program and became 5th in world naval power 1898 and 3rd in 1900.

Ida Wells Barnett

(534) Most effective crusader against lynching. Most determined opponents were usually southern women.

Hawaiian overthrow

(535-38) Islands of Hawaii were important way station for American ships in China trade. Arrival of merchants, missionaries, and planters ruined traditional Hawaiian society. 1898 Congress approved treaty of annexation

Pago Pago

(538) American navy interested in the Samoan harbor. Hayes made treaty in 1878. Great Britain and Germany were interested... 1899 US and Germany divvied islands while Brit got territories elsewhere... US retained harbor

Cuban revolt

(539) 1895 Cubans devastated island to force Spaniards to leave. US thought Spaniards were to blame, but brutality was on both sides.

Yellow press"/William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer

(539-40) Pulitzer in "New York World" while Hearst in "New York Journal" 1890s both engaged in ruthless circulation war. Very successful in gaining interest

The Maine

(541) American battleship blew in Havana harbor (killed 260+ people). Americans assumed Spanish sunk it (reality: it was an accident) War hysteria swept country and Congress had military preparations. 1898 McKinley declared war (didn't want to at first)

A splendid little war"

(541) What John Hay called Spanish-American conflict. Racial tensions continued in Cuba ??

Commodore George Dewey, Battle of Manila Bay

(542-3) Teddy Roosevelt instructed him to attack Spanish naval forces in Philippines (colony of Span) in event of war. 1898 sailed for Manila and completely destroyed Spanish fleet... Spanish surrendered & he became first hero of the war.

Theodore Roosevelt, Rough Riders

(544) Cavalry unit at the center of fighting during battles.Teddy Roosevelt became a hero of conflict because he led a bold/reckless charge up Kettle Hill directly into Spanish guns. He emerged unscathed but hundreds died.

Puerto Rico, Jones Act

(545) 1917 Congress passed, declaring Puerto Rico a US territory and made all Puerto Ricans American citizens. Sugar industry flourished because of American market without tariffs (but relied on international sugar prices).

Anti-imperialist League

(546) Established 1898 by upperclass to fight against annexation of Philippines.

Platt Amendment

(547) 1901 Congress responded to Cuba's constitution with no reference to US. Pressured Cuba into incorporating terms into its constitution and barred Cuba from making treaties with other nation (US could intervene and required Cuba to permit American naval stations). Left Cuba with only nominal political independence.

The Philippine War, Emilio Aguinaldo

(548,9) Lasted from 1898-1902... longest and most vicious. Soured most of American public and annexation of colonies in 1898 began and ended American territorial imperialism.

Boxer Rebellion

(550) Secret Chinese martial-arts society launched bloody revolt against foreigners in China. EDIT?

John Hay, Open Door Policy

(550) Secretary of State John Hay asked each nation with "sphere of influence" in China to allow other nations to trade freely and equally in its sphere (allowed US to trade freely with China without fear of interference). Ended with Boxer Rebellion

Elihu Root

(551) McKinley appointed as secretary of war to supervise major overhaul of armed forces. New reforms had US enter 20th century resembling modern military system

Modern Military


Great White Fleet

(554) Japan and American relations deteriorated, so for Japan to recognize power, Roosevelt sent 16 (painted white) battleships of new American navy on unprecedented journey around the world, including call on Japan.

Roosevelt Corollary

(554,5) 1904 announced to Monroe Doctrine. Roosevelt claimed that US had the right to oppose European intervention in Western Hemisphere but also intervene in domestic affairs of neighbors (if they proved unable to maintain order/national sovereignty). First use was crisis in Dominican Republic.

Carrie Chapman Catt/National American Woman Association

(563) Journalist who helped lead NAWSA... grew to over 2 million in 1917. Justified suffrage in less threatening ways. Claimed that b/c women occupied a distinct sphere, women suffrage would make an important contribution to politics.

Panama Canal

(555,6) Linked Atlantic and Pacific by creating a channel through Central America. Most celebrated foreign policy accomplishment of Roosevelt's presidency. John Hay (Sec of St) negotiated with Columbian diplomats for construction.... Roosevelt sent USS Nashville... then recognized Panama as independent nation... so new Panamanian govt agreed to treaty.

Ida Tarbell

(556) Journalist who produced study of Standard Oil trust. (Showed new spirit of national reform... directed public attention toward social, economic, and political injustices)

Lincoln Steffens, McClure's magazine

(556,565) Most influential muckraker... portraits of "machine government" and "boss rule" in cities. Helped arouse sentiment for urban political reform. Inspired other Americans to take action.

"Dollar Diplomacy"

(557) (Taft's sec. of state) Philander C. Knox's policies. He worked aggressively to extend American investments into less-developed regions.

In His Steps

(557) Written by Charles Sheldon... story of young minister who abandoned comfortable post to work among the needy. Engagement of religion with reform helped bring progressivism a powerful moral commitment to redeem lives of least favored citizens

Social Gospel

(557,566) Effort to make faith into a tool of social reform. Chiefly concerned with redeeming nation's cities.


(558) New middle class building organizations and establishing standards to secure position in society. Created modern, organized profession. Frail in American in 1880s but as demand for professional services increased, so did pressures for reform.

Jane Addams/ Hull House/settlement houses

(558) Progressive thought: belief of the influence of environment on individual development. Social worker... /Opened 1889 in Chicago as result... modeled for 400 institutions in nation. Sought to help immigrant families adapt to language and customs of new country.

Thorstein Veblen

(558) Social scientist who proposed new economic system which power would reside in hands of highly trained engineers (they could understand "machine process") Shows how some spoke of creation of a new civilization.

Pancho Villa

(558,9) Carranza's lieutenant... Wilson abandoned him, which he considered as American betrayal. Retaliated in Jan. 1916 by shooting 16 American engineers in Mexico and 17 more in New Mexico. Never found him

Archduke Franz Ferdinand

(559) 1914 Heir to throne of tottering empire was assassinated by Serbian nationalist while paying state visit. Germany supported Austria-Hungary's decision to launch assault on Serbia. Serbians called Russia.... August 3, Germany declared war on Russia and France and invaded Belgium. August 4, GB declared war on Germany (cause of alliance w/ France). By 1915, European continent (part of Asia) embroiled in major war.

Triple Entente/Triple Alliance

(559) Known as "Allies," and linked Britain, France, and Russia. Later called "Central Powers," united Germany, Austro-Hungarian Empire, and Italy (Italy joined Allies when war began). Chief rivalry between Great Britain and Germany.

Gen. John J. Pershing

(559) Wilson ordered Gen. John J. Perishing to lead an American expeditionary force across Mexican border to find Pancho Villa (with permission from Carranza govt). Never found him, but fought along the way. Wilson turned attention elsewhere

American Medical Association

(559,640) 1901 doctors reorganized into a national professional society. By 1920, 2/3 of doctors were members. Called for strict, scientific standards for admission to practice of medicine. State govt passed new laws requiring licenses. (1900 compared favorably with Europe)

Ottoman Empire



(560) British passenger liner sank by German submarine without warning, causing 1,198 deaths (128 Americans). Most Americans considered the attack an unprovoked act on civilians. Germans agreed (cause of Wilson's demands) not to repeat... But 1916 said it would and did... so Wilson demanded and they agreed again.

U.S. Chamber of Commerce

(560,682) 1912 businessmen supported creation of schools and set up their own national organizations. Showed dramatic expansion in Americans engaged in administrative/professional tasks.

Boston marriages"

(561) Some educated women shunned marriage entirely ( among most prominent female reformers) Some lived alone, and others lived with other women in long-term relationships with some secretly romantic. Divorce rate increased (1916 usually women initiated divorce)

General Federation of Women's Clubs

(562) 1892 women formed to coordinate activities of local organizations. 1917 = 1 million members. Began as cultural organizations to provide middle and upper class women with outlet for intellectual energies. By 1900s more concerned with social reform Allowed women to define a space for themselves in public world without openly challenging male-dominated order

Zimmerman telegram

(562) British gave Wilson intercepted telegram sent by German foreign minister (Arthur Z) to govt of Mexico. Proposed that in war between US and Germany, Mexicans should join Germany. 1917 Russia revolution replaced its regime with new, republican govt. So US was spared allying with monarchy.

National Association of Colored Women

(562) Most clubs excluded blacks, so they formed their own. Took positions on issues like lynching and segregation.

Women's Trade Union League

(562) WTUL Women's group founded in 1903 by female union members and upper-class reformers. Public meetings on behalf of female workers, raised money to support strikes, marched picket lines, and bailed striking women out of jail.

Bolshevik Revolution

(563) Fall of 1917... the overthrow of the Russian government. The Bolsheviks were an extremist faction within the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party (later renamed the Russian Communist Party) who seized control of the government and ushered in the Soviet age.

V.I. Lenin

(563) Nov. 1917 new communist govt negotiated hasty and costly peace between Russia and Central Powers, freeing German troops to fight on western front.

Espionage and Sedition Acts

(569) E: 1917 gave govt new tools to combat spying, sabotage, or obstruction of war effort. SS: 1918 expanded meaning of E to make any public expression of opposition to war illegal. Allowed officials to prosecute anyone who criticized president or govt.

Robert M. La Follette

(569) Most celebrated state-level reformer (Wisconsin). "Laboratory of progressivism." Won approval of direct primaries, initiatives, and referendums. Regulated RR/utilities. Passed laws regulating workplace and compensation for job injuries. Instituted graduated taxes on inherited fortunes. Doubled state levies on RRs and other corporate interests

Samuel Gompers/AFL

(569,570) Some unions played important roles in reform battles. Union pressures contributed to passage of similar laws in other states.

Eugene V. Debs

(570) Humane leader of Socialist Party and opponent of the war. Sentenced to 10 yrs of prison in 1918 (pardoned in 1921). Many Americans favored repression of socialists and radicals, and now policies made it legal to arrest them.

Fourteen Points

(570) Wilson grouped war aims under 14 headings (3 broad categories). 8 recommendations for adjusting postwar boundaries and establishing new nations to replace defunct Austro-Hungarian/Ottoman empires. 5 general principles governing international conduct in future (free seas, open covenants, free trade, reductions in armaments, and impartial mediation of colonial claims). 2 proposal for the League, implementing new principles and territorial adjustments for future controversies.

League of Nations

(570,1,2) Wilson hoped that once the League was established, it could rectify the treaty's many shortcomings. Wanted to ensure that war never broke out again

W.E.B. DuBois, The Souls of Black Folk

(570,71,72) Chief spokesman and Harvard-trained sociologist and historian. In beg. of 20th century emerged a powerful challenge to Booker T Washington and entire structure of race relations. Talented blacks should accept nothing less than full university education (aspire professions). Launched Niagara Movement and more drive for equal rights.

Treaty of Versailles

(571,2) Wilson presented to Senate July 10, 1919, but some had many objections. They believed that America should remain free of biding foreign entanglements, but other were concerned with constructing a winning issue for Republicans.

Henry Cabot Lodge

(572) MA. Powerful chairman of FRC who loathed president and tried to obstruct treaty. Gradually, his opposition crystallized into series of "reservations" (amendments to League further limiting American obligations to organization). Pres did not yield.

NAACP/Niagara Movement

(572) National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Led the drive for equal rights.

Strikes of 1919

(573) 1919 inflation wiped out modest wage gains workers achieved during war. EDIT

Frances Willard

(573) Led (after 1879) WCTU. Ratification of prohibition of alcohol (18th amendment) became law in 1919 and took effect in Jan. 1920

Women's Christian Temperance Union

(573) Temperance advocates formed. 1874 temperance movement developed new strength. Became single largest women's organization in American history to that point. Demand grew to included complete prohibition of sale/manufacture of alcohol

"Great Migration"

(574) Nation's racial demographics transformed. Large black communities arose in northern cities.

Marcus Garvey

(575) Black Jamaican attracted wide US following with ideology of black nationalism. Encouraged blacks to reject assimilation into white society and to develop pride in their own race and culture. UNIA launched chain of black-owned grocery stores and pressed creation of other black businesses. Although he was deported to Jamaica, the allure of black nationalism survived in black culture long after.


(575) Science of altering reproductive processes of plants and animals to produce new hybrids/breeds. Applied science to humans... claimed human inequalities were hereditary and immigration contributed to multiplication of the unfit. Nativists embraced while employers tried to block immigration restriction movement for a time... but nativists eventually gain strength.

A. Mitchell Palmer

(576) 1920 New Year's Mitchell Palmer and J. Hoover led raids on alleged radical centres throughout country, arresting more than 6,000 people.

Red Scare

(576) Concerns about communist threat grew in 1919... Spontaneous acts of violence against supposed radicals occurred. 30 states enacted peacetime sedition laws and imposed penalties on promoters of revolution.

Bill Haywood/Industrial Workers of the World

(576) Radical labor union. "Wobblies" under "Big Bill"... advocated a single union for all workers and one of few labor organizations to champion cause of unskilled workers.

Sacco-Vanzetti case

(576) Two Italian immigrants charged with murder of paymaster in MA. Case against was weak, but both men were confessed anarchists... Convicted and sentenced to death. Aug. 23, 1927 widespread protest in US and around the world... still died in electric chair.

Eugene V. Debs/Socialist Party of America

(576,590,614-15) Had radical critiques of capitalist system and attracted lots of support in 1900-1914. Germans, Jews, and Protestant farms in South and Midwest. Agreed on the need of structural changes in economy but held different tactics.

Louis D. Brandeis

(576,593) Viewpoint that fed govt should work to break up largest combinations to enforce balance between need for bigness and need for competition. Lawyer and later justice of Supreme Court. "curse of bigness"


(577) Repub pres nominee, Warren Harding, embraced no soaring ideal but a vague promise of a return. Huge win (61%) pop vote and every state outside of South. New age beginning

Northern Securities Co. case

(582) Roosevelt ordered Justice Department to invoke S-Antitrust Act against this RR monopoly ($400 million enterprise by JP Morgan and others). 40 other antitrust suits followed in presidency (He wasn't serious about reversing economic concentration though.)

Eugene V. Debs

(590) Humane leader of Socialist Party and opponent of the war. Sentenced to 10 yrs of prison in 1918 (pardoned in 1921). Many Americans favored repression of socialists and radicals, and now policies made it legal to arrest them.

Income Tax/Sixteenth Amendment

(592) Congress approved to make up for the loss of revenue under the new Underwood-Simmons Tariff. Imposed 1% tax on individuals and corporations earning more than $4000, with rates up to 6% on incomes over $500,000.

Federal Reserve Act

(592) Dec. 23, 1913 Congress' major reform of American banking system. 12 regional banks would hold certain % of member bank's assets, use Federal Reserve notes, and shift funds quickly to troubled areas.

F. Scott Fitzgerald

(592) Novelists who attacked the American obsession with material success.

Clayton Antitrust Act

(592) One of Wilson's proposed measures to deal with monopoly problem. 1914. Proposed stronger measure to break up trusts (Wilson lost interest and did little to protect it from conservative assaults)

Sinclair Lewis

(592) Published savage novels in which he lashed out at one aspect of modern bourgeois society one after another. 1920s Intellectuals claimed to reject "success ethic"

Great White Fleet

(594) Japan and American relations deteriorated, so for Japan to recognize power, Roosevelt sent 16 (painted white) battleships of new American navy on unprecedented journey around the world, including call on Japan.

Roosevelt Corollary

(595) 1904 announced to Monroe Doctrine. Roosevelt claimed that US had the right to oppose European intervention in Western Hemisphere but also intervene in domestic affairs of neighbors (if they proved unable to maintain order/national sovereignty). First use was crisis in Dominican Republic.

Panama Canal

(596-97) Linked Atlantic and Pacific by creating a channel through Central America. Most celebrated foreign policy accomplishment of Roosevelt's presidency. John Hay (Sec of St) negotiated with Columbian diplomats for construction.... Roosevelt sent USS Nashville... then recognized Panama as independent nation... so new Panamanian govt agreed to treaty.

Dollar Diplomacy

(597) (Taft's sec. of state) Philander C. Knox's policies. He worked aggressively to extend American investments into less-developed regions.

Pancho Villa

(599) Carranza's lieutenant... Wilson abandoned him, which he considered as American betrayal. Retaliated in Jan. 1916 by shooting 16 American engineers in Mexico and 17 more in New Mexico. Never found him

John J. Pershing

(599) Wilson ordered Gen. John J. Perishing to lead an American expeditionary force across Mexican border to find Pancho Villa (with permission from Carranza govt). Never found him, but fought along the way. Wilson turned attention elsewhere

"Black Tuesday"

(603) October 29, 1929 after a week of steadily rising instability, all efforts to save the market failed. Pop folklore established stock market crash as beginning/cause of Great Depression. But although this was an early sign, Depression had earlier beginnings and more important causes

Archduke Franz Ferdinand

(604) 1914 Heir to throne of tottering empire was assassinated by Serbian nationalist while paying state visit. Germany supported Austria-Hungary's decision to launch assault on Serbia. Serbians called Russia.... August 3, Germany declared war on Russia and France and invaded Belgium. August 4, GB declared war on Germany (cause of alliance w/ France). By 1915, European continent (part of Asia) embroiled in major war.

Triple Entente/Triple Alliance

(604) Known as "Allies," and linked Britain, France, and Russia. Later called "Central Powers," united Germany, Austro-Hungarian Empire, and Italy (Italy joined Allies when war began). Chief rivalry between Great Britain and Germany.


(605) British passenger liner sank by German submarine without warning, causing 1,198 deaths (128 Americans). Most Americans considered the attack an unprovoked act on civilians. Germans agreed (cause of Wilson's demands) not to repeat... But 1916 said it would and did... so Wilson demanded and they agreed again.

Zimmerman telegram

(607) British gave Wilson intercepted telegram sent by German foreign minister (Arthur Z) to govt of Mexico. Proposed that in war between US and Germany, Mexicans should join Germany. 1917 Russia revolution replaced its regime with new, republican govt. So US was spared allying with monarchy.

"monetary" interpretation/Keynesian interpretation

(607) John Maynard Keynes in 1930s said deficit spending by govt was acceptable and even desirable as a means of increasing overall demand and stimulating economic activity. (like using fed reserve bank and spending/taxation policies to influence economic activity) (Democratic... republicans focused on cutting spending)

Bolshevik Revolution

(608) Fall of 1917... the overthrow of the Russian government. The Bolsheviks were an extremist faction within the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party (later renamed the Russian Communist Party) who seized control of the government and ushered in the Soviet age.

"Dust Bowl"/"Okies"

(608) Large area of agricultural settlement in Great Plains suffered from natural disaster: one of the worst droughts in history of nation. Stretched north Texas into Dakotas... experienced steady decline in rainfall and increase in heat. Continued for a decade, turning fertile farm regions into virtual deserts. Farmers left homes in search of work.

V.I. Lenin

(608) Nov. 1917 new communist govt negotiated hasty and costly peace between Russia and Central Powers, freeing German troops to fight on western front.

Selective Service Act

(608) Only national draft could provide needed men in 1917. Wilson won passage in mid-May. Brought nearly 3 million men into army.

Scottsboro boys

(609) Example of racism that attracted attention of the nation. March 1931, nine black teens taken off train in Alabama & arrested for vagrancy and disorder. Two white women accused them of rape. Overwhelming evidence that they weren't actually raped, but all-white jury convicted and sentenced 8 to death. Supreme Court overturned, Int Labor Defense aided and publicized. Accused eventually gained freedom (last boy released in 1950).

American Expeditionary Force (AEF)

(609) Under General John Pershing. Joined Allied forces in turning back a series of new German assaults. Assisted French in repelling German offense. Helped pushGermans back toward their own border and cut the enemy's major supply lines.... Great War shuddered to a close

Trench warfare

(610) No longer feasible to send troops into open field. Trenches sheltered troops while allowing limited (inconclusive) fighting. More mobile and chemical weapons allowed attacks on entrenched soldiers without direct combat.


(611) Mexican Americans who filled same menial jobs in CA and Southwest that blacks traditionally filled in other regions. US hispanic pop rose since 1900s. Depression caused high Mexican unemployment (half million left US in first yrs of Depression)

Liberty Bonds

(612) Govt launched major drive to solicit loans from American people by selling this to public. Produced $23 billion... new taxes, too. Effort to raise money.

War Industries Board/Bernard Baruch

(613) Created 1917 to coordinate govt purchases of military supplies. Bad when Wilson restructured and placed it under control of Bernard Baruch.

Dale Carnegie

(614) 1936 Wrote "How to Win Friends and Influence People," a self-help manual preaching individual initiative... best selling books of the decade. Cultural products of 1930s attracted widest popular audiences were those that diverted attention away from Depression.

Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)

(614) Big Bill Haywood (fled to Soviet Union) and members were energetically prosecuted. More than 1,500 people arrested in 1918 for criticizing govt.

Amos 'n Andy

(614) Comedy radio show with humorous (demeaning) picture of urban blacks. Radio and the movies became two most powerful instruments of pop culture in 1930s. Staple of broadcasting was escapism. Radio brought new kind of comdey to a wide audience.

Espionage and Sedition Acts

(614) E: 1917 gave govt new tools to combat spying, sabotage, or obstruction of war effort. SS: 1918 expanded meaning of E to make any public expression of opposition to war illegal. Allowed officials to prosecute anyone who criticized president or govt.

Soap operas

(614) Enormously popular esp among women who were alone in the house during the day. Named b/c usually sponsored by soap companies (they targeted women).

Committee on Public Information/George Creel

(614-15) Vast propaganda campaign, under George Creel. Supervised 75 million pieces of print and controlled information available for newspapers and magazines. 1918 posters and films depicted exaggerated portrayals of savagery of Germans. Govt began to suppress dissent.

Frank Capra

(615) 1930s Italian-born director who brought the most effective (muted) presentation of social message. Deep, romanticized love for his adopted country, and translated it to vaguely populistic admiration for ordinary people. Helped audiences find solace in vision of imagined American past (in warmth and goodness of idealized small towns and decency of ordinary people)

Orson Welles, War of the Worlds

(615) Memorable event on Halloween night 1938. Broadcast of a radio play about aliens going to NY armed with terrible weapons. Took form of news broadcast, creating panic among millions of people who believed for a while that events were real. Lol

Fourteen Points

(615) Wilson grouped war aims under 14 headings (3 broad categories). 8 recommendations for adjusting postwar boundaries and establishing new nations to replace defunct Austro-Hungarian/Ottoman empires. 5 general principles governing international conduct in future (free seas, open covenants, free trade, reductions in armaments, and impartial mediation of colonial claims). 2 proposal for the League, implementing new principles and territorial adjustments for future controversies.

Walt Disney

(616) 1930s were first yrs of Disney's long reign as champion of animation and children's entertainment.

League of Nations

(616) Wilson hoped that once the League was established, it could rectify the treaty's many shortcomings. Wanted to ensure that war never broke out again

Gone with the Wind

(616,7) 1936 Not all literature was challenging or controversial... most popular were escapist and romantic as radio shows/movies. Enormously popular film of 1930s were adaptations to popular novels. Released 1939...

The Popular Front

(617) Broad coalition of "antifascist" groups on the left... most important was American Communist Party. Later 1930s much of political literature adopted more optimistic, although often no less radical, approach to society. Enhanced reputation and influence of Communist Party & mobilized writers, artists, and intellectuals behind critical, democratic sensibility.


(617) First published 1936, very popular photographic journal. Devoted some attention to politics and to economic conditions of Depression, but best known for stunning photos or sporting and theater events, natural landscapes, and impressive public projects. Leading magazines focused on fashions, stunts, scenery, and arts than on social conditions of nation.

Henry Cabot Lodge

(617) MA. Powerful chairman of FRC who loathed president and tried to obstruct treaty. Gradually, his opposition crystallized into series of "reservations" (amendments to League further limiting American obligations to organization). Pres did not yield.

John dos Passo

(617) USA trilogy that was one of the most significant literature which offered corrosive portraits of harshness and emptiness of American life. Attacked materialistic madness of American culture. Other Depression writing was frankly and openly challenging to dominant values of American pop culture.

American Communist Party

(617,8) Long been harsh and unrelenting critic of American capitalism and its supposed control of govt. But 1935 under Soviet Union, the part softened attitude toward Franklin Roosevelt (Stalin saw as potential ally against Hitler) and formed loose alliances with many other "progressive" groups. Praised New Deal and John L Lewis... "communism is 20th century Americanism"

Treaty of Versailles

(617-705) Wilson presented to Senate July 10, 1919, but some had many objections. They believed that America should remain free of biding foreign entanglements, but other were concerned with constructing a winning issue for Republicans.

Abraham Lincoln Brigade

(618) Group of 3,000 young AMericans who travled to Spani to join fight against fascists. American Communist Party instrumental in creating and directing the activities.

Strikes of 1919

(618-19) 1919 inflation wiped out modest wage gains workers achieved during war. EDIT

John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath

(619) Most successful chronicler of social conditions in 1930s, published 1939. Offered harsh portrait of exploitive feature of West agrarian life, as well as a tribute to endurance of main characters and spirit and community they represent.

Great Migration"

(619-20-657-660-736) Nation's racial demographics transformed. Large black communities arose in northern cities.

Herbert Hoover

(620) Began pres 1929 believing nation faced bright and prosperous future. Attempted to expand associational policies... Most of term he relied on principles that alway governed his pub life. REsponded to Depression by attempting to restore public confidence in economy. 1931 structure he had collapsed. READ TEXT

Voluntary Cooperation

(620) Hoover implored businessmen not to cut production or lay off workers...talked labor leaders into forgoing demands for higher wages/better hours. 1931 economic conditions deteriorated so much that structure collapsed.

Marcus Garvey

(621) Black Jamaican attracted wide US following with ideology of black nationalism. Encouraged blacks to reject assimilation into white society and to develop pride in their own race and culture. UNIA launched chain of black-owned grocery stores and pressed creation of other black businesses. Although he was deported to Jamaica, the allure of black nationalism survived in black culture long after.

Red Scare

(621) Concerns about communist threat grew in 1919... Spontaneous acts of violence against supposed radicals occurred. 30 states enacted peacetime sedition laws and imposed penalties on promoters of revolution.

Reconstruction Finance Corporation

(621) Established by bill passed in Jan 1932... A govt agency to provide fed loans to troubled banks, railroads, and other businesses. Unlike earlier Hoover programs, this operated on large scale. Failed to deal directly or forcefully enough with real economy problems to produce any significant recovery. Not enough money to make real impact & didn't spend all it had.


(621) Name of shantytowns unemployed people established on city outskirts called by many Americans who blamed president personally for crisis.

Farmers' Holiday Association

(621) Summer 1932 unhappy farm owners in Iowa established new organization which endorsed withholding of farm products from market (farmers' strike). In the end dissolved in failure.

"Bonus Army"

(621) Veterans demanded that bonus be paid immediately and Hoover rejected appeal (worried about balancing budget). June 1932 20,000+ veterans (members of Bonus Expeditionary Force) marched into Washington, built crude camps around city, and promised to stay until Congress approved legislation to pay bonus. Hoover ordered US Army to assist police in clearing them out. Final blow to Hoover's already battered political standing

bonus Army"

(621) Veterans demanded that bonus be paid immediately and Hoover rejected appeal (worried about balancing budget). June 1932 20,000+ veterans (members of Bonus Expeditionary Force) marched into Washington, built crude camps around city, and promised to stay until Congress approved legislation to pay bonus. Hoover ordered US Army to assist police in clearing them out. Final blow to Hoover's already battered political standing

A. Mitchell Palmer

(622) 1920 New Year's Mitchell Palmer and J. Hoover led raids on alleged radical centres throughout country, arresting more than 6,000 people.

Sacco-Vanzetti case

(622) Two Italian immigrants charged with murder of paymaster in MA. Case against was weak, but both men were confessed anarchists... Convicted and sentenced to death. Aug. 23, 1927 widespread protest in US and around the world... still died in electric chair.


(623) Repub pres nominee, Warren Harding, embraced no soaring ideal but a vague promise of a return. Huge win (61%) pop vote and every state outside of South. New age beginning

ham radio"

(628) "Shortwave" radios that allowed individual owners to establish contact with each other. Families bought more conventional radio sets. Radio contributed to economic growth (1920s almost every family had one)

"bank holiday"

(628) March 6 FDR issued proclamation closing all American banks for four days until Congress could meet in special session to consider banking reform legislation. Created a general sense of relief and hope.

Emergency Banking Act

(628,9) Three days after "bank holiday." Generally conservative bill designed to protect larger banks from being dragged down by weakness of smaller ones. Provided Treasury Department inspection of all banks before allowed to reopen, fed assistance to troubled institutions, and thorough reorganization of banks in greatest difficulty. Helped dispel panic...

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

(629) June 1934 an act established to police stock market.

Twenty-first Amendment

(629,30) FDR signed bill that legalized manufacture and sale of beer with 3.2% alcohol content, which pended repeal of prohibition... and in 1933 the constitutional amendment was ratified

Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)

(630) Govt told individual farmers how much to produce and paid subsidies for leaving some land idle. Helped to bring rise in prices for farm commodities after 1933. Favored larger farmers. 1936 Supreme Court said it had no constitutional authority, but created new legislation to pay farmers to reduce production

Welfare capitalism/Henry Ford

(630) Paternalistic techniques that some employers adopted. Ford shortened workweek, raised wages, and instituted paid vacations. Gave workers no real control over their own fates; company unions were feeble... survived only as long as the industry prospered. (collapsed in 1929)

open shop"/American Plan

(631) A shop in which no worker could be required to join a union. Crusade became a pretext for harsh campaign of union-busted. Union membership fell from more than 5 million 1920 to < 3 million in 1929.

A. Philip Randolph

(631) Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters... one of the few important unions dominated and led by African Americans. (Most blacks worked in jobs in which AFL took no interest in (janitors, dishwashers))

"pink collar" jobs

(631) Growing proportion of women workforce who were given low-paying service occupations (secretaries, salesclerks, telephone operators)

pink collar" jobs

(631) Growing proportion of women workforce who were given low-paying service occupations (secretaries, salesclerks, telephone operators)

National Recovery Act (NRA)

(631,2) Result of impulses like suspension of antitrust laws and recognition of workers' right to bargain through unions (also to ensure wages rose along with prices...and to create jobs and increase consumer buying power). Under direction of Hugh S. Johnson. Encountered serious difficulties... READ BOOK.


(632) Japanese immigrants and their American-born children enjoyed economic success. Showed Japanese managed to escape ranks of unskilled by forming their own small businesses


(632) Mexican immigrants formed major part of unskilled workforce... some found work in factories... some faced hostility and discrimination from Anglo population

Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

(632,3) Most conspicuous success for regional planning. Created in May 1933. Authorized to complete dam at Muscle Shoals and build others in region (generating and selling electricity from to public at reasonable rates). Supposed to encourage growth of local industries, supervising reforestation, and helping farmers' productivity. Improved water transportation and gave electricity. Tennessee valley still impoverished region

Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)

(634) FDR's favorite relief project... created camps in national parks and forests and other rural/wilderness settings. Young unemployed men planted trees, built reservoirs, developed parks, and improved agricultural irrigation.

Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA)

(634) FDR's first acts as president. Provided cash grants to states to prop up bankrupt relief agencies. Chose Harry Hopkins. For work relief... grants weren't enough so Civil Works Admin created... temporary projects Nov 1933-April 1934.

The Man Nobody Knows

(634) One of the successful books in 1920s by advertising executive Bruce Barton. Jesus not only religious prophet but a "super salesman" (in tune with new spirit of consumer culture)... he lived a full and rewarding life in this world and current people should do the same.

Harry Hopkins

(634) Wanted to pump money into economy and provide assistance to people with nowhere else

"Second New Deal"

(634, 637) Spring 1935. FDR's (part) response to public criticism and continuing economic crisis. New direction in emphasis of New Deal policy. President now wiling to attack corporate interests openly.

Father Charles Coughlin

(636) Catholic priest in Michigan who achieved renown through weekly national broadcast radio sermons. Proposed remonetization of silver, issuing of greenbacks, and nationalization of banking system all to restore prosperity and ensure economic justice. Established National Union for Social Justice

Dr. Francis Townsend

(636) Elderly California physician led movement of 5 million+ members with plan for federal pensions for elderly. Townsend Plan: all Americans 60+yrs receive monthly pensions of $200 when retired.

Huey P. Long, "Share our Wealth"

(636) Louisiana senator. Attacked banks, oil companies, and utilities on conservative political oligarch allied with them. Governor in 1928... Solid record of conventional progressive accomplishments (building roads, schools, and hospitals...). Stopped supporting FDR 6 months after inauguration. Plan: govt could surplus riches of wealthiest people in American and distribute to rest of population. Large following

Sigmund Freud

(637) Differed sharply on many points, but Freud and Jung helped legitimize idea of exploring the unconscious way of discovering roots of mental problems. Often misunderstood but became a national preoccupation.

National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)

(637) Senator Rober Wagner (NY) introduced Wagner Act 1935, which introduced this (NLRB). Compelled employers to recognize and bargain with legitimate unions. FDR signed (somewhat reluctantly b/c he knew his political future depended on responding to demands).

Sit-down strike

(638) Dec 1936 autoworkers employed controverisal and effective new tecnique for challenging corporate opposition. Several GM plants employees simply sat down inside plants, refusing to work or leave (prevented company from using strikebreakers). 1937 General Motors was first major manufacturer to recognize UAW & other companies followed

John L. Lewis

(638) Most prominent advocate of industrial unionism... Leader of United Mine Workers. First attempted to work within AFL but friction between new industrial organizations and older craft unions grew. Created CIO.


(638) To modify behavior by discouraging undesirable behavior and reinforce "acceptable" actions. Demonstrated significant success in treating disorders like alcoholism, drug addiction, and phobias.

Social Security

(639) 1935 FDR gave public support to Social Security Act... Created system of unemployment insurance, which employers alone financed. Established fed aid to people w/ disabilities and program of aid to dependent children. wanted "insurance" not "welfare" (designed to fulfill long-range goals) READ MORE

"Little Steel"/ Memorial Day Massacre

(639) March 1937 US Steel recognized Steel Worker's Organizing Committee union rather than risk costly strike. Smaller companies were less accommodating. On Memorial day, group of striking workers gathered with families for a picnic and demonstration in South Chicago. Attempted to march peacefully/legally--police opened fire. Tactics of Little Steel companies succeeded. 1937 strike failed. Last of brutal strikebreaking that proved effective in past.


(639) Modern woman whose liberated lifestyle found expression in dress, hairstyle, speech, and behavior. Had a particular impact on lower-middle-class and working-class single women, who filled new jobs in industry and the service sector. Some women concluded New Era it was no longer necessary maintain "respectability."

Alice Paul

(639) NWP attempted to fight powerlessness through its campaign for Equal Rights Amendment (little support in Congress) Female dominated consumer groups grew rapidly and increased the range and energy of efforts

Margaret Sanger

(639) Pioneer of American birth-control movement... Believed large families among major causes of poverty and distress in poor communities. 1920s became more effective in persuading middle-class women to see benefits in birth control... still remained illegal some places.

H.L. Mencken

(640) Baltimore journalist who ridiculed religion, politics, arts, and even democracy itself. Many artists/intellectuals reflected in a series of savage critiques of modern society by "debunkers"


(640) Effective Jan. 1920, but within a year "noble experiment" not working well. Produced conspicuous and growing violations.

Harlem Renaissance

(640) NYC new generation of African American intellectuals created flourishing artistic life. Harlem poets, novelist, and artists drew heavily from African roots in an effort to prove richness of racial heritage.

Langston Hughes

(640) Poet "I am a Negro—and beautiful." Other Harlem black writers/musicians/artists helped establish a thriving, and at times highly politicized, culture rooted in the historical legacy of race

Works Progress Administration (WPA)

(640) Under Harry Hopkins. Established 1935 as a system of work relief for unemployed (but much bigger). Kept average of 2.1 million workers employed and pumped needed money into economy. Other relief agencies emerged....

"wets" and "drys"

(641) "Wets": opponents of prohibition gained steadily in influence. Couldn't win repeal of amendment until 1933

wets" and "drys"

(641) "Wets": opponents of prohibition gained steadily in influence. Couldn't win repeal of amendment until 1933

National Origins Act of 1924

(641) Banned immigration from East Asia entirely and reduced quota (based on 1890 census, meaning immigration favored northwestern Europeans) for Europeans from 3 to 2%.

Warren G. Harding

(642) Elected (Republican) president in 1920... nomination as a result of agreement among leaders in his party who considered him "good second-rater." Appointed distinguished men to some important cabinet offices and attempted to stabilize troubled foreign policy. Baffled by responsibilities... had penchant for gambling, illegal alcohol, and attractive women. READ BOOK FOR MORE INFO

"Court Packing"

(642) FDR claimed courts were overworked and needed more manpower and younger blood... actually to give himself opportunity to appoint new, liberal justices and change ideaological balance of Court. Conservatives were outraged and supporters thought it was pres's hunger for power. Court no longer obstacle to New Deal reforms. Did lasting political damage to administration.

Leo Frank case

(642) Nativists passions swelled when Jewish factory manager in Atlanta 1914 convicted of murdering female employee. Mob stormed and lynched him.

The New Klan

(642-43) First was largely concerned with intimidating blacks, but after WWI blacks were secondary to Catholics, Jews, and foreigners. (1924 4 million including women)

Scopes Trial

(643) 24yr old bio teacher in Dayton agreed to have himself arrested. Clearly and deliberately violated the law... Scopes fined $100 and case was dismissed in higher court due to technicality.


(643) American Civil Liberties Union founded in 1917 to defend pacifist, radicals, and conscientious objectors during WWI. Offered free counsel to Tennessee educator willing to defy law and become the defendant in a test case.

Clarence Darrow

(643) Famous attorney defend Scopes. Made Bryan's stubborn defense of biblical truths appear foolish and finally maneuvered Bryan into admitting the possibility that not all religious dogma was subject to only one interpretation. Did not resolve conflict between fundamentalists and modernists.

Alfred E. Smith

(644) Irish Catholic governor of NY. "No oil on Al" Not able to unite divided Democratic party in 1928 when nominated for president because of widespread anti-Catholic sentiment (South).

The "Roosevelt Recession"

(644) Recession of 1937. Seemed like a direct result of administration's unwise decision to reduce spending. Economic conditions were almost like 1932-1933. In 1938 presdient asked Congress for emergency 5 billion for public works/relief programs... another tentative recovery underway.

Mary McLeod Bethune

(645) One of small group of African American officeholder in FDR administration.

"Black Cabinet"

(645) President appointed number of blacks to significant second-level positions in his administration, creating an informal network of officeholders.

Eleanor Roosevelt

(645) Spoke throughout 1930s on behalf of racial justice and put pressure on husband & others in fed govt to ease discrimination against blacks. Made efforts to ensure New Deal relief programs did not exclude blacks, and 1935 estimated 30% of African American received some form of govt assistance. (90% voted Democratic by 1936)

Teapot Dome

(645-6) Scandal involved oil reserves. Harding transferred control from Navy Department to Interior Department, and Fall leased them to two wealthy businessmen and received half million in "loans" to ease financial troubles. Fall sentenced to yr in prison.

Calvin Coolidge

(645-647) President after Harding. Dour, silent, and even puritanical. Like Harding, he took a passive approach. Less active... did not run for reelection.

John Collier/ Indian Reorganization Act

(647) Greatly influenced by 1900s anthropologists who advanced cultural relativism (culture respected on own terms). New Deal policy toward Indian tribes marked significant break from earlier approaches. 1934 effectively promoted legislation (Indian Reorganization Act)... Restored tribes right to own land collectively and to elect tribal govts. 13 yrs, tribal land and agricultural income increased. But possessed lands whites didn't want.

Andrew Mellon

(647) Wealthy steel and aluminum tycoon. Secretary of Treasury who worked to achieve substantial reductions in taxes on corporate profits, personal incomes, and inheritances (Congress cut by more than half). Worked closely with Coolidge after 1924 to trim modest federal budget (managed to retire half of nation's WWI debt)

Herbert Hoover

(647-648, 672-673, 669-675) 31st President of the United States.

Frances Perkins

(648) FDR appointed first female member of cabinet in nation's history. (Named 100 other women to lower levels... wanted to obtain special protection for women). She spoke out against "pin-money worker" (married woman working for extra money).

Grand Coulee Dam

(648) Largest public works project in American history... provided cheap electric power for Northwest. Created basis for economic development in region. Without this, much economic growth transformed West after WWII would have been difficult/impossible.

"Welfare State"

(649) New system marked a historic break with nation's traditional reluctance to offer public assistance whatsoever to neediest citizens.

Black Tuesday"

(652) October 29, 1929 after a week of steadily rising instability, all efforts to save the market failed. Pop folklore established stock market crash as beginning/cause of Great Depression. But although this was an early sign, Depression had earlier beginnings and more important causes

monetary" interpretation/Keynesian interpretation

(656) John Maynard Keynes in 1930s said deficit spending by govt was acceptable and even desirable as a means of increasing overall demand and stimulating economic activity. (like using fed reserve bank and spending/taxation policies to influence economic activity) (Democratic... republicans focused on cutting spending)

Dust Bowl"/"Okies"

(657) Large area of agricultural settlement in Great Plains suffered from natural disaster: one of the worst droughts in history of nation. Stretched north Texas into Dakotas... experienced steady decline in rainfall and increase in heat. Continued for a decade, turning fertile farm regions into virtual deserts. Farmers left homes in search of work.

Scottsboro boys

(659) Example of racism that attracted attention of the nation. March 1931, nine black teens taken off train in Alabama & arrested for vagrancy and disorder. Two white women accused them of rape. Overwhelming evidence that they weren't actually raped, but all-white jury convicted and sentenced 8 to death. Supreme Court overturned, Int Labor Defense aided and publicized. Accused eventually gained freedom (last boy released in 1950).


(660) Mexican Americans who filled same menial jobs in CA and Southwest that blacks traditionally filled in other regions. US hispanic pop rose since 1900s. Depression caused high Mexican unemployment (half million left US in first yrs of Depression)

Dale Carnegie

(663) 1936 Wrote "How to Win Friends and Influence People," a self-help manual preaching individual initiative... best selling books of the decade. Cultural products of 1930s attracted widest popular audiences were those that diverted attention away from Depression.

Amos 'n Andy

(663) Comedy radio show with humorous (demeaning) picture of urban blacks. Radio and the movies became two most powerful instruments of pop culture in 1930s. Staple of broadcasting was escapism. Radio brought new kind of comdey to a wide audience.

Soap operas

(664) Enormously popular esp among women who were alone in the house during the day. Named b/c usually sponsored by soap companies (they targeted women).

Orson Welles, War of the Worlds

(664) Memorable event on Halloween night 1938. Broadcast of a radio play about aliens going to NY armed with terrible weapons. Took form of news broadcast, creating panic among millions of people who believed for a while that events were real. Lol

Walt Disney

(665) 1930s were first yrs of Disney's long reign as champion of animation and children's entertainment.

Gone with the Wind

(665) 1936 Not all literature was challenging or controversial... most popular were escapist and romantic as radio shows/movies. Enormously popular film of 1930s were adaptations to popular novels. Released 1939...

Frank Capra

(665) Mr Deeds goes to town, and Mr Smith goes to washington 1930s Italian-born director who brought the most effective (muted) presentation of social message. Deep, romanticized love for his adopted country, and translated it to vaguely populistic admiration for ordinary people. Helped audiences find solace in vision of imagined American past (in warmth and goodness of idealized small towns and decency of ordinary people)


(666) First published 1936, very popular photographic journal. Devoted some attention to politics and to economic conditions of Depression, but best known for stunning photos or sporting and theater events, natural landscapes, and impressive public projects. Leading magazines focused on fashions, stunts, scenery, and arts than on social conditions of nation.

John dos Passo

(666) USA trilogy that was one of the most significant literature which offered corrosive portraits of harshness and emptiness of American life. Attacked materialistic madness of American culture. Other Depression writing was frankly and openly challenging to dominant values of American pop culture.

The Popular Front

(666-7) Broad coalition of "antifascist" groups on the left... most important was American Communist Party. Later 1930s much of political literature adopted more optimistic, although often no less radical, approach to society. Enhanced reputation and influence of Communist Party & mobilized writers, artists, and intellectuals behind critical, democratic sensibility.

Abraham Lincoln Brigade

(667) Group of 3,000 young AMericans who travled to Spani to join fight against fascists. American Communist Party instrumental in creating and directing the activities.

American Communist Party

(667) Long been harsh and unrelenting critic of American capitalism and its supposed control of govt. But 1935 under Soviet Union, the part softened attitude toward Franklin Roosevelt (Stalin saw as potential ally against Hitler) and formed loose alliances with many other "progressive" groups. Praised New Deal and John L Lewis... "communism is 20th century Americanism"

Herbert Hoover

(669) Began pres 1929 believing nation faced bright and prosperous future. Attempted to expand associational policies... Most of term he relied on principles that alway governed his pub life. REsponded to Depression by attempting to restore public confidence in economy. 1931 structure he had collapsed. READ TEXT

Voluntary Cooperation

(669) Hoover implored businessmen not to cut production or lay off workers...talked labor leaders into forgoing demands for higher wages/better hours. 1931 economic conditions deteriorated so much that structure collapsed.

John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath

(669) Most successful chronicler of social conditions in 1930s, published 1939. Offered harsh portrait of exploitive feature of West agrarian life, as well as a tribute to endurance of main characters and spirit and community they represent.

Reconstruction Finance Corporation

(670) Established by bill passed in Jan 1932... A govt agency to provide fed loans to troubled banks, railroads, and other businesses. Unlike earlier Hoover programs, this operated on large scale. Failed to deal directly or forcefully enough with real economy problems to produce any significant recovery. Not enough money to make real impact & didn't spend all it had.

Douglas MacArthur

(670) Japanese victories. 1942 Filipino and American troops gave up their defense of islands on May 6... Under General's command, one offense would move north from Australia through New Guinea and eventually to Philippines.


(670) Name of shantytowns unemployed people established on city outskirts called by many Americans who blamed president personally for crisis.

Chester Nimitz

(670) Second offense would move west from Hawaii toward major Japanese island outposts in central Pacific. Strategists predicted the two offensives would come together to invade Japan

Battle of Midway

(671) Allies' first important victory in Battle of Coral Sea May 7-8, 1942. American navy regained control of Pacific. US destroyed four Japanese aircraft carriers without losing one of its own.

George C. Marshall

(671) Army Chief of staff supported plan for major Allied invasion of France across English Channel in spring 1943

Dwight D. Eisenhower

(671) In charge of planning Allied invasion of France across English Channel. Roosevelt supported British plan (wanted to launch series of Allied offensives around edges of Nazi empire before invading France)

Farmers' Holiday Association

(671) Summer 1932 unhappy farm owners in Iowa established new organization which endorsed withholding of farm products from market (farmers' strike). In the end dissolved in failure.

Battle of Stalingrad

(672) Winter of 1942-1943, Red Army successfully held off major German assault at Stalingrad in southern Russia. Hitler suffered so many losses that he could not continue eastern offensive


(674,5) Nazi campaign to exterminate Jews of Europe. 1942 Hitler rounded up Jews (Poles, homosexuals, and communists) from all over Europe, transporting them to concentration camps and murdering them. Death toll of 6 million Jews and 4 million others.

War Labor Disputes Act

(676) Smith-Connally Act required unions wait 30 days befores triking and which empowered president to seize struck war plant. Public animosity toward labor rose rapidly and many states passed laws to limit union power.

Harry S. Truman

(687) Democratic leaders pressured Roosevelt to abandon VP Wallace and replace with a more moderate figure. Won acclaim as chairman of Senate War Investigating Committee (Truman Committee)... compiled impressive record uncovering waste and corruption in wartime production. President was in bad health... but reelected

Normandy Invasion (D-Day)

(689) June 6, 1944 vast invasion force moved into France. Within a week, German forces dislodged from virtually the entire Normandy coast. By mid Sept Allied armies driven Germans almost entirely out of France and Belgium.


(691) Battle gave evidence of stregth of Japanese resistance in last desperate days. Captured in 1945

Manhattan Project

(693) Massive scientific and tech effort conducted at hidden labs to find way to creat nuclear chain rxn to replicate in bomb. By 1944, scientists pushed ahead faster than predicted. War in Europe ended before they could test... July 16, 1945 in a desert near Alamogordo N M, scientists witnessed first atomic explosion in history (detonation of plutonium-fueled bomb named Trinity). Upon hearing news, President Truman issued (signed with British) ultimatum to Japanese to surrender by August 3 or face utter devastation. Japanese failed to meet deadline, so he ordered air force to use atomic weapon.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki

(694) Aug. 6, 1945, American Enola Gay dropped atomic weapon on Japanese industrial center at Hiroshima. Incinerated 4-square-mile area at center of previously undamaged city. Two days later, Soviet Union declared war on Japan... Following day, American plane dropped other atomic weapon on Nagasaki. August 14 Japanese announced surrender. Sept 2 Japanese officials signed article of surrender

William Jennings Bryan

(??) Important fundamentalists spokesman who traveled to Dayton to assist prosecution of John T Scopes. Darrow scored important victory for modernists because Bryan stood as "expert on the Bible." Trial put fundamentalists on defensive and discouraged them from politics, but it resolved conflict between fundamentalists and modernists.

Neutrality Act of 1935 (711)

(American Attitudes toward Intervention) Placed an arm embargo against any victim or aggressor in a military conflict and gave the president the power to warn American citizens if they traveled on ships of nations at war they did so at their own risk. "Protection of neutral rights"

Taft-Hartley Act

(HT) 1947, , The Act was passed over the veto of Harry S. Truman on the 23rd June, 1947. When it was passed by Congress, Truman denounced it as a &quot;slave-labor bill&quot;. The act declared the closed shop illegal and permitted the union shop only after a vote of a majority of the employees. It also forbade jurisdictional strikes and secondary boycotts. Other aspects of the legislation included the right of employers to be exempted from bargaining with unions unless they wished to. The act forbade unions from contributing to political campaigns and required union leaders to affirm they were not supporters of the Communist Party. This aspect of the act was upheld by the Supreme Court on 8th May, 1950.

Roosevelt Corollary

(TR) , Roosevelt's 1904 extension of the Monroe Doctrine, stating that the United States has the right to protect its economic interests in South And Central America by using military force, first put into effect in Dominican Republic

Theme: The Profound economic, social and racial signifiance of America's involvement in the Great war.


What was the mindset of the labor market over time?

-Confusion -Exploitation due to labor supply far out paced demand -Anger over be exploited -Part of exploitation was seen in increased demand for less $ -Labor Union became popular -They want a minimum wage

Exploitation of labor came in many forms what were some of them?

-Long work hours M-Sat 12/day 70+hrs/wk -Low wages Supply far exceeded demand -Job layoffs No notification -POOR working conditions Dangerous for everyone especially children Child as young as 5yr old Employers not responsible for job place injuries Example: Triangle Waist Shirt Factory FIRE! Locked doors no excape 125 mostly women and children die

Theme: The ardently pro-business administrations of Warren Harding and Clvin Coolidge, which, despite their dissimilar personalities, followed a very similar course.


Theme: The attempt by businesses to craft a system of "welfare capitalism," and the reasons for its ultimate failure.


Theme: The decisive impact of American interventiono n land and sea in tipping the balance of victoy for the beleagered Allied Forces.


Theme: The disenchantment of many artists and intellecturals with postwar life, and the broad cultural conflicts over ethnic and religious concerns that plagued the NEw Era.


America's embrace of a much more assertive and interventionist foreign policy, especially in the Caribbean and Latin America.


The administration of Woodrow Wilson as both a conswervative and progressive leader.


The guiding ideology, domestic interests, and foreign entanglements of Theodore Roosevelt's administration.


The troubled succession of William Howard Taft to the presidency, and how it paved the way for the ascension of Woodrow Wilson.


Theme: Gradual involvement of the US in WWI, from leaning toward the Allies since the outbreak of histilities to eventiually being drawn into full participation in the war.


Theme: THe idealistic aims and bitter defeats suffered by Woodrow WIlson internationalis foreign policy after World War I.


Grover Cleveland won the 1892 presidential election what did he define his presidential responsibilities as?

1 Defend the Country 2 Fix the roads 3 Stay out of the way of the American Business and people

Most successful Labor Unions had 3 characteristics what were they?

1 Good Leader 2 Selective membership 3 Stayed out of politics. They could offer there opinion but never offer a candidate

What were the 5 issues that made up the Populist Parties platform as developed at the Omaha Convention?

1 Gov. ownership of RR 2 Gov. ownership of Banks 3 Gov. ownership of 4 Free Silver 5 Labor Manipulation

The "Republican Machine" of the later half of the 19th century and the early 20th century supported what measures in the country that made for major growth in the economy?

1 Industrialization of the country 2 RR 3 Banks & Wall Street 4 High traffics 5 Homestead Law

What was the 4 outcomes of the election of 1896?

1 McKinley Wins 2 Industrialization was here to staty 3 The Republican Machine was still alive 4 Democratic Party was forced to change values and move to the Left

What 3 things did the South receive resulting from the Compromise of 1877?

1 Northern troops removed from the South 2 Fed $ would be appropriated for repair of intro structure in the South 3 UNDERSTANDING THAT RECONSTRUCTION WAS OVER ?4? South would respect the black vote

What two things enabled the Republicans to maintain control of the country from 1861 1913?

1 Party of Lincoln 2 Patriotism

Who did the Farmers blame for plight of farmers in the late 19th century?

1 RR High rates to transport farm goods to market 2 Banks High interest rates for lines of credit 3 US Government Inadequate amount of currency

The Populist Party merged with the Democratic Party for the election of 1896. This merger enabled them to get part of there agenda on the national platform. What portion of their agenda were they able to get on the platform?

1 Regulate Banks 2 Regulate RR 3 Regulate Free Silver

The "Labor Fight" had 3 major objectives, name them?

1 wanted minimum wage 2 8hr day/40hr wk 3 Compensation for injuries on the job

Johnson's Reconstruction plan involved the drafting of New State Constitutions, what was his 3 part plan to do this?

1) Appoint a Governor for each state 2) Governor calls for the election of state delegates 3) Delegates draft a new State Constitution

What were 4 of the common laws incorporated into the Black Codes?

1) Blacks were not allowed to have weapons 2) Blacks not allowed to have alcohol 3) Blacks had a curfew 4) Blacks had to have a job

Match the following Capitalist with his industry. 1 JD Rockefeller A Rail Roads 2 Wm Henry Vanderbilt B Banking & Investment 3 Andrew Carnegie C Shipping 4 Cornelius Vanderbilt D Oil 5J P Morgan E Steel

1---D 2---A 3---E 4---C 5---B

Reasons for American Imperialism after 1890

1. Expand overseas markets & strengthen economy 2. Political protection w/ overseas bases 3. Stories published by "yellow journalists" 4. New Navy Policy promoted by Alfred Mahan & Roosevelt 5. Emphasis of Social Darwinism 6. Included idea of moral improvement.

What is Herbert Spencer's Theory of Social Darwinism?

1. He is an English Philosopher & Biologist. 2. Introduced the theory of Social Darwinism in his book, Principles of Biology. 3. He argued that society benefited from the elimination of the unfit and the survival of the strong and talented. "Survival of the Fittest" 4. He said you cant quit, you cant go against what nature has planned for you.

What is New Weapons of WWI and its affects?

1. Poisonous Gas-caused blistering of the skin, blindness and even death. 2. Submarines-could attack ships in water with torpedoes(Germans) 3. Air Planes- Could locate enemies from air & attack(British) 4.Machine Guns-Most successful weapon, could mow down invading armies of men. 5. Trench Warfare-dug miles of parallel trenches to protect themselves form enemy fire.

Panama Canal

1850 treaty between UK and US that a canal would be team effort. About 1900, UK decided they didn't want to be part of the treaty anymore. French tried but failed to complete Panama canal. Hay negotiated treated with Columbia, would pay $10 million up front and a yearly fee for rights to build the canal. Columbia refused, panama declared independence after several rebellions, and the US supported them. Panama got the same deal Columbia would have. Greatest achievement of TR's presidency, revolutionized world trade patterns. Finally built in 1914

Johnson and the Congress were bitter enemies and Articles of Impeachment were approved by Congress for him in what year?


What is Progressivism?

1. The movement in the late 1800's to increase democracy in America by curbing the power of the corporation. 2. It fought to end corruption in government & Business. 3. worked to bring equal rights of women & other groups that had been left behind during the industrial revolution. 4. Reaction to the problems caused by rapid industrialization & urbanization.

Upton Sinclair

583 the jungle

American Banking and Business involvement with the allies between 1914-1916?

1. Tremendous opportunity for the US to grow(to supply efforts of war). 2. Everyone turns to US Banks & we loan them money. 3. Banks make huge profits selling to allies & Germany. 4. British Navy blocks our ships so then the US only sells to the allies. 5. Its ultimately about money.

Who is Alfred T. Mahan?

1. US Navy admiral who was a key player in promoting American Imperialism by calling for a build up of American naval power. 2. He wrote a book "The Influence of Sea Power Upon History" 3. He believed countries w/sea power were the great nations of history. 4. He believe the US should acquire defensive bases in the Caribbean & Pacific & take possession of Hawaii & other Pacific Islands.

What were the Causes of the Depression?

1. Wealth is unequally distributed among population. 2. Many people go into debt on installment plans. 3. Old & Decaying industrial base makes US industry less competitive. 4. Industry & Agriculture overproduce. 5. Government pursues unsuccessful economic polices. 6. Stock market crash leads to financial panic. 1. Florida Land Boom 2. Stock Market Crash 3. Overpopulation 4. Tariffs 5 International Markets

In the late nineteenth century, the term " yellow Press" referred to:

1. a sensationalist style of reporting news. 2. the lavish use of color in newspapers. 3. an effort by newspapers to appeal to a mass market. 4.all of the above

Hetch Hetchy Valley


This portion of the Constitution contains: Making it illegal to "deny an person live, liberty, or property with out due process of law" Provides individuals "equal protection under the law" Grants citizenship to "all persons born in or naturalized in the United States"

14th Amendment

This portion of the Constitution over turned Supreme Courts decision in the Dred Scott vs Sanford (1857) Roe vs Wade (1973) Bush vs Gore (2000)

14th Amendment

What is Wilson's 14 points?

1918. Set of idealistic goals designed to secure a lasting peace at end of WWI. Wilson wanted free trade, freedom of the seas, a reduction in arms/weapons, that all nations could choose their own government, and the creation of a League of Nations to settle disputes between nations and keep the peace. "Global Security Force"

National Forest Service


Nicola Sacco & Bartolomeo Vanzetti

1920- 2 Italian immigrants believed to be anarchists were accused of murder in MA - found guilty, though evidence against them was disputable - executed in 1927- though many believed they were convicted just b/c of pol. Beliefs. revealed nativist sentiments after WWI

Kellogg-Briand pact

1928 agreement developed by American secretary of state Frank Kellogg and French foreign minister Aristide Briand and according to which nations pledged to renounce war and settle international disputes peacefully. Nearly fifty nations signed the agreement, which was another success for Republican foreign policy and peace efforts

What was the Bonus Army?

1932 - Facing the financial crisis of the Depression, WW I veterans tried to pressure Congress to pay them their retirement bonuses early. Congress considered a bill authorizing immediate assurance of $2.4 billion, but it was not approved. Angry veterans marched on Washington, D.C., and Hoover called in the army to get the veterans out of there. This shed a negative light on Hoover. Also known as the Bonus Expeditionary Force.

Cash and Carry Policy 711&715

1939 (book says '37) . Law passed by Congress which allowed a nation at war to purchase goods and arms in US as long as they paid cash and carried merchandise on their own ships. This benefited the Allies, because Britain was dominant naval power.

America First Committee (Class Discussions?)

1940 A committee organized by isolationists before WWII, who wished to spare American lives. They wanted to protect America before we went to war in another country. Charles A. Lindbergh (the aviator) was its most effective speaker. the foremost non-interventionist pressure group against the American entry into World War II. Peaking at 800,000 members, it was likely the largest anti-war organization in American history isolationism dominant voice; largely financed by Henry Ford, the committee featured pacifist Charles Lindbergh as its most popular speaker; insisted that "fortress America" could stand alone

What does the "S" stand for in U S Grant? 1 Simpson 2 His first name is Hiram, middle name Ulysses, "S" stands of nothing 3 Samual 4 Surrender as in "Unconditional Surrender"

2 The "S" stands for Nothing

What % of both the Senate and House is required to propose an Amendment to the Constitution?

2/3's of both the House and Senate

National Reclamation Act


What % of the states must agree in order for an Amendment to be approved?

3/4 of the states must agree in order for an Amendment to be approved.

Juneteenth is celebrated on which of the following days? 1 June 4 2 July 4 3 Nov 11 4 June 19

4 June 19th

Old Guard


Tennessee Coal and Iron Co




In the late 19th century what % of the workforce were under the poverty level?


national american woman suffrage association




standard oil trust


the shame of the cities


the treason of the senate


charles sheldon


the settlement house movement


hull house


jane addams


machine process


thorstein veblen


new middle class


How old was Lincoln when he was assassinated?

56 yr old

women and professions


New Woman


national women's party



564 independant republicans

municipal reform




interest groups


triangle shirtwaist fire


Tammany Hall

570 leader Charles Francis Murphy oldes and most notorious city machine

immigration restriction


temperance crusade


industrial workers of the world IWW


louis d brandeis


other peoples money


socialist party of america




herbert croly


William Howard Taft


champ clark


woodrow wilson


eldward m house


underwood simmons tariff


federal trade commission act


unfair trade practices


Keating-Owen act


civilized an uncivilized nations


smith-lever act


great white fleet


iron fisted neighbor


open door


roosevelt corollary




platt amendment


panama canal


dollar diplomacy


john hay


philander c knox


thomas herran




government of butchers




porfirio diaz


venustiano carranza


victoriano huerta




john j pershing


pancho villa


pershing expedition


How long was it between Lee's surrender at Appomattox Court House and when he was shot?

6 days

Central Powers

604 Germany, Austro-Hungary, Ital

Commercial Aviation


Reginald Fessenden


Theory of modualation


Automobile Industry

628. by end of decade, 30 mill cars on road (634)

Howard Aiken


genetic research


gregor mendel


thomas hunt morgan


vannevar Bush


brotherhood of the sleeping car porters


william green


a. phillip randolph

631 brotherhood of the sleeping car porters

declining food prices


agricultural technology


A. Mitchell Palmer


American Expeditionary Force (AEF)




Boston police strike


Committee on Public Information


Eighteenth Amendment (prohibition)


Emma Goldman


Fourteen Points


Henry Cabot Lodge


John "Black Jack" Pershing


League of Nations




Nineteenth Amendment (women suffrage)


Red scare


Robert Lansing


Schenck v. United States


Seattle general strike of 1919


Selective Service Act




Versailles treaty


Zimmermann telegram


steel strike of 1919


That neither the Congress or President had a plan to re-united the country after the war demonstrated that __________ ____ didn't exist.

A Reconstruction Plan

The 15th Amendment does which of the following things? A Right to vote shall not be denied for race, color or previous condition of servitude B Guarantee due process of the Law C Provide the "right to travel unabridged within the 48 states" D Abolishes slavery in these United States

A Right to vote

"American plan"

A business-oriented approach to worker relations popular among firms in the 1920s to defeat unionization. Managers sought to strengthen their communication with workers and to offer benefits like pensions and insurance. They insisted on an "open shop" in contrast to the mandatory union membership through the "closed shop" that many labor activists had demanded in the strike after World War I. (771)

City-Manager Plan

A elected official hired an outside expert to take charge of the government

Alger Hiss

A former State Department official who was accused of being a Communist spy and was convicted of perjury. The case was prosecuted by Richard Nixon. EFT

National Origins Act of 1924

A law that severely restricted immigration by establishing a system of national quotas that blatantly discriminated against immigrants from southern and eastern Europe and virtually excluded Asians. The policy stayed in effect until the 1960s.

The Luisitania

A passenger boat from Great Britain that was sunk by German submarines, killed several american passengers aboard, part of what brought US into WW1. The boat (it was later discoverd) did in fact have weapons aboard

Zoot Suit Riots 738

A series of riots in L.A. California during WW2, soldiers stationed in the city and Mexican youths because of the zoot suits they wore., In the 1940's - Riots that occurred mostly in Los Angeles, CA between white marines and young Mexican Americans. White marines thought that the dress of "zoot suits" of the Mexican Americans was un-patriotic, although about 300,000 Mexican Americans were in the armed forces. Some Mexicans thought that they would be the next "Japanese" and be taken to camps.

What is Taylorism?

A system of scientific management developed by Frederick W. Taylor, seeking to develop a disciplined labor force by eliminating wasted motion. Assembly line. This comes out of WWI.

Keynesian economics.

A theory developed by economist John Maynard Keynes that guided U.S. economy policy from the New Deal to the 1970s. According to Keynesians, the federal government has a duty to stimulate and manage the economy by spending money on public works projects and by making general tax cuts in order to put more money into the hands of ordinary people, thus creating demand

In 1914, The "Triple Entente" or Allied Powers consisted of:

Britain, France, Russia. BFR

In 1918 80% of the Union workers in American were members of this Union?


What did the 13th Amendment do?

Abolished slavery in THESE UNITED STATES


According to New Dealers, the result of the gigantic productive success of capitalism. Roosevelt's Brains Trust believed that underconsumption was the root cause of the country's economic paralysis. Factories and farms produced more than they could sell to consumers, causing factories to lay off workers and farmers to lose money on bumper crops. Workers without wages and farmers without profits shrank consumption and choked the economy

Johnson-Reed Act

Act passed by Congress in 1924 to restrict immigration. It limited the number of immigrants to no more than 161,000 a year and attempted to control the composition of the immigrant population by establishing quotas for each European nation. The act,, which reduced immigration by 80 percent, favored immigration from western Europe and expanded the exclusion of Chinese immigrants to include Japanese and other Asians

During the last few months of the Civil War slaves were sent west to TX to prevent them from being emancipated, what was the unintended consequences of this action?

After the end of the war ex slaves wanting to return to their home plantations were arrested using the laws created by the Black Code. After there arrested they were once again sold as indentured servants.

The Author who called on the US to increase its naval forces in his book "The Influence of Sea power upon History" was:

Alfred T. Mahan

Triple Alliance

Alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy, formed as part of a complex network of military and diplomatic alliances intended to prevent war in Europe by balancing power. In actuality, the Triple Alliance, along with the Triple Entente, made large-scale conflict more likely by creating two heavily armed blocs and multiplying the triggers that might send them into conflict

Triple Entente

Alliance between Great Britain, France, and Russia, which was formed as part of a complex network of military and diplomatic alliances intended to prevent war in Europe by balancing power. In actuality, the Triple Entente, along with the Triple Alliance, made large-scale conflict more likely by creating two heavily armed blocs and multiplying the triggers that might send them into conflict

What was the19th Amendment?

Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (1920) extended/guaranteed the right for women to vote in federal or state elections.

A. Philip Randolph 736

America's leading black labor leader who called for a march on Washington D.C. to protest factories' refusals to hire African Americans, which eventually led to President Roosevelt issuing an order to end all discrimination in the defense industries.

Why is the USS Maine significant?

American battleship, harbored in a Cuban port, and it sunk on Feb 16th 1898. 266 American are killed, and the press screams "remember the Maine"- we aren't prepared for war! Navy investigates & says this is a terrorist attack. Yellow Journalism and the American public are pressuring US to go to war.

Such expressions as "liberty cabbage" and "liberty sausage," as used during WWI, were an indication of

American hostile reaction to things German.

Union strikes are the major form of force the Unions have to achieve there goals. How do the American people feel about strikes?

Americans dont like strikes for 3 reasons 1 Can be violent 2 Can slow the nations services down 3 MOST IMPORTANT! Americans cant get their stuff.

"welfare capitalism"

An approach to labor relations in which companies meet some of their workers' needs (such as imporving working conditions, benefits etc) without prompting by unions, thus preventing strikes and keeping productivity high

Later evidence related to the explosion that sank the Main suggested the likely cause was:

An Accident in an engine room.

In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the Social Gospel was:

An effort to make religious faith a tool of social reform.

Latchkey Children 740

Children who had been left alone because both parents were away (at war or in the factory) ***Significance

What financial giant of the late 19th century built librarys all over world?

Andrew Carnegie

Who was Lincoln's VP? Was he the same party as Lincoln?

Andrew Johnson He was a Southern (TN) Democrat

A Mitchell Palmer

Attorney General who rounded up many suspects who were thought to be un-American and socialistic; he helped to increase the Red Scare; he was nicknamed the "Fighting Quaker" until a bomb destroyed his home; he then had a nervous breakdown and became known as the "Quaking Fighter." Orchestrated several raids on "radical centers" in the US and arrested > 6000 people. This was part of the "red scare" against communism.

The first two contries to begin fighting in the conflict that later became known as WWI were

Austria-Hungary and Serbia


Ban on the manufacture and sale of alcohol that took effect in January 1920 in accordance with the Eighteenth Amendment. It was a significant exception to the trend toward reducing the reach of government that characterized the 1920s. In practice, prohibition unleashed waves of violence as criminals took over the liquor trade, contributing to the eventual repeal o the amendment in 1933

What did Lucy Hayes do that pleased the Temperance Movement?

Banished wines and liquors from the White House

During the Progressive Era, the woman suffrage movement:

Became the single largest reform movement of the early twentieth century.

Following the midterm election of 1890 the Southern Alliance switched parties, what was their new party affiliation?

Because they did not get any support from the Democrats they supported in 1890 midterm election they switched there support to the Populist Party.

Arguments used by Social Darwinists to Justify US overseas expansion included:

Believed that all nations were a constant struggle to survive.


Believes that society was capable of improvement and that continued growth and advancement were the nation's destiny. Valued science and expertise.

Who of the following was NOT one of the principal figures along with Wilson in the Versailles negotiations?

Bernard Baruch

Farm Board

Body established by the Agricultural Marketing Act to address the problems of rural America following the dramatic decline of the American economy in 1929. The board attempted to raise prices by buying up agricultural surpluses with its $500 million budget, but the effort failed

What was the problem that arose concerning the hiring of the Freedman Bureau agents?

Bureau jobs were gov jobs "Uncle sugar jobs". Bureau agents were killed or run out of town.

The US form of government is said to be? A Monarchy B Dictatorship C Capitalist D Fascist

C Capitalist

In America a man who is willing to risk his live saving on a business is call what?


The 1892 "Homestead Strike" was a strike against what company?

Carnegie Steel, Pittsburgh PA

What is the greatest motivator of the masses?

Child hunger

Frances Perkins

Close confidante of Franklin Roosevelt, whom he appointed secretary of labor, making her the first woman cabinet member in American history. Steeped in the social gospel tradition and trained in social work, she also helped administer the New Deal's relief programs

New Deal coalition

Coalition of disparate constituencies, including farmers, industrial workers, immigrants, women, African Americans, and others, who joined together in support of Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal. Although they did not necessarily share a common ideology, they did share Roosevelt's conviction that the government should intervene to assist those most harmed by the depressed economy. The New Deal coalition helped the Democratic Party gain support across regional and racial lines

Committee for Industrial Organization (CIO)

Coalition of unskilled workers formed in 1935 that mobilized massive organizing drives. Under the leadership of John L. Lewis and Sidney Hillman, unions extended their organizing efforts beyond the skilled workers united in the American Federation of Labor. By 1941, organizers had overcome violent resistance to unionize the entire automobile industry

Manhattan Project

Code name for the U.S. effort during World War II to produce the atomic bomb. Much of the early research was done in New York City by refugee physicists in the United States.

Mary McLeod Bethune

Cofounder of the National Council on Negro Women who became the first black woman to head a federal agency when she became head of the Division of Negro Affairs. As the highest ranking African American official in Roosevelt's administration, Bethune helped bring black civil rights activists into the federal government. She also worked to help African Americans gain access to New Deal relief programs

Francisco "Pancho" Villa

Commander of a rebel army in Mexico who championed the nation's poor. In January 1916 his army seized a train carrying gold to Texas from Mexico and killed seventeen Americans aboard. Villa's men also raided and destroyed the town of Columbus, New Mexico, in March 1916. Wilson responded to Villa's attacks on Americans by sending 12,000 troops to Mexico under the command of Major General John J. Pershing

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg

Communists who received international attention when they were executed having been found guilty of conspiracy to commit espionage in relation to passing information on the American atomic bomb to the Soviet Union EFT

What event was celebrated with the driving of a golden spike?

Completion of the Trans-Continental RR, Promontomy Summit, Utah, May 10,1869 (length 1907 miles)

What brought an end to Reconstruction?

Compromise of 1877

Arguments used by Social Darwinists in the United States to justify expansionism:

Contended that all nations were engaged in a constant struggle to survive.

Birth of a Nation

Controversial but highly influential and innovative silent film directed by D.W. Griffith. It demonstrated the power of film propaganda and revived the KKK.

Used in place of a real name without the need of explanation Commodore _____________. He also founded a University named in his honor. The school mascot's name is Mr. Commodore.

Cornelius Vanderbuilt

What was the membership requirements for the Knights of Labor?

It was primary an open membership with a few exceptions

Treaty of Versailles

Created by the leaders victorious allies Nations: France, Britain, US, and signed by Germany to help stop WWI. The treaty 1)stripped Germany of all Army, Navy, Airforce. 2) Germany had to rapair war damages(33 billion) 3) Germany had to acknowledge guilt for causing WWI 4) Germany could not manufacture any weapons. Legue of Nations established. Wilson gets little to none of his gains established

In the late 19th century Popularism took root. Who were the supporters of this movement?

Cotton farmers in the south-----Tex, LA, etc Grain farmers in the mid west----KA, Neb, etc

What was the Treaty of Versailles?

Created by the leaders victorious allies Nations: France, Britain, US, and signed by Germany to help stop WWI. The treaty 1)stripped Germany of all Army, Navy, Air force. 2) Germany had to repair war damages(33 billion) 3) Germany had to acknowledge guilt for causing WWI 4) Germany could not manufacture any weapons.

The Scopes trial of 1925 was a legal Battle between:

Creation vs. Evolution

The Spanish-American War began primarily because of the events in:


Rutherford B. Hayes was know for which of the following. A Dignity B Honesty C Moderate reform D All of the above

D All of the above

When did Lincoln propose his 10% plan?

Dec. 1863

When was the 13th Amendment ratified by the states?

December 1865

Battle of the Bulge 746

December, 1944-January, 1945 - After recapturing France, the Allied advance became stalled along the German border. In the winter of 1944, Germany staged a massive counterattack in Belgium and Luxembourg which pushed a 30 mile "bulge" into the Allied lines. The Allies stopped the German advance and threw them back across the Rhine with heavy losses., WWII battle in which German forces launched a final counterattack in the west

Grover Cleveland was a member of what Political Party?


Woodrow Wilson

Democrat who served as president from 1913 to 1921. Wilson had hoped that progress in governance and diplomacy would bring an end to warfare, but instead he found himself sending American troops to fight in Europe during World War I. The peace he helped broker, despite progressive provisions like the League of Nations, also disappointed many Americans

What two parties formed the Compromise of 1877?

Democratic Party & Republican Party

The Southern Alliance supported what political party in the midterm election of 1890?


Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

Development project created in May 1933 to supply poor rural communities with cheap electricity by building dams along the Tennessee River. The project was the New Deal's most ambitious and controversial natural resources project. It achieved only modest success in its efforts to end the region's endemic poverty, but it did create jobs and provided electricity, soil reclamation, and flood protection

.William Hoard Taft's policy of encouraging private American investment in underdeveloped regions of the world was given what label by some commentators?

Dollar diplomacy.

"Lend-Lease" 716

Equating it to the loaning of a garden hose, FDR introduced this program under which the United States to sell, lend, or lease arms or other war supplies to any nation U.K, USSR, China, France, and other allied nations with vast amounts of war supplies between 1941 and 1945 in return for, in the case of Britain, Military bases in New Foundland, Bermuda, and the British West Indies. It began in March 1941, nine months before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. It was abruptly stopped by the Americans immediately after V-J day.

National Association of Colored Women

Established by black women. Against lynching, desegregation.


Exposed scandal, corruption, and injustice. Targeted trusts and railroads. Then they investigated government, labors and corporations.

What was the purpose of the Joint Committee on Reconstruction?

Evaluate the situation of the southern blacks in late 1865 & early 1866

Discuss how Reconstruction negatively effected the economy in the South.

Even though millions of federal $ were spent to moderize the South it remained tied to the soil until the late 1940's (after WWII). The South refused to modernize until after WWII. Education was a major problem through out the South.

What was the Negative effects of the rapid growth of America in the 19th century?

Exploitation of labor Child labor Long hours and low pay Monopolies Increase in prices Reduction in competiton

Andrew Carnegie was born into a wealthy family from Maryland. His father made his wealth in textiles from the low cotton prices in the south following the Civil War. T or F

F Carnegie was born dirt port in Scotland. He moved with his family to America. His father was unable to make enough money to feed the family. Andrew when to work at the Penn RR company at the age of 8 or 9. The rest is history and he was the quint essential American "Rags to Riches" story

America has always followed liberal ideas and customs. T or F

F Just the opposite America has always been very conservative in its thinking and actions

The Populist Party put forth its own platform at the 1882 Omaha Convention it followed tradition and was a conservative T or F

F--- The platform of the Populist Party in 1892 was decidedly Non Conservative. In fact it was a Socialist agenda and far Left.

J. Edgar Hoover

FBI directer who urged HUAC to hold public hearings on communist subversion to find communist sympathizers and fellow travelers to isolate them and their influence. FBI sends agents to infiltrate groups suspected of subversion and wiretapped telephones EFT

Fair Employment Practices Commission 736

FDR issued this committee in 1941 to enforce the policy of prohibiting employment-related discrimination practices by federal agencies, unions, and companies involved in war-related work It guaranteed the employment of 2 million black workers in the war factories.

Yalta Conference 757

FDR, Churchill and Stalin met at Yalta. Russia agreed to declare war on Japan after the surrender of Germany and in return FDR and Churchill promised the USSR concession in Manchuria and the territories that it had lost in the Russo-Japanese War

Sigmund Freud

Famous Austrian psychiatrist who is considered the father of psychoanalysis. His theories on the psychology of the unconscious and the sexual origins of behavior were grasped only superficially by Americans in the 1920s, who reasoned that, if it was wrong to repress one's sexual identity, the key to health and fulfillment must be in following impulse freely. This new ethic of personal freedom helped motivate the guiltless pleasure seeking of the "Roaring Twenties"

William Jennings Bryan

Famous populist politician and pacifist whom Woodrow Wilson appointed as his secretary of state. Bryan's appointment reflected Wilson's expectation that, in modern times, diplomacy could entirely replace force and intimidation in guiding international relations. Bryan resigned from his post in 1915 when he believed Wilson's decisions had put the country on the road to war with Germany

In the 1890's the interest in American Expansion overseas was motivated in part by:

Fears that the US Natural Resources were diminishing.

Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC)

Federal agency established by Herbert Hoover in 1932 to help American industry by lending government funds to endangered banks and corporation. It reflected Hoover's trickle-down approach to responding to the hardship created by the weakened economy. In practice, the assistances given to industry rarely improved the circumstances of the nation's poor

National Recovery Administration (NRA)

Federal agency established in June 1933 to promote industrial recovery. It encouraged industrialists to voluntarily adopt elaborate codes of fair conduct intended to stabilize industries, minimize competition, and protect workers. In practice, large corporations had developed codes that prioritized profits over the national economy or workers' welfare. Corporate leaders were embittered by what they viewed as federal interference and intensified their opposition to the New Deal

Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA)

Federal agency established in May 1933 to provide hunger relief and create jobs. FERA represented a dramatic expansion of federal responsibilities. It dispersed modest payments to between four million and five million households and created thousands of jobs under the aegis of the Civil Works Administration

Rural Electrification Administration (REA)

Federal project initiated in 1935 to provide low-cost loans to local cooperatives to help build the infrastructure necessary to bring electricity to undeserved rural areas. In 1932, only one in ten rural Americans had electricity; by 1945, the REA had ensured that 90 percent of rural farms had electricity, shrinking the technological gap between urban and rural America

Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)

Federal relief program established in March 1933 that provided assistance in the form of jobs to millions of men. CCC workers undertook a variety of conservation efforts, including planting trees and combating soil erosion

Trench Warfare

Fighting with trenches, gas, mines, and barbed wire. Horrible living conditions, great slaughter, no gains, stalemate, used in WWI.

What is Trench Warfare?

Fighting with trenches, mines, and barbed wire. Horrible living conditions, great slaughter, no gains, stalemate, used in WWI. Armies traded huge losses of human life for small land gains.

What was the good result of the Triangle Waist Shirt Factory Fire?

Fire safety laws

Truman Doctrine 760

First established in 1947 after Britain no longer could afford to provide anti-communist aid to Greece and Turkey, it pledged to provide U.S. military and economic aid to any nation threatened by communism. Extremely long repercussions EXPAND

Hawley-Smoot tariff

Following the failure of the Farm Board's efforts to stabilize the rural economy. Herbert Hoover promoted protective tariffs on agricultural goods. The Congress obliged with the Hawley-Smoot tariff of 1930, which established the highest rates in history. The measure did not help, as other nations simply raised their tariffs in response, further inhibiting the ability of American farmers to sell their goods abroad

Herbert Hoover was significant to the American effort of World War I as head of

Food Administration.

Huey Long

Former governor of Louisiana and Democratic U.S. senator who challenged the New Deal with legislation calling for sweeping redistribution of wealth. When the Senate rejected his plan, he ran for president and mobilized over five million supporters for his "Share Our Wealth" plan. His challenge ended with his assassination in 1935

Herbert Hoover

Former secretary of commerce who served as president from 1929 until 1933. Identified with prosperity, morality, and efficiency, Hoover, a Republican, won the 1928 election by a landslide. His commitments to individual self-reliance and a limited federal government compromised his response to the catastrophic stock market crash of 1929 and left him very unpopular for most of his term

Henry Ford

Founder of the Ford Motor Company who helped popularize automobiles with his Model T. He refined mass production, which helped him dominate the automotive industry and accumulate astonishing wealth. His business acumen and enormous success made him a hero of the post-World War I era

Good Neighbor Policy (710)

Franklin D. Roosevelt policy in which the U.S. pledged that the U.S. would no longer intervene in the internal affairs of Latin American countries by using economic influence rater than military force in the region. This reversed Teddy Roosevelt's Big Stick Policy.Under Roosevelt's "Good Neighbor Policy," the U.S. took the lead in promoting good will among these nations. Hull, secretary of state, said that "no country has a right to interfere in another country's affairs"

court-packing plan

Franklin Roosevelt's proposal that would add one new justice for each existing judge who had served for ten years and was over the age of seventy. The proposed law would have given Roosevelt the power to pack the Court with up to six New Dealers who could have outvoted the elderly, conservative, Republican justices. The plan failed when the Senate defeated the bill in 1937

Calvin Coolidge

Free market devotee who became president following Warren G. Harding's death in 1923 and won election to continue serving as president until 1929. As president, he reduced government's regulation of the economy and reduced corporate taxes to promote unfettered free enterprise

The Presidential Reconstruction Plan of Johnson does not provide _______ with any rights


The key immediate cause of the American declaratation of war against Germany in the spring of 1917 was the

German resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare.

The Black Codes were primarily used to do what politically in the South?

Get around the 13th Amendment

Why did the AFL succeed when the Knight of Labor failed?

Good leadership ----Samuel Groupers Selective membership Good simple goals---"We want what is fair" Stayed out of politics

The chief rivalry in pre-WWI Europe was between

Great Britain and Germany

Alfred E. Smith

Governor of New York who became the Democrat presidential nominee in 1928. Roman Catholic, pro-immigration, and antiprohibition, Smith seemed to represent all things rural American feared. He lost the election to Republican Herbert Hoover

What does Laissez Faire men in english?

Hand off

What did the North get resulting from the Compromise of 1877?

Hayes to become the 19 President

What did Cleveland do to help pull the country out of the Panic of 1893?

He did NOTHING! He would not get involved.

Alfred Smith

He ran for president in the 1928 election for the Democrat Party. He was known for his drinking and he lost the election to Herbert Hoover. Prohibition was one of the issues of the campaign. He was the first Roman Catholic to run for president, and it was during a time many people were prejudice toward Catholics

Describe Cleveland's commitment to Lassie-Faire?

He was 110% committed

What was Johnson's trade before he entered politics

He was a tailor

What was the ultimate fate of Andrew Johnson?

He was impeached in

Why did Lincoln select Johnson (Southern Democrat) as his VP running mate in 1864?

He was playing NICE with the South. Trying to show them that they (the South) sympathetic supporter as the VP in the White House.

The Southern Alliance, at the Omaha Convention, demanded that the black members seen but not ________.

Heard They were removed from the Convention floor.

Archduke Franz Ferdinand

Heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne whose assassination on June 28, 1914, by a Bosnian Serb terrorist prompted Austria to declare war on Serbia. The incident triggered the complex alliance system, and within a few weeks of the assassination, Europe was engulfed in war

Why was the Freedman's Bureau created?

Help former slaves adjust to freedom

Henry Cabot Lodge

Henry Cabot Lodge was a Republican who disagreed with the Versailles Treaty, and who was the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He mostly disagreed with the section that called for the League to protect a member who was being threatened.

His salary was $1 more than the President, his nick name was "The Hammer", he was Andrew Carnegie's "right hand man" who was he?

Henry Clay Frick

Monopolys are bad because the create two things?

Higher prices Less, much less competition

Prolific 19th-century American author, known for his juvenile novels about poor boys and their rise from humble backgrounds to lives of middle-class security and comfort through hard work, determination, courage, and honesty. His writings were characterized by the "rags-to-riches" narrative. Who was he?

Horatio Alger

Who is Marcus Garvey?

Ideology of Black Nationalism. Encouraged Black American to reject assimilation into white society & develop pride in their own race & culture. UNIA launched a chain of black owned grocery stores, and pushed for black businesses. Urged supporters to leave American and return to Africa, where they could create a new society of their own. He was arrested for business fraud and deported to Jamaica.

Where did the labor force come from that fueled the American Industrial Revolution

Immigrants Child labor Influx of rural population to the cities

In 1898, pressure for the America Entry into war with Cuba came from:


North Atlantic Treaty Organization 763

In 1949, the United States, Canada, and ten European nations formed this military mutual-defense pact. In 1955, the Soviet Union countered NATO with the formation of the Warsaw Pact, a military alliance among those nations within its own sphere of influence.

Nineteenth Amendment

In 1920. it guaranteed political rights to women throughout the nation

The Stock Market Crash of 1929, Black Tuesday

In 1929, the stock market crashed and caused a world wide Depression. As early as March the stock market had mini-crashes, signaling something was seriously wrong. In October 1929, on Black Friday it crashed. The Thursday before 12 mil. stocks had changed hands. The full devastation was not fully realized until the following Tuesday. The WORST stock market crash in history.

American Medical Association

It called for strict, scientific standards for admission to the practice of medicine. State created medical school.

What was Lincoln's 10% plan?

In order for states to be reinstated to the Union 10% of the AWM would have to pledge loyalty to the Union

The significant growth of America played a major role in support of the Industrial Revolution of the post-antebellum period. What were 3 of the reasons for this growth?

Industrialization of the North Steady increase in population Economic

The Zimmerman Telegram:

Included a proposal to return the American South West Territory back to Mexico.

Labor Unions which appeared in the late 19th century had 3 major problems to over come what were they?

Inherent Problems Leadership Membership Stance on Politics Outside problems Government intervention Strikes The public does not like strikes

How did Wilson react to the question of military preparedness versus pacifism from 1914-1916?

Initially opposed to a military buildup, by the end of 1915 he came to support preparedness.

Psychology of Consumption:

Installment Plans, Americans wanted to show off what they had. Marketing was BIG! make people want to buy stuff. Older money: conservative New money: show off. Alot of people got really rich.

Marshall Plan 761

Introduced by Secretary of State George G. Marshall in 1947, he proposed massive and systematic American economic aid to Europe to revitalize the European economies after WWII and help prevent the spread of Communism. EXPPAND

Which of the following does NOT describe the new Ku Klux Klan (1915)?

It confined its activities to protest and symbolism rather than violence.

In 1871 country went to Gold Std from Gold and Silver Std, how did this hurt the Banks and Wall Street?

It didnt hurt the banks or Wall Street. The effect of the change was the reduction of the volume of currency on the market, ie cost you more to barrow.

Which of the following describes the new KuKluxKlan (1915)?

It extended its membership outside the old Confederate states; It extended its attacks to include immigrants, Catholics, and Jews; It assumed the role of self-appointed guardian of traditional values; it expanded its membership into industrial cities.

What was the effect of the 1894 Pullman Strike in Chicago?

It shut the entire count down. No one could get there Stuff or mail.

In 2 words describe the farming situation in 1890?

It sucked!

The Sub Treasury Plan was a Plan developed by the Farmers Alliance to control what?

It was an on how to stabilize the price of farm products.

Committee on Public Information

It was headed by George Creel. The purpose of this committee was to mobilize people's minds for war, both in America and abroad. Tried to get the entire U.S. public to support U.S. involvement in WWI. Creel's organization, employed some 150,000 workers at home and oversees. He proved that words were indeed weapons. Re-defined what we know as modern advertisement to this day.

Why were the Southern democrats give the name Yellow Dog Democrats?

It was said that the southern democrats could run a yellow dog for office and he would win in the South

The most problematic result of the Presidential Reconstruction Plan of Andres Johnson was what?

It would not have changed the "status quo" in the south. Blacks would be disenfranchised from the political system in the south.

Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti

Italian anarchist immigrant who was executed in 1927 for robbery and murder in Massachusetts after a trial in which the judge openly referred to him and his codefendant as "anarchist bastards." Sacco's conviction and execution reflected antiforeign hysteria pervasive in the United States during the 1920s

In 1901 he bought Carnegie Steel $400 million.

J P Morgan

What financial giant of the late 19th century is most closely associated with Monopolys?

JD Rockefeller

He lead the first protest march on Washington in 1894 He was an Ohio business man who lost his business to the Panic of 1893 The protesters wanted Washington to use Tax payers money to create jobs for the unemployed What was his name?

Jacob Coxey

Casablanca Conference 729

Jan. 14-23, 1943 - FDR and Chruchill met in Morocco to settle the future strategy of the Allies following the success of the North African campaign. They decided to launch an attack on Italy through Sicily before initiating an invasion into France over the English Channel. Also announced that the Allies would accept nothing less than Germany's unconditional surrender to end the war.

Zimmerman Telegraph

January 1917 Was a telegram sent from germany to mexico, specifically asking mexico to join the axis if America joins in WWI. Germany offered mexico in return California, New Mexico and Texas. Yet, some historians now think the teleg...ram was sent by the british, as it effectively helped bring the U.S. into the war.

Tokyo Firebombing 748

Japanese had almost no ships or planes left to fight with, US tried to further weaken them by firebombing Tokyo, dropped napalm on city and created a firestorm, 80,000 died, weakened Japanese will to resist, leaders wanted to end fighting, but military leaders opposed stopping

Who assassinated Lincoln? What was his profession?

John Wilkes Booth he was a famous Actor in the 1860's

The term muckrakers refers to:


Potsdam Conference 759

July 26, 1945 - Allied leaders Truman, Stalin and Churchill met in Germany to set up zones of control and to inform the Japanese that if they refused to surrender at once, they would face total destruction., Brought forward many differences over east Europe; postwar conference in July of 1945; Stalin would not allow any type of freely elected government in east European countries; Roosevelt had died and was succeeded by Harry Truman, who demanded free elections.

What is Juneteenth? What date is it celebrated on?

Juneteenth is the oldest date on which the emancipation of the slaves is celebrated. On June 19th 1865 Major General Gordon Granger landed at Galveston, TX with the news that all slaves were free.

Harry Hopkins

Key adviser to Franklin Roosevelt during Roosevelt's governorship and presidency. Steeped in the social gospel tradition, Hopkins administered New Deal relief efforts, including sending out investigators to assess the extent and severity of poverty in the country. Those investigations helped galvanize support for the federal government's assumption of significant responsibility for relief, which was a dramatic departure from earlier practices

Social Security

Key element of the New Deal, aimed at relieving the poverty of the elderly by providing them with a modest income. Although this plan was modest compared to strategies championed by Dr. Townsend and Huey Long, it provoked sharp opposition from conservatives. In August 1935, Congress passed the legislation that provided modest pensions for the elderly, created unemployment insurance, and offered grants to provide dependent children with public health services

There were attempts to form 2 major Unions in the late 19th century and early 20th century, what were the Unions and which succeeded?

Knights of Labor American Federation of Labor (AFL) The Knights of Labor formed in 1869 but collapsed after the Chicago Hay Market Roit in 1881. The AFL is still a strong Union even today 130yrs later.

What state was Lincoln born in?


National Housing Act

Law passed by Congress in 1937 to provide affordable housing for poor people. The passage of the National Housing Act marked the first time the federal government took an active role in providing decent urban housing

National American Woman Suffrage Association

Led by Anna Howard Shaw and Carrie Chapman Catt. Tried to make women be able to vote.

Wagner Act

Legislation sponsored by Senator Robert Wagner of New York that established federal protections for workers' right to organize unions. It also created the National Labor Relations Board which oversaw elections for union representation. The act, signed by Roosevelt in July 1935, contributed to a fivefold of expansion of union membership

Hitler believed the American people were soft and weak, had he known the American philosophy of the late 19th and early 20th century, that was ingrained into the American youth he would not have been so naive. Define the following as they would have been defined during this period in our history. Liberty Individualism Puritan Work Ethic

Liberty: Make a living or starve Individualism: You are responsible for yourself & children Success or Failure PW Ethic: Work hard to achieve your destiny and satisfy God-Parents-Self Work hard and you will find happiness

Prior to coming to Washington Johnson was appointed Governor of TN by who?


A major part of Andrew Johnson's Reconstruction Plan involved timing, what did it involve?

Lincoln was shot in April shortly thereafter Congress adjourned and would not convened again until December. Johnson made a major effort to implement his Reconstruction Plan while Congress was not in session.

On October 29,1929; The American Stock Market:

Lost all the gains from the previous year.

Why was the interest rate so high for the line of credit offered to the Share Croppers?

Low supply of currency

Name 3 natural resources that the US has been blessed with that help support the Industrial Revolution.

Lumber Coal Oil Cotton Gold

The German sinking of this ship carrying 124 Americans brought US neutrality in WWI into question:



Makeshift shantytowns that sprang up on the edges of American cities during the Great Depression

Works Progress Administration (WPA)

Massive federal relief program initiated to address the hardship of eight million American unemployed in 1935. The WPA provided government-funded jobs on varied public works projects, including construction of roads, bridges, and parks as well as creation of public art

Who ultimately became the Freeman Bureau Agents?


What are the Popular Consumer Products of 1920's?

Model T-Automobile Radio-Music Ham Radio-Shortwave Radio Air Planes Trucks/Buses Tupperware Washing Machines Fridge, Stove Tops

Effects on WWI Technology?

More Efficient methods of production. Rapid increase in worker productivity. Era of appliances, refrigerator, electric stove tops. Loans from stores. Create new industries. Spent lots of money on new technology. Farmers are hit hardest in 1920. Europe starts selling their own crops.

What was the effect of the Industrial Revolution on labor market?

More job were available. However, immigration increases far out paced demand leaving many people unemployed

Harlem Renaissance

Movement to create a distinctive African American culture centered on the "New Negro," which left slavery behind and fought discrimination and violence with art. Rooted in New York City's Harlem, the movement was a creative watershed but had little success in countering endemic white racism

What was the play that Lincoln was watching when he was assassinated?

My Country Cousin

Lost Generation

Name given by American-born writer Gertrude Stein to the expatriate community of young, white, mostly college-educated Americans who rejected America's mass-culture society of the 1920s. They settled in Europe and launched an important movement in American art and literature typified by the work of writers such as Ernest Hemingway

Auschwitz 729

Nazi extermination camp in Poland, the largest center of mass murder during the Holocaust. Close to a million Jews, Gypsies, Communists, and others were killed there. Higher Ups in the govt were aware of this. Pressure began to build, when the public discovered this, to go rescue/aid the surviving Jews

Indian Reorganization Act (IRA)

New Deal legislation passed in 1934 that largely reversed the federal government's earlier commitment to the assimilation of Native Americans into the majority society. The act restored Native Americans' right to own land communally and gave them greater control over their own affairs, although it did not provide them much economic aid

Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)

New Deal legislation passed in May 1933 aimed at cutting agricultural production and raising crop prices and, consequently, farmers' income. Through the "domestic allotment plan," the AAA paid farmers to not grow crops. In the first year, this resulted in extensive destruction of food supplies at a time when some Americans were going hungry

Although Wilson had campaigned in 1912 on the principles of the NEw Freedom, in parctice his first term went far toward enacting key principles of the

New Nationalism. In practice Wilson's economic policies resulted in a program very similar to Theodore Roosevelt's New Nationalism.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

New York Democrat elected president by a landslide in 1932. Despite his elite upbringing, Roosevelt's empathy with the plight of ordinary Americans during the Great Depression and his promise that the government would do something to improve conditions won him the trust and admiration of many Americans. He launched the New Deal, which changed the shape of government through experimentation, improvisation and action. He was reelected by a landslide in 1936

What 2 things helped to get the economy roaring during the Industrial Revolution in Post-antebellum America?

New technology Expansion of science

Teapot Dome

Nickname for scandal in which Interior Secretary Albert Fall accepted $400,000 in bribes for leasing oil reserves on public land in Teapot Dome, Wyoming. It was part of a larger pattern of corruption that marred Warren G. Harding's brief presidency

Scottsboro Boys

Nine young African American men who were arrested in 1931 on trumped up rape charges in Scottsboro, Alabama. The Communist Party responded to the injustice by sending a team of lawyers that saved the defendants from the death penalty

Both Lincoln and the congress wanted to control the Reconstruction process in the South what was Lincoln's argument as to why he should have such control?

No doubt Army troops would be needed to oversee the Reconstruction process and he was the Commander in Chief he should have control.

It was very important that when establishing a Labor Union that the conditions of Membership be well defined consequently there were two types of Memberships what were they?

Non Selective ---any one and everyone Selective--well defined

Black Tuesday

October 29, 1929, the day the stock market suffered a greater fall than ever before. The stock market had begun its decline in the autumn of 1929 when investors began to sell their overvalued stocks. On October 24, known as Black Thursday, panic swept the market as people were desperately trying to unload their shares. Continued panic selling caused the crash on Black Tuesday. In the six months after Black Tuesday, the stock market lost six-sevenths of its total value

What is the significance of June 19th 1865?

Oldest know date celebrating the ending of slavery in the United States

There was one MAJOR flaw to Johnson's election of state delegate process, what was it?

Only AWM's could vote. Consequently only AWM's could be elected to be delegates (only ex-confederate generals and politicians would be elected as delegates) Strongly biased delegates would create constitutions that were anti black

Hull House

Opened by Jane Adams in 1889. Settlement houses helped immigrants adapt to the language and customs of US.

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)

Organization defending the

The Plantation Owners of the old south shared the income of the Share Croppers. What did both sides get?

Owner 80% Share Cropper 20%

McKinley won the 1896 election with out campaigning. What was the only word that was necessary for him to be associated with in order to defeat Wm Jennings Bryant?


After Andrew Carnegie sent a letter concerning the strike at the Homestead Steel Plant to a high government official who brought an end to the 1892 "sit in" strike?

Penn National Guard

What is an Isolationist Views?

People who wanted the United States to stay out of world affairs. , Concerning the belief that a country should take little or no part in foreign affairs, especially through alliances or wars.

What is an Expansionist Views?

People who wanted to expand or enlarge the territory of the USA- USA should reach from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean: believed in Manifest Destiny. A popular belief amongst Americans that God intended the U.S. to expand Westward was called

Francis Townsend

Physician from Long Beach, California, who joined the Union Party in advance of the 1936 election. Angered by the poverty of many of his elderly patients, he designed a pension plan for all Americans over sixty years old. His plan would require recipients to spend the money within thirty days to help stimulate the economy. His pension clubs claimed more than two million members but his plan was rejected by both parties, leading him to make common cause with Father Coughlin

Dawes Plan

Plan developed by American business leaders, including Chicago banker Charles Dawes, that addressed Germany's enormous World War I debt and French incursions on Germany territory for nonpayment. The plan cut Germany's annual reparation payments in half, initiated new American loans to Germany, precipitated the French retreat from the Ruhr, and revived Germany's financial markets

Hayseed socialism described what in the 1892 election?

Platform of the Populist Party

The Grange Movement started out as a movement to help educate farmers on new techniques in farming but quickly turned into a ________ movement.


3 Major negative things were impacted by the Reconstruction of the South, what were they?

Political Economic Race Relations

"Dollar Diplomacy"

President Taft's policy of promoting U. S. Interests overseas by encouraging American business to invest in foreign countries, particularly in the Caribbean and Central America. EXPAND/CHECK THIS

Equal Rights Amendment

Proposed legislation that stated that "Men and women shall have equal rights throughout the United States." Endorsed by the radical National Woman's Party, the amendment failed to win congressional support in 1923

How did the Federal Gov. help the R.R. expand in the 1870's?

Provide Fed. $ Provide tax benefits

What means of transportation drove the economy in the later 19th century?

Rail Roads

Which of the following was NOT included in Wilson's Fourteen Points?

Reparations from those guilty of starting the war. Included in Wilson's 14 points: freedom of the seas; reduction in armaments; removal of economic barriers to trade between nations; creation of League of Nations.

Discuss why Reconstruction has a NEGATIVE impact on Race Relations in the South.

Race relations were dramatically effected during Reconstruction because of the North's punitive approach to emaciation and Black Codes. Such groups as the KKK were formed to disenfranchise the freedman.

Fill in the blank "Perception is stronger than ________.


Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

Regulatory body established by Congress in 1934 at Roosevelt's urging. It licensed investment dealers, monitored stock transitions, and required full financial disclosures by individual companies. Roosevelt hoped the commission would prevent the fraud and corruption that had contributed to the Great Crash. Regulation helped the stock market begin its slow recovery

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)

Regulatory body established by the Glass-Steagall Banking Act that guaranteed bank customers reimbursement for their deposits if a bank failed. It was a key legislative element in Roosevelt's effort to restore depositors' confidence in the banking system

Warren Gamaliel Harding

Republican who served as president from 1921 until 1923. The genial but unskilled president's administration was marred by serious corruption. His death from a heart attack on August 2, 1923, made Calvin Coolidge president

What was the general feeling of the people after the Panic of 1893?

Republicans and Democrats were of NO help. Maybe the Populist were not so crazy after all

Which of the following was not a provision of the immigration laws passed in 1921 and 1924?

Restrictions on Japanese, Chinese, and Korean immigration was eased.

Charles Coughlin

Roman Catholic priest who inveighed against the suffering and inequities in American society. In his popular radio addresses, he blamed bankers, Communists, and Jews for the depression. Although at first a supporter of Franklin Roosevelt, he resented the president's refusal to grant him influence in his administration. Consequently, he founded the National Union for Social Justice and challenged Roosevelt for the presidency in the 1936 election

Because he did not follow his state and secede and his beliefs were that of the North he was called a (carpetbagger, scoundrel, caretaker or a scalawag) by the South?


What very famous writer and humorist stumped for Candidate Hayes? HINT: Born in Hannibal, MO, invented Mr. Sawyer, Mr. Flinn, and Ms. Thacher.

Samuel Clements aka Mark Twain

He was the first president of the AFL and was president until his death, who was he?

Samuel Goupers

Ku Klux Klan

Secret society that first appeared in the Reconstruction-era South and which reemerged as a broader reactionary movement early in the twentieth century. The reborn organization's promises to defend traditional American values against the threat posed by blacks, immigrants, radicals, feminists, Catholics, and Jews resonated with the frustrations of many rural Americas. The Klan attracted between three and four million members during the 1920s

When did the 13th Amendment pass Congress?

Senate April 1864 House January 1865

fireside chats

Series of informal radio addresses Roosevelt made to the nation in which he explained the early New Deal initiatives. His explanation of the new banking legislation and how it protected individual depositors helped convince many Americans to deposit money in the nation's banks, helping restore solvency. The accessibility, moderation, and concern on display in these radio addresses helped bolster Roosevelt's popularity and secured popular support for his reforms

After the Civil War the new "economic system" of the south was what?

Share croping

The author of The Influence of Sea Power upon History believed the United States:

Should take possession of the Hawaiian Islands.

Johnson made a terrible impression on Congress when he did what during the Vice Presidential Inaugural Address

Showed up drunk and insulted many members in the audience

Unions wanted 8hrs work, 8hrs leisure and 8hrs ______.


The settlement house movement of the early twentieth century helped spawn the profession of:

Social Work

Upton Sinclair

Socialist writer whose 1906 novel The Jungle included sensational account of filthy conditions in meatpacking plants. The novel spurred public outcry that led to the passage of a Pure Food and Drug Act and a Meat Inspection Act

What technological development lead the British in the Industrial Revolution of the 19th century?

Steam Engine


Stereotyped figure of the 1920s who followed fashion trends including wearing unbuckled galoshes and drop-waist dresses, sporting bobbed hair, and wearing makeup. The flapper became a symbol of youth and self-indulgence

Berlin Airlift 762

Successful effort by the United States and Britain to ship by air 2.3 million tons of supplies to the residents of the Western-controlled sectors of Berlin from June 1948 to May 1949, in response to a Soviet blockade of all land and canal routes to the divided city. Makes the US look phenomenally better

What famous incident was Charles Sumner involved in in 1856 and during the time of "Bleeding Kansas"

Sumner insulted Andrew Butler on the Senate floor. Two days later Butlers cousin Preston Brooks a South Caroline House Representative attacked Sumner with is cane while Sumner was seated in the Senate.

Although from the south Johnson was know to Hate Slavery and Slave holder------T or F


During the years of Laissez-Faire the Democrates were 100% hands off business and helped no one While the Reb said they were also hands off everyone they infact give much help to Big Business T or F


Even though Andrew Johnson was against slavery and slave holders he was a White Supremacist who did not believe in racial equality. T or F?


Rockefeller respected his competition by often hiring many of the employees that worked at the companies he purchased. Many times this included the original owner of the company? T or F


What was the birth place of most Labor Unions?


sit-down strike

Technique used during the United Auto Workers' effort to organize workers at General Motors' Flint, Michigan, plant in January 1937. It slashed production at the plant by 99 percent, forcing General Motors to consent to making the UAW the sole bargaining agent for all workers

Zimmerman Telegram

Telegram supposedly sent from Germany's foreign secretary, Arthur Zimmerman, to the German minister in Mexico City. Zimmerman urged Mexico to join the Central Powers and in return they would help Mexico get back the territory that the US had acquired; this telegram caused the US to enter WWI.

New Negro

Term coined by scholar Alain Locke referring to African Americans who challenged American racial hierarchy through politics and culture. Conservatives and reactionaries found the prominence of the New Negro in the 1920s unsettling and objectionable

new woman

Term referring to nontraditional roles for women that the mass media made increasingly known to middle-class Americans throughout the nation. The "new woman" was worldly, drank and smoked, was college educated, and felt at ease with ther sexuality

Who were the leaders of the Radical Republicans in the 1865 Senate?

Thadeus Stevens and Charles Sumner

Progressivism tended to be based on the central assumption of:

That American society is capable of improvement.

While progressivism has many meanings it tended to be based on the central assumptions:

That American society was capable of improvement.

Smith-Connally Act 732

The Act allowed the federal government to seize and operate industries threatened by or under strikes that would interfere with war production. It also prohibited unions from making contributions in federal election

Why did Congress think they had the authority to over see the Reconstruction process in the South?

The Confederate States had seceded to begin the war. Consequently they were no longer apart of the United States. After the war they were "conquered territory" and should be treated as such ie under the control of the Congress.

State Representatives elected by the Grange Party passed laws that impacted interstate commerce what effect did this have on these laws?

The Constitution says that only the Federal Government can write laws the effect interstate commerce. All such laws were struck down.

Four of the following statements accurately describe the "n oble experiment" of prohibition. Which is the exception

The Great Depression hindered efforts to repeal prohibition. Accurate description of "Noble experiment" of prohibition: Enforcement was ludicrously ineffective in some areas; It stmulated the growth of organized crime; Begun as a middle class progressive reform, prohibition was later supported largely by rural Protestant Americans; Drinking was associated with the "modern city".

The Panic of 1893 is second only to what national economic disaster the control has ever faced?

The Great Depression of the 1930's

What is the Settlement House Movement?

The Houses were intended to help the largely immigrant poor cope with the harsh conditions of city life.The 1st Settlement House was the Hull House, which was opened by Jane Addams in Chicago in 1889. These centers were run by educated protestant women from affluent backgrounds. educated middle class women. For them, the settlement houses provided a way to assert their independence and apply their talents in socially useful ways. The houses became the center for reform in the women's & labor movements.

Ku Klux Klan of 1920's

The KKK was a reaction against the forces of diversity & modernity that were transforming American Culture. The KKK virtually collapsed in the late 1920's, when the organization was publicly exposed as a corrupt and cynical racket. They didn't oppose Prohibition. The nativist(person who is hostile toward immigrants) belief that norther Europeans were superior to southern & Eastern Europeans.

What was the most successful 3rd party in American History"?

The Populist Party "The People's Party"

What helped grow the country during the period of Laizzez-Faire?

The Republican party was giving federal money and tax breaks to Big Business

Discuss the Political impact that Reconstruction had on the South

The South voted as a single unit for the next 100 years. They voted as a solid block against the Party of Lincoln for the next 10 decades. Because of this Party unity the south was give the nick name "yellow dog democrates"

What was Congress counter proposal to the 10% plan?

The Wade- Davis Bill

The political question that had to be answered my new Labor Unions was what?

The degree of political involvement that the Union would strive to achieve.

In the establishing a Labor Union was was the most significant outside problem?

The government

Fundamentalists vs Modernists

The growing divide in 1920s America between the city and the country. The idea of excess and hard work. Both side didn't know a lot about each other and the cultural (as well as social) divides were huge.....or is it this Fundamentalists supported the story of creation in the Bible and Modernists supported Evolution...... ?

welfare capitalism

The idea that a capitalistic, industrial society can operate benevolently to improve safety and sanitation in the workplace as well as institute paid vacations and pension plans. It encouraged loyalty to companies rather than to independent labor unions

38th Parallel

The line indicating 38 degrees latitude that divided, and still does divide, North and South Korea.

Fair Labor Standards Act

The last major piece of New Deal labor legislation, passed in June 1938; the law set wage and hours standards and at long last curbed the use of child labor. The act exempted merchant seamen, fishermen, domestic help, and farm laborers, which relegated most women and African Americans to lower wages

Which of the following was a provision of the immigration laws passed in 1921 and 1924?

The number of immigrants allowed into the county was reduced; the number of immigrants allowed to enter the US was expressed as quotas based on a percentage of the # of each national group alread in the country at a base year; The provisions favored immigration from northwestern Europe; The provisions did not favor eastern Europeans.

The McKinley vs Bryant election of 1896 was one of the most significant elections in US history why?

The presidential election of 1896 demonstrated a sharp division in society between urban and rural interests. William Jennings Bryan (Democrat) was able to form a coalition that answered the call of progressive groups and rural interests including the indebted farmers and those arguing against the gold standard. William McKinley's victory was significant because it highlights the shift from America as an agrarian nation to one of urban interests. Significance: The election highlights the changes that were occurring in American society at the turn of the 19th century.

What is the Dust Bowl?

The region that stretches from North of Texas(Texas panhandle-hardest hit, Colorado, Kansas, Texas, Oklahoma & New Mexico) into the Dakota's experienced a steady decline in rainfall with accompanying heat. The drought continued for a decade, turning fertile farm land into virtual desserts. The was a result of overgrazing, over plowing, sever drought, high heat & winds, grasshoppers and jackrabbits.

What is Social Gospel?

The religious doctrines preached by those who believe that the churches should directly address economic & social problems.

Assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand

The spark that started WWI. The Immediate cause of World War I, Ferdinand was the heir of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire. He was assassinated by a Serbian named Gavrilo Princip, a member of the Black Hand, which supported Pan Slavism.

trickle-down economics

The theory that financial benefits and incentives given to big businesses in the top tier of the economy will flow down to smaller businesses and individuals and thus benefit the entire nation. President Herbert Hoover unsuccessfully used the trickle-down strategy in his attempt to pull the nation out of the Great Depression, stimulating the economy through government investment in large economic enterprises and public works

When Congress reconvened in Dec of 1865 what are they upset about?

The way things are going in the south. Black Codes Bureau Agents Killed or run out of town Delegates formed from Confederate Generals Blacks being put in servitude with Black Codes NO CHANGE IN BLACK STATUS

What are the overall effects of Trusts?

They control everything Prices go up

What 3 things enabled congress to take over National Politics for 50 yrs 1861 thur 1913?

They controlled both houses of congress and there were a series of weak presidents

What political party did the Midwestern Alliance support in the 1890 midterm election?

They did not like either party and elected there own candidates.

What was the lesson the Populist Party learned from there defeat in 1892?

They had to clearly define what they stood for.

Why were the trains so important to the over all economy?

They moved raw material from the farm to the factor to the market. Without the trains transportation costs would add much to the price of the finished goods.

Why did the Government provide tax breaks & low interest loans to the Mega companies of the late 1800's?

They provided lots of jobs and maintained the economy which was booming.

What were Women's professions during the Progressive era?

They were concentrated in the Helping professions. Social and economic changes in private & public works. Teaching, Nursing.

What was the political position of the Knights of Labor?

They were very political

War Industries Board

This government agency oversaw the production of all American factories. It determined priorities, allocated raw materials, and fixed prices; it told manufacturers what they could and could not produce. Add people, dates and more

Containment & George F. Kennan 769

This policy was taken by the U.S. and Allies near the end of 1945 to replace the "open" world. It involved stopping Russia from spreading communism. Truman drew many of his ideas from this American diplomat who warned that the U.S. faced "a political force committed fanatically to the belief that with the U.S. there can be no permanent modus vivendi."

What are Muckrakers?

This term applies to newspaper reporters & other writers who pointed out the social problems of the era of big business. The term was first given to them by Theodore Roosevelt.

The Atlantic Charter 717

This was created by Winston Churchill and President Franklin D. Roosevelt in a secret conference. It outlined the hopes of the democracies and their intentions for improvements after World War II; Renunciation of territorial aggression, No territorial changes without the consent of the peoples concerned, Restoration of sovereign rights and self-government, Access to raw material for all nations, World economic cooperation, Freedom from fear and want, Freedom of the seas, Disarmament of aggressors.

J P Morgan was the biggest of the 19th century tycoons. He was a banker and an investor. Who did Morgan partner with to create GE Electric Company?

Thomas Edison

Five-Power Naval Treaty of 1922

Treaty that committed Britain, France, Japan, Italy and the United States to a proportional reduction of naval forces, producing the world's greatest success in disarmament. Republicans orchestrated its development at the 1921 Washington Disarmament Conference

Scopes trial

Trial held in Tennessee in the summer of 1925 to determine the legality of Tennessee's ban on teaching evolution in public schools. It pitted Clarence Darrow against William Jennings Bryan and attracted a national audience. The trial reflected the deep divide between rural and urban American in an era of rapid technological and cultural change. The court upheld Tennessee's law

Which of the following statements concerning the American Expeditionary Force (AEF) is true?

True: The AEF broke the stalemate in favor of the allies. False: Due to its inexperience, the AEF proved largely ineffectie in actual combat; Due to the lateness of its arrival in Europe, AEF saw relatively little significant combat; Casualities among the AEF were proportionately larger than among any of the other Allied armies; The AEF had to be supported by Brittish troops.

The "Fair Deal"

Truman's Fair Deal sought to continue and extend FDR's New Deal. Truman managed to win a minimum wage increase, a public housing bill, and an extension of Social Security to more beneficiaries. He was unsuccessful in his call for national health insurance, aid to education, civil rights legislation, and the repeal of Taft-Hartley.

Who was the 18th President. HINT: he was invited to accompany the President and the first Lady to Fords theater April 15, 1865, but declined. 1 Andrew Jackson 2 Rutherford Hayes 3 US Grant 4 James Buchanan

US Grant

What was the Post WWI Economy?

US economy experience steady growth and expansion during the 1920's.

In the Senate debate on ratification of the Treaty of Versailles, the so-called irreconcilables were those who were adamantly opposed to

US membership in the League of Nations.

Who did the newspapers blame for the Hay Market Riot?


McCarran Internal Security Act

United States federal law that required the registration of Communist organizations with the Attorney General in the United States and established the Subversive Activities Control Board to investigate persons thought to be engaged in "un-American" activities, including homosexuals EFT

Pearl Harbor 720

United States military base on Hawaii that was bombed by Japan, bringing the United States into World War II. Pearl Harbor was attacked on December 7, 1941.

Margaret Sanger

United States nurse who campaigned for birth control and planned parenthood. she challenged Gregory Pincus to develop a birth control pill (1883-1966)

What were the two positive effects of the growth of America in the 19th Century?

Vast numbers of jobs Higher standard of living

When the Treasury decided to use only Gold as the Std was was the effect and who did it help and who did it hurt?

Using Gold as the Std rather than Gold and Silver Std combined) reduced the amount of currency in the market for the banks to loan. Making interest rates go up because currency was not in short supply. Barrowers (people needing a loan or line of credit) had to pay much higher interest rates Banks and Wall Street did well because the interest rates they could charge was much higher


Were conservative southern Democrats who objected to President Truman's strong push for civil-rights legislation. Southern Democrats who broke from the party in 1948 over the issue of civil rights and ran a presidential ticket as the States' Rights Democrats.

Eleanor Roosevelt

Wife of Franklin Roosevelt and an important ambassador for the New Deal. She traveled the country, putting a benevolent face on the dramatic changes to the government and helping connect the federal government with Americans of all descriptions

EXTRA CREDIT: Who was the "Moss of the Midwest" HINT: He was the Democratic Presidential nominee in 1896 (1900 & 1908). He was supported by the People's Party aka Populist's Party 1896. Further, he was a prosecutor in the Scopes Monkey Trail in Tenn 1925.

William Jennings Bryant

Who was the Democratic Presidential candidate in 1896?

William Jennings Bryant from Nebraska

He ran for President 3 times In his prime he was a tireless campaigner His mother wanted him to be a man of the cloth He had a passion to help the poor Who was he?

Williams Jennings Bryant

American Relations with Germany early part of WWI

Wilson tried to encourage Germany not to go to war and attack ships in the sea. He sent a second telegram telling Germany if any American ships where targeted or blown up that they would be an indication of war. Wilson wants to stay neutral.

Wilson's Views on American involvement in early part of WWI (1914-1916).

Wilson wants moral diplomacy. Wilson doesn't want US to get involved. Wants the US to do peace negotiations.

At the turn of the century, leaders in the settlement house movement tended to be:


The Democrats would only allow the merger with the Populist Party in 1896 if the Populist Party agreed to separate themselves from what two groups within their membership?

Women & Blacks

In the election of 1892 the Populist Party was soundly defeated by the big eastern money of Rockefeller, Carnegie and Morgan. and the threat that was posed by the emergence of what 2 groups of future potential voters?

Women & Blacks They were well represented in the Populist Membership

Of the many shocking things about the Omaha Convention was what made up Populist membership. What two groups were part of the Populist Party as set forth at the Omaha Convention that had never been included in Politics before?

Women an Blacks

Boston marriage

Women who do not get married and live with other women. They tried to work professionally.

What was the chain of events that resolved most large strikes in the late 19th century?

Workers Strike----Rich guy (owner) threatens---Rich guy calls politicians---politicians send in military (Nat. Guard)---STRIKE OVER

Bonus Marchers

World War I veterans during the Great Depression who marched on Washington, D.C., during June and July 1932 to lobby for immediate payment of the pensions promised them in 1924. President Herbert Hoover opposed paying the bonuses because they would bankrupt the government. His decision to send General Douglas MacArthur, backed by five tanks and five hundred soldiers, to evict the veterans from the city further undermined Hoover's public standing

Charles Lindbergh

Young pilot who rose to prominence when he flew from Long Island, New York, to Paris, France, in his place, The Spirit of St. Louis, to become the first person to fly nonstop alone across the Atlantic. In an age that celebrated individual accomplishment, his feat made him a national hero

Rosie the Riveter 740

a cultural icon of the United States, representing the American women who worked in war factories during World War II, many of whom worked in the manufacturing plants that produced munitions and materiel. These women sometimes took entirely new jobs replacing the male workers who were in the military. The character is considered a feminist icon in the US.

In the 1920s and after, the term "arity" was used to refer to

a fair exchange price for farm crops.

"Harlem Renaissance"

a flowering of African American culture in the 1920s; instilled interest in African American culture and pride in being an African American

Teapot Dome Scandal

a government scandal involving a former United States Navy oil reserve in Wyoming that was secretly leased to a private oil company in 1921, became symbolic of the scandals of the Harding administration

What is the American Dream?

a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement

The Harlem Renaissance referred to

a movement in black literature, art, and music.

What is Yellow Press?

also called yellow journalism, a term used to describe the sensationalist newspaper writings of the time of the Spanish American war. They were written on cheap yellow paper. The most famous yellow journalist was William Randolph Hearst. Yellow journalism was considered tainted journalism - omissions and half-truths.

Sedition Act of 1918

an amendment to the Espionage Act of 1917 passed at the urging of President Woodrow Wilson, who was concerned that dissent, in time of war, was a significant threat to morale. The passing of this act forbade Americans to use "disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language" about the United States government, flag, or armed forces during war. The act also allowed the Postmaster General to deny mail delivery to dissenters of government policy during wartime.

League of Nations

an international organization formed in 1920 to promote cooperation and peace among nations: although suggested by Woodrow Wilson, the United States never joined and it remained powerless; it was dissolved in 1946 after the United Nations was formed.

House Un-American Activities Committee

an investigative committee of the United States House of Representatives. In 1969, the House changed the committee's name to "House Committee on Internal Security".When the House abolished the committee in 1975, its functions were transferred to the House Judiciary Committee EXPAND AND FIND IN TEXT

Klu Klux Klan

anti-foreign, -Catholic, -black, -Jewish, -pacifist, -Communist, -internationalist, -evolutionist, -bootlegger, -gambling, -adultery, -birth control; extremist ultraconservatives; 5 million members in mid 1920s Underwent a rebirth during the 1920's, inspired by the film Birth of a Nation ; collapses during the late 1920s due to public recoil, embezzlement charges of Klan officials CHECK THIS FACT

The most immediate effect of American intervention in the war occured

at sea, where the American navy shifted the balance of power away from German u-boats and restored shipping to acceptable levels.

Calvin Coolidge

became president when Harding died of pneumonia. He was known for practicing a rigid economy in money and words, and acquired the name "Silent Cal" for being so soft-spoken. He was a true republican and industrialist. Believed in the government supporting big business.

The Christian fundamentalist is one who

believes in the fundamental inerrancy of the New Testament

Roosevelt based his distinction between "civilized" and "uncivilized" countries on

both race and economic development.

In the election of 1912, the Progressive Party was known by the nickname


Fort Dix Riots 737

changes in African American military service did not come easily, in partially integrated army bases( Fort Dix), riots occasionally broke out when black soldiers protested having to serve in segregated divisions.


carefree young women with short, "bobbed" hair, heavy makeup, and short skirts. The flapper symbolized the new "liberated" woman of the 1920s. Many people saw the bold, boyish look and shocking behavior of flappers as a sign of changing morals. Though hardly typical of American women, the flapper image reinforced the idea that women now had more freedom.

The essence of welfare capitalism was

company-provided benefits for workers.

The central issue in the Pinchot-Ballinger controversy was


With respect ot government-controlled public lands, Roosevelt generally favored

conservation with carefully managed development.

1919 Chicago Race Riot

considered to be the worst of the approximately 25 riots during the Red Summer of 1919. It lasted for several days and ended only after nearly 6,000 National Guard troops were deployed to put an end to the violence on the night of July 30. Most of the rioting, murder, and arson was concentrated in the city's Black Belt, but violent conflict occurred in areas throughout the city, including the Chicago Loop. The riot left 38 people dead (23 African Americans and 15 Caucasians), 537 injured (342 African-Americans) and approximately 1000 homeless.led to dev. of NAACP

A principal theme of Sinclair Lewis's novles was

contempt for modern American society.

Woodrow Wilson's reacting to the sinking of the Lusitania was to

demand assurance from Germany that such outrages would not recur

The main purpose of the Committee on Public Information, during WWI, was to

disseminate pro-war propaganda and promote public support of the war in the US.

The Knights of Labor was an all inclusive Union except for a few professionals can you name 3 of the 4 excluded professions?

doctors lawyers bankers gamblers

The result of the American military expeditions into Mexico in 1914 and 1916 was to

embitter US-Mexico relations for several years.

Why was the Bessemer process important to provide technical support for the Industrial Revolution in the 1870's?

enable the manufacture of steel on an industrial scale

Dwight D Eisenhower

ended Korean War, Brown vs. Board of education, Height of McCarthyism EFT

Theodore Roosevelt's mediation was important at the Portsmouth Peace Conference of 1905, which

ended the Russo-Japanese War.

In the first few years after WWI, relations between blacks and whites in America were generally characterized by

extreme resentment, race riots, and numerous lynchings.

The aphorism "Speak softly and carry a big stick" was used by Roosevelt in reference ot his

foreign policy.

Labor unions

gave up the right to strike during the war in return for significant improvements for workers.

Which of the following contributed to the wekness of the organized labor movement in America in the 1920s?

hostility of the courts and the Justice Department to union activities; the propaganda promoted by corporate leaders that unionism was un-American; the large # of unskilled workers who found no place in the craft orientation of the AFL; the strength of corporations.

Which of the following was a principal method that US government used to finance the war effort?

increasing taxes on corporations, incomes, and inheritances.

When Panamanian rebels started a revolt against the government of Colombia in 1903, the US

intervened on the side of the rebels

Battle of Okinawa 747-748

island 370 miles south of Japan, showed strength of Japanese desperate resistance, sent kamikaze (suicide) planes against US and Brit ships, sacrificing 3,500 of them, inflicted damage, desperate nighttime attacks on American lines, US and allies suffered nearly 50,000 casualties before finally capture Okinawa in 6/1945, over 100,000 Japanese died in siege.

The main purpose of the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine was to

justify US military intervention in Latin America if necessary to forestall interference by European nations.

Dwight D. Eisenhower 727

leader of the Allied forces in Europe during WW2--leader of troops in Africa and commander in DDay invasion-elected president-president during integration of Little Rock Central High School

President Taft

left office as the msot decisively defeated president of the 20th century.Taft found it impossible to sustain the support of both the progressive and conservative wings of his own party.

"Great Migration"

movement of over 300,000 African American from the rural south into Northern cities between 1914 and 1920

Issei & Nisei 739

one third were ______ and two thirds were _______ (Japanese in America); treated like they could never be real Americans; unnaturalized, first-generation immigrants (about a 1/3); Nisei: naturalized and native-born US citizens (about 2/3), both generally kept to themselves and preserved traditional Japanese cultural patterns, presumed to be engaged in conspiracies

Herbert Hoover

president of the U.S from 1923-1933 leader of the US in the beginning of the great depression. He didn't want the gov involved in the peoples lives and thought that the people should express their individual rights. However this particular mindset was not at all applicable to the Great Depression and his inactivity and unwillingness to give direct aid to the American people. brought about Roosevelt's election to the presidency

National Security Council

presidential advisory board established in 1947. The NSC consults with the president on matters of defense and foreign policy, An office created in '47 to coordinate the president's foreign and military policy advisors. Its formal members are the president, VP, secretary of state, secretary of defense, and is manages by the president's national security assistant.

An important feature of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was that it

provided for a more elastic currency in the form of Federal Reserve notes.

The "welfare capitalism" of the 1920s did NOT provide American workers any

psychological comfort.

One of the most important functions of the Federal Trade Commission was to

regulate businesses and prevent unfair trade practices.

In 1916, Congress passed the Keating-Owen Act to regulate child labor. Congress attempted to justify this legislation under its power to

regulate interstate commerce.

Japanese Internment 738

starting in 2/1942, response to pressure from military officials and political leaders on west coast and recommendations from War Department, president authorized the army to intern the Japanese Americans. More than 100...,000 people were rounded up, forced to abandon their property, and taken to "relocation centers," innocent US citizens forced to spend up to three years in prison-like spaces, isolation, no lucrative employment, no medical care or education for kids, Supreme Court upheld evacuation in 1944 Korematsu decision, little compensation for losses until late 1980s

John T. Scopes was accused of the "crime" of teaching

that Darwinian evolution best explains the origis of humans.

In the presidential election of 1916, the Democrats emphasized

that Wilson had managed so far to keep the nation out of the European war.

Margaret Sanger was significant to American social and cultural life in the 1920s as a promotoer of

the birth-control movement.

National Broadcasting Company

the first national radio network, formed in 1927. EXPAND n 1927 Congress passed the Radio Act. The NBC was the first national network and created a Federal Radio Commission to regulate public airwaves.

Which of the following did not contribute to the weakness of the organized labor movement in America in the 1920s?

the radical leadership of the AFL

Fourteen Points

the war aims outlined by President Wilson in 1918, which he believed would promote lasting peace; called for self-determination, freedom of the seas, free trade, end to secret agreements, reduction of arms and a league of nations. It was extremely idealistic and did not succeed

"Wets" and "Drys"

the wets were those who favored the use of the alcohol the drys were those in favor of prohibition. Example of the big divide between

The outcome of the government's case against the Northern Securities Company in 1904 was that

this railroad monopoly was ordered to be dissolved.

The expression "square deal," as used by Theodore Roosevelt meant that the federal government would

treat all interests impartially.

Eugene Debs

was an American union leader, one of the founding members of the International Labor Union and the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), and several times the candidate of the Socialist Party of America for President of the United States.[2] Through his presidential candidacies, as well as his work with labor movements, Debs eventually became one of the best-known socialists living in the United States. Was thrown in jail for an inlammatory speech that was against both the draft and the Sedition Acts. While he was supposed to live out a 10 year sentence he was in fact released svereal years earlier

John T. Scopes

• When the Tennessee legislature in 1925 outlawed the teaching of evolution in the public schools, the American Civil Liberties Union volunteered to defend any teacher willing to challenge this law. He accepted the offer. Scopes read to his class a textbook description of Darwin's theory and his arrest followed. An educator in Tennessee who was arrested for teaching evolution. This trial represented the Fundamentalist vs the Modernist. The trial placed a negative image on fundamentalists, and it showed a changing America.

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